Problem Horse: She goes CRAZY at the Show…… Rearing……Bucking!

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and she winnie's is probably going to be the most meaningful things that you guys can change because when she winnie's why is she winning we know she's bothered we know it's a right-brained thought well i i know that to be true well what is she who is she talking to anybody the other horse the other horses she's not talking to us and that's what you said when you came in here as you said the number one problem is when she's not with her buddy she's stressed out and she's worried about all her buddies you're her buddy the leader is here and not only you're the best buddy because you're the leader so we're gonna use the buddy system 100 but it's the rider to her [Music] all right so i'm here uh with michelle who i've just met and uh she brought her horse regina today for me to work with i'm down here in texas and she was having some trouble hauling her to a show and then she would not be the same so can you tell us a little bit about your mayor anything kind of that we should know about what happens when you go from home to the show yeah so she's a coming six-year-old dutch bred mare and spread for jumping and dressage so she's a high hyper horse anyway bomb proof at home super sweet mare that beginner riders can ride loves her job no resistance at all at home we holler to a show and she is she does a 180 she's not the same animal she's super tense um just just scary dangerous at times bucking rearing um running you know just trying to get away from the situation of being away from home and so would you now when you brought her here i could hear kind of kicking in the trailer and stuff and i think you mentioned to me earlier that um it's a little bit isolated to also when you bring her by herself and she's not with her friend yeah she's she is manageable when she has one of her pasture buddies that i also show with her at the same time at a show if she goes somewhere all by herself yeah she is absolutely tense very sensitive almost we we describe it around the barn as her brain turns off because she's super intelligent sweet wonderful to work with until that brain turns off and then it's she's scary she's she's a very large marin and it's scary yeah and you know we just we talk about that in horsemanship in terms of when a horse doesn't feel safe comfort doesn't matter and so what it basically to me that sounds like she's getting bothered enough emotionally to the point where she doesn't feel safe once they don't feel safe that's when you just you don't recognize the horse they're not doing things that are logical or make sense anymore now they're just emotional and they're running off adrenaline that sort of thing that's kind of what it sounds like is going on and what it doesn't get better it gets you know most horses you take to a show or a rodeo or play day or something like that they're excited for 30 minutes to an hour and then they relax into it and everything's fine as the show goes on and we go to multi-day shows where she's away from home for three or four days at a time it gets worse and worse and worse and by the by sunday when we're traveling home we're so ready to go home yeah you know she's so ready to go home and to be clear some of the behaviors that you have her that she exhibits is rearing and bucking bucking she's she's reared she's bucked me off she's bucked her other young rider off that shows her um and it's it's pretty instant in that case there's usually not much warning though the rearing she warns you about she'll do the little crow hop thing um and if as you try to make her walk forward you're disengaging her hind leg you're doing some leg yields and softening and suppling she's okay until she's not and then it's she's not okay and then can you i mean obviously we're wanting to um uh help her with this but i i kind of asked you specifically what were you wanting to accomplish by bringing her here so i'll ask you that question again here what's your kind of main goal for contacting me and finding out i was down here in texas and and bringing her over here today yeah i've watched many of your videos on different issues with horses and her bucking i know i know these problems are not soundness problems i would just like some more tools on the ground in the saddle to help get control of her mind help her realize that she's not in danger and that she's she's not going to be hurt i mean she never has we've never had a an accident she didn't get loose when she bucked us off she bucked me off the first time she stood there i walked over got back on her walked her around she i didn't i didn't trot or can her around again but we walked around that arena again um when she backed avery off we were actually on the lunch line avery got back on wrote her we took her back to the barn i mean it's not like anything she has not been hurt she's not been hurt at home so just don't understand and shipping her from pennsylvania when i bought her she was fine um gave her three days when she arrived and i started riding her and she was quiet i mean this this didn't happen until we started going to the shows and and i mean we're tense at the shows you know we're competing we want to we want to where time's always a crunch you know you know when you you haul your horse around it's tense and i think she feeds off of that a little bit so any tools that can help us feel more comfortable when she's big and intimidating and then making sure that everybody's safe i mean that i'm i'm too old to come off yeah i like that when i when i asked you this question earlier the first thing you said was safety is the number one number one thing and that's a good point because sometimes we can get lose track of that when we're thinking about the horses the horse's well-being or performance and all those sort of things but we have to stay safe while we're doing this and safety first absolutely all right all right so we're going to get her out i'm going to have her work with her a little bit so i can kind of see you the relationship that you have with her and then we'll do my thing perfect all right sounds good thank you so i'm right now i'm thinking because the horse is really good at home and not good other places this is more of an emotional fitness issue so that means we got to find ways to help expose this horse emotionally at home when things are going well that's the best time to do it not necessarily fixing it at the new place although sometimes that's part of it and then also hopefully giving her strategies to help her recover if she does get it start getting emotional so [Music] now let me just talk quick one of the things i like that she's doing is she's given the horse a chance to go see the perimeter of the arena some people might be inclined to bring the horse into the middle of the arena and start working them you know lunging them and moving their feet but if the horse is comfortable enough to not be out of control and just go look around the arena that's a great way to start when you bring your horse to new place but the next thing i'm looking at is she's not doing a lot of body control yields which would also cause the horse to have to pay more attention and connect so the horse is getting a chance to look around the environment that's cool but now we also need to kind of test um and you can kind of see the horse you know is pretty high headed still and is kind of tracking right and left differently and um you know still still a little bit uncomfortable and so um i think i'm going to work with her a little bit now and we'll see if we can help her kind of get a little more settled and um yeah yeah we wouldn't get on her just yet so so yeah i'm gonna switch out the halters and we'll go from there wanted to take a quick second to let you guys know if you want to see more great content you can check out my patreon page i got a ton of other videos on there as well as i will answer specific questions about you and your horse you can send me videos for coaching or you can request specific videos for me to make it's a great value at 10 a month hope to see you guys on there i'll leave a link in the description below regina so one thing i'm going to do is so it's interesting because it's almost the exact opposite psychology here you have the padded nose band you know so we don't rub any hair off or anything like that it's comfortable for in and for the trailer yeah so i'm gonna put a rope halter on and the idea is that it's thin enough if they pull on it hard it's going to put a little pressure there they wouldn't want to lean on it i put a ring on mine on the bottom and i guess you kind of have that going on your halter too and um that that really helps reduce rub marks or anything like that um but that will give me a little more control to be effective to help her kind of pay a little attention so and then i'm also going to use a lead rope that's about 12 you know 12 or 14 feet long so it's it's long enough that i can let the horse move around and i can create some distance if i need to but it's also short enough that i don't have too much rope to manage like a 25-foot lunge line or something like that so i'm gonna go ahead and switch that out right now okay so when you have a horse that is wanting to look around and not wanting to stand still what i don't want to do is make her stand still it's it's interesting but we want to control them to make us feel better and the more we control them the they don't feel as good so even me here just kind of moving out of her way and letting her look around this is positive right now right she's looking down she's curious so what i try to identify is what like there she gets kind of hyper alert and looks off or wants to move i'm going to redirect that okay so when she when she got more alert she ran into a little pressure or well i put a little pressure on her everyone look at it i use the the phrase they ran into it because in my mind i didn't start it she did meaning when she put her head down to look and smell the ground i'm like that's great you just do that stay in that frame of mind everything's good i don't want to push you around and drive you around the pen but if you get all high-headed and start looking for danger i'm saying whoa whoa whoa that's not your job that's my job i'm if i'm the herd leader i'm responsible for deciding if we need to run to save ourselves or not okay so on the camera you guys can't hear what the owner just said she said she is an extreme alpha mare and so she very much understands that so even me just giving her giving her a little bit of leadership there or like here where she crowded my space um those are all examples of where i'm actually giving her that leadership and the more i give her that leadership and control her in various ways hopefully ideally she can start to trust the leader more where right now you were you were kind of managing her around the arena and she wasn't really looking to you for leadership so again that winnie out i don't know how much the the mic picks that up but it's a real frantic high pitch you know like it wasn't you know the horses nick are a little different when they want their grain in the morning right so more of a a lower tone it's softer it's like her you know they're kind of and so that one is the right brained version of that right so in terms of reading horses um so what i'm gonna do is i don't have an agenda of set things that i'm going to do with her other than i know that if she gets bracy and defensive maybe another name for defense bracey is defensive i'm going to drive her rib cage in hind quarters that will that the more you take the hindquarters away the more the head can come down and they can relax that's why they rear is they want to engage their hindquarters and be fully powerful to leave the situation okay but the rest of the time like right now when she drops her head and becomes curious i'm gonna just leave her alone because this is the mindset i want her in right now so why would i do something to send her out of that right now there she's looking over there but to me that doesn't have the same intensity you know of like and so you're looking for speed of response and like intestine now see there it changed again the head is elevated you know more of an intense concerned look and so i might redirect that but i'll redirect that softer because she looked a little she don't she was bracy but it wasn't like ready to run so there's a million levels of how bothered they are and um so anyways that's kind of what i'm what i'm thinking about as i gonna mess with her here now i'm going to use a flag here just kind of push her off there a little bit yeah yeah yeah you do a good job of of noticing the the specifics of each each thing you gave like you know i get a lot of people send me questions and talk about their horses and um they they aren't always what the horse is doing and what the owner describes to me are sometimes different and you were able to very clearly articulate what her her deal is and that's good because that means you're reading you're reading things very well and so that's important now there is one level deeper though she should learn if i'm the leader horses heartbeats will actually synchronize in a herd isn't that interesting so when one animal's heart rate spikes up all the other horses stop eating and they look around and they go what's going on and horses can actually do it with humans as well they can actually learn to do that as well with us and so the point is the more subtle our communication is with them the more they can pay attention to us and be less concerned about what else is happening so there's a lot of qualities that we gain from being the leader to them and one of those is i'm asking her to follow my intention so if my intention is calm we're napping right now we're grazing right now we're drinking we're marching down the trail that's completely different than my intention is there's danger we need to be ready to book it you know if you're getting ready to approach a jump you need to have life up ready to send her somewhere right you don't need her sleeping at that moment but then when you unload her off the trailer and you want to stop and visit with somebody at the show and my life is down this is what we not you know so you can see we're already she's already kind of decompressing and so i'm actually optimistic right now that i think there might be just a few adjustments that we can make and it might make a big difference one thing i know that's also hard because my wife competes in dressage and when we go to those shows she's not allowed to use groundwork other than lunging you know she's not allowed to like use the stick and stuff too michelle is saying to me right now that because they can't hear what you're saying she's saying to me they don't allow you to use this and drive them around you know it's like you can lunge them and that's a bit so that means we have a lot of preparation to at home you know so the show really isn't the place and i like to communicate that with people to understand the best time to expose your horse and build emotional fitness is when things are going well you you don't train horses in high intensity situations we have to get them to handle high intensity situations if you're going to ever do performance if you're not going to do performance you wouldn't have to expose your horse to as many things you know depending if you if you want to trail ride on really calm rides with a group of friends that are all riding 20 year old horses that's one thing then if you want a trail ride in a parade you know again she's not in trouble as much for winning she's in trouble more there for disconnecting from me and that was more again of a right-brained instinctual response there so i'm trying to communicate to her that's not your job that's my job i'll take care of that don't don't step on my my boundaries you know and so that's what she needs to understand here but yeah so right off the bat you need to take that that responsibility off her place so again michelle was saying like people in the comments have been letting me know ryan you're not you're not stating the question that the person just said or whatever so they don't know you know so there's a dialogue here and they don't pick that up so she's saying at the show the mayor sounds off to the other horses and is doing that and you know you feel like because she's an alpha mare she's more concerned about the herd dynamics and we need to take that off her plate and let her know that's not her job that's your job and if you say ah they're fine we don't need to worry about them right now they're doing their thing then she should just carry on following your intention and that's why it's great when all this is our job our job is to look as the leader look out for danger you know move if we need to follow our life up and down and worry about her dynamics so if you say it's okay to have this horse walk by it's okay you know and uh we need to take that off her plate but yes building emotional fitness best time to do that is at home when things are going well not when she's already a hot mess and that's hard for people people don't understand that because you don't a lot of people don't want to see a horse that's kind of okay get bothered you know when you see a horse that's bothered become okay we're all like yay that was really great but people have a hard time understanding that you create that horse that's unflappable by bothering them in minimal exposure ways the right amount because you can over expose a horse too and when i say the word exposed i'm talking about pressure that could be this it could be exposing them to other horses coming and going could be the trailer it can be groomed anything anything that bothers them is exposure exposing them to things that bother them and the more we do that at home when things are going well the better our chances are of having a horse that can recover should the inevitable happen at a show or on a trail ride or somewhere else where the horse becomes bothered now one of now see how soft that was in the hindquarter yield she just stepped under it wasn't like hopping like she did earlier so that's a good sign looking for those subtle movements so you can see she's getting a little better off from moving off my intention so again just because this flag is up in the air moving doesn't mean it means move it's based on what's happening in here and here and so when i put my energy torture like this this is move when i bring my energy down and i walk away this is now just just follow you know and relax or vice versa if i have my energy down and my belly button's pointed away and i walk up to her to pet her that doesn't need to bother her you know but if i walk up to her with this look she should move right so it's just just different she needs to get a little better at reading that and you can see she's already kind of picking up on it here she's a pretty quick study it's interesting too because i when i work with a horse i kind of uh mentally just identify where i think their spirit level is one to ten you know in spirit levels that are one twos threes those are the kids horses of the bunch those are the the horses that just don't have a height of spirit level to worry about any much of anything you know five sixes sevens you know those are ones that are getting a little bit more there but sometimes those eights and nines you don't want to ten but sometimes those eights and nines are the best performance horses that have the most try but they're not easy you know yeah they just put a little more effort in you know then again i'm just messing around with her and anytime there's a little bit of a right brain response we just put a little pressure on it now there's a couple things i would like to teach her and you that you should teach her at home as recovery tools so one of the recovery tools is this i want to be able to walk her on a circle that i call the three circle game with her hind quarters doing a partial disengagement or shoulders in okay so you see how her hip is moving just slightly out this is soft this this should be a relaxing position to put her in and and she knows this position either from the groundwork you've done already or riding but she's letting me put her in this position easily that was interesting and i'll mention something else a lot of people will say you know aren't you going to ruin their hindquarters doing those small circles and when you're doing this at a walk it's not you're not hurting anything at a walk if you treaded this at a trot or a lope for a long time yeah you would start to start to be doing too much and i know this my wife is a physical therapist for horses so it's like i i know you know how this goes and we've trained and ridden enough horses to be aware of it so i would make sure you could do that i would get that really good at home and she's bending her rib cage really well but we don't have his head down and so i'd like to add in head down to this as the next thing so the way i'm going to try to teach this is i'm going to lift up on the halter now it's going to be a little hard today this is not the ideal you know time to teach her this but we can start the process so the idea is if she wants to have her head up i'm going to say let me help you and when she thinks down i'll release my hand and her head can come down yeah if you're riding her you would lift up on the rain what you're doing is it's weird but kind of like to get a horse not to rear it's like ask them to pick their head up and help them find relief with their head down so there's no pressure on when your head is down here and i would say you know you don't want their nose dragging on the dirt i would say their nose level with their knees [Music] their nose level with their knees or or better a better meaning between um her withers and her her knees so right now it's too high it's above her withers so i'll lift up here on the halter so again think of this as like a recovery tool there so you kind of met head down when i released my hand and the idea is i'm saying hey this could feel better down here starting to creep up again right there so i'll just reach forward here lift it up and i can actually add another motivator i can kind of tap her here with the stick and when i feel her thinking about stretching down if i release my right hand and i release my left hand that's going to be like a almost like a double release so this would be equivalent if you were riding you're putting your inside leg on right there so i offered it to her and she yeah there she kind of took me up on it so we'll go ahead and do that again so there's a phrase pressure causes the relief to be effective which means right now she doesn't want to have her head down so i have to put pressure when her head is up in order to actually have her find relief there so that was a great choice you know and it's interesting because you were saying when we were haltering her oh we taught her to put her head down right we can put pressure on her pull and that means head down which is great we should teach every horse to do that and we should also we should also try we should also try to get a horse to choose to put their head in that position so in other words i'm not making her put her head down when i do this i'm making it uncomfortable for her to have her a head up which is what helps build connection position is if i just make her put her head down and at the end of the day we need both but i would rather get her to choose to put her head down first that's the primary goal there now what i'm hoping we gain as we go here is longer moments of her staying composed right now she's composed the longer we can when we're trying to build how long she can stay there but it's like hey we can go back to moving your feet you know any time but wouldn't you rather just kind of hang out here with us and chill all right so i like that i like what we got going on there i'm gonna go ahead and ask her on the other side before she loses it so we're gonna do the exact same thing but whatever you teach on one side of a horse you always have to teach on the other side do you think she's ever been ridden with a western saddle okay there we go so for me one of the questions is do do i ha should i have avery rider and see what she's doing and what she could be doing different or should i ride her and see what we should do there you know what do you what do you guys think makes more sense okay i i i have a feeling we're only we're going to teach her some pretty simple things that i think avery could do with her um i because again i saw you riding her just a couple days ago right and it was fine yeah my so she's finding that head down pretty pretty well we need to get this where you can ask for this at walk and trot and the cue is just going to be you lifting your hand up and then you're going to you're if she doesn't take you up on it you're gonna you're gonna tap her in the belly so i like it i increased the pressure right there when she went it out so i'm making it more uncomfortable because she's continuing to do it so i'm going to start upping the annie a little bit more each time because i've given her enough opportunity to understand yeah yeah spirit level is gonna determine how committed they are to what they're doing and she's obviously fairly committed committed to it and so so again pretty soon this tap will be head down did you see that watch see how she's connecting the dots there so so this is something i want you to practice quite a bit at home so that you can use it at the show and right now she's learning it when you're doing it at the show the theory is that she knows this well at home we can apply this at the show okay and i'm sure you can ride with like a little riding stick or something you can when nobody's looking you can you can do that so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to teach her the next thing the next one again this is what you do at home i'm going to ask her to side pass and but i'm looking for multiple things i want her feet to be synchronized and i want her head to go down and ideally i want to be doing nothing okay so we'll try it uh yeah we'll slide pass her on this fence line so this time i'm gonna help her i'm gonna help her a little bit with putting the field downward there it's actually it's kind of nice that the big thing she's doing to let me know she's not connected at all is winning because it's very black and white otherwise different positions are hard to tell because she's kind of looks almost the same when she's quiet and when she's not but when she when he's out we know she's fully clocked out at that point so it gives us a pretty good time marker to say okay get noisy right there so we got a little side pass happening now i'm looking for that head down there but you see how long that takes there she really found it pretty good there so we're going to keep doing this until this is a little easier you can see her settling good it so now now i'm just going to do a little leading exercise because i didn't like her i want her to to respect the human's bubble a little bit more yeah and it's when she's bothered so again the idea is teach her this a little stronger when things are going well and that's what we're going to do is we'll saddle her and bridle her and then i'm going to teach her the exercise that i want to teach her we're going to i don't know what you call it maybe the recovery button the recovery button and what it is what we're going to do is when she gets bothered when we're sitting on her and we're going to practice this hopefully when she's not bothered is you're going to bend her around and move her hind quarters with the rain so it's it's not a hindquarter yield it's not a circle it's a combination of all the above and you just bend and turn bend and turn when her feet get heavy and sticky and she goes slow we're then going to pick our hands up in the air like i'm doing with the lead rope and we're going to teach her that this means head down but we're going to do it with the with the bit okay so that hopefully then she lowers her head like that and we're we're settling it's like hey recover you're fine and it'll hopefully be a work around from letting her escalate into that frantic uh mindset so this actually feels pretty good let's go ahead and saddle her up what do you think avery of her mindset that she's in now in terms of rideability this is writable to you okay great you
Channel: Ryan Rose
Views: 134,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Problem horse, Tears, Bucks, Calls out, Whinny’s, Crazy
Id: 9fEsoESuV-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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