A Man & His Emotional Center

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hi I'm coach Gwen this is my video coaching newsletter and the top of this newsletter is going to be a man and his emotional center I've got four emails to go through with you one of them actually is a comment that a woman left on one of my videos confirming a lot of things we talked about it was great because it's exactly on the subject that I want to talk about today so let's just go ahead I remember I got a quote that I wrote on this topic I want to share with you then I'm going to get into a couple first I got testimonial for you and then I got an e and a comment from this woman I got two emails with guys are the exact situations that were going to talk about and pick apart so the quote says women are attracted to a man's strength and his ability to maintain his emotional center at all times a man needs to remain strong confident and sure of himself even when his woman's actions or words do not live up to his expectations the hallmark of an alpha male is a man who does not come unglued and get angry act desperate or needy when his woman does not call when she says she will or does not call him back in the timeframe that he expects sometimes especially when a man and woman first meet she will purposely not call him when she says she will or delay calling him back for a day or two to make sure that he does not get angry or desperate if he does come unglued he will communicate too or that he is a weak beta male and therefore not worthy of her time causing her to reject him or blow him off completely so let's go ahead and get into the first comet here and this guy he says hey Corey I've been following your webcasts and reading your stuff for the past two weeks after I got dumped I went completely dark on her on day 14 she sent me a text I responded within three to four messages and I had asked her out she said she was busy the day I asked her out for but she gave me a counter which I accepted see that's a good sign if you if you happen to say hey how about Friday and she's like well I can't do it Friday but how about Saturday or how about Sunday or how about Tuesday or whatever happens to be that's a good sign if a woman ever cancels a date on you but doesn't mention anything about rescheduling that's a bad sign but if she cancels says hey I can't make it tonight or I can't make it tomorrow night but I definitely want to reschedule your response to that needs to be great when are you free what evenings are you free to reschedule and then wait for her to get back to you and then obviously make a date then whenever woman brings up reschedule remember it's the man's job to be direct to be decisive and make the date so if you presuppose of course she wants to reschedule obviously something must have really come up then you got to be direct to decisive and say great when you what are you free to reschedule for let her tell you her availability and then you make definite plans based upon that he says after the date was set I then into the text conversation would have a great day see you tomorrow and she were responded okay with the little XO he says what is amazing is her counter which is dinner at her house tomorrow after her kid goes to bed huh hang out have fun hookup sounds like your ex-girlfriend is planning on getting a little frisky with you that's a good sign this is what happens you walk and you never look back and she starts to think huh yeah I meet her man made a mistake of kicking him to the curb because well most guys do when they get rejected they start chasing they start pursuing an S it's a act needy and desperate which never gets him anywhere he says that's something that never happened when we were dating she must really trust me and want to see me it's amazing the effect that silence has like I said the strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it she doesn't want to date you anymore and you're like all right I'm moving on to bigger and better things and you're never going to look back after you're gonna say it that way you're just going to go and you're going to do it through your actions it's the silence that speaks for you your actions speak for you it you don't have to say anything or explain anything he says the genius is in its simplicity I just followed the process and now she's chasing me a bit and I feel like I ever gained some power well if a woman is chasing you guess what she ain't blowing you off he says I also have a date with a hot redhead for this weekend I'm living in abundance just add this as another testimonial you rock quarry awesome good job dude it's your birthright this is the way it's supposed to be when you act like a man is supposed to act look at all the fruits that you get now this is from a comment from a woman she says hey Cory you are dead ass on with us women I purposely avoid calling men back right away and I never called him back when I say I will to see how they act how many times what I said this he says if a man shows any signs of being angry or desperate it is over how many times have I read emails where the guys like I just got a little upset one time and now she doesn't want to talk to me it's like that's all it [ __ ] takes especially when you're in the beginning because if you you get angry or you act desperate it's like just like she says any signs of being angry or desperate it is o ver this is from a woman she continues on it also pisses me off if I here's another thing I see guys when constantly I read all the time in emails it also pisses me off if I tell a man I will let him know when I'm available and he contacts me before that was like it was either yesterday or day before I read the guy like right in his conversation it's like let me know when you're free and then two texts later he's like I'll call you tomorrow it's like hello that's all neediness it's all trying to control the situation because they fear that they're not good enough to be with her and therefore if they don't try to force things that they'll never hear from her again and that's exactly what happens they never hear from her again because you're out there's a woman too telling you everything that I talk about all the time I've had countless women over the years see the exact same thing to me she says I'm only into males that treat me like I'm the best thing that's ever happened in his life it's a challenge and more exciting and appealing when a guy isn't drooling all over me it's what's really going on here as the guy is giving her the freedom to think about him and to wonder about him remember it is a scientific fact that women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear and when a woman starts to wonder about you or when she says I'll give you a call and let you know and then you actually let her do it when she reaches out she's gotten to the place internally where she's like I'd really like to see this guy she says I am constantly told I am beautiful hot and have gorgeous eyes I work out I stay slim and I have long dark hair and green eyes and purposely make direct prolonged eye contact with men to find out which ones are alpha remember I talk about my book never be the first one to look when you make eye contact with one you keep looking her in the eye let her look away first because women that are very beautiful and I have a lot of choices men they could tell everything by just looking into your eyes whether you're an alpha or a beta she continues on I [ __ ] men on purpose to watch them squirm I now have my eyes on a man who I know likes me and is quite a challenge for us both he doesn't treat me special and it drives me nuts and I want to [ __ ] this man so bad I cannot stand it it's the attraction of indifference I've done countless videos on that the thing it's like his inaction is what's like really driving her nuts the thing is is that a man this man is not good-looking at all in fact he's overweight in about 15 years older than me but he loses self-confidence which is so attractive number one most important thing than women confidence it looks is usually second or third on the list yeah you've got to be physically appealing enough but here's another confirmation the guys over way he's older but he's got confidence he acts like a [ __ ] man because so few guys do she says thank you for your videos I love them and you are so correct with us women who get lots of men drooling all over us all the time well thank you for sharing so let's get in the first first email I got with a guy who's got questions and who's struggling he says hey Cory the girl I can't stop thinking about it just come out of a seven-year relationship she's only 25 and I'm 27 we have worked together for a year and have hooked up more than once on group nights out ending up together in a hotel or at my place hang out have fun hook up of course she states she isn't ready for a relationship which is a classic scenario that tells me you're pushing for a relationship instead of focusing on hanging hanging out having fun and hookup and remember what the woman just shared in the previous video you are in a fearful place you worried that she's not going to want to be in a relationship with you instead of living in the present moment and just creating great dates that are fun-filled romantic opportunities for sex to happen instead because you feel insecure you feel needy you're trying to lock her down so you feel better about yourself it's like you've got to have infinite patience you've got to get to a place where you have a take-it-or-leave-it kind of attitude or it's like you hit the ball over the net it's like a game of tennis and you got to wait for the girl to hit it back and just like the woman and the previous email or the comment said they're not always going to contact you right away and a lot of times they're going to purposely wait to see what happens see all you handle it she says I've fallen into the rebound slash distraction or he says I've fallen into the rebound slash distraction camp the issue started because I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm pretty open so I tell anyone who will listen my problems well part of that is women like a guy who can keep his [ __ ] mouth shut and so obviously because you're insecure you're going around like an emotional tampon talking to everybody anyway to listen about what this girl is doing you and how you're upset how it bothers you that she's not calling you back when you expect or she's not into you as you are into her that makes you look like a beta male and that [ __ ] will give back to her and it's not helping your case you need to cut that [ __ ] out immediately keep it to your [ __ ] self I learned about 15 years ago I just quit telling my buddies the guys that work for me the people that I hung out with what was going on in my personal life because they would interfere in it and plus a time when women I was dating she talked to a lot of people in her office because she was she was in the insurance business and so she provided a lot of insurance on the houses that we were either doing loans for or that we were selling them and I had 15 women working for me if I told one of them one thing or if I told one of the guys that work for me one thing within a matter of minutes it had gone around the whole entire office at that point and so when they're talking to my girlfriend on the phone guess what not helping my case so I keep your mouth shut us a guy's arabia's because my girlfriend was [ __ ] gorgeous and they weren't dating women that they felt that way about so and without realizing it they were trying to sabotage my success because they were jealous and they were envious of me so I learned just to keep my [ __ ] mouth shut so it's a good policy to have besides it's gonna help you remain mysterious remember if it's gonna make you look weak and like a beta male shut your [ __ ] mouth keep it to yourself and trust me I know I learned the hard way it just doesn't help your case when you go when you talk about this stuff you're acting like a [ __ ] woman he says so she knows I like her a lot and friends friends are doing a lot of he-said she-said having helped that's what another reason why you should shut your mouth he says my success has come more of persistence than reciprocation so she's kind of just going along with things is the only time she opened up to me was just after Christmas when I was ready to walk away she said she was surprised at how upset she was considering she had never intended it to be anything serious your problem is you're just not backing off enough you're smothering her then when you finally get frustrated or like [ __ ] it and you walk away she's all over for you you have to give women the time in the space to miss you to wonder about you you cannot force this you can't force a woman to love you when you try that you're going to get just the opposite effect because it's going to feel like she's losing her freedom by being with you when man a man or a woman feels like they're losing their freedom they tend to withdraw him back away you have to give him space he said I was pretty casual at this point but made it clear I wasn't going to be dict around in 2014 fYI generally she is flaky about meeting up outside of group nights out one-on-one so she doesn't like it being planned even though we all know what will happen you're pursuing too much you're trying to force it if you just backed off and waited till she reached out to you and then made a date then you can make dates one-on-one set all those group [ __ ] the problem is you're going on a group dates with this girl and you're plus you're telling everybody everything that's going on in the group so the girl knows you can't keep your [ __ ] mouth shut you can't keep a secret that's gonna cause her to feel like she can't trust you women don't like a guy who blabs about everything he says she over he over he says she overthinks and I even thought I want a relationship which I tell her I don't even though I don't want a relationship which I tell her I don't I'm having real difficulty creating regular non serious relationship as a base it's because you're saying one thing but it's just all of your face she can read it she can tell your words and your actions are congruent that's why you're getting this flaky wishy-washy kind of behavior you definitely are not maintaining your emotional center which obviously is the whole object to this video so in the New Year after a week or so I called her up and try to make a definite date for a Friday night she accepted but when the day came she hadn't mentioned it so I brought it up and she didn't give me a firm answer he said definite date right let's read this again so I called her up to make a definite date for a Friday night she accepted but when day came she hadn't mentioned it so I brought it up and she didn't give me a firm answer you didn't make a definite date dude you're saying one thing and you're doing another you're like all over the ice he says later that night I flipped out and told her to delete my number oh that's real mature it's like you you can't you can't create a trash when you act this way you're totally coming unglued and just like the woman in the previous email mentioned your gonzo with this girl you happen to have hooked up with before and so you've got a little further down the path but that's why she's hot and cold on you because you act like a woman you say it says things got pretty awkward at work and we're talking again as we bumped into each other in a stairwell but she's told her friends she just wants us to be friends leaving me pretty confused bearing in mind that she said what she said at Christmas but what she said at Christmas only applied when she said it but she's responding and to how you're presently showing up so the past doesn't [ __ ] matter dude and it's totally she's acting like a normal woman the problem is you're acting like a woman and you're acting needy and you're acting desperate if you'd made a definite date you would you would said great when you free I'd love to see when you're free to get together and she was at Friday night or Saturday or whatever great I'll pick you up at 8:00 or I'll meet you at such such a date so if it comes up I will call you otherwise I'll just see you there does that sound good great see you at 8:00 and then that's it and then you just show up or you go pick her up or whatever for your date if something comes up she'll cancel and want to reschedule but the problem is you didn't actually make a definite date you need to read my book that's part of the problem maybe you don't you're not clear on what an actual definite date is definite date means you have a definite day a definite time and a definite place and you don't have to confirm the date because you before you hang up you say hey if something comes up I'll call you otherwise I will just see you there or I'll just pick you up at 8:00 it's pretty [ __ ] simple think about it's like you make a doctor's appointment do you I mean a doctor will call and say hey I just want to remind you of your appointment but do you call or it's like when you make plans with your best friend hey I'll see you at 8:00 do you call go hurry we still on for eight course not why is your buddies you want to hang out it's simple it's like guys act that way with their friends when it comes to women there's ol please your highness can I spend some time with you so he says I know that she's confused about what she wants her axe to be single or me well it's just how you're showing up if you just let her do most of the chasing in the pursuing you'd be on [ __ ] autopilot dude he says and I have tried to give her space try not either do or do not there is no try just like Master Yoda said I know you say you're trying to give her space whether it's I'm trying to give her space but I'm just such a [ __ ] bitch-ass [ __ ] Corey that I can't I can only hold out for a few hours a few days and I just come unglued well if you keep acting that way you're gonna keep having this kind of behavior that's gonna be frustrating his [ __ ] to you he says but seeing each other every day at work doesn't help I can't help but feel no you're choosing not to control your emotions and your feelings that she if she truly wanted me she would go for it and think I've just been used somewhat dude I'm sorry but you're acting like a [ __ ] it's as simple as that how do I get her to want me chase me and is there any coming back from this scenario I have undoubtedly created for myself I know what the problems are I'm acting like the girl there is no mystery but I always thought that being genuine will bring more success there's nothing wrong with being genuine the problem is that you over pursue you act needy then you get pissed off at her you're not making definite dates I mean there's just a ton of mistakes that you're making that I pointed out you've got to read my book there's no getting around the fundamentals when you don't know the fundamentals and you don't follow them this is what happens you get this flakey behavior so what I would do if I were you I'd wait to hear from her and when she reaches out make a date it's really [ __ ] simple make a definite date hang out have fun and hook up and just focus on that that's the only thing a man needs to focus on in a relationship or to get to a relationship but afterwards hanging out having fun and hook it up she'll bring up the courtship in the exclusivity part when she's ready let's move on to the fourth and final email this guy says hey coach I'll get right into it I'm madly in love with my best friend who's a girl and I'm the guy we have been friends for almost two years that's obviously your first mistake last year we took all the money we had and we pulled it together and we bought a bus to convert it to an RV and travel we spent some spent months building the bus and almost completed it but we both had to get jobs I went to Afghanistan and she moved to Minnesota and got a job as a flight attendant we still have a joint checking account and talk all the time I'm actually home from Afghanistan right now on R&R thank you for your service by the way we talked yesterday and I poured my heart out to her acting like a woman come on dude she said that she loves me but doesn't know she is in love with me well it means she's not in love with you because you're acting like a woman do during the [ __ ] military your [ __ ] stud act like it come on man you gotta grow a set it's amazing you can go out and shoot the talibans but come home and a girl just makes you totally come unglued and purr like a kitten never gonna get you anywhere she said that she's never had an emotional connection with someone like she has with me not even the guy that she dated for five years we kissed three times during that talk and she said afterward it was weird while I thought it was amazing it's like well you know what it is it's just because it's so amazing so awesome for you you're just not used to being kissed by an awesome guys once you kiss me some more you got to get to know the information my boat the problem is you're acting timid you're acting shy you're not going for what you want and so instead you've chosen to be the gay male girlfriend type of role or the emotional tampon instead of being a man the man that you already are inside and going for what you want is I'm not really sure what to do we act like a married couple - the sex in PDA I'm leaving to go back to Afghanistan in a couple of weeks so I need to figure out what to do before I go back to that world alone with my thoughts it will drive me crazy you can't let it do you got to maintain your emotional center besides when you're in I'm gonna keep [ __ ] head in a swivel can't be sit are gonna act like a woman out there when someone's trying to [ __ ] kill your ass uses I wanted to say thank you for developing your website that teaches us about relationships and not just how to get laid here's what you need to do bro nothing don't call her don't text her don't do anything when she reaches out to you assume she wants to see you and spend time with you hey babes great to hear from you I'd love to see you when are you free to get together Thursday how about 8 o'clock I'll pick you up we'll go grab some dinner sound good great I'll see you at 8:00 something comes up I'll let you know otherwise I just see it 8:00 sound good great boom hang out have fun hook up when you pick her up you're like you look [ __ ] amazing you look great and just go and kiss her on the lips say hey babe you look great don't kiss her in a cheat don't give her a [ __ ] hug be a [ __ ] man and go for the kiss I mean think about you're going back to combat dude when your time's up it's [ __ ] up you're asking it blowing up you go back to her you could be dead first day back you just never know you need to take care of your [ __ ] dude you need to take advantage of opportunity you have when you're here because you never know when your time is going to be up so hanging out have fun hook out wait to hear from her make a date when you show up treated just like your girls hey baby you look amazing kiss her lips and then give her a hug just go right in and go for it you ain't got nothing to lose bro besides you might lose everything you're risking everything by going back to Afghanistan it's like come on man and then at some point in the evening when she's touching here just hang back sit back in your chair spread your legs take up too much space make sure she's doing 78% of the talk you know be Co talk about her relationships or gushing about your feelings during that [ __ ] [ __ ] act like a man don't bring any of that stuff up just sit there and talk and let her talk and when she stood her knee starts touching yours and you take your hand and put on the inside of her knee and start rubbing her knee she starts to escalate it they just continue let your hands wonder she pulls her hand away then you remove your hand and wait for her to start touching you again and when she starts touching you again then you go back in two steps forward one step back to says for one step back and what you should be doing right now is reading my book cover to cover as many times as you can before she reaches out to you and like I said at some point you said say I think need bring those beautiful lips over here and kiss me you look ravishing and you start making out I invite her maybe you have a bottle of champagne or maybe you take her back to your place hang out have fun and hook up and say I mean it's simple and it's really simple but the problem is you're doing a little bit over pursuing and you're not making a move at key moments you're talking about your feelings all that stuff just keep it simple bro it's your birthright you deserve to have a great girl in your life and again thank you for your service so if you like to get my help personally the quickest way is the book phone Skype or email coaching and you choose any of those options by going to my website click the products tab the top your screen and just follow the instructions and I will talk to your school soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 183,659
Rating: 4.8467155 out of 5
Id: FJfHVaZyqnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2014
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