Boarding Stable EMERGENCY... Can I Help Them?

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he's in stallion mode and that's the mode you don't want to deal with him in because that'll be the most extreme version of him so the issue that we had is when he comes in he just loses it so the first night he came up and he kind of did his I don't want to be caught thing um but it took like under a minute we brought him in and everything was fine the next day he came in with the herd and he just would not sit still at all um then he ended up rushing one horse in and that horse got injured then he was the last one and we just kept trying to catch him catch him catch him and then he finally decided to just I mean full forced um almost I mean went right by my head the owners are very elderly and that's why he's here because they just can't really deal with it anymore same with his brother from another mother so he's retired and he's just out here but he needs to get better and make it easier for your guys's staff doing chores and just safer to be around in general safer to handle and be around I don't think he was handled a whole lot to begin with yeah and he was a stud the whole time although they never used him then he was was he castrated recently um in June oh that's yeah that's pretty recent yeah okay well let's should we head out there and see um yeah is there a chance that running him up with the herd got him bothered that walking out and trying to catch him out there wouldn't go better before the herd comes running try it do you think that's worth a shot or depending on how hard he is to catch because that's a bigger space much bigger space but there's a if he's not familiar like he's if you're taking an older horse that was used to one routine and now we're changing and he's learning a new routine that action of a herd coming up could could be a lot of energy for a horse that's not used to that once he gets used to it it won't be a big deal but if that is new to him that could have spiked his adrenaline and got him kind of bothered and so now you're dealing with him bothered versus dealing with him calm as an experiment let's try to Poulter him out there just to see and then if it works I'll actually have you turn him loose don't and then we'll run them up and see if it changes okay because I know you'd rather you'd rather run him up right yeah because that's I mean that's what we do so we want him to get used to what we do so I'm looking at as kind of two separate issues one issue is just leading him he probably needs a little bit better ground matters because he hasn't been handled much and then the second thing is the system for catching them and bringing them in and out yeah let's try catching them in there now and okay we'll just watch and if he's hard to catch then we'll run him in okay [Music] I can see why the smaller pen would be helpful yeah so should we just run them up yeah so you wanna we'll go wait up there okay yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] luckily he he seems fairly settled now like when he got to the other horses he dropped to a walk but if he looked at how they all came out like they they knew the system yeah they walked with their heads down they were like okay we're going to the barn and he was like I don't know what I'm doing and his head is up and he's motoring and then when he got to the herd he settled okay so he was on the edge of if he hadn't figured out around that gate he was on the edge of losing it yeah but he's he recovered yeah so but so by the time he got here he's like oh okay so I actually don't think you need to give him a very long time to settle in here before you guys start catching however you normally catch them okay it's kind of whoever you know because he has to catch first yeah for sure we bring in So yeah so so why don't you just start start catching them okay um when it gets down to the last horse because he's difficult I would not take away the last horse until he's caught too okay yep okay oh stop come on hey would you guys like to see more detailed training videos that show you step by step how to train your horse and work through common issues we have a huge video library on my patreon page as well as dropping new videos every week you can also send me a message on there and get questions answered about your horse you can even send videos for me to coach so it's a really great value at just ten dollars a month next January it's going to go up to 20 a month for all that so if you want to get in now for ten dollars make sure you get signed up and I'll look forward to seeing you on there foreign I think you can see he's more settled now yes and I would try to catch him early there and now he's gonna once he gets the halter on now he gets a treat and so I would practice that same routine in the stall put a halter on him give him a treat and to be honest if you got in the habit of like what you know when they're in their stall and you're walking by him walk in there halter him and give them a treat and they start associating getting haltered with getting a treat the secret is don't give them the treat just by walking in until the Halter's on yeah and then also with him you saw if I if I turn my belly button and my eyes away from him and I approach him a little more sideways it's less pressure so if I walk up to you like this yeah I'm gonna you feel how that's a lot of pressure it literally if I just go like this and I'm standing next to you do you feel how that's less pressure than if I go like this so when you're when you're catching them or if you have a hard this goes for any horse if you just point your I'm very aware of where I point my eyeballs and belly button because it's more pressure so by turning to the side and then I another little strategy is try not to step closer and reach for them at the same time pick one or the other either get a little closer and then then go here yeah and then go for it but I I also think the order at which you halter him won't matter because you we there was a herd of four here I think yeah and we took one away and he was at the gate going where is he where is he where is he and that is also what tells me he's very concerned about her Dynamics he also winnied to a horse that winning in the barn while he was in a pasture full of horses okay and again so what does that tell us that tells us that he's thinking about her Dynamics he's figuring out his place in the pecking order and the herd and I think that's where most of your troubles came from is he was in a right-range state of mind he was an older horse that hadn't been handled that much and you just kind of Perfect Storm it was all those things combined um now I would like to um I would like to lead him into the arena now okay and work with him just a little bit on the ground and we didn't say this on camera but he's an older horse who hasn't done a lot now I'll get him into the arena and we'll take a look at any leading things with some ground matter stuff see if we can help that perfect does that sound good awesome yes thank [Music] you so the the big issue with him right now is he's completely not paying attention to me he's thinking about the herd and so my number one objective right now is not to teach him ground manners my goal is to get him connected with me and so the way I'm going to do that is by when he gets walking away I'm going to yield his hindquarters until he looks at me out of his opposite eye right there and so I'm going to accomplish hopefully two things every time I ask him to yield his hindquarters that should help him decompress and settle like just settle a little bit see there his head coming down and that was sitting out there he looked away the second thing that it should help is by yielding the hindquarters I'm getting him safer hind feet going away from us not kicking at us but he's getting I'm bringing his nose to me indirectly if I pull the halter and make him look at me that doesn't he he won't feel like he chose that decision but if I put pressure over here eventually he's going to catch on that every time he looks away from me I tap his hindquarters he's going to want to keep two eyes on me you know because he's running into pressure every time he does it see right this so he thought about it there a little bit okay and then I'm using the halter just to make sure I get that correct position do you see that yeah and then I'll just kind of go for a walk and every time I feel like he gets really distracted I'll just do that little handcore to yield he does feel more comfortable with me on his his left side so when I come over here what I should do first is Pat him can you see how he's defensive over here yeah so all this backing up he's trying to block me he he just doesn't have that much experience with people on his right side so I have to be a little bit careful to not tap him too much with a stick on this side he on the left side he just doesn't care about me being there on the right side he's a little concerned about me being there and he keeps wanting to put me in two eyes where he can see me the good news is he's a good boy he wants to be good too yeah and you you kind of understood that right away you're like I don't think he's trying to be bad he just he just got bothered see him blocking me there do you see how his energy is just a little softer than when he first came in he's still looking around like his attention span is kind of short but his energy is a little softer he's not calling out his movements are slower you know he's okay he's getting a little bit better about me coming over here and petting him and so that's that's all the change I was looking for so if you just take literally a couple of minutes when you first halter him taking him from point A to point B of basically asking him to check in with you um I think it'll make a big difference like I don't think this will take much at all for me if he winies out that's like a first cue that I'm going to go ahead and ask him to move the hindquarters because if he's winning now he's definitely thinking about the other horses not me and I wouldn't always have to have the stick with me you could just use the end of the lead rope okay you know but I would if he looks away I would tap him you know with with something I wouldn't just walk back there okay so just walk opposite of wherever he goes okay yep tapping in the butt there yep good now and then don't look at him when you do that there see him face you yeah good foreign there is one more game that I play with horses that don't have good ground matters because he's a little bit too willing to crowd into a human space if I was working with him I would just do the hindquarter yield for a while and every time he does that I would I would circle around to the hindquarters okay so let's go ahead and do that right now and let me show you the other game that I would add to a horse that is kind of walking through a human space I call this uh exercise owning owning space so the idea is I'm just going to walk over here and stop and I'm going to wave the stick and ask him to just stay out of my personal space and that immediately had an influence on him and I'm tapping him in the nose because that's what's pushing he's pushing with first some horses push with their hindquarters some their ribs he's kind of doing it with everything at different times there we go perfect and then see as soon as I give him that leadership you can see him kind of settle down because he's just looking for for safety he just wants to feel feel more comfortable there we go and he wants to be really light you can see that it doesn't take a whole lot yeah um so so yeah this will be really helpful when you're leading him it's just if he gets crowding just stop and do this and this will actually teach him to to respect a human space if we just hold him back with the halter it could it could it could stay the same or could get worse it won't get better the only reason it would get better is if he just gets more relaxed because he only gets pushy when he gets upset uh like emotional yeah does that make sense yeah um but if you want to leave a stick gun outside a stall door to do this leading him if you want him to get better at it you know if you're not too concerned about it and hold them back a lot of people do that you know I like to lead my horseware if I walk slow I want them to walk slow if I stop I want them to stop if I back up I want them to back up so you can see he's kind of getting a little bit more more Cooperative as we go there and that's for me you know at my place I'm thinking of the safety of everybody that's handling the horses and so I I would take the time to do this because I don't want any risk of somebody getting run over that was trying to hold them back or something but um I also understand it's your job is mostly to take care of his health-wise right yeah you you the ball's in your court for training now too so um but I also want him to be safe for for my staff as well you know I think a few days of this would make a huge difference for him because you can see him making changes pretty quickly yeah as we go why don't you go ahead and come give this one a try try to move your feet both sides yes good there you go good job there you go you believe that one he's like okay now I got it yep okay now you can see the the the bigger issue with him is you can see how attached he is to the other horses yeah and so anytime and so I but it's gonna I think it's gonna really open up a can of worms with him and based on his age and the the whole training situation here I think you're better off just picking which order works for him and and letting him get familiar with the routine and just leaving that alone okay because you can see just there's another horse in here but every time a horse leaves he starts getting bothered yeah and that is the like underlying problem you know here I would yield the hindquarters quickly there for that build the hindquarters quick quick super because that's him getting kind of bothered at another level it's like okay I'm attached to you but I don't want to be yep good so I think I think overall that'll be the best approach okay um it's okay I'll just work with them in just a little bit and then we'll put them back and then you can kind of practice this when you'd like so now I feel like we do you feel like do you see how we lost connection again yeah and so it's not the appropriate time to work on Space because he's not paying attention to us at all the best thing we could do now is yield the hindquarters again um because of how wound up he got just with that other horse uh leaving leaving the arena and so that's where like which technique you pick matters because it was going to be a a losing battle uh trying to just get him out of your space when he's stirred up yeah you know but yielding the hindquarters helps him to decompress a bit I also feel like we we kind of like timed out a little bit like he has a very short attention span he's kind of like playing with a weanling yeah just because he hasn't had a lot of handling and so if if I was like training him for real I would take him out of his pen a couple times a day for short sessions is what I would do okay um but that's why I think if you just integrate some of this into your handling him um I think it'll make a make a big difference now see here if he goes to pass me in here I think I would be more inclined to just step around him and do a and do a hind quarter yield as a way to [Music] please because this is now a stallion thought do you hear the change in his Winnie yeah instead of being a worried uh frantic Winnie it's a it's a it's a it's a deeper you know I know he's not selling anymore but he still has some of those instincts and hormones he still thinks he is yeah and that's when I keep saying how part of the issue is him being concerned about the herd Dynamics I can now see where the stallion part of it's coming into play like stallions are going to be much more um concerned about about the herd that a gelding would be yeah you know any horse can be but this is now him the stallion version of him because we just got closer to the other horses and he lost it more but it's because they were winning at him and he's in stallion mode and that's the mode you don't want to deal with him in because that'll be the most extreme version of him yeah so you got a little project here what I would focus on with him is a workaround which means what is the order that you can take him out of the barn and bring the other horses in and out that doesn't that bothers him the least and do that yeah yeah figure out what works and yeah and I think it's going to be more about him you know him going with another horse or him you know coming back with another or before the other horses leave that pen something like that I think that'll be the best system and I also think part of what you're dealing with is him learning the new system and so when he gets like next week it'll be getting easier just because of that yeah um so that's kind of my two cents I think probably the worst thing that you could do with him is just try to hold him back leading him you I think the easy thing is to yield the hindquarters and just keep kind of turning around until he gets a little bit more settled okay um and then once once once he is settled and connected with you being pro practicing proactively so not waiting for him to get upset to practice why you're leading him stop and back up just asking him to be with you while you're going versus getting drugged to the yeah it could very easily turn into him dragging everybody to the pen or dragging him back um you know because in here he gets to worry about the other horses and he and and so he's going to want to get to here you know and that's what's going to be challenging and just kind of let him settle when they when they come up just let them settle or you don't just right away if he gets fired up let him settle and I would also ideally be strategic about when you open the gate and I would try to have him up with the other ones because I felt like when we were out there it was real close to that going real south if he hadn't figured out how to get around the gate if he hadn't figured that out the next level was him spiking adrenaline and now he would have been a handful once they get on adrenaline they have to burn that in their system they can't they can't turn it off it's like when somebody's really emotional and somebody goes calm down it's like I am home you know I was like that doesn't work because you can't you can't just flip a switch and turn your emotions off immediately you know when you're training my goal is to you know make the wrong thing uncomfortable make the right thing easy but not I always say not scare them because if you scare them that's when they get on adrenaline that's when they get very concerned and now you don't you're just going to teach bad habits in that mindset you know there's nothing good that's going to come from them being in that mindset yeah very concerned about his friend leaving exactly this and this is kind of the proof of my point that this is much less about catching him and leading him he really doesn't really have any issues with that he has issues with separation anxiety yeah and being and then some of it is coming from the stallion in him did you hear the Winnie though there to me it was more frantic like my my my safety net just left yeah where when I brought him in here it was more about her like a stallion at breeding time and was what's Troublesome about that is stallions will quickly turn into fight mode so when he's worried he's in flight mode which means yielding the hindquarters will get him to settle when he's in fight mode none of it's going to work it's a fight because he's the stallion instinct to breed is and fight for the herd is the strongest really strongest Instinct that I know of that they can have and so when they're in that mode you really can't accomplish anything it's about not getting him in that mode all right well hopefully that helps yeah absolutely and we've got some tools now and some Insight yeah where we kind of went wrong in this situation um so it's very helpful not just for him but really for a lot of you know different instances I mean we're a big boarding facility we need a lot of different horses a lot of different horses and yep and now we have some more tools awesome good deal thank you so much yeah thanks for asking me to come out and uh I guess keep me posted yeah absolutely I'll I'll give you updates and if we get into big trouble I'll be SOS all right so so yeah I think I think we'll be okay yeah awesome hopefully foreign [Music]
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 226,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, horse training, horse trainer, training, horses, Ryan, rose, Ryan Rose, Ryan Rose horsemanship, horsemanship, rosehorsemanship, stallion, ex-stallion, emergency, groundwork, western, boarding, barn, barn manager, gelding, horse videos, horse riding, how to ride a horse, cutting horse, reining horse, how to saddle a horse, trick riding on horses, mustang horses, western riding
Id: ehsD0aLu09U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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