SHEET PAN PIZZA 2.0 (The New and Improved Recipe)

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[Music] pretty crispy are you guys getting that hey what's up so the third recipe video i ever made on this channel was for a sheet pan pizza and the recipe itself is really pretty good but the video sucked like a lot please don't watch it so i like the recipe and it definitely deserves better and since then i've made some improvements on it and made it more efficient so sheet pan 2.0 here we go to get started i'm going to grab my stand mixer and into the bowl that i'm going to measure 285 grams of warm water 7 grams of instant yeast 20 grams of olive oil 425 grams of strong all-purpose flour as a reminder mine is 11.7 protein if you can't get all-purpose flour this strong i would suggest bread flour for you and then finally eight grams of salt goes in and the dough hook goes on and then so does the mixer i'm going to mix this on low speed for about three minutes or until everything has come together into a cohesive mass like this then the speed's going to go up to high and i'm going to continue to mix this for six more minutes surely you could mix this by hand or with a food processor if you've got one of those and not a stand mixer but i've shown that process quite a bit lately so i'm going to put a link in the description to a video where i give a lot more detail on hand mix pizza after that six minutes on high speed this dough should be looking pretty well developed and should be slapping around the bowl like this to tell if that gluten has the strength that needs to stand up to fermentation and shaping later on we're gonna stretch it out to see if it shears and or tears and it does not so now we can call this pizza dough now the vessel i'm gonna be fermenting this dough in is just a little bit different than usual i've got this rectangular tupperware type setup from the grocery store and i think it makes a lot of sense for this dough but we will see why that is later on for now i'm gonna oil it up spread that around and then transfer over my dough the lid goes on and i'm gonna let this rise here on my cutting board for 30 minutes 30 minutes later this dough has gassed up quite a bit and it's looking good so now we're gonna fold in some additional strength for that i'm gonna grab the far end like this pull it out about 12 inches or so and then fold it back to the other side rotate the whole thing pull it out as far as you can then fold it back over i'm gonna do the same for the shorter ends by stretching and then folding them over the best i can and before i call this done i want to get all those folded seams tucked back under this dough so as it ferments it's going to be sitting on them and that kind of seals in the foals which is a nice little detail that has made its way from the professional bakery into my home dose okay that's tucked the lid goes on and we're gonna check back in 30 minutes 30 minutes later or 60 minutes since we mixed this dough we're going to fold it one more time the same as before and if you're wondering hey bry why didn't we just mix this dough longer in the beginning wouldn't that have saved us from having to fold this so much well this dough is high hydration meaning it has a high water to flower ratio and for wetter does there is a real limit to how far you can develop that in a mixer adding these folds 30 minutes apart can allow us to raise the overall strength of this dough by layering the gluten and that makes for a much easier to handle easier to shape high hydration dough once that's all folded up like before the lid is going to go on and we're going to check back in 30 minutes while that rises let's make our tomato sauce for that i've got a 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes once that's cracked open into a high side container it goes followed by 7 grams of salt 10 grams of sugar half teaspoon of black pepper 1 teaspoon dried oregano half teaspoon chili flake 1 teaspoon dried basil i'm using volume here for these herbs because they're way below a gram and my scale doesn't go so low bro and then finally 50 grams of tomato paste my immersion blender is going to go in and then i'm going to puree this until it's relatively smooth and the more coarse herbs have had a chance to get broken down from their fish food size flakes and it's something that's not going to get stuck in your throat that's smooth now we're going to cook this pizza sauce so for that i'm going to preheat a medium saute pan over medium heat and then once that's hot in goes 25 grams of olive oil and then 15 grams or about two cloves of minced garlic i'm gonna saute that for a few minutes to soften it up and to get my oil all aromatic and smelling like garlic once that's starting to get all golden brown around the edges in goes my puree from just a second ago and we're going to give that a stir to combine once stirred up we're going to turn the heat down to low and then simmer this sauce for about 20 minutes over low heat stirring pretty often 20 minutes later this sauce has reduced by about 30 to 40 percent and when i push my spoon through it leaves a nice trail and holds itself up a super robust lightly sweet sauce like this is exactly what we need to help bind everything together on top of this pizza now i'm gonna scoop this into something wide and flat to cool it down and then into the fridge it goes until it's pizza time back to the dough it's been 30 minutes since our last folder 90 minutes total since we mixed this thing and now it's looking all buoyant gassy and alive now note about the vessel i recommend using a slightly sheet pan like this one anecdotally for whatever reason having a lot of miles on this sheet tray really helps the dough not stick to it the last time i used a new sheet tray the pizza stuck to the bottom and i was really bumming the other thing i want to mention here is that these non-stick sheet pans should be used with caution they do not transfer the heat well to the pizza as you can see this got totally fried but if all you have is a teflon sheet pan you can still probably use it i would just bake it at 475 instead of 550. now to get the chiche ready for the dough i'm gonna liberally oil it up with about two to three tablespoons or 30 mls of olive oil that's usually what works best for me and make sure to spread that all over everything including the sides and the corners stuck pizza is the worst thing ever and this little bit of detailing along the corners and sides is going to make a huge difference from there i'm going to flip this dough over into the sheet pan and now you can see why i chose this rectangular tupperware the dough is already in the shape of a sheet tray to stretch this i'm going to oil up my fingers and then start to degas the dough from there we're going to pull it out and start to spread this dough the best we can but since we just oiled everything up it's going to slide around and getting it to move too far at this point is not gonna happen that's okay we're just getting things started the dough needs to rest at this point so i'm gonna cover with another sheet tray and let it rest here on my cutting board for 15 to 20 minutes while that rest i want to thank the sponsor of this video happy cooking cards happy cooking cards are chef made recipe cards and art prints that are delivered monthly to your door each month you receive a recipe card and an art print for a recipe that's created around the current season and they're released in a way to emphasize and celebrate the process of cooking and sourcing high quality seasonal produce when available i really love this idea happy cooking cards focuses on slowing down and actually enjoying the entire process of cooking something special and you get a cool little five by seven print to frame up and remember the entire experience the recipes themselves come on cards that you can send in an envelope that also comes with the card and mail it to somebody that you like as a gift and maybe next time you see them they can have a good time making you that tomato tart that you thought looked so good all around i'm very happy to tell you guys about this brand i think it's a really cool idea that's been well executed especially for you guys out there who just love the entire process of cooking so if you want to give happy cooking cards a try click the link in my description and use the code brian for 20 off your first order thank you very much happy cooking cards for sponsoring this video 20 minutes later i'm going to continue stretching this dough out into the pan we're going to start by degassing this again then i'm going to grab an end pull it out and stretch it as far as i can i'm going to repeat that on all sides until the dough really starts fighting me and snaps back to any movement that i make from there i'm gonna put the lid back on and come back in 15 minutes to finish stretching after that 15 minutes this dough has relaxed just enough to let me take it that last 20 all the way to the edges of the pan at this point i like to pull out the dough well over the edges and let it snap back to fill in the corners and that looks pretty good i'm gonna put the sheet tray back on to cover this and let it proof up while i preheat and set up the oven for that i'm gonna load one rack into the middle third because if it was too close to the firing element in the bottom that would fry the dough in the pan way too hard behind that comes my pizza steel that's gonna hold on to and transfer heat into the pizza really well and also act as a shield from any transient heat from the bottom of the oven once that's set up i'm gonna preheat the oven to 550f or 176c as soon as that oven's preheated or about 20 minutes later it's time to build first thing down is thick sliced full fat mozzarella cheese i like to shingle this from edge to edge to get full coverage for me that's about 12 slices or two thirds of a pound 300 grams behind the cheese comes the sauce and i'm gonna drop that down in large dallops that are about two tablespoons or 25 grams a piece as you can see i'm laying this down in two rows kind of like i would for a detroit style pizza but i am going to be spreading it out kind of randomly because i find that having some cheese still exposed in the final pizza brings more contrast and i like it way better than the edge to edge spread that i did in the first sheep hand pizza video buying that sauce comes some more cheese this is a fresh mozzarella and i'm adding in roughly 10 to 12 chunks and i'm tearing those chunks up so that they spread more when they melt this fresh matz is going to bring a really light milky freshness to kind of lighten the load of an otherwise pretty heavy pizza next goes down some thinly sliced pepperonis for me that's the standard starting point for pizza toppings but there's always room to make it diy and maybe throw in some pepper and cheese doggies on there make it a b-boy special to finish this pizza i'm gonna shout with a few generous handfuls of grated aged parmesan cheese i grated this stuff on the smallest hold sides of my box grater and it should look kind of like cheese gravel that's the good pizza cheese right there trying to avoid the feathery stuff i wouldn't recommend microblading parmesan cheese onto a pizza that texture is better for putting on fresh after the bake okay this pizza looks insane at this point but we need to bake it so into the preheated oven it goes right onto the pizza steel i'm gonna bake this for 18 to 20 minutes since this is a really big pizza and everyone's ovens are so different i would say use my time and temperatures here as just a starting point and use your senses to decide what's going to work best for you also it's a good idea to come back at about the halfway point and turn this pizza 180 degrees and maybe check on the bottom to see how it's doing make sure it's not getting stuck that's not stuck after 18 minutes now it's time to take this pizza out of the box this pizza looks great but right off the bat we're gonna flip up the bottom corner and see how it looks thanks that pizza steel we got this bottom well fried in the pan and it looks quite crisp however if yours isn't fully cooked and looking a little blondy on the bottom like this one here's the move the whole sheet tray goes on two burners on low over at the stove keep an eye on it move it around make sure the heat doesn't get too localized and after about three to four minutes you should have a nice crisp fried bottom on this pizza you guys this is what a pizza party looks like the sheet pan pizza can be easily multiplied to make pizza for a ton of people at once and it's really a party food it's steamy it's melty it's got a nice open crumb and it's crispy on the edges i really hope you guys like the new version of this pizza and i hope you give it a try soon let's eat this thing [Music] you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 162,840
Rating: 4.8853955 out of 5
Keywords: sheet pan pizza, sheet pan pizza recipe, pan pizza, pan pizza recipe, pizza, grandma pizza, easy pizza, grandma pie, how to pan pizza, best pan pizza, how to make pizza, pizza recipe, pizza dough, pepperoni pizza, sheet pan pizza dough, homemade pizza, how to make homemade pizza, pizza dauce, homemade pizza sauce, party pizza, Brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines
Id: OHX9gOMfrK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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