The reality of stopping a horse bucking that's really scared

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g'day I had a question sent in from California from A lady called Sabine and thank you so much for prompting this video with your question how do you stop a horse barking with one rain the short answer is Yukon but it begs another question how do you stop a horse bucking when you're riding in a bridle and you got two reins short answer is Yukon a horse is Bucking out of genuine fear like they're underprepared you hop on or something really bothers them or really startles them if they're genuinely having a terrified moment you are not going to stop embarking regardless of what headgears on them I've seen plenty of guys long range put them in a bridle they do lots of that on the ground but they hop on and there's other things they haven't done and then the horse gets a fright they can't stop on bucking it's you know it's a it's a big show I have three stories I'd like to share before I quickly gone under them you do have more patches you know with a with a sniffle and one rant you know you can probably get to the heads get them pulled around a little bit quicker again I think if you go to horse he's really scared it ain't gonna happen three quick stories to how I came across this view so two stories from when I was younger I had a thoroughbred closed down mad that had been badly abused had lots of problems and I hopped on her and she'd go to bucking and she bought quite straight and it was quite strong so I sort of held the lead up with one hand and I was trying to get my my other hand on the paddock handle as soon as I got that and I got settled and I took the slop put slack in the lead rope she slowed down and quit bucking within two or three strides but while I was hanging on to it she was getting harder and stronger so I interpreted that like she was scared of me being on I like genuinely had a problem and then she got attacked in the head when the when she wasn't getting attacked on the head and I just passengered again she kind of peed it out and two or three jumps later she peed it out enough that I could actually take hold the lead and pull around oh good another story from my youth I'm riding underprepared horses doing a terrible job although it wasn't a terrible job both these horses turned out just fine but we had our moments I had a mouse in a laneway and she spooked she got a real big scaff from something behind her and she took off and she bolted and I took hold of the halter and she lent into it got harder and faster and seemed to get more bothered so I kind of had to be brave give her some slack I sat there for about it wouldn't have been any more than 50 meters and the horse kind of you could feel the sting out of the Escape was gone it was like okay he's not attacking me and nothing's now attacking my head whatever it was is a long way behind and she started to think and again I could bend around and get her stopped third story I want to share is I haven't got to watch a lot of guys start horses but I watched a video of a guy starting a horse the horse was under prepared they were having lots of problems lots of battles he was getting on and off bending around kicking her did get kicking and punching as well so anyway this mayor just kind of locked down and froze up and she eventually moved and she did exactly what I predicted she took about two steps big one blood man again no chance of stopping her this guy was a big guy too anyways you just yanked a head down and around pulled that lead rope out of his hand stuck it between her legs speared him into the ground that was the end of the story he under prepared it doesn't matter how strong you are how bad around you've got them if they've genuinely got a problem you you can have a you're gonna have a fun day at the office anyway thanks for watching again just my opinion but I think it was worthwhile sharing okay cheers catch you on the next one if you could like share subscribe turn on the notifications Bell that would be awesome thank you cheers
Channel: Wayne Williams Horsemanship Coach
Views: 2,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CfziI-W2Xt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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