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There is also a four part training video from the German Army on anti-tank warfare on YouTube. It's from 1988:

*Part 1

*Part 2

*Part 3

*Part 4

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/murkskopf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Think he's actually a tanker? He seems like an actor

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Matta174 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

definitely stealing blitz-buggers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SeniorScore πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is that boxy tank they keep showing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/heirapparent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty fascinating. Oh how things have changed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FuriousPrime πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video see! Show those blitz buggers a thing or two...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/potedude πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
now those tanks look kind of tough don't they i guess you think you wouldn't have much of a chance up against those babies well you're wrong see now get me straight they're tough all right i'm a tanker myself and i ought to know but don't get the idea you can't handle those blitz buggies just because they're big and they make a lot of noise actually you guys got the edge on them if you know how to play your cards i guess i shouldn't be telling you this because i'm a tank man but what the hell we're all playing on the same team ain't we i figure a tanker knows more about tanks than anybody else we know where they're strong and brother they are strong but we know where they're weak too that's what i think you guys ought to know about even if i do give away some trade secrets okay what is a tank well you might say it's a gi can on tracks that carries a lot of firepower its job is to smash through you guys rip you up so you'll be duck soup for the enemy infantry that's coming on behind the tanks your job is to smash that infantry now you're not out there to fight tanks you're out there to fight foot soldiers like yourself so you have to roll with the punch when those tanks power down on you meanwhile if you knock out a few tanks on the way no one's going to boil you out for doing it now this is about the way the job lines up you knock out as many tanks as you can and at the same time protect yourself so you can mow down that enemy infantry tanks got weak points like anything else the track is one of them a mine or a shell or a lucky hit with a grenade can blast off the track and to the guys inside a busted track in battle is usually good for a ten thousand dollar check to the folks back home sure sure they still got firepower left but they can't move and when they're standing still they make a target that's hard to miss now here's another weak point we don't see too good out of these rolling pill boxes so we keep the flaps open down here for the driver and the hatch open for the tank commander that is we keep molten if the enemy's dumb enough to let us if he's half smart he'll turn a stream of rifle or machine gun fire at us then we got a button up now we don't like that because that leaves us practically blind take a look for yourself you see what i mean okay now we got a weak point in our tracks now we're three quarters blind when we're buttoned up here's another weak point we're big and we can't hide so we gotta plow through and take whatever they heave at us and believe you me it's no fun sitting in one of those hot boxes with that stuff pouring at you listen to that that's enough to make a man nervous brother they ain't cream puffs we're a hell of a good outfit just as tough as they come in any army but we don't like being shot at any more than you do and figure it this way we're a lot easier to hit than you are but getting back to you for a minute here's what a tanker sees when he bears down on you if you're the kind of foot troops you ought to be nothing that's what he sees absolutely nothing just a lot of real estate you're there all right but you're tucked away in a foxhole and brother that's the place to be he can't see you he can't get at you hell they can't even hurt you when they run over of course there's one way you can get in trouble that's if you get yourself in a lather and start the high tails and that's just what those nazi gunners are waiting for take a look for yourself now remember that picture when you get itchy feet make up brake foot and you're a dead duck not only that you open up a hole for the enemy infantry and those rats know what to do about holes okay that's what not to do you stick with me and i'll give you the real dope on what you ought to do now take a look at this german tank outfit they're coming your way so you got a job to do before you get back to that game in brooklyn they're still two or three miles away you can't even see him yet but remember you're playing on a big team soldier and you got lots of stuff working for you stuff that reaches out and hits hard that's how dive bombers going into action they're kind of tough on rats ain't they wham that's our heavy artillery they're just getting the range there goes one of our mines and there goes one of his tanks look at that flat tire yup our gang's gonna knock out plenty of those tanks before you ever see them the enemy knows that so he sends over enough to be sure that someone will get through now here's your first sight of them they look harmless that far away don't they they're just getting in good range of our anti-tankers now you sure laid it into that baby you guys got a lot of stuff pitching for you all right but you notice some of them are still coming okay now you can start working on them you see those lugs sticking up out of the hatches don't you i'll make them button up they're close enough now 400 yards well suppose they are 500. that's the idea see them ducking in i'll make them button up those flaps there they go see them slow down right away they got to they can't see worth a damn wait a minute soldier keep that rifle up there see these things those are what he looks through the periscope and the vision slits get enough small stuff bearing on those places and you blind them almost 100 okay that's your first job button him up then work on his vision devices now he's getting plenty close plenty where's that rifle grenadier oh yeah there he is now these rifle grenades are nasty damn things as far as a tanker is concerned they just plain stink i'd rather be in a straitjacket with a wildcat than the inside the box with those things coming at me they bore through and splash hot metal all over the place and they'll do that to any damn tank they've dreamed up so far you guys have got a grenadier in every squad that's a lot of grenadiers if anybody should ask you grenadiers wait until you see the whites of his eyes like the guy said then pour it into him that'll knock out plenty of them but there's still plenty left look out there soldier thought that guy was a goner didn't he he wasn't worried he knew he had a good foxhole but he's mad now see what he's got there a molotov cocktail light the rag heave the bottle sword busts on top of the tank and this is what you get a little piece of hell on the outside and on the inside a lot of barbecued heinies you see the burning gas pours through cracks and crevices in the tank nine times out of ten it will find oil or grease or more gas inside and if it does well you want to take a look inside okay now you know how to crack a tank remember you're not superman you can't stop a tank with your bare chest no matter how much hair you got on it it takes good common sense and it takes guts the one thing not to do is to run because if you do brother i'm telling you you're a dead duck i'll get this because i'm not going to say it again first make that tank button up just as far away as you can reach them with your small stuff rifles and machine guns keep working on the vision slits and the periscopes that's all he's got left to see with and if you smear these he's gonna be as blind as a fat third when he gets within range pour your anti-tank rifle grenades in don't waste him don't let him have him until you're sure you got him his armor is thinnest on the sides so try and get them there but these grenades will boar through them no matter where they hit fourth when he comes within throwing distance buy him a drink sure a molotov cocktail and last of all get this a battlefield is a hell of a big place and you can't see the whole thing maybe all you'll see are the guys right around you riflemen just like you don't get the idea that you're out there all alone fighting this war by yourself you got a lot of stuff pitching for you big stuff just because you're playing the line and can't see the backfield doesn't mean it isn't there it's there brother and it's fighting for you all the time artillery anti-tank guns mines planes and don't forget you've got tanks on your side too in case i forgot to tell you we're a hell of a good outfit you do your job take it from me the rest of us are gonna do ours your job is to knock out any tanks you can to keep yourself from getting killed then when that goose-stepping infantry comes up give him hell don't forget that your big job is to tear that infantry apart well if you don't mind i think i'll have another beer see you guys in berlin if you can keep up with the armored force you
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 976,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, Anti-tank Warfare, Tank (Invention), World War II (Military Conflict), Wehrmacht (Armed Force), Tiger Tank, Panzer, Artillery (Military Resource), rifle fired grenade, Molotov cocktail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2015
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