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oh so well honor the family with everybody standing to give god the best praise you got and comfort them come on i need the saints that know that god is a healer i need the same to know that god is a protector and that god will heal their broken hearts come on i need you to release a praise for real open up your mouth and give god a hallelujah give god to thank you jesus and that everything that have breath praise ye the lord before you sit down look at somebody and tell them it's a neighbor this is no longer a funeral it's a home going and if you know like i know when i get there i ain't got to worry about no more troubles and no more pain i need somebody from the front to the back to open their mouth and give god glory for the life and legacy of my ideal brother he's in that place where the weather shall be the rain head in christ the right like that man in the bible when he danced out his clothes and said i bless the lord at all times i need you to shout with divorce or triumph one more time and give god a hallelujah shout out hallelujah he's in here let's look at somebody said jesus is in here my family if you can look around everybody that's in this place is here to support you all and let you know we love you here for everybody else excuse us if we shout because we got something to shout about somebody shout glory to god we're gonna follow the program our first selection is coming from mr george dean and after that the scripture reading would be by bishop clarence parks for the old testament and bishop willie wilson for our new testament and pastor billy rainey will come with our prayer and i'll be back in order foreign oh so i know i know i know is know is and on i know said one more time hands on he told me she said somebody that knows is hallelujah david said i will bless the lord at all time amen i am up here to read the old testament scripture but i want to say that to the williams family that you have my prayers amen i've been knowing they've been knowing me leaving lee and willie and others have been knowing me all of my life and we just thank god my wife is related to lee's wife we just thank god for god blessing him to actually go all over the world and let people know that mississippi had some one that was a king in it and he was the king of gospel from psalm 73 starting at the 21st verse it says thus my heart was greed and i was pricked in my insides nevertheless i am continued with thee thou has holding me by thy right hand thou shalt guide me without counsel and after would receive me into glory who have i in heaven but thee and there is none upon the earth i desire besides thee my flesh and my heart felt it but god is my strength and my heart and my portion forever but it is good for me to draw now to you now god i have put my trust in the lord god that i may declare all of his works the word of god is blessed bless the williams family amen one of the greatest lessons that i ever learned in my ministry of pastoring i was taught by brother lee williams and i thank god for him not sometime but all of the time and for the entire family our condolences go to you because we love you and we appreciate you amen i think last night it was said that they thank you sister annie for sharing lee and i thank you for sharing them with me amen our scripture new testament scripture is coming from first thessalonians chapter 4 beginning with verse 13. and it says but i would not have you ignorant brothering concerning them which are asleep that you sorry not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so then also we also would sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain amen in the coming of the lord shall not prevent them with your sleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of an archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we be with the lord wherefore comfort ye one another with these words amen god's word for god's people literal church saying man certainly we thank god for the william family thank god for this opportunity amen just want to say to the william family appreciate this invitation lee lee william he has paid his debt let me say that when i started passing 11th and missionary baptist church in 1998 lee music minister quartet ministry it really took off but let me say to you out there that sistani has been cheered with the world she not only shared with the family but she shared her husband with the world in his ministry it was up and down the dangerous highway god had been good to the william family we are here to serve celebrate icon a legacy the life of brother leeway and i hope you have been praying for this family all along since the news of his passing dead but he's just asleep let us lift this family up today amen if you don't have your business in your house in order all what lee sung about all those years up and down the dangerous highway all over this world was about jesus he is the way and the life no man comes to the father but by him let us pray god our father we just thank you right now for this day this is another day that you have made and we are rejoicing not because brother lee is gone but we rejoice in because all who he sung about the light that he lived was about jesus christ and god we thank you for the wife the children the grandchildren god we ask you to continue to cover them god we know that we wish we could do more for the william family but god we know that this is father that we can go but god we know that you can go all the way you spoke to lazarus and he came forth god we just want you to comfort the william family the thornton family god all of these families that are connected cover them under the blood of jesus the christ god we know because of him we can face tomorrow god we just ask you to cover this william family now god there will be days will come there will be weeks and months the memories that he shared with us on this side we thank you for his life god we pray for the covering of the entire family and the friends who are gathered here from near and far we ask you to bless this service this day not about him but it's all about the one who died for his sins in our and we give you glory we give you honor today we celebrate the life and the legacy of the quartet i come lead william god we ask you to bless us now in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost amen shout amen if i can hear brother leave voice one more time in my heart i believe he can stand here and tell y'all let's have a good time now i want everybody from the front to the back to know that even though we're in a service what most people would say is a sad occasion but it's a celebration because he has his crown and i want everybody to know that if you praise god in this place we can encourage this family and help them and just to look at mama look at the brothers and look at the family i want to let y'all know that peace of god is here and you got some praises around you all around this building somebody shout glory to god next we'll have a musical selection and i'll be back give him a hand as he comes amen god is good and he's worthy to be praised um i'm not going to be before you long but i just want to uh first giving unto god and to all the pastors um i need y'all to do me a quick favor uh i need y'all to make some noise for the myth man the legend dr lee williams can y'all scream as loud as you can with this icon this giant i want to thank the family family for um not only um him to us giving them to the world but just thank you all for letting us have your dad your grandfather your husband um because uh we needed a lee williams amen and we still need lee williams amen and uh it's just very very sad i want to thank um pastor sparrow for inviting me thank the williams family for inviting me and i just come to do my part y'all and i'm gonna get out the way i love god and there's a little song amen that i sing um it says let your power fall when your name is so fight this battle for me lord i said fight this battle for me lord and help my belief so undefeated god in here can i get somebody that came to give god a praise to lift your voice and say let your power yeah yeah because you're still mighty but you still might got to steal my day still my destroy so fight this battle for me lord i need you to do it right now about somebody give god a praise right now somebody give god a prize again god we give you the glory god we give you the praise but even when it looked like we lost he won again even when they look like it's so over god won again anybody know we serve a champion come on somebody help me sing it right now say you have won you have one again god i'll give you the glory right now because you showed up and you did it again for dr lee williams today and for the williams family we give you glory right now because all things work together i said oh things work together for the good of them come you on one more time everybody come on y'all say come on somebody hey somebody give god what again the song says hallelujah then the glory hallelujah i wish i had a church in here who cares somebody said when we when do we call somebody help me sing jesus jesus if you know we got the victory somebody helped me say we when we are get to heaven wanna die a projection that will be somebody say we will see yes place i need you to jump the victory i feel this i feel this doctor i feel this doctor running i ain't gonna wait till the battle over i'm gonna shout right now i need somebody's help come on glue with your lips now i just need to check the room just right quick i need to see do we have at least 100 saved sanctified filled with the holy ghost folk to jump up on your feet and shout i'm filled with jesus and look at somebody said neighbor if you can give me 15 seconds i just can't hold my peace right now because i know i should be if it means anything you they got a little dance in their knee and i want you to find them and point them and say neighbor i dare you to praise god for five more seconds if he'll turn around for you in five seconds that's all you got and i'm gonna cut you off shout shout shouts tell somebody this is a celebration tell them again this is a celebration and when you celebrate the king of kings you shall respect for who god gave us so one more time from the front to the back give god glory somebody shout glory to god and if you got the holy ghost you can feel him in here now as we read the obituary sign me let's continue to thank on god glory to your name listen thank you oh jesus will be an icon hello there williams family it's jk lynn carr i want to let you know that first of all we're praying for you during this time we know that it's not easy for you but i just want to thank you first and foremost for your strength and i'm so grateful for the legacy that mr lee williams have left behind and just teaching us how to be kind we have made such a huge impact on the gospel music industry and not just the gospel music industry but made a huge impact on people's lives all across the world we're praying for you again during this time you're not in this alone we're pushing you in the spirit thank you all so much for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful celebration listen his legacy i want to pause first and uh give my sincere condolences to the family of the great mr lee williams uh i want to pause and just share with everybody that i met him years ago and uh i was awed i was uh just struck by his brilliance his ability to witness to minister and everybody gives him credit for standing flat-footed and just tearing us apart you know i need to tell y'all something it was so much bigger than that mr lee williams was able to minister to you and you believed what he was saying uh uh he will be missed he was not just an icon in in the gospel or quartet industry there are folks that love this man all over the world so i send my condolences and i say to all of you let's hold up the standard he had a standard let's hold up a standard and be uh examples of who and what he was and will be for the rest of our lives i love all of y'all praying for you god bless pastor john the world hello all of us somebody tent amen the peoples of god said amen we're blessed to be on the grounds and thank god that the grounds are not on us somebody says good to know him i said better to have him i would rather have him and not need him than to need him and not have him amen we thank god today for this great celebration to our agenda guide adams to eulogist pettin pettis and we thank god for all of my colleagues and co-laborers of the gospel to all the clergies that's here and to the williams family we thank god for you today and to all the well-wishers that came to be part of this experience dr lee williams is a legend uh i cannot overlook the fact when i look and sing the other legends uh deacon harvey watkins amen who i love dearly to each of you i want to say this i've been asked to give words of comfort what do you say in a time like this well i often say i pastor 33 years and i share with our members all the time that ecclesiastes 3 says there's a time and season for all things there's a time to be born there's a time to die if you got a birth certificate there is a deficit when did dr lee williams start dying he started dying when he started living i tell you what makes it so tough since williams is we always take loanership for ownership of the week i took my wife ms strong's car to get service they gave me a loan they said look at it and tell us if you see some defaults i seen the paint peeling but i didn't get the car painted it was a loner the tide was growing thin but i didn't go by new ties it was a loner what i'm saying is we had lee so long until we thought he was ours he was just a loner but we considered that we owned him you have a long folk money they had it so long till they thought it was theirs but the rightful owner got a right to come get was his williams called him husband the children called him daddy amen brothers called him brother friends called them friend everybody got so close in their relationship in this it's got us hurt today but he was just alone in saint luke 19 we're brief jesus tells a story to a man getting ready to go into jerusalem he said there's a coat go to a village against yourself there's a coat you'll find tied up loose that coat on time ain't nobody never wrote it he said but if any man actually while you loose them tell them that i have need of them a couple of things we need to know in that is that first of all the lord had need of him notice the coat was at a man's house jesus said loose the coat and if anybody asks you why you loosed him tell him i have need of it which means that even though the man at the house with keeping the coat the coat belongs to me he was just alone though i tell you this and i'm out of here headed to florida one day do a revival miami florida uh heard a story later said that this woman was headed to florida also swedish she stopped at the store before getting to a gate and bought us some cookies she gets to the cake the gate sit down and noticed something strange the man that she sit by was eating out of her cookie sack so instead of asking him to quit he got a cookie she got to he got one got another two she kept battling him with her cookies he can't eat all my cookies and finally he got to the last cookie he split that cookie gave her half of it and she was so mad she was angry with agony she got got up went to the latest room and threw her pocketbook to the wall and all her utensils fell on the floor even her cookies she discovered he really wasn't eating out of her cooking set she was eating out of heels and i know today and look like god ate out of your cooking set but you know what all the time you've been eating out of here not only how we've been eating out of here his cooking set i want to close by telling you one is just nice of jesus to split the cookie somebody ought to tell him thank you for splitting the cookie i'm just glad he split the cookie it was hills all attached god bless you be encouraged with these words he split the cookie split the cookie i started thinking about oreos and started getting close you know i was trying to you know until somebody said he split the cookie thank god he did that somebody shot glory to god but right here we're going to have some expressions we're gonna go with our siblings first uncles and then the spiritual qcs and i'll come back in that order give them a hand as they come in spite of a situation god is good all right i'm gonna say a few it's gonna be in about a minute but i want to say a few little things about my brother one morning we was waiting on the bus go to school back then it was hard to get something to eat lee took it oatmeal slung a little on me and it started to open me a fight but he was so smart he lit oatmeal on me i'm slanging a hawk on him and every time i slang a hunk on him he'll get it eating me a big dumb and then how something doesn't know he was eating and i was grown man before i found out what he was doing and one more little shot with it i'm gonna get out of the way we was playing i don't know what just playing lee looked up at my mama he said mom a great big ol bump on your face you want me to bust it she said yes son busted but she didn't have no idea how you were gonna bust it knock my mama out of the chair can i do a little one more building out of a hard drive and lee was throwing a screw across there for a pastor mcgee was gonna possibly get up say all right whoever hit me i'm gonna kill him so he was throwing that screw finally he threw one and hit him inside the head blood was running down and louis high and he run up there right quick he had lewis by hand who did it dude who did it show me who did it we gonna get him that's who did it the lake still there right today we were little and my mama was catching fish and we all was catching some fish she ran out of baits and it was old bull wear down in the past he would move so she sent him to the house to get us some bait she didn't want to go nowhere he went to the house the bull was better than the past while we were he knew it but he didn't want to dig the base he said mom he just left the lake while we was he called back that bull in the pasture with you i think my mother was running so fast until i have a blow to the back when she got caught in the fight out the bull wasn't close to him but you could hear the bull and i know i'm afraid but cornelia could run if she had to is that it he got a bunch more ain't gonna tell nothing at home hello everyone i didn't know that part of lee but i did hear many stories about him i am one of his sisters and one thing i did learn from lee is that he was a very patient and very wise person he was always slow to speak and swift to hear just like the bible told us and that's that's one thing he actually taught me you know my sister was saying you need to get something together because you know we may have to get up and speak and i'm like i don't just to get in front of everyone but i wanted to write some things down because i'm kind of like my mama sometimes when we stand up i thought sit down but what i've got to say is so important i didn't really want to forget it so lee was one of my brothers who literally taught me how to be slow to speak and swift to hear he was that perfect example many times when i went to him with the problem he listened to the full story even if that story took me an hour hour and hours could have taken me at least all day but he never said a word he would always be that person that would let you get finished with the whole story that's just who he was and after i finished he would always pause and if you all knew him the next word will come out well and then he would give you a solution to the story or give you something to do to encourage you he never discouraged you he was always there for his family even if what i came to him may not have been really interesting you know he all he never you never knew that he was not interested he was just there he was the listener and that was very important to me he also taught me how to be humble and patient you see he's saying because he looking some people may sing for different reasons but one reason why he did sing is because he actually loved to sing you know and just have as we have learned over the years you know we learned that he was the i believe the salutatorian of his class and and i believe that god began to work with him then because he began to give him words and things to say and things on his heart so a lot of times a bunch of the songs that he did are actually right they really came from within i believe i heard someone say that they came from the heart you know that's why he could write uh come on let's have a good time or you know just different songs that he did sing because they literally came from the heart and he really taught us how to be patient and kind and that was one thing you know when you humble yourself before the mighty hands of god god will lift you up and i believe that that's how he got where he was because he was so humble he was so patient god at the due time he lifted him up and he became who he was even when he got what some people began to say you know he was known all over the world he never changed when my sisters came to the house when my brothers came to the house different people would come my children your children he was always unclear to everybody he would always try to buy things from the store for everybody he always tried to get everybody something to eat he was just lee whether he was known to the world or whether he was just himself not known to anyone he was always the same that was a big encourage to me and i'm glad that god loaned him to me i'm glad i'm glad to have been a part of his family i don't have a lot of stories to tell like willie had but i do want to say this to the william family destiny is a part of our lives and if we define our destiny we divide we define where god wants to place us from the book of jeremiah jeremiah 1 and 4 said from your mother's womb i knew you he found destiny and purpose for his life that's why all of us can say that this man was a legend in his time and that's why we listened to the voices of what he said he found his purpose if you can find your purpose you can fulfill what god has called you to do here in the earth god bless you across the road praise the lord everyone praise the lord everyone praise the lord everyone somebody shout hallelujah somebody tell the lord thank you tell him thank you one more time thank you i want to say about my nephew lee williams we really was raised in the same house four brothers that formed a little group under the senior group the gospel was junior gospel stars could willie lee robert and frank and one of the songs back at that time was eagle stirred her nest did y'all anybody know that song it was the southern wonders that sung it but anyway lee have always been a humble individual humble i said we talked many times minutes he started leading songs and one of his favorite songs at that time was jesus is alive and well anybody in the building remember that song jesus is alive and well he wasn't the main lead singer of the seed in which i was a member of the original group the spiritual on in 1964 i think it was i moved to saint louis lee kept the name of the original accused going many times please would come to saint louis did nobody hardly come out to the program to see him i think he came within like 38 and making our expenses for i could give lee them something to go back home with some time when he was down here god put a little stamp on something what could tap on something otherwise if you look man can pull you down elevate you can no pull you down except you do it yourself but if you walk upright before god no good things he's withhold from you one of the least favorite songs many times on the phone that when he help having followed me we talk we talk and watch i took time of words of encouragement a solution to him and one thing i noticed about him that when he have heard what i said when i get through target he said thank you sir i know you have heard what i had to say to him listen one of his favorite songs we talk his songs jesus is alive and well come on let's have a good time personally love will go all the way you can run but you can't hide but one of his favorite songs he told me was i can i can't give up now god bless you all and thank you for supporting my nephew in jesus name amen oh yes thank you i guess i know more about lee than any brother he had or any of my brothers other than his mother i open up to him please stand there whatever you ready just stand up oh yeah what dog here okay well he yeah now them them too was it you wanted me to get the root of it them to the old gospel style which where it come out from you've got to have a route and that that was where it come out from there was the route that he started in under and like he was coming to me a lot of time he said he said they get me to sing that funeral so what should i do the issues of life on them and they're in trouble already i said i can't help you talk to jesus about that one and we went on even everything that he do and that's what i liked about him if he didn't believe in it he didn't he didn't fool me and i i lived a lot of my mind yeah look my my two brothers there when they were getting started to sing it y'all know y'all tell me you shouldn't be talking about lee but that's the root and they would they watch when they stand out of them people get up start going out and sooner or later they would they would hold him until the last to keep the people from leaving i ain't bragging on what i'm saying you you what you what i mean about that if you you got up behind mitchell you didn't probably because he doesn't sound hungry and honest way you can communicate with god is in spirit and then true we you see we're in the god is in a different dimension than we are and you can't get the spirit last time i talked with him that he would relate himself you know he said we were talking about how he did men's head and one in the hole that we you know you ain't doing all about your will regardless of what i'm doing it or not i know what's going on i ain't going not doing nothing about these well people gonna get you tell the truth i don't care about him getting married got mad enough to kill him but thank y'all amen god bless you would everybody clap your hands for the spiritual qcs and we'll go in this order it'll be the spiritual qcs mr james bellard and glenn stephenson of mcg records and brother linwood and after that deacon harvard watkins jr come and i come back after that i want to give god all honor and praise to all the poor i guess i'm a part of the latter years qcs and behalf of the spiritual qcs i can say one thing about this man he took me all over the world with it and uh i thank miss anne for sharing him with us and all his family i'm gonna miss him and i know the guy's gonna miss him you know but i don't know how to say it he was just he was one of a kind he used to i was telling mr dean that he had him in the dressing room he would call me over to the side he said man what you think about it it's all right i said it's good man he's got his good and bad when he get back to him he said i love it because i wouldn't take nothing for it what i'm saying i never seen nobody love what he do so much and when he's saying you know a lot of times i would say ain't many folks here why are you singing so hard and so long but that was him it was all or nothing so i thank god for having an opportunity to go with this man and i pray that the rest of the fellows loved it like i did and and give him honor because he wasn't just in management over us he guided me he took me in back in i came in like 7 8 m that's 40 something years and uh man i tell folks listen man i ain't know nothing about nothing i said we used to pay the same and to be honest with you when they do when we did get blessed to make a little money we really didn't know what to do with it you know what i'm saying i mean you know we knew how to spin it but it was it was man you know a little punch o'clock and trying to work you know but it was a blessing and all and to all the fans all over i thank god for you all i've had so many phone calls from all over the world you know saying that they couldn't make it we understand but it's just a thought and i want to say to the family we do bless y'all and pray that he give you strength to move on and he will you will and i thank god for all of you all thank you come on let's get accused of hand come on you ought to be standing all over this building around this around this auditorium come on now i failed to say one thing let's try to keep it at two minutes amen uh and at this time we have brother james bullard and brother glenn stevenson from mcg records brother linwood coming after that and deacon harvard watkins jr i'll come out there so y'all two minutes to talk in 15 seconds to get happy amen good afternoon science there's a lot to be thankful for for brother lee williams that's a lot first of all i want to say to you miss annie your spirit when we first started this i watch you on a lot of the videos and just your spirit and happiness for your husband i'll never forget that and your children sac and cece there your dad and all of you is a special man lee i've never met a person like brother williams he never let success change him he was a servant to god for the world there's a lot of great things that happened through this group but brother lee williams stayed humble to the cause yes god has been dealing with me and i have to i have to go through this journey i know you said two minutes i have to go through this journey real quick because god did it but that was pieces to this journey the original bishop in the early days we thank you elder mitchell thornton we thank you because without you all a lot of this would not have happened then we met even before we met you all brother al hollis leonard shumpert the late roger mckinney that was the start of this journey then other qc's we thank you i never take anything for granted as i as i grew with brother lee williams this was not an accident this was a move of god the sunday night that i saw him for the ver saw them for the very first time we were in phoenix city alabama 150 miles from where i live i went there to see who this really was and yes at that time it was 1996 i think i went downstairs we met exchange cards and god did it and one thing i know the world will agree with me what seemed like not a whole lot god decided he would take this group to be the example of what didn't look like a whole lot and bless them from the bottom to the top that is something that i will never forget the minister's group and there's many great groups their ministry touched thousands not millions of people for real we have got those calls from people that said i've been a lady i want to say this real quick one sunday we were in greenville south carolina at the start of this spirit fest and that big event in september just had last week lee went to the radio station this particular sunday morning and we were leaving the radio station and lady was outside saying can i speak to you brother lee williams for one moment she was on our way to church lee being nice she walked up to her listen to her she says uh your ministry touched me and my husband and i just had to stop by here to tell you thank you she said i know you got this concert she said if you don't mind will you just stop by the church just for a minute brother lee williams being the man that he is he looked at me he pointed at me he didn't say nothing he just pointed we went to that church that the pastor brought us up to the front brother lee williams was a blessing to that church he didn't fuss i said once i leave you ready to go he said no i'm okay just him being the servant and being obedient to the cause one other thing real quick i remember one night when one weekend we were in rocky mountain north carolina the beginnings of this george dean in the gospel four and lee williams and a lot of you know how close those two groups were that particular sunday morning the gospel four's band broke down and lee being lee did not want to leave them in north carolina so it got late i said lee we need to get on to atlanta they're going to think we're not going to come so lee myself george dean and i think it was patrick got in my car went to atlanta the thing that sticks out with that lee made the qcs wait before he gets straight he didn't want to leave his friends that was lee williams at his best and i'll never forget then we got to atlanta and this is kind of funny because uh they haven't even left the people in the building what lee didn't know those people that was standing down that sidewalk were people that wanted to get into the church that was the early signs of oh boy we got something and just that look on lee williams face like man i kiss but i'll never forget brother lee williams songs the qc's there's a message in all of those songs me and brother harvard watkins talk that monday i think it was listen man the gift that god gave lee williams to write songs it's not accident it's not accident to the family again we love you we thank you for this journey to the over the world it did not happen without you it did not happen one other thing brother cece i told you this last night i don't know what god is going to do but i know he's getting ready to do something through you amen thank you and god bless you to mr williams and the rest of the family with friends from every city and state that you represent i told glenn i was gonna say all that i want to talk about lee williams the god sent messenger lee williams have healed more people than you can imagine we have received letters after letters after letters about the healing that's happened to people on the sick bed not only women but men and children it's amazing what god has done through him but lee william knew that god chose him he knew that now he also knew that he was a human being a mortal man every one of us in here have come short of the blessings of god but what god when he give you an assignment the results of that assignment when you carry it out is really unbelievable the way you help people i want to say for lee to all singers in this building in this world lee williams allowed god to come through him to the people it's time out really god want to bless the world right now the world is at a standstill with this copic man is trying everything he can to cue it but until we fall to our knees and ask god to forgive us we'll be stumbling and fumbling lee william was a perfect example to human beings men women boys girls i received a call from a lady a caucasian that says i want to buy a record on lee williams said he my my son he wants this record he heard it from an inmate he was incarcerated he was in prison he said but he heard this song by lee william from an inmate can you sell me a copy so i can give it to him i said no ma'am we can't sell you a copy but we will give you a copy one for you one for your son a cd and a dvd the lady called back a few months later and said her son had rededicated his life to god singers artists ministers christians god wants us to come on and be real he he want us to really really serve him i remember when glenn stevenson first introduced me to lee william we was at a small church in birmingham alabama they called the group up the same and everybody in the church got up and i said what are they standing up for so i stepped out in the aisle to see what was going on and they were standing because of the ministry that was coming through this group i've seen a lot but it's not every day that you see people you don't have to say stand you don't have to clap your hands give them what god put in you and they will honor him by standing and praising him with you we got a lot of work to do amen we got a lot of work to do and singers ministers lay people lee william was a perfect example yes humble is the way yeah humble little way don't you stand up let god stand up in you yes sir mrs williams i retired about three four years ago but if you need me if the family need me i'll do what i can because what you gave to the world does not come every day amen god bless you amen hey man all right deacon no all right deacon watkins howard wagons give him a hand as they come praise the lord everybody we are happy to be here we want to say thank god and may god bless the williams family uh very very brief i'll breathe as brief as i can uh my wife over there with the white on one day last week she told me that she said i'm not i'm not cooking no fried food and i ain't cooking on meat because i ain't cooking nothing but vegetable i said okay yes ma'am so i got in my car and went to chick-fil-a hallelujah i got in my car and my truck and i went to chick-fil-a and when i was waiting on my food a young man walked up to me said this not you harbor why could i say yes sir he said did you know mr lee william i said yes sir he said can i ask you a question i said yes sir he said what do you think made him so unique he said my mama my auntie my sister they just love him to death i said mine too he said he said he said what do you think that really made him so unique i said well it's what the spirit gave him to say i said now he took old song i learned to lean and he just said when you showed enough need your kinfolk they'll turn then then melvin melvin had him in the studio and he didn't even want to sing the song melvin had him singing cool and water he didn't even want to sing it i could see him standing over there not sitting over there look at him heaven with his eyes closed but when they messed around and gave him the mic at least started patting his feet both ways and then lee said i'm reminded of another water that's what made him that's what made him so unique to me what he said and the young man asked me are you going to the funeral i said on the way i don't they got to shut the highway down and he said well are you going to sing i said no sir i said my whole voice ain't good like it used to be he said what all the songs you got he said if you were gonna sing what would you say i said well i was saying the song the last time i saw lee he couldn't see me so i whispered his ear and told him who i was i said hey leave this out he said hey hi man and i said if i was a singer at least funeral the song that i was saying was it would be i'll see all my friends y'all fine is full time won't is there won't be won't have to cross me oh there won't be don't be no more crying tell somebody it won't be no more day in hallelujah square why would you clap your hand for brother jarrell small and dr press blackman as they come after them pastor chris taylor and i'll be back praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody this is a hard task williams was not just a singer but he was an icon even alive he was a giant and i can remember in 1999 when my my brother jason went in the marine corps i was close to my brother i wasn't used to the fact that he was no longer in the house with me and somehow we got a hold of a cassette tape entitled love will go all the way and those songs got me through those days of missing my brother with my mom in the house and my sister sierra we would we would sing songs in the mirror like jesus is alive and well love will go all the way and it was those moments that started what i'm doing today singing and traveling it was because of this man dr lee williams can we clap our hands for him come on we can do better than that let's celebrate him hallelujah every major thing that i've done i'm not gonna be long i've sung i've had the opportunity to sing in front of a lot of people even cross barriers uh presidential candidates and different things like that and i've been afforded to do and i've always did a lee williams cover singing songs like i can't give up is the reason today i own my 2017 ford transit van that somebody wrote a check gave me the keys and walked away and i've never seen them again because i sang i can't give up at a funeral service when i sang for the naacp gayla in front of president joe biden it was because i sang i can't give up so many doors that has been open for me is because when the world would try to copy people like michael jackson he's a legend and all of these other ones i would try to copy mr lee williams now i never stood in in one spot and i don't look like him because i'm a big piece of leather all put together but but i would try i showed enough would try but i'm getting ready to take my seat but i would be remiss if i didn't sing just a piece of one of my favorite song is that okay there's a song that he used to sing he said i'm running for my life while i still got time i'm going to run god dr press black man give him a hand as he comes thank you so very kindly and blessings to everyone that's here i'm dr perez blackman prayers graham radio los angeles california and i am honored to be here williams family because your husband your father your uncle your whatever he was to you blessed us in los angeles california for 19 years los angeles has normally been the place of movie stars and cars but they changed it to movie stars lee williams and cars on the second sunday in june every year the carson community center presented lee williams and the spiritual qcs from tupelo mississippi most of all of the artists you see here performed have been the los angeles for us for my prayers graham family team in los angeles and those of you that traveled around the world i want to say to you thank you very kindly for supporting june the second sunday it will always remain a lee williams day no matter who we bring to southern california sam greene doc reliford beau miller for all of you harvey melvin everyone listen lee williams was one of a kind lee opened so many doors because of mr james bullard and jerry peters when we met at roscoe's house of chicken and waffles they says this is one guy you've got to hear and at the same token buy a token when i found out he could sing i said we're going to make him really happy ollie collins jr thank you sir for paving the way for us in los angeles and making lee williams an icon in los angeles so as i prepare to leave to go back to los angeles i want you to know mississippi los angeles southern california we appreciate lee williams and the spiritual two seas of tupelo mississippi from the world's greatest radio station k-a-l-i 900 a.m in pasadena bishop lindsay thank you so kindly god bless you and family just remember these words here there is a word between genesis and revelation that is found in the 27 book of the new testament says god will wipe away this day all tears will go away but when your day get lonely and you feel like you need to lean on someone in the 26th book of the new testament the book of jude now unto him good evening to the quashta industry to the williams family thank you for this moment sad see see all of y'all y'all daddy meant a lot to me when i was a little bitty boy and spring hit this your mama can be a witness i was little and how daddy used to sing he would have an anniversary and he would call on little boys and little kids to come up and he would say coca-cola it's the real thing and leeway i'll be saying i'll be laughing and liking i mean i literally like him and i love him and he he would call me come get the coat and i would come get it he would say take that coat right over there and i would take it over them and i was so happy and everything and i would follow him man just i used to just follow him and so i got the opportunity i got two i got the opportunity to go with the group and school you know i love him you know that scooby's laughing i love him man and uh he beats they i never forget one time they were going out of town i went i went with the group and um so they we wasn't going real far they're going to the mississippi burning at uh chia's place and so lee was a little late getting there they said peanuts said if you don't mind will you drive lee on up there i said yeah man i'll drive me out no problem you know so lee i got him and got in his van i drove him on up there we stopped by the jail and sung at the jail and i was like i'm scared to go into jail now i don't like no jail man he said why are you scared i said all right my mom always told me i'm going around no jail and stuff man he said well uh you're not in jail you're going to hear the qc i said i'm going to tell the jail but this was what happened though that night lee's song and that particular night he sung you know i was driving so we got out getting ready to come back home man it was late man and i got in the van and lee got in there headed baseball cap on i see you ready to go yes sir i bagged that van up burning the van boom i hit this lady's car i said lee i don't hear somebody's call what's that lady one behind us man i promise you she wasn't and lee got and he looked at me and said well let's go get out and talk to him i said okay and so we got i gotta i said man i'm sorry i hit you hit your car so i'm real real sorry about that i said but then lee come out around the corner he said hold up man we said this is this is my van and i would take care she said is that lee williams i said that's him she said don't worry about my car don't worry about it she said don't worry about it she said she she said you will not have to pay for this son get back in that car and take your leave i said i said man you somebody and i'm but this is it i'm gonna go i and one night was in atlanta georgia i was with him in atlanta georgia and i'm going i thank y'all for this moment i love it and ruth you know i love him lee lee helped build all kinds of churches and this a lot of these pastors tell the truth i'm moderate i can say lee william qc help build churches the spring hill district and we're going to do something for lee lee did that but let me tell you this we're in atlanta and um i never forget this they had me call myself being lead bodyguard and i loved every minute of it and so lee walked on stage i walked with him and i i loved it boy you know so that particular night i ain't gonna call i told hobby but i'm gonna tell the hardest name harvard that artist that song before lee he was really singing and it was people all over and i had never seen i said man these people are really manly they were shouting and the artist was really getting down and i was standing beside lee i said i said lee i said what you gonna do man i said i ain't never seen nothing like this man he looked at me and i never will forget this he looked at me he said okay nobody beat me being me and when he came off this and and and and when he got on that stage i was looking at him looking outside what are you gonna do what are you gonna do and al hit that beauty jesus is coming the folk got to dancing like that right there so let me tell you something y'all daddy was a real legend don't you think he wasn't he was a real legend and cece said y'all take care of me rule and i promise you i'm not a liar i'll do anything i can for y'all i love lee williams and spiritual season the william family god bless you amen well put your hand together for cadarius price i can't hear too far to turn turn around let me say turn around now somebody still might not understand me but you see i've come i've come too many can't you see turn around now one more time sometimes while on this journey see my body sometimes but i know all of my works all of my words a few more rocks turn around one more thing sometimes i find myself standing at the crossroads in my life standing there wondering which way turn to my right and then i is to my left side and i find out somebody but then when i begin to take inventory over my life when i turn around and look back for life i can see all the hills i can see all the mountains and that makes me know that lest we know lord knows i it's been too many tears is you see i come come on clap them thank you brother cadary's praise how many can say that song touch my life hallelujah at this moment we'll have our acknowledgement by patrice frazier say man that should go to the williams family you have our condolences and our deepest sympathy the acknowledgements we deeply appreciate and gratefully acknowledge your kind expressions of sympathy love passion acts of kindness thoughts and prayers it will always be remembered by the family of lee andrew williams i have several several resolutions however time will not permit for me to read them all however i will acknowledge all of those that did send something mount carmel missionary baptist church reverend dr anthony l craig of pine bluff arkansas reverend charles atkins second baptist mystery baptist church church of gaines street little rock arkansas resolution of respect dr press blackman senior radio personality and promoter prescribed production and staff los angeles california the office of most reverend archbishop an apostle dr a louise bonaparte international gospel promoter and radio announcement cfc gospel radio of new york officers and members temple of good shepherd ministries worldwide chief apostle and presiding pre-lay dr elisa crawley bonaparte episco headquarters brooklyn new york there's a plaque also from the state of arkansas glory revealed mission church of macon mississippi pastor armando adams overseer gloria jones thank you well if brother bobby jones was here he would say something like this douglas melvin and henry green would y'all put your hands together for the williams brothers come on clap those hands after they come praise the lord everybody what year was it 19th 1997 a few years before that i was sitting on my my couch in the living room with my acoustic guitar and i start picking a little song cooling water i didn't have no idea what i was doing and i just i guess god put the words in my mouth and said from my grandmama's well 1997. doug and i was in the studio doing uh a duets project we had did songs from with yolanda adams on down a lot of artists all over the world all over the united states and uh at that time as a matter of fact lee williams and mr bullard actually had turned down cooling water and doug said at the time said well since they turned the song down because they wanted another blessing who we another blessing he got a chance to do both of them as a matter of fact and after that he said bring lee williams down why don't you bring him down to do do it with you as the cooler one ever do this is history the last i checked when my boy my buddy my friend the last i checked on youtube that song because of him and god the theo had over 21 views see that went over somebody's head i didn't say just the people in tupelo i said over 21 million views of cooling water watch this man and i want to pass the torch on i want to ask his son to come up here cece will y'all give him a hand the williams brothers would like to pass that torch on after we retire i want to see the qcs and cece singing this song and i want y'all to just join in with you with us and just help just do a verse of this if if it's all right with y'all in a world of sin grace and mercy it took me take my feet and place the moon on the rock the stairs everybody verse oh turn him up water cooling water cooler water cool is when it took me let me tell you oh water i pay my me foreign is um brothers hallelujah come on give it up for a brother son cece come on mama the legacy will continue and what i like about cece is he's every image of what mr williams did for us and we're going to push it as much as we can one more time give them a hand let me do this for pastor pettis come they want to acknowledge everybody that was on live stream danny boy entertainment simmons wjtv channel 12 jackson and the soundstage event could you give all of them a hand before pastor peters come i want to say this i don't think mr lee will want to have it no other way but like this and can i get the room to come on blue when i said he retired on top but that wasn't his greatest accomplishment his greatest is when he walked through those gates and got a chance to see jesus for himself so one more time clap your hand williams in his legacy well that all of us need to hear and family you can remain seated but everybody that's what you stand as the man of god come to break what you clap your hand and praise god for my free pastor daryl pettis let every believer say together hallelujah come on you can do better than that come on say hallelujah again will you join me in giving god the biggest handclap of praise you have available come on i see some of you not doing nothing come on put those hands together and honor the lord i honor with such a great deal of my respect all of the wonderful ecclesiastical representation who share the platform with me today most certainly to our presiding elder pastor armando adams to pastor dr ronnie strong uncle ronnie and i affectionately call him so many others who are here today most certainly to this family i'd like to begin by just saying what a mighty somebody what a mighty god we serve angels bow before him heaven and earth adore him and it rings aloud what a mighty mighty god we serve popped on such an honor to be able to stand to mom all my brothers and sisters and to all of who have extended unto me this humbling opportunity must i say to you that this means so much to me to have this chance because people say that our generation that our generation doesn't know how to honor trailblazers people say that our generation doesn't know how to really appreciate those who went before us and accomplished what we're trying to do they say that we want their success but we don't want their struggles or their stories but today this platform this opportunity gives me a chance to speak on behalf of our generation to let you know that we have a great deal of respect for all of those who blaze the trail for us and we would be nothing without the personality of a mr lee williams and so many other giants clap your hands and tell the lord thank you come on clap your hands and tell the lord thank you all right it's still sunday and i pray i solicit your prayers that you will just uh talk back with me while i preach this particular message i want you to just if you don't mind look over at your neighbor and just fist bum your neighbor come on i can't hear y'all i know it's cold out there but just have five fist bump your name and say hey neighbor when i look back over my life there's a lot of testimonies i got but there's just one that i got to tell you about tonight and look at that davinci neighbor and i want you to just sing these words to them tell them i want but now wow oh if you don't mind will you just slip your hands with me and because the will of the lord has been done and the healing has come and taken place if you love him say it with you yes my policy of preaching quickly is that noise speeds me up silence slows me down so if y'all if y'all talk back to me it'll take me about 18 minutes but if y'all don't say none to me it's gonna take me about an hour and 32 minutes touch your neighbor and say you better talk back to him you better talk back to him matthew 25 21 word of the lord says his lord said unto him well done thy good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things and i will make the ruler over many enter until the joy of the lord feel myself slowing down already his lord said unto him well done thy good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things and i will make thee ruler over many things into thou unto the joy of the lord brothers and sisters i'd just like to talk for a few moments about two words well done will you help me shout well done brothers and sisters beloved i'd like to begin my preaching presentation this afternoon by just simply telling you family and friends that it is with great humility that i salute today what i feel like was a great man a man i would like to label as what one of god's best i'm honored to be able to stand to be the hearty good night to one of a kind in my eye and in my heart mr lee williams was an exceptional gift an incredible artist the world's favorite singer a well-thought songwriter and an unforgettable encounter in my eyes his voice was simply deep and distinctive until he decided he wanted to raise it up and when he raised his voice then his voice became strong and confident i'd like to just tell you that i believe his style was original his swag was undeniable and his personality was an experience within itself everybody who had a soul felt and fell in love with howard mr lee williams was full of success yet he was clothed in simplicity lee williams the only man i know that would stand in one place reach in his pocket and pull out a white hanky and fold it up and then pet his face and then persuade the whole world to come on let's have a good time i stand today as an appreciator of god's divine time and god's order as a young preacher um i did and was afforded the opportunity to do all of mr lee's and the qc's devotions at their live recordings in memphis but today by god's divine authority and order i am now older and a little bit wiser and now i'm not here to do mr lee's devotion but i'm here to give his earthly benediction i am here brothers and sisters to tell you that i am of the spiritual persuasion that the words well done is now mr lee's portion when i consider the star lee williams walls to the world the general he was to the quartet nation and when i hear about the pillar that he was to his family some people oh i'm going slowing down again some people will call him a celebrity other people would call him an icon some other people pop harvey would call him a superstar uncle ronnie others would call him the great the greatest of all times other people would say he's the cream of the crop somebody would say he's the best to ever do it somebody would call it number one but today i'd like to refer to mr lee williams as a real legend ain't nobody talking to me now i i i believe shantae that after careful and diligent calculation of how long he lasted and out of consideration to who he was i'd just like to call him a real legend brothers and sisters i need to tell you with the help of the holy ghost that a legend is an extremely famous and notorious person a legend is someone who has mastered in a particular field a legend is somebody that is not just famous but they are important and who is known for doing something extremely well nobody did it like lee williams i mean people would often try to mimic him and try to imitate him but i'd like to tell you that lee williams will never be duplicated and brothers and sisters i need to tell you that legends are not just legends and they are not greatly valued because of of the love that they had on earth but legends are remembered by the lessons they leave behind and i'm here to tell you brothers and sisters that our legend mr lee williams was not only loved while he was alive but he left behind some lessons and i know and i know i know i'm talking to a room full of people that have been spiritually spoiled and now the church is guilty of raising a whole lot of superstars with a huge egos and can't nobody tell them nothing but there are some lessons that we can learn from a legend oh ain't nobody helping me let me call your attention theologically to matthew chapter 25 uncle running i've got about 12 more minutes this parabola of the talents here this master who is leaving his house to travel up and before leaving he entrusted his property to his servants and expected them to handle business while he was gone the word of god declares according to their own abilities each man one servant received five talents the second had received two and the third man only received one the property that was entrusted to these servants was worth more than money and upon returning home after a long absence the master asked his three servants for an account of what they did with the talents he entrusted them with the first and the second servants explained that that they put in the work and they were diligent and they did all they could and as a result they doubled the value of the property in which the master had put them in charge of all but then the third guy messed around and didn't do anything with hills and however he all he did was merely hide his talent burying it in the ground and he was punished by the master and the master called him wicked and lazy this parable of the talents is among some one of the most abused texts in the new testament because contrary to popular belief the parable does not just uh justify a gospel of economic prosperity but instead it challenges believers to do the work until the master comes back here this takes brothers and sisters is amazing because like many others here it is the return of the master was certain but the timing was unknown he gave them all that he had he gave them talents to watch after up and they were supposed to do the work and double the value and here it is now that he's sure to come back but the timing is unknown after a long absence he decides what each servant has done with the talent that he entrusted him with the master expected them to continue business brothers and sisters this sounds quite amazing to me because i need to tell you that in the year of 1946 that our god was generous enough to place some property and some talent and some gifts in the hands of a lot of people in the year of 1946 the lord was not stingy he was plentiful for in the year of 1946 mama there are some important people that were born in 46. in 1946 the american actor sylvester stallone was born the american director and producer stephen spielberg the 43rd president was born in 19 george w bush 42nd president bill clinton the 45th president donald uh trump was born in 1946 singer songwriter and actress dolly pardon was born in 1946. y'all ain't saying nothing to me the french wrestler and actor andre the great was born in 1946 american actor old man danny glover was born in 1946 god wasn't stingy with the gifts when he decided that he was going to give some gifts in 1946 he gave a whole lot of susan summers with one of them a famed singer and pastor reverend bishop al green was one but there was another legend that was born in 1946 and his name is mr lee and although i've watched a lot of tv i never met george bush never met bill clinton never met donald trump know nothing really about danny glover but i'm here to tell you that i believe that the one lord have mercy who showed us the most of what it looks like to be a legend was lee williams do y'all mind preaching with me for just a moment uh uh i i need to tell you brothers and sisters and i'll pick back up here every legend leaves behind some lessons you don't come in the presence of a legend and they not leave behind melvin some lessons so i was on my patio the other day and i was just sitting there reading and meditating and i could hear mr lee talking to me i said i i i said mr lee out of all of these sell-out crowds out of all of these hit songs hit records people standing around walls to hear you and see you what are the lessons that i can share with the people who love you who still got to do the work until the master come he said to me he said son i need you to give them four things and he said to me he said i need you to help them to understand that they will never hear the words well done unless they do some stuff well lord i feel jesus in here i i i i i i i i i heard him i heard him he said he clicked to me he said son i need you to go in there and i need you to tell them in that bangkok south arena down there in tupelo he said i need you to go in there and tell them that they're never here well done until they learn how to master some things there are some things in this life that you've got to be diligent about and i said mr lee what what what are your lessons what are your lessons he said tell them he says number one this is what i did until the master came back with me and this how i doubled the value this how i did well with my guilt said this how i did well with my talents i said what is it that we need to do well he says number one you need to tell them they got to separate well then secondly he told me to tell y'all you got to learn how to stand well then thirdly he says you got to learn how to serve well and then the fourth one is not a popular one 12 of y'all are hollered back at me but mr lee said you got to learn how to suffer well now now i know i know i i know i know trust me trust me brothers and sisters i know i know i know i know i know i said the same thing i said to mr lee i said these lessons are quite familiar he says what are you saying i said well mr lee your lessons add up with the life of jesus jesus was the legend of all legends he separated well he stood well he served well and he suffered well now for 12 of y'all that don't mind talking to me these lessons was jesus's life and now these lessons and jesus's life is now our homework and if we are going to ever hear him say well done there's some stuff we got to do well now i'm not here to offend the church or the superstars but i think i need to tell y'all somewhere down the line we missed the mark mr lee say you got to tell them son they got to learn how to separate where y'all what i remember mr lee williams he was never in crowd guy whenever i saw him most of the time until the boys came along the side of him he was just struck by himself sometimes he would sit alone but that's not the separation that he wanted me to share with you about he said you got to learn how to separate well in other words i asked him what was he talking about he said that there ought to be a difference between the saved you all ain't hearing me and they're unsaved i wish i had a church in here every singer wants mr lee's success but the singers don't want to separate y'all ain't hearing what i'm saying in here i need you to fist bump your name and say heck neighbor you got to learn how to separate you know you know back in the save and sanctify most of the time brother glenn what understand uh help me here and when i tell you this aquaronic that separation was often lord help me equate it to sanctification but most people thought sanctification was noise they thought that if you shouted hard you were sanctified you know y'all ain't saying they thought if you had a loud church that beat a lot of tambourines that you were sanctified but sanctification was never the noise it was the separation lord ain't nobody helping me it was the ability to be able to separate well blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly not standing in the way of the sinners nor city mr lee said to me he said son you got to tell them to learn they got to separate well ain't nothing in the crowd ain't nothing in the crowd you got to learn how to separate yourself if you're going to stand in front of people you got to take your salvation serious he said to me he said son i wasn't perfect but i learned how to separate well i picked up my bible and began to read 2nd corinthians chapter 6 verse number 14 that said be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship does the righteous have with the unrighteous and what communion have light with darkness i want you to know brothers and sisters these lessons said we got to separate well second thing lee's lesson says we've got to do is stand well we got to learn how to just stand for something we've got to learn how to stand on something we've got to learn how to stand with something and brotherly lesson share with us today brothers and sisters i'm just about done but my gear is slowing all the way down because ain't nobody saying nothing but i'm trying to get out of here quickly but you got to learn how to stand well to stand for something is to have and to maintain an upright position you got to understand that every now and then you can't let success make you a wondering star you got to learn how to stand for something i've never seen a day before in my life like i see right now and some of you all have talked back to when i said it just looked like it just looked like the church has began to do whatever it wants to do and nobody man you're alone nobody is standing for anything we sit around but and let people do whatever they want to do say whatever they want to say we tell people it ain't where you go it's how you act when you but oh yes it is where you go sometime these lessons teaches us that we've got to learn how to stand for something will you fist bump your neighbor two more times and say hey neighbor i i i want a lot of things out of life but but someday i'm just not willing to get them any kind of way these lessons say we gotta y'all ain't helping me preach separate well we've got to stand well then the third thing he told me you got to serve where you are this word shout this word excuse me serve shout serve serve shout serve shout out serve shout out shout sir do you see i'm confused serve shout shout serve and this is the confusion that has corrupted our churches because we feel like we can shout our way into anything but it looked like ain't nobody willing no more to serve everybody thinks that they can just show up and do whatever they want to do but your shouting is good but if you ever want to be successful and go up in the kingdom you got to learn how to serve and you got to serve well i picked up my bible again brothers and sisters and i looked at this and i hear the galatians 3 and 23 say whatsoever ye do do it wholeheartedly it's to the lord and not under man and knowing that our lord you shall receive the reward inheritance for ye shall serve the lord matthew 6 and 24 says these words brother melvin williams no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve god amen will you just look over at your name and say neighbor i feel myself about to go up a little higher brothers and sisters the last thing he said to me i'm done he said son you got to tell them that if they're going to hear the words well done then they're going to have to learn how to suffer well i need to tell y'all that everybody lord having mercy want good days but don't nobody want bad days yeah everybody want to go up but don't nobody ever want to go down but uh i just need to tell y'all that uh leave lessons sad we gotta learn how to suffer well lord help me to close this and to suffer simply means to be subject to something bad oh lord have mercy unpleasant and stop by to tell you all that mr lee suffered well i wish i had help in here we watched him get on that van and get on those stages and sometimes he was so frail but he was determined to suffer well because he knew if he suffered well then he would have a great reward i need to tell y'all that there was another man that suffered well mr lee was not the only man that suffered away jesus i wish y'all would help me here jesus learned how to suffer well they hung him high now and they stretched him wine but he never said a mumbling word he just suffered and he suffered well turn i said turn turn and for the last time tap your neighbor on the shoulder and say you got to know our house that one day you gonna have to give in a counter for what you did with what the master gave you but i need to tell you that i believe in my heart did well with what god gave him and if you don't mind i want you to help me through a big party a celebration for a legend lord have mercy that separated well help me celebrate ah that stood well help me celebrate a legend that served well help me celebrate a legend that suffered well and i can hear his master saying well well well done that good and faithful servant if you don't mind those of you that are still sitting just jump to your feet eyes help me for a second just get out of your seat yes lord and i need you to help me praise yet to the mosiah the true and living god while i tell you some of y'all still looking like he's still sick but a healing eye yes after he said to them good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things come on i'll make you ruler over many the last clause enter into and to the joy of the lord rest on rest on rest on good night sir we'll see you in the morning we'll see you i y'all ain't helping me in the morning legend you told us that you wasn't gonna give up and you didn't you told us you wasn't gonna give up and you did not you told us you wasn't gonna give up and you did not and because of your separation because of your serving and because of your suffering if you did it we believe we can too everybody that love god stretch your head and say lord teach me how to do good with what you gave me teach me how to separate well teach me how to teach me how to help everybody yes this is where the saints start praising god come on just open your mouth and praise it i'm on this just start praising her we are sorrowful into coming in but we rejoice in the going out y'all still sitting there like we ain't got nothing to be thankful for come on open your mouth and praise god yeah yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord brothers and sisters i want you to hear me hear me when i tell you this these lessons was also jesus's life the life of jesus and the lessons that this legend left behind match and sequence so greatly if you never hear nothing else i said one day the master is going to return and he's going to want to know what did you do with what he gave you when he comes back he's going to ask for an account of what you did with what he gave you and it is just my it's just my spiritual persuasion that if we've ever had an example we had it in this legend so as you go back to your lives singers singers as you return back to the stage musicians as you pick back up your instruments cc as you stand and sing sir remember that you will never hear well done until you learn how to do some things well i believe that this is not the end of a thing but it is the beginning of a thing i believe in my heart that things are shifting and god is raising up a nation as he expressed to jeremiah that will obey separate whale let there be a distinct difference between you and the unbeliever serve well i know your road life is extensive singers but do yourself a favor find your pastor i know you busy but find your church where you can grow because one day one day life is gonna bring you to face a battle that your song can't get you out of you got to learn how to serve well god is just not trusting people with the field no more if they can't handle the house serve your families well serve your church as well serve your communities well but suffer well many are the affliction of the righteous god delivers us from them all they're going to be some days you don't feel like it but you gotta go on anyway well done if everyone would stand with me everyone please the only way i know to receive the will of god is by worshiping and praising our god if you believe in your heart like i do that this legend did well if you believe in your heart like i do that he has heard those words well done i want you to do me a favor put your hand together open your mouth as loud as you can and let's give god praise and glory for a well-done legend come on you can do better than that you may never have got a chance to get close to him to tell him you were proud but come on clap those hands and open up that mountain let's honor the lord mother brothers and sisters when peace like a river attended my way and when sorrow like see bill o'rourke what thou hast it is well it is well with my soul come on tell the lord thank you give the lord a hand of glory and honor let's enjoy brother josh before we exit hallelujah i solicit your prayers for this family today is not the end of it but it is the beginning of a beginning of a journey that they will need all the love that they can get we honor the lord for the life the love and the legacy of mr lee williams he will forever live in all of our hearts because he has been our legend directors so do so so just about if it may be just oh i is yes oh oh i don't have to worry yes is uh we for the next time we gotta make sure oh me yes yes ah is is yes um do so do so foreign
Channel: Devyn Antwan
Views: 47,391
Rating: 4.8331943 out of 5
Id: zpgnvVG1C6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 41sec (11501 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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