Shocking Truth: Google Bard vs ChatGPT vs Chatsonic vs Perplexity AI!

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with Google bard entering the Battle of AI chat Bots we have another candidate to Benchmark so let's compare Bard with chass Sonic perplexity and chat GPT all these three AI chat Bots have weaknesses and strength but you have to evaluate yourself which one fits your needs we have a total of three prompts we are going to test with all four AI chat Bots one relates to soccer the other two to professional work life the one about soccer is very similar as in our previous video who won the FIFA World Cup last year in Qatar Google barred is quick but short the user does not see writing progress and once finished the answer pops up it is nice that you can continue with a Google search chat Sonic takes a lot of time to search when we tested it honestly this is quite frustrating when you need quick results for a search however once you have a result you are rewarded with several sources which definitely increases the search quality but overall the result is very good perplexity is very fast gives you good user feedback shows the writing progress and rewards us even with pictures as well as sources below chat GPT requires an extra prompt to search the internet otherwise the answer is completely useless but when you tell chatgpt to browse the internet and you have this feature enabled in gpt4 you get good results the progress is nicely visualized sources are shown and even a picture appears but the time it took to do the search is very slow compared to perplexity all four chat Bots came to a conclusion chat GPT however needs help otherwise the result will exclude internet research this is quite annoying Bard was right and fast and chat Sonic takes a bit longer but shows sources perplexity is the winner for this prompt it has the best results with accurate text and many more pictures let's check a prompt related to work in human resources write me a warning email from HR to an employee who misbehaved when he was drunk on a workshop during daytime Bard was fast again it only took four seconds but the content is rather low in terms of creativity and quality such result definitely needs more human input to use it for a real working context it is nice that Bard adds additional love recommendations for the given situation chat Sonic was faster this time and the answer to the prompt is comprehensive this work could definitely be used in a real world context and only Minor Adjustments would be needed the overall structure of the text is well thought and the message comes across clearly perplexity is fast but lacks a bit creativity it would definitely work in a real world scenario where the text should be rather short and precise chat GPT clearly Masters this task not only does it create a formerly perfect email but also follows a good structure for such a piece of text what is interesting is the amount of creativity chat GPT adds to the work for example the chapter 7.3.1 of the company's code of conduct policy has not been part of the prompt but quite honestly the outcome is fairly lengthy overall this is a really usable outcome written in professional and educated manner in conclusion Bard is almost unusable and needs more human input perplexity delivers short but good results chat GPT is very creative and creates a lot of text chat Sonic is therefore the winner for this prompt the results are perfectly usable and the lengths is on point now let's continue and shift towards a sales role in a professional context write a strong sales email to restaurant owners about a new gin that has potential to be especially liked by female guests Bard is clearly overwhelmed with this task the amount of creativity is very low and the sales email is far away from strong and convincing despite all recommendations below the results this outcome is sadly not usable at all chat Sonic took almost one minute to think for an answer and then failed to provide an output we had to restart it in order to get an answer which also took a lot of time but the outcome was good and the email really sounds convincing chat Sonic used a number of Style Elements to highlight unique selling points of our product it also included references below for us to double check the outcome perplexity shows a short answer some selling points are nicely visualized there is creativity regarding the woman-owned and operated business however overall it lacks in being a strong and convincing sales email chat GPT clearly Masters this task it starts with a great subject on the top of the email also the amount of creativity is incredible this includes the naming of our product and even the manufacturer all unique selling features are nicely highlighted in bullet points and even a pricing discount for the first month is offered the structure is very well made and this makes it by far the best outcome in terms of strong and convincing sales email obviously this outcome would be even better if you would give more details as part of the prompt chat GPT clearly wins this prompt in terms of creativity and convincingness chat Sonic also shows a great outcome perplexity is rather on the short site and Google bard is unusable for such a prompt overall Google bard cannot compete with perplexity chat Sonic and chatgpt at the moment chat GPT and chat Sonic Remain the best choices for high quality writing where creativity is needed perplexity is clearly the winner when it comes to web-based research with sources and pictures and if you want to learn how to use perplexity you can check out this video
Channel: Epic AI Tools
Views: 17,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google bard, chatsonic vs chatgpt, chatgpt, perplexity, best ai tools, top ai tools, chat gpt, google bard fail, google bard vs chatgpt, google bard test, perplexity ai tutorial, gpt 4, Google Bard vs. ChatGPT, Google Bard vs. Chatsonic, Google Bard vs. Perplexity, google bard ai, bard vs chatgpt, perplexity ai, chatgpt 4, chatgpt vs bard, chatgpt vs google bard
Id: XhJiJHP2rYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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