Shepherd’s Chapel -Eze 18-24--20-12 Our PassOver Most High Day

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study out are you ready to get back in our father's word let's catch up with them all to what is being taught here father speaking through this one Ezekiel Ezekiel being in the Hebrew tongue God strengthens when God strengthens you that's what you need you can always make it through you can always cut it it in the last few chapters he has taught us that even if Noah job or Daniel were in a group they couldn't save anyone but themselves through leaning upon our Heavenly Father and the Savior in other words each man woman or child is responsible for their own actions and also in this chapter we're in now the 18th chapter he stipulates that if her father bites on a sour grape it doesn't set the child's teeth on edge meaning you don't answer for anyone else's sins you enter for your own and you are fare-thee-well going to answer for them so it showed a case where we had a good father and he was blessed and we earned eternal life he had a son that was no good therefore he died or would die at Judgment Day and then he had a son who saw the action of what a sorry father was really like straighten his case out and and then we came to the point where even if a person is bad and repents the Father loves them and in the last verse we covered verse 23 father would say have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die saith the Lord and and not that he should return from his ways and lived in other words that should remind you as a stated of st. John chapter the book 2 chapter 3 along about verse 7 or 8 where it says God is long suffering he's got lots of patience and it is his will that all come to repentance they want but he hopes they will because he doesn't you know many people picture God is one who I can go out and zap today that's not our Father our Father loves his children and he it is his wish that they repent straighten their case out do what's right and be responsible for your own actions don't be pointing your finger won't somebody else's fault well I think he's no good no it's probably you that are no good anytime you have to point your finger at other people for your shortcomings God is going to come down on you that's what the lesson is you answer for your own sins and boy so let's pick it up the renamed excuse me chapter 18 verse 24 and it reads with that word of wisdom from our Father but when the righteous turn us away from his righteousness in committeth iniquity and do it according to all the abominations that the wicked man doth shall he live well you know what the answer is to that all his righteousness that he had done shall be man shall not be mentioned in his trespass that he has trespassed and in his sin that he has sinned and then shall he die in other words in the book of life there is your name it's there some church doesn't keep your church records that's of course okay it's mean it's alright if you want to have a letter there fine but your letter is in heaven our Father keeps books it is he that judge is not a church and not the people and in in that book of life your record is there and what you do and and your righteous acts as well as your bad acts and when you repent that's the beauty of Christ and the price he paid on the cross and is that when you repent if there is a bad thing there it's erased and you have a clean slate your righteous acts also are not erased but if you've got a pretty good old boy and he goes bad don't thank God won't dump his gourd he will 25 yet you say the way of the Lord is not equal here now o house of Israel is not my way equal or not your waist unequal in other words man God judges by precedent it's what what some people were decided and the head decided in a court that she don't probably even know but that's what the law is based on is what happened to somebody else rather than what's right and what's wrong the common law that is to say God's law God is always fair and equitable verse 26 when a righteous man turned it away from his righteousness and committed the iniquity and diet in them for his iniquity that he had done shall he died 27 again when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed and doeth that which is lawful and right he shall save his soul alive and only you can do that somebody else can't do it for you it's wonderful to give a testimony it's wonderful if somebody asks you to give advice but you the buck stops right at your heart and mind because father wants to hear it from you not somebody else because you are judged by your own value and as he said in that prior chapter even if Joe Daniel or Noah were there they couldn't help you you were judged on your own merit and father is the judge and as much as he even can read your mind you get a fair judgement 28 because he consider it and turn it away from all his transgressions that he hath committed he shall surely live he shall not die and this is where we are today by that price Christ paid on the cross when you fall short when you repent that book of life comes out and your name is cleared you have a good record there and what does that mean that means God's blessings are going to fall on you verse 29 yet say at the house of Israel and we're not talking to the house of Judah here okay we're talking to the ten tribes that went north over the Caucasus Mountains settle Europe many of them later coming to Canada in America that's why this nation when you pull a coin out of your pocket says In God We Trust 29 yet say at the house of Israel the way of the Lord is not equal a house of Israel or not are not my ways equal or not your ways unequal I mean this is why you want to stop and think about it you know in court today where we go by precedent but by judgments that were set where every whenever that's what the court goes by not necessarily your case that's a sad situation common law is kind of slipped by the wayside and this is the way a lot of people study the Bible well I heard this preachers say this and I heard that preacher saying you better take time to read what God's Word says chapter by chapter and verse by verse it doesn't hurt to listen to men this man or any other man but you better check him out in God's Word verse 30 therefore I emphatically will judge you the house of Israel everyone according to his ways it's an individual thing saith the Lord God repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions so iniquity shall not be your ruin you want God's blessings well he never has blessed me well maybe I can tell you why have you ever told him you loved him have you ever repented for all your sins do you let him know that you love him and you want him in your life and your family then certainly you have to invite him in as it would state in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 26 remind me of my promises so that we can talk about it and I can justify you I can help you make it right in other God doesn't forget his promises but he wants to know if you have read it if you claim it and then he graciously gives it's up to you verse 31 cast away from you all your transgressions none of us perfect but get rid of all you can whereby ye have transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit for why would you die o house of Israel you know this is why that Christ is a renewer he renews your spirit I just have to hang on the little bottle transgressions because I can't stand that person well god can't stand you that's that's not going to get you anywhere that's going to get you in much trouble much pain and and people won't bother you God will God wants he expects one to be meek humble and a lover of God and if you love the father you have to love his people as long as they or even halfway trying you develop that new heart and new mind is it simply means that you cleanse your mind you cleanse your mind with what the Word of God what God is saying here I want you to live I created you different than anyone else your DNA is different your fingerprints are different your unique I wanted someone just like you that's why I created you I want you to live I didn't create you to die I don't get any trick any pleasure out of zapping somebody verse 32 listen carefully this is how you do it for I have no pleasure in the death of him that diet saith the Lord God we're for turn yourselves and live come to me now that that kind of ends the lecture that he gives us concerning individuality and if you don't get it but now you're probably never going to get it what the out the of the moral being you pay for your sins yourself well brother so-and-so told me so it's really his fault no it isn't you listen to him and when you listen to him without checking it out in God's Word and you're your own fault okay so don't start trying to point fingers at others or God will short-circuit you that's the easiest way to have cursings and your family the pain trouble is to not let God give that renewing spirit whereby he can reach down and touch and bring that beauty into you and into your family come to him he gets no pleasure out of having to correct his children any more than you have pleasure out of correcting your own you it's more painful to you than it is to them but God loves his children now we're going to go into a bit of history here and yet at the same time in a futurist sense showing you that the migrations of the people and how it comes to pass chapter 19 verse 1 moreover take doubt up a lamentation for the princes of Israel this is to say the king line okay that's that's it's talking about Zedekiah okay we're at this point of time that soon Zedekiah is going to be taken prisoner and it's kind of the lamentation is a death song death was the subject we just left don't follow his footsteps okay verse two and say what is thy mother question a lioness she laid down among lions she nourished her welts among young Lions initially who does the line who is it symbolic of the great book of Genesis chapter 49 Judah okay and who was his mother it was May mutual men you feel and you can not read of it in second Kings chapter 23 verse 31 she was quite a lady she was the mother of Zedekiah and and jehoahaz 3 and she brought up one of her whips it became a young lion and it learned to catch the prey it devoured men jehovah has ok as who we're talking about here verse 4 the nations also heard of him he was taken in their pit and they brought him with chains into the land of Egypt verse 5 now when she saw that she had that she had waited and her hope was lost then she took another of her whips and made him a young lion now we have Jehovah Kim Ki in verse 6 and he went up and down among the Lions the tribe of Judah he became a young lion and learned to catch the prey and devoured men I think he ruled about eleven years verse seven and he knew that he knew their desolate places and he laid waste their cities he knew their carnal places okay and the land was desolate and the fullness thereof by the noise of his roaring verse 8 then the nations said against him on every side from the province and spread their net over him and he was taken in their pit this would be one of the first sieges there and and so it was they they captured him verse nine and they put him in ward in Chains and brought him to the king of Babylon they brought him into holes that his voice should no more be heard upon the mountains of Israel and and I mean this is history it happened verse ten my mother is like a buying in thy blood this this probably should be translated thy mother is like a vine in Niveen yurt okay planted by the waters she was faithful and full of branches by reason of many waters and probably we're talking here with this mother being second Kings chapter 23 verse 36 it would be Zeb you dock Zeb you die okay and verse 11 and she had strong rods as strong sons for the scriptures for the scepter of the scepters rather of them that bear rule and her stature was exalted among the thick branches and she appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches she was quite a mother you can kind of think of her as mother Israel though she was an actual mother being Zeb Yuda and certainly she had some good sons but guess what's going to happen to them verse 12 but she was plucked up in fury she was cast down to the ground in the east wind right up her fruit her strong rods sons were broken and withered the fire consumed them and and so it was the spirit was that God is in control you want to kind of learn from the lesson in the prior chapter when you do it God's Way you're going to be blessed when you decide to go against God he's going to punish you he's a good father and a good father will not spare the rod that is to say of correction in in one form of the other verse 13 and now she is planted in the wilderness in a dry in a thirsty ground now let me ask you something how could she be planted in a dry and thirsty land if her sons are all dead but she had daughters it was through the daughters that they were planted Jeremiah would take the daughters of Zedekiah and he would take then even if you would he went to Egypt where you will find in history a house there that'll say the daughters of Judah and then as the traditions of Glastonbury England you will find where one of the daughters name was even scooped up this is history now okay and and scopa would marry and today you have Scotland and when you read the the kings of Scotland then you find this an image one of the other daughters was planted in Britain and many ways why I just can't hardly bother well you might as well throw away your King James because that's where it came from okay that's that's pure out-and-out history you leave it or like it or lump it okay and therefore we do have that as a matter of fact the the we will find in the 22nd chapter it will say that throne which went with those daughters shall be overturned overturned overturned and then he will he shall return and there's a great lesson in that if you study the Stone of Scone where every carnation from the those daughters left and you know what this is easy to trace historically jeremiah was called in Great Britain : Paula : Paula and Olin followed means a very wise man he had a secretary the Secretary's name was Baruch same as as in the Hebrew Tom that did not change but here we have these generation to generation that brought forth that truth and and we'll we'll cover it a little deeper when we get to the 22nd chapter because it says after that third and fourth overturning he who shall rightly be his the throne which is Jesus Christ the second Advent shall return and take it himself so you have kind of a time sequence there as well so there you have me and you have the webdev de Zeeuw Buda being symbolic of mother Israel I like to call her even mother Jerusalem in one place by the migrations of the people and how things come to pass this has a great deal to do with you today because when God said I'm going to scatter those ten tribes they're going to forget who they are and unfortunately they have and they do not separate the house of Judah from the house of Israel and then they wonder well how could America be the superpower of superpowers in these end times because God planned it that way that's where the tribes would gather and well why are they so successful because God blesses them even though we have a lot of faults we still have the patriotism and the love of God and country there's a reason for that you're studying out both in the Word of God and in history and you come up anyone that wants to make a deeper study in this you need to order the documentary the traditions of Glastonbury are the little book traditions of Glastonbury then continuing with the next verse verse 14 and fire has gone out of a rod of her branches which hath devoured her fruit so that she has no strong rod to be a scepter to rule this is a lamentation this is a sad song and shall be for a lamentation it would be for a really sad song but not if you know the real truth it is true there was not a son left to rule but there were daughters and those daughters were freed and brought forth the scattering and gathering of God's children where blessings continue to flow and only it goes this will be soul until Christ Himself returns to claim it and new you know you take the the crown itself do you know what the number one the first order is protector of the faith I'll say it again the king or queen their first obligation is protector of the faith this faith God's Word chapter 20 verse 1 and it came to pass in the seventh year and in the fifth month and the tenth day of the month that certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the Lord and is that before me you know I want to bring you up with a little bit of history on these ten tribes they went out and they kind of left Judah the house of Judah and they set their kingdom up in Samaria that's that was their main office it was a long way down to Jerusalem and it was hot it was a hard trip to go down there and worship God so Jeroboam who was there the king of this house of Israel at that time he whittles out two golden calves it's too far to go down there just worship these calves this tick's father off anytime you find traditions of men that make void this word of God that proves you away from truth God doesn't like it it is very simple and swiftly common-sense the migrations and what happens but to know you're supposed to worship Almighty God from which blessings flow instead of two idols calves then you're in the heap of hurt let me ask you do you think God's going to listen to them well they're coming down now and they want to talk to Ezekiel verse 2 then came the word of the Lord unto me saying three son of man speak unto the elders of Israel and saying to them thus saith the Lord God or you come to inquire me question as I live that's in that ik as I live saith the Lord God I will not be inquired of by you and you can't go one step too far to where repentance comes a hard hard way first for wilt thou judge them translate that plead would you plead with them son of men wilt thou judge them caused them to know the abominations of their fathers caused them to know what happened the the the two golden calves and how they treated me in Egypt when I was trying to free them got out in the wilderness and wanted to go back to Egypt to Pharaoh again rather than follow me verse five and saying to them thus saith the Lord God in the day when I chose Israel and lifted up mine hand unto the seat of the house of Jacob now when Jacob is used that's the natural and that means all 12 tribes Judah and Israel okay and made myself known into in the land of Egypt when I lifted up mine hand into them saying I am the Lord your God and that's where the sacred name comes from I am that I am verse 6 in the day that I lifted up mine hand into them to bring them forth of the land of Egypt into a land that I had a spied I looked it out I have cleared it I mean I drug it I got every you could even say if we were today every mine is off of it it's all clear for them flowing with milk and honey which is the glory of all lands and so it is that this great nation is so blessed also today because there is a remnant that knows the truth that holds that truth considers that noteworthy to be pleasing to Almighty God so that those blessings continue to flow and next verse please verse 7 then said I am to them cast you away every man the abomination of his eyes and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt I am the Lord your God father when you have people that you know I mean you to like can you believe there are people that will say preachers that come in the name of Jesus Christ that you bring you don't have to understand the book of Revelation because you're going to be gone no God named the book revelation which whatever language apocalypse whatever language you want to say it and it means to unveil or to make no one meaning you should know it when God says that and you would listen to some flunky that would tell you you don't have to listen to God listen to me that's what the man would say then if you would do that you're in a heap of hurt for in any time you would put your faith in man instead of God your father you're in a heap of hurt it takes him off verse eight but they rebelled against me and would not hearken them to me they wouldn't listen they did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt then I said I will pour out my fury upon them to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt and and so it was that God didn't mind up in gourds when you need it a lot of you will well aware of that verse 9 but I walked for my name's sake I changed my mind I backed off son but it should not be polluted before the heathen among whom they were in whose sight I made myself known in them in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt in other words the Egyptians knew they were God's special God's house but God loves also the heathen God loves the Egyptian and if he had destroyed them then that would have lost all the the evidence of the presence of the Living God among the Egyptians why because he loves the Gentiles also he wants salvation for whomsoever will that's when he changed his mind 10 wherefore I caused him to go forth out of the land of Egypt and brought them into the wilderness I mean parted the Red Sea destroyed forbearers army put a cloud by day to shadow them and a column of fire by night to guide them I mean babysit with them like they were a bunch of wimps bringing them forth out of the land taking care of everything for them he cleared the way verse 11 and I gave them my statutes and showed them my judgments which if a man dude he shall even live in them you know there's that great big word I yeah well it said right there he's going to bless us no no no no he said if if a man dude you can't just be as talker you can't just listen you got to be a doer okay verse 12 moreover also I gave them my Sabbath's to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the lord that sanctify them you want to pay close attention to who does the sanctifying that's the saving you start listening to yo-yos and I'm not calling names I'm just saying if it's traditions of me and that's what it is they're running up and down on the string going nowhere that's what a yo-yo is okay but what are you saying here this sign is an oath or a miracle and most Christians have no idea and no conception of what the high seventh day is of Christianity the crime because they never seem to want to study and in the great book of Acts one word Pascal in the Greek which means Passover is translated each star a star is a pagan god and were they rolled fertility eggs out in the forest once every spring and quick like a bunny okay and that was incorporated into the high day of Christianity Passover and when you read first Corinthians chapter five verse six and seven cries to became our Passover that's the high day in Christianity the high Sabbath you don't have a higher Sabbath than Passover and well when does it fall it's real simple 15 days after the spring equinox Passover that high day and do you realize that both both Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles is founded on that date to commemorate Paschal Passover not Easter Bunny you know if you have a college edition Webster's dictionary and you look up the word Easter you know what it's going to say if it is the Edition I'm talking about it will say a pagan originally a pagan holiday taken in by the Christian know you know something if you want to know something that ticks our Father off that does not make him although we would never do anything like that Oh what are those little kids doing out there with those baskets on the high day on the high side now I know I know that there's a lot of ignorance but it's so easy to take a strong concordance and take that word Easter and see what it is in the manuscripts and what it should have been translated and to put a lot of hedonism out of Christianity and be blessed rather than cursed that that's that's strictly up to you you see God's not happy is that I won't listen to them if you want to turn from your ways he will listen to you he'll do more than that he'll bless you don't miss the next lecture all right bless your heart units in a moment once you're pleased the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post-office box for sixteen gravid Arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan and we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from porto rico throughout the US alaska hawaii all over canada if the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people hey father is the judge you don't get on his toes he can handle that quite well you do have the right to spiritually discern that's a gift from God is to be able to spiritually discern truth from fiction and to make that choice your own self because you alone are responsible for your actions on Judgment Day or as to whether your blessed are not blessed it's strictly your baby don't ever again I want to remind it's real handy for people to say well brother so-and-so did it to me knowing didn't you did it you allowed it this uh I mean put your big-boy britches on man up and get it done alright God will always take care of you know and those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure and you have a prayer request now we can do away with that number and the address why god knows what you're thinking right now he's got time for you he loves you he may not love what you're doing but he does love you so return that love that's what he wants from you Hosea 6:6 I do not want your burnt offerings I want your love he created you for his pleasure how long has it been since you pleasure him because it really does when you say father I love you that touches his heart do it once your father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy directly father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay question time we're going to go with Eric from Pennsylvania best money I am correctly I'm currently studying the Book of Ezekiel with you I'm confused on nine six when the Lord commended the others to slay little children that didn't receive the mark I thought the Lord had protection over innocent children I've been studying with the chapel for two years and could use some help with understanding this I love the way you and the boys bring the truth reality true reality of Christianity to me well you're so very welcome this is where is where six came forward in the seventh with an Inca mourning and God said you place a mark on the remnant that's what it's talking about that means one because Satan's come into this earth as Antichrist and and he has ordered make make a note now Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 Satan is told you can go down onto earth you don't you dare touch anyone that has the seal of God in their forehead that means the mark which is the scripture the truth they know who you are you can't touch them and you can't kill anyone else but you can't sting them as a scorpion meaning you can deceive them well you see that becomes a spiritual death if not the physical death that you're thinking of little children but lies and deception of people not knowing that the true Christ doesn't come until after the false Christ is here and that some of you have a destiny and a purpose he's talking about spiritual death which was really in a sense is a lot worse than a flex death if you get right down to it John from West Virginia I've been studying with you for over 15 years although she was questioned although she was a part of abraham's camp and serve something circle is it possible that hagar was akin i absolutely not okay she was an arab arabia means that people let's take it back to the prime so that you is a people of the dust braids it bordered if you would in other words day and night right at the close of the day is what the word means God loves all of his children Lawrence from Texas we're in the bible does it say the antichrist is only going to be here on earth five months it states that the first of all you pick it up in mark 13 where it says for the elects sake I've shortened the time that means from three and a half years to five months that happens in Revelation chapter nine and not only that God always gives you some some act of nature like locusts it just so happens that the locust has a five month period through that segment of their life and locusts are utilized in the book of Joel to tell you about that army Satan brings with him and utilizes here it's from May through September five months and not only that he gives you Satan's name in both the Greek tongue and we're talking in that ninth chapter where you can't go wrong you cannot in other words he gives it in multiple languages so you wouldn't be deceived a Bob bond in the Hebrew tongue destroyer apollyon Satan's name in the Greek destroyer he is the destroyer he will destroy all that will allow him to destroy them and those that use the name of the Lord Jesus Christ over him destroys that that he sins Satan that is to say sue from from where is sue from from New Hampshire I have a question that my husband heard he heard that when we go to the Lord and receive our new bodies that we are neither male or female I've never heard such a thing nor has our son Matthew 22 Matthew chapter 22 verses 29 through 30 the parable were they said this this little lady was married to seven brothers and she did them all in I mean she didn't do them in they just kicked the bucket alright and the question was which one is she going to be with in heaven trying to trip him up alright he said you don't you don't know what you're talking about that's why I'm sending you there to that particular chapter in verse because they don't give or take in marriage in heaven in the spiritual body in the third heaven age and earth age because they are as the angels mean we're in spiritual bodies and that should answer your question again Matthew chapter 22 29 and 30 Marie from Mississippi how can I clean myself up about the other races being created what verses can I read well you have to go to the Hebrew manuscripts basically to do it the next time you can order the video of my video of Genesis the first six chapters and I teach you how Rheda Hebrew - no there is a difference in the man that was created on the sixth day and the man that was created on the eighth day the eighth day man was f Haddad and it would be through he and the the his helpmate Eve which would be the mother of all living why because Christ would come through her you know umbilical cord the umbilical cord or that's the only way you're going to have eternal life and be living forever is - is through Eve's offspring which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ David from Iowa I've heard pastor Murray say that you don't have to know the Bible but that you just have to know who comes first Jesus or Satan in the end times and then in almost the same sentence you say that we should know the Bible because God expects us to remind him of his promises please explain I think if you listen closely you probably heard me say you don't have to memorize the Bible you know man is destroyed because of lack of knowledge when I say memorize the Bible I mean if you're a teacher you pretty well got to memorize a great deal as much as you possibly can of God's Word and and having a memory is a gift from God that is blessed but not everybody's going to have that but you should have at least read it whereby it's like you know God's Word is really like a novel of one man's family from the very beginning all the way through the only time that other people are brought in is when they come in contact with that family okay and naturally Christ would be the outcome of the total so we even have a book written by a little lady it was written by her at a time that it wasn't popular therefore woman to write a book concerning God's Word so she used her initials one man's destiny is the title of the book and it will it makes the Bible so easy to understand it does this it's like a novel and once you cover that but you don't have to memorize it unless you're going to be a teacher then you should in other words how can you teach if you don't know what you're talking about okay and don't ever ever ever listen to a preacher that's got to have a teleprompter or as far as that's concerned anybody else if you'd have to have a teleprompter telling you what to say then you can't trust that because you don't know who really put the print in the teleprompter Aaron if you don't know what you're going to say best keep your mouth shut okay no teleprompters Aaron then I don't allow them on there at SCN there are no teleprompters I will not allow one on the place okay that's that would scare the daylights out of most people on television but that's the way it is Aaron from I don't know who learns from but God does what is pastor man's opinion of the Farmers Almanac well I'm a farmer I like to know the signs of the Moon for the simple reason other than that wouldn't the full moon the crazies come out that's that's one good thing to know you know that's a lunar text okay but the main reason being what happens when the moon comes over the ocean how do you know how they tell that the tide is going to be way up there there are oceans going to rise about seven five or six feet can you imagine the force that it would take to rise raise the ocean five or six feet but the moon does it don't you know that out here in good old terra firma the sub moisture when the moon goes over in that sign the more sure comes up that's when you want to plant your root crops so yeah it's it's important to a farmer that has knowledge of those things Eileen from Pennsylvania in Revelation it talks about the half hour silence what is this it's when Michael kicks Satan out of heaven for the first half hour it's totally quiet why because it's quiet in heaven he's gone he's always up there ratcheting repetier entity he's the accuser every don't everything every time you do something wrong Satan's got God did you see that did you see what your little special election did there you see what that person really has in their heart what a failure you got their God they all on and on he goes that's that's Satan's what he does and the book of Job kind of gives you a little sign of that okay but it's when he's kicked out it's real quiet up there but all heck breaks loose down here because all the people that haven't studied God's Word are going to think he is Jesus Christ and they're going to run to me your so-called people that haven't studied the word are going to worship Satan in that last hour and that is sad that doesn't give me any pleasure or anyone else that I know of Mike from Washington we're animals in a spiritual body or a flesh body in the first earth age they were in flesh bodies this this is why you take this old dinosaur tooth right here man they were that's not spirit that they can tear you up okay or this this grazer here this worry would just crunch grass asked one tooth he was a big rascal that's pleasure okay so in the first earth age they were flesh okay and will they be in a in a spiritual body or a flesh body in the Millennium in in the Millennium all flesh will be changed you can read Isaiah chapter he live in and it'll give there's no more carnivores why their spirit Levin from Oklahoma untangled my mind my Bible class teacher said the Ten Commandments were given to the Jews and if you were not a Jew they didn't apply well he doesn't know the difference Jews is only one tribe out of 12 ok and God didn't give between Commandments to just one tribe he gave it to both houses to the house of Israel in the house of Judah ok he said non-jews were under the Abrahamic law I'm not familiar with that well it's the covenant of abraham Abrahamic covenant is the same law okay what does the word Abraham mean in the Hebrew tongue it means father of many nations or a blessing to many nations that's what the Abrahamic covenant was that he would be a blessing to all nations mine through him would come Christ in Christ is that blessing I don't want to knock your preacher or anything like that but he's kind of in a heap of hurt of not knowing the house of Judah and the house of Israel it's pretty hard to understand God's Word if you can't at least make that separation Joey from Pennsylvania my first question is that the rapture theory did not come to be until 1830 then who was Ezekiel talking about in Ezekiel 13 18 through 20th prophecy God knows what people are going to be doing it's been in fact Ezekiel from chapter 40 on is all about the Millennium that sure hadn't happened yet okay second question is what the 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 7 or the mystery of iniquity doth already work until he who letteth will be let till he be taken out of the lake the verb in the seventh verse is trade Steve it has a transitive verb which means what well he who led us what is that talking about well that's why it's a transitive verb you've got a transfer back to verse four and five to find out who it's talking about for you can pick up the subject matter who is it Satan standing in the Holy Place showing the world that he's God well who is it takes him out of his place Michael throws him and all of his little buddies right out of heaven on earth woe to you that are on earth if you don't know the truth okay my last question is there a biblical reference that states that the Trump in first Corinthians 15:52 is not different from the last Trump of Revelation you asked a very interesting question here because in 1552 the word Trump their last in the Greek it says the for there is one out no let's don't make it difficult how many are there there's seven but if there's seven of them which word is the four there is one out well any child can count it's the seventh okay that's what he's talking about it's also the seventh he was talking about in 1st thessalonians chapter 4 verse 17 and 18 were all changed instantly into spiritual bodies Janet from Arkansas I have a question in Deuteronomy 21 17 but he shall acknowledge the son of the hated wife for the firstborn and given him a double portion all day what what it means what it's saying is this if a man have two wives he loves one he hates the other which happened in the case of once in the history and that the first more even if it was from the wife that was hated he gets to be the firstborn that means he gets a double portion that means he and here is you cannot let your hatred of that wife interfere with the rights of the child because it wasn't his fault okay that's all it's saying is that you have to be proper and firstfruits goes to the firstborn Angela from Connecticut I think the Lord for your teaching I can't find a local church that teaches the truth of God's Word as a result I have made Shepherd's chapel my own church however as a result I am in a very isolated place with no Christian contact or fellowship how do I serve the Lord with no physical church foundation although the isolation has brought me close to the Lord I feel like I am not productive as a child of God should be please advise well you know we all have a destiny your destiny is to stand against the false one what a destiny what a purpose you know even the prophets wanted to live in this generation to have a chance to witness against the false Christ you're not to even premeditate what you'll say but the Holy Spirit speak through you at that time what a fascinating time so you you influenced a lot of people just by living the life you're living being well founded and welcomed the board it's good to have you and I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter most of all though God loves you for it it's his letter that he's written to you wanting you to read it it's a kind of a love letter because he loves you and when you read it and when you study it with understanding it makes his day when you make his day boy is he going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if and only if we have helped you you helped us keep coming to you once you that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity parkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1:6 rabbit Arkansas 77 3 six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the epistles of John three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation z' and warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children has written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the First Epistle are practical teaching in the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous is love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world and explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold mark [Music] [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day tell you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're gonna talk about that Thanksgiving again it's the one thing that most people when how father blesses us and he blesses us with so many things we forget to say thanks and that's not really a very good thing as I stated in the last lecture for you to
Channel: NCPTV
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Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: NCPTV, Lebanon TN, Wilson County TN, Nashville TN
Id: X4D0JqEaW5c
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Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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