0.0042% Odds (insane moments)

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g'day before this video begins my friend ollie from make-a-wish would like to say g'day all right ollie just you just want to wave to the camera real quick and also tj homes yes go subscribe to young ollie's youtube channel dj homes now on to the rest of the video we have gathered insane moments caught on camera seagull surfing another seeker surely that isn't a common occurrence that's got to be pretty rare maybe 0.000 for twenty percent rare okay this kid's trying to stack three bottle flips on top of no he's done two he's breathing heavy this could be his moment can he do three in a row oh my god this was an insanely impressive video except for the fact that you're a man city fan disgusting okay so this guy's trying to flip a bottle and kick the lid off not only did he kick the lid the lid landed back on that is the most mind-blowingly [ __ ] impressive thing we've seen like i can't tell if it's mission failed or mission successful i think he was just trying to kick the lid off so i guess he technically failed what's he gonna do here oh that i don't think that was part of the plan that could have gone the wrong hole mate you could have had a second anus so oh this is a gta clip now is he gonna land on that oh beautiful ah ah it's not over he's still going he somehow fit down the ladder and he died well that was impressive until he died oh it's a rally clip he almost falls off the cliff but no lands it and continues on rally's just one of those sports i can't believe exists like they are flirting with danger every single day did that that just went down his throat this might be the first time in history a man is grateful for a gag reflex the chances that would go straight down his throat though why are you walking with your mouth open but yeah don't try this at home shooting a half court shot oh it's in and oh they're gonna go again they did two in a row go for three go for three go for three oh go for four go for four let's see it why not go for five keep it going now you know the fifth person missed because they cut the camera imagine being that fifth person god you'd be ridiculed all right big deal another full court basketball shot that is somehow so much more impressive than even if it went in this guy does a backflip perfectly with the lightning amazing i can't even do a backflip ah we have a runaway water tank just i guess it got a bit windy and the water tank has just it's escaped holy [ __ ] it just smacked the [ __ ] out of the car maybe next time put water in your water tank so it doesn't blow away oh yeah yeah oh you wait for the end you've probably seen these before on this on this channel you probably subscribe if not you should check but wait for it wait for it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah what's happening here la mayo he spawned yo what the hell maybe this video is just convincing me the simulation's real it legit looked like he was starting his morning programming this guy's got a ring who are you gonna propose or something that was smooth as god damn hell you're acting all cool like it's your first attempt i don't know man i'm seeing a lot of holes there okay this is a cat trying to get through a door no no how hell differ oh he's kicked the ball there's no way that goes in oh it's a holy [ __ ] he ran into the keeper did a damn front flip and still scored cristiano ronaldo and lionel messi could never pull that [ __ ] off i don't think the goalkeeper is grateful for that 0.004 20 moment because he just got probably knocked out dude well this is that's a penguin it's a penguin i think running away from a killer whale the penguin uses the boat to escape from a killer whale oh no the orcas pissed they're pissed off they're very smart animals they might start feasting on something bigger than penguins like your ass this dude is carrying like 18 beers at once he is the hero the blokes need should we count 20 beers this guy is the hero of every pub drink responsibly [Music] yo what yo what wait what where did that bird come from i must start believing in wizards they're stacking cups by blowing them in how the hell how that damn hell he got like six of them so the coke falls off the the shelf bounces and shoots itself back up right into position it's like it's trying to escape it falls down it's like oh [ __ ] they're seeing me gotta get back in position i mean if you go to buy that drink now there's gonna be a big hole in it that's gonna be unfortunate i think i remember seeing this video it might have been on twitter but they throw the ball into the pond the kids don't know what to do but wait for this dog he susses out where the ball is he saves the child from drowning pulls him away gets him to safety goes to get a scoopy thingy and gets the ball how do you train a dog to do that dogs are so much better than humans there's many humans that would have just let the child drown this guy finds himself in geo guesser what [Music] bro that's creepy if you start playing geo guess a bit like all the games feel like they're just following you all right this guy's trying to he he just hit a game into an xbox with the golf club like youtube trick shots have gotten god damn weird i think we all got so bored during lockdown this guy dedicated probably days of his life to that i mean i couldn't do it so it's very impressive damn that looks like the gates of hell it's fire burning inside a tree but not the outside i definitely have seen this one before too but happy to show it again unfortunately i don't think the rest of the tree has long to live so it looks good on the outside now but it will die this guy's trying to hit a bug with a blowpipe holy [ __ ] he did it feel a little bit bad for the bug though it didn't really seem necessary to do it like that i don't know how i feel about just blow piping bugs you ever seen bugs life bugs have like feelings spinning cd case card throw what the hell are you guys even coming up with anymore trick shots have gone too far you got it oh it's just so random i don't even know if it's impressive at this point this guy gets chased by an ostrich apparently oh there it comes damn it hey it's you if there are anything like emus mate they will mess you up we lost the war to them that's a we actually lost a water birds i don't know about the australian military i think ostriches have got to be the number one real-life animal that looks like a pokemon literally look at that [ __ ] and tell me you couldn't see ash catch him throwing a pokeball at it alright that was some incredible moments uh that i wanted to share with you subscribe to the second channel cheers
Channel: LazarLazar
Views: 6,351,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RoLy2iqLHR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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