Tomura Shigaraki Is An INCREDIBLE Antagonist.

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when you first start watching my hero Academia your introduction to its big bad can feel sort of underwhelming he's abrasive nerdy and lashes out when things don't go his way carrying almost no Presence at all which is why if you stick around and get to the Paranormal Liberation War Arc in season six the monster tomorrow shigaraki becomes is that much more fascinating to watch to understand this symbol of Terror that strikes the fear of death into his opponents however you need to see exactly where he came from so let's cover his growth bit by bit the first thing you see of shigaraki is him crawling out of this portal in the usj arc his face eerily covered by a hand shikaraki's design is one of the most unique ones I've seen being completely covered by multiple pairs of hands horokoshi has stated at a volume extra that he loves utilizing hands in his drawings stating that he finds them to be the most expressive part of characters besides their faces some pretty interesting foreshadowing for what is to come with shikaraki's hand-based design one might think however that the way he acts goes against this Sinister design of his he screams when things don't go his way does essentially no fighting of his own and as all might points out lacks any meaningful ideology this part of shigaraki's character was once considered a flaw and shigaraki was understandably seen as a pretty disappointing or uninteresting primary antagonist where things might change is when he makes it out of the usj alive and we hear the voice of someone guiding him this is where very attentive viewers might be able to pick up that shigaraki might be simple for a reason just like our protagonist they're both quick to extreme emotion they both have guiding hands and Bo seem to have very simplistic ideas of heroism and villainy Midori are wanting to save just save and shigaraki wanting to destroy just to destroy they both have very two-dimensional ideals they strive for that will slowly become more complex and nuanced as they simultaneously develop midoriya achieves a victory by channeling others something shigaraki attempts to do when he gives almight a false speech about the Monopoly of violence the state holds madoria uses his connections with others to achieve Victory whereas shigaraki does it insincerely or in bad faith and it ends up leading to his defeat in the following Arc we see midoriya take his first steps to being a hero by participating in something that is admittedly pretty warped in concept him and multiple other teenagers are pit against each other in varying Arenas to prove themselves and their worth in order to possibly get work later on and we finally get to see him in action working to save someone albeit not through traditional means instead he gets to be shoto's hero by putting him on the correct course to overcome his familial trauma getting a taste of the hero life for the first time at the same time shikaraki is also realizing what it means to be a villain if the usj and all might served as shigaraki's first obstacle then stain serves as the next as the league of villains get their first bit of competition the attack on the usj was in the public Consciousness sure but stain was getting headlines written about him for his self-perceived Justice stain had a fairly simple ideology stating that it is contradictory to call yourself a hero while accepting pay the idea that true heroism should be done for the sake of it a purely Reckless act that somebody does solely for the benefit of others and for no personal gain whether it be profit incentive or for the celebrity culture whether you agree or disagree with sane's ideology in the context of shigaraki's Character Matters for not because the primary difference between the two villains is just that ideology the saint orc shows us how both our protagonist and antagonists are both critically lacking in what makes a staple consistent hero or villain midoriya is attempting to learn something crucial to being a hero is the ability to actually use his ability at the same time shigaraki must learn what makes stain such an appealing villain for so many people somebody who inspires the message to turn against the status quo something shigaraki failed to do in the usj a proper Doctrine we see just how far ideola she can take someone like stain his Fierce devotion being something that sends shivers down midori's spine when he first encounters him getting a totally different vibe from him than he got from shigaraki and a perspective that shakes the core of the series even after stain's arrest his ideology struck the hearts of so many people in the Society of mha that even Four Seasons later during mha's Second climax people like Dobby will still talk about stain's Will midoriya and shikaraki's parallel growth is not only inferred but visually referenced in this art culminating in one explosive encounter during the final exams arc when they meet each other in the public mall shortly before this shikaraki is upset that everyone is focusing on stain and lashes out at his two new members himikotoka and Dabi had a complete loss he finds midoriya and asks him what made stain so much more charismatic of a leader than him and Deco further Builds on what state had told him previously the idea that in order to bring change to society you need a clear Doctrine even if it's just one to portray on the surface something for people to Rally behind this leads shigaraki 2 properly understand the valley between the two villains and understanding that leaving his work on society requires a clear set of beliefs or something for people to direct their anger towards this is when shigaraki wisens up a little bit and begins to utilize The Narrative left by stain to further the lov's goals and to think tactically for once he props his group up as the group backed by the feared and respected stain growing their influence and pushing stain's agenda this isn't the only thing about encounter as shigaraki essentially taking Midori a hostage in public as something that plays greatly into his backstory as people have become so conditioned to Heroes taking care of any sort of issue that they don't even pay attention to those around them since they figured Heroes will take care of whatever problem shows up this literal encounter marks a shift in shigaraki as not only a leader but an antagonist and leads us nicely into the climax of act 1 is when we get to see shigaraki at his highest points so far not only is he coming up with plans that like actually work but he's also treating the people in the league like actual comrades after getting a big boost in membership from leveraging stain's ideology shigaraki understands now that the media is a powerful tool after the previous arcs and utilizes it to spread his message further by attacking a summer camp full of children the state Arc was an absolute win for the heroes and we see shigaraki finally get to take a w by successfully capturing his Target and putting all eyes on you a this however feels short-lived as The Hideout gets rated by Heroes and shikaraki seemingly regresses for a bit screaming at all might for ruining his plans shikaraki goes back to being that screaming Man Child everyone recognizes from usj when his back is against the wall and he still crumbles under the weight of the forces he's fighting against this is what leads all for one to take the main stage The Guiding hand of shikaraki who has been attempting to build him into a stronger symbol AS all might in all for one duke it out we see extensions of everything that inspires a protagonist and antagonist battling on screen all night is a simple hero in a world of nuance just wanting to save for the sake of it and falling back on being a simple comic book hero as midoriya slowly grows to realize through events like his fight against Todoroki that things might not be that simple all for one is a simple villain in a world of nuance just wanting to stir for the sake of it and basically being a comic book villain as sugar Rocky matures to realize that the ways of all for one are lacking and how he can fill those holes this is a metaphor backed up by all for one's backstory with his brother the comics they used to read together that afo never bothered to finish kamino in its Fallout also serves to almost legitimize shigaraki and many other gripes with all my ideology the idea of being a symbol of peace it's not that Alma is a bad person or anything he's a great guy who is doing what he thinks is best but what happens when that pillar of Justice collapses everyone who felt like they could be saved by all my at any given time a person whose sole existence drove down crime suddenly collapses as a new era ability begins emphasis on new because all for one simple villainy for the sake of villainy also exits the stage a primary theme of my hero Academia is passing the torch or entrusting everything to the Next Generation as the old generation Falls these children are forced to accept the burden the adults failed to hold shotoroki carries the burdens of his father bakako and midoriya are two sides of a similar coin with regards to a more nuanced version of all my heroism and tomorrow accepts the torch from afo to beat this world's next symbol of fear midoriya and shigaraki are both now mentalists and they aren't truly ready to be thrust into this new world midoriya who has only mastered five percent of his power and as we see later on there is far more to one for all that meets the eye and he's still just a 16 year old boy that has yet to learn the nuances of this deeply gray world shigaraki still has a powered down version of his Quirk and as evidenced by the communal Arc cracks under the pressure and reverts to his simple screaming self when things don't go his way Midori and shigaraki's simultaneous growth only continues it only builds our hype for their inevitable second encounter the overhaul Arc further drives home The Narrative parallels between these two as it serves as a stark reminder of just how flawed they are and how much further they have to go this Arc serves as essentially a test for both vidori is faced with the version he would consider the ideal one for all candidate even going so far as to offer the power to him after the battle is over Victoria has to prove why all might was right in handing him OFA and he does so by going above and beyond what his narrative foil Mario does Mario decides to go against his heroic instinct to save Arie because it wasn't part of the plan whereas midoriya couldn't ignore the crying child in front of him that was holding on as tight as she could would midoriya actually trying to fight overhaul at this point and in tragedy it's probable but what would be more consistent than the kid who almost killed himself tried to save his middle school bully now putting it on the line again when he actually has power it's that Reckless sense of heroism that leaves midoriya to be the one rewarded in this Arc as he and Arie are the only ones that make it out uninjured Mario's corkless night eye is dead and everyone else is beaten and exhausted but the boy who is willing to Die to Save someone stance tall Midori also learns more about what kind of hero he wants to be as when he's backed into a corner of my overhaul he thinks that he wants to be strong enough that nobody has to worry about him anymore something he proves by twisting fate and surviving the encounter the Lov end up in becoming the more grounded villain group overhaul quickly abandons his ties having no issue utilizing his comrades as pawns when his back is against the wall and fusing them together the Lov however is built upon strong bonds and ironically their own Humanity something clearly contrasted by overhaul becoming a giant monster by the end of the arc rejecting the concept of quirks altogether something that informs people's individuality a core concept of the Lov something we come to learn from the myville and Academia Arc The Duality of Midori and shigaraki is shown once again here as matoria battles someone who has the power to touch and Destroy things and shigaraki's next antagonist has the power to increase his strength by percentages something I've spoken about regularly for my hero Academia is the original Japanese translation for quirks it's not just quirks that is in fact a localization what it translates to directly is more close to individuality the Behemoth that is the MVA Arc is something that sends this message home humanizing our villain casts and having them act as a set of secondary protagonists by grounding them having them all suffer from aspects of society one might witness in the present day it is when Thomas shigaraki begins to take the biggest steps of his own independence and raises the imminent sense of danger or Stakes that many felt lacking in mha himiko toga shows us the validity of being rejected for expressing your individuality the real issue of a world simply not suited for your existence jinpa by gawara shows us the validity of a world that has no Nets to catch you to stop you from falling just a little too far the real issue of a world simply not suited to support the people at the bottom spinner shows us the validity of being rejected for how you look forced into your home due to a fear of racial violence the real issue of a world that damns you for being born a certain way Tomar of shikaraki shows us so much how these people aren't born evil it isn't as simple as being naturally born like this in something much more Sinister tanko was a simple boy who wanted to be a hero but his abusive familial situation bred something far worse than anyone could have ever imagined God are the times of Tomah just being a bratty man child but now he becomes somebody who utilizes the power of His comrades who struts into danger to save someone a capable fighter and tactician and someone who overcomes his hurdle of the meta Liberation Army and utilizes the massive wealth they have to become something new his backstory furthers the parallels with midoriya who experienced the inequality of life as being born a oracle's boy with nobody who supported his dream of being a hero shigaraki was born much the same possibly a late bloomer born into a family who holds a disdain for Heroes in general despite his dream of being a hero they link up in that regard insofar as the shimora household hated Heroes due to the hyper fixation on hero work while midoriya suffered from that same expectation placed on his shoulders in this modern society and they both end up being connected by a solitary character not ashimura nanashimura is a quintessential character for both protagonist and antagonist as without nanashimura all might's heroism would have never been something that turned into something that Inspire midoriya and without nanoshimura tenko never would have felt that smidgen of hope that he would be a hero that would quickly be stabbed out instead having his victimhood be warped into murderous hatred and a connection shigaraki still holds this day as it Remains the solitary hand he is still in possession of after his rejection MVA this raises another question though what are the hands this is something I get much further into in an old video here but I'll summarize I remember how I said horikoshi draws hands because they are the body part most capable of showing expression and character that stands to be true as hands are a strong indicator for Connection in my hero Academia for midoriya his efforts of heroism were quite literally carved into his hands hit loses a totor rookie but saves him from his self-destructive path and ends up with wounds carved into his hand forming a connection with him that stands Four Seasons later he further destroys not just his arm but also his hand even further when he saves Kota from muscular the connections Midori has made so far are dug into his body something visually reinforced during the overhaul Arc as Arie takes his scarred disfigured hand saying how kind it felt the most pivotal or important scenes in mha have someone reaching out their hand to someone else child izuku and katsuki in the river all might containing the power of one for on his hand bakugou taking kiroshima's hand in the communal orc or more Sinister all for one reaching out to tenko shikaraki's initial design has him covered in 14 Hands being too childish to form actual connections with people we come to learn an NVA that these hands are from his family after his murder of them and the war orc shows us the visual metaphor of his family grabbing his Limbs and holding him back the hairs that he wears in a sense are almost like him holding on to those previous connections he had shackling him in a sense for a boy was literally incapable of reaching out and taking somebody's hand the hands of his late family are all he has left as tomorrow grows and evolves forming bonds with the league we see him begin to wear his hands less and less for each set of hands on his body a respective connection now exists in the present day whether it be kurugiri Dobby magnet toga spinner all for one or Mr compress shikaraki is someone who rejected connection clinging desperately other things from the past even feeling sick when the hands are off of him who grows into somebody capable of forming new bonds aspiratory izaku makes his first real friends so too does Thomas shikaraki as he decays the hands holding him to his past besides nanashimura's the final connection that remains to his previous life my villain Academia serves as shigaraki's final steps towards becoming a true the war orc is shigaraki's climax as a character the guy who we looked at on screen and went seriously now gives off the same image of death all for one gave off during kamino he has finally fully accepted the torch passed down from afo to become the world's next symbol of fear of course his time in the soup didn't allow him to get to 100 but he still emanates extraordinary power becoming a Maelstrom of death before he woke up shigaraki lay quite literally dead in a puddle of water inside his mind however much more was going on than meets the eye tenko was a very unusual name to have with 10 meaning a turn or a Twist and KO meaning Arc his future surname shigaraki meaning she death Gara a pattern or design and key a tree with his new first day of October I'm meaning two more a pattern of death in the morning shikaraki's upbringing represented nearly everything about his new name a character frequently misrepresented as evil for the sake of evil when in reality he was a boy molded by the experiences he lived we have seen time and time again in my hero Academia just how important childhood experiences can be in somebody's upbringing with bakugou we see his inflated ego due to is in it gives them privilege of eventually blowing up at his face to form into an inferiority complex with midoriya we see how his childhood of bullying and idolization of somebody like all might contributed to his overt self-sacrificial tendencies that are on full display in some portions of the series finally for sugar lucky we see just how deep the hatred for Heroes runs deep in his family the abusive environment his father created that spawn to the NADA and heroism is something that stuck with shigaraki well into his 20s he is a walking symbol a symbol of everything wrong with hero society as we know it somebody who suffered due to the bystander effect and complacency that was generated under almight's Reign all might was also a symbol the symbol of shigaraki's hatred shigaraki over the course of the series confuses many people for seeming to have multiple fleeting goals and that's true whether it be to kill all might or rebuild hero Society or whatever platitude he might have thrown out in the past he Reveals His Hand in My villain Academia his goal is not to rebuild but to destroy a world capable of birthing him it isn't a noble or sophisticated goal but it's the itch that resides deep inside of him a Nile is the goal that stands in stark contrast to the villains that surround him have to it twice just what they wrote to belong in how overhaul wanted to cure the world or how rodestro fought for cork Liberation when shigaraki breaks the hands in MVA we thought he broke those shackles of familial bonds to end his period of mourning but Q shikaraki's Awakening episode he appears inside some form of Vestige World surrounded by not just crumpling homes but a crumbling Society his one true desire to destroy all visualized in front of him hands float throughout the scene decaying from the wrist up you will notice that a vast majority of the hands on the scene are pointing in his Direction yet they Decay if Heads Are Meant to represent connection it's as if shikaraki feels no hand will reach him the same way he felt on the day of his taking it by afo and is grooming into the monster he has become the feeling that nobody will reach his hand and build that ball shigeraki who supposedly deemed his family unnecessary regresses for a moment it seems we see him confront his family and treat them normally it's as if he's coming to terms with that last bit of familial connection remaining suddenly all for one appears and demands to come to him now but his family grabs him and stops him in his place begging no pleading with him not to forget his family wants to stop him from marching towards the devil but shigaraki sees it as them rejecting who he is as he suffers that last bit of connection that may lie dormant within himself and it's almost as if he pins it all on Nana putting all of the blame for his father's actions and almight's existence on her shoulders as he marches towards a cross-like figure to the shimura family and the reader All For One is more like the devil to shikaraki all for one is the one who reached his hand out and saved him on that one bad day he sees him as his savior as somebody who can help him in this episode shigaraki confronts his entire life his symbol of fear his grandmother his family's rejection of his lifestyle and destroys the last bit of connection remaining with his family while he Embraces the devil whom he sees as his savior or so we think until he pulls out another hand before Endeavor engages him shikaraki still has one connection left with standing the hand of Nana shimura a connection to one for all shigaraki has come exceptionally far from the usj incident and we see him come into his own again by rejecting even all for one saying he wants to be better than the man who fell to the power of one person he says while he fights on 1v5 shigaraki's will is his own and who knows what is next for this symbol thank you for watching if you like this video remember to like comment and subscribe for the funny YouTuber algorithm you can also follow me down on Twitter below where I'm objectively correct all the time and you can join my Discord we'll be talking about my hero Academia raise your Jitsu kaisin and stuff like that you can also become a YouTube member which gives you all kinds of cool perks as well as their names scrolling below you see all those yeah you could be in there that's about it thank you for watching see you
Channel: AsarathaHS
Views: 116,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ybY1VmGUZ9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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