Target For Today (1944)
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Channel: AIRBOYD
Views: 618,033
Rating: 4.6941648 out of 5
Keywords: #avgeek, yt:quality=high, warfare, airboyd, army, 1944, Vintage, air, Forces, General, airport, #airboyd, Arnold, military, B-17, #AVGEEK, states, landing, Picture, aeroplane, Keighley, Force, flying, war, B-24, world, heavy, pilot, War, NTSB, AVA11757VNB1, planes, navy, Motion, Film, bombers, Army, europe, takeoff, history, Target, aviation, Hap, airplane, William, world war ii, target for today, world war, stock footage, eighth air force, eighth air force ww2, eighth air force documentary, eighth air force movie
Id: zVhHCMewvgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 2sec (5642 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2011
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