SharePoint Basics Series: Understanding Wiki Sites

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[Music] uh hello there my name is quentin russell and i am the content marketing specialist here at doc365 and today i'm proud to present the second part of our sharepoint basic series understanding wiki sites so as i'm sure you are aware wikipedia is a pretty good resource um some would say that it's possibly the largest receptive goal for information on the internet period um it's maintained by thousands of people all across the world and it contains a massive breadth of information that you're not really going to be able to find anywhere else um in addition to that i'm sure you're aware that you know tons of people spend a large amount of time categorizing and cataloging information for their niche fandoms and shows on wiki sites i don't know if you've seen anything for like fandom wiki or anything um a big prominent example of that is like if you're a comic book fan any of the marvel or dc wikis generally you can find uh information about a character um you know uh information about you know how they've changed their lives and everything and then you know dates back to initial issues um before i continue i'd like to ask everyone to mute their mics so that everyone have a good webinar experience again there will be a period at the end where you are free to unmute yourself to ask questions for a question and answer session so back to what i was saying so um the thing is is that that's a lot of useless information um when it's you know done for free and it's done on you know like a tv show or something um however what if you were able to apply all of that that you know that centralized knowledge store that's detailed and contains all the information related to your business in one place um again i'd like to ask that everyone mute themselves um there will be a question and answer session at the end um thank you very much so again like i was saying imagine that you can really you know have all that in one place so that everything's good to go well the thing is with sharepoint online you can have that um one second if yeah can we just make sure that everyone muted [Music] um yeah so anyway like i was saying you know with sharepoint online you can actually have access to that information it's pretty easy to build a wiki set within your care point um doesn't take a lot of time but it can have a lot of benefits for your company so before we begin um going to run us through a quick agenda of what's going on today so you know brief introduction um what are wiki sites reasons you should be using wiki sites um how to build a wiki online there we'll be doing a practical demonstration where i'll show you how to build just a really basic bare bones one to get you started after that we'll be i'll be talking about different tips you can use to build your sharepoint wiki sites so these are you know these are ranged from everything from categorization to how you should structure your information and uh the pages of the site and then at the end we'll be doing a question and answer session so i ask that everyone keep themselves muted until the end um that way everyone can have a smooth webinar experience if i'm unable to answer any of the questions on the spot during the quest and answer session i will make sure to research those um answers and send those to everyone with the webinar follow-up email i'll be sending out later today where you'll be able to gain access to a recording of today's webinar that you can access at a later date for free so um before i continue i really quick like to take a quick um second to talk about doc 365 who we are so we're a company located in jacksonville florida uh we have over 17 years of experience working to deliver exceptional productivity solutions we have experience working with a wide range of companies in different industries to implement a wide array of productivity tools um these include project management systems our primary forte is internet portals but we also do contract management vendor management project management any sort of management you can think of we probably have a solution for you and if we don't have one pre-made we'll be able to build one out for you and also in addition to this everything we do is cut fully customized for your needs so as opposed to other systems where you buy it then you implement it and you really can't do anything about it um we take we take several weeks we learn what you need we build everything out and we deploy it and fully train your staff and how to use it and then we provide unlimited support for everything that we offer um so our mission our vision is to break down silos and get stronger employee engagement across your organization what this means is that um as you're probably aware employee engagement has gone down the last several decades um the last gallup poll i saw showed that it was at about 33 percent of employees are actively engaged at work and that really depends on the organization um some organizations have more so more organizations have less but really trying to find ways to increase that engagement um something that can be especially hard while everyone is social distancing and working from home can be really important to your businesses overall success um so we really want to make sure that everyone can have access to tools and resources that they can use to be the best company they can be so with that out of the way what are sharepoint wiki sites well a wiki is a site that's designed for people to capture organize and share large amounts of information in an easily digestible manner so in a wiki users can add new pages edit existing ones and remove older articles that have become outdated it's basically collaborative effort to store to store all of your company's information for your consumption um so essentially you know if you have uh you know hr policies um specific documents related to a project if you have templates that you need people to be using you can store all of that in one place and it's really easy for them to access so you know kind of some point why you why should you use sharepoint wiki sites well first of all it's easy access to important information um you're able to navigate through everything find what you're looking for if you've organized your site well enough um people can just scroll through find what they're looking for read the information use the document whatever um content's easily organized uh sharepoint is the probably the most powerful document management file management and information management system on the planet so using sharepoint to build that out and using all the capabilities that sharepoint has to offer you're not going to get a higher level of organization anywhere else um you can also again um uh that you can uh you also have um access to all of your documented processes so they're all in um placed within one place uh to you know get a dead horse on that and so say that you have a specific process for procurement um you can have those documents stored within that wiki site so you can say okay so this is how we do procurement for x thing this is how we do procurement for y thing we can sort through all of that and see okay when was the last time this was updated okay maybe we need to update this it tells you everything you need to know about the document and it tells you everything you need to know so that people can access it uh comprehensive searching uh that's a really big one uh sharepoint again the largest most powerful document management system on the planet by using metadata and tagging um you can sharepoint is able to pick out what you're looking for so for example if you're looking for how to um you know what are the policies for updating hr policies um you know you just search in update hr policies and sharepoint is probably going to be able to find the exact document you're looking for we'll talk about how you can really optimize that and and make and really tool that to fit your wiki later on um in the webinar um in addition to that there's power in collaboration so the thing is is that you know not everyone remembers everything at all times so if one person is responsible for building out the wiki if one person is responsible for maintaining it they're going to be overloaded they're going to miss things however if everyone within a department is responsible for maintaining updating and editing the um department's wiki it's going to be a lot more comprehensive it's going to be there's going to be more information available because it's going to be coming from more sources so someone might remember something someone might have a better way to do something and it really makes sure that everyone is benefiting from the experience of everyone within the department because that's really what you want you want that collaboration you want people to be working together you want them to come together to enrich the department the organization your company as a whole in addition to that um sharepoint wiki sites are very easy to maintain um while there are issues with um you know someone makes a bad move someone edits the wrong document someone accidentally deletes something it's pretty easy to go back in fix it find what you're looking for um it's very hard to actually completely delete something from a sharepoint site um it takes a lot of steps and if someone makes a mistake they're not um it's gonna be pretty easy for you to find it and restore it um in addition to that you get access to internal linking for context so what that means is that you can add hyperlinks to different documents to link things out now i don't know if you um how much time you guys have spent on wikipedia but i know for a fact when i was younger what i'd do is i'd go to one page um you know see a blue link that led me somewhere else click on that go to a different page and you know one second i'm reading about a certain actor and then a couple hours later later i'm reading about climate change or i'm reading about the new england patriots um you know it's it allows you to add that context and and the thing is is that throughout that entire journey it makes sense and you can have that set up with a sharepoint wiki site um and then finally you gain access to version control um version control is much like i was saying with how sharepoint is easy to maintain so what you can do is you can see who's edited the document um what they've done to it um how much time they've spent on it who was the last person to edit it and if there's any changes that are wrong that need to be fixed roll back you can pretty easily just go back into the document history select the date and time that you want to roll it back to and you're good to go um so yeah basically why should you use a sharepoint wiki site well it's easy it's powerful and you can't really why wouldn't you um so with that said probably one of the biggest barriers is you know building one well i'm going to show you how to do it so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to share a new screen we're going to go with so let me exit out of the powerpoint to new share screen two all right so here we are this is a this is a basic doc intranet out of the package woohoo look how pretty it is really it is um fun fact if you want to use doc internet and if you like the way this looks uh you probably actually get this in your colors if you you know potentially want to work with doc with dr 65 to get dark internet for yourself all you have to do is sign up for a free demo it's just 30 minutes um we'd love to have a conversation with you about this but we'll talk about that more about the end of the webinar so real quick what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at a more advanced wiki than what you're going to be what we're going to be building today so immediately right here okay so i'm going coughlin you know you have that branding right there so immediately you see okay so these are angular teams you know you probably don't need drive state these are important documents most recent documents you can really organize that how you want so you can say okay so this is all the documents for angularjs this is everything for the corporate internet microsoft sharepoint office 365 react all the things about sharepoint and now multinet sometimes you'll see that certain documents are appearing multiple times it's because they've been tagged with specific things um and it's just how that's been structured how dark internet's wiki gets structured really depends on what you're doing and what you want we'd have a conversation with you about that however that's not what we're really here to talk about right now so really quick all right so first thing we're going to do is we're going to want to build a basic team site um just real quick we're going to call this team wiki well that's willow that won't make sense all right so already exists we'll call this team wiki bravo um so right there that's how it's gonna look it's good to go you can add certain people to the site you know that's that do be how it is one second i am so sorry about that so finished site wiki's ready to go alright so first thing we're going to want to do is as this loads and everything we're going to want to go to click on the gear icon up here this is going whenever you're doing anything in sharepoint that's going to be the first thing you want to do um well not the first thing but it's generally the first thing so go to site contents um now we're gonna go to the site pages library so what we're gonna do right now is we're going to do a little setup we're going to build out metadata for our wiki so what metadata is that's essentially how sharepoint categorizes tags you know catalogs all of your information within sharepoint um every document has metadata so right now um the metadata that's applied to the documents is okay so you have the home page so click to that it takes you to the home page woohoo great to go um but you'll see so this is metadata so this is the last person who modified it this is when it was modified this is when it was created so everything is good to go so here's what we're going to do we're going to add new we're going to have new metadata so this is how the information is organized and sorted within this within the site pages library so we're going to do choice because that allows you to really customize what you're doing we're going to call this department because we're not making a specific wiki for a document for a department we're making a wiki for the whole organization so uh you know you can describe how you want type choice so we're going to call this admin we're going to call this hr we're going to call this marketing um you know we'll throw in sales just because to show you that you can add as many choices as you really want um and then default value you can say okay well most of the documents i'm creating are for admin so that'll show up but um really i only recommend doing that if you're if everything within there is just going to be one of those choices or if like 99 of the documents created with that are going to be in there um however that does also lead you to potentially get lazy with it which i also don't recommend it's really up to your choice so you know right there and as you can see department shows up so you can also organize it ascending no because there is no department you really can't sort it out so then we're also going to add column and we're going to do date and time hi good afternoon this is uh sorry good morning this is christian um um hey we'd like to ask that mute themselves for until a specific point in webinar we'll be doing a question and answer session at the end um and if you have any questions throughout that you're afraid you might forget please put them in the chat and i will come to those at the end of the webinar so back to the demonstration so right now we'll call this one expiration date because you are going to have some documents that um expire this is specifically if you're using hr um because generally you want to review your pup if you're using a wiki site to store all of your um hr policies and everything you're gonna wanna um you know you're gonna wanna probably review those about once or twice a year maybe a little more than that those things come on but anyway so we'll call this expiration you know date time you can use calculated value or you can do today's date select time and date no it's really up to you so now that we've done that we have cons you can add more as you want um really we'll talk about um a bit later we'll talk about tips that you can use for categorizing and everything but just one thing to say is that you should definitely think about what you're doing before you build it out don't just add metadata to add metadata um otherwise you risk things getting confused and it's a mess so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna build out a wiki page and what this is going to be is this is going to be a template page all right we're going to call this to wiki huge template so great shouldn't take too long yeah there you go right there um what the heck this is okay cool so here is what you're going to want to do first thing changes what this is not at all what this should look like i would like to apologize for this what okay this is this is fun we are we are okay no so what we're going to do is we're going to go back no so we're going to go back to this so go back to here and then we're going to i apologize for this i did things out of order so what we're going to want to do is we're going to go back to site contents i'm going to go back to site pages and then we're going to want to do new site page not wiki page even that will tell you you might want to do that so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go um for at least for the sake of this basic one we're going to go team wiki template so now that you've done that what you're going to do is you're going to want to add a specific web part to this it's going to be the page properties web top web part so what this does is it'll just so now you want to click add properties so add property by department and then expiration so that right there that'll just tell you everything you need to know about that um if you have specific data related to that so it'll tell you okay this is a you know hr department this is a so click on that department and then click here to make this a one-third add another web part so if you're doing a text web part do that right there if you're not quite sure what web parts are we did a webinar last month on how to use web parts and everything um i if you'd like i can send people a link to that at the end of the um later today so that they can access that watch that and everything so now that that's done you can be like okay um that's the page this is what we're doing publish um now you can have multiple templates that you use we recommend that you have multiple templates um that way everyone knows what they should be working from just to have the templates in general and then also just making sure that um you know so if you have specific configurations that you're trying to do for specific information um you can just go to that template pull it use it done so now what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to do a new copy of this page now we're going to call this vacation policy so properties we're going to call this yeah one second so it doesn't real nobody duration of the webinar you're not calling him it makes him feel insecure uh charles can i ask that you mute your mic yeah thank you okay no problem sorry about that nope you're all good um so yeah so you can set an expiration date for this specifically if you're doing this for hr um we'll set this for december 31st 20 2020. and let's go so you'll see that's actually displaying right there um and then you can type that out so you know hey these are paid time off format that has one so you know that normal text heading 1 yada yada after you're done with that um publish the page it's good to go and it's actually going to if we go back into site contents it will actually show up within the site pages um so you'll see right there page template vacation policy and then you can sort by department and everything okay so ascending so hr because that's the only one that actually has a tag to it so then what we're going to want to do for to really finish this off is we're going to create we're going to customize the hub page for this team site so click edit right here do note that you have to have editing privileges in order to customize the team site itself so you have to be an owner of the site so the way we're going to do this is we're going to get rid of this news app and we're going to add a new web part and it's going to be for document library and we're just going to pick site pages and you'll see right there got it and then what we're going to want to do is we're just going to change this to wiki pages and then right there you can see recent activities and then we're gonna get rid of this documents one and then what you're gonna and then so right here we recommend using quick links so these are links out to the most important parts of the doc of the library so for example say you want to put a link out to the employee handbook um you know sticking with the hr policy one so you have a link that's the employee handbook you have a link out to the vacation policy time off policy you have a link out to um you know behavior policies dress code that sort of thing you can put these links right here so that people can have access to the specific documents that they're looking for right off the bat so republish this you've got a basic wiki right here you can um so you can sort it by you know department so descending sorted by expiration if you want to search for something you can just search for something up here in the search bar so we'll look for vacation policy so it'll show up right there yep vacation policy you can search for it'll open the page you're good to go now what we're going to want to do is we're going to take this we're going to copy this and we're going to go back to our home page because if you're wanting to integrate this into your intern on internet what you want to do is ask your site owner just go into here click right here called um link so yep there we go team site bravo um wiki bravo save that and it should update the page you click on that it takes your team with you browsing um now you can do this you can have a wiki set up for all of your departments um for so individual ones for individual departments or you can do multiple ones for or you can just have one central one and organize that so that's how you build a basic wiki within sharepoint online so we're going to exit out of here and go back to here make sure that we are sharing the right screen yeah we are okay so with that said we're gonna move on to some tips that you can use for building a sharepoint wiki um first of all pay attention to content hierarchy um this is something that i have been alluding to but it's essentially make sure that everything is organized and make sure that everything is organized in a way that people can understand so don't just throw content into the wiki without having that metadata in place which kind of goes which crosses over with making sure that you're using effective categories and tags but essentially with content hierarchy the way we really recommend doing it is if you're going to have one singular wiki for um all of your through your whole company as opposed to multiple department wikis make sure you're organizing it the way that we showed you um that we showed you earlier in the example where people can just where there's different views for different departments people click to those and then they can see all the documents for those departments um generally keep the hierarchy simple that way people don't have to navigate through too much of it however we really really recommend using individual wikis for individual departments that way you can organize things not just by department but by um you know what topic it is when it expires you know what needs to be reviewed and what doesn't need to be reviewed that sort of thing um in terms of effective categories and tags don't let people create new metadata once you've established a metadata scheme once you've built what you're looking for um once you know what tags you're using don't let people create new ones otherwise you end up with a situation where everything is spread out across multiple things no one knows how to look for anything and it's a mess um and you're and at that point in time you either have to delete everything and start over or restore everything back to the way it was before people started messing with it um one thing that we really recommend is cleaning uh all i want to do is remove those charges there because every time i mean i have this uh i have had a stop and i called to remove something and then i make a change they never remove the charges so i just want to remove that from there and after that i'll see if i can if i make anything um can you make sure to hold that question until the very end um so that we can make sure that we are that so we can finish up the presentation um but christian i will get back to you on that um so in terms of effective categories and tasks um well uh third can i ask that you i don't really want to make any changes because uh to put that internet there it was really like uh like a month of people going there not going there canceling the appointment so i just want to remove the extra charges okay okay we are going up sorry about that anyway um so what uh so okay we've dealt with that thank you guys very much for the tips um so anyway back to effective categories and tagging so basically just make sure that you have a scheme planned out ahead of time so that everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing because otherwise like i said it's going to be a mess uh use cross-linking big one uh sharepoint allows you you to use hyperlinks i don't know if you know what those are i'm going to explain them this that we all have the same definitions so basically um when you um so sometimes when you go to a website you'll see a link that is blue and has an underline what that is is that is a hyperlink it's text that has a link um embedded into it or attached to it whatever really helps you conceptualize that um wikipedia uses these a lot like i was saying earlier with the content guides where you're going from site to site page to page page um for example if you have a if you have a page that's talking exclusively about um hr form 1-723 um what you can do so that people have context is that you can just attach a link to uh hyperlink to that form so you know anytime you have mentioned of hr form 1-723 there's a link someone clicks to it it opens up the page that actually has hr policy you know 1-723 pretty simple it allows you to have that site unity so you're not having to have multiple i mean you're going to have multiple tabs open but you're not going to have to go searching through and looking through and you know going through a whole wiki page being confused about what's going on oh that is the wrong thing sorry about that um build a table of contents that's a big one just make sure everything is so that when people log into the site they can see okay this is what i'm supposed to be looking at it doesn't have to be a full table of contents one thing that i was talking about with the quick links just having those can be super important because it tells people where they need to be going you can even do quick links out to if you're so if you're doing an entire company-wide wiki it can be quick links out to specific departments and then organized from there or you can do if it's department-wide quick links out to specific topics and then going from there really simple really easy allows people to know what where they should be going it guides them finally use search optimization um it's not just something for marketing so um if you're not aware of what search engine optimization is is it's a lot of practices and techniques that are used to make google bring up your content first um you know and it does rankings and everything well sharepoint allows you to do something simple similar however you don't have to do as much basically use um when you're writing a page and you're making sure that you want to be search optimized just make sure you use a specific keyword over and over again so again going back to hr form 1-723 um if it's the form related back to that um so if it's the actual page for that make sure you include enough mentions of that so that it pings to sharepoint this is the important part of the page this is the keyword this is what you should be focused on okay uh someone goes to search for that form that's gonna be the first page that shows up um also if you use heading hierarchy so heading one heading two heading three and if you just have heading one hr form 1-723 that will also indicate to sharepoint that this is the that's the important part and that's what should come up when people are looking for hr form 1-723 so with that said um we're at the question and answer portion um so looking through chat um we have nothing in the chat however does anyone have any questions within the audience please note that if i cannot answer it now i will make sure to get your name down so i can email you the response to the question after the webinar after i researched it all right um so if no one has any questions i'd like to thank you all for coming out today um if you are interested in learning more about sharepoint um wiki sites if you're interested in learning about specifically doc internet and what we can do for you feel free to schedule a free demo with dr365 our phone number is 904.309.9970 um if you want to learn more our email address is info if you have any questions for me personally my email is q russell um i'd love to have a conversation with you anyone at our company would love to have a conversation with you about sharepoint internet and what we can do for you um if there are no final questions i think that's everything for today um wait there's a um link to earlier presentation yes um so this is um so we are going to be doing multiple sharepoint basic series this is going to be an ongoing series i will um paula i will make sure to email you the link to the previous installment in our series on web parts um what we're going to be doing um yes and latrice i will also make sure to send that to you um and again if you would like to also get a link to that feel free to email me again my email is q russell that's q r u s s e l l i uh paulo retries i will make sure to send you the link to the webinar and if that's everything um i'd like to thank you all for coming out i'm clinton russell uh this has been mydoctor65 uh renee i will make sure to send that to you too um again this has been clinton with my doc365 thank you very much and have a great day [Music] foreign
Channel: Dock 365
Views: 2,917
Rating: 3.0689654 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint intranet, Dock365, collaboration software, sharepoint, Office 365, SharePoint, Human Resource System, Learning Management system, LMS, Employee onboarding
Id: YXmGQrA7pks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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