Harvesting BUCKETS of Honey, 95 Pounds!

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welcome back guys today is September the 19th  and the Golden Rod is starting to bloom in my   area and I have actually not been in these  beehives since the last honey Harvest video   that I did which was several several months ago  so I want to get in these hives I want to get   out the rest of the honey that I didn't get back  then and that should allow the bees to go ahead   and have some space to put up some Goldenrod honey  for the winter it's been a couple of hours since I   was out here trimming and mowing around the hive  so I'm hoping that they've calmed down some I'm   hoping that some of the bees that were angry at  me earlier are out in the field foraging right   now but I've already been stung once so I don't  really know we'll just we'll just see what happens like to work barehanded and I get  comments about that sometimes it   just gives me better dexterity but  I don't know what their attitude   is going to be right now so I do have  some gloves in the Jeep just in case they are still acting just a little bit irritated I think y'all can probably tell from the  camera but the camera is actually level you   can see this Hive is way way slanted  there's some issues with some of the   parts and pieces of the hive and hopefully if  they'll let me we'll do some Hive repairs too that's a great that's a full frame of Honey  right there we'll take this box for sure the   reason that the wax looks so dark like this is  this is undoubtedly spring honey and it's just   been in here so long the bees have been walking  around on it with their dirty little feet and   they have just made it dark doesn't affect the  Honey at all the honey still looks very very nice I'm not sure that I want to take much  more out of this particular Hive it's   getting towards uh changing of the seasons  and they're going to need a fair amount of   Honey to get through the winter they're  going to be bringing Goldenrod honey in   over the next I guess couple of weeks I'm not  really sure so we'll check right here and see   but I'm not certain that I want to take I  don't want to get too greedy right now foreign yeah so we've got a lot of open cells in here  probably could be extracted but I don't know that   I want to and a fair amount of open cells on this  side as well so we'll we'll stop while we're ahead   um once you start taking too much you end  up spending money on sugar syrup and uh   it's just really not worth it and Honey's  a whole lot better health-wise for the bees   let's see if we can get a new bottom on this hive thank you I walked in the woods to give those  bees a little break I think I'll save my hive   repairs for some other day because I'm sure that's  ruining the audio on this video so let's get into   another Hive a little ways away from that Hive  and uh let's just get the honey out for now not much going on in this Box  we'll just go ahead and take it off this one was extracted in the spring  you can kind of tell because you see   kind of the remnant The Remnant Remnant  honey kind of along the top and on the   sides where it was cut out the captains were  cut out of the middle and these edges were   left so they never really refilled this  I have to speak of we'll keep going here yeah there's some honey in this  box I'll probably take this one   so that's a fair amount in that one right  there see what the next one's looking like   I can see a good amount of Honey on the top here  I just hope there's not eggs in the bottoms oh no   that looks great look at that that's beautiful  we'll definitely take this box it's great this one looks like it may be a winner by the way  on that last Hive I actually ended up putting that   one box that had just a few frames back and taking  the one that had lots of frames just to make sure   they had enough for the winter oh yeah look  at that that is wonderful I'll check that out so the bees usually do a really good job of  putting honey in the middle of the frames   but you really get the story of the box when  you check on the frames that are kind of on   the edges so we'll check on the second to last  ones here and see what they're looking like too hmm oh yeah see that's that's  fantastic those look great yeah we'll take this whole box oh yeah yeah   and there's a fair amount in this next box too  but we're going to leave it for the winter time not seeing anything going on in  this one skip to the next one not much in here either so that works out pretty good it looks  like there's quite a bit of honey in   this box that's really messed up which  will give me a really good opportunity   to extract the honey as well as replace  the Box let's see how much Honey's in here a little irritable oh yeah  lots and lots in this one   again those cappings are brown because  it's just been here a long time   doesn't affect the honey in the least in fact I  really prefer that because it means they haven't   had a chance to put Goldenrod honey in there  and Goldenrod honey is great for bees tastes   like death for people so I would prefer that  there would not be any Goldenrod honey in there foreign there appears to be a lot of honey  in this box right here but I'm going to go   ahead and leave it for the bees just so they've  got enough for the winter and of course pulling   out frames and checking is not the only  way that you can check for how much honey   is in one of these boxes all you really  need to do is lift it up and just kind   of get a feel for the weight and uh you  know if it's heavy enough you can take it to do all of this outside in the sun the  temperature is not too bad today and I'm hoping to   get kind of better lighting out here than I would  get in the shed back there somebody on the last   honey Harvest video suggested that I take a queen  excluder and put it on top of my cappings bucket   here and let the honey just drain down through  the queen excluder into the bucket and I said you   know what that's a that's a pretty good idea so I  think what I'll do is just Decap these frames on   top of the uh the queen excluder and then I'll put  them in another container and smash them up really   good and do it again I think that'll save me a  lot of honey and probably a lot of headache too here's another box that I can replace while I'm  doing this so I'm sure that y'all are noticing   all the bees that are gathering around here  that's just kind of one of those things that   happens when there's not a whole lot of stuff for  the bees to go and get in the springtime uh mid   late spring there's a ton of stuff for them to  be going and foraging for so they don't really   bother you when you're extracting honey but this  time of year there's just not as much if anything   the Golden Rod is coming in but I don't know how  advanced it is so it doesn't look like they got   a whole lot to get out there so they're coming to  kind of reclaim what I just took for them I think box here and I've already filled up one  five gallon bucket almost to the top and   I've topped off the five gallon bucket that  we extracted last spring a few months ago I   haven't actually bottled that stuff  up yet but I was able to top it off   which was good so what I'm doing now is  I'm just going to take and I'm going to   fill up like a little two gallon bucket and  that's going to be our stash for the winter extractor it's a really really nice extractor  and this is my I think second year using it   and it works really well I do find however  that I need to turn the frames over so that   I can get more of the honey out of course they  do recommend that you spin the cappings for I   mean the frames rather for about three to five  minutes or something like that but doing it by   hand that's kind of tough to do so I just flip  them over and that seems to get most of it out   so if you're going to get one of these  I would recommend them but they do have   an option that has an electric motor on them  I'd probably spring for one of those foreign I'm going to take my cabins and crush  them up quite a bit of the honey has   already drained out of them through that  through that Queen excluder there and I   expect I'll get a whole bunch more once  I get it once I get them crushed up here but thank you that was a stroke of Genius as  y'all can see the bees have come to reclaim   what was rightfully theirs in the first place  so I'll just leave these here and they'll clean   this up just fine this is probably uh 500  300 yards I'm not sure away from the hive   so there's no chance this will stimulate any  robbing behavior and this way nothing's wasted all right so that's been draining for a  while let's see how much honey we've got   out of these campings here gosh it looks like  a lot this is just out of the cappings alone
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 982,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fall line ridge, ASMR, honey, bees, honeybees, beekeeping, homesteading, homestead
Id: cbkb-fb6IQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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