You NEED This Meat Sauce in Your Arsenal

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hey what's up my name's brian and if you're new here on this channel i use my experience as a chef in the real world to show you guys how to cook real food on the internet so i'm kind of like your personal internet chef boy pasta bolognese is one of the best tasting pasta dishes there is but it's definitely not one of the easiest to make so today i'm going to show you how to make the pasta part of this thing and the meat sauce part in all of the moves that i know how to make real deal pasta bolognese at home [Music] before i jump in here i just want to say a huge thank you to everybody who supports this channel on coffee that support goes directly into funding the research and development for these videos and it gives me a lot of motivation to keep making them also if you guys like this video maybe give it a like hit subscribe and turn on notifications enough of that let's get into it okay we're gonna get started first on the actual bolognese part of this dish so i'm gonna preheat my oven to 425 degrees and grab three pounds of ground meat for this sauce we're gonna need a pound and a half of ground beef this is 80 20 ground chuck and a pound and a half of ground pork this is ground from the shoulder and there's plenty of fat as you can see i'm kind of mushing this meat out into an even layer on this sheet tray because instead of browning this in the pan we're gonna roast it in the oven it's a lot more hands-off this way you get more caramelization and most importantly you don't have to suffer through stirring and breaking down beef clumps for 25 to 30 minutes once that's laid out into a thick meat sheet we're going gonna throw it into the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes up next we need to get our aromatic vegetable base of this soup ironed out so for that grab your food processor i've broken down the vegetables that i'm adding here into large chunks so that everything breaks down evenly and quickly so into the jar of this thing we're gonna add one medium red onion two large carrots one small bulb of fennel two celery stalks and four to five garlic cloves i'm gonna pop the lid on and run the food processor in pulses so they don't over chop this stuff it only takes about five to six of those pulses before we have nicely broken down veggies ready for the pot i'm gonna grab my five and a half quart dutch oven here and preheat that over medium high heat i'm gonna add in about three tablespoons or so of olive oil preheat that and then i'm gonna add in four ounces of chopped pancetta if you don't have pancetta you can use bacon but be aware you're gonna bring a little bit of a darker distinct smoky vibe to the sauce i'm gonna render out the fat in this pancetta by frying it up for about three to four minutes until it crisps and it's starting to get golden next we're gonna fold in all those chopped veggies along with two strong pinches of salt and saute on medium-high heat for another 10 minutes or so while that's doing its thing we're gonna check back on our meat tray in the oven and there you go this thing's caramelized it's cooked and we really didn't have to pay attention to it at all one of my pet peeves in cooking is when ground meat sets up into large protein nuggets that you have to smash up and smash up with your wooden spoon and they just never really get broken down into sauce-worthy pieces for now the veggies are starting to caramelize and we're gonna add in 50 grams of tomato paste i'm going to stir that in fry it up let it bloom for a second and then i'm going to add in 200 grams of dry white wine if you aren't a white wine boy like bee boy is red wine or dry vermouth will totally work as well i'm going to cook this white wine down for two minutes or so so we can reduce it and deglaze all the brown veggie bits from the bottom of the pot behind that we're gonna add one 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes behind the tomatoes we're gonna add 150 grams of whole milk stir this whole thing up to combine and bring it back to a simmer the meat on this tray has cooled off a little bit so now we're going to go in there hands first and smash it all up don't worry about the fat or any juices that are sitting on the pan we want to get all that into our sauce make sure you're going hard and really breaking down this meat we really want to have a luxurious texture to our sauce and having well broken down ground beef and pork is a huge part of that okay that looks good so we're gonna move back over to the simmering tomato sauce we're gonna scoop in all this meat and stir things to combine on top of that i'm gonna add 400 grams of chicken stock stir that in bring everything back to a simmer and then add two generous pinches of salt next i'm gonna throw the lid on my dutch oven we kind of want it half on half off so we can let some evaporation happen and then i'm gonna load this into a 300 degree oven and set a one hour timer okay now is the part where we actually make pasta for this dish but i want to give you a quick disclaimer while i have made hundreds of batches of pasta they've all been in restaurants in large batches and for that you use a stand mixer i have only made it in the granny way maybe once or twice so go easy on me and to clarify the shape that we're making today is called tagliatelle it's what i would consider the best shape for a really rustic meat sauce like this but papridelli is also a good one it's just a wider version of that but if you don't have a pasta machine no sweat because i will say it loud and proud i usually eat dried spaghetti when it comes to bolognese so if that's all you have or that's all you have time for nbd for go go crazy to get started here we need 280 grams of all-purpose flour i'm going to flip that over into my work surface and i'm going to make a little well in the middle here to hold my eggs so i can slowly hydrate my flour first we're adding in two whole eggs and yeah dude i broke the well right off the bat it doesn't get better from here either i'm gonna add four yolks and yup those slide right out doesn't matter now it's pasta jazz i'm using my fork here to try and bring it all back together but it doesn't really matter all we're trying to do here is stir and mash things up till a dry ball of dough starts to form like this if your dough is too dry you can add a drip or two of water as you go to start holding things together but as you need it it's going to get more cohesive and a little bit tackier once it's combined relatively well like this we're going to need the ball for two to three minutes to develop some more strength this is going to give our pasta its signature chew later on and there about eight minutes start to finish eventually you end up with a nice golden shiny eggy little pasta ball that's gonna give you about four to six portions of tagliatelle okay i'm gonna wrap this ball with plastic wrap and let it continue to hydrate and rest on the counter for 30 minutes okay it's been 30 minutes and this dough is ready to go so i'm going to grab my stand mixer and throw on my pasta attachment i'll throw a link in the description for this one and a hand creak one so whether you have a stand mixer or not you're covered i'm gonna lightly flour this dough ball and then cut it across the equator here into two pieces now we've got something that can easily flatten out into a three-quarter inch thick oval pancake the only way to get a nicely rolled out sheet of pasta is to start with something relatively flat uniform and about this size okay we're going to open up this pasta attachment to its widest open setting i'm going to turn the motor onto low-ish speed and i'm going to lightly flour my pasta dough i'm going to pass this dough through the rollers three times each pass cranking the pasta tool one notch more closed by the way if your dough is sticking to the rollers don't be afraid to lightly flour it to prevent that i'm gonna roll this through one more time this time the roller is on the number five thickness that's about halfway to finished pasta but we need to have a more uniform pasta shape this sheet is too tapered so to get a better yield out of this we're going to fold it into a tight little rectangle by going tip to tip i'm going to fold that back over and then fold it one more time into a nice little package the machine is on the wide open setting again on this case or notch zero i'll roll this through again notching down one stop for each pass i think there's seven or eight total notches and it takes a second to get the hang of this but i encourage you to teach yourself this process it's an incredibly dignified thing to be able to make a nice pasta for your family and friends i can't think of a better way to show someone you love them than to make them a nice fresh pasta by hand okay this is not seven we're almost there it looks like pasta but this stuff expands in the water and thick ass pasta is too heavy and too chewy for this sauce so we're gonna take this to the thinnest setting or notch eight make sure that the sheet of pasta is really well lubed up with flour when you get to these higher numbers things can get a little bit stuck to these rollers especially when you're new to the process oh look at this a nice thin beautiful sheet of pasta we're going to cut this into about 10 inch rectangles of equal size then we're going to stack them up and cut them into noodles again tagliatelle is the shape that we're making for this dish and that means about a half inch thick nudes make sure that things are well lubed with flour here so when you cut them with your knife they don't get all stuck together once things are cut up we're gonna give them a nice fluff and just look how pretty this is it's gold and delicate and i'm very excited to eat some in a minute i'm gonna portion these up into roughly six ounce portions and throw them in the fridge until my bolo is complete by the way these pastas freeze well if you wanted to make these in advance don't keep them in the fridge for more than 24 hours though because the eggs are gonna turn green all right it's been one hour and i'm gonna head back to the oven and take the lid off this dutch oven and turn the oven up to 325 degrees and cook this sauce for an additional 30 to 45 minutes more often than not this sauce is made on the stove top and is cooked slowly for three to four hours i love the romance of that like your granny in the back of the kitchen just stirring and tasting all day but it requires a lot of attention and a lot of constant stirring cooking this in the oven low and slow like this gives us some concentration of flavor some caramelization and it gives us the same result with way less active work and here we go 45 minutes later i'm going to pull this out of the oven and this sauce looks really dope it smells sweet and complicated and really really meaty i'm going to stir back in all that rendered fat that's sitting on top because it tastes very good but if yours is excessively covered in a fat slick feel free to skim it off just use your best judgment i know the sauce is mostly there at this point it looks great it smells great but we definitely need to season it up and bring it into balance for that we're going to add in 10 grams of sugar 20 grams of nice ish balsamic vinegar and 5d grams of salt but go with your gut taste this the salt level should really be up to you this just tastes so sick it's meaty it's concentrated and it's just really special okay i'm gonna bring four to five quarts of water to a boil here and grab my pasta from the fridge i'm only making one portion of this for myself today because lauren's gluten-free but this overall recipe will be a feast for four to six people i'm gonna season this water with a strong pinch or two of salt and then drop in the tagliatelle fresh pasta only takes about three minutes to cook to al dente so keep an eye on it and taste as you go when the pasta is getting close we're gonna preheat a 10 inch saute pan so we can finish this pasta off like i would in the restaurant i'm going to scoop out about a quarter cup of starchy pasta water and i'm going to flip in all of my cooked pasta on top of that we're going to hit it with about a tablespoon of softened butter and then we're going to give everything the classic toss toss toss to emulsify the butter i'm going to add in anywhere from a half cup to a full cup of our finished bolognese it's going to get a little bit more butter and then we're going to toss it one more time to get everything coated and silky we don't want to go too big on the bolo because we're going to top it off with a bunch more no need to weigh it down at this point and make a mess after one more toss toss to get everything combined we're going to give it a taste this pasta is the perfect texture it's toothsome but really tender and it's kind of eggy too the sauce is so deeply flavored and just robust dude okay wow we're just we're ready we're gonna throw a little parm in there for fun and then we're gonna plate it up let's eat this thing [Music] yeah so that was very very comforting super delicious and the tagliatelle really brings everything to the ultimate most authentic level but like i said i eat dried spaghetti with this dish most of the time let me know in the comments down below what your favorite pasta shave for bolognese is is it spaghett is it stroza pretty i gotta know anyways as always guys thank you so much for your time and attention thank you for sticking around and we will see you next time
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 577,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bolognese, bolognese sauce, bolonese, ragu bolognese, pasta bolognese, homemade bolognese, how to make bolognese, how to make pasta, homemade pasta, tagliatelle, bolognese sauce recipe, bolognese recipe, best bolognese recipe, pasta, italian recipe, meat sauce, ragu recipe, ragu sauce, how to make fresh pasta, fresh tagliatelle pasta, bolognese ragu, pasta with meat sauce, meat sauce recipe, best meat sauce, weeds and sardines, brian lagerstrom, recipes, chef, food
Id: d8Gq5SyZI34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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