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shooter ready standby fast off for sure good job brother yo we're shooting guns today shooting guns this summer have you shot before yeah she came ready look at her she came all the way ready yeah she's super ready who's gonna be better at this you or me I think she might be you know she's probably the best out of here so far you're good you look like you shoe good I want to try and be somewhat decent I want embarrassment tear that's all I know he's gonna train you guys you guys gonna shred as well right now so I'm trying to do basic stop shooting so when we're doing this we're not gonna have the ammo live em aloneness whatsoever because when we do reloads and stuff like that we want to play with slide a new axis you ready so all I want you to do I'm just gonna watch you so just stand up to this line right here and I'm just gonna do come out leash it just like that pitch right yeah let's get sighs first okay do it again for me oh okay so for me I always have it like below my hips or right on line it's like you slid on give me maybe just take it off yeah yeah I was gonna say just tuck it anyway all right the big guns are coming out all right all right so yeah go ahead shut that shirt in for me I know it's gonna look so stupid but just oh gosh it's ugly in here if you want me to hold it wherever you look cool I hate [ __ ] okay go ahead so getting your aggressive stance should ready stand by Thanks okay all right go ahead what struck me okay so a few things you want to be in an aggressive stance if you feel comfortable so like a fighting stance no not a fighting stance but more of like just shoulder-width apart because you should be able to if you're shooting boom baboom you should be able to move so you're kind of like you were kind of like straight up like this yeah guys so for me since I'm a police officer so it has a nice one as a gun you only get aggressive wouldn't be ready to move in every direction possible okay so when you're coming out of the holster just come straight up with your primary hand and once you get as high as possible it's called the tank so literally just come straight up as soon as this clears the holster your gun is already going downrange little light right here you're gonna start just cry shop and meet yeah I want you to have your thumb like this so you're gonna close all these gaps yep perfect yeah just like that okay yeah so as soon as I press it nothing happens I'm like go to that mag release okay so boom and then guys this is dropping I'm also grabbing a fresh mag you're gonna have a three pointer your drift so it's actually gonna look like this your index finger is gonna go right here come out and then bring the gun up hold it right here because we're gonna use this to stop bullets repeating us in the face wait what so the reason why we're shooting for someone's shooting on us right got it okay so I just drop them back so but no one's actually shooting today so again impressing I'm dropping on mag release I'm having a three point for your grip on that second Maggie I need to reload with and then I'm bringing the gun up here right so you want to see what you're working with right and you also want to use this as protection from bolting your face so what about all the other spots where it can hit your face shield with you are you to fact so like they're legit using this ibaka face yeah oh so you want to you don't to bring like you guys yeah yeah no just bring right here and then insert that new magazine the magazine so for me I always tell people as soon as you're using like pushing it in you're using that same momentum to rock up and then you're gonna hit that slide and then excuse yeah even you got it bro you got it you're gonna so I'm gonna have you do is we're gonna work on this bracket I'm just gonna have you focus on that green dot you're gonna aim Center body max okay I didn't just press it just like that okay so then when we get faster you'll do like double shove it so we'll do like two shots at once that's called a split but all I want you to do is practice on your grouping okay so I want you to do slow fire sugar low higher just simple just like that and then you see where that lay is like all in the center yeah and like they're all one big group it's because I never went with this shoot look at the target shoot looking at the target I never once looked at my shots I just kept going oh nice okay so finger off the trigger something so you just you dipped a little bit don't be scared they got nothing right cool I used to tell myself that along with a shoes not gonna hurt me it's not gonna hurt me so just aim a little bit higher okay and do six shots real smooth and slow stick struts yeah your grouping is amazing now do a new one right here on that line okay aim a little bit higher offense good has a box office flop do a new one over here what are you shooting low try to hit right on that line right there okay yeah sure the sights are lined up even a third person sorry I thought you know okay you got any power okay you're doing great relax take a deep breath you're okay nice good [Applause] nice now you try are we trying to get here Oh once I hit it down there I kept naming there okay let's do right in the nose shoot six shots in his nose with a nice little group right here you're doing very good that'll keep it up which is a sexual level and the front sights not dipping low in the knotch smooth straight back even good now a little faster I want to shoot six shots so yeah where was my cue okay low ready on the orange cone okay okay okay you're on don't be a side shoot already stand by oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] don't dick don't trouble a dick all right in the a zone in the square any other square is unacceptable there we go do again everything how the squirrel had one second okay shooter ready stand by was it done up yet he had like three dick that's okay so just remember when you're sure when you're like shooting thanks Center body mass okay just literally think of that small little square that's what I was doing and then kind of ends up pretty well do it again ready shooter ready stand by yeah that's really good since fine so fun sure why are the finger how is this one sugar like don't have it on there don't have your finger on the trigger yeah she's not gonna look [ __ ] stupid all three one two three stand by nice so you're a little bit why do I go from here to here yeah not that [ __ ] shooter ready you're so perfect solid ready stand by Daryl I didn't know she did this already it's a competition now it's for real I'm done no different course now can we see that this is the gun in John wick to the block 34 combat master like actually in the movie this is the gun is one of the gun that they rained with all the ones you're shooting okay it's like the more pretty one this one's my personal one but this is the gun just to mak down 24 round 9-millimeter then for John wick 3 we had up the bar and it is when is it right here is the John wick 3 combat master 2011 oh this one shoots a more powerful round in the movie it's the 9 millimeter major so bullets going a lot faster so it's like a 38 special version 357 Magnum again it's the same capacity but the 2011 so like a Lamborghini and that we will like a Corvette so did he train with these yeah he Trina's asked off with him damn they're hard to train with at first Glock is just super stupid easy to operate because there's just no safety or nothing just draw the gun and shoot and different kind of loves that walk he's got this exact gun this one here you got deal with Safety's beavertails things like that but once you learn it all learning a stick you're just a six racecar driver the stick price on that acting is crazy yeah these are the ultimate hand guns this one here is about 2500 this one's about 3800 the same gun from the companies is about 6000 so it's actually a big savings for a gun like this yeah this is the ultimate hand gun you can't get a better gun in this until like Buck Rogers invent some stupid reason and then there's a rifle this is that the actual rifle from the movie this is the stuntman gun are you supposed to catch it anyway it's rubber oh yeah so if you watch the trailer right now of the movie when he runs out of ammo this is our mph from TTI she runs out of ammo you like those hollyhocks it hits a stuntman it actually been through out actual gun cuz your honor the armor is extreme props carry towards it gave me the gun this is doe yeah just a prop gun out [Music] thank you for the help oh [ __ ] this is like so this is a guns that they they use on the set I call mr. doc man you got a gun but uh they're they call them the the rubbers the rubber guns I like to call the stuntmen gun so you can throw them around and beat on them alright just yeah in the movie he does quad loading you know what that is no so John wick - most movies they don't ever reload a shotgun no cut and they'll be like putting one round that 50 more rounds come out super oh my god the actors a lot of Illinois well the director chats to house key he's an incredible stuntman who turned into a sucking at directing first he met kyon Owen on the matrix yeah he was a stuntman he got all [ __ ] up when the real car scene happened in bus all his bones shall see brother's hiding for reloaded in revolutions he went on from sucking the director to directing John twig so they got the script Keanu God said I'm hiring Chad and David Leitch another stuntman with Brad Pitt stuntman during the 90s whatever these two guys direct John raquan and they are just like a level beyond most directors they want everything to be super bad nervous they want a just like I thought it'd be like giving a good grip show him didn't get out no it was a months of training crazy [ __ ] - he did loading a shotgun underneath which is how we did the three again four years then about when jhamak 2 came out or was getting ready to come out with a new new style came out what it's called quad loading where he's shooting he flipped it over grab out for which that sets four rounds she eight rounds like in four seconds the guys can do that right and I was doing that so in John way three we already did the old-school loading for John wick - yeah so John wick three we had to go next level which I just progressed with the shooting world I just took it from three guns this is what we're doing now we'll do it in John right three so John before I got to come some new [ __ ] okay but for that one people are flipping out because he's shooting his quad loading eight rounds in like four seconds or so just being like why is he going otherwise just like in regular movie shooting a ton of rounds yeah or they'll never reload which is super annoying it's crazy yeah he's doing crazy pistol reloads and MPX reloads and all that fun stuff in this you showed him all that stuff yeah yeah that's what I do and he does it because he likes shooting yeah I can tell I mean what I've seen at counter I've seen him on internet like he obviously like really loves this show it's part of his crap and the director also became a great shooter shoots competitions with me yeah and virtually all the stunt people would come out all his stuntman all of 8711 you got to get there someday 8711 is the elite stunt facility over by LAX where they train like the you know Charlize Theron over there they have Scarlett Johansson they have state them their training all these people for all the latest movies yeah there we go shooter ready stand by [Music] okay 8:37 clean run come on back alright I'll give you one more and they go for that Fiasco really now summer get war to [Music] clean run but he went extra super stupid slow just to didn't [ __ ] it up when you move across don't drop the gun now go straight to him okay go right on him immediately a step big step in the restroom shooter ready stand by okay 620 is now your best friend that's a pretty good I mess it up so many times in the beginning little embarrassed yeah - flops and you start aiming it's not a big deal yeah everybody's done that little embarrassing like a lie you know that's for sure gonna tear me apart for that one I said if summer beats me it's gonna be bad shoot each opposing I think so it's okay though boom boom baby and not nervous you want no no there we go they're good all right finger off the trigger I've be careful at the end come back like this down the video I want you to really aim good so boom boom boom boom step in here boom am i dumb thing ding bam bam bam bam there we go start already shooter ready standby go faster [Music] why you shot one each on those guys go shoot - what kind of shoes oh when I came back I got ready for the matches up there yeah yeah you're making fun of me no not make it funny never I would never do that okay never make fun lean more into it now I want you to go talk pressure on this just shred that be sick you got it here we go don't miss damn bye good 772 times when she missed the baby there's none baby now lean more into it I think he's more invested in her winning you've already won I just wanted to get better at this here we go shooter ready stand by those shooting over their heads a little bit last one I'm gonna stink of anarchy new course the tiebreaker course here we go into it now all right just aim like right in this general area here we go shooter ready stand by [Applause] a little off this time all right let's go clean it up I'll think of a new course yeah let's paint first why did I got I don't know what's a competition when I get cold ice up my fingers my brain stops working that's pretty good you're pretty good actually you're doing good stand by [ __ ] Jeff Oh jam sorry you got a redo yeah pull back a little bit you shot low do that you shot it yes level the sights got to be level at Green Dot done you level with the rear don't have down in the bottom of it yeah shooter ready standby all right one is that was 10 27 plus 2 plus maybe 3 another miss over there we're on this one to throw why don't you think about it oh come salvageable okay all right so we go in the chamber okay keep an eye on his feet Oh get up your toes out okay yeah looks like a procedure all all right you're shooting really low now stop shooting their hips and trash okay here we go upper chest now shooter ready stand by [Music] all right they brought the triggers one back all right 1062 we're gonna miss on baby stupid over here ah I put a new mag in it you got a redeem yoself riders y'all alright alright aim good how's it gonna have to come out your foot there we go aim higher not everything is low no more hip dick shooting shooter ready standby oh I just rock it let me see it round in there get it out another done here we go shooter ready standby good [ __ ] let me see it I'm good aim higher shooter ready standby good [Applause] all right 1062 one miss on the right yeah nice shooting though brother nice was there the grouping in the middle was awesome dude look at that who's too low that was great yeah how'd you do it yeah there we go aim higher now so I'll shooting at their belly button sugar ready stand by [Music] alright 991 even with a mess up look at the wrong target Oh what you lost time because you went oh [ __ ] ah you lost me to be a second look under this 1/8 here we go shooter ready standby 877 nice what's happening use the scene found Oh what do you see there damn boy lined up on them that's not they all get to the big guys come on back let's do it again good good little faster did you see this - yeah you're doubly cool walking dead [Music] thanks guys hey now you have it all down I go a little bit faster now alright push faster on this one else really okay here we go a little more step to the right save you some room here we go left hand tighter push like twice as fast on this shooter ready standby good 13:11 finger off finger good job good I did the side stuff I was like okay shooter ready standby [Applause] [Music] baby push faster on the big ones and aim a little harder on the dumb baby yeah I go in Filner okay the third person thing we know over there we go yep get her face her face is incredible here we go let's go it's like state-of-the-art it's like an John wick pistol I'll lead it to it now no surfing that's later [ __ ] already stand by you know that trigger quicker probably be the second run you really like we might as well go for it here okay watch that dot Brody Shaw take the safety off here we go shooter ready standby let's go it's kind of [ __ ] dough man let me do that again oh you don't get you ah dude Dano sick okay that's not okay oh okay I'm ready to go again sweet okay thank you now you did have a Miss here you shot low and hit the shoulder versus the plate okay shooter ready standby very cool nice 786 good job bastard it's really good that was awesome go fast though for sure good job brother huh really double tap you hat right here what's that one danos dolt that thing is so fun to shoot right no that's crazy no recoil on that direction or make it to take it from her either way lean into it when you're done I'll come up and grab it you think you're untouchable they take them in those step that way more okay the safety off okay here we go she's a red dot shooter ready stand by doctor come on come on try it again yeah I don't like you don't overthink all these guys if they're white and they're big just okay you guys aren't like judging my patterns no care over thinking that pattern that feels crazy right yes shooter ready stand by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Karen where are you you keep your face against this up and down really nice bill to catching the charger I'll try you can do it you could do however you're used so it's fun here I run the time or don't be a SAP one your face on this yeah yeah I faced on the rover part there the shoe fast hit [ __ ] here we go wait hold on I got an idea what want to be cooler I'll show you what situps he wants it up and down there we go shooter ready stand by Oh Safety's on I set you up alright here we go all right later alright there we go sure Eddie stand by [Applause] these do all these so damn good it has a great run we did you a new you shoot this come on target will hurt a little bit no no no no no I'm okay you know everything hurts more when you're cold it something [ __ ] one more shoot on one time like I don't know the witness the guns set up it doesn't it's not that much kickback yeah yeah no the way he's built it there's not much kickback like you go to club and a bouncer like doesn't want to let you in he's kind of pushing it away yeah it's super so keep your right foot back straight and lean in with your left and just really like lean in forward with it you'll be good though it's not it's not what you think shoot everybody everybody okay you've got this summer after the first one to top them off I love it so grab you wanna grab here and then keep your finger at the aperture so lean in with the hips yeah there you go like the more forward you mean in the easier it'll be to take it it's not that bad but I don't know if you have like a shoulder injury or anything but just really like shy go okay we'll start over here and shoot every big white guy one shot okay here we go ready here we go where are you oh here we go [Music] yeah yeah what do you think that's a good nice reveal right there what do you think who's better at shooting that's the question Bradley oh damn I thank you I appreciate it back when she first started long time that's basically means like thanks I was 19 when we first met hold was I - four years I'm 24 right now so I was 24 Caroline no I was 26 then yeah you were 25 just turned 20 just like you're about to turn 20 bucks damn good times okay Claire come back thank you fun yes thank you so much two guns from this guy I appreciate that we're awesome animals you guys subscribe can pull some cages on every Wednesday at 5:30 you guys know what to be here don't be late 5:30 don't be late
Channel: Life of Bradley Martyn
Views: 1,983,101
Rating: 4.9238276 out of 5
Id: H-69UvCO2jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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