Shop FINALLY Get's A Bathroom!

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another exciting day at the vice grip Lodge we're getting a bathroom in the shop just got done loading up some two by fours but you know what I'll bring you guys along [Music] so we're going to be putting a restroom in the shop there finally it's something we've needed since day one and we're up here at lowestive's Improvement I don't know who she is but they got a lot of lumber we got to get two by fours and two by sixes and hopefully tan and material and screws and do dabs and a stool and all sorts of stuff so let's go ahead and get shopping just got done picking up some two by fours here uh they're just common 96 inch two by fours here pre-cut just save a little bit make sure they don't have any crowns curls bands or too many knots in them now we got to get some two by sixes for the ceiling and uh right here I guess all right it's right next to it we'll uh load up some of them took some basic measurements try not to go over too much on Lumber don't want to have a ton of extra basically not quite sure what we've got planned for the ceiling yet so I want to try to stay away from this stuff right here in case we do exposed beams we might seal it up we might not so uh same thing got to dig through all these make sure that they don't have any weird bands or crowns in them this way and try to stay away from this stuff if we can it takes quite a bit of digging we were way up in the stack on the two by first but I'm seeing some good promise here I'm going to start digging through these see what I can find we got our two by sixes up doing pretty good so far we're gonna need like three carts I think I know we have to go out in the parking lot and say Hey sir can I return your card for you and he's like sure well we just needed one anyway we need a sill now so we're gonna go ahead and go with green treated this stuff is pre-treated it keeps a rot down as much as possible so this will be going right on the concrete and I got to get some sill seal some foam uh for underneath this as well but gotta grab some sticks of this I think we'll probably be out of the lumber area for now so we're just flying by the seat of our britches here and walk down the side because it's looking maybe plywood maybe sheetrock I know I want to do a metal wainscope it has that cool industrial look kind of Farmhouse look but also it's practical so we stack boxes or hit it with forklifts or mini bikes you know we're not knocking holes in sheetrock we found this shiplap section and Jessica I've decided on these colors right here we both agree that this dark would be a primary this would kind of be a secondary color and then we'll just splash in some white and kind of a granite stone color here and there just for some bright contrast and then this would be more of like the trim you know the floor to any of that stuff that we need to do but now we got to go figure out uh hand sink a urinal and a stool so we got to figure out what we want to do there grab some pecs and a little bit of wiring and also got some screws down here on our other car just trying to get the bulk of the stuff here and the rest of it will get at our local hardware store give those guys some business well we're back at the Depot of homes doing some late night shopping contractor is here he's got some fantastic ideas we are on the same exact page needed some more goodies before he got dialed in though and he's going to work pretty late tonight actually so we drove down here to pick up some more stuff we've got some Romex some boxes some breakers because we've got to add a hot water heater going with the 20 gallon I know this is a 10 gallon excuse me and some different color this is still 12 2 but we're going to do an exposed beam ceiling something that I did years ago in Roger's shop if you remember Roger's rifle and we did some episodes out of his place but same kind of ceiling there got some Hampton Bay lights kind of some steampunk kind of stuff we're kind of going for that farmhouse industrial steampunk look got this cool Lantern we're going to hang outside of the door and got the old gas Smasher we're going to put one of those in cap for the old sink some glue and we got a whole bunch of wood down here we have to pick up instead of sheetrock screws picking up these exterior deck and fence screws just for miscellaneous utilities Mountain boxes and things of that Nature's I got you man all right gotta get the best for the truck we got a handle set here I kind of like this straight look there's a couple more bucks but kind of just like a pipe handle look got some door shims cheapest pre-hung door we could find I cannot believe what these cost anymore of course it's been a while since I hung a door it's more two by fours to fur out the East wall and then some tongue and groove that's going to be our ceiling instead of OSB or sheetrock I think that's going to look great I got a surprise coming for you on the wood we're going to do something pretty neat here well it's the next day Jessica where are we at again one guess we're at the lowest store again uh picking up some tin we finally found some actually walked right by it yesterday I didn't see it instead of the full corrugated to old school I'm kind of going with this different look it's not as shiny and I just think it's going to look a little bit different but give us the same effect and I had to get some more ship lap and trim board for Kyle who by the way last night I can't wait to show you guys this he framed out the whole thing last night and got the beams in for the ceiling so if we get back to the house I'm going to show you guys that it's moving really really quickly his specialty is really cabinets and sinks and things like that he hand makes all of that so you just wanted to Quick get the framing up and get the structure done or the skeleton so you can really do his artistic Flair on the inside we're gonna get this loaded up really quick probably go get some tacos coffee shoot back home I'll show you guys the progress well Longmire is earning its keep today Jessica's been Wheeling it we're trying to put a bunch of miles on this thing because we're hoping that Jessica could take it on Power Tour and we just want to keep shaking things down it's been making improvements here and there she's kind of thinking she might want EFI on this because it is a cold-blooded sucker yes and uh do you know how to play with the choke and all sorts of stuff and straight six with the EFI that'd be pretty cool you know I've done it before makes a tremendous Improvement not only for power but the ease of starting and the mtgs and all that and then also she wants to get the death tank out of here fuel tanks yep right back here so I might do some sort of custom tank in the bed or in the frame rails or something like that you're gonna do this yeah make it shorter yeah I think like right about there yeah so there's some things we want to do but man we are enjoying it we put the miles on this thing big updates on the bathroom here I'm going to show you in just a second but before I get to that you might be wondering how did I find Kyle and Barry well I put out an SOS on the insulator on the face space and I said look I don't have time to build this bathroom and we were overwhelmed with responses but Kyle you know he followed directions and provided work and we had some great conversations and the next thing you know he's done where'd you come from Mississippi Louisiana Clinton Mississippi drove his RV up here and motorcycle maybe we'll go get the garage I don't know we'll see if we got time but let me show you where we're at right now he's been just hauling on this so here's the corner bath I can't remember the dimensions what is it approximately ish eight by six eight by six and this is all that ship lap we picked up and this is exactly what I was thinking just splashes the contrast and different color that's like a like a Hampton Bay cheap light or something like that 10 lanescoding it's looking really really good he's got it trimmed out here those boards that's going to be the exhaust vent I'll show you in a minute basic two by sixes but hit them with the torch licked them up a little bit we'll come back and stain that and that's that tongue and groove so now I've got a bunch of storage up there I need little overhangy Dew Dabber thing up front here and we're going to have tons of space in here so this is where that old sink used to be that leaked on the floor constantly and also where we had that water line break sat this way so this is that sink this was the mirror and that was that Buick clock that was up there I think we're going to twist it this way because Kyle also makes Custom Cabinets and does some phenomenal stuff I can't wait to show you this he's going to build a countertop and cabinet over here and also maybe a head knocker or something over here we haven't quite decided but there's going to be a stool here gotta have a urinal Fellers right so we're going to put a urinal in here and sink so if I stand on this Edge you can see how much room we're gonna have nice wide door here going in instead of something skinny or the standard door so that's going to be nice and then this is going to be a chair rail are you thinking Live Edge on this or just two by four some kind of two by four what's a nice uh mitered Edge on it okay so a miter Dodge 2x4 just kind of a chair rail to bump out and we looked at this right away when we are opening the door he's going to make sure that that fits everything is kosher there but it's looking great we've got you guys might not agree on this but I picked up black because who's going to clean that you know once a year maybe so we got black sink black toilet black urinal this is some stuff that he's going to make a countertop out of it's just beautiful look at that edge that's pretty cool he brought all that with him actually and more stuff over here and I picked up some three-quarter inch Cedar yesterday and this is all you need to build a cabinet huh wow our Oak excuse me not Cedar it's going to be cool seeing that yeah so unfortunately when this stuff got delivered by that jungle website it uh you know it's a three piece lid over here yeah I don't know how that happened still but so we're gonna have to go lidless actually we'll just drop some duct tape around it for now but I think we're trying to get a replacement and that was in a big old box like this yeah I was in this one and it's still still got crushed or something well that's unfortunate but yeah we'll get her figured out though you can see here he started on the cabinet process this is going to look so nice when it's done probably too big open doors we're thinking for storage and then we'll have that black big utility sink over here and I think the I don't know what the measurement is but I imagine that's going to come kind of across here [Music] [Music] bathroom updates we got Trinkets and doodads and whatnots antiques and things going up some shelving we have urinal is in this is going to be fantastic to have in here with all the guys that are always out here hanging out and they're moving on we got to get the in here yet this is an old intercom system we're going to wire into the house so you can push a button and yell at people in the house I don't know help need more hand towels for example exhaust fans in over here we got the sink one with black of course but look at this cabinet hand made look at this top absolutely gorgeous with the live edge here and I think he's going to put some sort of poly or something on that doors plates or tags some of you might call them antique wrenches for handles we got this old barn wood and I guess it's not even Barn well maybe it is it's all wood reclaimed stuff some pegs it's kind of a backsplash around the mirror here got this light this is off of uh swap meet used to be attached to a big board like a desk we took that off and just ran it through so this will kind of be the vanity light now Jessica likes to do her hair and whatnot you know over there but it's coming along great guys had to run to get more boards for the walls in here this stuff here I guess I I miscalculized okay gotta be honest so they gotta get this finished up and then we might put a head knocker cupboard up here that's going to match this and then we could put you know paper and accoutrements and whatnots and doodabs up into that kind of just storage there and then I got to decide what to do with the door all of these I need to stain still and might end up doing that with the door as well haven't quite yet decided and then out here we're going to have a little office area we're going to use this top Mr Gates is uh one of my friends a vendor belts belts and whatnots gave me this top which is really cool it's like nuts and bolts and screws and we're going to build a base for that essentially throw that up over here and then a guy has a place to swing in on a chair and Order up some parts you know what I mean and I got some really cool lights also got from a swap meet let me see if I can find those quick here they are right here look at this those are cool this is all stuff that you guys have sent that we hang on to and we're going to try to utilize in some way or another but these were new in the box Isn't that cool they're very delicate they're not really going to throw off a lot of light it's more of just a look or a Vibe as kids say and I might put those on either side of the desk up here and then just hang some more Antiques and stuff like that but overall it's coming along great I'm loving the way it's looking I think it's going to be really cool when it's done [Music] we decided to do a little hard to the TV show this ought to look cool oh yeah I love that smell s Bentley's gonna add some more color to the door here now we could stain this a nice color huh Clicker red button [Music] [Music] [Applause] this wall is coming along nicely you threw a switch in for me and we'll be able to throw on the mood lights up here you know and then we'll have a big Gang Box here four outlets for plugging in computer boxes and the boom booms and the cameras and all that stuff it's coming along pretty good on the inside we got lots of siding going up this Wall's done shiplap looking really good be a shelf up here oh that light's going like that look at that urinal is done and works hey so he makes these cabinets designs and constructs them all himself it's pretty neat watching these come together this is the front side I'm assuming yep yeah it's nice you know he's gonna make another door similar to the ones on the vanity or whatever we're calling it over there it's going to look slick there's a tag doors yeah we got a pile of plates it's hard to choose which ones but so hard yeah maybe we switch them out annually we just pop pop in some new ones just some screws yeah that's great what kind of what is this uh this is Oak this is Red Oak Red Oak man I wish you guys could smell this behind me oh yeah [Music] I need to show them how we're gonna do it over here and a couple of plates we'll put kind of behind it yeah make it all your three cover up that raw Edge That's How we'll do it exciting got Bentley's torch door up looking real good there this wall over here got the what up and then I picked this kind of antique looking that's actually a floor vent but we use it for the exhaust vent and yes we did we didn't exhaust the you know the toot toot sucker outside I didn't want to hole in the building so everybody else can share the experience out here and then again this will be the lights and outlet switch and he might make another cabinet for this top hopefully yet we'll see but it'd be nice having a little area I could sit down and actually uh do some work a little up maybe an inch look at this cabinet holy smokes beautiful got all the storage we need now matches the other one down here hanging up a towel rack using an old square body steering wheel hang some towels on that we went back and forth and it's a little tight over there so we're gonna go over here and he's going to put some Poly on this chunk of wood here that's going to look really nice and then do we varnish these you think or just leave them they're such nice wood yeah yeah we'll wash them so they don't suck anything I don't I would want to stain them I think we'll just seal them up okay let's speak for yourself this looks a great bathroom's looking so good started cleaning up in here a little bit he's going to come back and put a two-part epoxy on the countertop here got the wheel hung up they're fixing to put up a another shelf up here another Live Edge Shelf looks so good and then start hanging up some things my buddy Josh made these they are so cool we're gonna put one here another one here start hanging up some of this Decora I've got a bunch of antiques and stuff oil cans and tools and parts we're gonna start hanging in here I've got the old Eagle gas can up there but Kyle and his buddies are doing an amazing job exactly what I envisioned I had to run into town do some business and the guys surprised me hung up the clock man cave clocks made that for me and it's beautiful and it's huge it's hard to show the size but man that is a nice size clock uh got that cheap out of swap meet fan gave me that at the Iola car show thank you very much that's really cool independence of course the iconic Independence and the guys are in here right now hanging up these signs they got measuring tapes out and all sorts of stuff Well for now the bathroom is done there's still a few things left to do but let's check this thing out [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I absolutely love how the bathroom turned out big thank you to Kyle for understanding my creativeness and we kind of had a lot of the same ideas which made it nice this was significantly cheaper than having a commercial bathroom with sheetrock and false ceiling and yada yada put in this saved me a ton of money big big thank you to Kyle and his friends we're not done yet though all this wood needs to be sealed or varnished say with the Cabinetry on the inside we still have a custom Cabinet or desk that needs to be built out here with that for a top gotta get these lights and switches going here but for now we're going to call it good Kyle's going to come back later and finish all that up and of course I'll update you guys then thanks so much for watching appreciate you very much we'll see you soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Vice Grip Lodge
Views: 532,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VGG, vise grip garage, vice grip garage, bts, behind the scenes, home, house, repair, cooking, show, bathroom, build, restroom, urinal, shop
Id: 5SCQH4jUA18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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