Is This A KIDS Horse or a RODEO Bronc?

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all right hey folks welcome back to another video I'm here with Kira and she brought a horse that uh you're having some issues with her bucking during a random times normally a pretty mellow horse and she's done this multiple times yes at least three times the first time was on a trail ride that was February that was the first one and then she did it again in May when we tried to write double and unfortunately that was with my kiddo we initially thought you know just don't ride double but then now she's been doing it when you go to mount but she's so mellow it's kind of I'm finding it hard to read her kind of yeah it's kind of like a surprise when it when it happens yes okay well I think what I'll do is I'll I'll take her and kind of test out a few things on the ground and her sensitivity level to certain things and uh we'll just kind of go from there uh we'll get started with her here um I'm just going to put her through some of her Paces on the ground and go through my pre-ride checklist you know as you know from watching the videos and stuff I'm not just going to see if I can be a better bronc Rider you know it's about training her because usually when they're bucking there's there's something that either physically could be making them uncomfortable but usually it's some sort of behavior thing where they're not understanding what's going on or they're getting afraid you know something like that um and so we're just going to see what we can kind of find out and we're going to test a few confidence things we're going to test a few kind of yielding things because horses can kind of buck to protest something or they can Buck because they got scared she seems pretty sweet right off the bat good first impressions she's cute when I'm evaluating unless I find a real significant problem I go through things fairly quickly because I'm not necessarily in this session you know here to fix a bunch of things I'm mostly trying to trying to understand her and so I have to put her in a few different scenarios you know to kind of find out um and when was the last time you guys wrote her or the last time she's been ridden uh to go and that ride was successful yes nothing bad but we stayed in do you feel like you've been being like more careful with her since the incidents yes and then in what ways have you been being more careful staying in the arena um waiting till she's pretty calm before getting on yeah using the mounting block instead of trying to Mount from the ground do you do more groundwork with her now before you ride yes well she's passing everything really well the only thing is you know the only observation I can make right now is she's kind of got her head up high and a little bit of a braced body position so I'd like to get her just a little bit more relaxed but that's that's probably more of a habit that she's just kind of used to moving that way I don't get the impression She's All That nervous here hey would you guys like to see more detailed training videos that show you step by step how to train your horse and work through common issues we have a huge video library on my patreon page as well as dropping new videos every week you can also send me a message on there and get questions answered by your horse you can even send videos for me to coach so it's a really great value at just ten dollars a month next January it's going to go up to twenty dollars a month for all that so if you want to get in now for ten dollars make sure you get signed up and I'll look forward to seeing you on there now one of the things that they mentioned to me is that she's having an issue with if the rider touches her wrong on her side here when they go to step on that that can cause her to Buck right away so one of the things that if you guys have been watching my videos you know I'm big on is getting the horse to bend their ribs around you do you feel see how she's kind of blocking there she's she should kind of walk a circle around me and she's kind of just straight with her ribs in and so normally I do that to help a horse be more relaxed and I'd like her to relax a little bit because she's kind of got her head up but I also want to test that area out a little bit and find out is she bothered if I tap her with the stick does that set her off does she get really agitated with that or you know of the things I was also noticing because horses can be touchy there with if they have ulcers and so off camera I brushed her off here before we started and I didn't notice any extra sensitivity to that you know she let me brush her and touch her everywhere and wasn't offended by that so um and then you also mentioned you guys don't use a back cinch when you ride her and my saddle does have a back cinch so that'll be one thing that she'll have to kind of get used to but it's kind of a good test to see how quickly they get comfortable with those things yeah but for homework the only thing I'd give you so far is I'd like to see you get her ribs bending around you a little bit more be a little bit more picky about that when you're circling her and then that should lead to that should lead to the Head lowering the head coming down a little bit okay there so I kind of just got a little start of it for you nothing much there but I would definitely work on that a little bit because the the reason I'm so picky about that is because it's natural for a horse to be in a defensive posture there and so when they have the ribs there all horses do that innately and if they don't do that it's because somebody took the time to teach them not to do that and any horse will go back to doing that if they feel nervous or defensive and so that's a real quick way to find out how willing she is to turn loose to you to you basically you know to the positions you're putting her in now this one is so those are a bunch of yields the stick and the flag is a little more of a sensory thing it's like you know does she get real bothered by things moving you know and she's she's a little bit sensitive um but not bad but if she will react to this flag doing this it doesn't necessarily surprise me that she would also react to somebody just popping on as a second Rider you know I was telling you before we got started filming that most horses would object to a second Rider because of it being behind the saddle that area of their back is pretty sensitive um and you're the rider's legs end up being right by the horse's flank so that whole area in general is more sensitive than the regular riding position so doesn't mean they couldn't do that for a short periods of time but um I would expect most horses to need a little preparation there foreign and you could prep you could prepare that a little bit by putting a rope there and pulling on it releasing it and just making sure they're okay you know having the rider kind of lay over there a little better you know just some different things to kind of check that out she seems pretty good with the flag so I'm not gonna I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on that again we're testing things and and she so far I'm not finding anything real out of the ordinary now one of my favorite tools as you guys know is Lariat rope even this so This step out of all everything I've done this would help her be prepared for that Rider being in that position you know it's like it would just test that out a little bit you'd be amazed at how many horses get real Goosey you know about things being around their hind end and it you know it it doesn't mean that their hind end is more sensitive than their front end it's just that most horses get more handling up here in the front than they do in the back and so I just try to deliberately do some things where I'm I'm handling them back there see and so for for an older horse that is kind of a kid's horse you know I would expect them to be okay with this again not not that I would expect any horse to have to learn to be okay with this but this is some of the cult starting preparation work that I do and so again if she's going to Buck with this then I would definitely not be surprised that she would buck with with a second Rider on because this rope is a lot less pressure than a second Rider being back there so what I'm wanting her to do is it looks like I'm pulling on it because I am but I'm not wanting her to give to it I'm wanting her to wear it I want her to just be okay with that that back there so we kind of found a little hole there now we'll just test it on a hind leg good so that was a great response most horses would be more troubled about what I just did versus that part under back so the it's interesting that she's sensitive to that and again these are just little tests that I do on most any horse before I ride them but again most people are bringing me horses that are having some challenges you know they haven't been ridden or not very successfully it's not like I do this with every horse I ride before I bring them out just new horses because you can see I know we've been at this for 10 minutes or something we find out a lot very quickly with just a few of those tests the yields with the stick and string the sensory stuff with the flag and then the layer it rope and again I have a YouTube short video that is uh Tom dorrance's quote where he's he talks about there not being a bad place on a horse to hang a rope and all that means is it's just good to take the time to get them used to take the time to get him used to wearing ropes all over the place because it was just touching her you know it's not it wasn't pulling out and this is a very soft rope so so since we had a little trouble there we'll go ahead and put this on the so that's a much more reasonable she got a little worried by it but she didn't decide to say I'm gonna try to save myself here and start bucking and kicking you know so you said I didn't take much time to get her used to it but it was enough of a reaction that if if there was more pressure involved you know the Saddles and Rider it could get worse because we did get a reaction there I think I'm also going to work on uh this rope being around her Barrel just a little bit again in the spirit of there's not a bad place on a horse to hang a rope foreign so she's pretty sensitive back there obviously there we go and you know basically everything you told me to me it was I was pretty sure you know this is so I want her to not come over top of me here if I have this going but I want to teach her to wear it and not not buck with it and there's I mean I got two fingers on it here I'm not pulling on it very hard but it is the the further back you go there's a reason I didn't put it right here this is less sensitive than from here back this is the most sensitive and so I haven't really gotten any further back there to where it's fully a flank rope I'm more using it kind of where the back cinch would be and asking her to get okay with it being here and you can see she's wanting to stop and when you're cold starting or if you're working with a horse that wants to Buck with this it's real important that they find a relief moving just moving out wearing it because bucking is like is also like they feel a little bit trapped or like they can't move and so by releasing around forward movement it's like she's understanding oh I can still move with this I'm not stuck anywhere um because them feeling claustrophobic you know that's the same same place they feel um you know why like on that trail ride or having the rider on her back they all those things could have evoked the same feeling of feeling claustrophobic and that's what causes them to need to like kind of fight their way out of something so I really think that that'll make a big difference and I I get the impression from her she was a little bit sensitive there but I feel like it was a little more lack of preparation there like she could have learned that you know when she was a two-year-old getting started or a three-year-old and and because she got over it very quickly that's why I feel like it was more lack of doing it versus like oh she's really worried about this particular area it was more of like oh we just needed to now see that's interesting she is pretty sensitive kind of more sensitive than she kind of looks at first yes you know for a horse that's been ridden for many years I'm being purposefully lackadaisical like I'm deliberately just kind of throwing things up there moving around her because I'm trying to expose some of these things if I were to try to be really slick and smooth it could very easily turn into being sneaky and sneaking the pat on her and sneaking the saddle on and sneaking a ride on and then she's okay with me as long as I'm being really careful but the second somebody isn't really careful then and so there's a balance between you don't want to be rude to a horse but I don't I want to be obvious to her and that's what I'm trying to do with this stuff is I'm trying to be obvious and most horses are saddled on the left side and so I like to saddle them on the right side if I don't know the horse to kind of see what their response is um you know or get them used to it if they're not used to it but yeah I can see kind of see why you're running into some trouble here because it doesn't take that much to bother her but I also and I I'm getting the impression that it wouldn't take that much to get her over it either have you tried to do any of the things that I'm doing with her or have you not stretch the envelope that far I'm I was worried about trying the lariat rope just because I don't want to yeah you don't want to get up yeah you're trying to be be careful with things good but I think you're going to want to do this like another especially like tomorrow like a few days in a row and it would make a big difference and then I would do it at revisit it again especially the Rope around her butt if she sits for a while you know it's like Winter's coming up here and a lot of times we don't ride as much so she sits for a while plan on doing a day or two of preparation before you start doing a trail ride or a more of a regular ride with her okay again those are the preliminary analysis here but given the fact that you said you've already been riding her lately um you know so it it's like it couldn't have been that bad that it was like every time I get on she blows up it was more like there was just a few scenarios that were too much for her but what I would rather do is be prepared than lucky you know and so what that means to me is I want to test her on these things when things are going well like today like things are going well there's no there's no big got to thing that we got to do right now we're not trying to do a trail ride we're not trying to do a show or anything like that we get to test her and expose some of those things now and that's a foreign concept to a lot of people a lot of people like well why would I want to like bother my horse if things are going well it's because it's like you want to build depth of understanding and preparation so that things will go well in difficult situations because you can't expose a horse to everything there is for them to get afraid of um and so what we can do though is in other words if you just try the opposite approach and you try to just be really careful around them all the time eventually something out of your control like what happened on the trail ride because you go well we won't ride double it's like okay maybe that'll help but then it happened on the trail ride too and nobody's riding double at that point so then you go oh well there's some pretty low tolerances here if if all it takes is something on a trail ride coming up and she gets thinks she's got to go to pitching and so we can raise those tolerances in those thresholds by exposing her to some of these things and normally when you know when she is exposed to this three days from now you wouldn't even get any reaction from putting the ropes on them there and then you go oh now now there's higher tolerances again this is theoretical at this point but usually this is how it works so again the back cinch is kind of new to her it's not on tight it's um I don't know if you can see there's I can pull it away there's plenty of room there um but she might because she bucked her the Rope the Rope was right there she probably will react to it a little bit again because you mentioned how she gets uh Goosey with uh something touching her sides one of the cult starting preparation checks that I do should I get this all organized here is I'll attach uh this to my stirrup and now from a distance I can just so we can start you've seen this one already Yes have you done this one with us I've tried it yes oh good did she did she freak out at all with it at first but yeah it got better okay did you do it on both sides like you put this over there from here good perfect you're on it so for a cold this is kind of exposing them to the rider's legs being noisy and again hopefully the rider's legs are not that noisy it's the the attitude of we'd rather try to prepare the way a little bit and she's handling that just fine there's zero zero reaction so now I'm Gonna Keep It attached to that same side she's got a little habit of crowding the person here yes and so I'm going to want to another thing I'll ask you to do is kind of set that boundary a little bit more with your stick whether it's a flag or the stick but she just she got her go-to is to kind of smother the human a little bit and that is for her to find relief so she gets relief coming into you off the circle but she needs to kind of get okay with things out there a little bit more good so she's no problem there so again when I don't find any issues I don't stick around there for a long time there's not really anything there to work on let's go ahead and test this side now so you can see I was right there under the surface all we had to do is add canner to it foreign so because of the Cinch I would say she was bucking mostly because of the Cinch not the Stirrup but the stirrup but you can see where we when push comes to shove there there's a little bit of a hole there if her not stepping off we're going to stay here a little bit until it gets a little better but yeah you can see with just running some of these tests it didn't we didn't have to search real hard before we found some holes that would easily be safety issues if something similar came up while you were trying to ride her her default is she's going to start to panic and go to bucking so we have to teach her how to recover and how to think through some pressure and that's where I'm challenging her when she gets stuck to kind of work through that pressure and now I'm going to work on a little bit of training now that I've gotten to know her a little bit I want to work on her stepping her front end over and staying out of your space a little bit so this is now not part of the evaluation this is part of trying to help her leave her in a better spot [Music] but to me after I put her through these tests the story all comes together it's like was it what happened on the trail or why was it just having a second Rider or why was it with the strip those are all kind of isolated incidents you know and then when you look at this you go oh she feels claustrophobic she's still emotional at canner so anything happening with a little bit of intensity so when I say things happen at let's say catering is a 6 out of 10 intensity for her well guess what that trail ride was became more than a six out of ten it became like a seven out of ten intensity in whatever way so that's why it was too much the cannering with no stir up here or with me not moving the stir up was fine but once I added the Stirrup now it went from a six to a seven right now it's too much that's that threshold line where now she's gonna buck and so those incidents were all like themed around her being sensitive around her barrel and hindquarters there we go now she's getting relief and she's getting relief with me in the right eye so when you're when you're playing doing the groundwork with her make sure you release her in this position but does that make sense yes like all those incidents just were above that threshold line and I'm going to leave the halter on in case I have to step off of her and do some groundwork if things get too a little too Western as they say which hopefully they won't but I would rather be prepared again if she if she was here in training I wouldn't feel like I need to get on her and like test a bunch of things on her saddle like even that would be a fine session just put her away you know put her away there or at least get on or walk her around or something but because you've you've made all the effort to get here I want to be thorough about checking everything and so this is a little bit different than just a regular training session because we're kind of doing an evaluation want to find out where everything's at but there would be nothing wrong with just doing some of that prep work and then just leaving you know she's real settled now the head's coming down her eyes are getting softer um you know there'd be nothing wrong with just checking those things out I'm not feeling any stir up bucking situation I I you know I think she was just being a little sensitive I'm kind of surprised she does still feel pretty tight even after that big release and because part of what I'm doing in my head is I'm trying to figure out do you guys need to get some training professional training on her for a little bit before it's real safe or is this something you can go home do some of these steps and work through you know because safety is to me the line of you know if somebody's got the time it's like I'd like to see somebody else learn how to train train the horse but I don't want him to get hurt in the process and we're started off on the line of like you guys could do all this yourself and now I'm leaning a little bit towards might be good to have a professional put some time riding or you know walk truck canner a little bit um I agree but I kind of feel like I got to stick my legs off her because my legs touch her you know she's going to be pretty sensitive and I'm already convinced at this point in the ride that a professional needs to be the one riding her you know just because of it it feels like I could if I made a little mistake she would she would blow up and go to bucking and I'd have to be strong enough to to bend her and shut her down and that kind of surprises me with how gentle she seemed at first but you know um it just doesn't seem like there's very high tolerances here you see how high-headed she is you know she's pretty brace braced up yes like even me after this ride I would be in a realm next time I ride because I I you know I feel like I'd be counting on being able to stop her with my reins if she got bothered and if you're in a round pen the round pen kind of helps you out there but I it's like well if your if your daughter wrote her you know two weeks ago like it was right around here but she does feel like she might be ready to blow and you can see when I go to Turner she's real straight and stiff and one of the things that I would be working on with her is like Trotter out and then ask her to do this relaxed rain Circle and just get her bending and feels like you guys kind of been starting that yes Oh I thought she was gonna blow out there she's trying to get soft here there we go and now I can put my legs on her without her going kind of like like tensing up like hulking out so under saddle it just feels like she needs to get more comfortable with these positions like bending her ribs and she kind of just is in a habit of she kind of gets tight and is she's probably been ridden a lot where she was kind of tolerating things until it was too much and and she really the rest of the time really probably wasn't as relaxed as you guys thought she was is the way I'm I'm feeling feeling it and that's based on where she's putting her ribs and how high her head is and how hard it is to kind of get her to blow out so she just needs like a lot of approach and Retreat like there we approached a little bit of speed then recover Bender down ask her to get soft again there we go so can you kind of see her getting looser here as we go yes like she didn't blow up when I first got on her but she tensed up you know and you kind of go back to where her head looked and her she's blinking more her ears are alternating between thinking about me her you see her head stretching down I'm not teaching her to put her head down but she's as she's relaxing her head is naturally getting lower all right so I I don't think she needs a ton of work I just think there's a few little holes here that could get worked out by a professional with less risk to you know I mean a month out of trainers like I don't know what 1500 2000 bucks for a good for a good one you know I'm sure there's somebody that'll do it cheaper but uh shoot with medical bills these days one trip to the ER to get an x-ray is a few grand at least and again you can see by how she turns she turns with like this Ridge in her body and that's what tells me that we need to recover before we proceed so when she gets relaxed that's when I ask her for more when she gets tight that's when you see me bending her down and recovering because again it's it's not like she's being bad like she's to be punished it's just we need to help her get more comfortable accepting these things I was hoping she'd blow out again let me just cup I think we're close I'm waiting I feel like she needs to just have one more release and so what I'm doing is just kind of swinging it bring your life up bringing it back down and hoping that she'll kind of recover there it is I'm cute too she's like oh he's Gonna Keep countering Me till I breathe see when they're when they're tense through their ribs that Ridge that I was saying I'm feeling that's them holding their breath and they're they're staying tense it's like if you work out there's a time to Exhale and a time to inhale and a time to just hold it you know like just you know follow through with the lift so when you're doing so when you're about to do something really physical you engage your whole core and everything well horses stay there and that's what she's tending to do even now there she's coming out of it with her ears so she's pretty introverted about it which is also why I was a little bit misled by her you know I was wanting to listen to her I'm like she's very quiet and then you fiddle around a little bit and you find out um that you know she's not quite she's more like what you're saying not quite as quiet as meets the eye um but when you can get them to bend their ribs in that relaxed rain that's why it's truly a recovery strategy get some to breathe and that's why it's also important to do a little cannering because that cannering when they're moving their feet that much they got to breathe and so that's kind of what led to this so if you're not countering her walk and trot she could stay in that tense mindset even if I had gotten off of her before she did this I would have still left her in a little bit of a tighter position she's in a much better frame of mind at this second than a minute ago you know what I mean okay so so I'm very happy with how well she progressed that training session I think she's going to be just fine I would like to see if it's possible to get a month a month of training with somebody who knows what they're doing that can just spend a little more time loping her around under saddle can do some of the prep work on I think you could probably do a lot of prep work on the ground but I think somebody that's a professional needs to ride her and spend a little time at that canner I think that would make a big difference for her that would be my recommendation so yeah tell me what first of all what's your impressions of that session and anything you uh would you agree with what do you disagree with um it was great I learned I learned a little bit more about her sensitivity to pressure and her claustrophobic from the lariat rope and I think even the back cinch which is why I was scared to try one yeah um and her resistance to relaxing and flexing and the groundwork for sure I'm ever since being bugged off a couple times you get a little leery about doing saddle work and pushing the envelope I guess yeah definitely um you feel like you'll be able to get your confidence back with her again if she had some professional rides I believe yeah especially if you could go ride them Rider there with them a little bit yeah with yeah for sure super and again it doesn't mean you have to canter her under saddle you could walk try I just think she needs somebody to canter her for a little bit well thank you so much for bringing her out and thanks for letting us put this out there to everybody to see but these kind of videos help a lot of people know how to troubleshoot their horses and which way they should go with them so thank you for being willing to let us post it thanks for having me and thank you guys for watching if you haven't already hit the Subscribe button and we'll see on the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 287,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, horse training, horses, horse videos, horse riding, how to ride a horse, cutting horse, reining horses, how to saddle a horse, trick riding on horses, mustang horse, western riding, horse trainer, Ryan, rose, Ryan Rose, Ryan Rose horsemanship, rose horsemanship, horsemanship, buck, bucking, bucking horse, groundwork, saddle, bronc, rodeo
Id: 1E3Syn4D02c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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