How To Make Homemade New York Pizza

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today we're starting a new pizza series we're gonna make new york pizza this is the pizza that you would find anywhere in the new york city metro and in order to get the best results doing this you really need to use a steel plate preparing this is not difficult but if it's too difficult for you i'm gonna show you a place where you can buy it from as well so this is a 16 by 16 quarter inch steel plate that i purchased from amazon this is raw steel we want to remove the mill scale but before we do that we want to get rid of this little burr that it has i'm just using 150 grit sandpaper and taken swipes just a few of them across all of the corners and just feel it and once it's smooth you're good and we want it to be smooth so that our pizza peel will glide right on top of this steel just like that the next step is to remove the mill scale from the steel plate i have a wheelbarrow here you could also do this in a large tub i'm propping up the wheelbarrow with a brick to make it more level and i'm putting a few spacers here you can also use pencils anything to keep the steel just a tiny bit over the bottom so it's not resting flat and then pour in a whole gallon of vinegar and then a whole gallon of water that's all you have to do let it go for 48 hours [Music] wipe it off as best you can get it in the oven and don't take it out for probably about 20 30 minutes until it's very dry when it comes out we're going to put on oil this flax oil right here this is food grade flax oil this is from whole foods you just need a tiny bit of this and rub it all in rub it on the sides too you know i didn't quite act fast enough i had a little bit of surface rust but it's still going to be fine this is pretty hot right now i should have let it cool down a little bit longer just a little bit of oil you just need a drop once it's thoroughly coated you need to remove it all before this goes back in the oven so take more paper towels and just get it off if you don't take get enough of it off when you put it in the oven it's going to drip and it's going to form some thicker spots of oil which you don't want we want thin layers that we're going to build up and what's going to happen is the reason this is going to work it's going to do a polymerization as it heats up is we're going to we're going to cook this high for an hour plaques is a drying oil so it's going to literally bond to this piece of metal this piece of metal is going to turn a completely different color you'll be amazed how it's going to look but dry it all off take it all off just keep buffing it if you want a perfect one i'm going to link to places where you can buy this already done and then this is going to go in the oven ideally a cold oven heat your oven up to 450 cook it for an hour and then turn your oven off but don't open it let it cool down it's probably gonna take another two hours so it's gonna be about a three hour cook an hour of cooking two hours in the oven you're gonna remove it and then we're gonna do another batch you wanna get at least three batches of this [Music] so right now it's still very warm we're gonna do the same process again 450 one hour turn it off two hours and then do it again three coats doing this and you will be set all right so we seasoned our steel and now we're ready to make some pizza so this is the new one right here and it's like very maroon very dark brown and it's going to turn into this one after a few cooks in the oven the first thing we want to do before before we start making the pizza is get our dough balls ready so this is cold water here this is not warm water we're using instant yeast so we don't we don't need warm water it's far easier just to use instant yeast i uh recommend you do so zero out your scale by hitting zero or t-a-r-e tear this is the same size weight so i have 405 grams of bread flour i'm using king arthur bread flour and the reason i'm using bread flour king arthur instead of using all trump's which is what the majority of new york pizzerias use is because i feel that everybody who's watching this video no matter where you live in the country you're going to have access to king arthur brett flour [Music] and just use regular sugar all these numbers everything is going to be right in the description for you so we're going to add our dry ingredients into the water right here now you can do this absolutely do this in a mixer kitchenaid if you have one but i want to show you how to do it by by hand because this is again what everybody can do we can all do this and then just mix this together it's going to form a very very dry shaggy dough to start try to just get it together as best you can [Music] with clean hands and my hands are clean but i did that to steal yesterday and let me tell you that to get the hands clean after that with the vinegar and everything that took a while i don't know how many of you guys are going to do what i did with the steel or if you're gonna just go and buy one you're gonna have the exact same results i feel like some people do want to try those do-it-yourself projects so i'm gonna knead this a little bit it's probably gonna get a little sticky [Music] and as it starts sticking to your hands a little bit keep it in a ball take a clean bowl and right on top so what that's going to do is it's not going to allow it to skim over or anything not letting any air get in there and we're going to return back to kneading it probably in about 20 to 30 minutes let's do the tomatoes and the cheese right now so they're all prepped san marzano tomatoes and then right here i have american definitely not san marzano tomatoes i'm telling you though i've been having great results with scoffani you guys know how many times i talk about scofflani i always like to show this one because it's relatively inexpensive so you can see these are really really thick really good consistency if you're from new york you you know polio polio basically was like the first mozzarella cheese in america a lot of pizzerias use it i'd say probably half the pizzerias in the new york area use it a lot of pizzerias you use grande now g-r-a-n-d-e but you're not gonna be able to get that at a store so that one you'd have to get a restaurant depot or a distributor like that this whole milk is extremely wet the parts skin is a lot drier from my experience from my oven the temperature it gets from doing it on the steel here i definitely feel using part skim is probably the better way to go and i recommend that you do about 75 part skim i mean you could go down to 50 and then do the rest with the hole [Music] and just store the rest we're making one pie here this will be more than enough it's going to be probably be too much [Music] you'll see a lot of places we'll use this too they'll use a little sprinkle i typically reserve it for the grandma and for the sicilian pies that i make but if you want a little bit of oregano flavor just mix a little bit into your sauce and you can use regular oregano or this if you have or if you could find it but i'm just salt tomatoes and cheese that's it so it's been about 20 minutes i'd say maybe not quite 30 to see if we can work with it [Music] it's pretty good you can do a couple more minutes if you want once you can knead it and you're done you can get that in your containers and get it in the fridge these plastic containers work really well for this these are dedicated pizza proofing containers and these are filled with the dough that we're actually going to use so this has been three days dough tends to stick a lot to the metal so if you can use plastic i recommend that okay that's 352 and 354 a little bit more than 350 each if you're making a lot you just cover them up as you're working so they don't dry out at all so kind of just fold it over like this [Music] and just kind of pull try to pull it tight [Music] kind of pinch the bottom okay oil your container [Music] get it right in there [Music] do your other one ball it up get it in the fridge and then we're gonna work with our dough two to three days later and make make a new york pizza so this is a very very inexpensive wooden pizza peel now a wooden peel is what you use to launch the pizza into the oven on top of the steel pizzerias will have much more substantial ones longer ones if you have a lot of space get one of those it's going to make it a lot easier if you have a if you have a wall oven that's high you're going to have a way bigger advantage than having to get you got to get down we have to get really down to get it in there this is a metal peel and this is what we're going to use to move the pizza at the halfway mark and it's what we're going to use to take it out it's very very thin inexpensive too it's like nine dollars for this one and it works well you won't be able to get your pizza out with a wooden peel you get it in with the wooden peel but you got to get it out with a metal peel you know if you're going to go through this whole process especially if you went through the process of making the steel and everything you're probably going to consider getting this too couple more things right here what i have semolina flour okay i don't use the semolina flour really for anything except for this one thing what i use it for is it goes on this wooden peel and we'll do it when we set it up put a lot of it on here and not a ton but enough that when the pizza is on here the pizza will move and glide really easily and a lot of pizzerias use this little vincent's that uh right around here where i live they're one of the best pizzerias i think they use that or maybe they even use corn cornmeal or something and then this thing my cutting board is 71 degrees we want to use this to test out our metal steel so we're going to heat that metal steel up for one hour before the pizza goes in the oven so you got to kind of plan all this [Music] okay put flour on your cutting board some an area where you can shape it now try to just bring it back to a circle so we can stay a circle okay so we want to make a rim right now we don't want to kind of deform the rim so try to like with a few of your fingers just shape it [Music] and just try to stay away from the middle of it so it doesn't get too thin in there when we stretch later just a little bit touch that middle but not much okay then you can kind of grab it with your hands without touching the rim and then you can kind of just stretch it a little bit to make it a little bit bigger try to keep the shape of a circle you're not going to be perfect i'm not perfect at all doing this but every time you get a little bit better okay now we're going to go to the other side just for a sec and just still don't touch the rim but just kind of even it up as best you can because we want our top to be what was stuck to the bottom that's just it's just better that way so right now our top is actually on the bottom i'm gonna pull it back i'm gonna bring it into my hands i'm gonna start shaping it that way okay so i'm gonna use my knuckles here and i'm gonna try to just open it up a little bit [Music] try to just pull with the knuckles [Music] and if you have to drop it don't drop it back on this flower then drop it on the on the peel okay so i try to cross them a little bit and then pull and then cross them and pull and keep doing that trying to get the shape the 15 inches that we want all right let's try let's come down here it's not big enough yet you can as you can see it's pretty good pretty round but let's just let's keep working on it so that's why you don't want to keep dropping it back on the flowered area i move that off to the side just get everything out of the way if you're preparing multiple pieces just do that or if you have a really big area put it in one spot keep your peels in the other spot so same thing just going to try to stretch it a little bit more and that's pretty good it's almost the size of the peel [Music] and you know the better the more you do this the better you're going to get um you might have some thinner spots or whatnot but it's very it's very thin we want it to be thin and i think that looks pretty good i think we can get the sauce on and the cheese in order to make sure you can launch it you got to make sure that it moves yeah that's moving right now so that's gonna that means that we can launch it just give those tomatoes a little mix so there's not too much water and just put a little bit down you probably only need about six to eight ounces for this and what works really well especially for doing this at home because we're not experts at this is to uh you can actually brush it on kind of with like like a barbecue brush don't use too much sauce or cheese in the beginning it's it's tempting to put a lot on but what you can do is the next one especially if you're doing two or four of these at the same time then you just build up and you'll know you'll know based off of the last one exactly what you need [Music] just go with the less is more approach you can just you can always up it on the second one all right so before you launch it again make sure that it moves and it does want to be able to slide off and the trick is when you do it you're going to kind of put it in and then you're going to just tip and then you're going to slide back hopefully hopefully it'll work out depending on what temperature you're starting with you might have to add another minute to yours [Music] i used probably too much part skin there so this is the thing you have to play around with the more whole milk you use the wetter it will get it won't get so dry you risk though that it bubbles over right here though it's probably maybe a little bit too dry it's still a really good looking pie [Music] good okay i have a pizza what's this called pizza pan and my wife's actually helping me do this one [Music] looks right there let's see okay there's the bottom so that's exactly what we want i would say got the good flop which is what we want let's see the crust take a little bite [Music] delicious has that exact new york flavor the cold ferment flavor maybe don't put so much flour on the drop like i did a little bit less so you not have so much powder on the side on the crust but overall i'm really impressed with this here's two more i really wanted to stress and i don't think i stressed it enough that this can be done with kind of a crappy oven so the oven that i have is the original oven to this house it's a ge spectra oven it's probably 25 years old it makes unbelievable pizza now maybe it has an advantage over some newer ovens because it gets to 550 but i think if you have a newer oven especially if you have convection you're probably going to get even better results than i'm getting here you know go through the whole process do the steel do everything and if you don't want to do that then buy the steel and there's a lot of places that will sell you to steal i hope you enjoyed this pizza series i hope i proved that you can make it you can do a great job with it and give this a like and subscribe and i will see you next time
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 731,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new york style pizza, how to make ny pizza, how to make ny pizza in home oven, adam ragusea pizza, how to season pizza steel, homemade ny pizza, ny pizza dough recipe, cold fermented pizza dough recipe, jim delmage, sip and feast, thin crust pizza, new york pizza recipe serious eats
Id: pCQl2e_qFS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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