Glock Performance Trigger For .40 S&W Glocks (Easy!!)

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[Music] hey there's Lenny McGill with the GlockStore performance at custom shop right here in the Nashville Studios today and we're going to talk about the new Glock performance trigger because it's a hot item we've been selling a ton of them and literally thousands of them that I've sold personally so I know Glock has sold you know a bunch more but um it's a hot item you know and it's available now and it says right here it says it's available for the Glock gen 5. 1719 X 34 and 45 and 47th okay so that's the calibers it says it's available for so you know we were thinking I said you know gosh you know we think you know that we can make that available for Gen 3 as well and Gen 4 guns and so we have developed it for Gen 3 and Gen 4 guns and we've enhanced the trigger with what we call our enhanced performance trigger with our gold bar and the aluminum shoe available in some different color combinations and the three and a half pound connector I'm going to show you how what's how much we have enhance it here but then the other thing that we were thinking the other day is um well you know Glock makes a 40 caliber gen 5 why wouldn't it fit and work in the 40 caliber so we start scratching our heads and thinking okay well there's one difference and I'm going to show you that difference here in a minute it's really about the ejector okay now the extractor about the ejector now this is a Gen 5 Glock 22. it is empty I'm pulling the trigger in a safe Direction I know that it's empty there's no ammunition in the room no magazines are loaded nothing close I can't load it by mistake and I think you should always do the same when you are working on Firearms uh especially if you're in your house you know make sure that there's no ammunition around because it's too easy to load in to make a mistake now that's it I'm going to go ahead and before I even take this gun apart is a factory gun relatively new hasn't really been sold yet it's just one of our inventory guns I pulled it out just today and I want to test the trigger typically the Gen 5 guns are between five five and a half pounds and um that's just out of the uh out of the box so here's my dead weight trigger weight we sell a ton of these this is a very cool item the bottom is one pound these are excuse me two pounds these are one pounding ingots or increments here so there's four pounds here's another one pound there's five okay there's a five pound weight is it dead weight so there's not like a spring that I'm gonna be able to game the main thing is is try to be consistent so again I'm going to double check the gun make sure it's empty racket I'm going to go ahead now and uh use this dead weight and see if I can make it break at five and here goes no give it a little wiggle ah right there that little wiggle got it okay so let me try five and a half and see if it breaks at five and a half instantly yes okay so again it's between five five and a half just for grins here's five and a quarter I get a little quarter pound weight I'm curious to see if it's gonna do it right at five and a quarter because I said like I said it's between five five and a half and here we go let's see if I can make sure it's on the same spot here here we go all right there's five and a quarter there just kind of rolled down towards the tip and so it's between five five and a half five and a quarter right in that ballpark is what the stock trigger weight is now what we're going to do is we're gonna jump in here and we're going to do a couple things we're going to install the enhanced performance trigger and I'm gonna show you how to change it from a nine millimeter ejector and again now this is really important you understand the concept of what the ejector is it's this little piece right here and how you can change this to a 40 caliber and work this in your 40 caliber guns all right so let's go ahead through the disassembly procedure and I'll show you the difference between the two ejectors between a nine millimeter and a 40 caliber and why you should change them uh why it's important to change them and how we can take this Gen 5 Glock 22 from five five and a half to three and a half four pound trigger weight which will provide you with better accuracy better speeds and overall just a better performance so now to disassemble the gun of course it is empty I have pulled the trigger I'm going to take my hand up here on top and I'm just going to pull back this slide just a little bit just to take the pressure off of the slide lock it's also known as a take down lever and I'm going to pull down on both sides with my fingers this does not have the extended slide lock that we sell so it's a little hard I gotta really use my fingernails I'll hold it down like I missed it on that side there it is and as I hold it down uh I did miss it let's try it again hold it down you can walk it off I want to be careful to hold on to it so it doesn't fall off the slide or off the frame and there it comes and there's the upper that's the the slider upper this is an MOS gun you can see the MOs split I don't need to work with this right now what I need to do is take the trigger mechanism out of this gun out of the frame to do that I'm going to use my punch set which uh everybody should have some kind of punch set this is the one I've been selling and been using for I don't know 20 30 years they have a new box for it we sell a ton of them because it's very helpful and you'll see how so I'm going to take my uh the larger punch I'm going to use it on the larger trigger pin so you've got two pins here trigger pin trigger housing pin that's what they did on the uh the Gen 5 guns they got rid of the Locking block pin I don't know why but they did so uh you know not like they're saving any money but there's some reason they did I guess because they could and so now here's the punch the trick to this now this gun I already did one time okay so it's a little easier but the trick to this is to always uh understand that it intersects that the pin intersects with the slide stop so if it's hard to push out you want to jiggle that slide stop a little bit back and forth up and down to try to take the pressure off it so I like I said this should be pretty easy because I've already done it a couple times and there it comes right out so I just put a little pressure right there just to you know uh unlock it from the pin and you'll see what's on the PIN is there's two little grooves here boom boom and those grooves lock onto that slide stop and so when they get locked in there the spring on the slide stop pushes it up into those pins that's why as I jiggle that thing I can kind of wiggle it off of those uh those grooves and then I can push the punch out without having to pound on it now sometimes you you know you'll pound on it with a hammer and like I said the first or second time is always really tight but the uh once you do it the second time or the third time it gets a lot easier now I want to take a smaller punch which is a 332 inch punch and I'm going to go ahead and punch out this trigger housing pin this is a plastic pin that is uh pretty easy to get to you can just kind of get on top of it make sure you're centered up on it if I can see and just push it out with your hand sometimes you know well like I said the way they're new you just can tap it out but you know again uh I've done this one or twice before and uh it comes out so you got two pins trigger housing pin and the trigger pin itself that's in your Gen 5 Glock trigger housing pin is plastic and of course the trigger pin itself is steel okay so the pins are out now here's the easy part you're going to go ahead and grab hold of the ejector okay and what I want to show you real quick while you're looking well I can let me pull down I'll show you uh okay first I'm sorry got to take the Locking block out too boom out comes the Locking block got ahead of myself there locking block comes out boom here comes the slide stop might as well pull that out too boom and here comes the trigger grab hold of the ejector boom and now this is what I wanted to show you is why I'm getting excited about this because now here's the difference on the 40 caliber versus the nine millimeter it's real important you understand the concept here because it's important if you're going to shoot this performance trigger in your gun and you're shooting 40 caliber you need to change the ejector no if ands or buts are added okay you need to change the ejector so I'm assuming you have a 40 caliber and you're going to go ahead and install the performance trigger in your 40 caliber to do so you need to switch out the ejector and here's how you do it so I'm going to take the 40 caliber projector now if you notice one thing okay let me let me give you a little bit more detail on here the 40 caliber projector is straight the nine millimeter has a curve or a Bend to it now if you think about that in your mind's eye and you say to yourself okay with a 40 caliber round is bigger than the nine millimeter okay it's a bigger diameter the casing so understanding that the slides are basically the same size but now for the ejector to intersect with the case on the nine millimeter because it's smaller it's got a it's got to bend over a little bit to be able to reach it now the 40 caliber is bigger so it doesn't have to bend it's straight the problem with that is if you try to use the 40 caliber excuse me the nine millimeter ejector with 40 caliber rounds it could potentially reach over enough to intersect with the primer and you could have a problem there because if that hits the primer and it's coming back fast it could go back now that said that's why you want to change this out if you are using the performance trigger with a nine millimeter ejector you want to take that ejector out and you want to put the 40 caliber injector in okay I could not say that enough but again here's the difference nine millimeters bent 40 caliber is straight everything else is the same if you can look and see this trigger housing is the same okay so the the sizing will work and we did the same thing with the Gen 3 option that we built the Gen 3 Gen 4 option this is a gen 5. so here's how this works now let's take a pair of pliers you're gonna go in there and you're actually going to grab hold of that ejector a lot of people don't know that this is really not an overmold part it's just slipped in over molded means it would be molded around it and it would actually capture it it seems like it's just slipped in after the fact and so now I'm going to grab hold of it with a pair of pliers and this and then I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to pull it out here it comes slowly but surely make sure I get it right oh man here it comes all right here it comes it's coming out now and a lot of people don't know that this part the ejector looks like that let me get it out of my hand so you can actually see it that's the ejector for the 40 caliber that came out of the stock gun so now I'm going to just put this trigger away and I'm going to take the ejector from the performance trigger the nine millimeter out of the trigger housing same concept going to grab hold of it with a pair of pliers and just kind of pull it out here it comes that came out a little easier too so all right now here's your two ejectors again we can look at them side by side you're going to see the nine millimeter is curved the 40 caliber is straight they have different numbers on them as well okay they're the numbers that Glock is assigned in so now I'm going to take the 40 caliber ejector and I'm going to place it into the performance trigger right in that slot just where it came out of to get my hands out of the way there come on now there we go and once I get it started then I'll just push it in more and more and more now it's a little tough back there a little tight back there so I'm going to use looks like just use a table probably if I do that like this just push it straight in if you can see that but all the way down make sure it's fully seated now I'm going to look in there make sure that it is fully seated and it is okay and there is your now 40 caliber ejector in the performance trigger which will allow you to shoot the 40 caliber with the advantage of the performance trigger all right so we're going to drop the trigger in I'm going to reassemble this boom there's the triggers all the way down everything's all set the hole matches up I'm looking good right okay now in goes the slide stop right over top make sure that gets seated down make sure the holes kind of line up they do they look good here comes my locking block okay that looks good now I like to put the trigger housing pin in first because that kind of locks the trigger housing in place so there's no movement up there in the front uh here's where your Hammer comes in play with a nylon tip just kind of tap that in and it's nice to have the nylon tip because you can kind of get in there and beat on it and know you're not going to damage the frame at all or scar it up or dented or do anything there looks good okay now here comes the trigger pin sometimes the trigger pin uh you know gets hung up on the trigger itself so you want to look inside there and sometimes you need to push the trigger down a little bit just to make it so the holes line up and I can see that's exactly what I'm going to do but I'm going to put my punch in there and make sure it's all set and keep the trigger right basically there and then I'm going to take my pin and if all is good you can get most of it started by hand just like that and then you take your uh your punch just tap it in now last thing I like to do is just try to true that up on either side and sometimes when you do that you'll hear the actual slide stop click into those two grooves that we talked about earlier and I heard that click I don't know if you did or not but now I know that that slide stop is exactly where it wants to be has good spring pressure to it everything looks good trigger looks good now again on the performance trigger it's always in the opposition it's got a spring and it always returns it so it's a little bit different than the standard triggers and that's one of the you know kind of I'd say not goofy things but interesting things all right remember now we're going to go ahead and uh I'm gonna drop a little piece of oil a little drop oil right on the ear of the connector you can do that before you put it in or not it'll migrate itself down to the metal to metal contact of the trigger bar and the connector so that's that now understanding that our trigger bar on this enhanced performance trigger is coded in titanium nitride which is a lower coefficient of friction than the standard Glock trigger bar just because it's coated I mean that's how that's what they tell me at least but I believe it because you'll see the difference here in just a second that oil is going to go ahead and migrate itself down and uh and just you know Lube up that and while on that I'm just going to drop a piece of oil on the rails both front and rear not a lot and the nice thing about this is not only the applicator which gives you that ability to do one little drop wherever you want it but also the fact that it is purple and you can see it and because you can see it you know it's it's identifiable and because it's identifiable it's you know you've got oil where you want it now I'm going to go ahead and drop the Barrel in and the uh here comes the uh guide rod this is all Factory guide rod too so okay and uh then I'm going to go ahead and put this light on now I could put a little oil on the uh on the rails not a bad idea so again just a little drop and boom not a lot just enough just you know it's going to migrate itself around and find it the gun like I said it's brand new it's never really been shot and there it is and there we have it wow wow wow so what did we do we most important thing we did is we changed the extractor excuse me the ejector from nine millimeter to 40 caliber because I have a 40 caliber gun we dropped in the enhanced performance trigger versus the factory trigger remember the factory tour goes between five five and a half boom here is my dead weight trigger weight there's the five and a quarter I'm gonna take the quarter off and I'll just go with five real quick just to show you what we've got going on here let's see here okay not even close right okay here's four two three four okay let's see what happens here oops look at that I tell you this is an amazing trigger system that we have uh enhanced and made it even better and here's three and a half oh okay well that was pretty quick so if it goes to three I'll be surprised I thought it was between three and a half to right there so here's three all right yes I didn't think it was gonna do three and even with a little wiggle but three and a quarter could be on the ticket there let's see here yep so it's basically three and a quarter so we went from five to five and a half five and a quarter to three and a quarter to three and a half so it's about two pound difference and you know a lot of people will say well you know well what are the advantages of a lighter trigger pull the advantage of the lighter trigger pool is that you are uh using exerting less pressure to actually manipulate the trigger because of that you're not using the muscles as much and because of that you're not moving the gun as much because gun's always in motion I mean it's never really still when you're holding it out there no matter what you think it's not you know no one's Got That Rock there even if you've got a rest there's still a little bit of motion based upon your body and your breathing and all that stuff so as you manipulate the trigger you will have a tendency to move the sights disturb the site picture how's that with a lighter trigger pull you're less likely to disturb the side picture than with a heavier trigger pull especially on multiple shots shot the shot so that's the advantage of a lighter crispr trigger pull and of course what we have done to enhance this trigger is we've improved the trigger shoe by making it out of aluminum versus plastic looks a lot better and you have a lot of chances to you know customize it with color and all that other stuff so that is how you will take the enhanced performance trigger and shoot it in your 40 caliber gun and we've tested it we tried it it works great just remember you got to change the ejector absolute without a doubt you must do that I'm not going to go this of course is the GlockStore performance and custom shop here in Nashville we got a beautiful National showroom I want you to come down and visit if you're in Nashville make sure you do make a trip uh we uh the videos here are going to be on Rumble as well besides just YouTube and uh we'd love you to subscribe and uh to like and do all that other good stuff say good things about me because uh that helps you know us get more and more uh play with YouTube and more and more people get to see all this fun stuff because you know we show you all the best and latest greatest stuff for your Glock uh to get the most out of it to make you a better shooter to make you a safer shooter too you know the goal here is you know safety always keep that gun point in a safe Direction keep your trigger your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot and understand uh if the gun is loaded or not you always you think it's loaded it's always loaded but understand okay you know where's okay there's no ammo in here I can't even accidentally unload it but if I were to put this gun down and I pick it back up two minutes later I'm gonna look inside of it and I suggest you always do the same thanks for watching I'm Lenny McGill we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 23,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Shoot270, GlockStore Nashville, GlockStore San Diego, Glock, Handgun, Custom Gun, Red Dot Optic, Custom Glock, Glock Guy, glock 43x, glock 19, edc, Performance Trigger, glock trigger, .40, glock 22, glock 23, glock 24, glock 35
Id: H-gVOJKhf34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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