She Loves Me... She Loves Me Not?

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and topic of this newsletter is going to be she loves me she loves me not well I've got three different emails from three different viewers that I'm going to go through today and what's good what I like about these emails is each one of these guys has kind of a unique situation we're trying to determine what's really going on if their girls are really into them if she's not into them and where they stand exactly and these are obviously helpful because your ability to feel comfortable in a relationship and to feel confident as a man is going to be directly based upon your ability to tell exactly what a woman is feeling and thinking towards you because women are emotional beings and let's face it all throughout the core so if you look at like a typical month some days she's in a really great mood other days she's just not such a great mood and there's all kinds of moods in between their moods change based upon obviously things that you're doing and how you're showing up your strengths and obviously also when you're showing her weakness but sometimes women just do things to [ __ ] with you to see how you react and that's why it's so important to understand the dynamics of masculine and feminine energy and how they relate to one another because whenever you're unsure of yourself and you become uncentered she's going to test you and pull away and if you're not completely centered and you don't know what to do you're going to express more weakness which is going to cause yourself to become more uncertain because her behavior is going to appear as if she's not that into you and the typical guy how he responds to that is to try to chase and to try to control things or put her in a cage or lock her down so to speak so the idea is that you want to be centered in who you are you want to be the same guy no matter what's going on in your life in your relationship so let's get a quote that I wrote that I'd like to share with you before we get into these emails and it says women are emotional beings their emotions can change like the wind sometimes women will feign displeasure with you just to see how you handle it that is why it is important for men to be centered ensure of who they are what they want what their standards are and what they are willing and not willing to tolerate a centered man does not come unglued when a woman does not return his calls right away teases him playfully change his views to match hers or make his purpose and mission take a back seat so he can become what he thinks she wants him to become he is his own man who is this way before he met her stays this way during the time he is with her and will be this person even if he is no longer with her in the future he is consistent all the time if you are an inconsistent unsure and unfocused women will resent it and often become [ __ ] because they do not trust your masculine core I was actually at a friend of Mines place just recently and I know a girl friend not my girlfriend but she's just a girl and a friend of mine and I'm always [ __ ] with because I'm just playful by nature I like to joke around and be kind of goofy and I was making some kind I was joking around about something it was joking around about smoking weed or something like that and she said some to me I was like what I didn't hear what she said she doesn't nevermind I was like no tell me what she said she says you're ridiculous and I just kind of smiled at her and I said you know you love me just like that now if I was unsure myself or I was fearful of her liking me or gaining her approval I might become unglued to go what do you mean I'm ridiculous and I mean might become all upset but because my attitude is my give a [ __ ] and I am a little ridiculous anyways I like to be goofy and silly because I'm always teasing Arden messing with her I mean it didn't bother me and that's why it's important to get to the place where you comfortable being yourself no matter who's in your life no matter how much you like the girl you might be interacting with no matter how close she is to you whether she's just a friend or maybe it's your girlfriend or your wife is that nothing that she says is gonna diminish you as a matter of fact when she messes with you and she has that look on her face like you think she's serious or she [ __ ] with me you're always gonna presuppose that she's of course she's [ __ ] with you and if she was being serious you don't really care and you tease her back playfully no matter what that's why it's so important oh who you are and what you're about and what your goal is and what your mission is in life and being unwilling to compromise and things that are important to you there's too many guys running around we're unsure themselves and they're seeking the approval of other people and when they do that with women they're dating they just get totally [ __ ] jerked around so let's jump out of the first guy's email he says hey coach I hope you were well thanks for all the praise - my behavior in the video a man's purpose certainty versus uncertainty however my relationship took a strange turn again up until now I felt her attraction fading and I don't understand why after the weekend you analyze in the video we decided to take a weekend off from each other on Monday she called me she initiated it she's chasing you it's her idea to call you so think about that if a woman is chasing you and she's calling you when she's pursuing you she's not helping you I mean is she called telling me about her problems with her apartment I was in the middle of work and I told her I will need 10 minutes to stop and call her back remember I did a video probably a year or two ago why women prefer to chase men and if you haven't watched that video or it's been a while since you watched it you definitely want to watch again so if you google Cory Wayne why women prefer to chase men I talk about that because in this particular case this guy that wrote in to me that his girlfriend perceives him as a source of masculine strength now what you don't understand a lot of times about women is that when they call you they start like in this particular case she's calling to talk about problems with her apartment before you start giving her advice about it you should always say do you want me just to listen or do you want my advice because if you start giving her advice when all she really wants you to do is be a sounding board and to just listen to her she's gonna get pissed off at you because she's going to say you're not listening to me talking of course i'm lizzing trying to give you some good solutions here she doesn't want a solution unless she asks for it and that's why never presuppose that you know what it is she's bringing up meaning she wants advice or she just wants you to listen that's what you should always ask so he says when I called her back I calmed her down and told her I will look for apartments online that's why instead of you know he's goes running a problem-solving mode and I'm wondering if he actually said do you want me just to listen or do you want my advice and we're importance of that question is going to become a parent in a second here he says I spend my evening looking for ads and sending them to her and I offered her that I can come home for the weekend for visiting appointment but she implied that she still wants to skip the weekend which meant my search for apartments was a total waste of time since it was last weekend in October well you both did agree that hey we're not gonna see each other this weekend that's what you said that's your purpose and now here she says she starts talking about apartments and maybe she really didn't want you to solve the problem or help her find another apartment maybe she just wanted you to listen to her even if she just complain for a little bit because that's just what women do they work through their problems by talking about them and if you're assuming that you have a problem to solve because it's what a lot of guys do they go right into problem-solving mode and they don't stop a thing - shooting my advice and that's why you should always ask so from just I'm hurt actions here is making me think that you didn't ask for that you just automatically sushi had a problem and that she wanted you to solve it that's why you should always ask do you want me just to listen or do you want my advice always get in the habit of saying that he's I know I shouldn't have stopped what I'm doing but she seemed totally outraged like I said she may have just wanted to tell you about it and have you listened to her because remember you're not going to see each other this weekend but yet she's calling you and see what how the better way to have handled that would you know say she I just want you to listen agreat what else tell me why baby annette myung as she gets to a bunch of I feel so much better I'm so glad we talked I love you it was like great once you forget your cute little ass over here and bring a bottle of wine and come see me well I thought we weren't going to see each other's weekend's like well I don't care you still call me so obviously you wanted to see me and I love to see you too so like I said once you get your cute little ass over here I miss you at the end day she says let's not see each other this weekend but then she still calls you think about that it's a test to test your strength do you really care do you really want here and it's important that you know how to react to her the right way see if she calls and you defuse that over the phone by just listen to her talk and complain or wine or whatever cry whatever is she's got a share in a moat what else honey tell me more don't leave anything out just like I talked about the video how to communicate with women effectively so if you google Corey Wayne how to communicate women effectively and watch that I also go into extensive detail on that in my book but you should know these things that would make things much easier because what happens is she feels tension inside you dissolve and defuse the tension just by listening to her so instead of her going to her girlfriends for that or some other dude she comes to you for that you're the source of masculine strength and then what happens is now she feels completely open to receive her strength and you should assume if a woman's calling you what does that mean she wants to see you make it happen in as few steps as possible that's how you handle that situation this is an art it's not a science and you have to good at these things obviously over time he says I know I should have stopped what I'm doing but she seemed totally outraged on Wednesday she wrote me on skype chat her Internet is very slow and unstable so calling on skype doesn't work properly she was only giving me short replies and it took long to reply so I told her that she seemed busy and ended the conversation she told me that she's chatting to other people too the day after she sent me an ad and I translated it for her she told me also that she won't be available that night due to a work event that she told me about on Friday she sent me an email if I would be available on skype in the evening and I was busy with other things but I was online later that night she initiated a chat again and after a long pause I was about to in the conversation again but she stopped me the phone and Skype is for setting dates you're breaking the rules here bro come on man I know you know better than that you're usually pretty good about things he says she told me that she was brushing your teeth and I called her up and and when she flooded me about information what went on during her week again that's why is she making dates it was like wow what happened I was like I want to see you I miss you when you freed it together remember if a woman's calling you if she's texting you what should you assume that she wants to see you make that happen and as few steps as possible Sunday evening we planned a trip for a long weekend and the part of Germany I suggested was too expensive for her so we decided to go to a different part of Germany I arranged to stay at my uncle's house to save the hotel cost but she was not excited to stay somewhere where she didn't know the people that's okay baby my uncle won't complain when he sees you running around the house naked chasing after me that's why it's important to always use humor and always be playful and that communicates it's going to be okay don't worry about are you being silly if you love my uncle he's cool as [ __ ] that's the kind of things that you need to be saying reassure her so she'll feel safe and comfortable because otherwise if she doesn't trust your masculine core if she's fearful that when she gets around your family cause like in this particular case this this girl's family doesn't really like this guys they're not really they're kind of warming up to him but they're not really crazy so because I know that because I coach this guy before and I've answered a bunch of email coaching sessions forum that's probably her belief system so since her family doesn't accept her boyfriend logically in her mind she's probably presupposing well obviously his family's not gonna like me either and so you've got that that you've got to be working with also and that's why it's important to reassure that all you love my uncle he's cool as [ __ ] we'll sit down and have some shots of tequila or some vodka with him already he's you know he likes to drink beer you'll love him he's a hoot and that'll make her feel safer comfortable but she's got to feel that if your uncle acts like a jackass to her that you're gonna stand up and say don't [ __ ] talk to my girlfriend that way you know that's very rude and you need to apologize to her right now because well I'm not apologize dealing great I'm we're both of us gonna leave we're gonna go to a hotel and I'm not gonna come back to see you or talk to you again until you apologize to my girlfriend cuz you're being a rude jackass that's what she wants and she wants you to stand up for her and protect her and make her feel safe and comfortable so you could do that verbally by being playful and saying things just like I discuss I'm just giving you some wood if kinds of scenarios because obviously in her mind because of the way her family is towards him she's presupposing that his family is going to be the same way towards her and that's why she automatically assumes it's not going to be a good experience and she wants to back off from that he's like told her that they they won't buy it and left it with that good answer the next day I sent her an email was our trip planned out and she answered that she agrees with it today she initiated a Skype chat again and I called her instead when she answered was a surprised oh you called her oh you called because he's got the letters bolded here which I replied with I can hang up and and that's a good comeback I can hang up again if you want me to call you back if you really like that she complained about the apartment situation do you want me just to listen or do you want my advice sweetheart getting the hammer saying that dude after a while I got fed up with all the negative energy and I told her that we can look together online the next time we see each other and ended the conversation like I said I'm suspecting that she just wanted to call and vent because you're her man you're her rock you're her Mountain and if you don't like it and don't date women because that's just the way they are that's how they talk that's how they resolve things you've you ever watched a group of women four or five women Taylor talking about 20 different [ __ ] subject and they're all kind of talking at the same time you know what the [ __ ] is that that's just how that's just how they are you know get used to if you don't like it don't date women he says almost all the communication we have is about her wanting something for me or dumping her emotional [ __ ] on me that's because you are her rock you are her Mountain and that's just the way it is bro if you don't like it date dudes he says from the last weekend we met she showed almost no interest in my life in the past 10 days drain life energy out of me and I made myself less available when also my interest level was dropping rapidly I didn't feel loved and appreciated at all I think the best course of action is that I meet up with her for the weekend trip and screener behavior and then I want to turn if I want to continue the relationship the biggest problem with this guy has he's always assuming that the relationship is in peril and so he's focused on reasons why it's going to end or why it's not going to work out and like whatever questions you ask your brain remember the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions that you consistently ask yourself and quite frankly there's one or two questions that are really [ __ ] negative that you're always asking yourself and therefore your brain knows no choice but to look for the negative answer to look for the reason why it's not working at the end of day what I've seen so far from this letter is that you're just miss applying some of the knowledge of my book probably because you haven't read it 10 to 15 times but that's okay that's what I'm here for I got you bro he says I know that I'm more in demand because she doesn't speak the local language but it starts to drain my resources life energy and time too much and it interferes with my purpose is your [ __ ] hurt oh it's like come on dude take a [ __ ] midol or something now you're sounding like a a whiny little girl see this is how its kinds of things he does it he gets around and gets all crab and she goes what's your being a drama King you know what we should just have sex is what I love about this girl is she's cool intuitive like that and she sounds like the perfect girl for him dumping her a week before on her 30th birthday would make her hate me which I also must consider you're being ridiculous dude maybe I'm thinking and behaving like a [ __ ] again your input in this situation is much appreciated well like I said how many times have you read my book is it 10 to 15 times yet I'm probably going to say no to that and that's why because you don't know the material well enough and so you're making little mistakes but that's okay you're fine tune and tweak your game it's why I'm here I got you bro so like I said that's what the things I've noticed from this email what you need to do most is how you handle her stead solving her problems always ask the question do you want me just to listen or do you want my advice it's just no I just want you to listen and go what else baby tell me more really that mean landlord did this you oh my god what did you do next how did that make you feel really oh my god oh I'm so sorry well if you were here I'd kiss you and Kyle you and I kiss those beautiful lips I'd suck in those delicious nipples of yours and just let my fingers do the walking when you watch come on over that's how you handle those things it's like I said when she gets the point where she's resolved it and she's figured out her problem she go life is so much better I'm so glad we talked I love you great watch come over and kiss me and semi laugh we'll see what pops up let's get a second email this guy says hey Cory how are you awesome thanks for asking thank you for doing your videos they are very informative you're welcome I really need your advice please I'm 39 British and living in Italy where I am on a career break and teaching English I met a local woman is 27 who I like very much but I don't understand her behavior well let's see if we can decipher that for you I'm worried that she doesn't want to see me anymore that sounds like a good positive belief and we think about what you focus on will expand she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not we met in June through a language exchange website started meeting up a couple of times a week and have seen each other about 30 times hang out have fun oh go we were just hanging out as friends helping each other with Italian and English which was fun and she was helping me to find work as a teacher and I was helping her to apply for work in the UK she kept inviting me to do things with her and I always accepted sounds like she's a little sweet on you I couldn't work out whether she hoped to be more than friends so I decided not to do anything unless she displayed any signs that she was interested in difference makes the difference you're in action often creates attraction err because remember is a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear one day in early August she rang me at 10:30 in the morning saying that she was outside my flat and asked if I wanted to have tea as she had done that before I took it as a sign of interest she started giving me other signs to ordering my tea asking me to side what drink to get her and to look after her bag I got the impression she wanted me to ask her out well dude you're already hanging out as to matter making a move when you're there she's putting herself into your orbit so I did and she gave me an enthusiastic yes oh what a co-inky-dink we provisionally arranged to go out the day after I invited her out a Wednesday she canceled on the day but she rescheduled the date for the following day exactly the same thing happened on Thursday with her resetting the date for Friday she invited me to meet her for tea on Friday afternoon and I went but again she canceled the evening date she then disappeared in the UK for 10 days I resolved not to contact her while she was there but to my surprise she wrote me to say hello she then wrote me the day after she got back a Tuesday well partly was I hey would you like to date me you don't need to do that she's with you she's showing up and when you're sitting there and she's touching your arm and she's leaning in you just say I think you need to get over with and kiss me right now what are you talking about like you show up in my flat obviously I think you're a little sweet on me it's like that's okay I think your crush is very tracked I mean you're a beautiful woman and why yes I would love to kiss you so why don't you come over and sit closer and plant one on these beautiful lips that obviously you like because after all you showed up at my flat today that's the way to handle that Michael let's have an official date let's have a label so he says after she got back a Tuesday she wrote to me telling me that she was free on the Wednesday afternoon I didn't see the message until Thursday because I was away we finally went out together the following Saturday they date went well we both had a good time although nothing happened physically come on man Jesus Christ this girl's chasing you she's pursuing you she's putting herself into your orbit and you're like a dog chase his tail you just run around in circles not getting anywhere so your dog is like licking your butt in your [ __ ] and your balls and this girl's like laying there with their legs spread you like looking all over like I'm going to continue licking my [ __ ] I didn't that's a great analogy bye way I just thought of that I didn't worry unduly because she seemed keen to meet me again although I noticed that she wasn't exactly putting herself in my orbit as we walked around town she talked about her ex-boyfriend a bit during the date which I didn't think was good as you say baby I don't care about him he can keep you busy when you're not with me when you're walking together side by side is she bumping into you when a what a woman likes you and you can observe this in public that's what's so cool you walk behind couples you'll see that the girls really in the guy she's just like she just can't help but keep running into him shoulder to shoulder and hit her hand bumping his and they grab hands and when she lets go he lets it go then a few minutes later she grabs it back that's how it works it's all subtle I talked about this in my book if you haven't read it 10 to 15 times yet quit [ __ ] around and go downloading you need to learn the basics what I teach don't think that you just watch these videos and you'll get everything if you haven't downloaded the book yet you can download the Kindle version by going to my website underneath the email signup box there's a box as a link will take you right to the Kindle page and you don't need a kindle vise just download one of their free eva'dur apps for whatever electronic device you'd like to read it on I asked her she still wanted him and she said no she told me about another British man she had met which made me a bit jealous at the end of the day dude she's with you right now and that's all that matters live in a moment hang out have fun hook up instead you're having this mental [ __ ] circle jerk with yourself when you're physically with this girl worrying about some other dude is not even there she loves me she loves me not I called her on the Tuesday after we went out because I wanted to see her before I went out traveling on the Thursday she says she didn't think that we could do it's like why are you chasing hers like there's no point in doing that she's calling you here's the deal why to talk about my book when you meet a girl it's the man's job to start the courtship to initiate the either get her phone number or to set a date in a spa now most women sleep with a guy by the second or third date and so usually after the second or third week if you start dating and you go out like once a week what happens is the woman starts calling and texting you hey I had a great time the other night she puts herself in New York this girl is literally showing up at your place she's doing all the pursuing she's doing the initiative she was constantly asking to do things but when you started to like her then you started to pursue her instead of just making a move when you were physically with her all the time because what I said when I was after the second or third week you pretty much don't ever have to call or text a girl again because she's been calling and texting you so much and you just use those as opportunities to set the next date it's very easy that way the courtship just naturally evolves and flows and if you don't hear from her for several days or whatever the fallback position is always you call no more than once a week but if you're doing everything right the frequency of her texting her phone calls and her spending time with you is going to go up because the more her attraction level for you grows the more of your time and attention that she's going to one he says what she said she didn't think she could do it but she would get back to me the next day and she didn't and I didn't hear from her again until a few days later when when I sent her an email to see if everything was all right okay so now she stopped making any effort you didn't hear from her for a few days neither sent her an email chasing her you've completely went from being indifferent her chasing after her or her chasing after you to now like you're doing all the pursuing you're acting like the woman and she's losing interest she responded and she invited me for coffee the next day we met and it was fun and I felt strongly attracted to her and for what I could tell she felt the same way about me at the end of our chat I asked if I could see her the following weekend please your highness can I see you again all would be so nice oh my god come on dude it's like you're like just [ __ ] licking her feet here oh man so he says she eagerly said yes but not this weekend and she left giving me a very flirty wave no kiss I mean come on what are you doing here to my surprise she contacted me at 10:30 did on Saturday asking if I would like to meet her the next morning saying have a good evening at the end of the message which I took is a definite sign of interest I didn't see the message in time to meet her because I went out that night and only checked my emails at midday and Sunday I told her that and asked if we could meet during the week which she said was difficult she then ignored an email I sent her during the week asking him for a meeting at the weekend you didn't definitely make a definite date obviously because she had already said yes when I last SARS but since you didn't make a definite date now you're doing the call to confirm type of reply but I responded when I called her on Saturday the conversation went well she was pleasant still seemed interested we arranged a meet on Sunday and I would have before we were going to meet she sent me a text saying that she wasn't feeling well and couldn't go out oh no and I said okay I hope you get better soon not believing that she wasn't well during the week I inquired after her health oh come on dude are you treating this girl like a [ __ ] celebrity now it's like you see how the power just totally flipped over the matter of a few weeks this guy's hang out with her he's totally indifferent she's pursuing him she's doing all the calling she's doing all the inviting he's like oh I think I like this garage with a little tingle downstairs let me start calling her and pursuing her but not kissing they're not making any move on her let me see if that works during the weekend I enquired after her health which is really to ask when we were going out and received this response hi I'm fine you I have started working in a bar and Sunday evenings and in the office on Saturday so I can't go out as much anymore you how are your pupils doing I'm having trouble deciphering the message she's saying get lost is she saying goodbye if she is why didn't she say so stop [ __ ] pursuing her dude jesus [ __ ] christ if she is why does she ask how I am and how my pupils are doing I assume you're a teacher those questions make it seem as if she wants to maintain contact why is she effectively telling me that she's got Saturday night free she can't work in the office on Saturday evenings in the whole Sunday date time does she just want to be friends well if you two [ __ ] kissed her all these [ __ ] opportunities you had instead of acting like the gay male girlfriend maybe you would know the answer to that does she want space as she suddenly lost all interest could she be lying about the work but she was telling me that she needed extra money why does she mention Sunday before Saturday I responded like this crikey that's a long week you're doing let me know if you find some free time I'd like to see you my pupils are doing well they they keep coming back I haven't seen her since oh this is like April and I'm not sure where I stand with her and I'm not playing the contactor at all now but I really want to see her should I confront her I thought we were getting some with her obviously not oh I'm sorry it must be October 4th I can't work out what I have done wrong well I pretty much explained it here one thing I've never understood is why the entire time I've known her she has only touched me once for someone who appeared to be quite interested it's always seemed odd that she hasn't given many flirty touches it's like dude what do you expect expect her to just come over your place and pull her pants down spread her legs in your bed go okay now please [ __ ] me I mean come on dude it's like hang out at phone hookup it's like she's hanging out with you she's calling you you should assume what if you read my book she wants you when she's with you make a date go for a kiss and if she rejects you then you know she excused you the chick than you oh she wasn't interested and then that the next time she calls she wants to hang out to say you know you're a great girl but you know I think you're beautiful I can't just hang out with you and not be able to touch you I mean I want you so if you're ever interested in more than just something platonic let me know because I'd love to see you and then you walk and you never look back so let's get in the third and final email this guy says hey Cory I need help I think I [ __ ] up with this one girl I've been seeing she's really amazing a track I actually bought the Kindle version your book a few days ago I've been reading and I have to say it's really opened my eyes got a reading 1015 times dude so thank you for that though I wish I'd really bought it before I met this girl I'm in New Jersey and she's in New York and we only had two dates which were three weeks apart last one was last week where I didn't make a move on her and stupid me missed so many opportunities to kiss her while we were having a great time in Central Park well at least you realize your mistakes and where you were going wrong unlike the other guy the previous email just finished at the end of the day we hugged tightly Oh a hug how nice and she had slightly pushed back away from me instead I was a good hugger whoo and then she kissed me before walking inside her building that's what happens when the girl has a high attraction level for you attraction is not a choice she couldn't help herself she liked you and she went for the kiss she had to like the man the relationship because you were on great hugger we talked later when I got back and she was really interested everything was going great we were supposed to meet up this past Tuesday which was yesterday but in the morning she said she wanted to get her hair done to look all pretty for me she goes to the gym at 12:00 and she asked me to come at 3:00 and she was also meeting up with a girlfriend later in the evening around 8:00 and you make dates in the evening that can lead to sex at either your place or her place not getting together for lunch in the afternoons for your third date it's a bad way to go did you read the book obviously not very far into it yet though my problem was that I have to drive about an hour and a half each way to go see her so literally see her for three to four hours see that's part of the problem is because you don't know who you are and you don't know what you want and you're too afraid to stand up for yourself you put yourself in a position you make plans with this girl instead of just because you're happy to be with there and you're treating her like a [ __ ] right oh she's going to give me three hours in the afternoon before she hangs over often at night oh it's so exciting I'm making a hug again and drive three hours she said she'd really like to see me but could either meet up on Tuesday which was yesterday or she could spend a full day with me on Saturday since she was off on Saturday and she's traveling nourished with a crazy night shift schedule at first I was like meet up with your girl another night she called me we talked and decided on Saturday I sent the time in the place and everything was solid however last night before she went out to see your girlfriend she sent me a pic of a picture of herself after she had her hair done and said that she sent it by mistake and wanted to surprise me when she saw me on Saturday I told her I would rather show her what I thought when we met up on Saturday than tell her in words she later told me to call her on Saturday remind her of the name of the place where I wanted to meet up that's a call to confirm I said a really stupid ass comment all of these dates must be pretty confusing she has a lot of guys hitting on her asking her out etc she said no I just remember the name of the place I said will do and then she said okay well I'll talk to you later when she never says which I said to her was stupid rude and I really think before I said it in all honesty I was just teasing her and I haven't heard from her since she usually calls me on the way back to her place or before she goes to bed I know it's only for 52 a.m. Wednesday and I might be overreacting but I really think I may have [ __ ] up and made myself sound insecure my question is should I call her during the day and apologize to her apologize for what you kind of lost me your dude I mean at the end of the day if you have a definite date you stay up the phone and you meet her in person so I just hold out until she contacts me again she's been doing most of the pursuing and she's been pretty aggressive too and I'm pretty sure I may have turned her off and what I said that's why the phone is for setting dates not trying to tease a girl and use humor because nine times out of ten when you do stupid [ __ ] like that it's going to be misconstrued and you're going to feelings you're going to piss her off or you're going to make her think like you're just being mean or that you're a [ __ ] don't try to use humor in texting it's a bad way to go so I mean at the end of the day you're supposed to meet up on Saturday and send her a text so all would have said is like great we're meeting in such such place here's the address I'll see you at 8:00 I'll see you at 9:00 or whatever time or Syria 12:00 wherever time you guys had agreed to get together just over complicating things the things I teach in my book it's just like asking a woman out I see the same thing at videos over and over and over and over again like when I talk to guys in phone sessions I look at these emails and then they tell me the things that they actually say to women like get an example when I say when are you free to meet up for a drink that question presupposes that of course she wants to see me there's no doubt in there but when a guy says well gee would you like to maybe meet up for a drink sometime that's a completely different meaning than when are you free to meet up for a drink James Bond would say when he free to get together when he free to meet up for a drink but when a guy communicates like he's unsure himself or she may turn him down I mean that it's two different completing things so it's like the things I say to say in my book Sam that way it's there for a reason because if you presuppose of course she wants me of course she wants to hook up and of course I'm a catch of course she thinks I'm awesome and you come from that place then you're going to say and do things that speak from a place of confidence instead of being so unsure of yourself and screwing things up unnecessarily like these last two guys that just have these women kind of like served on a silver platter to them and like I said earlier there's like you know it's like a dog seizing a female dog leg spreads like oh that's nice but I think I'm gonna lick my butthole or I'm gonna lick my balls for a while it's like come on man so if you'd like to get my help personally the quickest way is to go to my website click the products to have the top your screen and a pay phone coaching session with yours truly and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 114,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RbZrzBX40Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2013
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