Shepherd’s Chapel –Eze47 9 48 20 In the millennium

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Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our beckon our father's word the Book of Ezekiel L strengthens us God strengthens us it's the only true strength you'll ever have and when he touches you leads you guide you then you're on solid ground and you can trust him to know his word will guide you advise you and and bring you prosperity happiness though there's a lot of hard knocks along the way if he chooses you he knows you can cut it can do type people now we are in this 47th chapter we're in the Millennium all have been at the seventh Trump into spiritual bodies Christ has returned the Millennium Temple is set up and we're enjoying many things you were able to recognize your family as we learned back in chapter 44 that you could assist them and help them if you so desired and then we came to many of the allotments the distribution of lands that's our inheritance but don't ever ever forget your inheritance if you have eyes to see and ears to hear if you're one of God's elect documentation Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 I chose you before the foundations of this earth that's for God's elect not everyone has eyes to see not everyone has used to here that's fine God loves all his children but some have work to do and duties they must perform and so it is but when we learn in that 44th chapter they get no land allotment when the rest do why because God is their inheritance that is a awesome powerful statement in Ezekiel 44 and it's one that God keeps his word and what a fantastic reward for those that know who those the Kenites are that claim to be of our brother Judah and stand in the service of the King how precious it is that's the great reward for it and then we learned in this 47th chapter that right out from under the throne of God there's an awesome spirit stream it's symbolically given as water coming forth so you could visualize it and that water came from the very stone under that altar I feel it was the stone that was provided the water called the the Stone of Scone and [Music] even to this day and it shall be again jacob's pillar how precious it is but that water comes forth and the angel measured all four thousand cubic sand in them and then a thousand more until the water is the first at the ankles and then at the loins and then it got so deep he couldn't cross it but yet we find out there's food for people on both sides which this is God's way of setting the boundaries for the children and and as it should be that's God's plan if it's all right with father it should be all right with us so having said that he speaks of the he went back to the lip of the bank of this stream and God then begins to show him how the waters are for healing and when you're in the Millennium there is no illness so what is this healing it's one from the New Testament a very difficult translation it means there will be no boredom unhappiness but it's medicine - to keep anything of that nature down this away from you so chapter 47 verse 9 let's pick it up there and a word of wisdom from our Father let's finish the book of ezekiel and that particular verse reads and it shall come to pass not maybe it shall come to pass that every thing that liveth which moveth whithersoever the river shall come shall live and there shall be a very great multitude of fish because these waters shall come thither for they shall be healed and everything shall live whether the river cometh this is amazing in as much as we're talking about some of this running off into the Dead Sea which is the salt sea and but even salt itself is a healing thing and we're talking about the food that is produced in the Millennium is from our Father it's spiritual food the children in the wilderness predict of it is called manna verse 10 and it shall come to pass that the fish which shall stand upon it for from indeed I even unto the which is to say the fount of the kid fountain of the kid even unto angle and which is to say the two calves they shall be a place to spread forth nets their fish shall be accounted to their kinds as the fish of the great sea exceeding many in other words there's going to be plenty of meat plenty of food their spiritual food you've got to come with me to millennium to know there's no more flesh okay so it is a different realm of thinking and what is it then that you sacrifice you don't ever want to forget that it's your love for Almighty God what he has created for us and has made available to us simply for the loving him and the partaking now how precious it is to be accounted worthy to protect out that healing verse 11 but the Mauri place thereof and the marshes thereof shall shall not be healed they shall be given to salt and and again 1 but what is very healing you know this is the way even before we had refrigeration the way you cured meat was with salt and you know something regardless of what the medical community might say sure too much salt is bad but one of the worst things you can do is to be in a hot climate and not have any salt because you will become salted and you won't last long you will pink out everything will turn pink you won't be able to stand and you have to have salt tablets because preparation drains the body of that sodium whereby you can't make it but it is in old time this is the way you cured meat whereby it would keep was with salt so and therefore a play on that well the it is left for the production of salt 12 and by the river upon the bank thereof on this side and on that side shall grow all trees for me remember not everybody can cross that River but there still food for trees for food on both sides whose leaf shall not fade neither shall the fruit thereon be consumed you couldn't it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months because their waters they because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary and the fruit thereof shall be for me in the leaf thereof for medicine and how precious it is that our Father provides that leaf for medicine for that healing and verse 13 thus saith the Lord God this shall be the border whereby you shall inherit and land according to the 12 tribes of Israel Joseph shall have two portions and so it was that the land would be divided but have you heard of that tree that produces the fruit and the leaves for healing before I mean we're not talking we're going past the millennium here and I'll tell you where you heard it it's in the final great book of the great book of Revelation chapter 22 when you're not in the Millennium but you're in the Eternity now I want you to come with me we're leaving the Millennium that happened back in chapter 21 verse 1 and we're coming into the eternal Kingdom what do we see there Revelation chapter 22 verse 1 I want to cover this because it will become easier for you to understand after having completed the Book of Ezekiel listen carefully verse 1 of chapter 22 the final chapter the great book of the revealing the uncovering God making it knowing what will befall our people even in the eternity and he sware and he showed me rather a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb there it comes again that spirit again this is not literal h2o it's the Spirit of the Living God that comes forth from the very altar of God that doesn't cease just because the millennium ends that continues own verse 2 in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river there were the Tree of Life was there the Tree of Life which bare twelve manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations now what is that word Nations it's ethnos not only for the twelve tribes of israel but for the ethnic peoples their kings and queens that would come to this place to protect of this eternal food and and so it is that within doing this it is again a hard translation this word healing because you're in a spiritual body there's no disease a spiritual body doesn't wither it doesn't get old all the diseases and ailments that come with age they're out the window so what kind of healing is this it is to simply I think what probably an oversimplification is it stops mortem where there is no opportunity or chance that anyone could become bored or concerned down worried or anxious it's just the very presence of Christ the very presence of our Heavenly Father and know both were mentioned the head in bringing that healing that gives eternal life and here you are not only in the millennium past the millennium and into the third heaven and earth age verse four to continue in the same verse three rather and there shall be no more curse but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve Him the Lord is there that is the final word in the great Book of Ezekiel the Ovation law God is there it doesn't get any better than that my friend that's what we all work forward to is being with him a very father the creator of all things and to have that healing that comfort for he is the comforter for for he is the one that takes away anything that might have been why don't know why there would be no curse there they're gone anything that doesn't make the cut anything that would have been anything that would cause trouble any evil spirit they're gone they don't exist any longer our Heavenly Father brings that to pass and he doesn't this just being the Eternity how precious it is verse 4 to continue and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads what's in your forehead your brain his name Yahweh our Heavenly Father it doesn't get any better than that no one will or why but why would he say that because many people get confused and they call Satan God they call him Christ instead of Christ meaning Antichrist they don't know the difference they haven't been taught the difference but those that make it they won't have any doubt of knowing whose child they are or what the name in blued into our minds in our foreheads in your brain the seal of the Living God to know truth to have eyes to see and ears to hear what a beautiful time this is going to be no more curse no more robberies no more murder no more thefts nothing to be concerned about other than enjoying the very presence of the Living God and this great creation that he has created for us to enjoy it where it is the land of plenty haven't seen anything yet but it's coming never a curse verse 5 verse 4 whether to continue 5 and there shall be no light there and they need no candle why neither light of the Sun for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall reign forever and ever and so it is how long is that forever and ever there's without end into Infini our Father is so very good to us verse 6 to complete our reading here and he said unto me these sayings are faithful and true you can count on it and the Lord God of the Holy Prophets sent his angel to show unto his servants that which must shortly be done and so it is that's why he sent us the profits that's why he sent us the great prophet Ezekiel God strengthens us strengthens us with his word and with the prophecies of this great word so there you have well how did we understand that from the New Testament because you read it in the old you know the throne and you know from whence that came the you know the Book of Ezekiel as we complete is a fantastic book because that throne which ultimately will prove Jews that eternal spiritual stream God saw fit by the river Kabbalah in Chapter one of this great Book of Ezekiel to take this one soul this Ezekiel even show him as the throne was brought to earth and the vehicles the circular vehicles they are described there the color is amber in the fourth verse of chapter one this great Book of Ezekiel but the Hebrew is highly polished bronze as they were as they brought God himself this is the point I want to make God's all fit in this Book of Ezekiel this prophet because it is all inclusive of both this earth age the millennium and the one to come that God himself saw fit to come personally to earth talk to Ezekiel and brought these truths were by we could understand I I want you to know then from and I'm going to recap just a little bit but the remainder of this chapter xlvii and all of 48 gives you the allotments of land which I showed you in the last lecture the now that Dan to the extreme north Asher then following epilim Manasseh Ephraim Reuben and Judah right next to the Levitical area in the area of the sanctuary the princes domain and the mild square of the sanctuary itself where the prince would be and then south of all this we have the first tribe up Benjamin then Simeon he Shekhar's ebullient and then GAD and and from all this then as he sated that's why he took us then across to the Mount of Olives where the stream would go at that time and there we have the kings and queens of the nations that would come and share this wonderful food from our Heavenly Father without a curse without anything that offends I want to go to the inn as much as the remainder of the book is dividing the land and giving the very length depth and location that I just read to you and in the picture that I had showing you the land allotments the inheritance and never forgetting that God's elect have no land allotment because God is their inheritance as Ezekiel 44 said I want to go to the very last verse in the Book of Ezekiel it's ever so very important let's read it chapter 48 verse 35 listen to it it was around about 18,000 measures and the name of the city from that day shall be the Lord is there do you know what the manuscripts saying the manuscripts say the Ovation ah which is to say God is there with us how precious it is beloved that we have this account and then you can better understand as much as God is going to dwell there why he would appear in person to this Ezekiel that is say the very altar itself by the river ki baatain which means a length of time giving you a length of time over a precious number of years of events and even ages so to speak whereby you could clearly understand what is in tol what father would have us do it makes it super special that our father would see fit and and I know there's many other would say well you are you talking UFOs no I'm not God God there's nothing unidentified about God's Word or God's prophecies it's all identified it's the mode of transportation for which he used but and why did he need you to he was because his altar was there he brought it because it's coming to earth ultimately his altar will be established as it is written on Mount Zion and many places he would take us as we would go through this great Book of Ezekiel he would he would bring us the the six and then the one with the ink horn that would put a place the seal of a table which is a cross on the forehead spiritually speaking of these certain ones chosen which is symbolic of God's election and they would have that seal in their forehead which simply means they absorbed the Word of God and after that word is absorbed then we come to many places where he says yet in in Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 he makes it very clear all souls belong to me all souls belong to God you know you have some people in their unlearned State well think well I'm gonna give my soul to God too late friend he's already got it I mean he's got you lock stock and barrel and you will have some people will say I received many so it's kind of a barometer of what people are thinking and saying is I think I've sold my soul to the devil that wasn't yours to sell it belongs to God and until he judges the Satan can have it he doesn't you have to worry about it we belong to our Father No then as we would continue on into like say about chapter 33 God said there's certain of you that have eyes to see and ears to hear that you know the truth when you hear it and see it you're a watchman I expect you to watch and I expect you to warn the people that the false Christ is coming first he's coming to take the city he's coming to take the city Jerusalem he's going to say himself up there is Christ on earth on it's Antichrist and I want you to warn all the people everywhere there's not going to be a rapture nobody's going anywhere it's a deception that Satan brings upon the earth false teachings but you're a watchman and you will watch and observe the signs and the seasons whereby you will not be deceived to see when the false one comes at the sixth Trump the true Christ not coming until the seventh again from the book of Revelation that's what a watchman is for is to warn the children that's why God gives you the truth God doesn't give you the truth for you to hide it somewhere just like that closing verse that we covered in the great book of Revelation that he is our light and when he gives you light don't hide it under a bushel when someone is hurting and when they need truth share it with them give them comfort and give them encouragement to know it may seem like Satan controls he doesn't our Father is still on the throne that's what a watchman is for is to warn the children well bye they're not deceived and you know even in our present day military if a watchman who is placed on watch while the other troops sleep he is he or she is responsible for their safety if he should go to sleep on watch the enemy can kill them all and he's responsible or she's responsible so in a sense let that bleed over to the fact that if somebody comes to you wanting light and you had that light and shine it upon them share that truth with them whereby they themselves can come to that light and always remember God is not a respecter of persons that's why he would take poor old Ezekiel or blessed Ezekiel and show him that stream in which there was he could not cross even easy kill himself the Prophet but there was food over there why couldn't even because it was for somebody else and that's the way our Father is he's not a respecter of persons he has something for everyone everyone gets what they've got coming to them our Father is that way that's what a watchman is about and that's what a watchman is poor and and then more than anything else he would bring us in history to a rush as it is written in the Hebrew tongue in chapter 39 the chief Prince of Meshech and he lets us know their mo their method of operation and it welds all the way back to the beginning in Genesis 25 through chapter 27 of Esau his actions of what would befall him and it didn't it solidifies and comes to pass in that 38th and 39th chapter but what did you learn there you learned that God wants atheistic communist ik Nations to know he is God he's real he exists therefore when when that country decides to attack Christian nations free nations I will say then God Himself will knock them from the sky and we purchased Alaska for that purpose in a valley where there is not a town no one's going to get hurt God is going to destroy the army of ruch as it is written and the name of it following that will be called Haman GOG which is to say the valley of God the multitude of Gog and why would God do that he wants them to know he is God you see an atheist or a communist as they are nurtured and brainwashed they don't believe there is a God they believe that you take everything by mind by force by power by lying by cheating by deceiving God wants to bring that bright light right now and upon them and destroy them at the moment that we changed the spiritual bodies where they see the Living God in person to know very well finally yes there is a God he just destroyed us and then comes that beautiful the 39th chapter let's you know that no one's going to be hurt that is to say of God's children God is not angry at his children but the enemy and the 39th chapter in the first nine verses lets you know that God knocks their armament out of their hand without hurting one person on our side of the fence so to speak but then he goes on then at that fortieth burst chapter rather he entered the millennium age and how precious it is that so many people have questions about people that are already passed on and with the father and they're through those chapters and how God treats us in the millennium when we're all there and in spiritual bodies then he lets us see in chapter 44 that yes there is a division all the priests that finally came to the party that's to say people that recognized what was going on even though they might have been deceived a while by Satan before the end came they converted and got back in the Hornets then there is a division between them Levitical priests that's to say people that understood and then there's a dot God's elect who only they are able to approach Christ at that time that is not showing preference that's teaching people our father's word will bind at the end of that millennium at the second resurrection as it is written in Revelation chapter 20 hopefully the truth the light that will shine through that thousand year period will illuminate their very souls and cause them to take part and participate in that second resurrection on the people that participated in the first it has no effect whatsoever but they're laborers of serving God and sharing truth through that period can bring many harvests souls into the very Lambs arms in that second resurrection for what follows the second resurrection is not a pretty thing it's called the second death and as it is written in Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 fear not he who can destroy your flesh buddy only but rather fear he that's our Heavenly Father who could not only destroy flesh that can cause your soul to perish in that lake of fire at the second death the second death is simply the death of the soul doesn't exist any longer it's blotted out and gone done with and there you have the Book of Ezekiel l strengthens God strengthens us that's the way that God would have it is that you would receive that straight from him and serve him to be that watchman and to enjoy the privilege of having God's blessings in your life even today and putting you in that position of watchman simply to be willing to stand against the false Christ as he appears and allow the holy spirit to use you to speak through you that's a wonderful time to live now then you can enjoy those blessings look at Ezekiel I hope you've been enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed bringing it to you god bless you you listen to moment and once you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting light in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Ronald Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good for important eco throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we don't judge people we have one great judge that's our Father and we leave all that to him you do have the right and the gift from God to spiritually discern who you should listen to and how fantastic it is that our Father loves his children and uses them to his own purpose and will it's a blessing to be in his service those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure you got a prayer request you don't need the number or an address why God knows what you're thinking right now why he loves you that's why he created you he may not love what you do always but he does love you you know what he wants from you he wants that love returned sacrificially love him let him know you care and and be blessed father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen all right and question time good ago was Patti from Kentucky I was wondering if in the thousand years of learning is it possible for those who are not of God can they influence those that are of God no because they have already those that are of God have already participated in the first resurrection no they've already overcome no one can take that away from them they would be too short for it anyway okay I mean after all you're in the very presence of Christ himself and the spiritual sins and you don't have the hang-ups of flesh the desires of flesh or anything else no hood so you couldn't touch one of them to turn them away from that for anything they've already been taken part in the first resurrection which means what very not only in a spiritual body but there in an immortal soul the immortal means it can't die it's deathlessness it's eternal Jerry from Arkansas I was told by a man whose title or authority I don't know but I wish you would verify or dispute his statement when he said that David took the severed head of the giant Goliath and buried it at the base of Jesus's cross to make it possible for our saviors blood to drip onto this do you not understand chronology do you know how many years David was dead before Christ ever walked the earth how would it be possible if a thousand years before that David would take a head and period at the cross when the cross wouldn't be for another thousand years so what was the man's credentials I don't know who he could be certainly he would not be a student of God's Word not only would he not understand God's Word he has no conception whatsoever of the chronology of God's Word impossible cave we got Madeline from where is Madeleine from I don't know from Michigan all right madam my question is if a church teaches the rapture is it wrong to go to that church and they also teach the Christian would go through the tribute won't go through the tribulation when you see this is what sets you up for deception first of all the word rapture is not in the Bible and the false Christ that's his message I'm going to carry you away and come with me before the tribulation happens and they don't realize it but they're in it you see Satan is very sharp his tribulation you learn in the great Book of Daniel that he comes in prosperously and peacefully everybody's expecting the Antichrist to come in with both barrels blazing you know and and multi-headed monitors all over the place you know but he's standing there saying he's Christ and he's bringing peace to the world and he's saying jump on my wagon I'm gonna I'm gonna take you out of here I'm gonna pay all your bills and so forth that's going to deceive a lot of people so I never tell anybody where they should or shouldn't go to church flying because God's on the throne he takes his elect and puts them where he wants them that is not a man's business it's God's business Traci from Tennessee I have a question or was the fall or overthrow of Satan before or after the sin of Adam and Eve was long before okay it happened in the Satan's fall the Cather Bowl happened in the first Earth Age Adam and Eve were not born until the eighth day of this Earth age okay I can I take let's see okay you have another question here and I see that you have you take methadone from a clinic get some interdiction of pain pills but it is also addictive I you have to listen to your doctor on something of that nature with you know you have to follow his advice and but anyway stay could stay in he's God's Word you'll be happy Christina from Kentucky why did God translate Moses well he many people would disagree that he translated him Moses died and God took him he wouldn't let man bury him I feel he did translate him transfigured him why because he showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration how could he be transfigured if he showed up how could he not be transfigured had he not showing up on the Mount of Transfiguration naturally God did because he accomplished so much here the whole house of Israel was in captivity and here this one this babe who had been placed in a little basket throw it in the Nile ripped it down and was raised by Pharaoh but the hand of God directing him and his little sister even bringing his mother to nurse the babe for the Pharaoh's daughter and so forth and and their own it went till and cast out into the desert and yet he was man enough that on God's word he would go back and confront Pharaoh himself with the plagues of Egypt that took some courage and mainly he bought the law God used him to bring forth the law the whole penitent and and that that's deserving of a blessing therefore he symbolizes the law just as Elijah who was transfigured represents the prophets Edward from California bless you I'm sending and ok here is my question is it true that once you become saved that you are adopted into the pen Abraham you're adopted into the family of God who is a father of Abraham the father of all of us and certainly once you're saved then after that you must repent of your sins or you don't even belong to that family you can snip out okay and when you're only adopted that makes it all the worse you know you could be disowned a lot quicker possibly not so but the thing is remember repent when you see in and and don't lose your salvation new from Texas if there are no J's in the Hebrew alphabet then what was John's name his name in the Hebrew tongue which I assume is what you're asking is yo Cana and many would pronounce the name Johanna which is another translation and probably would be better sounding in the English tongue as your why not okay this John in the Hebrew tongue Randy from Texas would it be okay to donate my body to science for the training of medical students and you're so welcome we enjoy bringing the teaching if it is your desire why because when we finish with these flesh bodies your spiritual body steps out and returns to the Father it's our real body anyway and if you wish to enable science for education sure no problem at all because you're already with the father Otto and Mary from Georgia do the All Souls does all seals rather deal with the mind basically yes that's why the seals come first because there it is the truth sealed in the mind before the very action takes place do you understand that's what prophecy is prophecy is to have truth delivered from God into your mind whereby you know what's going to happen and you have the ability then to recognize that when it comes to pass this is why God particularly in specifically states in the fourth verse of the ninth chapter of Revelation when Satan gets thrown out of heaven he said hey don't you dare touch mine anointed don't you touch those that have the seal of God in their well he says it a little different then he says you can't touch the seal those that have the seal of God in their forehead you know why he couldn't touch them because we're too smart for that we know who he is he's the fake he's the fraud he's the ripoff artist of our people the raper of all and certainly we're not we don't find him tempting we find him to be an abomination and that's what the seals do for you is prepare you mentally for what's coming / and prophetically Becky from Maryland in Ecclesiastes 9:5 I lost my son a year ago he was 20 I belong to a Bible study that is causing me great discomfort because I believe he is in heaven but others have told me my son is asleep and won't be with the Lord and killed by his return they are misleading you because of ignorance of the word listen to me very carefully the book of Ecclesiastes is written in chapter 1 - the man that walks Under the Sun that means we in flesh bodies and what God is saying in Chapter 9 verse 5 that once a weeks once our spiritual body steps out of these flesh bodies and it does with our soul in our spirit this flesh body goes back to dirt from which it came it doesn't remember anything nobody remembers it why because we have a perfect spiritual body that's what we remember and then when you read on in chapter all chapter 9 does is let you know that the flesh body goes back to dirt from which it come and it's never touched again but in Ecclesiastes make a note in Cleese yes T's chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 instantly when that silver cord parted that's when he passed away he went instantly to the father in the spirit was just to say the intellect of his soul meaning his soul in the spiritual body went back to the father instantly at the snapping of the silver cord and the flesh goes back to dirt from which it came he please esds 12 6 and 7 I when people set themselves up as Bible students and scholars when it is a dangerous thing if they teach incorrectly especially in situations of this it can cause a lot of hurt I don't know can we can say ignorance is bliss but at the same time I don't think God winks that at all that much I think it's a shame you know that your son is with Almighty God to be absent from this body as president with the Lord 1st 2nd Corinthians 5 verses 7 and 8 now you be happy and know well as we just covered in Ezekiel 44 we'll all be back together again Richard from Ohio would you explain 1st John chapter 5 verses 16 and 17 would you explain the sin that leads to death well that could be a little bit confusing there in in in the fifth chapter in the sixteenth and seventeenth what it says is you can pray a intercessory prayer for one of your brothers or sisters or for a friend that means if you see them in a in a heap of hurt or something and or even in sin you can pray an intercessory prayer and God will hear it that's what he's saying but what he's saying is is don't pray for somebody that's committee the unpardonable sin and then you ask what is that the unpardonable sin just for one of God's elect that's to say somebody that has eyes to see and ears to hear that has the seal of God in their forehead that knows the Antichrist is coming first as it is written in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 if they refuse to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them against the false messiah that's unforgivable so I personally do not think that sin will ever be committed because I know God's elect pretty well and I know they're ready to witness against the false Christ period they're anxious they're ready but it has to do with the intercessory prayer God approves of it Dwayne from Georgia is the statement once saved always saved true the salvation is always there that is true but that is the Christ part Christ never fails he always does his part but you can sin so many times without repenting that you can drift so far away you're going to hell okay the salvation is there but you've got to repent and get back to the cross that is to say back in the good graces of Almighty God by erasing the negative away from the book of life by your name that you'll be judged by and but this is why it would say in Hebrews chapter five and six that it's like recruit fiying Christ all over again if you try to say he needs to save me again he did it once that's all it's necessary but you've got to reprint if you sin after that or you're going to hell that's just how important that is don't try to burden Christ with our sin we won't he already accomplished at once forgave you for it he'll forgive you what seven times seventy that's a bunch Martha from Georgia do you believe in cremation if that's what a person desires there's nothing wrong with cremation especially where people on fixed incomes and as expensive as things are in this generation cremation is as there's like we said earlier when we're through with these flesh bodies were through with them they're going back to dust it doesn't matter how they get there because quite frankly the spiritual body is already gone it is already with the father and cremation is just fine it's biblically all right if as for a Christian it is all right now you have the unlearned that are going to say no those bodies are going to pop out of that ground that's a lie it's not going to happen why would anybody want these old flesh bodies that are that get sick that are ill when you have a perfect spiritual body that never ages and and never gets ill there's no way you would want it back okay Tameka from Georgia when the children were brought to Jesus why did the disciples rebuked them well they were they were very busy and apparently there was quite a group and this is why Jesus wanted the meaning he wanted to teach okay don't forget bid the little children and what he meant was you know many people have been to so many different churches so many different teaches teachings it's like a no recap tire okay they got some many caps on them here there and Ianto they don't know come here from Sikkim about what the Word of God says it's what this person has said and that person said they probably never really get around to studying God's Word or they stayed pretty well put but what Christ was using here he said you've got to be like if you're going to hear me you got to be like one of these little children why well if a child loves you it doesn't matter what you say they're gonna believe what you say okay that's if they respect you as their mentor or as their parent or whatever that child is going to believe what you say wholeheartedly and that's what Christ was saying you've got to become as this child well when I say something I want you to believe it wholeheartedly and and that's as it is and he used that he utilized that to bring forth a wonderful teaching because of all this old recap stuff false teachings what this man said or that men said what grandpa used to say I mean that's this is well in fine that's what you want to count on is what does God say okay that's what's important what did Christ say and have your mind open to that and when Christ says that don't question it study it absorb it James from Florida was Adam created after the seventh day yes he was he was but let my must being a student of the word I have to add to that though I have to say Adam was created on the sixth day that's all of the races male and female God rested the seventh day and on the eighth day he created a different man in the Hebrew manuscripts that's the only place you're going to be able to read it is in the Hebrew okay F hard um a different man on the eighth day through which Christ would come through the wife taken from him Eve who would be the mother of all living why because from her would come in biblical cord to umbilical cord Christ and you are either in Christ or you're not living eternally okay but that goes for all the races created on the sixth day if they accept Christ there eternally living because and he becomes the mother of all living in the spiritual sense Lois from Virginia pastor Marie or all the people that are being warned in flesh in the second earth age the one-third of the angels that rebelled in heaven I thank you very much it's everyone God's not a respecter of persons all but the ark angels will be born in flesh Immanuel God with us was even born in the flesh but I do feel like that in as much as God is always totally fair that in this final generation of the fig tree that I believe that he has allowed or kept those that one-third that did go astray to be born in this generation because if you have any years on you at all and you can think back you know I can remember as a as a young person child even eight nine or ten if there was a senior citizen you read and open the door for them you helped them it was yes sir no man yes ma'am you were polite and courteous you cared it was a different world then and now they'll run over you if you're not careful getting through a door and so I think we can pretty well say that third is living now and thank God it's gonna all be over with before too long and we think bother for that too and I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying our fathers worry most of all God loves you for it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he gonna make yours he loves you for that stay in his word it's alright to listen to men but prove him out in God's Word we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings and if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you won't you that blessing God he will always bless you but you know what's most important you listen to me you listen good now you stay in his word every day in his word it's a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty-four hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you the book of st. John what a fantastic book we have here intake for you for your convenience of studying as you drive or whatever the case might be in the comforts of your own home st. John the writer of Revelation as well as this great book of Saint John John taught in a way that he not only interpreted translated the word and and interpreted fully translated the names as well as other things that made this word this book so easy to understand helping the very reader see Christ in his work as God Savior of the world this book of John giving you the identity of the Kenites as well as those events that would transpire in the end generation that's in your generation beloved [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray all right good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study I know what we're gonna do birth of an age it's one of the parables that's probably least taught and especially in this generation when we are in that time that season that we know all things are supposed to come to pass well certainly it's one that we should be abreast of birth of an age the end and the
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Id: 8HGY86TpWbw
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Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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