Covenant Community 101: Shabbat - Part 1 "What & Why"

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[Music] all right so today we're going into the teaching that I've been promising on the Sabbath on Shabbat okay remember that guard the Sabbath day as in I don't know if that's gonna go over the the video feed but that was an overwhelming response instead of getting oh man another Sabbath teaching everybody's excited this is good okay so we're very excited here to be redoing the teaching called remember or guard the Sabbath day guard the Shabbat and let us approach this critically important teaching with open minds hearts and spirits so that we can truly receive what Yahweh desires from us in our guarding and keeping and remembering the Shabbat I want to start off by going first through the introduction of saying that there's going to be hopefully all the things you want covered covered but if we don't get it covered today I'm gonna ask you to be patient because I hopefully will have it covered by the time we complete the teaching I don't know if it'll be three parts it might just be two it's not going to be like 75 of them but it's not going to be one I'm not gonna get it done today so by the time we get done today if what you wanted covered isn't covered yet it's going to probably get covered it's okay be patient all right so in the beginning what we want to do is we're gonna look at the Shabbat from the vs. we're gonna read the scriptures what happened what it has to say about it well we're not gonna deal with first there's probably the things that you want done first which is we're not gonna deal with first what day it's kept on should it be on Saturday should it be according to the lunar calendar should be all this other stuff it does it go from sundown to sundown or sunrise to sunrise we're not dealing with that first let's understand what the Shabbat is why it exists why he gave it to us it cetera first we're also not going to go through necessarily the mechanics of well what about you know cooking or driving your car and all these other things that people want to know about keeping Shabbat we'll get to those mechanics also probably though next week but first and foremost I want to make sure that we have a strong understanding that we are impressed upon remember one of the things we learned in the fish swimming in the vishawn Roo we're gonna talk about a minute but in that vow have to challenge that we've been doing it says and you shall impress the tower upon your children well aren't we all referred to as the children of Israel okay so I want this to be impressed upon you the significance and purpose and importance of Shabbat before we break down the actual mechanics of it does that make sense because I need you to be and I think that's why he writes it the way he writes in Scripture he needs you to be motivated first otherwise the details aren't going to matter if you're not motivated anyway what's the point to knowing all the details if you're not motivated you're not likely to pay attention to them anyway so let's talk about these things first so let's begin in Exodus 31 which is you're of this genre and sure mode Exodus 31 and we're going to begin in verse 12 of course the first Shamoon starts in verse 16 but we're gonna start earlier and in verse 12 we're gonna see that Shabbat is a sign between Yahweh and his people it's a sign it's important it indicate other words it's an indicator of who are his people it's something when people see it they go oh you guys are with him because they see what you're doing okay yeah we spoke to Moses verse 12 saying and you speak to the children of Israel saying that was remembered to sing in the children of Israel he never refers to us as the adults of Israel I wonder why I wonder why that is it could be because we haven't grown up yet all right he said my Sabbath's you are to guard by all means for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations to know that I away am setting you apart now let's begin by saying this it starts off with my Sabbath's you are the guard so the first thing we have to understand is whose Sabbath's are these there the creator of the universe has put these things in place okay so when you have friends and family members and co-workers that want to say oh you're doing that Jewish thing it doesn't say Jewish thing anywhere here in Exodus 31 matter of fact they were all 12 tribes represented in exodus 31 and it's not even an Israel thing necessarily because he said these are my Sabbath's but because you as Israel keep them this is a sign that you are my children that you have a relationship with me so these are his Sabbath's that he expects Israel to guard or keep I'm gonna get into more understanding what those words mean here in a few minutes so he says my Sabbath's you who the children of Israel are to guard that's why it is so important that all of you really have an absolute grounded understanding of who Israel is was and is supposed to be okay and that's why we have a teaching series it's ten parts called discovering your identity and hopefully once you go through that series and you understand that scripturally you're supposed to be Israel then this verse has a just a different meaning that it may have had before because it says to the children of Israel say my Sabbath's you the children of Israel are to guard he didn't say observe or keep here says you're to guard them guard them by all means you are to make every effort to guard these Sabbath's and so this idea of guarding we're gonna get into much more detail as we break that word down but just keep that in mind it he didn't just say to observe now we are also gonna see later on he says remember remember and guard at two key words in this idea of keeping the Shabbat the Sabbath so the Hebrew word here is Shaba Toth which is plural for Sabbath because my Sabbath's you are to guard by all means for it is a sign so now we understand that it is something that is a symbol or a connecting idea point visual that people when they see it they know what if you see a red sign in a shape of an octagon with white letters on it you probably know it's a stop sign or is it hex a has six sides or eight sides on that whatever it is okay okay I got it right the first time good for me okay white you see you'll know if you see one that's a triangle you can probably understand it's a yield sign there are things that when you see them you know okay you see these golden arches you know that that's a McDonald's you know I'm saying I mean we see things and it connects us to something okay we don't need to have a big explanation we already see something it connects us so you know what when you see people who worship the Creator on the Sabbath then that means they're worshiping Yahweh according to this scripture it's a sign okay he says it's not only a sign that's a sign between me that's Yahweh and you the children of Israel not just then but he says throughout your generations so it's a sign between Yahweh and the children Israel forever throughout their generations are we still going through generations and it's still assigned we're still going through generations so it's still a sign between him and the children of Israel and he says the purpose of this this everlasting covenant that's to be observed throughout the generations is to do what is so that we throughout the generations know what do we talk about all these teachings we talk about the word know it's a relational understanding right so that would be a knowing and intimacy a relationship that we would know and have a relationship that Yahweh is setting us apart whatever that means so this is a sign not this only show that the world would know notice what he says so that you would know that I Yahweh I'm setting you apart so this is sort of first and foremost to remind us of what he is doing to and through and with us and that's the important part we have to it's just that's all that just right in that first verse she says my Sabbath's you are to guard by all means for it's a sign between me and you throughout your generations to know to have a relationship with them an intimacy to know that I Yahweh care enough have a relationship with you enough to use this as a part of what I do to set you apart this is a part of that process called Kadosh or setting apart to make you a Kadosh nation Kadosh people now let's understand that idea being set apart is the idea of being put aside or separated for the unique purpose of serving the creator of the universe it's it's not a complicated term well we see in most scriptural writings and most Bibles it says holy most people don't know what holy is it's a word that they can't really kind of define real clearly and simply go up to anybody say what does holy mean I don't know something about God okay a Kadosh which is the underlying word has the idea of being something that has been set apart separated out to serve the creator of the universe that's why you can have a candles you know like a candlestick or a a lamp stand like a menorah that's just something you can use in your house and then you have one that's Kadosh that one has a unique purpose of being set apart to just serve Him okay so you can have bread that's bread and then you can have the showbread the showbread is Kadosh it's meant for him see so there are things that have multiple purposes you can have that which has a purpose that's just more normal casual and everyday thing but then you have to set apart well guess what he has in his desire he puts in his word here he has a desire to have a kadosh people a people that are set apart for the specific and unique purpose of serving him and so part of that setting apart process that identifies that people are these things called Shaba tote or sabbath's Shaba tote and so they are part of that setting apart these things are the GAR we regard the shopper tote because they are code that kado store wholly and they set us apart now notice what he says in the next verse though he says and you shall guard the Sabbath for it is set apart to you every one who profanes it shall certainly be put to death for anyone who does work on it that being shall be cut off from among his people this is like I guess it wouldn't be an understatement say it's deadly serious this is not a joke I mean he says you're gonna guard this you know why because it sets you apart and by the way it's so serious that anybody who profanes it shall be put to death for anyone who does work on it that being shall be cut off from among his people this is deadly serious why is it so deadly serious I mean come on what's it does it make a difference because after all mainstream Christianity will tell you well we can worship Him any day and every day and you know what they're right and you should but that doesn't change the fact that he set one apart and that one needs to be guarded you ought to be connecting with him tomorrow and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday but he sets one apart we're gonna find out and understand what the purpose of that one day is but here he's telling you this is not a joke of course we're reading this in exodus 31 this isn't the first time he's talked about the Sabbath so they already understand other things about it by the time we get to Exodus 31 I just chose for whatever reason I was led to do me to start the study here in chapter 31 now so he says here we are to guard it and we've got to be careful about profaning it because that could bring death also brings a cutting off among my people from among his people says it gonna be cut off he says now part of this instruction is that says here that those that desecrate profane the shava toe were to be put to death or they earned the death penalty that's kind of what he's explaining here but it's also saying that it says that being shall be cut off as saying that nephesh look at the Hebrew word there is a nephesh it means a living creature that does work on the shava Thoth was to be cut off from among his people why because he was not going to allow in the camp in the nation amongst the people that which could lead others to profane what he set apart because if one is doing it others are likely to do it too okay but we're now in a societal mindset where we want to allow everything and anything to just go on willy-nilly and just whatever look this is a come-as-you-are situation in other words scripture makes it very clear everybody should be able to come as they are but then the leadership that's anointed and appointed in place should be then helping to guard over to make sure that when the people are coming as they are whatever they're bringing with them doesn't somehow then cause others to go in the wrong direction we'd like you to come as you are and grow in a very specific direction into the likeness of the Sun you want you to become Yeshua like however you may come bring other stuff with you that instead of you changing others start changing to what you brought that's not gonna work so he says if that's happening that needs to be cut off you can't have that happening in the camp now bear in mind that there's a period of time in a process with those who are coming in need to be guided instructed and so it's not something that's that harsh like the second you walk in your whole life has to be then fixed changed and perfect but there needs to be a safe place where everybody is safe not to be infected so to speak by all the worldly things you may have brought with you but at the same time where you feel safe to grow out of those things into what you're supposed to learn because you can see this is what happened in the time of Pym class okay somebody brought in these outside women and they brought in all of their pagan deities and their observances and next thing you know others were grabbing ahold of it till the whole camp was starting to go in that wrong direction and it wasn't until it was purged out did they stop it from happening because this is deadly serious for some reason as human beings we are very susceptible to go in the wrong direction and follow people in those wrong directions even more so than we are to follow the right examples in the right and imitate the right people I don't know why that is it could be from just the beginning where Adam ate from the wrong tree with hava and tasting of that understanding of good and evil the evil part can be tempting and so that's the doing what's not of Yahweh can be tempting so let's understand as we're going through this that it's very important that we understand this is how serious this is okay how vitally serious this is it's literally life and death now he does say look you have six days to do your work you have six days to do your work let me just see if I can go forward in my notes here so I can define some terms for you that are gonna come up later okay when we're talking about work here we're talking about the kind of work that is used to generate a living the word there is out vote or a vowel dies there is a he before for work what it means is to labor in a way that generates a return the first use of this I'm just jumping around on my notes here is actually in Genesis four and in verse 12 now we do understand from the Jewish sages this thing called the law first mention which says that when something is first mentioned it has a significant amount of importance in explaining to us what that word really is used for it means so in Genesis 412 it says and if you till the ground it shall no longer yield its strength to you you shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth so this is you're seeing this going on here the idea of tilling or work the ground so they're in verse 12 the word is the same word if you work the ground so it's not actually the Hebrew word for till but at the idea of working the ground so this work that we're not supposed to do he says if you till the ground and no longer will yield so when you're doing work that's trying to yield a return that work is forbidden on Shabbat and this is the kind of thing that we have to redefine what the actual words are talking about so he's saying you have six days to do work intended to generate a yield you have six days to do that in verse 15 back in chapter 31 six days your work in the effort to read get a return or a yield shall be done and on the seventh is a resada the rest set apart to Yahweh everyone doing work on the Sabbath day shall certainly be put to death see he's very serious about this so going back here now to understanding what's going on in verse 15 he says look six days your work is to be done but on the seventh day which is a Chaba it says it's a Shabbat Shabbat own Shabbat Sabbath own now the that's what he says it's a Sabbath of rest it's a Sabbath of rest so this idea of a Sabaton needs to kind of be gotten dug into a little deeper okay so this is also a kadosh day to set apart day set apart how in the hebrew i don't know how much translated sometimes it says sabbath of but it actually says la okay so it's to the Yahweh okay so this is a set apart time that set apart with its focus directed toward Yahweh that's the focus of the day is focused towards Yahweh because people say well can't I do this on the Sabbath and can I do that well the first thing I should ask you is if in doing what you're saying is that focused and set apart with your focus towards Yahweh because that's what the Hebrew is saying there in that verse it says it's a sabbath of rest set apart to Yahweh so it's set apart with the purpose of so serving and being focused in Yahweh's direction this is important because a lot of times people ask me things like well what about this or what about that if you have the right parameters and guideposts you can answer these questions yourself and we're going to read other verses that help you to have these guideposts but the question has to be is this in any effort to generate yield a return on what I'm doing on my effort if that answer is yes then you can't be doing it on Sabbath now there's other things as well but we're just starting with what he's saying right here in Exodus 31 then the question may be what about if I want to do this or that which is not an effort towards yield you know generating a yield or a return then right then the question is but is it focused towards Yahweh is it set apart to him this is really important because we'll have things come up and I'm probably gonna jump all over the place in this teaching I'm realizing it already okay but we're gonna have things come up for example like going to a wedding well there's no effort to get yield in going to a wedding so that's not lucrative work or a work that generates a yield but what is the day of wedding who's who's to focus on on the wedding the bride and the groom that day is set apart or that time is set apart to focus on who the bride in the groom is to focus on Yahweh know now it may be that you're doing it in his name and he is part of the ceremony but the focus is on the wedding and so now you can ask yourself is that keeping the day set apart to Yahweh well obviously that day is set apart to the bride and the groom and we could all be hypocrites and try to spin it any way we want but you all know in reality that is especially the bride's day that is her day and you know what it's supposed to be there's nothing wrong with it being her day but if it's also supposed to be his day because it's on a Shabbat now we've got our conflict we've got a conflict of who were folk singing on and so these are parameters to help with decisions is it set apart to Yahweh because when you're when you're told I'm inviting you to a wedding next April bla bla bla and you take out your calendar what are you doing you're blocking out that time to go focus on that couples day of getting together in marriage it's an appointed time that you're setting an appointment to go and celebrate and focus on their day by the way he gives you these 52 times a year plus the few extra ones for the holy days where you have an appointment like that but you're supposed to be meeting with him it's a time to come together and focus on him being set apart to Yahweh very very important so we have this idea of Shabbat Sabaton now it's only mentioned in a few places in Scripture we're gonna read them just so we get an understand of what this idea of being a sabbath of rest a sabbath of rest and the reason that we have to understand this we have to understand what resting means we have to understand what the sabbath of recipes because we have a sabbath for the land where the land is resting in a very different way than we do and that's counted in a different way okay that's counting years and not counting days or weeks and that kind of thing and so this is a sabbath of rest so let's go to Exodus 13 I mean should be 1623 we're gonna read the seven or eight places where that word is so we can get a really clear understanding of what this word means so in Exodus remote 1623 this is the first place you see this by the way this phrase Shabbat chabot own and he said to them this is what yahweh has said tomorrow is a Shabbat own a Sabbath set apart to Yahweh that would you bake bacon that which you cook cook and lay up for yourselves that all that is left over to keep it until morning now we're going to get into that verse and more issues with that verse probably next week but understand he's saying is tomorrow is a shop atone there's a was to be a rest which means a refreshing or a ceasing so this idea of resting and ceasing you know comes back from Genesis which we're gonna go back to where he says that he was refreshed he ceased from his work we'll get to that in a minute so here you see that phrase and it's in connection to what the weekly Sabbath just tomorrow you're not going to do any of these things do them today because tomorrow is this thing called Shabbat the Israelites were taught most of the first four Commandments if not all four four the first four Commandments before they even got to Sinai they're headed to Sinai and here you know we don't get the Sinai for another chapter or two or three and here he's like saying by the way I'm going to introduce you to Shabbat on your journey Adam it's ryeom into no to Sinai then eventually to the land I mean most of you probably can say that the first steps in coming into tour observance was learning about Shabbat I mean that's almost Universal across the board I talked to people they came to discover the Sabbath as part of their journey well guess what Israel coming out of Egypt one of the first things they did was get reintroduced to the idea of Shabbat it's the same journey you are on the same journey they were on that's why it says in Paul's writings that these things are four examples for you because you're doing the same journey you know we've read all the time the Deuteronomy a two verse it says he led them through the wilderness out of Egypt into Sinai and eventually to the land to go on a journey from ignorance and paganism and the world into the truth and the land and the Torah and what is set apart and you're on that same journey but it's going to take a humbling and it's going to take a change of heart so that your heart is ready to receive and so that Sabbath is such an important piece of that so we're not going to get into the rest of that verse but let's go now to chapter we read the one in chapter 31 and 15 let's go to chapter 35 and verse 2 we're still in Exodus chapter 35 and in verse 2 work is done for six days but on the birthday it shall be set apart to you Shabbat Sabbath on a Sabbath of rest to Yahweh anyone doing work on it is put to death so here again that phrase is just like it was in Exodus 31 where it says it's a Sabbath of rest to Yahweh and we to get more into what that means to rest here in a little bit but he says it's a it's a Shabbat shop atone so it's a day that was set aside for the purpose of resting in him resting to him focusing on him and it says it's on the seventh day six days you work and then on the seventh day you rest so there's a cycle here that we're going to go through and understand in more detail let's go now to Leviticus chapter 16 and in verse 21 we're in the right place here so give me verse 31 Leviticus 16 31 it is a Sabbath of rest for you and you shall afflict your beings a law for ever so Ovidius chapter 16 is position speaking specifically about Yom Kippur Yoma keeper Reem the day of atonement but it's also calling that day a Shabbat Shabbat own it's a Sabbath of rest so we can have a Sabbath of rest that doesn't necessarily fall on the seventh day it's a day that's treated a certain way and he's telling us there's one that comes up every seventh day but now there are other ones also that are treated exactly the same these are called High days we see that referenced in Scripture the reference to that we have a high day and so those days are also called Shabbat Sabbath tone it says it is a Sabbath of rest for you and you shall afflict your beings it is a law forever so this is in the context of Yom I keep a ream let's go to chapter 23 and Leviticus where the feasts are all listed and we have a bunch of verses here we're going to read real quickly in verse 3 now remember in verse 2 he says speak to the children of Israel and say the appointed times of Yahweh in other words the appointments to meet with Yahweh which you are to proclaim as set apart gatherings me Krakow to seem my appointed times my MOA deem are these so these are special appointed times that we have the teaching you go listen to called the appointed times of Yahweh I think it's two parts all right but now we get to verse three says six days work is done and by the way let that be taken as an instruction that some of you can get your work done in three or four or five days but understand he planned you to have six days of work and so that doesn't mean you can't play on some of the days and have a little some leisure time or whatever but if you are working six days don't whine about it that was part of the design he gave you six days to work because somebody were all complaining well I don't get a whole weekend and this and that well he gave you six days to work and one day to be with him he says so six days work is done but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest of Shabbat Sabaton they set apart gathering you do no work it is a Sabbath to you to listen it's a Sabbath to Yahweh and all your dwellings again it's focused towards Yahweh now this Shabbat shop atone as you guys we're gonna go through and then this is gonna be part of those pieces that we have to have as well you know focusing on as we go through this it's gonna be here a little there a little line upon line you're not gonna find one place in one chapter that tells you everything you need to know about Shabbat there's very few things in Scripture that are all in one place pretty much kashrut in Leviticus 11 is fairly complete but other than that maybe Leviticus 23 gives you a good part of the whole thing with the feasts but you know what Deuteronomy gives you a lot more that you need about those feasts so there's very little in Scripture that you can find all in one place Shabbat is the same way you're gonna need to go in a lot of places to understand Shabbat because he's going to give us little pieces of it and so one of the pieces of it he says here is that it's not just a Shabbat Java tone but it's also a Miko dish it's a set apart gathering so now we have to incorporate that into the mix is that it's a commanded assembly because are those who believe I'm supposed to stay at home well yes when they were first instructed when they came out of Egypt just like little children they can't be trusted to behave which they didn't remember the first one they went out there started gathering when they shouldn't and it spoiled they went rotten so he told them we'll tell you what stay in your tents and don't come out that was to prevent them while they were learning but now as a cohesive nation in Leviticus 23 telling them this Sabbath understanding is now going to be expanded says you understand that you're actually intended to come together to meet with each other and to meet with me by the way that gives you the opportunity and I hadn't really thought about this until just now but that gives you the opportunity to actually do perform the two great commands because you could be with him and with each other so there's the beauty in the Shabbat which is towards him which his whole plan is about loving him and loving each other well you get to come together and spend a whole day doing both of those things very very important so there's an additional piece that you get in verse in verse three here he says it's the Shabbat job at tone we've read that before but now it says a set apart gathering so set apart means its sole purpose of the gathering is to focus on him remember the definition of Kadosh so if it's a set apart gathering can you be doing a wedding if it's a set apart gathering can you be doing a graduation if it's a set apart gathering can you be doing a funeral if it do you understand where I'm going with this if the whole purpose exclusively is him then how can you do something that's not focused on him on that day because the day is set apart to him because people will talk about that oh but my son has soccer or my daughter has soccer my dad our footballer how are they focusing on him now maybe in some places they worship high school football and Friday Night Lights and all that stuff that is a pagan religion and it involves a pigskin just saying hey I like my football when it's on Sunday or Monday or Thursday I'm great with that it has no place on Shabbat it has no place and that is why our Great Creator inspired somebody to invent a digital recording device so that you can record it anyway back in the days of VCRs there was a joke that goes this Orthodox Jewish guy was called up the rabbi because the he was a baseball fan he's a big Yankees fan and the Yankees were playing in the World Series and the night of like the last game of the World Series was going to be on Kol Nidrei which is the night before Yom Kippur and that so that's like the hugest most important solemn services you don't come for is to go to Kol Nidrei service on the evening at the beginning of Yom Kippur and he called the rabbi up and said rabbi I'm really in a quandary here because I mean I'm this huge Yankee fan I mean generationally just you know and it's the World Series it's his last game and and and you know it's it's everything you know but it's called the dre and the rabbi says well that's why we have VCRs and the guy says I didn't know you could record Kol Nidrei oh yeah yeah okay all right somebody had their priorities way out of whack okay just completely out of whack okay stay here in Leviticus 23 and in verse 24 okay speak to the children of Israel saying by the way do you notice the theme all the way through is to remind us who this is for he says in verse 2 speak to Joan of Israel these are the appointed times for Israel between him and Israel and so everywhere along the way as he changes to the next feast in the next holy day he makes sure to say speak to the children of Israel he says in the seventh month on the first day of the month you have a rest a remembrance of the blowing of trumpets a set apart gathering so you have here again this idea this rest is the word shop atone so this idea of resting is very specifically the type of rest that has to do with the Shabbat so there's a connection there it's called shop atone ok Sabaton again we see this in verse 32 it is a Sabbath of rest to you a Shabbat Sabaton and you shall afflict your beings again we're talking about Yom Kippur we see this in verse 39 in verse tonight on the 15th day of the 7th month us is shamina at Sarat the right after Sukkot when you gather in the fruit of the land observe the festival of Yahweh for seven days and on the first day is a Chaba tone and on the eighth day is a Java tone these are rests these arrests now it's not the same word for rest which is men whoo ha ok middle high is like resting to sleep this is shop atone ok because I remember my daughter when she was in the the Chabad preschool they taught her the days of the week and so we went through the days of the week and in the Hebrew it would be like you know Yom Rishon was the first day Avada we work Okayama shown Ivo - Amy Ivo da every day we work then we go yom shabbat Manuka we rest but this is not the word menu Hut is the word sabaton it's a very specific type of rest what does it mean resting like sleep so when they tour - the song was more like we rest Manuka okay little Hebrew lesson for you okay so now we're in chapter 25 and verse 4 now we're dealing with the shemitah stuff and it says in chapter 25 verse 4 but in the seventh year the land is to have a Shabbat sabaton Oh interesting a Sabbath to Yahweh do not sow your field in your not prune you know much don't do anything that is going to yield that's gonna yield fruit that's gonna yield a benefit of some sort that way that's gonna bear fruit lucrative work verse five it says do not reap what grows of its own your in your of your harvest do not gather the grapes of your own prune field for it is a year of rest or Sabaton for the land okay so you're gonna find out as we go through this more that this has more to do with refreshing than sleeping there's renewing and refreshing going on not literally sleeping all day and I've had a big debate with some very prominent people in the Messianic Hebrew roots over the years over this I remember calling one on a Shabbat to have a discussion a Shabbat worthy discussion only to find out oh he's asleep I said okay that's no problem I said one with the get up he said oh no no that's all he does all day on Shabbat he thinks you're supposed to stay home and sleep I won't mention his name because you'll know who it is but anyway but we argued about this when I finally got him out of the bed okay and it wasn't on Shabbat I had to talk to him another day okay so we see these are the places these are the only places by the way we see the phrase sabaton so this is a specific type of rest because this is an important piece of the arguments about how to keep Shabbat because there are people that say oh well I don't like to go to service all time because I have a hard week and I'm tired and after all it says it's supposed to be a day of rest not Manuka sabaton that's a totally different idea of rest okay so the shaba Toth witness and attest to what yahweh did in the creation week and that he created or worked for six days right this is the example of six days you do all your work that's when he did stuff that yielded things he did creative things that yielded the world we see today the world we live in but he abstained from that creative process of barring developing doing things that would yield on the seventh day on the seventh day the Shabbat Yahweh was refreshed okay that's the key there well let's see that in Genesis just so we could be clear in Genesis chapter 1 figure in Genesis chapter 2 okay and we'll see this at the beginning of chapter 2 and verse 1 thus the heavens on earth were completed in all their array and on the seventh day Eloise completed his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which which he had made he rested and then we seed of course in the fish and the fish genre that we were reading in Exodus 31 and Exodus 31 it says that this is a day we're gonna get to the fish time rule part let's go back there now Texas 31 and go back now and continue in verse 16 exerted once again the children is just shall guard the Sabbath to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant between me and the children of Israel it is a sign forever for in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth as your reference back to Genesis 2 and on the seventh day he rested and it says and he was refreshed he was refreshed and so it's not that he was tired or exhausted but he just freshened up he was refreshed he's like he'd sat back and said it is good as a matter fact he said it is very good okay it is very good Tove mode he said this is very good and so he was refreshed refreshed inwardly he was pleased with what he had made and there was a refreshing there was a resting from all of that and he just took it all in and you ever do that with a project you finished that project and you just need to look at it and observe it or or just enjoy it and it refreshes you renews you he didn't step away from it and disconnect himself from it he just was no longer doing anything actively to it so the Hebrew word here which says refreshed is the word nephesh which means to breathe or BRE breathed upon or refresh this by a current of air could it be that it was on the seventh day Shabbat a Yahweh breathed and refreshed creation and that this is exactly what he does every Shabbat he breathes refreshment on his people who are observing Shabbat and that you're not going to get staying at home and laying in your bed that he wants you to come amongst his people and to meet with him and us together to do those things okay so we have very important understanding this connection here that's refreshing let's go to chapter 20 which is going to give us the Torah instruction the fourth commandment of Exodus 20 Wow already forty-two minutes in here alright Exodus 20 verse eight remember the Sabbath day now we're told to remember we've told the guard now we're told to remember of course when you read the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy which we're going to do as well in Chapter five you're gonna see where it says guard so we're so always says the same thing with some subtle differences but it's essentially the same thing it's not because they're supposed to do one or the other as he's adding together it's giving us more deeper understanding it's an additive it's a layering so here we start off in Exodus 20 with remember the sabbath day to set it apart so we ought to remember to set it apart because guess what you can't guard it if you forgot to even do it so first you got to remember it remember that Sabbath is coming we talked about being Shabbat centric in other words revolving your life around the understanding that Shabbat is coming or we just had Shabbat and that we got a week until the next one you should always be aware of where you are in relation to Shabbat this is important he says remember the Sabbath day to set it apart just remembering it by the way doesn't set it apart you have to remember to set it apart in other words to put it aside and have everything else be pulled away from it to that it's complete focus is a kadosh focus focused on Yahweh he says six days you labor you should do you work he said but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Yahweh your Elohim it is you do not do any work and you nor your son nor your daughter nor your male servant nor your female servant nor your cattle nor the stranger who is within your gates for in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them and rested the seventh day therefore Yahweh blessed the sabbath day and set it apart so he blessed it he did something to the seventh day there's something different about that period of time so remember the sabbath day to set it apart sanctify it make it holy so there the idea of remembering has the idea of being mindful of bringing to your mind bringing to remembrance in other words having an awareness having an awareness of Shabbat nobody should have Shabbat just all of a sudden show up and like didn't realize it was tomorrow it should not sneak up on you by the way the Haim the Moe Adam should not sneak up on you either because you should be high eccentric as well a moet centric in other words revolving your life and your plans knowing when the next appointed time is when is the next moet when are you supposed to be planning to meet with him I mean think about it when you were whenever in your life in love and dating and you first liked somebody and you really were excited emotionally about them and you had a date planned there was nothing else you thought about until you have neck three more days for month kids are that way with like you tell them we're gonna go to an amusement park or something they know that that how many months - how many minutes how many hours when that days come that they're gonna go to this vacation or whatever it is trip why aren't we that way with meeting with the creative universe and getting that excited and that focused vertically on that day's coming two more weeks two more we should we should we do it about all these worldly second of the things why wouldn't we do it about the actual real things not the useless vanity things so we are to be mindful aware bringing to mind bring to remembrance the Sabbath day so that we can set it apart sanctify it make it holy focus it completely on him he says you are to do all your labor and work in six days so now we're getting this other word in there the idea of labor he says the labor here the abode or the work then we went back to Genesis four that's why I have it in my notes here talked about the idea of trying to create a yield we also have for the word that's the word labor now the word work here is melaka work as connected to occupation or craftsmanship and they're related tasks so you're supposed to do your labor six days you are to do all your laboring that's your yield stuff and your work is your occupation crafts and things that are made to again part of creating some sort of a yield or creating something bringing something into existence like even if it was art work whether it's the work of the Tabernacles where they had to make something okay you built or you made something okay so by the way that means when people want to ask well what about if I want to do this hobby or that hobby on Shabbat well that's what we're talking about here that's your maja your mellotoxin me and so you don't wanna be doing that either I mean I people saying to me oh but I you know what about going to the gym or what about riding a bike for 10 miles or what about canoeing or what about what I know you think you're going to be able to focus on him while you're doing it but let's be honest about why you're doing it you're doing it because it's what you want to do if you're not gonna be honest we're not gonna get anywhere so if you normally like let's say you're a runner or a biker or go to or now it someone likes to go to the gym and you do that normally six other days of the week so naturally you're gonna want to do it on the seventh day of the week and so you'll find a way to spin and justify in rational light of yourself that oh no I'm doing this to Yahweh no you do this all the time you just don't want to miss a day now yes you may go out on a beautiful ride or a beautiful run or beautiful canoe trip or beautiful what that beautiful whatever and you're gonna actually be out in nature and you could be impressed to think about him while you're doing it because it's some impressive things that won't remind you of him but the reason you're doing what you're doing is because you wanted to do the other things and you're finding a way to fit him into that not the other way around if we're being honest the problem is that most of the time we're not so he says here so the seventh day is a Shabbat II Yahweh your Elohim you shall do no do you shall not do any work now listen this is important you or your children your servants your animals the convert the proselyte within your gates that's what the stranger there is the gear he says this is the key now whose people will get messed up with this as well those that you have responsibility for or authority over because people will say well do I have to turn off my electricity and my lights do I have to do this do I have to do that because after all my having them on somebody's working you don't have authority over those people and they don't work for you directly and you're not responsible for them so let's be careful that we're not applying things this says your maidservant your male servant your female servant you're the proselyte who's in your gates once they're in your gates you're responsible I have an authority to make sure things are good in your property they're in your house so unless all those people are now going to live and work in your house running the power plant and everything in the water supply company I mean you're welcome to turn all these things off but they're not under your authority nor are you responsible for what they're doing they're going be doing them anyway so let's be careful with that okay you can come from a cow right point of view where you could just turn off your electricity and don't use any water and just turn everything off I see this verse as reading very specifically and you could say I'm the one being hypocrite now when I'm spinning it and so if you feel better about it turn everything off but the point being these are not people in this verse the verse is very specific about people you personally are responsible for and actually have direct authority over I hope we can see that right your son your daughter your husband your wife your female serve in your cattle your animals your strange people in your gates so unless you have personal responsibility or authority over people you can't really get too worried about that stuff that's their thing they're doing it I was dealing with them in there his own way so let's be careful with that okay so and so this is all a reference back again to Genesis chapter 2 creation week where it says all creation is to rest now in Genesis chapter 2 when we're reading that okay it says that and on the seventh day so what did we see happening on day 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yahweh created a bunch of stuff he brought all of these things into existence and then on the seventh day he ceased from doing those things it was all completed the effort the labor to bring forth the yield and everything else and then he did what he says in verse 3 he blessed the seventh day and set it apart because on it he rested from all his work which Elohim had created and had made so he did something to that time now some of us have experienced especially if we can remember back to the first time she ever kept Shabbat that there was something different about the time he did something to the time now let's understand that this is going to get us a little bit 52 minutes in maybe okay this is just a little bit of a piece for the puzzle of the people who want to talk about lunar Shabbat all these other Shabbat deals let's understand that we have the example of Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 says that he counted six days and rested on the seventh one by the way the Sun and the moon don't show up until day four that already messes up the lunar Sabbath guys doing it based on lunar cycles because we're not mentioning them until day four so now the Sabbath is actually the third day after that that's a problem okay now I know you're nodding your head but it's a problem now well let's go and just deal with this in a much more serious way can we all agree that Yeshua kept the Sabbath correctly okay can we all agree that he kept it with the Jewish brothers so then is it logical and reasonable to guess that the Jews kept it correctly in the issuer's day was that is that a reasonable jump Yeshua kept it correctly he kept it with the Jews so therefore the Jews kept it correctly we also don't see him correcting them on it at all right he never scolds them and says they're doing it wrong so now what we need to say that they changed anything as to show me in the last two thousand years where they changed it from counting it according to the moon to Counting according to a seven-day count because I don't see that anywhere so and I've challenged all the other lunar Sabbath people to come up with in they can't it's not there the Jews have died for their Saturday Sabbath over and over and over again in the last two thousand years I don't see any evidence that they ever moved it so you don't have to take me to books like showing me something happened with let's say David and Jonathan and and or something was waiting for the moon to change so that the Sabbath and Counting you can't those verses are not relevant to this the most relevance is the actual practice Yeshua endorses the Jews were right just show me when they changed that's my challenge that's my gauntlet I'm throwing out to all the lunar Sabbatarians show me when the Jews moved from counting according to the lunar cycle to Counting according to a seven-day just a mechanical seven-day count because of the he says just like creation week which was a one-two-three four-five-six Shabbat that's what we have today a one-two-three four-five-six Shabbat with the lunar by the way you get one two three four five six Shabbat four times and then you got an extra day or two here or there for the dark moon that throws your count off completely I don't see that in creation week the Shabbat points to creation week it doesn't point to first kings or second kings of first samuel or second samuel or some other prophet it says just like when Yahweh created the heavens and the earth this is pointing to creation week so let's just be careful with these things that want to come up and that people want to come up with the Jews again also in Genesis we're told they have the Oracles that the lawgiver is coming from between their feet it's Paul mentions that they have the Oracles but Genesis tells us that it will not be but they'll always be a lawgiver coming from between their feet they're there to make sure we know these things to protect these things oh but they didn't always have an eight-day week that's right they I'm in a seven-day week sometimes they had an 8 or 9 or 10 days whatever the Romans and whoever else was in charge did they had a seven-day count and that seven-day count has been maintained and if you can show me otherwise great show me in the last 2,000 years the documentation that the Jewish community moved the Sabbath and made that change okay so so we see this as connected to creation week so now what I also believe and again we can get into quantum physics we can get into some of the more esoteric Sciences but we understand that energy is what the whole universe is made out of that everything vibrates at a certain energy level I believe he did something energetically and vibrationally to that 24-hour period of time there's something different about the time so what I'm going to try to help them press upon you is that the Shabbat is about Kadosh time so if we can understand that we can make all of our Sabbath related decisions based on the framework of knowing how is this in relation to the fact that I'm trying to do this that or the other thing during this period of kadosh time time that is special and set apart and has actually been blessed what does it mean when he blesses something who knows what that actually meant what it was at the end of creation week and the last thing he did was he did something to that period of time called the seventh day we don't know what that actually was we know what it looked like when he said let there be light we know when he said let there be animals let there be the Sun in the moon let there be plants in the green green trees or what in the fish and the birds and the bugs and they even when he made man but what did he actually do because see we think of rest meaning he did nothing no he stopped the creative process but he blessed he did something to that time so if we can get our brains and our minds wrapped around this idea of set apart wholly kadosh time it would make our choices of our decisions on shabbat much easier because all you have to do is say how is what i want to do going to fit into the idea of this being the context of it being set apart time it's about time okay and by the way if we understand cycles that abba puts into the universe the movement of the sun and the moon the movement of the stars the movement and changing of seasons all of these things have already built into the system wouldn't it make a lot a little bit of sense and again it doesn't have to make sense i'm just throwing this out there that he would put something in the system that would happen on a very regular cycle that would not change for a month a month based on how long the moon might be dark but it would be every seven days is the cycle of work and then we have rest as something in that seven-day cycle just like we're given the same thing with the land a seven-year cycle by the way if it's the same idea with the land where does the land sometimes get eight years or nine years because of some sort of thing that's like the moon would do because the moon does that if you're on the lunar Sabbath you do have to account for what they call basically non days they don't count when the moon is dark and so you have an extra day or two each month that's then then you have to wait to start counting your seven days so that takes you out of this idea that from a physics point of view in the world by the way physics is Torah chemistry is Torah biology is Torah not the way man is all figured it out but the existence of the way things work that is what Yahweh that's laws of Yahweh if I take this and drop it it will fall because there's a law that Yahweh put in place that will make this fall that keeps you from flying off in the air okay there's laws that make it rain and snow and the wind to blow and the Sun to shine all of that stuff is part of the laws of the universe we've broken them down into things like biology and chemistry and physics and stuff to try to understand it but whatever part of it we've gotten right is because we simply have identified the laws he put in place who knows how much we got wrong and how much we got right but whatever we got right that's because we figured out this is what he put in place and so I believe from a physics point of view a cycle that goes seven would be would be something that would repeat on a continuous cycle actually fits all of his other laws in there predictability and so I'm just throwing that out there's another piece of the puzzle okay just another thing to think about but let's as we look at this understand that the whole creation week the whole understanding here is that he took a period of time and protected that time or blessed it he did something to it he put his Yahweh whammy on that time that's why there's something special and different about that time there's just something about it okay we have time to quickly I think just go to Deuteronomy chapter 5 just to see what this looks like a little bit different in Deuteronomy than it was in Exodus 20 so I'm just going to do this real quickly here in Deuteronomy chapter 5 in Deuteronomy chapter 5 looking in verse 12 he says guard the Sabbath day remember in Exodus said remember so now listen and see the order of it when we first read about in Exodus which is prior to Deuteronomy he says you got to remember this thing called the Sabbath day now he's saying now that you're remembering it let's remember now that we got to guard it now that you brought it to you no memory you're aware of it you're you're mindful of it let's make sure to guard it guard the Sabbath day to set it apart is Yahweh you're all them commanded you six days you labor to through your work the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahweh your Elohim you do not do any work you nor your son nor your daughter nor your male servant nor your female servant no your ox nor your donkey nor any of your cattle nor any of your strangers within your gates so that your male servant and your female servant rest as you do and you shall remember that you were a slave in Atlanta mitzrayim and that Yahweh your Elian brought you out of there with a strong hand and outstretched arm therefore Yahweh your Elohim commanded you to observe the Sabbath day so there's a connection to being set free from slavery in other words all week long you could be under somebody else's authority legitimately a boss an employer a slave owner something but he says on this day you're free to just come under the one true king and serve Him you're not serving Mammon you're not serving your own self you're not serving a boss you know you're serving him you know what he's very generous to give us six days to do all that other stuff he only wants one that's not bad just like we're tithing the only ones 10% not 90% very generous but he gives to us so freely so but also do you notice he says on the seventh day so this is where it doesn't have to do with going to a calendar and looking at whatever number of days was in a week it didn't say go to the last day a week or the first day of the week it just says to the seventh day on the seventh day you rest and by the way that's where the days of the week would actually be called first day second day third realm you shown you know I'm Shane II don't say she right okay home review you don't call me she Yom she she young Shabbat so you're counting a hot steamed shallow Shabbat initiation counting that success the days are numbered and so he's saying anybody get to the seventh one guess what that Shabbat now because calendars can change so much over history he says you need to remember which days the seventh day they needed to guard it because nowhere is there nowhere even for you Luna Sabbatarians is a reversed it says go look and see the moon and start figuring out the Sabbath that verse does not exist okay there is no verse it tells you to go look to the moon to figure out when the Sabbath is now I know there were verses they used to say that they are hints at this and that the other thing where they think that they were using the moon but there's no instruction to do that the instruction is to count to 7 and the seventh day is Shabbat it says but the seventh 6 days you labor but the seventh is Shabbat so how do you know when the seventh is that's why he gave us the Jews to exist throughout time to maintain things for us so that they would be there when we were born into all of this that's part of their role and it's a scriptural role by the way scripture tells us that's their role it's not something they just made up and decided hey that's our role because by the way they could care less if you keep Shabbat they don't see their role as the way of keeping Shabbat for everybody else they just think they're supposed to as a matter of fact because of who they are why do you keep Shabbat what do you mean why do I keep Shabbat I'm a Jew that's what they would say to you it's like asking me why I breathe why do you breathe I don't know cuz I'm a human being I breathe I mean it's dumb question okay but people will ask you this why do you keep Shabbat well you know because I found out that Sunday this and all this other side well instead it was saying because I'm Israel why he keeps Shabbat because that's what he creates need to do why do you keep Torah it's like asking me why do I eat why do I sleep why do I it's that's what we were created to do these things are very strange sometimes and so understand that this all points back to this idea that we're supposed to remember and then to guard now we're gonna get into a lot more detail in next week in part two as we start breaking down how to keep it what to do how much is tradition how much is actually Scripture etc etc but I do want and we're gonna talk a little bit more about the word remember the word guard and what they actually mean and give us other examples from some verses but hopefully this is a good start for us to get excited about the significance and the importance and the place of Shabbat now whether you keep the lunar or not or whether you keep the weekly one on the Sabbath or the seven-day cycle the point is at least be serious about Shabbat let's start off with that we could figure out the mechanics secondarily but the first thing is he's deadly serious about he says if you're not keeping it you're gonna be cut off or put to death that's pretty serious that is pretty serious and he's and by the way we're gonna see that this goes all the way through to the prophecies of the future where people will still come from one new moon to another from one Shabbat to another to worship before Yahweh okay Isaiah 66 so let's understand that this is an important thing that's probably a vena machina our father our King father we are coming to understand just starting to scratch the surface of how important the Sabbath day is to you and why it should be important to us and that there's our connection to a refreshing that we all need and arrest from the cares of the world that we all need on a seven-day cycle basis that's all the father we want to come to you and ask you to help us have eyes to see and ears to hear and heart to receive what you actually intended when you created this app they and how it's supposed to be kept and when it's supposed to be kept and who is supposed to keep it and why it's supposed to be kept father because there's a lot of confusion out there so father we're asking that you would inspire guide and lead the instruction and the way we receive the instruction so that we can fully embrace what you have to instruct us on this topic so father we come to you now asking seeking and knocking but also knowing that you'll hear and answer prayer if we are diligent to truly desire those answers so father we thank you we praise you we give you glory and honor as we come before you in the name of Yeshua Messiah main the main [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 18,701
Rating: 4.9060664 out of 5
Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, covenant community 101, cc101, shabbat, sabbath
Id: xxy7bsKcRAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 7sec (4207 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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