Sadness | Auction Rescue - Horse Shelter Heroes S4E17

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right now we're going up to move some horses down from quarantine that way we have room for everybody else that we're going to be getting tonight at the auction my guess is that we're going to get 23. um we're not so we got Cam and Firefly down now we just got to get Elvis caught and lead him down to the vet barn and he's gonna be in the vet Barn until his gelding procedure I believe and then we'll decide where he's going to go from there [Music] let's open up those panels [Music] what's up kid foreign [Music] he likes to try to run ahead but hopefully once he has been gilded that'll kind of help solve some of those issues overall it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but he's down here now he's settled in he's got hay he's got water so now we just got to finish getting ready for auction I think I'm about to hook my truck up right now I just got to figure out what trailer I'm taking and then we'll go from there [Music] so we're going through our morning feeding session for the cats here we have quite a few kittens actually this time we have two litters we have a little right there and a little right here this one actually was just born this weekend so um yeah this cat's a little bit feisty but he's sweet he just likes to get on your way a little bit of you know love aggression all right [Music] normally after the water sits here for a little while them going from the food to the water and stuff gets it like a little orange layer around so kind of Mossy like so we like to just wash it off so we're just done here giving them food and water making sure the water is clean and cleaning up the litter boxes and they're all set the cats are doing good today [Music] foreign today I'm bringing a load of oats and Orchard Grass and wheat especially hay that we grew for y'all let's kind of see how I do we kind of experiment how how uh different grains and different hay works for you and it's it's excellent hey uh it cured out real good this time we had real good weather this will last y'all probably a week and a half something like that it's 23 Bales we'll just see it's important how many horses you got how many you adopted out you know it's just according to that but ongoing you know it'll usually last you about a week and a half maybe two weeks at the most we're going to unload it and stack it in here in our regular side shed here we'll get her done [Music] [Music] we just got it done at uh stack 23 in there oh mostly oats wheat Orchard Grass we actually drilled uh complete and oats in an orchard grass field and it turned out real good for that first cutting so we're just going to see how the horses like it and kind of experiment a little bit along at times kind of see what's best for them so absolutely no weeds and and uh should make them a real good should fill them out good and it's about 14 protein so I hope it works out good for [Music] good [Music] minus 30. okay okay I think we'll get 25 I'll stick to that guess my guess is always 50. always all right cool 30 30. all right let's see we'll see I'm hunting and hunting found my microphones I have this I'm missing my little gray handle that I use to do the lives on auction assessment and uh I don't know I feel like it went on a trip with me and never came back so I'm gonna keep looking maybe I find it maybe I don't we're gonna save lives tonight I had a lot of lights hopefully and we actually think oh how many do I think I think that it's going to be 17 plus pi 3.14 so we're gonna do 20. 14. my life got significantly better ever since they invented backup cameras that are right in the center and aimed right at the actually had a backup camera in the bedroom that was cool so um just fell out my hand this is the handle so I guess I'm gonna put it in there [Music] cool I think I'm ready to go to the auction again we're going to save about 20 horses and can't wait to see who we get because it's going to be it's going to be interesting it's going to completely change lives for those horses [Music] 24. all right cool you're going to auction and I have no idea where everyone is that Corey Corey's the only one ready and I got ready sooner than everyone else even though I was the one that was always like but anyway we AK we're all loaded up and we're headed out Corey is already hit the road and it's time for us to hit the road too [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay I have microchips lots and we'll let Kimberly grab halters because she knows how they organized them so we will head that way and we'll send her back to grab Heart of Mine which way is it all we know is let's come on [Music] we are looking at our pins for the night getting our game plan uh I believe we got 15 not certain on that yet I've not seen the sale sheet we will put halters on microchip sort them into their pins tonight water and again start intake first thing in the morning so tonight knock on wood unless there's any surprises everybody appears medically sound which is a good thing but putting the microchips in that will help me pick up on fevers quicker so we're going to get as many microchip that we can handle safely tonight without a shoot to do that so we'll see what we got so it's always a surprise it's like the gift that keeps on giving you never know [Music] you're tired [Music] baby and she's got some Dental pathologies on her ancestors too so so 25 plus with pathologies meaning she may be younger but her pathologies make her look a lot older which is an issue she's got bad news we know that she's a sorrow Louisiana microchips to get a Coggin so sometimes you'll find microchips if they've come out of Louisiana that's why that's why we scan is because you may find one [Music] [Music] we are trying a new of leaving only the halters on not the lead ropes so that way in the morning we just have to hook the lead ropes on again new thing to see if it makes us more efficient instead of having to catch some of these twice we will see [Music] alone [Music] this is a what seems to be a younger horse based on what Corey was saying what kind of dirt cheap but her teeth are like Gray is there something funky going on she's got she's like super lame in her hand right but we'll see what Dr Nancy says about it we're curious about this but that's going to be [Music] that's going to be a nutritional issue depending on where it originated from and I'll take a closer look in just a second so what [Music] the horse has probably been malnourished wherever it came from this one has probably been eating a lot of manure from lack of good nutrition this one's only about five but the back end is the jankiness I don't know if we can fix the back end or not that I don't know I'm not making any guarantees on that clarify I wasn't saying yes and that I was happy that there was something wrong with her but that was my guess is that it was a nutrition problem our teeth are really dark blackish gray which tells me probably it's a nutritional issue a lot of that's probably from her not having good things to eat and been eating manure a lot of that I'll know more tomorrow taking a closer look but she's got some she's way off on her back end so she's underweight she's got several issues to sort through she's young though she's five but the back end worries me the most that there's issues that we might not fix long term but we'll see what rest some good hay when we get her back and what X-ray show and then we'll have a better sound basis for decision she is okay to transport back the way she is now unless something changes overnight so we'll give her the benefit and definitely do x-rays to get a better idea of what's going on [Music] because we're approaching our late teens which increases our risk of arthritis dramatically I will say yeah we'll find out uh X-rays and go from there so initial observation seems okay we'll dig deeper that way we don't miss something and adopt out a bigger issue that an adopter needs to be aware of [Music] we were able to rescue 17 horses tonight those 17 horses all have one thing in common there's a lot of differences there's big ones there's little ones there's donkeys there's horses there's several different types of breeds but the one thing they all have in common they cannot go to slaughter tonight and for that I am extremely thankful all 17 are safe we're just doing a quick assessment tonight tomorrow morning we're gonna have our full team here we'll do the full assessment and then transform it back to the shelter for intake but Dr Nancy's here she's going to make sure they're all comfortable tonight Cory's in the pen getting the horses and getting halters and Lead ropes on them and they're taking them down to another area where they're going to be more comfortable for the night and it's just so heartwarming to be able to rescue 17 horses and that's only because of support from people just like you so right now we're just getting all the horses caught the ones that we can lead we're leading down to where they're going to stay um I believe we are doing microchips and maybe a few other things tonight Dr Nancy will be able to give you a better idea of what we are actually doing um but right now I'm just getting these guys caught if I can and then passing them off to Kimberly and chance and they're bringing them down there to Dr Nancy [Music] is this a gelden [Music] what's your where's your back tag child said she was bread I don't know if that tag went with her or not too old yeah mercy and she's blind to her right hi okay the last I'm not sure about I know you're tired so you got to let me know we're in the winter baby [Music] hey John didn't see you there we got our updated auction list here I'm just going through making sure that we have everybody accounted for so far we are missing three it looks like about everybody else is accounted for I'm sure they're getting these pins back over here somewhere so as soon as we get these guys done we'll go ahead and start looking for those other guys they're missing [Music] okay sweetheart okay big poke big poke good girl good girl unfortunately this one is blind in both eyes appears painful with the eyes but she has multiple multiple melanomas spread throughout her body that way so not a good outlook she's in her late teens early 20s so that's the eye painful is the most urgent medical need on that I don't want to see just let me look you just want to look that's it let me see it let me just see it oh we're better oh baby I don't know how baby you know more than six months but yeah I mean I'm getting better at guessing because like I learned more but how many donkeys do we get do we know I think it's just him I think and then a mule okay I'm trying to just figure out pans yeah and then we have oh wait maybe we got maybe we got one more okay we might have gotten one more because I think we have four more we still have to find four more equines that are to be located yeah that need to be located which I don't know if there's any donkeys in that group it's okay baby don't be alarmed good baby what a good baby tell you what he's so little put him with these with the minis yeah I put him with the minis yeah come here sweet baby you're so cute it's going well so far we have everybody microchip but the one mule and safety first it's not worth the hassle of stressing her out get her hurt us hurt we can just do her tomorrow when we get back to the shoot so but so far everybody else has been good so and she wasn't bad just it's late there's we're tired there's no sense in doing it if we don't if we can just wait tomorrow [Music] seven maybe maybe a little older probably six going on seven yeah you're close yeah we'll put seven again it's close enough for I'm happy with it he's probably coming seven this year maybe [Music] so we got a pony that we gotta find and then the black gilding that we gotta find so I'm going to make some rounds after somebody comes and gets this horse for me and figure out where they might be [Music] we're missing something naturally all right it happens nope that's not ours we're trying John [Music] and you ain't got enough hands [Music] Tennessee has these things called ticks and when it tick bites you it itches so sometimes you need a good night [Music] he found it [Music] the guy behind the camera is not always okay up here because when you have to hold a camera for hours it starts taking a lot of blood flow in here that takes the blood flow away from up here so I agree [Music] we never said you're not a hack me you're a little one but you're not a Hackney [Music] honey chocolate sunburn Brown would this be like a two or she got pathologies female yeah this is just one that we're just going to write multiple issues and we'll highlight the most significant and unfortunately continue on with life darling unfortunately it's got that dead look in her eye [Music] laughs so we have finished our initial evaluations tonight everybody is settled in with water uh their halters ready for in the morning we got everybody microchip but two and I just didn't push the issue with those two so we'll try those in the morning if not we'll do them when we get back fairly medically stable but that we also have a lot of old age lameness issues that way so nobody is medically urgent unfortunately typical auction a lot of older skinny with issues but only a few respiratory so we'll keep an eye on those we isolated those towards the front so they'll be their own separate load but so far so good no real crazy so we'll see what we get tomorrow and go from there we're in the winter baby we're in the coldest part we know [Music] it's early in the morning Dr Nancy is getting her paperwork all in order I've not seen this what are you doing Dr Vincent I am animal has a card that when we get back we'll mark off as we do things during the intake process so today I make notes on my sheets that I made notes on last night and then as we get back and do Coggins vaccines and all that they get a nice pink card to go with it and we trench grab all that and I actually have Nate a starter coffee because it's starting to show glove so um just my wife keeping up with things the cards make it easier to flip through in a hurry so we've had a lot of conversations because I want these papers on the way home she gets this paper she's gonna give me this one instead of these ones yes this one is the basic everything for children okay yes so I made even a note to what things meant okay colors so Nate is one of our employees he's actually in the Philippines and he has been such a great help to us um so he's going to enter all these animals into shelter love and um yeah he's going to be busy and I need to change my form because the last conversation we had I was getting the vet notes now I'm not so now I'm gonna have to get on my computer and change something because uh well because he messed me up he probably can't read some of my notes on there oh well it'll be fine we are Friday bushy-tailed the sun is shining and I'm regretting wearing a sweater but we're headed out to the auction gonna go get these horses and take them back to the shelter [Music] I do have a little story for you one time I every time I come to this area I get a little bit of PTSD because one time we were loading horses and I kind of leaned back in this area it was just very bad glue that is auction tag glue and it's very sticky now this is dried but it's still very sticky I got it stuck in my hair and I literally had to cut a chunk of my hair out because it was nasty glue in it so I'm always a little worried when I go past the station sounds good I am so happy you guys yeah have you touched it is it hard yeah I just made a note she's only about 13 she almost says [Music] her biggest issue is she that is missing her on both sides which I can bend from last over the winter uh seems to be a calm there so we're gonna give her a little sigh for her saddle sore and we'll see what X-rays and time does for them [Music] legs are some stuff every leg of this world and this one had Butte last knot for pain control also which is still in its system so this four horse um Dr Nancy and I were talking about this horse earlier um if you look closely there there's a lot of little bumps on his body and basically it's it's riddled with cancer yeah he's hearing or Dr Nancy just this neck everywhere she's got a really bad that's really sad well this is the most I've seen on a single horse that doesn't have one already ruptured out so she has multiple multiple melanomas and that's a good chance of one of in the muscle that can't be removed cut out easily yeah one of the huge ones the worst part is when you look underneath the reteats look at them hanging down that way that's pretty dramatic she's got cancer everywhere because she just doesn't know where she's at yeah yes it is a Mario oh yeah I know I think it's a big tumor yeah yeah she's eat up the sweetheart oh yeah right look at that look at this okay guys look at this this is how bad this cancer is like uh that is terrible yeah it's too nice everywhere the external's only what you're seeing you don't see what all is internally with these yeah so this one is about 12 years old uh biggest issue is multiple founder issues x-rays will tell us if it's fixable with trimming or not front feet back feet aren't as bad but definitely we'll see how bad the x-rays are so that little mini feet is severely foundered we don't know the extent of the founder until we take X-rays yeah but that's who it is [Music] this little donkey is about let me make certain I got the right one here it's the Shaggy donkey yes he is an intact male that has not dropped his testicles yet about a year old he's starting to shut off other than that his feet are not horrible they need a little trim but they're not turned like we get a lot of the donkeys that have horrible feet so biggest thing is we'll see what he is when we get shut it off more than anything [Music] all right so now we get pictures hey like that was disgusting he's been a show horse like he was a show horse and then got dumped because you don't get hair like that but all four of his feet are really long [Music] this donkey leads like a donkey yeah he's like there's people up there I did not want to go that way it is a coming seven year old that is an intact male with feet being the major issue so far you know our Sheriff departments if somebody has an ambulance they can't take care of they'll say take it to auction so we have a very broken system in Tennessee and the United States there's a lot of areas that don't have any resources so we see things like this and until we can fix the broken system we're going to continue seeing things like this [Music] we're done with the assessment and now we're going to be loading the horses up for the first time in 20 years of rescuing I brought my own pocket knife to open the sawdust bag so this is going to be interesting see how it works wow hey that looks pretty nice [Music] is this it yeah so Jason then we're next [Music] good I tried to say it really loud obnoxious thank you [Music] so we do have all of the horses loaded we have 17 all together on the trailers we're about to head back we're gonna make a quick stop just make sure everybody is ready for the long drive and it should be an easy trip back probably gonna hit the usual traffic and hopefully we'll be back to the shelter what let's see maybe around one we'll see [Music] we're working here with the Skeleton Crew this morning and most of our team is off at the auction We rescued 17 horses and they look pretty emaciated after we get all this stuff finished down here that we have to do we'll start setting up for the crew to come back this afternoon morning we're cleaning out the intake Barn pressure washing all the floors all the Stalls uh any equipment that's in here or just pressure washing everything out the back door for right this moment so we can make sure and then we're gonna spray it all with the uh rescue so it kills any germs or anything like that so I'll be ready for the next batch of horses [Music] oh [Music] we finished up the intake Barn got it all rescued and everything everything is done here once I move a few more pieces of equipment out of here then I'm going to head over to small animal building that we're cleaning up and getting ready to put a small animal rescue facility at the end of the road [Music] really crazy morning and just realized that they're going to be here in 30 minutes and we don't have the intake area set up yet so we're going to rush off and get that done really fast [Music] so we're pretty much loaded up um just waiting on Caitlyn to get something else and we're gonna head up but we're running out of time Caitlyn I gotta go [Music] [Laughter] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know who is this are you safe we're picking up hitchhikers but only if they're safe hitchhikers they're safe okay they're gonna drop me off but then go back up so yeah well we finished getting everything set up in quarantine and now I have to come back down to the office and finish other things bye Faye and I are gonna do the after auction intake stuff so we're going to kind of hang out together do a few things and then we'll be ready to put away everything when it's all said and done [Music] and me now [Music] we just got back we're gonna get all these Critters unloaded and start the intake process here at our facility [Music] foreign this girl's gone right into isolation she's got a pretty snotty nose the nice thing with having Dr Nancy here full-time is we're able to do our intake slowly and over the course of time so we don't have to get through all the horses all at once we just see the most critical ones first and then we're able to kind of let horses that are seem like they're doing okay we just want to let them kind of relax for a little bit it's really nice to be able to let the horses just settle and relax and they've been through a lot of stress so right now our focus is on the most critical horses I do believe that this is a big like show horse the way his angles of his feet are and you can see they just chopped them off they probably was in stacks and they used to run them through the auctions with Stacks now that we've been getting horses and exposing they try to pull them and we end up with feet that look like this um I think originally he was planning on being showed his Mane's really long but it's been uncapped for a little while so I think he was in training as a show horse and then for whatever reason they kicked him to the curb he's looks like he's already starting to get maybe dsld going on his body's probably already kind of breaking down but we're going to take X-rays and see what's going on inside this horse no it's got a little remodeling because he's compensating is this space because his Hills are so long it's space and it's also where it's it's got that it's cocked out angle yeah yeah this is enlarged because this is cockeyed so it's enlarged to joint space with it yeah this one's got a lot more space there too because of his his fronts have too much space and his rears are dsld for dear life that's some bad joint space do you think that's really like the heavy pads like swinging their joints yeah he just he's a he's a confuttled mess I tried picking up his foot and he was not happy was that ear nip on the inside or outer side edge it is on the it's almost identical looking the face markings are similar but the other one but it's way darker but cameras can do weird and again if it was adjusted [Music] there is a stolen donkey and he had a notch in his ear yeah that's very similar yeah so we will X-ray and then he will hang out until we determine if he's potentially stolen or not since we have got notified that he might be [Music] do we have any P3 yeah actually and it doesn't look that bad to me comparatives of all of our others but that looks Diagon good compared to what I was expecting I am giving rabies on this side and the other side is the combo the eastern western Encephalitis tetanus flu Rhino Plus West Nile so and then we'll boost her in three weeks of course because we have no history if this has ever had a vaccine so in three weeks when I cash straight because that'll give time for the initial tetanus to be starting to take effect uh booster the vaccine again and then we will castrate so but we'll let him get settled down in the meantime I need blood for a Coggins [Music] thanks you want one yeah [Music] we are doing things different today historically we we would work until 10 o'clock at night sometimes doing intake now with Dr Nancy here full-time we've been adjusting and we're going to be trying to do something a little bit different today we're going to do the most critical horses and at five o'clock we're going to stop as long as all the most critical horses and everyone's stable are doing fine we're going to wrap up by 5 30 that's going to give Dr Nancy time to catch up on all her records that she's got to do it's going to be a little different than we normally do but that's good because it's going to help people from getting burnt out and exhausted and we can take we have the luxury of taking the time of doing these intakes slowly over like a week so that's a huge help for these horses and for our staff oh we're a baby that hasn't even we barely have got our other set of teeth so we're a year we're trying to nurse on another one on a horse we might be we got our others we're going to call you eight months eight months yeah we're babies amazing thank you oh look how cute it is [Music] oh that's much better you should show that to Dr Nancy she'll like to see that it's nice that the X-ray machine is we instantly know like oh really needs we got a little bit of ramp in there of course but no not bad I didn't think we were gonna get to the horse that had a little bit of snotty nose and stuff but uh we worked really really fast and efficiently today and that's just amazing so we went ahead and pulled her out of the pen and she's gonna get her intake done as well today [Music] so when we were listening or it sounded like she was chewing on rocks and it sounded terrible this map doesn't sound good teeth sound terrible that sounds painful rock it does sound like it's chewing on a rock so it doesn't sound like it feels too good got no idea what's going on with it but it does not sound like it feels too good and then she picked up a rock with her mouth and was chewing on rocks her show I gave her band I mean I did not vaccinate her because of her fever so um we are going to let her hang out in isolation pen see how she does and we'll go from her with her so far we've not found anything majorly wrong with her she's in good health so she gets to hang out recover from being through the market getting exposed to everything and time will tell and chance I'm here on a working interview I've been to a lot of different places and never seen anything like this before at some of these auctions it's the most horses I've seen that were in this kind of condition did find a couple that were maybe possibly savable they look good just need a little bit of weight on them and give them a chance to see how they go and everything went pretty good we got through all the horses today and good people to work with and everybody worked together and been pretty smooth well Dr Nancy I do and how to make this flow better Works we're still again we got a little fine tuning but he does make it more efficient intake last night just getting the microchip went well this morning we were quick loading out today we are actually done I did not plan on being done at this time today so we've got everybody settled in letting them get situated and again we'll keep monitoring them over the whole next month and seeing what issues pop up that we don't already know about tend to be like usual and older thinner group of horses but there were a few so we are probably going to be able to save and some that we unfortunately were not able to their issues were just too bad but at least we were able to relieve their suffering on that so I think the one that stands out to me the most I mean they're the cancer horse was really sad the poor little melanomas yes that little mini with the hooves like that's so sad and they were trimming them yeah they they were trying to not let them grow wild but there's they're suffering and I know we were having a conversation with another vet who was working with a owner who had a horse that was foundered three years like eight years yes it was a little extended period and she she felt terrible because the horse was suffering and she couldn't ever relay like it's time to to let this horse finally get peace and you know that's part of our mission here at horse plus is to rescue every horse regardless of their condition even if they do need the last act of kindness but um I think some some fun things are that little mule yes she's a sweet little girl even though she needs some trainings she did not expect that she was as young as she is so she's now getting her last set of incisors so I called her ballpark nine usually again between six and eight months nine nine months not years yeah six yes six to nine in six to eight months is usually when those come in again not everybody reads the book so she I'm still calling her under a year right now so so she's been weaned she needs some halter training but she's a cute little girl or a little other little donkey he's a yearling too he's not dropped his testicles yet we did get a lot of X Big Lick horses and one of them he's got a lot of problems like we're gonna be watching him to see how it goes but I just was seeing him walking the pasture and he's like he's had the stacks pulled off and it's been a little bit and the ends of his toes hacked off and it's it's rough but that's what we do we help these horses and we got done super early today because we listened to Dr Nancy on her new ideas and that's why you always listen to your veterinarian I'm just happy to see them happy in the field that makes it all worth it I'm looking at the donkeys right now the corner they're down there picking away we're distracted we're very distracted but we're wrapping it up it's been a great auction an auction intake and thank you so much for your support [Music] thank you [Music] I went to Oxford Mississippi and picked up all Clancy's banners signs everything for protest so now we're just gonna go through and make sure the signs are clean before we head out to protest the Columbia Spring Jubilee tonight and I don't know any of these signs say huh that one's pretty clean [Music] this is the states that helped pass the pass back the prevent all soaring tactics and of course you see the states that mainly do the big looking are all voted no because the big look is mainly a southern sport if you want to call it okay this is the big one that we always put up you can see the scarring right here from chemicals that were used to make him do the high stuff and then he has chains attached to it that will hit it and keep irritating it to make him walk the way it is pretty gross right here it tells you that the pass Act passed by 333 to 96 volts so our Congressman in our area did their jobs [Music] and when you stand and hold this for two hours it gets really really happy I've gone through all the signs and got the ones that we need to take today we'll be heading out to the Spring Jubilee in Columbia here in a little bit [Music] we are all ready to go protesting it's going to be very interesting without Clint but I think we've got this and we can continue to be the voice for horses so it's time to go [Music] I'm ready to get out of here and get this set up and see what we can do whatever we can cross today [Music] [Music] [Applause] what you just witnessed the stuff you dial acting as private security for the Spring Jubilee Big Lick show in Murray County at the Murray County public park in Columbia Tennessee on June 2nd 2023. he threatened that we would go to jail if we walked to where our horse was registered for the show to groom it for the show but it all started a couple days earlier oh oh your stuff is right here if that wasn't there but the other thing too if somebody's out there then people driving by they see it yeah we could just do this one lane like they get the point depending on how many people we could have some people here and come over there [Music] the good clean white one is of course puzzles I explained this in the video this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] They Ride one year olds so I wouldn't be surprised foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey Greg gives up you [Music] ready [Music] we're in Columbia Tennessee and we're protesting the Big Lick to achieve the Big Lick a horse has to be tortured and that's abuse and um basically they put stacks on their feet that they live in they don't take them off at the end of the show and they run around in pastures they have to live in these stacks and then you also see in the shows where they put chains on them and before they get to the show they teach them how to do this artificial gate and they put chemical burn or chemicals on their skin and it literally burns into their skin they'll wrap their legs so it Cooks their legs and then they'll put that chain which it is very sensitive on the skin and they'll make their horses move with that and the horse flinches like if you touch the stove it's very painful so the horse bringing the foot up really high is the Flinch from a pain response and it's wrong there's there's no way around it it's abuse and it must end and that's why we're protesting here tonight and we're going to be protesting again tomorrow we need more people to become aware of what's happening because if people are aware of what's happening this will never end so we need each person to that's watching this to raise awareness tell your friends about it and tell them to help raise awareness and put an end to this because if we're silent the horses are going to continue to suffer after the protests on the first day we did go into the show and they used to charge to go into the show now it's actually free and that's kind of a sign that their show is not very popular with the public and there were a lot of birds flying so to speak and some angry lugs and a couple people wanted to engage with us but really we were left alone because we've already won that lawsuit we have the right to be there we have the right to take photos videos audio recordings it's a public place it's a public park there's no expectation of privacy when you're showing your horse in a public park when we left it was completely uneventful but that was not what the next day was going to be like something very special is happening out here Corey is getting hooked up to the new trailer that was donated going on today I don't know what's going on Corey I don't know why I'm here on my day off but I'm here on Friday and it looks like we're taking the horse to Colombia out we're going to be doing something that we've never done before I have no idea how today is going to turn out but um they have these signs that are only uh trainers Grooms owners of horses can be back in the area where all these big lake horses are getting ready Jace and I had gone back there and we got a police escort out of there we were told we couldn't be there it's still a public park but we've been respecting those signs ever since but this year we've entered a horse into the show not that we're going to show the horse in the show but we've entered a horse who's going to just take a trailer ride today and give us access to the area where all the horses are so I know this is really going to shake things up a bit and um hopefully uh hopefully I don't get assaulted or end up in jail or anything like that but the plan is we're gonna have the horse it's gonna drive through we're going to be protesting just like we protest for all the other ones it's gonna go parked back there once we're there and everything's good um we're protesting you'll seem like normal but once we get to the show after we learn for a little bit I'm going to walk right past those signs and it's gonna get ugly I'm sure we are getting her some good makeup so she's a little less recognizable and I'm no makeup artist but I've done a lot of undercover makeup so we're getting her set up so like are you making me prettier or like not do you think she's pretty I think I think it's pretty every day it's it's like one of those Cory's biased go look in the mirror real quick to see I have no idea how this is gonna turn out but I just hope Caitlyn can vouch for me when I head back to groom her horse so this is gonna be very very very interesting yes [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] back been back here for a while now since delayed right yeah maybe when this rain stops you'll start pulling horses out you can kind of see how they are when they're not in the showroom we're back here we're actually undercover right now um we have Caitlyn here is actually entered in the show she's already got her entry number here we are kind of just waiting on things to start up to see kind of like what they do outside of the show ring back here when we're warming up maybe other things like that there's a guy over here in the blue truck looks like he's about to pull a horse off of the trailer we've already seen a couple horses with stacks on their feet just like inside the trailers looking back at them it's kind of hard to see everything right now because of the rain but it's also kind of nice to have that ring there so people can't feel like you can hear seeing the camera it's probably the show was delayed for about a half an hour oh there's a horse for the rain so we're just kind of waiting on the rain to settle down and they're gonna start warming up I bet start the show there's actually a horse over there right now it doesn't look like it has yeah it doesn't have a stacks on I think that's probably one of the like pleasure Trail classes so we're just gonna keep hanging out until they start up and I do know to our left there are horses on a trailer with stacks um but it it's really hard to see them but there are horses here that are in stacks for sure [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to see what the sign says all right guys just keep watching this we have never really done this before so I have no idea what's gonna happen so we're just gonna see what the sign says we do have a police officer all right so there is the sign all right my heart is pounding all right should we just walk along the grass over there [Music] all right thanks for watching us okay [Applause] things now reverse please 278 is clear Bill he's gonna walk back here and they are following us upstairs why do we need to go over there all the reverse show at a flat wall so why why do we need to the government why why would there be an issue if we were back there you're just not allowed back there why not but why you're not it's not just like the signs up here on the thing access you're not access back there but who's allowed back here huh who's allowed back here owner and trainer okay so and groomers okay all right so the signs are relevant to us right now King go back also we respectfully disagree because that sign is irrelevant to us at this situation so is your body cam on yeah okay thank you all right good um not everyone tell them why it's irrelevant okay so I just want you to be involved we have a horse right here back there yes this is the registration for it and we're supposed to go back and groom it and get help help so if you want to discriminate against US based on our shirts we will obviously protest that yeah because we do have a horse registered back here and it's waiting for us do you have the piece of paper yeah yeah hold on you look so familiar he looks like a movie star but it's not him it's Matthew Potter do you have your paper no who no like the actual paper you have to look familiar yep we've been here every year we've been here okay you know okay yeah he knows we're good friends so here you want to hold this this is the paper Dawn is the owner when when your horse goes back there to be checked hang on a minute you might can go back there then no sir we need to well we need to go back there to to help them like we haven't read if you want to get your sergeant out here and we'll be happy we'll be happy to explain to him that we are officially able to go back there because that sign is every rule to go back and see our horse we're gonna head back and we'll be back there so this is we're not going to film the USDA inspections okay so we're just gonna walk back here and head to our our trailer [Music] how's it going yeah so what's my groom so I am Caitlyn's groom and as well hi everyone Hi so you have a horse Regis registered to be back here yes I do hold on I would like to say that now that everybody's back here there's no one practicing around whereas before y'all came back there was many many people and a lot of horses and horsebacks yeah so they have decreased in numbers so um now he's talking to the USDA he's talking to the USDA so um who wants to shout out and give a huge like just clapping hands to Caitlyn Coop the film guy and Corey back there who drove this truck in here past us protesting and US yelling Big Lick is abuse um because it is because it is and um so what we can do is file an official Complaint because if you file an official complaint against an officer Internal Affairs has to deal with it they have to because we weren't doing anything wrong he didn't ask if we have a horse back here no we'd have to tell him after we told him we had a horse back here he told us well if you go back there you're going to jail tonight and we didn't have to tell him like he's been super nice the whole time we just wanted to let him know um and I actually early this morning Jason and I were laying in bed and we're like I think we should tell them yeah like we went back and forth did we wait until the ancestor on us or did he tell them sooner we decided not to tell him and I think it's good because oh you decide to tell them fairly soon well fairly soon but like we didn't we didn't tell him earlier like we didn't tell him when we were protesting hey this is what's happening and um he's definitely over there trying to get the USDA to um for the people that are staying a little longer yeah you're under one so for those of you who don't know um Corey and Caitlin are uh wait what's on your hand oh I don't know what that could be um don't call her his girlfriend because he will correct you I will who is she oh well congratulations you two just bought a house um this is poor horse this looks so painful so this is what happens before they get in the show and he looks like he's walking on glass can we film this one yes like this horse looks like he is literally walking on glass and he's like ouch ouch ouch ow ow her horse like this this is like so painful looking I'm ready listen it's real that's the share of talking to the USDA and he's trying to get trying to find a way trying to find a way to remove us but we haven't done anything wrong we're not doing anything and we're I mean we're back here filming but there's no signs of saying No cameras and that lawsuit's already been lost it's already been won and it's a public park we have every right to film in a public park we could just never be back here because um we didn't have a horse registered in the show We rescued Tennessee walking horses all the time and so we registered one in the show but not you know just to to get us back here we're not actually showing the horse now showing a horse flat shot would be um would be something that would be um you know maybe in the future where we're just showing for the natural abilities this horse is just looking so painful please share this video tell people to to watch what we're what's happening right now you're not gonna be like this might be like the only time we can film something like this we might be able to film more later but this isn't something that gets filmed all the time Columbia Kentucky so stocks and chains um action devices they're all just warming them up for the show and um they're definitely definitely getting them ready and you can see the stacks and the chains there we're not planning on staying a long time back here we do want to get this horse I think we've made the point home I think we made the point that we can be back here um the sheriff is clearly going to do nothing about the sheriff can't do anything about it so um I think he'd call the supervisor to supervisor leave it alone he is walking he is walking um he might be going around us let's let's see poor guy he's he's talking about this guy oh he's walking back to his post yeah he's walking walking back that's it um that's it all right so we made our point we're gonna take our horse home scratch him from the uh the uh show and um we brought you all back here we showed what was happening uh lines and license of farriers um working on horses you saw horses Tails getting all squished around you saw a whole lot of things and be sure to watch the next episode of horse rescue heroes and shelter horse shelter Heroes because it's going to be very very interesting uh so this was really really cool um we're in the living quarters of the horse trailer we're not going to be riding in the horse trailer on the main roads or anything although I did see multiple people um and horse trailers when they arrived and I thought that was just so bizarre um and uh yeah so we are pulling away we're gonna scratch our horse from this horse show because we don't support the Big Lick and we'd never show horse big leg uh the horse just got to go for a fun ride and we got to have access because of this horse into the private area for horse owners and uh yeah so uh be prepared if you uh think that protesting the Big Lick is always going to be a certain way because in Clint's memory we're going to continue this and um maybe I'll just say there's a new sheriff in town when it comes to protesting I am so stoked and excited uh that we were able to accomplish what we did um you know not only have we done a great protest to kick off that you know Clint may be gone but we're gonna keep fighting and we did something that nobody's ever done before is take a horse a rescued horse to the back a rescued Big Lick Tennessee Walking Horse to the back and that horse allowed us to come in with our cameras and you guys were back there for what an hour and a half two hours just watching everything nobody had a clue and um we're just warming up for the things we're gonna be doing to help raise awareness to end the big leg uh pretty exciting for you maybe first time kind of you're kind of undercover yeah oh I was very undercover Tawny does very good makeup um it was exciting but very nerve-wracking at the same time scared that somebody's gonna get Brave and try to you know come up to us when you're walking up to register and oh I was just freaking out I was like okay you're okay and then I got up there and I was like breathe you're undercover you got this um but once I started talking I was fine well good job good job good job and Corey great job driving Dawn great job Rising yes yes and um please please do what you can to help us put an end to the big let courses should be shown flat shot for their natural abilities not an artificial gate so Big Lick is abuse big leg is abuse wow that was quite the protest you know lameness in a horse is defined literally as an abnormality in a horse's stance or gait the Big Lick causes an abnormal gait which makes it lean the horses literally lame in the show ring and somehow this is what wins ribbons folks it's time to put an end to the Big Lick but how can you do that sharing donating get yourself educated so if somebody asks you what's wrong with the big lick you can tell them with great clarity and specificity why the Big Lick is abuse and folks there's more protests coming up and we need to see you there can you imagine if there's a hundred people 200 people 500 people descended on these shows to let the world know this is not okay all chanting in your sin Big Lick is abuse foreign [Music]
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 171,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c-X1j4cjB5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 38sec (4598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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