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Historical American Marshal Arts?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dojikirikaze 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] someday you may find yourself in a tough spot like these two marines they are in search of fresh water and food after days of battling the sea in a rubber boat landing on a pacific island these days may bring a challenge from top little men with mouths full of teeth to knock out these teeth our boys unfortunately have but one weapon a knife one knife for two men isn't what can be called adequate weapon strength but one of the man is a darn good club fighter and he switches weapons with his friend most speeches are littered with anti-jab clubs a knife and a club may not be the last word in modern warfare but a well-trained knife and club fighter in hand-to-hand combat can be a one-man cyclone maybe the knife will have to slice more than coconuts before the day is over let's follow the marine with the knife as he goes out to see whether this is friendly land or tojo land hojo land wait a minute max you'd better remember all the nice fighting tricks you've ever been taught let's start at the beginning the first thing you learned while training was the correct way to hold a knife like this in a firm grip without choking it to death in a straight line from the tip of the blade to the elbow this is possible only if you keep the wrist straight the thumb is held parallel to the handle notice that the tip of the thumb is kept behind the guard this is the wrong way to hold it if you hold it this way the japs knife can slide down your blade and cut across the back of your hand and thumb in short don't hold the knife close to the guard but if the knife is held correctly the guard stops the enemy blade before it can reach the back of your hand or thumb at all times keep relaxed and well balanced like a boxer a man with a knife is a boxer only he's playing for keeps so slide those feet around parallel to your opponent never cross one over the other if you don't cross them they won't cross you notice that the tip of your blade is pointed toward your enemy's eyes as a result only a small part of your knife is visible making it difficult for him to follow or anticipate your moves this is the low thrust it is executed by keeping your right foot in place and extending your left foot slightly forward as you crouch down touch your left hand to the deck for balance and lunge out with your knife hand extending it full length to the stomach a low thrust allows you to get under your enemy's blade and deliver an effective blow to overcome a high thrust from your enemy aimed at your left retaliate with a high thrust directed at his throat a high thrust is made by keeping your right foot in place and moving your left foot in the line behind this turns you sideways and reduces the area of your body exposed to attack the enemy's blade will go harmlessly by your left shoulder your blade will catch him in the throat warding off blows is called powering this is the left parry step away from your enemy's blade while knocking it to one side with the top quarter of your own then hand cut throat slash and side jab the three spots quickly accessible to your knife the same result can be obtained from a right parry in this case step to your left to evade his thrust then lash out in a right parry following it with a hand cut throat slash and jab if your first parry doesn't knock your opponent's knife aside quickly parry again then follow through with the hand cut throat slash and jab this is called the double parry let's give it a closer look parry twice hand cut throat slash jab the double parry hand cut throat slash and jab can also be made from a right parry here is a closer view if the first try doesn't knock his blade aside hit it again then follow through blades that become locked may be disengaged by suddenly releasing the pressure on your knife this throws your opponent off guard no matter on which side your opponent has your blade locked you may disengage it by suddenly releasing pressure this is a disengage to the right the blades are locked release pressure follow through a parry left can be followed by a hand grab and thrust parry with a great deal of force near your opponent's hand keeping a constant pressure against your opponent's blade until you grab his wrist force that blade down keep pressure on it until you grab the wrist then jab him in the midsection this is the same series of moves done on the other side no matter which side you are on the important thing is to keep constant pressure on his blade before grabbing his wrist neutralize his blade grab that wrist and tickle him in the ribs with your knife let's review the basic knife movements taught in this course the low thrust gets you under your opponent's blade the left parry enables you to follow through with the hand cut throat slash and jab the right parry allows you to go through the same movements on the opposite side the double parry left is executed when a single parry fails to knock your opponent's plate aside for the follow through the double parry ride is the same maneuver from the opposite side the disengage right is used when your knives are locked release the pressure suddenly and follow through with the hand cut throat slash and jab the disengage left is executed for the same result on the opposite side the parry left hand grab and thrust as a variation of the ordinary parry don't forget to keep your knife against his before grabbing his wrist this is also to be remembered in the parry right hand grab and thrust you remember all this okay go ahead wade in on guard engage disengage engage let's see how your friend is making out with the club watch it pal you're about to be ambushed oh the sees that you're not armed so he wants a little bayonet practice does he okay max show him how a man with a club can polish off a man armed with a bayonet that's one way of doing it now let's see the many other effective means of using the club as a combat weapon in a hand weapon the first thing to master is the correct ways of holding it the simplest hole is the long hold rip the club as you would grip a tennis racquet the short grip has the index finger pointing along the club which lays against the forearm a very deceptive way to hold the club is with both hands you can snap either end for a decisive and surprise blow let's assume the club is hooked onto your belt and you want to use it in a hurry reach behind you with your right hand keeping your palm out and grab the club with a short grip before fingers about an inch behind the point of the club the long end runs along the forearm for back reach is used in order to use your other hand as a guard now jab him in the stomach when he doubles over grab the club in both hands and bring it up under his chin and knee him in the crotch this will knock his head back leaving his face unprotected bring the club down on the bridge of his nose it is guaranteed to end his interest in life your interest in life can get a job from which it may never recover if you grab from the front to do the most damage with the club held with the long grip aim for vulnerable spots such as the knee wrist elbow base of neck bridge of nose crotch stomach and throat there's a hazard in holding the club the long way it's possible for your opponent to grab it a short grip makes it difficult for him as there is very little of the club exposed your opponent will come in much closer due to a false sense of security this will be his biggest mistake if he throws a right-handed punch you can ward it off with your left and jab him in the midsection with the point of the club if he throws a left-handed punch you can ward that off with your club arm and follow through to the side of the head the short grip may also be used in a whip-like action to such vulnerable spots as the knee wrist elbow base of the neck the bridge of the nose crotch stomach and throat some fighters prove to be very unethical like the guy who is always trying to kick you in the face but our magic wand can take care of those mugs too cross your arms at the wrist with the club hand on top this will block the kick put the club under his leg and grab the other end with your left hand stand up and flip him off his feet onto his stomach from then on the situation will look very promising curl your leg about his and sit on it then hit him on the back of the neck with your left hand and jab him on the side of the head with the club this is one cure for kicking that even a ts slip can't beat this hole is called the japanese choke cross your arms with the club hand on top and pass the club in front of his neck as you quickly grab the other end with your left hand pull back with a jerk as you firmly plant your knee in the small of his back and throw him to the deck just to make sure he's got a survey hit him between the eyes knock out his teeth smash his windpipe crack his ribs and club him in the crotch let's look at the choke hold again arms crossed at the wrist with the club hand on top pass the club around the front of his throat and quickly grab the other end with your left hand pull back with a jerk your knee against the small of his back if you break his back don't worry that's the idea this next bit of mayhem is called the come along it's a choice between a broken arm or follow the leader come up behind anyone in need of such treatment with the club under your arm grab his wrist with your left hand and wrap it around the club bring your right hand up over his left and press down then move your left hand over the end of the club so he can't slip out of it as few choose a broken arm he'll come along if that way becomes monotonous you can vary it by putting the club between his arm and body grab his wrist with your left hand and pull up your wrist should be resting on top of the club lock the hole by putting your right hand over the end this too is a magic formula for making him come along you men who know wrestling understand the hammerlock here's a hammerlock to end all hammerlocks slide the club between his arm and body turn your right hand palm out and grab his wrist then pull his arm up behind his back you're right it's a one-sided argument supposing he pulls a small knife on you well you can take care of that too by holding the club in the long grip you can keep him at a distance if he tries an overhead slash remember the old choke hold cross your arms with the club hand on top grab the other end of the club with your left hand and pull him down to the deck at the same time knee him under the chin or grab the club in both hands extending it over your head to parry the blow push him back and knee him in the clutch if he tries to stab you in the stomach stop the blow with a short grip club grab his wrist and move in with a jab to his throat and a knee to the crotch if he tries an underhand slash parry the blow with the club gripped in both hands then push him back and knee him in the crotch a side sweep slash may also be countered by sucking in your stomach to avoid the blow and smashing his wrist with the blow from the short grip club grab his wrist and push him back as you jab him in the throat if all this seems too complicated you can go back to the long grip he'll never be able to reach you with his short knife you at least can break his wrist and move in from there it is not the intention of the marine corps to send you into combat armed only with the club but a man thoroughly trained for combat should know how to defend himself under any condition no one can promise you that you'll never have to defend yourself with a club against a man armed with a bayonet can it be done well you've seen it done the question now is how let's watch them a rush to your left is parried by a hard blow as you move to the right away from the bayonet then follow through with the smash to the hand and bridge of the nose this same series of blows may be executed if he rushes to your right step quickly to your left and parry the bayonet with a solid blow follow through with a smash to the hand and face now to do it again here's how you attack the bayonet with the club held by the short grip parry the bayonet with the club along the forearm grab his wrist grab him in the side and come down with a smashing blow behind the neck for your information let's do it again sometimes like two heads two hands are better than one parry the bayonet block the butt stroke knee him in the crotch and ram him at the base of the neck don't forget that a bayonet by itself can also be used as a club with the same grips the long the short and the two-handed you have seen all the club against bayonet movements done slowly here you see them at normal speed notice how fast you have to move to avoid the opponent's blade and get into position to make your own thrusts in order to keep up this fast pace you've got to remain relaxed and balanced when you thrust thrust with force behind it knock his head off before he gets a chance to move in now if all this seems to tame if you want to fight like no gentleman should and who wants to be a gentleman try a sample of real dirty fighting start from the ground up a handful of dirt thrown in the right direction can be very helpful your helmet is a handy weapon on occasions too but don't fail to follow up swiftly a sharp thumb in the eye will make the enemy wonder what he's fighting for and finally there is expectoration m1 otherwise known as spitting all you have to do is work up a good mouthful and check for windage there's no doctrine for dirty fighting everything goes and if you invent something for yourself don't hesitate to pass it along to your friends but most of all if and when the time comes pass it to where it belongs the enemy [Music] you
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 2,541,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K, 16mm film, 8mm film, 35mm film, film transfer
Id: qpzwAMP7C54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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