The Complete History of One for All in My Hero Academia!

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after more than 10 years of Secrets and major Revelations we finally have the complete history of one for all in my hero Academia everything started with the first user yoichi shigaraki he and his twin brother all for one were in their mother's womb for 8 months before she realized that she was pregnant all for one hogged most of the nutrients for himself causing yoichi to be very underdeveloped and small she was a homeless escort and as far as We Know she was the first Quirk user in history due to the hardened gross on her left arm after giving birth to the twins Alone by the river their mother immediately died her Quirk was the first one that all for one ever stole which he then used to form teeth and Claws so he could eat her corpse these two were born a year before the first documented Quirk user the luminescent baby from China back then meta abilities as they were called were seen as an inhuman disease the very definition of a human came into question and Society largely collapsed because of it laws became ineffective and the progression of society halted it said that if quirks hadn't emerged Humanity would have already benefited from Interstellar travel in the current day even as a little kid all for one slaughtered anyone who got in his way and stole their powers without Mercy yoichi was weak but still tried to make his brother stop for this he was beaten and although he didn't provide anything all for one had no intentions of ever letting him go he actually named his brother yoichi because it contains the kanji for give and one forever commemorating yoichi as the first thing given to him and yoichi needed his brother's permission to do anything together they bonded over a comic series known as Captain Hero in which a brave superhero battles against an all powerful Demon Lord and because they couldn't read at the time they simply looked at all the pictures and came to their own understanding yoichi dreamed of becoming a hero like the main character whereas his brother admired the Demon Lord who conquered the world at the time yoichi still had hope for his big brother he sincerely believed that his brother's power to give and take had the potential to be the kindest power in the entire world he clung to the fact that from the moment they were born his brother never let him go but 3 years later yoii lost all hope for his brother the luminescent baby was a major activist that was turning things around for metahumans in the eyes of the public he gained more than 10 million supporters however all for one argued that although the luminescent baby was the first documented case of a meta user 2 weeks before his birth 50 kids in India were born with meta abilities he didn't believe that the guy had the right to stand at the head of the pack so he killed him and stole his Quirk he told yoichi that he was inspired by what the comic showed him and loved the concept of one for all and all for one while his brother sought to become a hero someone who fights alone while hiding their identity he would become a villain who controls everything through fear thanks to yoichi and the comic he dreamt of creating a world where everyone only exists for his sake alone following the luminescent baby's lead all for one brought people together around himself and formed a Sinister organization you usurp the powerful and empowered the powerless his Twisted concept of friendship was rooted in manipul ation coercion exploitation and Terror he pushed countless people into doing nefarious things that furthered his Ambitions and before long he managed to take over Japan evil Reigns Supreme in a way that's pretty unfathomable for people of the modern day many who were under his control didn't even know it due to its dark nature and the way it depicts the country this aspect of history is largely neglected by textbooks and was believed to just be rumors in the modern day this is actually very similar to the real world as Japan's involvement in World War II doesn't really come up in their history classes either all for one insisted that his brother joined him but despite his fragile body yoichi's sense of justice was too great he refused and couldn't forgive all the harm that his older brother had done he didn't believe in metap Powers being used for personal gain yet that's all his brother did from there all for one locked his brother away in a vault yoishi refused to eat and continue to grow weaker by the day offer one tried to convince him by mentioning the comic they once enjoyed together but yoichi argued that his brother only read up to the third volume that after that you can see that the villain never wins in the end the Demon Lord believed that as someone born without metap powers yoichi simply lacked the strength to see his convictions through so he decided to Enlighten him with a dose of reality to ensure his brother's survival and open his eyes all for one gave him a quirk that allows power to be stockpiled within the body but he had no idea that yoichi already had a meta ability an underdeveloped version of all for one that could only transfer quirks making up for what the first one lacked the two Powers fused together creating one for all as we know it yoichi acknowledged he lengths his brother went to to keep him alive though he wished his brother could consider the feelings of others but while yichi was being held captive a man by the name of Kudo was leading a resistance against the villain but this wasn't like the heroic activities of today it was all out war in this especially harsh era to live was a victory and defeat meant death countless lives were taken and lost in the pursuit of their Ambitions eventually Kudo and his right-hand man Bruce were able to infiltrate one of all for one's locations and discovered his brother yoichi and despite knowing about their connection and having a chance to hit the villain where it hurts Kudo reached out to III instead all for one may have emerged from the desire to resist all for one but it was truly born when Kudo extended a hand to yoichi becoming his first friend yoichi was with the resistance for 2 months he told them how he failed to stop his brother and how he only sees people as toys and games meanwhile Al for one couldn't fathom why his beloved brother would run away from him despite being given power he blamed kudo's influence and insisted that the two separate and acknowledge Him all for one followed them into the sewers Kudo held yoichi's hand while guiding him away since he was far too frail to run effectively all for one then decided that if he couldn't have yoichi no one could and with a single touch all for one killed his only family in the entire world but unbeknownst to them all yoichi transferred his power to Kudo with the splatter of his own blood making Kudo the second wielder of one for all all for one kept his brother's severed hand as a momento in the same way shigaraki would for his family much later on through this he realized that the power he gave to yoichi was gone this had never happened before before then he assumed that he unconsciously stole his brother's power when they were babies but after some research he discovered that yoii had a meta ability all along but it was so weak that his own power didn't even register it and from there he correctly hypothesized that it may have been transferred to someone else something that all for one ironically considered theft since the very beginning all for one had been plagued internally by the vestages of all the people whose Powers he had stolen knowing that yoichi's power was still out there meant that it wasn't too late for him to have his brother forever Kudo and Bruce ran some tests of their own Bruce feared that all for one might have gotten his hands on their leader but that was quickly dismissed kudo's original Quirk was gearshift the ability to accelerate things so thing he typically applied to bullets hence the twin blasters that he wore on his arms but now besides kudo's natural meta Factor there was another nearly insignificant one despite this Kudo cherished a gift and viewed it as yoichi's will living on within him because of all this the two Rebels further theorized about the transference of power and at some point they even tested it making Bruce the third wielder of one for all but on one fateful day all for one finally got his hand on Kudo and gripped him by the neck the villain allowed himself to cry as a means of confusion and it worked all for one saw Kudo as a stuck up trivial weakling with a pathetic Quirk yet in his final moments Kudo flashed the Demon Lord a taunting smile when he mentioned his search for his brother Kudo reminded the fiend that yoichi is dead because a terrible villain killed him something that infuriated and haunted the Demon Lord for many years to come he hates this guy even more than all might a lot more the resentment he felt was so extensive that afterwards he wiped out kudo's entire bloodline and once that was done he purged each and every woman and child that was ever close to Kudo Bruce later took over the resistance in kudo's absence in a final stand he fought the Demon Lord with his Quirk B Jin the power to accumulate kinetic energy for later use by way of repetitive motion with ner a scratch on him or his expensive suit all for one impaled the man with his mother's Quirk the remnants of this battle persisted all the way into all might era however before this climactic battle Bruce transferred one for all to the fourth wielder iag shinomori shinomi wasn't a member of the resistance and actually kept away from society as a whole this was on account of his quk danger sense being overstimulated in such environments shinomi possessed one for all for a very long time instead of fighting an impossible battle against all for one he decided to strengthen the Quirk so it would better serve those who would wield it after him he trained with the power for 18 years but at the age of 40 he began to rapidly age and deteriorate which is why he has those lines on his face he died believing it was due to an unknown disease or a failure of his training but as all might uncovered through medical documents and his autopsy report shom Mor's death was actually due to his possession of multiple quirks being born with a quirk in addition to possessing one for all is too much for the human body to Bear an issue that would only become more pressing with each transfer realizing that his health was rapidly failing shinomori transferred the power to the fifth wielder daoro banjo known as Lariat he was the first professional hero of them all although he wasn't especially popular his Quirk black whip allowed him to produce strands of energy that were best suited for midair maneuverability and capture which only grew stronger thanks to intense emotions like anger all for one tracked the hero down and believed that one for all was finally within his grasp since it hadn't been transferred yet but the Demon Lord was thoroughly shocked because For the First time ever a quirk had refused him he couldn't overcome the concentrated will of The Quirk after most of his body was crushed beneath tons of rubble due to this fight banjo used his blood to pass one for all on to the six user an tautai A young Pro Hero by the name of smoke eater and wasn't particularly strong and even looked down on his own Quirk smoke screen the power to produce dense clouds of purple smoke from his body at some point he befriended the proh hero shimana eventually all for one hunted n and split him in two but in the midst of his dense Smoke N was able to pull out his own hair and pass it on to his friend Shimmer andana and all for one locked eyes for a moment before she made her Escape jimana was the only woman to ever wield one for all and as far as we know was the only parent she had a son named kotaro She's also the first wielder to share the secret of one forall with someone who didn't later inherit the power Gran Torino around this time a quirkless middle schooler by the name of Toshi noragi lost his entire family to The Soaring crime rates of the time period he rejected the unreasonable state of the world despite being powerless he is insisted on making the world a better place jimana first met toshinori after she took down nearly a dozen criminals and he showed up planning to do the same with a pipe Shana's Quirk float allowed her to levitate in midair the young man looked up at the hero as if she were a goddess from then on he followed her around begging to become her disciple but despite his please she continued to reject him since he didn't even have a quirk she suggested that he used a broken pipe to protect his loved on when he admitted that his family was killed a long time ago she told him that her family was killed too but she wasn't interested in helping him get revenge kinori told her how fed up he was with how things were how criminals were rewarded for the misdeeds and how sorrowful victims eventually became blinded by rage in a NeverEnding cycle this was nothing new to the hero but when she looked at him she was stunned instead of wanting Revenge Toshi Nori told her his vision of a world where everyone can live live with a smile and that for such a world to become a reality they would need a symbol a symbol of peace he wanted to alleviate the darkness in people's hearts and eliminate Their Fear while everyone else was busy protecting their loved ones he would give his life for this purpose since he was quirkless and born without a role after hearing this chimana decided to accept him and if it wasn't for this declaration granino would have most likely become the eighth whe ER of one for all shimana eventually gave toshinori the Quirk and he enrolled in UA the hero school where Gran Serino was a Home Room teacher together they trained him to become the ideal hero he sought to be and it was during this that she taught him the importance of a smile with the death of her husband at the hands of a villain a fate she foresaw for herself shimana decided to leave her son at a foster home her love for him was extensive and undeniable but she feared for his future and and safety she even told toshinori and granino to stay out of her son's life even if the worst happens to her promise that would later spell disaster in the decades to come knowing how exploitive all for one would be she messed with the family register and had to convince herself that she never had a child to begin with sometime later shimana Gran Torino and toshinori fought against all for one himself seeing that the fight was unwinable she pushed her disciple away and told Gran toino to look after him and ensure that his dream comes true she pointed at her successor with a smile to let him know that it was his turn to take her place as all alone she stood against the Incarnation of evil in her final moments with a blood smeared face like Kudo before her shimana smiled in the face of evil she laughed as he strangled her and let him know that all might would be the one to show the villain defeat because Toshi Nori is even crazier than he is after losing the woman he saw as his own mother and graduating from UA all might fled to America to avoid all for one there he continued to train and gain experience as a hero when he returned to Japan his rise to prominence was unlike anything the world had ever seen before as the symbol of peace all might forc the crime rate to below 6% in time he even accepted sir n ey as his sidekick and told him the truth about one for all all might had won for all for a whopping 40 years in that time the power fit him perfectly and truly became his Quirk because he lacked power from the very beginning he was able to draw out its true strength in time all might finally clashed against all for one and just like shimana had hoped for the first time in history all for one had been defeated all might ruin the villain's head Beyond recovery all for once control over Japan finally finally came to an end but in the process he suffered terrible and irreparable damage to his stomach and respiratory system severely limiting his use of one for all from then on the events of their battle were wiped from all records and kept a secret for the sake of maintaining peace all might heroic activities were limited to about 3 hours a day it wasn't until 5 years later that he found a worthy successor in the ninth and final user of one for all isuku dor but although they were both quirkless deku's natural physique was nowhere near all might at his age so before he could inherit the power which had been made stronger and stronger over several decades deu needed to train for 10 months and even then using the Quirk at all was enough to severely injure him but even after the transfer all might still had access to one for all's Embers a lingering and fading fragment of the power all for one first learned about all might's successor from shigaraki after the usj incident deu first encountered the vestages of one forall while facing shinso during the sports festival their Collective willpower was enough to break Deku free from the brainwashing Quirk during the kamino incident all might had yet another climactic battle against all for one making him the first wielder to ever do so this was at the expense of his Embers however and yet again all might was able to defeat the Demon Lord and just like shimana all might pointed a finger towards his successor sending the message that now it was up to deu to take his place this served as a major Catalyst to bakugo learning about one forall and entering the Inner Circle sometime later after some basic stamina training and one forall practice deu fell asleep and saw the many vessages of one for all more clearly although Kudo and Bruce were too far away for him to see properly and it would seem that this was intentional on their part as they refused to accept him as their successor after seeing the origins of one for all for himself deu was approached by yoichi the first wielder wanted to show him more butu could only handle 20% of The Quirk by then all might had only experienced this sort of thing once but in his case there was no direct interaction between himself and the vestages before him shimana also had a dream where yoii told her that it wasn't time yet the day after his dream Deku suddenly gained access to banjo's Black whip quirk overwhelmed by pain and a lack of control which he'd worked so hard to cultivate de's negative emotions only made The Quirk rage more after a bit of help from his friends Deku was mentally visited by banjo himself who scolded him Deku couldn't respond and banjo didn't have much time to speak he explained that after all this time one for all's core was finally beginning to grow thanks to the accumulated power that surrounds it the desire to capture someone triggered the emergence of black whip deu would inherit six additional quirks in total but due to the power accumulation they would be far stronger than they were in the past the fifth user insisted that Deku gained greater control over his own heart to make proper use of them it was up to deu to complete one for all banjo's Vibe voice and demeanor all reminded deu of all might this was enough to reassure him that one for all was an ally that he could depend on in order to control his heart deu remembered his origin and how how far he had come it was enough to make him feel like anything was possible and for a second he made excellent use of his new Quirk but at only 20% black Whip's supercharged power was too much for his body to handle the revelation of one for all containing additional quirks was concerning to bakugo and all might on account of how similar it sounded to all for one's power deu and bakugo began training to force the Quirk out but to no avail but knowing that it was too much to handle for the moment Deku mentioned envisioned locking and unlocking it as a means of control he practiced this process every day for the next 2 weeks once he felt comfortable with the containment process he decided to unlock Black whip again but this time like with one for all he would only release as much of the Quirk as he could properly control which wasn't much at first at the same time all might was gathering as much information as he could on one for all's previous users and given the scarcity of information on previous generations it was quite the undertaking while fighting nine on Nabu Island Deku transferred one for all to bakugo this desperate move allowed the two of them to finally stop the villain together Deku and bakugo using one for- all like this was an early concept horic Koshi had for the end of the series miraculously one for all remained with deu and only extended itself to bakugo temporarily in fact bakugo has no recollection of using the power At All by the Time Deku joined endeavor's agency he already had some ideas on how he'd use black web such as applying Concepts from his Air Force move something he was able to figure out and do in only one week thanks to simultaneous processing Deku heard yoichi's voice warned him when shigaraki reemerged with the Quirk all for one their communication was still limited so that's all the first was able to convey shigaraki's mention of one for all was repeated by Endeavor and was overheard thanks to his Communicator this was the leak that finally brought the existence of one for all to the Public's attention after shigaraki severely injured a racer head and Gran arino deu had a hard time controlling his emotions but to deal with the villain spread of Decay deu finally unveiled shiman Nana's float Quirk due to the loose similarity of their powers Deku was able to train black Whip and Float alongside ururaka Sue and Sero before the war and ahead of manifestation doing so prevented the emergence from becoming an emergency like black whip was after bakugo was hurt like the others deku's anger finally boiled over danger sense activated and he tore through the villain's rivid stab Quirk but this emotional instability was exactly what the villain needed to try and steal one for all the vestage worlds of one for all and all for one met at a crossroad deu couldn't speak and he also couldn't move just yet so in his place as a most recent emergence shimana showed up like banjo had before and used the opportunity to resist the villains shigaraki's hatred was strong enough to cause damage to one for all's world but this was halted when yichi joined the conflict all for one claimed that such an incredible power was wasted on someone as useless as deu but yichi argued that deu was perfect his heroic spirit and desire to save others was beyond all common understanding this made him the perfect vessel to resist the unyielding hatred of shigaraki Deku even managed to briefly speak and move inside the World which was such a strong force of will that it ejected the Invaders even with his arms and legs ruined deu managed to use black whip in the most unconventional way yet by emulating Sue with his froppy style attack almost immediately afterwards he involuntarily anticipated the threat of giganto Makia with danger sense after briefly falling unconscious due to DB's heat danger sense activated yet again because he hadn't trained The Quirk at all its emergence was akin to that of black whip and was taking a major toll on him it was a struggle just to remain conscious against the over stimulation once the dust settled and the conflict was over Deku entered a coma at the same time speculation about one for all began and led back to deu but while deu was out all might could faintly sense a version of himself that was inside one for all this was enough to assure him that Deku was speaking with the previous users as it turns out this coma was induced by them for the sake of having a meeting with the ninth user the limitations of their communication had been removed this allowed them to communicate with not only deu but each other however they would still op to give him a bit of privacy whenever needed recalling the sensation of shouting at all for one deu became able to speak with the others albeit in a muffled sort of way before this point the general consensus was that the spirits of past users were kept within one for all in reality their vestages were effectively representations of their quirk the sole exception being all might as he was quirkless by making the power his own all might truly imbued one for all with a piece of his own Consciousness so long as he remains alive his vestage would remain incomplete it was explained to deu that one for all can no longer be possessed by a normal person and by normal person they meant someone with a quirk as someone born quirkless wouldn't be killed by the overburden of the power but quirkless in his generation is exceptionally rare and only becoming rarer and even then such incredible power couldn't be given to just anyone with that in mind they all came to the conclusion that deu was more than likely their final hope the last wielder of one forall despite this Kudo and Bruce refused to accept deu as the one who would bring an end to their Eternal fight they believed he was nothing more than a peace-seeking fool who plan to save their mortal enemy but with the increased strength of their connection the vestiges gained access to deku's Memories it's thanks to this that Kudo began to understand the ninth user he realized that the kid doesn't give up on anyone considering how bakugo treated him Kudo thought that it would only be natural for Deku to hate the guy yet he always chose to believe in the hearts of others no matter how deeply buried they might be and this was enough to change their minds although he wasn't directly involved in the meeting all might's lingering connection to one for all was able to Bas certain feelings to him as one for all grows within deu so to does his connection to all might when he was approached by his fellow Heroes all might finally decided to tell them everything he knew about one forall after he regained Consciousness deku's control over one forall had risen to 45% what would have previously resulted in the permanent loss of his arms was offset by his Newfound use of black whip the black tendrils reinforced his limbs from the inside out once that was cleared up the truth about one for all was revealed to deku's Mom inko from there Deku revealed the truth about one forall to his classmates by leaving each of them a dedicated letter postwar deku's connections to the previous users had improved enough for him to communicate with them at will in the real world they would remain invisible to anyone else but he could now depend on their help and guidance this Fed Up deku's Quirk development considerably he was even able to figure out smokescreen in the field with n's guidance n urged him to think of their powers as simply being Tools in his Arsenal as opposed to being Standalone abilities but deu had too much respect for their powers to totally buy into the concept after all this was a bit of self-deprecation from n while pushing himself against lady Nan deu opted to learn Bruce's F gin Quirk on the spot but it still wasn't perfect since his parallel processing couldn't keep up and his movements were faltering he was switching between the combination of one for all 45% danger sense and smok screen and the combination of black whip B Jin and Float realizing this Deku limited himself to only one for all 45% black Whip and Fa Jin while applying a concept from physics to imitate all might and move faster than a speeding bullet this was a level of simultaneous Quirk use that had only ever been seen from the likes of all for one and deu did it on the spot once Deku got the hang of this even while exhausted he was stronger than all of class one 1 a combined during the final war while on the precipice of death bakugo's lingering connection to one for all allowed him to be visited by all might's vestage when Deku finally faced shigaraki again the sight of his severely injured friends and a seemingly dead bakugo overwhelmed him his emotions spiraled out of control like the last time they fought but thanks to the words of lillion and the advice of the fifth user Deku managed to reign in his feelings and control his wrath Deku combine black whip with fa Jin to create the ultimate capture combo a super move called black chain from there he finally unveiled kudo's supercharged gearshift Quirk an understanding of the power spread to every cell in his body at this point gearshift was powerful enough to bend the very laws of physics deu became the fastest Quirk user in history and could deliver four times the amount of force to his Detroit smash he could change his speed at will while ignoring inertia deu was able to make perfect use of his many quirks to their fullest extent and through the Resonance of their quirks the consciousness of all for one within shigaraki was able to see yoichi and the others very briefly in the midst of his battle against shigaraki Deku could sense all might's determination against all for one through their shared connection a connection which allowed a barely conscious all might to be visited by the vestage of shimana very briefly when all might was on the verge of death at the hands of the villain his vestage within one for all began to fade away as a sign of death's encroachment deu was immediately able to sense when bakugo woke up as if he were revealed by a tremendous light and just like during their fight against nine their feelings became one through one for all they didn't need to exchange any words to spring into action together at the same time all might's vestage within one forall started to look more and more like his real self but when all might was saved these changes to vestage were undone when bakugo fought against all for one the villain's anger towards him was even higher than it was for all might according to him the eyes of one forall second user had transcended both space and time to be with bakugo despite lacking a blood relation bakugo had inherited kudo's will shigaraki managed to touch deku's face for a fraction of a second and attempted to steal one for all the villain's hatred had finally surpassed the combined Wills of the previous user this was preemptively detected by shinomori thanks to Danger sense he pushed the other vessages out of the way and sacrificed himself because of this danger sense had been stolen from one for all even his chair faded away Deku took his black chain move to the next level with gearshift but couldn't hit the mark now that shigaraki had danger sense deu was forced to use black whip as a purely defensive orb thankfully Only The Quirk had been stolen and not the physical strength that had been cultivated by the fourth this was because the accumulated strength was stored within one for all itself and not their individual Quirk factors but due to the theft shigar rocki's closeness to one forall allowed him to see the previously invisible vestages with the loss of danger sense one for all's power distribution shifted and deku's internal use of black whip increased to the point of unconsciously contracting his muscles this took F Jin to its absolute kinetic maximum the wind pressure alone was capable of City scale destruction by using gear shift's low gear on smoke screen deu was able to make it last longer black whip had become so powerful that it could even be seen through deku's skin but just like how shigar rocki could see the vestages of one for all Deku was able to see the dark complex within all for one at this point one for all was undoubtedly strong enough for Deku to totally annihilate shigaraki with a single allout punch but although the blowback from gearshift was debilitating deu refused to end things like that and because deu could see inside all for one the vestages could too the hollow remnant of star and strip's Consciousness communicated with all might's vestage she revealed the location of shigar rocki's hidden vulnerability to him something that she noticed just before completely fading away this came to an unconscious all might like a dream despite the extreme distance between them all might could feel the will of the previous users flow through him along with the fact that one for all was becoming fr shigaraki also detected star's presence he was sure that he extinguished her but realized that although she's dead an Embers still remain thanks to all might's vestage Kudo noticed the crack within the lump of lead that was shigaraki's rage frustrations and memories a mental wound that had been formed while fighting star and stripe that couldn't be healed by the villain's hyper regeneration Kudo hatched a plan to exploit this weakness From the Inside by forcibly transferring one for all to shigaraki all might's vestage even urged him to convey the plan in terms of image training since it was the easiest way for Deku to learn after all even de's full cow technique was developed with wall jumping mechanics from Mega Man X in Mind by transferring the quirks onto him with enough Force they would be shattered into pieces and be rendered unusable by the villain to close the distance and execute this operation deu unveiled his overlay form the ultimate expression of black whip with it he managed to Puppeteer his own body yet another use of The Quirk that will surpass the imagination of its original user to counter shigaraki Deku emulated UA's anti- Decay system by preemptively sending his black chains underground he then uprooted the massive chunk of land that the villain touched to counter his search Quirk Deku coated one of black Whip's tendrils with his own blood which had been infused with kudo's vestage and he forced shigaraki to depend on search with the use of smokescreen and an ingenious use of the six users Quirk that moved the self-deprecating N to tears thanks to the opportunity Deku managed to hit shigar rocki both inside and out at the expense of the second user because of this the proximity of the quirks all for one and one for all became even closer to the point where Deku and shigaraki's memories began to fuse together shigaraki also inherited the fatigue of gear shift's overuse The Next Time Deku hit him only and managed to break through the villain's hatred fueled rejection now uninhibited by The Recoil of gearshift with shigaraki Force onto the defensive deu ravaged his way through the villain's finger cluster like a rabid animal with his next punch Deku successfully transferred all of the remaining vestages with the exception of shimana in doing so he entered shigaraki's mindscape and arrived at the villain's childhood home as a one for-all user he gained a physical form that could interact with the internal world but this also meant that he was just as vulnerable to damage as shigaraki he was joined by shimana who helped him bypass the final layer of shigaraki's rejection by saving the crying child within the villain from his father's wrath the lump of lead was totally obliterated and one for all's final vestage was removed to put an end to shigaraki's suffering and the terror it caused Deku sacrificed his own body to stop tenko from using Decay on his family at the expense of his arm arms deu completed the transfer of one for all to shigaraki fracturing what little remained of the villain's Consciousness but as a result all for one's vestage was able to reemerge and regain control over his vessel's body Deku was ejected from the mindscape and the loss of his arms remained but with the aid of AR's severed horn deku's body was rewound to about two to three minutes beforehand however this did not return one for all to him but although de who lacked The Quirk proper like all might before him his Embers had yet to be extinguished with the help of his friends and all of Japan's remaining Heroes Deku Rose to the occasion and struck all for one's new form the raw crystallization of power honed by nine users was so volatile that it completely suppressed a villain's hyper regeneration with one Ember back punch the villain was shattered like glass despite the monster's resistance Deku followed this up with one more punch to end it all internally all for one was visited by a tiny fragment of yoichi's Consciousness that Deku intentionally Left Behind before the transfer by adjusting his power it responded to the impact of deku's Embers and allowed the first user to speak with his brother one last time and Deku did the same for kudo shimana Bruce banjo and an shimana even extended this to her grandson shigaraki together they finally struck the the final blow Against All For One finally fulfilling one for all Century spanning purpose this has been the complete history of one for all as always I'm slice otaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day I love you
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 65,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, mha, deku, one for all, one for all history, anime, manga, plot armor my hero academia, plot armor mha, one for all explained, mha explained, my hero academia explained, one for all users, end of my hero academia
Id: 4ZyerZLRldM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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