DETROIT-STYLE PIZZA (The Best Pizza in a Pan)

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what's up this pizza could very well be the best pizza that you can make in a pan it's like making a loaf of bread and frying a whole pizza at the same time it's dope to get started i need to grab my instant read thermometer so that i can confirm that this water is the proper temperature for this dough we need water that's about 80 to 85 degrees fahrenheit and we're good to go this is 240 grams of water and i'm gonna measure into my stainless steel bowl here on top of that i'm going to add two grams of yeast this time around i'm using rapid rise yeast it's been a cold winter in my house so far and this stuff is definitely going to speed things up a bit on top of that i've got 335 grams of bread flour and 7 grams of salt now i'm gonna grab a sturdy spoon here and start to stir everything together to combine all this i don't usually use bread flour you guys probably noticed that on this channel but all-purpose flour isn't strong enough to hold up the cheese and the sauce and all the peps that this pizza needs once this dough is stirred up to combine we're to come back with a wet hand and give it a series of slap and folds for this we're just going to grab a corner and basically fold the dough in half 20 or 30 times to develop a little bit of strength this move replicates a mechanical stand mixer which is also going to be an appropriate way of mixing this dough if you've got one of those and you want to make sure you're getting your money's worth after a few of these folds there now we're going to wrap this dough with some plastic and set it in a warm spot for me that's going to be on top of the refrigerator i'm going to set a timer and come back to this dough in 30 minutes now after 30 minutes we need to build a little bit more strength into this pizza dough and for that i'm just going to grab a grip of the dough stretch it out and then fold it back over i'm going to repeat that five to six times until the dough is starting to get nice and tight from there i'm going to use my right hand to tuck and fold and tuck and fold a few more times to get the ball stretched into a taut little ball detroit style pizza is essentially a bread that's baked in a pan with cheese and sauce on top so there's no reason not to build strength just like we would for a loaf of hearth bread that needs to stand up on its own in the oven and this looks great now i'm gonna wrap it once more with some plastic wrap put it back on top of the refrigerator this time for two hours to rise and now i'm gonna grab a nice 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes i'm trying out this new brand here sento got at the grocery store kind of a value brand we'll see how it goes let me know what your preferred brand of tomatoes is in the comments i'm curious about that once this thing is peeled open we're going to pour out about 75 of it into a tall sided cork container and on top of that i'm going to add 50 grams of tomato paste 7 grams of salt 10 grams of sugar a half gram or about a teaspoon of basil and oregano and then 1 gram of chili flakes now i'm gonna grab my immersion blender and give this stuff a quick puree i want some texture to this sauce but i don't want it all as chunky as these crushed tomatoes are right out of the can spitting this up i find is going to give me a sauce that doesn't slide off the pizza and it also kind of tastes exactly like pizza hut or uh dough after 25 seconds of spinning or so we've got things pretty smooth i'm gonna top that off with the other 25 of this can stir it all up and take a look it's kind of chunky it's kind of smooth and this is gonna be enough sauce to make this recipe two whole times or for four detroit style pizzas i'm gonna freeze half right now because next weekend i'm definitely gonna want to make this pizza again one last thing here i'm going to smash two garlics give them fine mints garlic press will also work here you guys know i've got one of those and i use it a lot once these are all well chopped i'm going to grab a medium saute pan and preheat that over medium heat once it's hot i'm going to glug in two tablespoons of oil this is avocado oil i would have preferred olive but i was out and i'm flexible next goes in the minced garlic and be careful here as always this stuff can go from golden and perfumed to black and wracked in seconds once it's starting to change color and smelling good i'm gonna add in my tomato stuff and then we're gonna stir all that up to combine i'm starting to cook a lot of pizza sauce on this channel and i would consider myself an uncooked sauce guy in good times but you gotta go with what works and we need a very concentrated very thick smooth sauce for this style of pizza because as you're going to see later detroit style pizza is special and weird and there's some interesting considerations that need to be made but i'm going to get to all of those after 25 minutes of simmering we have a nice thick pizza sauce when i push my spatula through it things stay put and i'm gonna give it a taste real quick yum i'm gonna scoop it into a bowl now and then throw it into the fridge into a ready to party later on okay now one of the weird things about this pizza is the cheese it's a wisconsin made cheese product called brick cheese it's unique it's kind of weird it's got some age on it more than your average mozzarella it's nice and melty and it feels cool it looks cool and it smells totally sick normally this cheese is going to be cubed when you put it on the pizza but i'm going to be grating it on the largest hold sides of my box grater because my friend and detroit style pizza master michael petrus turned me on to this tip the cube stuff sits really heavy on top of the pizza and it will deflate things when it's fully proof sometimes so grating the brick is gonna give us feathers of cheese that will not bring down the house as it were later on i've grated four cups of cheese here that was too much two cups is probably enough for two pizzas once that's all grated i'm gonna scoop it up and then throw it in the fridge the next very important consideration here is the vessel detroit style is a panted pizza and the pan that you use makes a big difference these are the classic 8x10 lloyd pans and i think they're about 30 each on amazon these also have lids which are very handy but yeah check it out these hold heat and fry dough exceptionally well if you're pan pizza enthusiast like the b-boy i think these are pretty worthy investment of your resources i'll throw a link down below to this one specifically but if you're a frugal boy and you still want to party motorcity style a tradish 8x8 baking dish like this will definitely work your crust just going to be slightly less crispy on the bottom and make sure you've got two of them just like the lloyd pans to prep these pans now for dough we're going to glug in two tablespoons of oil we're going to smear it all over make sure you get in the corners get in the edges and i'm going to hit this other one real quick now again this is avocado oil but anything unflavored or even olive oil will work fine and voila there we go now we're going to stack these up and set them aside so that i can check on my pizza dough it's been two hours now and it looks great it's just about doubled it looks gassy it looks buoyant and alive now i'm gonna flour the top of this thing then my cutting board spread it around a little bit and then we're gonna flip out the dough we're gonna lightly flour the top of that and then very gently we're going to press this into a roughly square in shape when i go to cut this in half it's going to give us two roughly even pieces that we don't really need to shape much to fill out the pizza pan once they're divided we're going to gently lay them into those oiled pans and as you can see they're already kind of shaped like a rectangle now we don't have to degas it and risk a bunch of it snapping back from it being worked too much i'm going to gently press these to be just a bit flatter but they need to relax before we go all the way to the edge of the pan so the lids will go back on foil or plastic wrap will work as a lid if you don't have one and i'm gonna set a 30 minute timer to let the dough relax before we can come back and finish the job okay after that 30 minutes now we're going to gently spread and poke and stretch these doughs to get as much coverage in this pan as we can i don't want to press out a bunch of gas if i can avoid it but also don't worry about babying this thing the dough is really active and it's got powerful yeast in there and any lost gas will come back in the future once that's looking good and spread to the edges we're going to lit it up and let it rise for 45 to 60 minutes while that's rising we're going to finish up the prep for this pizza and for me that means pepperoni detroit style pizza is more about fried dough brick cheese and thick sauce than toppings in my opinion so go crazy with whatever you prefer but for me fried crispy cupped up peps are definitive and i gotta have them on this style i've got a whole stick of pepperoni here and i'm gonna be cutting it into 1 16 slices maybe not too thin basically this is boar's head brand by the way it's probably my favorite of the most widely available stick pepperonis and once these are all cut up now i'm going to throw them in the fridge with the rest of the pizza toppings and now i'm going to grate a little bit of parmesan this is just some decent domestic stuff i do not think that the detroit pizza man that we're trying to replicate here is going to be springing for a huge block of imported reggiano this stuff tastes good belgiosa what's up okay that's into the fridge now let's make some pizza first though i gotta preheat my oven and my pizza stone to 500 degrees fahrenheit after one hour in a warm place my doughs have risen the proper amount they're just shy of about half ways up the size of these pans and now it's time to build one that means cheese goes down first yes this is that wacky detroit signature but remember this is bread as pizza it bakes for a long time and cheese under the sauce is gonna protect it a little bit that being said you can definitely do cheese over the sauce but you have to experiment to make sure you don't get weird oily cheese next we're gonna go on to the sauce and this stuff is looking really good it's herby it's a little bit sweet and it's super robust we need to keep the sauce segmented from the cheese though this is not a spread across edge to edge type situation because we need places where the cheese can still get some caramelization and the sauce here is more of a supporting character anyways next up is my pepperonis and i'm going to put down a lot of those this is about a half stick per pizza and then some parmesan we're going to snow down a ton of that and wow this pizza is now ready to load into our 500 degree oven and we're going gonna bake this right on top of the pizza stone for 16 to 18 minutes the pizza stone is pretty important here it transfers all of that heat to the bottom of the pan making our dough much more crisp and fried which is important because this pizza is all about the fried dough without it it's just a flabby pan pizza it's still good but it's not special also i'm gonna make these one at a time in a fully heated up oven here it gives me the crispest crust i know how to make now after 18 minutes this pizza is done and wow i mean it's just oh my god look at this thing it's baked hard it's sizzling and frying in the pan the pepperonis are crisp they're cupped the cheese is brown and you know the bottom is going to be golden and crisp it's beautiful it's incredibly fun and now i'm gonna burn the out of my mouth let's eat this thing [Music] you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 723,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: detroit style pizza, detroit pizza, detroit style pizza recipe, pan pizza, sheet pizza, homemade pizza, homemade detroit style pizza, detroit style pizza dough, pizza dough, pizza recipe, pizza recipes, how to make pizza, how to make detroit style pizza, how to make pan pizza, pan pizza recipe, brick cheese, pizza sauce, detroit style pizza sauce, pepperoni pizza, best pizza recipe, food, cooking, pizza, detroit, weeds and sardines, brian lagerstrom, chef, cooking show
Id: AEV1owoLdFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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