Making Your Own Texture Paste!

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hi everyone it's Linnea from sparkly creations blog and today i'm gonna be making my own texture paste i've seen a lot of my favorite card makers using texture paste mainly Jennifer McGuire I loved watching her videos and everything she does with this product and I like to do my crafting on a budget so I didn't know if there was some way that I could make this on my own so I went out and I googled a whole bunch of different recipes for making my own texture paste and I found about four or five different ones so I'm gonna do one kind of like a mixture of what I think is gonna work best and we'll try that so I just have of a mixing bowl and then I have some Walmart brand baby powder this was like a dollar fifty I have this acrylic paint that I got and this also was right around a dollar fifty or two dollars and then just regular Elmer's glue and this was like 77 cents or something like that so I'm gonna be definitely saving a lot of money doing it this way so I'm gonna start off I need a full cup of baby powder and I guess I should probably I'm gonna just put a paper towel down cuz this is gonna probably go everywhere I mean so I'm just gonna pour that right into my bowl and I did read somewhere that you can use baking soda as well so that would make this even more inexpensive if you use baking soda but I didn't like the graininess that the baking soda give so I decided to stick with the baby powder next up is going to be like your glue it's gonna be a quarter cup of glue a lot of people are using Mod Podge but I'm gonna try it with regular glue we'll see if that works right and the next up is your paint I saw a lot of people using gesso a lot of people using just regular acrylic paint the cheaper product was just regular acrylic so we're gonna use that and it is going to be 1/2 a cup of paint I have to just take this top off all right so that took me a lot longer than it should've but we're just gonna go ahead and do a half a cup of paint all right and now we're just gonna stir it all together so I'm finding that's just a little bit too gloopy for my taste so I'm just gonna squeeze in a little bit of baby powder not a lot and I'll just keep on stirring I don't think I got a full cup of baby powder the first time I did it I kind of filled it up just under the 1 cup mark and I figured you can always add more okay so I think I finally gotten it to the consistency that I like I did end up adding probably about five more squeezes of baby powder and now like you can see that it has a little bit of texture to it it does fall off a spoon but it's pretty thick so I just have a regular like a jelly jar mason jar and that's what I'm gonna store it and you want something that's gonna be airtight so that it doesn't dry up on you I'm just gonna put it in there and then that's it for today guys I have enough product leftover that I could easily make another batch of this my research said that this should last about 10 months so and then it'll start drying up and whatever but I mean I made this for I mean if I have enough for another batch I guess I made this for three dollars so that's pretty good deal to me um thanks very much for watching you guys I hope to be bringing you some card projects with this texture paste really soon and I'll catch you guys next time bye
Channel: Lynnea Hollendonner
Views: 1,513,119
Rating: 4.8188243 out of 5
Keywords: Texture paste, Do it yourself, Homemade, Cardmaking
Id: r-QbvXhaFEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 25 2014
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