Shepherd’s Chapel – Eze 33 32 34 31 Watch out for fake preachers

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word Book of Ezekiel L strengthens us God strengthens us that's the only to true strength there is beloved remember that always our Father from chapter 24 through 32 in this book of ezekiel told us of the babylonian war which means satan's coming as the king of babylon in the end times it's going to happen in and to this generation according to the parable of the fig tree so you want to be prepared for that then in the last lecture we covered chapter 33 lacking two verses which God said I'm setting out watchman this is what you're supposed to watch for and and then when we come to the 34th chapter which we're going to cover today mostly then he's going to tell you what to watch out for so having said that if you have eyes to see and ears to hear you are one of those Watchmen you know he's coming and you know you're going to witness against him with the Holy Spirit doing the talking how precious it is and what a time to live word of wisdom from our Father we ask it in your shoe his name chapter 33 let's pick it up with verse 32 and finish the chapter of the watchman and verse 32 reads and lo thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice the truth always sounds good and can play well on an instrument for they hear thy words but they do them not and this is the way many people are they love to hear but they can't do they won't do and if you want God's blessing you're going to be a doer that's that's what pleases him verse 33 to complete the chapter and when this cometh the past lowly it will come you can count on it the false ones coming then shall they know that a prophet has been among them then they will know that you knew what you were talking about before the event came to pass that's what a prophet is is one that knows the events and to teach the prophets or what the prophets teach is the Word of God and the Word of God foretells us all things if you'll just take a little time and listen to our Father speak now we come to chapter 34 and it's a very interesting chapter this is what you're supposed to watch out for okay verses 1 through 16 is to the false shepherds that's fake preachers preachers that don't take care of the Sheep if anything they rip them off and verses 17 through 22 is the false flock that is to say the leaders of the flock political and deacons otherwise fakes and then 23 through 30 it's the true Shepherd the Lord Jesus Christ in this particular chapter these are the things you look out for chapter 34 verse 1 and 1 of the Lord came unto me saying to son of man prophesy against not for against the shepherds the preachers of Israel prophesy and say unto them thus saith the Lord God into the Shepherd's woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves should not the Shepherd's feed the flocks I mean this you know a shepherd ten sheep a shepherd always provides pasture that's why pastures are called pasture because they're supposed to provide pasture for the sheep that means to feed them and you know something nature itself is always one of the best teachers there is if you've ever had any experience in agriculture I don't care if it's sheep or cattle if you feed them if you have a regular feeding place and you feed them they will be there it's the same way with people your church won't dry up if you'll feed them what do I feed them Amos chapter 8 first thirteen the famine in the end times is not for bread but for hearing the Word of God chapter by chapter verse by verse feed them and they will come verse three talking again to the fake preachers verse three you eat the fat that belongs to God you don't touch it and you clothed you with the world you you shave them down too they don't have anything left you kill them that are fed but you feed not the flock and you take my sacrifices and you consume them all yourself and but when it comes to feeding the flock the Word of God you don't turn a tap verse for the deceased and have yet have you not strengthened you didn't take care of them neither have you healed that which was sick neither have you bound up at which was broken neither have you brought again that which was driven away neither have you sought that which was lost but with force and with cruelty have you ruled them and so it is you don't give them a break you know you might say well he's a nice man if he does not teach you the Word of God he's robbing you blind if he does not teach you the Word of God it's playing dangerously with your soul because as we learned in those nine chapters from 24 through 32 the false christ is coming and he's going to come before the lord jesus christ does if if your preacher doesn't teach that he's harming you tremendously he's setting you up whereby you could actually instead of worshiping Christ worship Satan that's how serious it is well how serious is that well if you worship Satan you're going to hell how's that so it's very important that don't let somebody rip you off if if you go to a place and God's Word is in the talk chapter by chapter and verse by verse you need to study yourself okay to show yourself approved rightly dividing the word of God verse five and they were scattered because there is no shepherd they were without a shepherd basically a teacher and they became meat to all the beasts of the field when they were scattered I mean they became lost God never has never lost anymore the ten tribes that went north the some some of them were lost but without a shepherd to feed them to talk about the migrations but the blessings even with Christ the true Shepherd which we will find in the 23rd and 24th verses of this same chapter whomsoever will verse 6 my sheep wondered through all the mountains us nations and upon every high hill gate my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth and none did search nor seek after them and it is true the real truth of who gods the house of Israel the house of Judah and the other nations which we have studied in best God doesn't leave anyone out all nations are there we covered every nation there is in those chapters 24 through 32 God loves all of his children but God is against preachers teachers priests Shepherds so-called that do not feed the Word of God to the children he doesn't like it you can't blame him 7 therefore you Shepherds hear the word of the Lord this is what's going to happen 8 as I live saith the Lord God swearing by himself surely because my flock become a prey and my flock became meat to every beast of the field because there was no Shepherd neither did 9 Shepherd sir for my flock but the shepherds fed themselves and fed not my flock a little well this is a ministry here we don't really care about teaching God's Word chapter but chapter but I do want all of you to sit I'm mimicking now don't you think I'm saying this all of you if you want a blessing from God send a thousand dollar bill here to us there's no such thing anymore maybe that is it may ripoff artist I mean they shared those sheep right down to where it hurts they beg and God listen to me it's real easy to spot them God as he would teach through the son in the New Testament when he said don't take script and don't take a purse that means a bigging bag don't you dare be representing my name and get out there and start begging well if you're teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse if you're feeding you don't have to beg you will never hear anyone beg and you will never hear any so-called money raising program on this network as they in it why because we don't have to beg why because we feed the sheep and people are wise enough to appreciate that enough that they keep us coming to them thank God for that you've got to feed the sheep feed them and they will come but they do need to hear the word of God and God insists on it Christ became the Living Word in the word monk where the word became flesh and walked among us John chapter 1 verse 9 therefore o ye Shepherds hear the word of the Lord verse 10 thus saith the Lord God behold I am against the shepherds and I will require my flock at their hand and cause them to cease from feeding the flock neither shall the Shepherd's feed themselves anymore for I will deliver my flock from their mouth that's from their lies that come from their mouths that they may not be meat for more than you know what he's talking about here he's talking to you you read it before we started the nine chapters that tailed for sure that the Antichrist is coming he warned you what to be careful of and he told you plainly he said these false teachers even daughters of my own people so purchased that cover every knuckle every index every digit of my outreach saving arms where you can't see the true salvation instead of seeing the salvation the hands of Almighty God what did they do verse 19 and will you pollute me among my people this is chapter 13 same book this is what he warned us about four barley a piece of barley and four pieces of bread to slay the souls that should not die and to save the souls alive that should not live by your lying to my people that hear your lies verse 20 this is the false teaching listen to it because thus saith the Lord God behold I am against your pillows that's covering my saving hands we're with you there hunt the souls to make them fly with your rapture doctrine and I will tear them from your arms and we'll let the souls go even the souls that you hunt to make them fly the God is returning to this earth and he expects his true children to have on the gospel armor and to stand against the fiery darts of Satan when that false Christ appears how precious it is is it any wonder that he's upset at his shepherds when they're even telling people you don't have to understand the Word of God you don't need to understand the book of Revelation you're going to fly out of here that's false that is not biblical and God will revenge that you know I'm glad that judgment starts at the pulpit because every time a man sets himself up a preacher or a teacher man or woman doesn't matter and you are deliberately or in ignorance misleading people by not doing your homework you're going to answer for every sin those people commit the only judgment day because you are the one that misled them it's a pretty serious thing you want to think about it now returning to chapter 34 next verse we pick it up with verse 11 for thus saith the Lord God behold I even I emphasis will both search my sheep and seek them out I'll find them I know where they are I haven't lost them 12 as a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered so will I seek out my sheep and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day the time of Satan and heathenism that comes upon the world false teaching straight from Babel and 13 and I will bring them out from the people and gather them from the countries and will bring them to their own land and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers and in all the inhabited places of the country in other words the unrolled cities that I have set aside I'm glad we have this great free nation god provided it there it's no accident that we're the superpower of superpowers in god we trust' 14 I will feed them in a good pasture and upon the high mountains of Israel shall therefore be that's that's where they're gonna graze there shall they lie in a good fold that means they've got peace and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel God said I will feed them and you know something he feeds us very well from his word if you'll only take the time to cover it to absorb it to hear it - let it sink in - meditate upon it that's the the word meditation comes from a cow bringing the hood up and chewing it over and over and over meditation meditation meditation on the word of God the will of God the wishes of God to do that to better yourself no but to please God as well as bettering yourself 15 I will feed my flock and I will will cause them to lie down saith the Lord God in other words when a flock can lie down they're at peace they know there's no danger they know that they're safe from harm and that's what our father's word does for you well how could how could we exercise that today what's real simple if you've ever read Luke chapter 10 verse 19 he gives us power over all of our enemies and evil spirits demonics in Christ's name they run from you and you can stay anywhere you wish as long as you use common sense and be safe knowing God loves you and that you have power over the enemy don't ever let him smell you okay and never be afraid to exercise power that God gives you 4:16 I will seek that which was lost and bring again that which was driven away and will bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick but I will destroy the fat and the strong I will feed them with judgment I'm gonna give them everything they've got coming to them what our Father is saying here those that weren't fed those that were lied to do you know when this happens it's the Millennium a lot of people said well you know just stop right there brother you're teaching the second chance they did with what's taught by these fake Shepherds they haven't got a prayer coming out the gate they're going to be deceived when Satan comes saying I'm I'm the Lord Jesus Christ and I've come to rapture you away jumping his buggy okay they're loaded and locked for it they're taught it year in year out unfortunately it's not biblical and you know something our Father doesn't like it our Father sends watchmen to take the real Word of God and to teach it especially in this generation hear the word of the Lord he will feed them with judgment means they're going to get everything they got coming to them all at one time 17 and s4 and here we start that that ends the first 16 verses of the false shepherds now we come to the so-called leaders are the false sheep those that set themselves up politically and are otherwise and try to rip off the Sheep listen to it 17 through 20 - we'll have this report and as for you know my flock just say at the Lord God behold I judge between cattle and cattle I know your thoughts between the Rams and the he goats and of course he goes to those that are in charge basically prancing here and prancing there you might say the so-called leaders of the people not the preachers politically and otherwise 18 seemeth it a small thing and to you to have eaten that the good pasture but you must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures and to have drink of the deep waters but you must fowl the residue with your feet you when when you go through you muddy stuff up so bad that the average person the working person can't get a decent bite out of it and when it comes to water you get in there and stir up with your feet the mud and the filth until they can get it not get a decent drink or what is he saying they don't care about the people the so-called political leaders and otherwise in large part not all we don't judge all of anything but you know I don't have to tell you you know who's doing this you know who it is that muddies the water you know who it is that prevents many times and through greed that they stomp on and walk on people to get ahead verse 19 and as for my flock they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet and they drink that which you have fouled with your feet that's all they've got instead of having the Word of God talk to them chapter by chapter and verse by verse all I get is a bunch of malarkey the men's imagination traditions of men that make void the Word of God verse 20 therefore thus saith the Lord God into them behold I even I for emphasis will judge between the fat cattle in between the lame cattle I know your thoughts I know those scrawny cattle that have been mistreated going to be a day of change coming verse 21 because you have thrust with side and with shoulder and pushed all the diseased with your horns no mercy till you have scattered them abroad no sympathy no compassion whatsoever every sign that one of God's elect halves is compassion for each other you don't show any sign of it verse 22 to finish the the sheep therefore will I save my flock and they shall no more be a prey and I will judge between the cattle and cattle you're going to get what you got coming to you you know God is always fair he even knows what you're thinking you can't hide anything from him don't try to take advantage of his sheep I mean you'd be fair God is fair and sometimes tough love can seem like unfairness within itself when it's called for dish it out it's necessary to keep peace and so he does with these goats these he goats that likes to kick up trouble he'll take care of it young verse 23 we come to the truth Shepherd and how blessed that is that we've really got him godly let have him all the time but this is what you watch out for this is what the Watchmen was set on the edge for this is how you determine with knowledge and information concerning the true Shepherd verse 22 therefore well I saved my flock and will no more be a prey and I will judge between cattle and cattle without that 23 and I will set up one Shepherd over them and he shall beat them even my servant David he shall feed them and he shall be their Shepherd in other words naturally we're talking here about the Lord Jesus Christ through the lineage of David out of the stem of Jesse he would come and this is our promise this is our hope and our Heavenly Father so loves his children that he doesn't like to see him world around he didn't like to see him ripped off and don't ever think for a moment he doesn't know he certainly does whom he blesses he blesses and whom he curses he curses he allows Satan to work them over real good verse 24 and I the Lord will be their God and my servant David a prince among them I the LORD have spoken yet I want you to make a mental note because when we get to chapter 46 verse 1 I'm going to quiz you about this who is the Prince spoken of here you want to remember David a man a man after God's own heart the lolled David though he did badly wrong and if you places God still used him through him would come that seat the Lord Jesus Christ but again when we get to 46 1 I'm on I'm gonna test your memory about the prince verse 25 and I will make with them a covenant of peace not of war not of babble of peace and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land and they and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods you know many times that's unsafe I'm gonna fix it so that you can sleep anywhere and rest quite easy it's going to be just fine I'm going to take care of it you know something I believe that with all my heart and and I know that that day is coming I know right now if you have eyes to see and if you're a watchman God already has is covering you or by when you utilize common sense learn from the Word of God that hearing to his promises and not only being a here but a doer he sees to it verse 26 and I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing that's the even their joining villages and I will cause the shower to come down in his season there shall be showers of blessings not only the shower that sprouts the in burial in the ground but the shower of the latter-day rain that brings full knowledge and full flavor to the fruit of that the very plant provides produces it's going to be plenty of everything but mostly plenty of our heavenly father's truth instead of lies deception and having to decipher one from the other Wayne well is this person real or not you don't ever want to worry too much about persons worried about the work don't worry about it but cover the Word of God and then you'll know who to trust there won't be doubt about it verse 27 and the tree of the field shall yield her fruit and the earth shall yield her increase and they shall be safe in their land and shall know that I am the Lord when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them does that come to pass yet you know very well it has not you know that that is future but it's going to come to pass and our heavenly father is very much in control how precious it is to have his word his command and to know that he is in charge that he is in control and you are safe served of themselves of them number no more false shepherds no more false teachers no more ripoff artists no more people lying to the God's children to mislead them you know this is something you want to be real careful of a good psychologist can talk a mean battle and even be against Christianity and yet make people feel good by knowing how to play on the strings of their heart through through psychology but that doesn't make it true and you can pretty well tell by this you know you'll have people that'll walk out of churches and nothing oh my wasn't that a wonderful service that well what did you learn if it's just wonderful I just feel good no what did you learn from God's Word well I didn't learn anything case made what are you learning what did you get from it other than feel good that's what you want to think about you want to take away truth the knowledge and understanding knowing that Almighty God is in control right today and that if you love him and you're a doer of his word he's going to bless you you can count on it so you won't be where and be watchful for those that like to play Church and feel-good little people then little church sneak door you know if it's if the little church next door teaches God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse fantastic support it if it doesn't then you're in danger going there well no brother are you going against no that's not against Christianity that's against false teachers verse 28 and they shall no more be a prey to the heathen teachers neither shall the beasts of the land devour them but they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afraid this word heathen here is a word you need know it's gooey the or the Kenites okay don't ever let anyone tell you any different there are small people that really come strong with the false messiah and they're none of then his own children the many people that understand languages like to kind of twist that around and if you're not careful they'll be calling you a boy you're not aconite if you love the Lord Jesus Christ even if you were born aconite and you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ you're a child of God not a so you don't don't be ignorant concerning God's word it doesn't take you long to check that word out in your Strong's Concordance and grow familiar with it and from the book of Daniel who does it say that the Antichrist becomes strong with the small people who is that small people the which is none other than aconite so I throw that in because God's Word is so precious when you teach it with understanding verse 29 to continue and I will raise up for them a plan of renown and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land neither beard scene of the GUI the heathen anymore now the Kenites are not going to bother him anymore what is that what is that plan of renown it's the bine it's Christ and and you are the branches that fit into that vine and God is the pruner you know that from the New Testament he prunes off everything that doesn't make fruit that's just common horticulture and our Father loves his children verse 30 this shall they know that I the Lord their God and with them and that they even the house of Israel or my people saith the Lord God how can you know that in a successful ministry that doesn't have to beg and strengthens the watchman to be prepared for that that is before us teaching the events that consummate the end of this age where you are not caught asleep on watch it's a terrible thing for a watchman to go to sleep on watch when other people are depending on him or her to keep the warning coming even as they sleep one more verse to complete the chapter verse 31 and ye my flock the flock of my pasture God speaking or men had done and I am your God saith the Lord God end of story that's the way it is our Father loves his children he doesn't hide anything from us it's there for the taking the absorbing the understanding even down to the consummation at the end of this age be a watchman and be not deceived father has blessed us with a all of mighty mighty platform use it enjoy it but thank God for it alright don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you listen a moment once you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 645 that number good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question share it would you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people you know why because our Father is the judge you stay out of his business and let him do the judging you do discern though you discern who you should follow and who you should not who you fellowship whether you should not that is a gift from God to be able to when you study his words and know and ascertain that without any problem those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address got a prayer request you don't need the number we can do away with it we do away with the address wine god knows what you're thinking right now he does he loves you you may not love what you're doing but he expects that love to be returned let him know you love him once you do that it pays great dividends it opens the world up for you the word the truth telling me loving father around the globe will come we ask that you need guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay question time and we got Michael from Texas does God listen to the prayer of a sinner God hears all prayers as a matter of fact in the great book of Revelation it says that all those prayers are in a bottle that God keeps them there doesn't mean he's going to answer it because you may not deserve it but God knows what you have need of before you ever even ask what you're his child he made you different than anyone else and he because he wanted someone just like you but if you want your prayers answered then you will love him enough that you will ask in the name of Jesus Christ and you will trust him enough to know if it's something you're supposed to have he's going to get it for you but if it's something that goes against his plan probably you're not and God always knows what is best for you Vanessa from Michigan have you ever had to decide whether to pay a bill or pay God and if so what do you did you do I struggle with this what should I do always pay your bills dear okay you know you only tied on what you have left over and until you get your bills paid you don't have anything left over if you feel maybe like a little bitty small love offering but pay your bills that keeps you know that protects your credibility that keeps you of being a good citizen in your community a person that won't pay their bills doesn't have a good reputation in the community and probably as far as the seed planter is concerned you're not going to listen to you too well so always protect that credibility but it is a right thing to pay your bill God knows and understands and and he always takes care of that alright and I'm assuming probably you're on a fixed income and and many times people have drug bills for aches pains they have with some form of the other plus food don't ever do without food to give money to some church that's that's not right and when you're on a fixed income like that not right at all and so if you ever get on a guilt trip over it and Richard from New Hampshire IFS Kota was the daughter of Zedekiah the king of Judah it is further evidence that members of the house of Judah had also migrated northward not just the ten tribes of Israel yeah but we know House Kota got north okay as we were covering in this very book it said because being in the Hebrew manuscripts this is to say the daughters of Jerusalem of Judah rather as Jeremiah brought them through that area and took them north into and scola would become Scotland okay God doesn't let us down okay the King line has always been there and it will be there when Christ returns to take it over again they from Georgia and we get the question here where do we go in Thessalonians 4:14 explaining the words even them which sleep in Christ Jesus will God bring with him who is this then it was explained to me that then is the people who are dead and in heaven with Jesus well that's exactly what it is that's why a little further own in that same chapter in verse 16 and 17 it'll say it will say there's no way that we who are alive and remain can precede those that are dead there first what they're already gone they're out of here they're with him God is not the god of the dead they're there no one has not even Satan has died to be absent from this body is to be present with God heaven and so it is Debbie from Ohio I wish I had more you don't you're doing good we have listened to him teach for over 20 years and if I miss a morning study thank you for that comment here's our question since this is the only church I attend I would like to baptize my grandchildren in God's name what Bible verses would I use to do this my granddaughter is 14 years old and she wants us so much please help it's real simple all you do is you say you see the word baptized comes from the etymology of the word die - like you've got a piece of white cloth and you want to die red you you form a red die as they did then from crimson worms of one form of the other one method but the point is you've got to get all the way under that's what the word baptism means and then you take it out instead of widest red okay so that that explaining what the word baptism means but you simply baptize in the name of our Heavenly Father if you wish to use the sacred names that's better yet i baptize you in the name of Yahweh our Heavenly Father you assured Jesus the Savior and Son of God and the Holy Spirit and then you take them you baptize them under the water and out they are baptized any Christian can baptize another Christian now let me tell you a lot of churches will not recognize that but Christ will and that's what's important okay Joe from Pennsylvania Genesis 6:4 and they bear children to them and some became mighty men which were of old men of renown does this mean that the hybrids had memory of the first Earth Age well the hybrids could if they received it of their father Nana be Liam the fallen angel because the fallen angels had every memory of the first Earth Age why they came from there they refused to be born a woman and as it is written you might make a note of Jude verses 1 through 6 their sin and why they're in Chains to be destroyed is they left their first habitation which means they left heaven and came to earth not to be born of woman but to seduce them ok so naturally they knew and that's why God brought about the flood of Noah because that didn't way with the innocency which he wanted his children born innocent of woman without pre knowledge to make his or her mind up whether you'll love God or Satan Bob from Connecticut as you say that he has given us the to read and to study not my question what was meant in 1st Thessalonians 4 first Timothy I'm sorry 1st Timothy 4 4 for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused as this verse saying all create all creatures man or no it's not saying that at all ok what's the subject the subject is don't let someone judge you in marriage and don't let someone judge you in food what you eat for God as it would say in verse 3 let's back up from your fourth verse to the third verse for God refused not that that God created to be received now he did not create scavengers to be received mouki Leviticus chapter 11 makes that very clear make you sick and diseased and all animals of gods are good why well you want to be thankful for even the scavengers not to eat them you got to do things as God promoted it and told us they are to keep disease off the earth there to eat dead things that you're not supposed to to cleanse the earth but then you don't eat them after they've eaten did things they're scavengers okay you don't take out them to eat but yet it's a good animal God created them whereas we need them Edward from Tennessee could you please give me some scripture about the rapture I do understand that it is not in the Bible but I have been taught this all my life in that a sad situation Edward it is too bad that people teach something that is not in the Word of God and pass it off as your way out that's covering God's real true saving hands with false teaching the word rapture is not in the Bible and what it means is is we're going to reach God and at the seventh Trump and not until the sixth Trump the false christ comes and you're going to stand against him do you know what the false christ is going to be saying I've come to apply your weight we covered that in today today's lecture excuse me from chapter 13 The Book of Ezekiel God's against that so why would anyone want to teach it if God's against it that I do not understand but I guess it makes an easy way out and gives more time to beat money out of people I guess and and give them a security blanket to run around with and hold over their heart when it's fake that's a sad state of affairs and I apologize that that's all you've ever been taught I'm glad you're listening to this ministry because you've probably heard a great deal today that perhaps will help you out James from Ohio I have a question it involves the persons and genesis named Enoch written in my version of the Bible that reads 5:24 enoch walked with God and was for God took him my question being he was not what the second question being did God strike him dead no God did not strike him dead God transfigured him he was too good for this earth age and God took him I want you to make a note Jude the 14th verse there's only one chapter so you can't go wrong Jude the 14th verse and it tells you why Enoch was translated for Enoch was a prophet a teacher of what was going on with these fallen angels destroying the daughters of Adam were by their I'm sorry yes the daughters of Adam were by Noah's family was the only family that still had a perfect generation meaning that had not intermixed with these hybrids and fallen angels and there were gaber that word is what that word means is giba Giants and God destroyed them good good for our Father risk from Pennsylvania what should we do if we get picked for I love to the way you teach the Bible I have a question you always say we are not to judge what should we do if we get picked for jury duty that's a duty you want to perform that's not judging that is that is the law of our land and the common law from father's word its witnesses hearing the witness and on hearing the witness making a decision and and and that's as God would have it okay that's not judging someone that is taking someone that has been found guilty or it has whether you're going to decide whether they're innocent or guilty when you hear the facts and good honest Christian people it's good for them to be on a jury or that people get a fair shake if they deserve to be come hang them if they deserve to be innocent and let go let them go Christians do what God demands as God's Word is bastard money when saying the Lord's Prayer should we say forgive us our debts or our trespasses does it matter which it doesn't really matter but trespasses with us almost being better but again I want to I want to say that that was Christ only given us an example of how you should pray and in other words you pray to the Father God in heaven don't pray to Jesus you pray to Almighty God our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and someday it will that's why we pray that heaven will be right here on earth as it is written in Revelation chapter 21 and but that is only an example when you pray to the Father talk to him from the heart don't don't read something that is written talk to him like you would somebody you love for you do love him you don't have to have somebody write a speech for you to talk to your heavenly Father just communicate with him communicate communicate if you need to be for if you have sins that need to be forgiven then naturally ask him to forgive your trespasses or sins and so if so it is Nick from Ohio thank you for continuing to bless me with this ministry oh you think we are welcome I heard you I hear you talk about the tribe of Judah and the ten tribes of Israel migrating north but wasn't there twelve tribes what happened to the twelfth tribe that did God whack them out of his system no no there were ten northern tribes and two southern tribes the two southern tribes were with Judah Judah being one of them the other ten north the Assyrian took captive in about 600 BC and Judah and the other tribe were not taken captive until about 400 BC two hundred years later Alice from California have a question in the Bible but holds the whole scripture says we should not take the mark of the beast in or on the forehead or in the hand you do not talk about the hand only the forehead while we're talking about if we talk about the hand also it means to do his work maybe you could get a better idea from it in mark 13 where he says war with those that are a child when I return and giving suck that's the same as receiving the mark it is a spiritual pregnancy not an actual pregnancy and nursing it along means nursing Satan's work along just like when when you work for Satan helping his church he's going to start a church he's not starting a prison camp he's not starting a war he comes in peacefully and prosperously and he starts a church it's probably one of the greatest revivals this world will ever know other than the actual one converting people and having them come to him but he's slick okay and that's how it goes down but you've always got people that like to help help the church and unfortunately if they are deceived as to who the true Christ is and they followed the faith that's where they end up please Dave from Virginia please explain what explain what here but in reading Ezekiel in Revelation it appears that we will be on this earth for all of eternity and you're confused about where heaven is heaven is going to be right here on earth Revelation chapter 21 verse 1 this earth is rejuvenated I know it I know it's translated the word new a new earth it's rejuvenated it's put back to the condition it was in in the first Earth age it was beautiful I mean there there were you've heard me say that we found mammoths with butter cups in their mouths turned under the tundra frozen in Alaska buttercups don't grow in Alaska now they did then and it was it was clear and formable all the way to the North Pole and the south this is a beautiful place I mean you might take a look around sometimes now that we have high tech and we've got satellites up in the air and people take pictures of the Moon and Mars and how would you like to be in one of those places and then you have a picture of this beautiful planet earth that God created for us and himself and as you studied in the 16th chapter of Ezekiel God made an eternal everlasting covenant with Jerusalem he took her to wife he read her geographically speaking and that's where his kingdom will be it is his most favorite place in the universe including the earth there on Mount Zion and that's where it'll be that's and that's as it should be heaven is wherever God is God's going to be here and we're gonna be with him if you make it Rodney from Ohio am I wrong to believe that God's Word should not be for sale so many preachers all they do is sell books and items and so many prosperity preachers say you cannot be blessed of God without sending a thousand dollars or you will never be a true Christian I know that some things are necessary to reach the mass population with God's Word but it seems to have become just a show and not God's Word helped me to understand thank you don't listen to a beggar okay absolutely do not ever listen to a beggar whine well God didn't send them Christ made it very clear to he when he's sending out the 70 when he was even teaching the disciples how to go out don't take script or a purse that means don't take a big in bag with you that's what the Greek word means don't fine if God's Word is true and real you don't have to God will bless it people will hear the truth and and they will support that working you don't have to say a word it's just that's just the way it is that's how you tell if somebody's begging for money hey they're getting to you they're not they're disobeying God if they're begging for money okay that's that's kind of sad maybe your but and and this is what makes me so popular among certain preachers but that's fine I'm still very popular with the father he always blesses this ministry but we don't have to beg and I love him for that Noah from Oklahoma Nora rather from Oklahoma where did the Christian flag come from our people have always been a people of flags you know like in in the Book of Ezekiel in Chapter 1 we had the head the face of the ox and and the eagle and so forth those are flags of tribes but but having a standard with Christ being our main standard but through camping that Christian has been wherever there's going to be a Christian meeting in the military today if it's a day that we're going to have church that Christian plate is going to be flying and the reason it flies here that's this white flag with the cross on it is we're going to have Church here and right now all right but most of all I'm out of time right here and right now and I say I love you because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse but most of all God loves you for it he makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it and we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings that we've helped you you help us only if we've helped you help us keep coming to you bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me and listen good you stay in his word hey every day in his word even with trouble it's still a good day you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box four one six rabbit Arkansas 77236 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] the book of st. John what a fantastic book we have here intake for you for your convenience of studying as you drive or whatever the case might be in the comforts of your own home st. John the writer of Revelation as well as this great book of Saint John John taught in a way that he not only interpreted translated the word and and interpreted fully translated the names as well as other things that made this word this book so easy to understand helping the very reader see Christ in his work as God Savior of the world this book of John giving you the identity of the Kenites as well as those events that would transpire in the in generation that's your generation beloved [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray all right good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our well done we're gonna do a little special today we're gonna title it famine of the end times so that we know what we're concentrating on as far as our father's word what it is a Christian should always be prepared forewarned from this our father's word therefore there are no surprise
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Id: F3j1MVEktC4
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Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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