New BEST Weapon in Fortnite! (Season 3)

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right now there's a lot of good weapons in fortnite but which one is the best one I have almost 250 wins this season with over 120 hours played and I have the answers for you I'm going to show you my top three and honorable mentions make sure to watch the whole video cuz you will not expect some of these answers just like I didn't expect this guys YouTube is telling me that 75% of you watching right now are not subscribed I upload every single day so don't miss out make sure you subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos let's jump into it here we go starting off by heading over to brutal Beach head where we got the boss here and this is very important for our topic of discussion today line it up just right and then ride our mechanical beautiful sumers shark into battle all righty Pi up that shotgun get a big pot oh my gosh one pumped somebody still Landing late tring to blast them oh got him down wow this thing's better than I thought holy smokes I'm blasting right now is this thing in my top list I wasn't even thinking about it before we're starting off with a nice record let me tell you what oh my so many heals here basically full HP got him man ncac Cola pop a mini too they had a purple combat shotgun no wonder they doing work to me I know there's one more person around here so I got to be careful we got all purple weapons look at me I'm going to go ahead and get all these materials I don't know where this other person went but uh they were not happy with the shots I was hitting them with oh my gosh a Gold Hammer Pump Shotgun is this in my top three for build mode it actually probably would be for competitive I think if you're just playing normal matches no but competitive yeah I'd probably put it up there okay hit that guy a little bit let me uh grab this car and get a machine gun turret on it I think this person's up here oh never mind that's a robot there's somebody close it's still a robot okay [Applause] I'm a little worried I think that the guy's going to try to jump me here it's okay I'm going to work it out I'm going give it a second probably looking for the opportunity and now I will jump and you got to be asking yourself this question you know this is a Mythic combat shotgun is it the best thing in fortnite right now build mode the answer is no I would even rather have the uh legendary Hammer Pump Shotgun but still none of those are in my top three so we must continue our journey and find weapons that do land in the top three I also even have some honorable mentions I'm going to put this uh Gold Hammer Pump Shotgun as an honorable mention especially cuz it's really good in build mode and if you're super precise you can just use it perfectly I will say that I have two number one picks which should be very very interesting okay I'm going to drive out towards Grim gate if you know you know but I'm going for the Mythic gatekeeper shotgun hope it's there but honestly somebody usually takes it it's really really really really powerful and one of the best weapons in the game but again is it in the top three somebody did take it okay going up who's shooting at me over here that's the thing with the pump is if you miss kind of screwed especially if verus somebody with a gatekeeper you're going to have a bad time oh my gosh on the plus side you do a ton of damage with it uh up close if you hit your shots but it has a really tight spread and for that I would highly recommend the gatekeeper shotgun especially the Mythic okay that just happened I have like no HP I got to move give me life need a medkit or something what's it some corn some bananas and some more barrels okay we're healing up slowly but surely ooh okay we'll get this and we'll be pretty much up to full pretty much so the gatekeeper is on the list I'm going to put it as number two out of the top three weapons that you can get in fortnite build mode right now but I wouldn't put the Mythic version of it as number two I would actually put the golden version of it with the drum magazine attachment now I think that makes all the difference here and if you have the drum on it it just becomes such a better weapon because you have five shots instead of just three trust me when I say this you lose a lot of fights cuz you only have three shots in the gatekeeper now if you have five in the tank it's really hard to mess that up because each shot hits like a tank honestly so we know what number two is the gold gatekeeper with the drum egg but what is number one what is number three as I find them here I will go ahead and tell you guys got him now the Magneto Powers have to be an honorable mention they are so good at taking out vehicles and they are a lot of fun to use they also can block some shots if you need them to number three on my list is actually going to be the Thunder burst SMG of course the gold variant with the hipfire laser on it this thing is so accurate with the hipfire laser it is scary I have to use it over basically anything else for my weapon of choice it is that good and just so accurate if you know what I am it does so much damage as well so fantastic now one thing I got to say is emps have got to be an honorable mention I mean look what is he going to do there not much when he gets empd I'll tell you that this guy's coming at me huh jump at him look at that you're just hitting mad shots cars are just coming in I got to go I got to heal I'm hurted got one down got to pop another one of these as much as I love this SMG I got to swap it out give me this Mythic combat AR please and I got to scram over here to get some heals get me in here one at a time so it actually heals me and we are chilling now I'm going to go ahead and swap out these emps for the sniper oh shoot cuz I got to talk about the sniper okay dude what are we thinking here what are we thinking here it's so many heals on them the sniper is great it is so good at damaging vehicles I think it does like 400 damage a pop it one- shot opponents in the head and the body shots are 130 now you know it does take a really long time to reload it's definitely not as good as the reaper sniper cuz you could hold like three to five shots in it depending on your mods but it is the only sniper in the game right now and it is the only thing that can oneshot you besides like a boss car with a spiked RAM on it you know so we got to take that into account and I I really enjoy it for that reason and for that it also makes it to my honorable mention list so honorable mentions so far are the gold pump shotgun emps and the sniper and then in terms of the best weapons in the game right now for build mode now in terms of best weapons in the game for build mode number three is going to be a thunderburst SMG legendary version with the hitfire mod on it number two is going to be the gold gatekeeper shotgun with the drum mod on it and then number one is definitely going to surprise you guys I have two number ones at the moment we are in a top 10 situation here what are y'all doing I think uh you could probably guess the fists are one of them especially the Mythic fists I mean they do so much damage they've been nerfed and nerfed again but you just can't stop how good they are they are so darn good that you can punch people through builds you can fly at them and if you do the uppercut combo that I perfected it is absolutely insane at damaging opponents you can damage people through walls and everything it's just it's just wild it's just there's so much range to them and of course you can use them as Mobility you can fly around they have a dual purpose and the Mythic ones you can have five charges to jump around they are just so insanely good so they are definitely number one alongside one other weapon which I'll tell you when I find the next opponent where are they at oh there they are now in terms of just like raw power output I'm going to have to say that this combat AR this combat AR is just absolute Insanity it does so much damage such a high fire rate has amazing hit fire and it's just honestly a pleasure to use you can shoot people through builds most of the time like you'll leak a couple shots like that it's just so accurate it's Perfection honestly I think it's the best AR we've had in fortnite let me go ahead and grab this uh boom bolt it's just so good and anybody's hands basically it's overpowered oh look at this guy over here now we can't disc count the boom bolt it's actually really good what are we doing here bud it's going to break in a second yeah the boom ball is really good it could do a lot of damage but when you hit cars it does 248 takes a while to blow a car up it'll hit the person inside typically only for like four damage so that's not that great and the shots are pretty hard to hit otherwise I honestly wouldn't even put in my honorable mentions but I would say it's a really fun weapon to use one V one situation holy smokes one thing I forgot to mention about the Magneto superpower is that uh it actually saves you from Fall damage which is really good as well where or where is the last guy honestly oh there they are see I hit him but it didn't do that much damage can be pretty good though and again really fun to use now if you made me choose fist or the combat AR for the ultimate best weapon in fortnite right now it's got to be the fist they're just too good I mean look at this you can punch people through wall I don't know if you knew this you see this guy in this box here let's go ahead and just oh now fortnite fixed a bunch of things like you can't really punch people through walls exactly anymore you totally could when it came out but it's just you you just punch through like this look it it's just what is the other person supposed to do and you move around so much when you're punching that it's so hard to track you as an opponent so I got to give it to the fist overall let me know what you think is the most overpowered weapon this season and GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 740,309
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Id: Lrf8JOApUa0
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Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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