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you [Music] Oh [Music] hey shut that door congratulate me brother congratulate what brought this on what do you think brought it on a furlough body off Furillo my first one I've been waiting six months for it one down to the station tonight pick up my reservation but excuse me lucky stiff I got to wait three months before I can even put in put home like a bat out of hell I can arrow from a bowl oh you sound like a wacky poet listen brother I got something to go home for take a look at that say you got her you betcha voy a pretty is damn girl in buxton County and smart too she's going to be a librarian none of his baby doll stuff on me I'm gonna marry her as she got a sister less on private first class this is out of your league TFC's can't travel in company like that oh yeah listen Romeo boy oh boy I can taste mom baked Virginia ham and clothes and a sweet pickle and that nice juicy hot apricot pie Oh cut it out we're and stepping out every night with the one and only go away we'll use you're killing me all but that's a wonderful death hey rose break it up get going dream about at PSD dream about corporal Greene and habit [Music] hey iris I want to pick up that reservation on the limited by next Tuesday my name is green corporal John Green is green but it's over two dozen times and inventive use corporal yeah i know i'm sorry i discovered the old key on my pearl of this afternoon I've been waiting five or six hours beautiful pictures that you've been waiting five or six hours for me they listen brother my girlfriend waiting six months that's right hey uh okay can I get a berth in the Cleveland train tonight I've got a thing on that train man you having what are there any seats in a coach all right that train is all for the first plane through for Cleveland at three o'clock tomorrow morning here just make yourself comfortable over there and one of our nice being easy chairs Thanks excuse me but I couldn't help overhearing about well you're having to wait all night for another train thanks I'll be all right no love what's woman help you check that you fall asleep somebody might steal it you shouldn't bother I can't see a lady in distress tonight either night I love everybody do you sure I just gotta know Keanu frontal starting next week it waited six months for why do I feel good see yes sir about a week from tonight I'm going to be taking myself a nice hot bath in a tub and i'm going to sleep in a nice soft bed again don't they have soft beds in the army are you kidding let's meet that mean for Madison pleasure it was your name and find Johnny they loved and I'm so happy I can't sit still what do you say we celebrate on you and me couple beers no thank you i couldn't come on be a sport you've got a long night ahead of it you want to wait on line in this joint in well dad let me drink alone gin and beer days a lot sweeter sure how here's the really that beers that a flight like Lexie [Music] [Music] haha [Music] hope you don't think I'm in the habit of talking to strangers Oh me a stranger hey lady I've known you were years [Music] seriously my friends were just about died we thought I spoke to someone who might never been introduced her do I know you can't be too careful [Music] I'm up yeah two more Oh with amex have already shot you know straight bourbon I don't see Colin come on this is no type of beer this is a celebration to burn or so green certain right down the hallway who me hey I want what you want lady I'm well [Music] what do you want you had a nasty gash in nothing to carpool know how to do you kiddin lady to dance is yours you better be good do [Music] ah [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me a favor please she sure is a swell kid happen where she was going away I could have a lot of fun weekend like that around here oh no come on a stand no she liked them fresh and I walked into every day she's a clean kid you can see that [Music] I'm wondering why not you been stuck hurry up a little easier gone home to Clara [Music] yeah she's crazy bad oh you sure are lucky really stumbled onto something nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the prettiest hair some nice and slow [Music] you say the nicest thing did you miss me mission hey you've been away from the money love it dance [Music] nicely played wait I've got hours and hours I think I better get back to the station why you got three hours yet I [Music] think we better go Johnny I'll listen don't worry and I get you there in time the night's young no oh maybe we only live once come on let's get off this joint get some air [Music] it got real romances he knows what makes the world go around now isn't this better than moping around little I hang around the station when you can get a little nature yes I know Johnny but it's awfully late I really really ought to relax he'll the fires lighted let's get comfortable that's not tying regarded we like each other don't we what's wrong with being like I said a war on honey we gotta do everything a lot faster no girl has to have some selfish make sure I know but this is different are the first time I looked at you spark again apply that's important to people meet and happens just like this [Music] well maybe we ought of self and taken them it's awfully conspicuous here Johnny yeah come on let's go someplace where we can get them to cry [Music] Johnny yeah what time is it I don't know slate oh say where you been all around have myself a time what did you do don't tell me you sure did boy something nice to realize you son of it and she got her say you take a pull now I'm too tired you better go aah she was only a kid clean as a whistle even a whistle can get messy you stop worrying she's only a kid I tenure hey I wish you were staying around Johnny Johnny [Music] huh oh yeah hey you a frank last night no I damn and i miss you should have been that they're very good you know what I take a hell of a chance earning their living my good boy you're not kidding getting up 12 in the middle of the night what time is it what's the matter what the hell's eating you I got a dose don't you sure I've gotta find dose you better go over to the dispensary my furlough starts tomorrow little you ought to go over there right away maybe it's nothing at all yeah maybe it's got I got that are low well coupla the test shows gonorrhea what she had I know can only happen to the other guy can never happen to you so that I could scored she was all right she was so young she looked so clean of course she looks Li that's how you getting excited what do you men have sense enough to let the women who look like real tarts alone but it's the clean kids that worries that's a problem today keep you men from playing around with a so-called nice girl honest she didn't look like she could possibly have anything years i know and i'll turn you over to lieutenant Halsey he'll put you on to treatment captain I've got a furlough coming up tomorrow I've waited six months for this the fellows out but you don't know what this means to me sir I know what it means to you I know very well what it means to you but you should have thought of that earlier what about those neutrals you hear about aren't they supposed to work that that's that's it most cases that are affected but it takes a while to determine whether you're really cured or not besides we'll may have picked up syphilis syphilis syphilis you've been exposed to one you may have been exposed to the other but I thought I mean I heard that syphilis was only a bad case of diarrhea not by a long shot it's an entirely different disease the symptoms are different the consequences are different and the treatment is different well I know if I got in a few weeks a few weeks why Sir I'll lose my whole firm whether the best we can you see soup we've been alerted I want her to see my family I may not see them again well you're the best weekend you report to lieutenant Halsey he'll take care of you send it as a cytopathic ought to have my head examined take it easy green got lots of company you've caught it in time you're going to be all right that's one of the main thing get the inspection in time lot of the men are afraid to report try to treat themselves and maybe they go to some quack then they're really in trouble well report to lieutenant Halsey good luck thanks [Applause] so look here's a duck [Applause] doing fine Mason so I thank you sir okay Mazzetti you can go what the campus Stevens Webb McLouth do I get out doc we better keep an eye on you a little longer Jensen okay green you mean I can go yes there's no sign of syphilis what the captain's team is eleven o'clock yes well you've all been burned now you're ready to leave the hospital but before you go there are few things I want to say to you and because you were lucky you they're off easy lot of the other men are gonna have to sweat it out but remember you're not always going to be lucky I don't want you leaving yeah thinking it's a cinch to get a dose of a few treatments maybe stay in bed well and that it's okay well you can't because sooner or later you're going to get an infection that may ruin your life before you leave here I want you to see what happened other man's we thought they could get away with it is going to see just how lucky you are what you could have gotten yourself into take a look at this take a good look there's the fellow that put you in the hospital those bean shaped objects that's gonna caucus the gonorrhea Jim okay then now you know what it looks like the only way that Jim can get into you is by actual contact almost always by sexual intercourse for the disease warrant venereal disease germs need warmth and moisture to keep alive that's where they thrive in the sexual organs and you know from experience gonorrhea attacks the inside of the peanut three to seven days after exposure you had a sharp burning pain when you try to urinate and you have the discharge but the immediate effects the painful urination the discharge and nothing compared to what happens if complications set in that's why it's absolutely necessary if you'd have the proper treatment at once immediately as gonorrhea jen's just don't wait for your convenience they multiply work terrific rapidity and if you ever let them get a good start on you well it may be just too bad that's all now there's something else I want to explain to you want to show you what can happen here if you get an infection and neglect it try to treat it yourself I take a prop k plan here you don't catch that German time the chances are pretty certain that the infection will spread back into this gland and it will extend into these tubes that carry your sperm cells if it ever gets back in here you can raise plenty of hell for the rest of your life and that's one place it can get into another place is the testicles that ever hit you here you're probably becomes girl you can never have kids and that isn't all either the infection can spread into the joints and if it does it can [ __ ] it equipped with you permanently with arthritis I've got a real rheumatism I remember a case that I took care of some years ago and I assure you this is no bedtime story to frighten babes the fella got a does he neglected it he tried to treat himself as a result he's a [ __ ] probably as long as he lived and that's the disease that you had jokes about being no worse than a bad cold well the next time you hear some wise ignorant guy shooting off his mouth somebody who says I you know man unless you get a dose at least once you can tell them off I said you men were looking sorry let me that dark seal preparation I want to show you what else you could have picked up you've only seen the middle brother the big brother to syphilis this is the syphilis germ the spirochete called a spirochete because it looks like a spiral one of the most deadly scourge is in the world but it can be beaten we've got the cure for it let it feel last time you've got to catch it in time you've got to destroy it before it digs in and begins to destroy you take a look [Applause] inspiron teat is one of the most active of all jammed once it gets into the bloodstream it may turn up almost any way you can strike any of the human organs your heart your spinal cord your brain why don't you be nice to me in do you like short we gotta take what's good the most active of all germs can strike your spinal cord your brain life's short and we gotta take what's good sir may I ask a question go right ahead well sir how do you when do you first know if you've got it you'll know the first sign is usually a saw on the penis this saw is called a chancre one of our men thought he could treated himself he went to a drug store and got some medicine the sore disappeared he thought that's all it was to it but a few weeks later an eruption broke out the syphilis gem was still in his body syphilis may silently continue its attack on the body for years and suddenly make itself known by some tragic occurrence man I knew had syphilis years ago and ignored as doctor's advice about treatment oh there Tom will hello they're not in excuse me if you're not going to catch my bus then one day while it was running for a bus syphilis that demonstrate heart robbed and lenders life a man whose brain has been ravaged by citrus isn't a pretty sight speech becomes slurred meaningless he loses his ability to think clearly it becomes insane Daffy and death usually result when I tell me they know is your memory memory one hundred percent memories higher nine or your spirit spirit zhang zhesan are you happy night to happen regardless to Monica you're having no night time works wonders you say this after me lovely lilies lindemann lovely Lily Lieberman and the person truly were only prudent the opponent a truly rural to learn liquid electricity nuclear existing if syphilis gets into the spinal cord pretty tough it attacks the nerve centers you can become a lifelong inglot a paralytic I remember a veteran of the last war a bulletin crippled name it was syphilis I told you that gonorrhea can make you sterile so that you'll never have any kids of citrus is different won't keep you from having kids but the kind you produce you'll never want to bring into the world and maybe idiot two cripples they'll have three strikes against them before they even start if you go overseas the dangers even more serious because besides gonorrhea and syphilis there are a couple of other diseases worse than either of them has no need to go into that now take my word for it they're Lulu's moreover the venereal diseases are likely to be more severe then hit you hard it will be harder to cure and in a great many foreign countries the percentage of diseased women is much higher than here in the United States you are a lot of chumps once now you're all over it that'll be a sucker again remember avoid prostitutes avoid take ups avoid pushover you'll expose yourself get right over the prophylaxis station or use a pro kit but don't put it off every minute delay cuts down the effectiveness of the prophylaxis the longer you wait the deep of those gems dig in and the faster they spread don't do any guessing about yourself but the first sign of infection goes to your medical officer don't try to cut in on the doctors territory it's his job to treat you that's what he's there for well I guess that's all you can go now [Applause] should scare the pants off you hear the doc tell you about those diseases yeah we certainly were a couple of shots and how this is one guys going to stay away from floozies from now on yeah you're not kidding well take it easy boy how this thing go on don't take any wooden nickels and hold on those two bucks [Applause] sounds war you're good to be out again I don't have to be a sucker maybe I can get that furlough soon I'll be able to see them all back home what's on your mind grim but I'll try again try what well you know I got a bad break on that furlough but maybe I could put in again for the end of the month there won't be any more furloughs well be any are you kidding sir kidding hell we're moving on just got the notice yeah but I missed out on my first trouble I wanted to see money I know but that's the way it is we're moving out and I won't be any more photos not only get over this sorry green okay so it should thinks pretty busy that's cool you know how there's mom we're all little it go yes yeah of course well yeah well try to write more off you have to worry I'll take care of myself you [Music] all right give my love to dad and Eddie again here all right Julia will say a little room for me will you tell her I'll call us soon color well I gotta go now goodbye long I off see you soon goodbye [Music] [Music] [Applause] finally here we're really moving out I defeat how's it going hey I really walked into something here I go off on furlough I come back and think oh they're packing like mad what you think they were waiting for her yeah we got a lot to do you finished no I just got here he did I have a time I saw my folks was out with my best gal home cooking brother was wonderful uh we'd better get gone see you later yeah sure see you later [Music] have told you to break welcome Yacht Club eleven okay so did we [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 493,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K
Id: i3pJejToetE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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