She mixes baking soda and glue for this gorgeous home decor idea!

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i want to show you how to do something fun with just some baking soda glue and water the first thing we need is some baking soda and this is going to make a really really cool 3d paint that you can make artwork with so i'm going to start with about a third of a cup of baking soda and dump that in i'm going to need two teaspoons of water and i'm also going to need a teaspoon of glue and i like to use the clear glue for this because it's not going to change my paint at all so i'm going to use the clear glue i also want to add a little bit of paint to start and i'm going to start with just some white paint to make sure that my mixture stays nice and bright and then i'll show you i'm going to add some color in next so i'm just going to add a t a teaspoon story of some white paint as well and i can see this is coming together beautifully i want this to be nice and thick and chunky for the art project that i'm going to make with you today and i'm just going to add a little bit more water to mine it's just a little thick probably because my paint was quite thick but if you need to add more water you want to start with just a little bit and then add more as you go now because i'm going to be making a spring project i'm going to start with just a little bit of a burgundy color paint because i want to make this um like a pinky color so i'm going to put just a dab of this paint in next and i'm going to put this in now so that it can be mixed in with my paint there's a couple of different ways that you can do this but i like to add it at this point of the mixing process but you can also do this after you've got your art piece made and then paint it okay there we go so my paint my 3d paint here is ready to go and i'm going to grab my canvas and show you what we're gonna do to get started on our project i am going to reuse an old canvas that i picked up at the thrift store for two dollars i really like reusing old canvases instead of buying a new one so that we can reuse something that's already out there so to prep my canvas for this art project all i need to do is take some white paint and i'm just going to cover this up it'll likely take two coats to cover up the paint that's already on here my canvas is all prepped and ready to go now so that the black canvas that i found for a couple dollars is all nice and white and it's ready to go and i also have my paint ready to go and what i want to do is create a beautiful big spring flower here so to make your petals you can use any sort of little spatula or spoon however you like to make them and we want to take our paint and i'm going to kind of center my flower on this side so i just want to center it a bit off and i'm going to start using this paint to make really chunky petals so i'm just going to spread it around like this and let me hold this up here i am going to be working towards the center here and i can kind of put that there to mark my center although it will be a different color later so i'm going to keep taking my paint here and i'm going to start with that outer ring of petals for my flower and i just want to goop this on however you'd like i want to make my petals really nice and big and almost like they're coming off the edge of my canvas here working towards that center and i'm starting with the lightest color on the outside here and all i'm going to do is keep working around with these nice these are going to be the outer outer edge of the petals and you want to leave it nice and chunky on your canvas don't worry about smoothing it out you'll have lots of time to work with this because it does take a bit of time to dry so don't worry about doing all of your details right away you'll have lots of time to play with this i'm just going to turn my canvas here so i can work this direction and i'm just going to smooth out the bottoms here so that i can add an another layer of petals i'm going to make some more paint and then i'm going to add a closer layer of petals and as i work my way in i'm going to get darker and darker i have gone ahead and mixed up another batch of paint and this time i made it just a shade darker than what i did originally so now i'm going to start putting on another layer of petals and i want these petals to be in between the first ones and i'm just going to keep pulling it further back towards the center of my flower and i like doing this while the other layer of petals is still wet so that i can mold it and smooth it out if i need to and you just want to keep putting this layer in between the first ones now that i've added a little bit more of the colored paint to my mixture here i'm ready to put on my final layer of petals before i do the center so i'm just going to make some small petals in between and again i have not waited for this to dry i like to do this when it's still the other layers are still wet so i'm just going to form some little petals coming into the center here and you can make as many or as few petals as you want you just want this to be a nice full flower once the inner circle is done like this i'm going to let it start to dry before i do the center i want that to start to crisp up and get hard because i don't want the pink to mix in with my center color so i'm going to leave that be for just a minute and then i'll show you how to finish off your center to finish off the center of our flower i've gone ahead and mixed some more of the 3d paint and this time i've added some brown paint to it and i'm going to use a stubby stencil brush like this and i just want to kind of dab this all over the middle of my flower here i really want it to kind of have little peaks and almost look like little seeds or um like little uh pods in there so i'm just gonna dab this and remember you can always make your paint as thick or as thin as you'd like with this 3d paint you just add more water if you want it thinner or more baking soda if you want it thicker and there you go you can add more of this brown as your paint dries you if you find you want another layer of this brown on top to give it even more texture you can do that as your paint dries and it will sit nicely on top of this as well this beautiful piece of art was so fun to make with homemade 3d paint it was super easy to put together and it was so much fun to create something that feels like it's just popping off the canvas the next time you're looking for some new art for your home i hope you will grab some baking soda and a little glue and make something yourself thank you so much for watching this episode of home talk i'm lisa from recreated designs i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Hometalk
Views: 1,615,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hometalk, how to, do it yourself, diy, home, garden, tutorial, instructions, craft, decor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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