#1685 You Won't Want To Miss This Incredible NEW Resin Technique!!!

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[Music] thank you g'day guys welcome back welcome to pouring your heart out now today I am going to do something that I have never done before and um I saw this I think it was on a short um on YouTube it was um one of the let's resin videos and um oh I just thought oh my God I have to try that so I actually I went searching for it and I couldn't find it so like this morning and um so I'm just I'm just winging it here I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing but I'm just winging it okay so um as you can see I'm making a lovely mess I have got these let's resin chameleon Flex they are and I'm just dusting my mold this is my 24 centimeter mold so I'm just going to do this for now and then I'll just I'll just talk to you about what I'm doing as I'm going otherwise it's going to just take forever not sure how much I need to be putting on here but it's kind of sweat probably way too much oh my gosh anyway let's let's start with that okay so um just going to basically with my soft makeup brush just going to brush these flakes in just takes a little bit of working just to get them to kind of break down into a powder I think that's what happens because they're kind of flakes but then you just you just brush and they they just disappear and that turn into powder I guess so yeah that's what I'm doing spread a bit over here hopefully that's enough I've put on quite a lot but I'll use it all hopefully might need a little bit more because I want to go up the sides a bit too so that didn't take long did it I've got a little bit Master a little bit of mess here on my my um mold but that's okay let's put a little bit more in actually I really like this one I don't know what this one is but I like this color I haven't used the chameleon Flakes a lot I just want to go around I just I don't need the whole mold like the sides done I just need a little bit on the the base there so I'll just go around like that yeah I haven't used the flakes very much I tend to use the chameleon powders from lats resin but haven't used the flakes very much at all so there we go that's that done this one so I've just used all of them that have come in the Box violet put them away now hopefully that looks pretty uh fuchsia lime blue green so there you go that's my little set and I chose to use a big brush just because I thought it would have been easier so I'm just going to take it over over to the bin and just turn it upside down and get rid of all the side bits um and then I'll be right back and I'll show you what I'm going to do next all right so that's looking pretty isn't it all different colors and shimmery and I've made up some black I am using my Platinum 360 Plus I did 100 grams of a 43 grams of B don't know that I'm gonna need it all um so yeah just put in some color color Obsession black there now I just want a really thin layer and you guys are probably thinking what is she going to do well I will show you we will I'll show you as we go so I'm just going to pour this in obviously those that you know have done resin a bit know that the chameleon colors work best with a black background I don't want to scratch the base or make any marks in my color here so I'm just going to do this and I don't want to scratch any of the chameleon powders because you might see that in the finished product and I want a really thin layer so I think I'll just put I'll use all of this might as well so it's just over half a cup really get into these last two little areas there okay it's done skis all right that's exciting isn't it now let's just check to see how deep that actually is going to eat I've just got a little plastic ruler thingy here four millimeters so yep that should be fine yep um yeah never done this before but it should be fine so I'm just cleaning off my little end of my ruler now with some isopropyl alcohol look I've got a tiny look left in here let's just I'm gonna waste it there we go all gone all gone all right now um this is going to be the back obviously so I'm not going to torch because it's very very thin resin and the heat will transfer through it um if it's a thick resin um you know I don't mind torching a little bit because it takes a while for that heat to go right down through the resin to get to your mold um because this is the back I'll just give it a quick little splash of isopropyl alcohol okay so now we have to wait and I'm thinking about oh probably four hours until this is going to be set enough that I can pick it up and manipulate it into a shape that I want so um I'll come back to you in about four hours you've got to be able to unmold it without it sticking to you um so it's going to come out easily but it's still going to be sort of soft and pliable and kind of Bendy a bit like Play-Doh all right I'll see you then I will let you know what we're doing I will just not quite yet right so it's been uh three hours and 15 minutes and as you can see I can touch it I was testing it over here and I could pull it away from the side of the mold so I'm going to I'm going to take it out and um I'm gonna try and work with it if it's too soft I'll put it on a well I'm gonna put on a piece of plastic anyway because it's too soft and I don't want it to like stick to my my board here so just loosen it all the way they just wants to come away I'm teasing it away from the edges okay so now what the best I'm gonna put that bit of plastic down there and I think this is probably the best way to do it look at the back of my mold isn't it dirty all right so here we go here is our lovely there it is let's go that's guys coming I just don't want to tear it or anything like that because it's still quite soft so I'm just easing it out there we go it's out yay oh gosh look at that okay I'm kind of damaged the sides a little bit all right now can you can you see that okay cool hey all those colors and things all right so what I want to do now what I want to do is I want to because I probably don't need that um I've got I've got that mold which isn't very deep and then I've got this mold which is quite deep I think I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to go with the deeper one the other one's only a centimeter so basically what I want to do is I don't I really don't know how to do this I've never done this before but I wanna I wanna make some make some folds you guys kind of like a um not like the chiffon effect gosh this is going to be tricky all right let's just do it in here let's let's just do it in here so yeah um I'm just gonna go for it I'm just going to make some folds and things and just like get it in there just just get it in there oh I don't know I'm trying to kind of Puck it with my nails or anything and like but yeah I don't really know what I'm doing here I'm just want to sort of make some shapes and things I guess Folds um I wasn't sure if I if this was too kind of small um I'm not sure actually maybe it is oh look at it I don't know let's try this one that one's difficult though because the sides are so the sides are so deep I don't think this one's going to I'll try this one look I'll try because I can kind of manipulate it like this but in saying that it's maybe I can start with it here and then take it over into that one it's just that they're gonna stick up quite a lot and obviously I'm not going to be able to pour clear resin over the the top of this semi because it's going to kind of stick out too much but I'll get the kind of we'll get the general shape I guess can you see what I'm doing you can see what I'm trying to do here obviously trying to get some nice faulty that's already let's see that's stuck to itself so it's going to have to stay like that and it's going to have to be a bit careful I guess okay that's not going to work I have to I have to put it into something um that I can obviously pour resin into Okay so this is the only sort of deepish one I've got probably needs to be a little bit bigger than this all right I'm going to put you on Fast Forward while I fight with this okay [Music] all right foreign [Music] as best as I could there it is now a couple of things that I have learned already was I think that my resin was too thick my black resin that I poured because you know how I said it was about four millimeters thick it probably needs to be half that like really really really thin and then instead of me waiting three and a quarter hours I'm going to try again at three hours with my particular resin anyway and just see because these are quite they're quite High which is fine if you're just going to do this I mean I don't know what it is it's just it's just a piece of art okay doesn't always have to be useful I guess it can just be a piece of art I mean how many times do you go into the shops and you buy something to put on a shelf in your Lounge room in your living room just because it's pretty it doesn't have to do anything so anyway um yes so I've learned let's make the resin thinner and take it out a bit earlier that way I can make smaller folds because these are these are quite big but you know it's fine for a big piece it's just going to be quite deep all right so I have got some River table resin here um because I'm going to be pouring it maybe an inch deep two two and a half centimeters deep to cover these so let's just do that and let it Cascade over all those little Folds look at that now in the center in the center there's probably going to be well there will be under these under these bits there's going to be air trapped isn't it so not quite sure how we combat that I guess it's just going to have air underneath it so don't look at the back I guess the other thing is you could wait until it's totally set I haven't waited here I've just poured the resin on you could wait until it's totally set um take it out pour some resin in and then squish it down and hope all the air comes out but look for the sake of my experiment today this is this is how I'm doing it look I might just have enough maybe maybe not maybe not some bubbles coming up over there um now I have put it onto this board here my little chopping board here because this resin is going to take oh good day and a half 36 hours to um tequila and I want to use my videoing area tomorrow morning so if I'd put it on that I can easily just pick it up and move it away without having to pick it up and then it all bends and then you get those wrinkles on top I haven't quite I haven't got quite made enough to cover it um I did oh gosh I can't even remember it was only here five minutes ago and I've forgotten already I thought I'd need about 200 300 grams yeah I did 225 of a and 97 of B so it's 322 grams so about 11 ounces but I'm gonna need a little bit more because this this bit just here isn't under you're just under I'm just going to make up another 100 grams like another three ounces um oh and the other thing because this is the top I Don't Spray alcohol onto the top okay because I find that it leaves like a oil slicky not in a main blush not in the main blush it's totally different but it does leave like a watermark from the alcohol so if you can see a bubble just kind of pick it out um I mean you you could also torch because you're torching onto resin so it doesn't really matter don't torch onto the mole onto the mold but you can torch into the middle here because all you're doing is torching onto your um your resin so you know that's that's okay all right I'm going to mix up another 100 grams or so and um I will see you in about two days and we'll unmold this okay all right let's jump down and have another little quick look I know the light's not fantastic in the studio I don't know why I wish I could get some better lighting if someone can I don't know can you get people to come and help you with lighting sure you can anyway I know it looks a bit dark in there at the moment but once I get the other lights on it'll be good all right see you in two days for you two seconds for me two days okay guys it's been almost two days and let's get this out it is getting much colder in in Queensland Australia now um and my resin is taking longer to cure so just loosen that all the way around hopefully it's loose and yes I can hear it all right I guess the best oh gosh it's a bit difficult to Bend this I guess I'll just have to bend it because it's got these on it you see so it makes it difficult to use your muscles this morning I think it is yeah now remember this is just a little test piece it's okay all right that's so cool it'd be really nice just on display wouldn't it now um we need to Take It Outside right let's go outside let's go [Music]
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 686,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xwArGe6zYBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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