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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QualityVote 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
squeeze Reese Reese Reesa Reesa Reesa Reesa Reesa Reesa Reesa Reesa sri sri sri sri sri sri sri sri sri sri sri sri sri sri smooth please race race race race race reason how are you doing okay I guess Sarge just a little weak I've got bad news we couldn't find any of the other men in modern war units operate separated from one another by considerable distances people can and do get separated cut off from their unit they must be prepared and know how to survive survival as one dictionary puts it is the process by which individuals with characteristics that help them to become adapted to specific environments survive those less able to become adapted tend to die off in the military survival is defined as the ability to live in the field with limited equipment but whatever the definition survival is a matter of life over death now first thing we have to do is clear out of this area place is probably crawling with enemy now I figure we're about here the team's next position is here 4,000 meters away the position after that is here about 3,000 meters further so if we can't catch up with them here we'll catch them here now this is the route of withdrawal we have enough water and rations to last until tomorrow so we'll travel the rest of today all of tonight and tomorrow we'll rest look for food and water after that we'll travel at night rest during the day how does that grab you sounds good to me couldn't we cover more ground if we traveled by day we're sure but if we travel at night we won't sweat as much will conserve our body water besides his less chance of being spotted by the enemy at night and another thing there's likely to be heavy enemy traffic on the roads so we'll have to travel mostly through the woods which will make it slow going I don't suppose there's any chance we can establish radio contact is there no no way I tried when the track blue but there wasn't a peep and I don't want to try again now because there's no telling who hear me you got any questions winners well I was wondering what's gonna happen to me what do you mean what's gonna happen to you what do you thinks gonna happen to you well you said you said the team's next position was 4,000 meters away and I can't walk and so I thought so you thought we just leave you behind huh don't worry winners we're not gonna leave you behind now before we pull out I want to record the location of the track so graves registration will know where to look in the meantime you and combs make a litter here uses poncho the graves registration section of the quartermaster Corps provides identification registration and burial however to assure recovery of the bodies in the destroyed armored personnel carrier sergeant Billings records the location of a vehicle by eight digit coordinates plus a description of the terrain features this information will be reported to his unit commander and the unit chaplain other information should include names ranks serial numbers if available and circumstances describing the cause of death the same procedure is applied when a squad leader is forced to bury personnel additionally one identification tag is removed the second is left with the body Sarge through lives ready good soon as I figure out which asthma to take we'll be on our way combs you better get hold of Madison a compass will not always be available in a survival situation if such be the case there are a number of expedience which can be used to determine direction for example the Sun can be used anytime it is bright enough for a stick about three feet long to cast a shadow the tip of the shadow is then marked when the shadow tip moves a few inches this takes 10 to 15 minutes the tip of the second shadow is marked a line is then drawn from the first mark to about a foot past the second mark to find north the toe of the left foot is placed at the first mark and the toe of the right foot is placed at the end of the line North is straight ahead the shadow tip method is considered to be the most accurate expedient in Direction finding another method of determining direction can be accomplished with a watch to assure accuracy a small twig or steak is placed at the edge of the dial lining it up so that it casts a shadow along the hour hand midway between the hour hand and twelve o'clock is true South this method is used for the North temperate zone only to determine direction in the South temperate zone twelve O'Clock is pointed toward the Sun halfway between twelve o'clock and the hour hand is the north-south line still another way of finding direction without a compass is at night by way of the north star north of the Equator the north star shows true north it does not change position but remains practically stationary and in a northerly direction at all times to find the north star two constellations can be used the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia sometimes call the Big W the two stars forming the side of the cup farthest from the handle of the Big Dipper are known as pointer stars an imaginary line drawn through these stars will point directly to the North Star sometimes when the Big Dipper is low in the sky possibly out of sight because of vegetation or high terrain features Cassiopeia is a valuable aid in locating the North Star r which is almost straight out from its center star south of the Equator direction can be determined by reference to the constellation Southern Cross this group of four stars is shaped like a cross that is tilted to one side the two stars forming the long axis or stem of the cross are called the pointers if a stem is extended from a bottom pointer to an imaginary point the general direction of South can be determined from this point an imaginary line is extended straight down to the horizon where a landmark can be selected okay let's get him on the litter all right easy with him now easy I don't want his leg to start bleeding again okay good put the pack under his foot so his leg will stay raised good it all takes me know I want my weapon anything should happen I want to use it I'm no basket case all right winners all right okay we move in that direction now we'll alternate curing the litter every 15 minutes Davis and Madison first Coombs and me next and so on okay one more thing if anything happens to me sergeant Davis takes over is that clear okay let's move up you okay it's time to go I go easy on the water whatever's left on our canteens has to last till we find a river or stream I don't know when that's gonna be make sure you police up good want anything left to show that we've been here and save these empty ration cans we may need them later okay let's move up all areas should be approached with caution proper security and a thorough reconnaissance are among the best means of avoiding ambush or capture in a survival situation water is a primary requirement people may get by without food for a month perhaps even to without water they'd be lucky to stay alive little over a week but one cannot always count on finding a river or a stream like this one therefore other sources of water must be considered for instance water can be found in the shaded concave bank of a dry riverbed or stream bed another source of water is rain which can be collected in Poncho's helmets on large leaves of plants on trees or rain that has been trapped in natural basins frequently found in rocky terrain even the early morning dew is a source of water it may take a long time to collect a sufficient amount still it is water okay up here tonight this is as good as the places we're gonna find where do you want us to put winners over there under that big tree can I have my weapon Thanks how you doing not bad Sarge that's good you just hang in there will be back in camps I'm gonna recon the area with Madison while we're gone Coombs you build a lean-to get a fire started make sure you use hardwoods so it won't smoke there ought to be plenty of plant food and berries in the area that's your department you once told me you could cook up a mean mess of soul food now here's your chance to prove it I don't know you can't make good soul food without a good pot to cook it in the idea here is to improvise anybody can cook with a pot I don't forget you get five canteen cups and ration cans I don't know you'll do it Sarge I know you love you think you can handle security not that I expect we'll be having any company I just want to play it safe I can handle it good you guys don't stray too far make sure you keep inside of each other in the camp at all times shouldn't we change that bandage it's getting awful dirty no no that's a job for a medic first aid for soldier says not to remove bandages or dressings once they've been put on you know that you know how you do let me remind you of something too in case you forgot nobody drink from the stream fill your canteens first and pop a couple iodine tablets into I don't want anybody to end up with dysentery any questions okay let's get to work two iodine tablets will ordinarily make a quart of water safe for human consumption in half an hour I feel if chemicals are not available the water should be boiled for at least five minutes there are at least three hundred thousand different kinds of wild plants of which approximately 120,000 are edible and although plant food may not provide a balanced diet it will sustain human life take for instance the lowly dandelion found almost everywhere all parts of the dandelion are edible it can be boiled and eaten like spinach or made into a stimulating tea dandelion greens contains seven thousand units of vitamin A per ounce they also provide vitamins b1 and see sheep sorrel or sour grass is a common slender perennial weed 3 to 18 inches tall with many basil leaves like arrowheads and several leafy stems with small inconspicuous flowers it is related to and is a miniature form of the garden sorrel and like the latter is highly acid in taste and reaction high in vitamin C it can be used as a cooling drink under feverish conditions and is an edible or culinary plant another important wild green is pokeweed also known as ink berry or pigeon berry the large fleshy root is covered with a thin brown bark it produces stems that are green when young and purplish later pokeweed has been most commonly used for its laxative properties the dried root can be applied to a wound to relieve pain and reduce inflammation or for combating skin parasites and diseases the sprouts of the young plants can be eaten after being boiled in two changes of water the fresh or insufficiently cooked plant is poisonous particularly the root the seeds and the berries are also poisonous when prepared properly the young shoots are similar to spinach or asparagus the pine tree one of the most common trees in the world is also a good food source the needles of the young pine shoot can produce a stimulating tea when boiled in water this tea was used by the Indians to prevent scurvy of course it will have a slight turpentine taste if the leaves are bruised and applied to the skin they make excellent insect repellent raw the inner bark is edible or can be dried and saved it tastes better however when cooked an animal fat the combs contain nuts which can be roasted and eaten the pine is rich in vitamin A and has more vitamin C than is found in a lemon it is also rich in several trace minerals there are many edible wild fruits and berries which can be found in woods and wilderness one example is the blackberry which thrives on the tundra of Europe Asia and America historically they are one of the most valuable foods they can be eaten as is dried with meat as a thickening for soup and in many other ways yes there is plenty of food in the wilderness all man has to do is look for it as the Bible puts it seek and ye shall find as sergeant Davis moves on to forage for other varieties of food the squad leader and specialist Madison continue to conduct their reconnaissance you what they're coombs you better get that fire going what'd you find Oh some goodies got some dandelion and some wild onion and some poke me and some sheep sorrel see sheep soul sheeps or some pine nuts which are roast and some pine needles for teeth and for dessert blackberries sure wish we had some meat well if I'd seen a dog or a cabbage would have had some meat dog a cat yeah dog cat roots dogs or cats lots of people especially in Southeast Asia you know when their skin to gut it and boiled they don't taste bad rats and mice taste pretty good too especially if they're cooked in the stew made with damn line leaves rats yeah rats and grasshoppers and termites and locusts and crickets did you know that in Japan candy grasshoppers are an expensive luxury did you know hey Davis just cut of that I'm gonna throw us I kid you not hey just cut it out I'm gonna be sick okay thank you fire is important to survival it is needed for warmth to keep dry for cooking signaling and purifying water by boiling before attempting to start a fire tinder must be prepared such as pine lighter cut into strips one of the best and commonly found tinder materials is punk the completely rotten part of dead logs or trees dried animal dung and pine bark could also be used in addition to the tinder larger kindling such as small dried twigs that burn readily must be available matches or lighters are also items which may not be available in a survival situation in which case our knowledge of fire-making expedience is essential a lens from a binocular telescopic sight or a flashlight may be used to concentrate rays of the Sun on tinder even an eyeglass if convex enough may be used another method of igniting tinder is with flint and steel such as a bayonet or knife the flint should be held as near to the tinder as possible and should be struck down word so that the sparks will hit the center of the tinder a radio battery may also be used to start a fire this is done by touching the positive and negative wires together thus creating a spark as the fire starts to burn continue to add twigs working your way up to larger wood good cooking fire you got going there Coombs Thanks it's all yours now I got to put up the lean-to okay sorry Chad you make yeah good real good hey for the ship with my compliments well ain't this some look inside hey bo tay toes and onions where'd you get this stuff done an abandoned Shack about a klick upstream had a little garden overrun with weeds but we managed to scrounge up something yeah and that chicken wire is gonna come in handy too I found some cord too hey Sarge I could use some of that what for for the lean-to I need to fasten a poncho to the ridgepole just need a few feet what would you use if I didn't have that cord I don't know uh binds I guess winners his boot laces he's not gonna be using him for a while now that ought to do it hey listen I'm thinking of staying here overnight winners doesn't look so good I think if he rest today gets a good night's sleep of being better shape to travel yeah what do you think I think it's a good idea he sure didn't get any sleep last night and being bounced around in that maybe yesterday afternoon must have been rough all right we're gonna stay here tonight how long you think it'll take to rustle up some chow Oh about an hour hour and a half gotta clean this camp okay we're gonna set some snares out here in this area should be plenty again so listen when you wash these can save me a can later okay I come in handy later Roger scope adequate shelter is imperative for survival the type and construction however depends to a great extent on the tactical and environmental situation as well as the length of time the shelter will be used but whatever the situation environment or length of use a shelter should help the occupants retain body heat protect them from the elements and keep them dry in this situation PFC Coombs is putting up a simple poncho lean-to another type of lean-to is the brush line tool its frame is also made with two forked uprights and a ridgepole saplings or timbers are lashed or dovetailed to the ridgepole then angled to the ground and covered with boughs bark or grass that's inside the shelter a thick bed of vows will help provide insulation against the cold damp ground additional protection against the cold can be obtained by building a fire with a heat reflector made of green logs facing the opening of the lean-to large stones stack behind the fire may also be used as a heat reflector this is a parity p tent it is easily built and especially suited for protection against damp weather and insects it is possible to cook eat sleep rest and make signals in the tent without having to go outside all it takes to construct this type of shelter is about a dozen poles 12 to 14 feet long a parachute and a number of pegs the best places to set out snares and traps are in pathways containing fresh animal tracks or droppings this is a good spot for torture Sarge why you setting snares when we have weapons to hunt with are you kiddin one shot these woods would be crawling with enemy patrols besides that you know what would be left of a squirrel or rabbit if it was hit with a round from an m16 guess I wasn't thinking yeah I guess you I guess you weren't listen while I'm setting a snare you take that chicken wire go down to stream and make a fish trap I'll be down as soon as I'm finished alright such in making the twitch up snare sergeant Billings ties one end of the line to the end of the sapling a small branch with a notch carved into it is then tied into the upper portion of the line near the end of the sapling this is the trigger the sapling is spent over so that the trigger can be fitted into the notch which was carved into the second sapling the other end of the line is then formed into a noose which is hung across the pathway on two small twigs the loop must be large enough of the animal's head and high enough to trap the game when the animal's head goes through the loop the line will tighten and spring the trigger the line should be strong enough to hold a fighting animal after the snare has been reset sergeant Billings sets up a barrier on each side of the trail the barrier is made of dead branches twigs and dried leaves shaped to form a large v to funnel the animal into the snare thus if the animal is moving slightly off the pathway and comes in contact with a barrier it won't jump over or walk on it instead it will travel parallel to the barrier and walk straight into the noose another type of snare which may be used to catch small game is the hanging snare a variation of the twitch up it is very simple to construct a length of strong cord or thin wire is fastened to the end of a flexible sapling and to a small piece of wood which acts as the trigger a twig with a bit of bait is positioned between the trigger and the fort's take so that the trigger will hold down the sapling the noose should be wide enough for the front part of the animal's body but not so wide that the body will slip through the twig holding the bait should be sufficiently loose so that the slightest jerk on the bait will free the trigger in the event there is no cord or wire with which to make a snare a simple deadfall with a figure-four trigger can be constructed the trigger consists of three stakes whittled from the bow of a tree a piece of bait and a large rock or log the center pole is flattened and notched to support the crosspiece containing the bait the cross piece is notched at the opposite end of the part holding the bait to support the third stage which is notched and supported by the center pole the rock or log is tilted at a steep angle on the figure for when the game disturbs the bait the weight will fall before the animal can withdraw its head freshly caught fish provide a balanced diet they are a good source of vitamin A and traps with which to catch them are easily made in making this fish trap specialist Madison first rolled the chicken wire into an oblong the front end was bent into the shape of a funnel to permit the fish to swim in the back end was closed to prevent them from swimming out since fish usually swim upstream the trap is placed in the water with the open end facing downstream to keep the trap from being carried downstream and stinks made from tree branches are inserted into the stream bed another trap which may be used with considerable success is the arrowhead fish trap the trap is made by driving stakes into the stream bed so their tops protrude above the water the trap consists of a narrow mouthed Enclave into which the Fisher channeled by a wide funnel-like V like the chicken wire trapping the opening of the trap must face downstream because they may contain parasites freshwater fish must never be eaten wrong they should be cooked first boiling is probably the best method of cooking for it conserves the natural juices and destroys bacterial toxin and other harmful plant or animal products however when food is scarce nothing should be cooked longer than is necessary for taste and digestibility because the more food is subjected to heat the greater the loss of nutritional value I don't know if we'll get a chance to use this but might as well have it ready just in case how's it work it's easy first you hold it so that the sunlight will reflect on your hand or on something close by next you hold it up to your eye and look through the hole until you see a very bright spot that's the aim indicator then you hold it close to your eye you move it very slowly till the bright spots on the target now this were a real signaling mirror and the visibility was good a pilot flying 30 miles away at 10,000 feet could see the flash even on a cloudy day when visibility's poor you can see a mirror flash can I try it sure cows on give this one to madison all right hey I'll take your winners What's Up Sarge brought you some chow how you feeling a lot better after that sleep great here use this thanks does stuff any good great really yeah I guess I'll have to try some myself holler if you need anything huh you know this stuff isn't too bad not bad considering what I had to work with its its outstanding how'd you like to be a mess sergeant you know I put the word in thanks but no thanks I like the job of God Davis when was the last time you washed well I took a shower the morning we left on the mission why do I smell no not yet but we all will if we don't do something about a pre soon Bobby cleanliness the first defense against disease is highly essential for survival clothing especially under clothing should be kept as clean and dry as possible winners gonna need some help getting washed up getting a socks and boots on I'll together dirty or sweaty socks that will cause foot deterioration if an extra pair is not available the ones being worn should be washed Madison's a good soldier yeah wish we had a few more like early the next morning specialist Madison pays a visit to his fish trap this catch would hardly satisfy the pangs of a hungry kidney so he leaves the fingerlings in the trap hoping they will attract some bigger more edible fish sergeant Billings however has better luck his twitch up snare has paid off game should be butchered as soon as possible to drain the animal of its blood its throat is cut blood when boiled is a valuable source of food and salt it is rich in minerals and vitamins and can be used in broths and soups animals are most easily skinned when hung by their hind legs to remove the hide from the skin a long cut is made from the vent along the abdomen to the throat next a slit is made inside of each leg to join the long cut when this has been accomplished a cut is made around each ankle after the cut has been made around all four ankles the skin is pulled down the cutting edge should be used whenever it becomes necessary to free the hide from the body after the head tail and skin have been removed the animal is carefully opened from the vent up through the ribs the innards are then removed with as little cutting and puncturing as possible the liver kidney and heart if not diseased are edible sergeant Billings will now quarter the rabbit and put it into the stew to boil this will preserve some of the meat for later use there are other ways of preserving meat besides boiling for instance one of the easiest primitive ways to preserve me is by cutting it into long strips and hanging them in the Sun to dry this method of preserving meat results in a food called jerky hanging the meat hi will keep it away from animals and low flying insects another way of preserving meat is by smoking the meat is hung on a rack over a smoldering fire made with soft wood when properly smoked the meat should look like a dry brittle curled stick but it is very tasty and nutritious hey Sarge when we moving out right just as soon as it gets dark take a look at those words see anything sure dude looks like food ya 2 i'm trying to live that's what I thought lp2 for soldiers coming this way to uncaring they live they look like America Roger oh who goes there sergeant Paul Billings third squad second platoon team Bravo 271 we have a wounded man with us I don't know the Challenger password we've been separated for the past four days stay where you are until I confirm lp2 they need to say he's sergeant Paul building 3rd squad 2nd platoon team Bravo 271 they said there's been separated for the past four days I don't know the challenging password they have a wounded man with them Roger advance one man to be recognized leave me weapon behind me combs hold it right there take your ID card out place it on the ground move ten paces from rear welcome home sergeant bring to us your men up we made it survival is largely a matter of mental outlook morale and the will to survive are the most important factors additionally each individual should be prepared to use every possible resource of nature which is available these basic principles plus a leader who possesses great faith and a desire for self-preservation enhance the chances of survival you
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 182,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage
Id: Wn4V8Y3kcCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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