She Panics and goes Over Backwards 😳

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hey guys I just got an email from some folks that live right near me and they have a two-year-old gypsy horse that they're having some trouble with she's she's kind of being a lot of horse for them they have to sedate her to get her feet done they try trailer loading her and she ended up flipping over a couple times so they need some help I need to get down there and see what's going on everybody would like it if all the horses came out of the box understanding that idea that if you're calling your horse will be calm but just because your calm doesn't guarantee that they're calm that's usually not a good response this is Elise she's going to be two in a couple couple days or about a week I was pretty good with her until she learned she could pull back and then it just went downhill from there she went over backwards once and twice actually so I mean completely over just when you're trying to lead her and her feet I mean you can pick up her front feet but her back feet I I guess what it started was I was I was drugging her to get her feet done and then I couldn't even get the drug in her and she learned then to pull back and so that's okay that's uh that's where it went South so first I just want to make sure I can kind of yield the hindquarters the the getting a high court yield is really important and she's she's yielding her hindquarters but it's real rigid and Bracy in the movement and the reason we yield their hindquarters is when a horse becomes afraid or defensive they want to engage their hindquarters and be ready to leave and that's where they you know run backwards or rearing or running off things like that so it's not a matter of just doing the technique it's all see how much softer that was it's also getting it with softness so if she becomes upset or bothered then we can use that as a strategy to recover and there she's kind of licking and chewing so the idea is also that there's pressure right now while she's moving and then when I stop and she stands still she gets relief standing still because you're saying part of the trouble we have is trying to handle her feet is she didn't want to stand still right and so there's lots of little moments that I try to release them to the standstill versus just asking them to stand still I'm just kind of testing out her yields here with the halter at first there we go this is kind of the Baseline see there she kind of got a little bit like oh I'm gonna just push on that so there's that little run backwards thought so it's interesting it was kind of good until we tried to move the four quarters and what's what's slightly interesting about that is when horses are more dominant with their front end if they don't want to move their front end usually they have a little more dominant thought they're having a harder time seeing the human as the leader when they don't want to move their hindquarters usually it's they're more afraid that was better but she could also just not know hey guys I'm excited to tell you about a must attend event for 2023. I'm talking about the horsemen Symposium I'm bringing in a couple of my mentors guys you may not have heard of but they are absolutely world class at what they do and they are some of the best Horsemen in the world I'm referring to Doug Jordan who is a cutting horse Hall of Famer and baron heilbron who is a incredible dressage trainer and instructor you guys don't want to miss this they're going to show us how to create a better partnership with our horse all the way through performance I'm going to be working with some problem horses that are going to be really exciting and a couple of my buddies are coming in and they're going to be starting some Colts so we're going to cover everything from A to Z with horsemanship you don't want to miss this event September 23rd and 24th I'll leave a link in the description below to get your tickets I'll see you guys there but anytime like things that I want to do or things that I see as like a maneuver so the idea is that I'm going to build some communication and do some exercises with her that are theoretically going to be harder than picking up her feet or going in the trailer so that those things are this easier thing okay what doesn't and basically anything you really want your forced to do they see as a trap like that's the Trap making your stand still to hold her feet and because we get really focused on that and then they feel more trapped so if we do a bunch of other things around that and release them on those those things they it can be a lot more palatable for them sure so let's test a little confidence thing here I'm just going to see if I can throw the end of the Rope over her there we go and the idea behind this is I want her to learn to read my intention and right now my energy is low and so my intention is for her to be calm and accept this rope being thrown over her but the energy of the Rope is a lot so she has to learn to kind of see through that and read me instead of reading the Rope and so a lot of the confidence things that we do is not just about the tool it's about them reading our energy sure and so I try to find a lot of different ways to do that but she's handling that pretty well so this is going good and so for me these are these are fundamentals that I do with every horse it doesn't matter what what really the the project that's in front of us is whether it was starting them to ride or starting them to drive or that you name it um they have to give to steady pressure they have to understand the difference between rhythmic pressure and rhythmic motion so these are these are fundamentals and I have a um a series of this on my patreon page and it's one of the most popular series I did and we might actually be able to add this video to it as well because I think a lot of people enjoy seeing a horse that's pretty green learning kind of some of the basic skills because a lot of times people buy a horse somewhere and the horse was used to their program but the horse doesn't necessarily have a great Foundation it just got comfortable with one set of pattern yeah right and so this is something that can be kind of a common sure common language I want to see if she'll get more committed to leaving so what I did there is I allowed her to keep drifting and then when she was more committed and turned away from me I set a boundary and brought her in and I did that on purpose because if she's already learned to kind of pull away from you and push the pressure if I am always in a good spot and always up by her head and controlling her it's not going to have as much much depth of meaning so in other words that boundary that I set there was more than me just doing this right right and so that built a little more depth of understanding there so a lot of times training is is about kind of setting up good learning opportunities you know because right there I was in a good position everything was slow I wasn't you know she didn't just react to something that surprised me I set it up I waited I got ready set a boundary and those can be really powerful training moments um and so I was kind of since she's already learned to pull away I know she's going to go to that well again at some point but I'd rather set up those little learning opportunities now when things are all under my kind of control at the moment versus when we get in the middle of trying to Trailer Load her or handle her feet uh you know it can get harder for me to set up a more strategic situation so now I'm going to get a little bossy to her and I'm going to ask her to to yield away from me in a couple different ways we'll ask her to back up out of my space here and so that's like me just being the alpha horse walking up and saying hey that's my spot I want that pile of hay right there and um she yielded to that no problem there was no resistance so you'll see me just alternate a lot between putting pressure on her asking her to yield and then going back and patent her and saying hey when I'm relaxed you're relaxed like there's a none of that I'm not going to Ambush you with anything this is not a surprise you're gonna know what's coming horses hate to be surprised and so when I'm teaching them a yield I always bring the pressure on very slowly to give them a chance to move off of it so here even though she's moving her hind feet and I've walked a full circle around her those front feet haven't stepped over until right there so by me being consistent with that she's hopefully going to learn that there was a connection to moving her front feet that time not her hind feet so whether I use the feel of the halter or the stick if I connected to those feet then she gets a more sure of what what I was asking for there and that's that little Escape move that she's kind of learned right even if the fence is in the way we'll just back around here that's we'll keep going and a lot of people lose focus on what what yield they were trying to do and through all that commotion I'm still asking for that same move until I get that step over and she kind of thought about a couple little steps right there and we got to step right away all right now we're gonna try something a little harder we're gonna ask her to go in a circle have you ever asked her to circle before all right first time so the way I'm going to do this is I think this is a really important what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through a sequence of cues and whether she goes or doesn't go I'm going to still go through the sequence of cues and she's going to start to see what's coming I got her far enough away that if she takes off I can get out of the way and not get kicked so that's kind of step one step two is I'm gonna point and give her a Direction so she feels that little feel in the halter there which she gave to now I'm going to lift the stick up so very clear I see her notice that like oh something changed now I'm going to circle this at her maybe three times and now then I'm gonna touch her with it and I touched her just hard enough that she went what was that what what happened there and pretty soon she's going to figure out that and I I have to do it firm enough that it makes her uncomfortable so she looked uncomfortable when I did that yes if she if she wouldn't have changed the expression it wouldn't have been any different than me just throwing this over her and feeling like that say so here we go again I'm going to point lift I'm gonna swing this and then I reset I come back to neutral this is what keeps them from getting too fired up because it's not just pressure pressure when she finally leaves and goes there it's going to be her choice now I just pressured her until she did it point lift and this is kind of the challenging spot that you've run into is instead of her trying to solve the puzzle she just decides okay well if that's how it is I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do some Escape evade it I hope you can appreciate the difference between her making the decision to finally leave versus me just Banks Banks bang more pressure more pressure I would just get her so defensive and locked up that we'd come out here and we'd say we had a fight with her or we had to come to Jesus meeting and so a lot of times I'm not saying that things don't get challenging at times they do but there's a there's a lot of missed opportunities that I see when people are gonna try to make a horse do something it's like you know horses she she wants to get along if she can be comfortable with what we're asking her to do and if she can understand what it is we're asking her to do if you put those two things together horse will do anything you want I want her to think forward but I don't want to think pull away either and this is exactly what you said was going to happen it's like she's fine you're just stand around petting her but yeah ask her to do something and then she just has that and all that is is a pre a pre animal Instinct a survival Instinct that's that's all that she's going to and so we just got to help her understand pressure better and as she learns to understand pressure better uh she won't go to that as as strong or as often so now we'll try the other side we'll see if she understood everything anything oh we'll take that so now I've tapped her with the string a few times so now I'm going to go back and that's again why I started with the idea of energy versus intention now my energy is back down can she be okay with me throwing this uh string over her back and can she read my energy is low now or my intention I guess the energy is high because the String's moving but my intention for her to move is low and you know everybody would like it if all the horses came out of the box understanding that idea that if you're calling your horse will be calm but just because your calm doesn't guarantee that they're calm as you can see well I've changed my opinion here to uh High spirited for for too long it's probably so we're gonna break this down into a little little more bite-sized piece because she's she's kind of locked up into a prey animal thought here so we're gonna yield our hindquarters to kind of get her back that's the recovery strategy because that didn't seem achievable what I was trying to do so I yield the hindquarters try to recover and now I'll make it a little easier I'll just go back and just try to pet her with the stick and string so you can kind of see the the method to the madness there it's like that's why I go to try those things first ahead of time to hopefully go back to them because a lot of people would look at that and they would think oh she's not afraid of the stick and string you sphinct her with it now she's terrified of it not quite yeah it was more that she was more locked up into a stronger printable mindset than it was that she was that afraid of the string at her age and stage of training getting her used to steady pressure is one of the most important parts because that's exactly what you're having trouble with you know with the farrier even using steady pressure probably a leader into the trailer um her running backwards through it and so I try to just pepper in a lot of yields with steady pressure and to be to be honest for me most of the stuff that we're doing with her here is more about taming than training taming to me is teaching the horse to not go to their that we're teaching that we're having a conversation not that it's life or death for every situation she goes this is life or death like no this isn't this is like can you go in a circle for me or not you know and so before I ever try training a horse and training again would be trailer loading farrier preparation saddling driving you name you know anything that we want them to do that's training I don't try to train them until they're tame does that make sense yeah because whatever if you have a horse that's not tame there's plenty of horses that are getting rode around that are not tame yeah and one little thing happens and that horse is ready to just break in half and that that's one of the indicators you know they're not tame so again this is that get a horse used to steady pressure I'm not asking her to move forward off of it I'm asking her to wear it to just be okay with it hanging there and so it's like to me if they can't pass this I'm not ready to crawl under there and handle the hind feet right well I did I do think she did a good job of keeping it together there she didn't totally panic now we're gonna make it a little bit harder now I'm gonna put it around the hind leg what are you laughing about are you making me nervous now you're making me nervous so I'm not holding it to try to make her stop I'm waiting I'm putting a feel until she stops and the idea is that her giving to it and softening there she got softer that's where the relief is but you kind of see it's like getting a little harder to get her to go to that strong reaction because she's getting Tamer and she's learning that she's not ever found relief work while me working with her for going to that right spot of escaping right but her trying to figure it out has equaled relief many times all right we're going to give her one more test and ironically that was the test so that's the test is to have the horse wear the rope and to turn around and fascia so let's kind of get her started by tipping her nose away we call his turn face and follow and the idea is just putting her in a bind and teaching her to work out of that bind and then follow out of it so she passed those really well oh yeah so I want to play a little game with her because she's confident enough to for me to have her feet up but she she she doesn't like it you know and so what I'm going to teach her try to teach her is that you can have your foot back but I'm going to make it uncomfortable to have it back it'd actually be more comfortable for you to just let me let me hold it I'll drive those hindquarters around a little bit I'll try to come back to kind of sort of where I was at and then bring my energy back down come in here and rubber and this is actually good I'd rather teach her this on a front leg than the hind leg and you'll notice I didn't get I didn't get after her right away I gave her a little time I wanted her to be sure that the relief is right there with the foot up in the air it's pretty easy to put pressure on a horse too early and then they associate that pressure with having her foot in the air instead of the feet being on the ground right right she does have some paws on her though holy smokes yeah now so for the hind legs the first thing I'm going to do is what I call a leg massage we're just going to rub our legs down not try to pick them up then I'm going to retreat and I want her to get really comfortable with me just approaching it so I just kind of wanted to grow some roots and get comfortable with me going from the front foot to the hind foot so pick up the front foot come back here leg massage looks pretty settled yeah so far so good it's amazing she gave me that foot a little easier you know either you can stand there and let me just hold your foot in the air quietly yeah or I could be driving your hindquarters around and you're on high lava then I like to hold underneath their foot and try to keep rubbing their leg wow [Laughter] good girl you know it's easy for us to see the feet but if you also just see that she's kind of grown some roots and she's pretty content now to be there she's amazingly flexible and there that tells me my timing has been good because she's not scared of me when I put it down I can rub on her there if she were to panic and leave then that would tell me too closely to her her pulling her foot away I went to spanking and some of the credit towards the spanking got for me having the foot in the air sure there we go awesome progress not Perfection but that's a good place to start so uh can you talk us through what you thought of the training session there well I was amazed I mean I didn't think it would ever get her back feet picked up but it worked perfect I mean it took a little time but yeah and she learned a lot awesome well thanks for having us come out another was it was great I mean obviously she needed something that's for sure well thank you very much sir well thank you thanks so much [Music]
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 44,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, horse training, horse trainer, rearing horse, horses, groundwork, horsemanship, natural horsemanship, Ryan Rose, rose horsemanship, Ryan, rose, Ryan Rose horsemanship
Id: IdSSRul9pFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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