Turning Dollar Store Vases into Works of Art - 2 Different Ways

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have you ever wondered how to take these cheap  Dollar Tree vases and turn them into something   really cool Marcy with mix media girl is going  to show us how to do it with paint and epoxy all   right so I'm super excited I've never done one  of these before so Marcy's going to be walking   me through it she's going to be doing the acrylic  and I'm going to be doing the epoxy so what we're   going to use today is the amazing quick coat the  reason I'm using that is I want a quick cure epoxy   because I want it to be fairly thick so as it  flows over it starts to sit up a lot quicker and   I don't just lose all my resin off the vase then  I'm going to catch that in my mold and we're going   to make a really cool little tray with that also  so we're not wasting all of the resin that runs   down all right so barcy has told me for a 13in  mold I need about 20 um ounces of the resin so   we'll mix 20 oz now with the quick coat you do  have a very short working time so you need to   have everything together because once a meets B  they Farm a very quick relationship and it will   start to set up very quickly in your cup so you  need to make sure that you get that product out   as quick as possible so so that's what we're  going to do and then so what we're going to   use for our colors today we're going to use color  passion now these are the new gels that I started   carrying from color passion they are really  cool they're a translucent gel you can build   them to create a lot of depth in your piece uh  and then I'm also coming in with just resin which   is a paste and this is ultramarine all right and  then I'll be following following it up with the   alumalite white opaque die all right so really  quickly I was told that we want to make sure   that we use opaque colors as well as translucent  colors because if we use just translucent colors   which are the dyes you're not going to be able  to see the material on the vase so it's super   important that you bring in some um opaque  colors so don't use micia powders okay that's   too translucent even if you tint it really thick  and make it opaque it's going you're going to lose   all of that coloring on your vase so all right  Marcy so I'm so excited she has been a friend   of mine for how long now five years five years  or so yeah we met at the Artisan Summit so she   has over 500 followers y'all uh on Facebook and  YouTube so yes it's actually like 510 followers   sorry she has over 500,000 followers on YouTube  and Facebook that just means you're famous right   you're famous pretty much pretty much all right  so I want you to tell everybody out there where   they can find you and all the fun things that  you do so you can find me on Facebook YouTube my   website Etc is mixed media girl and I do a lot of  acrylic pouring projects resin projects and pretty   much anything having to do with fluid art one of  the things I've been doing a lot recently is the   resin vases now we're going to be making a tray  today out of this but I love to actually make a   bowl out of it and so I have a lot of videos on  that I'm not going to explain the whole process   here but you can check out some of my videos I  like to make resin bowls with the runoff that   comes into this mold and I've got a lot of videos  on that recently here here's a couple that I just   did that I think are just gorgeous but you can  also make a tray so that's what we'll be doing   today and I'm super excited to teach Rhonda  how to do this technique because it's just   an amazing two for one project and then I'll be  doing the acrylic por vase which is also a two   for one project I don't like to waste anything so  I like to always make sure that there's something   underneath to catch all of the runoff so I'll  be doing a woodboard while she'll be doing the   tray I love functional art and I think a lot of  other people do as well and if you are an artist   looking to make a business out of art functional  art sells incredibly well so this these are great   pieces that you can take to markets or great  gifts great you know Mother's Day gifts I do   vases every single year at my daughter's school  for mother's day I'm actually going to donate   this set to a fundraiser uh for our community  that helps the um the underprivileged kids there   you go so that's where this one's going and I'm  going to make this set for her mom all right now   what's the work time with this resin you only  have about 20 minutes so this is a very quick   resin so you need to have everything ready  to go ready to go I do do countertops with   this they're very small like vanities I really  like it because I can come back and do a clear   flood coat mhm all right so this is our raspberry  now guys I've never used these colors before I'm   super excited so Marcy's going to let me know how  transparent or translucent I need to go on this a   little more I definitely would make it as opaque  as possible okay obviously within the parameters   of how much liquid you should put in there right  I'm going to do two two full pumps on that now if   you have a more transparent color you can just  put it on last right make sure that it's on the   top is that too is that too translucent I think  it'll be fine okay cuz I it it'll be good a good   experiment see here's what I'm worried about  is that this now that I think about it I think   this is a translucent I don't think but as long  as we have that white opaque we'll be fine okay   all right yeah okay so the next color I'm going  to come in with is the just resin and this is   the ultramarine pink Ultra yeah ultramarine pink  so almost like a deep warm violet oh it's really   pretty yeah like an African Violet yeah this has  a tendency to be a little translucent as well I   pretty much always use white you don't have to  but it's a great opaque color and then I will   usually have three other colors I wouldn't T go  with like 10 colors or anything but two or three   would be great and they can all actually be opaque  they don't you don't have to have a translucent   corre and you can use the micas you just want to  make sure that you also have at least one opaque   so to kind of hold on to it yeah if you got that  white alumalite die you'll be great but if you   only use trans arent colors your vase is going  to be very transparent that's science that's science all right this is aqua oh yeah that's pretty so we're going to do  a clean poure correct as now you can do this as   a dirty pour so you guys that know how to do  those dirty fors which is basically we would   take all these colors and we would put them in  one cup and then pour it over but we're going   to do a clean pour which is one at a time right  all right so do is there any Rhyme or Reason do   I need to do anything special I like to start  off with um the white usually because it's the   opaque then the other colors will sit on top  but you're going to do many layers you could   do one layer of each color but that's not  going to be nearly as exciting especially   in or less do a little more yeah maybe  like half that white okay yeah so we're   going to start off with some bigger layers of  colors and then as we get to the end we'll do   some more deliberate I got patterns yeah this is  exciting can't wait to see how that looks on the white that's pretty I'm  going to go with this darker color and this vase is also an interesting shape  which is the the shape of your pattern will depend   will determine the yeah pattern on your bowl  or your tray whatever you're making so now I   just keep layering y may not see this pink I  didn't think about not being able to see this   pink over this dark that's okay cuz you'll  see it in here okay I'm going to add some white so why is it not covering my last time when  you did it it went in here it'll get there well   it okay yeah it'll get I'm going to trust the  process patience Grasshopper see it's slowly   moving down okay wax on wax off wax on wax off so  I'm going to just keep putting white in between   each color all right now after you do your next  color I'm going to give you a little instruction   all right I need instruction all right what's  my instruction okay so you can absolutely keep   going like this one color will just continue to  cover the next mhm I typically go in more of like   a kind of a crisscross fashion so you can like  take your stick and do a crisscross with it oh   yeah that way you get to see each individual  color okay so like this exactly like that yes all right that's Stripes not crisscross  but close oh we're going to get a crisscross   here going here now let me tell  you something I can crisscross applesauce all right so we're gonna crisscross see why I do now you see why y'all  I do countertops cuz I'm not very artistic so   just to give you guys some really good uh uh  confidence if I can do this y'all can do this   how about that oop I kind of slipped a little  bit too much you're a little violent with your   Christmas I'm a little violent now see I went  from being nice and dainty to being crazy yeah all right this is fun you like to laugh at me don't you so easy  Marcy comes to see us at least once a year and   teaches her um art class and we love love love  to have her so she just finished a class this   past weekend and it was so much fun she had  some great people in her class am I doing   this right all right so what given her anxiety  I can see her wanting to grab the cup I tend   to just kind of do more like this less violent  okay she got show me up now all right and then   when you get to the end end you do you can do  the smaller crisscrossing okay so now also if   you have any spots down here we can just kind  of help them out Sur yeah just to make sure we   do and that's because what epoxy likes to go  where epoxy's already been exactly all right   there we go Prett good all right okay so I'm  going to go not so crazy I'm going to go nice   and easy yeah calm oh calm look at that so calm  well I mean I'm not I'm not known for being calm   what I hate to break the news to you there sister  but calm is not my forte look how pretty this is   now if you are using transparent colors like that  pink the both of your pinks actually right you're   going to want to put those on last so that they  definitely show up so you can end with a little   bit of white but I would end with transparent  gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha okay I'll do one   more like this then I'll save enough to end  with that all right so I have about the same   amount you think yeah I think you're looking  pretty good all right so I'm going to do the   white and then that'll be the last of it right no  like half of that half of the white okay you keep   you keep throwing audibles on me now well want to  leave a little for the end just in case just in   case all right was that was that calm enough for  you that was perfect wow you're a pro now oh man   yeah watch out makes media girl going to take  over rkade 3 is coming to get you yeah right all right okay so now we're going to do got a  look think I should wait till the very end to   do that no do it one more time do about half of  it so guys I just want to let you know it's been   just a few minutes but my material is already  starting to get a little bit warm oh good to   know so if you're using this I really like it  cuz it's thick and it's going to it's going to   really kind of stay but you just you need to  realize that you do need to put your hurry on   if you're going to use this resin okay so now  now is where you're going to be very deliberate   with your design so like where exactly okay  so there's a big part of color there right   so let's take our stick and go a little bit  less with the white maybe to break that up   okay yeah over here is a big old spot of it too  okay yeah so go just a little bit less at a time   we still want to go fairly quickly cuz like  you said we're running out of time with this okay and either way you can't go wrong with  this it's going to look gorgeous honestly you   could just dump the rest of that on there and  it'd be beautiful you know right so same thing   here yeah do I kind of want to go over let's  see I'm afraid I'm afraid I get too much of   this color y'all y'all can't tell but I'm  holding my breath this makes me nervous okay so what I would do at this point  is the rest of the white and then your   pinks gotcha yeah okay should I go  over that same or should I bring it   down I think I will I answer my own  question excellent my work care is done okay I'm being I'm all nervous  about being careful all right okay so   is that deliberate enough yeah all right now  we're going to come in with our I think if I   put this last it's going to be too  dark yeah I would just you can put   a little bit of that in the tray if you  want but yeah just do the pinks now all right get a little bit in that little white  here I act like I know what I'm doing I'm   going to get right there you're F  that's pretty well yeah well you know uh let me see I think I think next time I do  one I'm not going to pick my translucent colors so   much alike yeah that was completely my fault all  right yeah you're not supposed to agree you're   supposed to say oh it's okay Rhonda oh it's okay  Rhonda you did good all right yay okay oh I love   it I actually wow I like it a lot okay so we're  going to let that run for just a minute right yeah   just a minute um and and then you don't want to  use a torch on your Silicone mold because it'll   ruin it but you can use a heat gun or I like to  just Spritz it with some isopro alcohol okay um   so let that run for just a minute then we'll lift  it up carefully by the cup set it to the side okay   and then let the tray finish off now I I I heard  you say something really interesting when you were   teaching the class it's super important to make  sure your cup is high enough whatever you use that   you can get your hands around it exact yeah if  not you're making a mess now do I need talk about   that yeah so I want to take my finger and I want  to make sure that my drips run up underneath the   lip of that vase yes so I want to take my almost  just like you do the countertops you want to make   sure that that epoxy runs up underneath there and  creates a nice seal yeah and then we can address   the drips once they dry now you can come back ever  so often and you can run those drips with your   finger and then and then what I would probably  do and I don't know if this would work I'm saying   this and I don't even know if it'll work but with  the countertop what you can do is once it get to   a certain um sets up to a certain amount you can  take isopropyl on your finger and rub it in and   make it super smooth could you do that now I'm  not familiar enough with a quick coat to tell you   if you can do that with this one honestly um but  minimally you could sand the drips off at the end   sure okay good that and then right there that made  me nervous I know right you did it though I did it   okay now do not move that until I'm not moving  that till it's dry it is not going to be touched   all right now can I just since I have some of this  left could I just pour this in there or just let   pour it in the middle cuz you'll ruin your design  if I'm going to add the rest to this I would just   pour it all together in a cup like a dirty and  pour it around the edge look beautiful I can do   that and then also if once this is done you want  to fill it up more you can just put a clear coat   on the top which you probably should with this  anyways right yeah yeah I'll do that for sure [Music] yeah on a customer's countertop all right  so I'm going to just spray this with some alcohol   we want to make sure that it's on like a Mist  just pop those bubbles yep that's going to pop   those bubbles and protect your Silicone mold and  then I would recommend coming back in probably   like 10 minutes and spraying it one more time  gotcha perfect okay maybe 5 to 10 minutes since   this is a quick coat yeah all right o it's going  to be pretty mhm all right Okie doie so that is   your resin technique now you are going to show  us the acrylic technique yes this was fun I did   learn a lot um I learned that I want to use a  little more opaque colors instead of so much   translucent colors and um I'm excited to see how  this is going to turn out so I like the fact that   you can use your resin here and then capture all  of this and make two projects in one I love that   so now we're going to do the acrylic por vase  now the great thing about acrylic is you have   pretty much all the Time in the World um there's  no clock really you can mix up your paints and   you can use them the next day or the next few days  um these are mixed medoc girl pouring paints they   come ready to go right out of the bottle you  don't need to mix them with anything so that's   what's great about them Rhonda told me the colors  of her mom's Decor so I mixed up just a couple of   custom colors we've got like kind of a bronzy  color and a gray and then a navy blue gold and   white so I am also going to do this as a two for  one project I've got a wood board underneath the   vase and for this I need about N9 to 10 ounces  of paint so I'm gonna layer my paints here in   the cup and once again we're not on the clock we  have all the time in the world keep in mind what   you put in the cup first is going to be what ends  up on your vase the rest is going to go onto that   woodboard or you can put a canvas underneath  so put the colors that you really care about   in first and then the rest and I'm just layering  these a little bit at a time that's another key   factor too don't pour too much of any one color  or that will really end up taking over and I'm   putting a lot of white in here because I like  white and I like to lighten up my projects I   don't like them to be too dark this is a 16 oz  cup so honestly I'm just guessing I was just   fixing to say so you're pretty good at guessing  at 10 oz yeah yeah probably just a little bit   more and then I think we're good now I didn't do  anything to prep the facee other than I cleaned   it with some isopropyl alcohol and I've got it  sitting up on a cup so that I can move it off   when it's dry or not when it's dry when I'm done  with this and then we're just going to pour this   on the top I like to go essentially in kind of a  bit of a tree ring pour slowly you want to give   that um paint enough time to cover your face G  my mama might not get this my mama might not get   this going to be very earthy I love it and see if  we didn't add so much white this would be quite dark ooh wow love love love love love might actually  add just a little more paint and that's what's   cool about doing the acrylic like you said you're  not on a time schedule so you can kind of look at   it and adjust kind of as as you go yeah oh my gosh  this is gorgeous now in this case I'm actually   really happy with the vase but I'm not totally  sure I have enough to cover the wood board so   I'm just going to add a little more around but  I'm going to let that drip and we can let this   drip for honestly if you wanted to leave it for 20  minutes and then come back you'd be fine um we're   not that patient so we'll let it drip for about  2 minutes or so now while you're doing that talk   a little bit about how they need to prep the glass  so this adheres quite well you're going to have to   seal it which I believe we're going to show you  in a little bit um I always seal my vases with   resin and that's going to give you the maximum  amount of durability that's going to enable you   to wash it I would still only handwash my motto  is anything handmade you hand wash don't try to   stick it in your dishwasher and when you seal it  with the resin just like we did on the resin base   make sure that it goes underneath that lip you can  seal it with with um a cake you can seal it with   a cup Turner or just upside down on a cup like  this either way is totally fine and I usually   like to put a little pinch of gold dust or diamond  dust in there as well depending on the project oh   yeah we'll definitely do that yeah this is really  pretty cool now as far as having for the resin as   far as having to prep the glass what we do with  countertops is we etch it a little bit you can   either use a very fine sandpaper or this case  what I did is I just took some uh clear matte   spray paint and did very very light coat and  that's going to help the resin really adhere   to that glass yeah and that doesn't hurt in this  case either I typically don't but I have done that   before and it will anything to help so the fact  that this is not going to be a functional piece   like a countertop as far as being high traffic  things on it it's not as detrimental to make   sure that you sand and all of that correct being  that you know we're going to go ahead and seal it   with resin anyway and and now mine doesn't have to  be sealed with the flood coat I can leave it like   this but I could come back with a flood coat and  put diamond dust or something in it if I wanted to   and I would seal it because that doesn't have  the maximum amount of UV UV protection that's   right that's right so I would still seal it with  the art coat yep yep um and same thing with this   I would seal it with the art coat so I love using  the amazing quick coat it does have protection but   you're right it doesn't have it doesn't have the  maximum like the quick coat but I mean excuse me   it doesn't have the maximum like the art coat  but I'm most excited cuz I'm going to put some   diamond dust in there so it'll look amazing  all righty so so this is about you can always   tell it'll slow down greatly on the drips like I  said you could let it sit here for 20 minutes if   you want we're not going to do that cuz we're  impatient so I'm going to just carefully lift   this up by the cup and move it off to the the  side there's always going to be a little bit   of suction in there and then that'll just drip  until it is dry don't try to move it or anything   now I usually do this on a canvas I did it on a  woodboard because it's a larger vase and because   I didn't have a bigger canvas there we go so on  a canvas it will fill in in the middle pretty   quickly because it sinks yes and I can also push  down and make it go faster on here we don't have   that luxury so I'm going to probably just let it  sit for like a minute to fill in a little bit and   then we'll tilt you can tilt it at any point I  just like to let it fill in design wise I think   it looks best but in the meantime I can kind of  um start tapping this edge here a little bit so   that when I do tilt that gets pretty kind of like  the the resin you're just kind of greasing it up   so it'll roll right now you wouldn't want to  use a heat gun or anything like that to like   you would resin to get it won't help it move  it'll do the opposite oh it'll dry it'll dry   it that's true that's true yeah so it's you have  to have kind of reverse thinking with acrylic but   still it's the same concept of liquid will flow  where there's already liqu already liquid perfect yeah yeah so even there where I just  touched it it's almost to the edge   now yeah yeah all right let's go ahead and tilt so   I'm going to move slowly towards the  corners and then back to the middle and I try not to really start running it off  the canvas or the board until it's pretty much covered and you can also do this on a cake spinner  to maintain your design oh yeah You' just spin it   around mhm yeah that would be fun I'd spin it  so hard I'd have it all over the yes you Studio   we're not going to lie we agree they know me well  that's one of the things I love about doing the   vases too is you always get this really cool  feathered design yeah it does it looks like a   feather and there you go so on this you just let  it dry you actually don't even have to seal it   but um I typically do I'll just use like a spray  sealer you could absolutely resin it if you'd like   especially since this is on a wood board um but  that's about it for this project oh that's pretty   yeah all right beautiful okay I'm so excited yeah  I'm not sure my mama's going to get that one all   right so you can see that my piece has almost  quit dripping I did run a stick around the rim   and I took care of some of those drips because it  was really starting to slow down you can see that   because I used the really translucent colorance  that my color has gotten really really soft that   is really pretty I like it I think next time I'm  going to go with a little more opaque colors so I   have a little bit more of a bold look but I love  it this is so pretty one great thing about this   too is you can do more layers absolutely so that  could be your first layer and then you could do   another one and you can add so much depth yeah  and so being that it's the amazing quick coat   I could probably relayer this in just a few hours  because it's going to be uh good to touch within   just a couple hours and I can do it again so  that's probably what I'm going to do all righty   so we're going to show you now how to flood coat  a vase that we did yesterday so this vase Marcy   did an acrylic pour a couple of days ago actually  yesterday and then I came back in with some gold   uh foil and I I foiled it and made it just you  know you know me take it to the next step but now   what I'm going to do is a clear flood coat and I'm  using the regular art coat and I have added just   a little bit of bling bling diamond dust you don't  have to do this on a cup Turner you can do it like   we did the first pour put it on a cup and let it  go down I'm just going to do it this way I like   this way a little bit better you know because I've  done so many damn many of these all right so by   doing it on a Turner I don't really have to worry  about the drips for this size I came in with 4   oz you don't want to put too much product because  you'll get um like a buildup of your epoxy so just   do a little bit at a time really stretch it over  run your hands down all right so if you guys are   going to be doing these larger vases you're going  to want to get a larger cup Turner um just spend   the money and get you one that's that's a little  uh nicer because those are going to hold your   bigger material some of the cheaper Amazon ones  or even the ones they have at Hobby Lobby they're   a little too easy lightweight to handle some  of these these bigger projects I'll link where   I got this i got this off of etsy and this one I  really like cuz I can change the direction of it   depending on what hand I'm using and then you also  want to take your hand and seal that edge so this   particular cup Turner will do five at one time  all right so once I feel I have it covered nice   I don't want to get too much I'm just going to use  my hand and I can even wipe off some of the extra resin so I don't get a buildup  around the bottom as it spins how do you figure how much resin you need  you just I don't know was just yeah looking good   so with the vase I obviously mixed up way too  much I used about 2 oz with my large tumblers   I use about 25 Ms depending on the size of the  tumbler but you can always just wipe it the excess   off all right now if I had bubbles get into there  you missed a lot of sections in there now you can   hit this ever so lightly with the torch if you  need to pop your bubbles but I'm not seeing any   bubbles we've got it pretty warm in here right  now but it really does make that those colors   just pop and does it just need the single coat yes  yes so this this is if you do it right just one I   just oops so it's going to be super smooth now  if something happens and maybe I missed a spot   or it just doesn't come out as smooth as I like  it I can always do another coat so because it's   so thin you can build your coats but as far as  durability one coat is going to be great so for   the art coat I'm going to let this spin probably  a good 8 to 10 hours depending on the uh heat but   I'm not going to touch it for a full 24 hours so  if you're you can you can leave it as turning as   long as you need to um but probably after about  8 or 10 hours it's going to quit dripping I could   then turn it off but I don't want to touch it  or do anything with it for at least 24 hours now   you can use the amazing quick coat if you maybe  have a darker color and that actually only has   to spend for a couple of hours and you can take  that off your tumbler you can take that off your   cup Turner in about four hours Marcy thank you  I had so much fun rnie you're welcome all right   you're always so much fun I have the best time  with this chick right here all of these products   on the resin side can be bought on my website rk3  designs.com remember guys we do free shipping for   orders over $100 and same day shipping if you  order before noon where do you buy your stuff   mixed Medi girl.com so check out um my resin  vases my acrylic pore projects you can check   those all out on my Facebook page or my YouTube  mixed Med girl and then my products at mixed Medi   girl.com she's everywhere all right guys if you  like this kind of content and you'd like to see   some more let me know in the comments below let  me see what you would like and don't forget to   check her out guys she's got some amazing projects  all right until next time remember do you remember   something and move forward Don't Be Afraid  don't be scared don't be scared move forward   don't be scared move forward and be creative and  be creative all right we'll see you next week bye [Music] guys
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 1,715,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop, epoxy table, resin, epoxy resin, epoxy resin art, epoxy tutorial, stone coat countertops, stone coat epoxy, remodel, renovation, home improvement ideas, kitchen, bathroom, diy, how to, tutorial, apoxie, apoxy, vase atr, diy vase, epoxy crafts, diy craft projects, easy epoxy diy, acrylic paint, diy acrylic, mixed media girl, acrylic vase art, epoxy vase art, diy resin art, beginner resin tutorial
Id: sfOI3b5cbx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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