SharePoint Online Advanced

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welcome to sharepoint online end-user advanced this class is for anyone looking to take full advantage of all the tools that your point has to offer you will learn how to create lists surveys and wiki pages also covered will be connecting sharepoint to your office applications like Outlook if you wish to further your training we offer live public classes well we can bring the training to you with a private class visit learn it comm for more details remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments in this module we're going to talk about finding and sharing information so this is all the different tools that are available to help us manage the final pillar that we've talked about in SharePoint finding content so we'll talk about a couple of different things right out of the gate we'll talk about setting and managing alerts on both lists and libraries making sure that if somebody does touch a list or a library that you're the first to know we'll talk about using site and list search so you can either find content across an entire array of lists in libraries or content that's specific to just one particular app we'll talk about advanced search because not all searches are created equally we can definitely make sure that we hone in on specific content especially if you're drilling through thousands of files we'll talk about search alerts the search results that you see at one given moment might not be the search results that you'll see the next day so making sure that you're notified anytime something meets a certain search criteria and being alerted of it is a pretty powerful tool we'll talk about using discussion boards and surveys and finally we'll talk about navigating through wiki pages making sure that you're familiar with what they are and what they look like so let's go ahead and get started because SharePoint is such a collaborative platform there's a ton of different things happening all the time so it can be hard to know where to look for the latest updates instead of tying yourself to a specific list or library and watching it like a hawk for the latest updates instead what you can do is you can set alerts that will notify you when changes have taken place I'll show you how to do that here in a library to set an alert first things first either in a modern Lister library you'll click the ellipses on the far right-hand side you should see the option alert me once you've chosen alert me it asks for a couple of things right out of the gate and two asking for an alert title this is particularly useful when it comes to making sure that if you don't need an alert you know which one you're turning off so be sure to give it a good descriptive name I tend to use the name of the list or library in the alert title but of course you can call it whatever you want if you're a site owner or administrator you can actually designate additional people to send alerts to however if you're just an average end-user here in a SharePoint environment you're only going to be able to send alerts to yourself so keep in mind this field may or may not be editable the delivery method dozen imir eight two different options email and text message however it's important to note that most organizations don't support text messages out of the box so there's a good chance you'll be stuck with just email from there you get to designate the change type when should they send you alerts when any change takes place only when new files are uploaded only when existing files are edited or how about when items are just deleted in each of these instances you can say only send me emails for that if you do choose existing items are modified or all changes from there you'll also get to specify whether it's when anything changes when someone else changes a document that you uploaded or when someone else changes a document that you were the last person to modify once you've specified whether or not you want to be alerted to specific changes or all changes you'll get to designate when you receive these alerts keep in mind a high traffic library can have as many as a hundred edits a day so sending a notification immediately might be a little bit messy and a very distracting so note that you can also send a daily summary if you choose to send a daily summary it'll roll up all the changes into a single email and you get to designate what time that email will come in but if these changes aren't urgent or you don't necessarily have time in a day to normally review them but you can set aside once a week in order to do so you can choose to send a weekly summary update will designate the day and the time once you've specified all that click OK and just like that an alert has been set on this library you'll even get an email notifying you that you've successfully created an alert to modify an alert at any time simply click on that same ellipses and select manage my alerts there it is this will show you all alerts that are available on your entire site so not just for this specific library so if you forget that you created alerts this view will help you to see where those alerts are and whether or not you still need them go ahead and pause the video and try this for yourself just as a reminder to create an alert on either a list or a library simply go to the top portion of the screen and click the ellipses and choose alert me we'll see you after the break not all your lists and libraries will have that new modern interface so it's important to know how to set alerts in the classic interfaces welfare lists and libraries you'll know it's the classic interface because you'll have access to the ribbon at the top portion of the screen the ribbon will indicate the classic style of Lister library to set an alert on either a list or a library simply go up to the tab that says list or library it might not always say list or library but it will always be the third tab from the left-hand side look for the button that says alert me and give it a click it should say either set alert on this list or set an alert on this library whichever one it says depending on either the list or the library that you're in give it a click you'll notice that these are the same fields it's asking for that it asked for in the modern interface so nothing changes here simply the manner in which we get to turning on this alert and likewise to modify alerts after the fact simply click on alert me again and select manage my alerts so to recap not all apps either lists or libraries will have that new modern interface so to set alerts on the entire app simply go to the list or library tab select alert me and choose set alerts on this list or library go ahead and pause the video find a classic list or library and give it a shot we'll see after the break not all SharePoint sites are created equally so it's important to keep in mind that you'll have to be able to find content even if you don't know where to look so let's talk a little bit about search to use search on a site-wide scale visit any page and look to the top right corner and you'll find search you'll notice that in my instance it says search this site of course if I click the drop down arrow to the right I can expand or contract it to either just conversations search for just people search for everything or back to the site again we'll go ahead and try just this site to start and I'll search for coffee now one of the cool parts about search here is that it doesn't just search the name of files it also searches items in a list it also searches as we're seeing here text in a file you'll notice the word coffee doesn't appear anywhere inside the name and it definitely doesn't appear anywhere inside the URL what it's actually done is it's identified the word coffee inside this Excel spreadsheet pretty cool if you hover over an item and search it'll actually give you a real-time preview of that file you can even choose to click view library and it will take you directly to that document library that contains that file let's try searching for just the word shun you'll notice this time it shows a ton of files so not only am I seeing Excel spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations I'm also seeing PDFs now on the left hand side you'll notice that I can sort and filter based on result type so if I only want to look at let's say PDFs for example I can click on PDF and likewise if I want to filter by who uploaded it I can choose from here as well and finally I can even modify based on the date so if I want to see when's the last time someone touched this file I can see that it's somewhere between one week ago and today so now I'm only seeing files within this window as opposed to seeing something from three years ago for example go ahead and try search for yourself remember simply from a page use the top right corner search box type your search result choose your scope and click the magnifying glass or press Enter keep in mind that you can filter your results once you've run the search go ahead and try that for yourself should you choose to expand your search to not just this site but everything meaning all sites you have access to across an entire SharePoint implementation you should note that down at the bottom you'll have access to something called advanced search by clicking on advanced search this will allow you to get a little bit more granular with how you drill down keep in mind you may not see advanced search if you're searching just one site so you may need to expand to everything from here you get to specify as a general hodgepodge what words are you searching for what phrases what words don't you want to see beyond that you can narrow the scope even further to just specific files you can even go even further and modify it based on metadata there's a lot of different variables here that you have access to and keep in mind that Microsoft does provide additional search tips if you feel like this isn't quite enough so there are a ton of tools at your disposal that allow you to drill down even further with regards to search but it all starts from knowing where to go so to recap I'm gonna go ahead and click back to just a standard search in this case here I'll go ahead and search based on me LT 0 2 and from there I'm going to expand the scope to everything keep in mind that searching everything does take you out of that particular site and into what's called the search center now if I scroll down Advanced Search so keep in mind once again if you don't see advanced search down at the bottom try expanding your scope to everything and scrolling down to the bottom go ahead and give that a shot pause the video and we'll see you right back where we left off being able to search is without a doubt one of the coolest features that's available in SharePoint but the results you're looking for might not instantly be available in fact you might be ahead of the curve you might be searching for something that hasn't been added to SharePoint yet but you might want to be notified when it is added to SharePoint on those instances what we can do is when you run a search say for yourself you can actually set an alert starting at the bottom of the screen here so to set an alert for search simply run a search and then select alert me the search alert looks a lot like a list or library alert that said once again make sure that you're giving these alert titles good descriptive names you'll notice that microsoft recommends using the word search preceding the actual name of the search from there you'll see that all alerts will be sent to your email do you want to receive alerts only when new items are added to the search results or how about when existing items are changed or perhaps when there are any changes from there you'll get to specify do you receive a daily summary or do you receive a summary once a week however you choose to be alerted simply click OK and just like that any new items in this example that are added to the search result that meet the criteria of lt0 - and thus appear in search I'll be notified pretty cool now be careful not to create too many alerts otherwise you'll inevitably be inundated with all these different notifications but nonetheless keep in mind that this can be a great way to stay ahead of things if announcements happen in other parts of the site that you're not normally at not only can you search on a site-wide scale and on a SharePoint implementation wide scale you can also search on an individual list in library level so I'm currently inside of a document library to run a search in a library or a list for that matter using the modern interface simply navigate to that list in library and click search up in the top left hand corner type the word you're searching for like sales and check it out it actually runs a search in real time without having to press the Enter key so it'll show you those results without you having to go and see all of them all at once now if you'd prefer a little bit more of a standard search view you can easily press the Enter key and you'll see that it shows us all the search results here as well so you're not limited to just this specific view you can also expand the search to all of SharePoint if you feel like you're not seeing what you need to see so that's searching in the modern interface but it's important to note that you can also search individually inside the classic styles of lists and libraries as well so let's say for the sake of argument I'm inside the central tasks list here in the classic view of lists and libraries instead of search being in the top left corner you'll find it towards the middle of the screen and it will say either find a file or find an item so I'll go ahead and click inside that box and I'll type my search result and I'll press ENTER nope no luck there I'll go ahead and search the word meeting and there you go so you'll see here I was able to identify that task name using the search word meeting while the interface does look a little bit different in the classic versus the modern it is still at its core the same search go ahead and pause the video and try search inside an individual list and library for maximum comfort we highly recommend trying it in both the classic and the modern view of lists and libraries remember the Classic View has the ribbon tab the modern view does not have the ribbon tab and is generally a little bit more flat we'll see you after the break discussion boards are an essential part of the SharePoint platform it allows tons of users to come together into a central location to ask questions to start discussions and to have those users then respond and answer those questions it also allows the individuals who start these subjects who start these questions to designate their preferred answer so that when other people have that question or would like to find out more information about a subject they don't have to scroll through all the different answers that were given they can see which one the person who asked decided was the most helpful so I'm currently inside a discussion board which I'd like to add is a type of list if for no other reason then when I click on new discussion to add a new subject take a look at how it's receiving its information I'm typing the information I'm giving the data directly to SharePoint therefore it's a list now if I had uploaded a file and that had been the primary means through which I gave this information then this would have been a library so I'm currently in a list and I'm gonna go ahead and ask a quick question we'll say I'd like to ask how do I suggest a new project I can't seem to figure out who to talk to or where to go I'll go ahead and Mark that I'm asking a question and I'll go ahead and click Save and just like that you'll see my discussion has now been posted it's available for anybody who has edit access to the SharePoint site to answer this question if they should so choose so let's go ahead and see if anybody's answered my question so I went ahead and clicked on my question I can see sure enough I've already got a couple of answers cool you should reach out to our head of project development Jessica she's usually at her desk in the morning for walkins show up prepared and good luck I've also got another answer smoke signals and carrier pigeons now clearly one of these is the more articulate and helpful answer now of course I can reply and say great tip Thanks I can go ahead and reply again and say do you recommend a particular breed of pigeon so regardless of how you decide to tackle this here I think we can all agree that in this particular instance lt0 four gave us the best answer as the person who asked the question I can actually mark this as the best reply by clicking on the ellipses to the right of the answer and selecting best reply so you'll notice now that that's been pinned to the top portion of the screen now anybody who clicks on that link how do I suggest a new project will see that I designated this as the best reply discussion boards are a great way to bring people together in a way that is highly collaborative but also allows us to lean on each other in ways that we otherwise might not do so go ahead and find a discussion board if there isn't already a discussion board make one be a part of the conversation it's a great tool sharepoint surveys are a great way to gather feedback from a lot of people all at once because most people already know at least in some respect how to navigate through sharepoint we can use it in order to answer some simple questions and get a good graphical summary of what those responses are to submit a survey simply click on the respond to the survey link when you're inside a survey premier it'll ask you whatever questions were made available I like showing up at 8 a.m. not too much but I do enjoy the options that are at the cafe and I'll click Next if I could change one thing about this job it would be more bagels how happy are you will save fives on both counts and I'll click finish now that they've responded to that survey down at the bottom I can see the number of responses now keep in mind that unless you're the one that created the survey you're not going to be able to see a lot of information about this but if you're a site admin or site owner you'll be able to drill down up to and including showing all responses now surveys can be created either to not record who submitted it or to record who submitted it if you're not sure which one you're in when you click on respond to the survey when you're submitting a field you should actually see down towards the bottom that the by is start out indicating that this is an anonymous survey now generally those surveys will communicate that to you but that's also a great indicator to identify there if you see the three asterisks that indicates that you're submitting an anonymous survey that said if you do have access to the graphical summary you'll see a link down at the bottom on the main screen simply click on show a graphical summary responses and you'll see a step-by-step breakdown of all the questions that were answered so I can see that a majority of people enjoy the options at the cafe but it's a 50/50 split on who likes showing up at 8 a.m. I can see any of the text-based answers that were given I can even the spread from one to five on each of these questions that were answered using the radio buttons so this can be a great way to collect some simple information and make decisions based on it if you'd like you can also click show all responses and this will show you a list of all surveys once again I'd like to make note you'll notice that everything is start out keep in mind I'm a site owner if I was able to see it I would be able to see it here so that's a quick introduction into surveys surveys again are an incredibly valuable source of collecting information but only if they're used effectively and that means knowing how to use them our final section will be talking about integrating SharePoint and office 365 we'll be talking about adding documents via office 365 Web Apps like Word Excel PowerPoint and OneNote online we'll also talk about working with existing files in Web Apps making sure that you're familiarized with how we can use these online web-based versions of these applications to make quick on-the-fly changes we'll talk about a second kind of survey available through onedrive for business with a new modern interface that integrates directly with Excel and finally we'll talk about managing your about me and how to follow documents let's go ahead and get started with office 365 and sharepoint online increasingly we're starting to see that all of Microsoft's tools are feeding into each other meaning that building content in one area of office 365 is easily moved to another so we saw that when we were in a document library it was really easy for us to say I'd like to create a new file by clicking on new and creating a word excel powerpoint or OneNote document but of course if I click on the little waffle icon up here in the top left hand corner many organizations now make available directly the word application Excel PowerPoint and OneNote online versions of these apps so you can also create Word documents Excel spreadsheets presentations in OneNote notebooks here so let's say I want to create a new word document instead of clicking on new word document especially if I don't know that that's the actual document library I want to store that file in but I want to get started on the file I can click on the waffle icon and go to word and just start working on that file just as if I would if I were going to be creating that file on my computer so I'll go ahead and create a blank document bear in mind it looks a lot like Microsoft Word but an important distinction we're actually in word online hence the URL field up at the top portion of the screen and the fact that it says word online so I'm gonna go ahead and populate a little bit of gibberish text here there we go hopefully some of you speak some Latin I'll go ahead and call this the follow-up report now of course if you've seen our previous videos on word online you know that there is no save button all changes are saved instantly the real question however is where is it saving I never told it to save anywhere I just said make a new document now of course when you create a new document on the desktop you can wait until the very last moment to decide where to save but when you're working online there are a ton of variable conditions that can ruin a file you're working on like losing your Wi-Fi connection so when you create a new document but you haven't specified where to save it Microsoft defaults to your onedrive if you'll remember the top left hand corner will always take you back to where a file was saved so I'm gonna go out and give it a title real quick and we'll call this the sure enough the follow-up report and I'm going to go ahead and click to go into my onedrive now of course you could have also clicked on the waffle icon up here in the top left hand corner and clicked on onedrive that would have taken you to the same place but there it is there's that follow-up report now this isn't a onedrive series but it's important to note that onedrive is your personal workspace any new files that you create or upload here are for your use and your use only until you share them hence the fact that it says only you but now I've created this file and I've decided that I actually do want other people to have access to it in SharePoint so you might be under the assumption that you have to download this file and then re-upload it into SharePoint it couldn't be farther from the truth instead simply select the file or files that you'd like to move to SharePoint and then select copy to either using the top toolbar at the top portion of the screen or by right-clicking on the file and selecting copy to from here you'll actually see a list of any SharePoint sites you have access to in this case here we've been working in project central so I'll click on project central from here it actually lets me choose which folder I'd like to drop it into in the only library that currently exists in project central in this case I'd like to go ahead and drop it into the q4 folder so I'll go ahead and click copy here and just like that it's been moved over now keep in mind you can't use move to move to only allows you to move within your onedrive copy - on the other hand does let you make duplicates of a file and ship them over to SharePoint so now if I were to use my quick navigation here on the left hand side to jump back into project Central's SharePoint site you'll notice that it's actually giving me that document library right out of the gate of course I could also just go back to project central using the tab if I were to jump back into central documents now hmm where did I store it that's right q4 and sure enough there it is ready for me to rock and roll so creating a file doesn't have to mean that you know exactly where it's going to be just yet you can use the waffle icon here in the top left hand corner to create new Word documents Excel spreadsheets PowerPoint presentations and OneNote notebooks they'll save in your onedrive meaning that only you have access to them until you're ready to ship at which point we'll use the copy to feature in onedrive to designate which SharePoint site we put it in and which document library into an even more granular degree which folder go ahead and pause the video and try that for yourself we clicked on the waffle icon we created a new file we navigated to onedrive and we moved it to our SharePoint site library we'll see you after the break when we talking about working with files in SharePoint it's important to note that we have access to a litany of tools in order to make those changes when we think about working in Excel we often think about opening the Start menu and searching for the Excel application but it's important note that when we're making quick iterative changes to a file in SharePoint we're not necessarily limited to just the desktop application and in fact if there are small changes it might not be worth the process of going and opening that desktop app so instead we'd like to talk about how we can edit files that are in SharePoint using the given web apps made available here in office 365 to edit a file bear in mind that you can edit any text-based file as well as spreadsheets presentations and OneNote notebooks through SharePoint to edit a file simply find the file you'd like to edit and then right-click you'll see the option to open now of course you know you can edit using the desktop application Excel but you'll also the option to open in Excel online keep in mind you don't have to right-click either you can also just hover over that file and click the ellipses to the right and you'll get the same options there as well you can also select the file using the check mark on the left-hand side and select open to get the exact same options there as well you can also simply click on the name of the file which will open it up in a separate tab at which point you can then click edit workbook up here in the top right corner and once again choose from those options as well no matter how you choose to edit this file in this example we're gonna go ahead and choose to open online meaning we're gonna use the office 365 web apps made available here for Excel and just like that it's opened up Excel using the online web app so I'm going to go ahead and make a couple of changes here there we go so I've made some wild and crazy changes here now of course bear in mind that what we're dealing with here is an online version of this file hence the name Excel online up at the top portion of the screen and as a quick reminder when editing online there is no Save button simply make the changes that you'd like and when you're done either click the name of the site you were previously in or close the tab and just like that we've made changes to that file it was that easy let's try it with one more let's say I'd like to edit the post meeting follow-up file so I'm going to go ahead and right click on this file and choose open and open and word online once again it's opened using the web-based version of Microsoft Word now at any point I can choose to work in the desktop version of an application by using the edit in word or edit in Excel or edit in PowerPoint button in my instance I'll go ahead and rename a few things maybe I'll say this is a less important non collaborative title I'll go ahead and spice this up a little bit make it read now of course is a quick reminder one last time any changes that you make are saved automatically and when you're done simply click on the name of the site or close the tab in order to leave the file so I jump back and there's that file that I just worked on that was the file but I just changed the view back to flat view if you're not sure what flat view is feel free to revert back to our custom non folder view video that we recorded previously in this session pretty cool so a ton of tools at our disposal so that we can edit no matter what computer we're on now a lot of people see the web app and they go when would I ever use that keep in mind that if you have your desktop application and you prefer to use those go for it by all means continue to use the desktop app but if you're on the go you're traveling you're not on your computer there are going to be instances where you might need to be able to use Word or Excel or PowerPoint and not have access to it on the machine you're on and so we have the web apps go ahead and try creating or editing a file using the word excel powerpoint or OneNote Web Apps will see after the break surveys are great but if you're not a site owner or a site admin they can feel a little limiting in terms of what options and settings you have available to you so Microsoft has created another solution with regards to surveys that you have access to utilizing onedrive for business I keep in mind if your organization doesn't support onedrive for business currently you're not going to be able to use this feature but for those of you do come along so first things first we're not gonna be in SharePoint for this I'm actually gonna go ahead and click on the little Omni button or waffle icon up here in the top left portion of the screen and I'll go ahead and navigate to onedrive here in one drive you'll notice that the interface is very very similar to a SharePoint document library and that's actually deliberate onedrive is foundationally based in SharePoint but that's a class for another time instead I'm currently in onedrive I'm going to go ahead and click on the new drop-down up at the top portion of the screen of course you'll see the same options we saw in other instances in a document library create a new folder or a document spreadsheet presentation OneNote notebook and here we go an Excel survey so a survey that is foundationally built on top of Excel but allows us to ask questions like a survey so I'm gonna go ahead and click on Excel survey and I'll go ahead and call this the lunch survey and I'll click create when you first create this survey you're gonna get a wizard that pops up that looks something like this where it asks for a title what's for lunch enter your description here choose what's for lunch we'll go ahead and populate our first question here now when you click on the box that says enter your first question here you'll notice that a little window pops up to the top right this can be hidden and revealed using the gear that appears in each of these segments so I'll go ahead and populate my first question as do you have any allergies this can help us know if I spelled that right avoid ordering something that could hurt now when you're positing a question like this it's important to determine what your response type will be if you want users to be able to type anything into that field then you leave it as text or paragraph text text of courses for those one-line answers paragraph is when we're asking for multi-line you can ask for just a number a date/time specific a checkbox check yes for now or that check for yes uncheck for now I can even provide a drop-down choice list keep in mind that if you're trying to create graphs and charts it's highly recommended that you limit the types of input that a user can give but if you're trying to create a survey that collects any possible answer then of course you'll use your text fields in this instance I'm gonna go ahead and say yes or no so if they have an allergy they'll say yes and if they doubt them they'll leave it set as know and we'll go ahead and require that and I'll click done so there's our first question we'll go ahead and pause the video here to create a survey once again remember you're gonna click on the omni button in the top left hand corner you're gonna go to onedrive you're gonna select new and Excel survey and finally you're going to populate a title subtitle and your very first question we'll see you after the break welcome back so we've already populated our first question I'm going to go ahead and add one more question this case I'll make the question a choice response it'll say which would you prefer choose your will go ahead and require this and we'll say veggie sandwich barbecue burgers or stir-fry I'll go ahead and leave no default answer and I'll go ahead and click done so there you go when you're done with your surveying what you'd like to do is probably save and view it to make sure that it looks exactly the way you want it to look so I'll go ahead and click on save and view and this is what the survey will actually look like so I can actually populate yes or no for allergies what would I prefer I might choose barbecue and finally someone will click Submit now in the event that the survey doesn't look exactly the way you want it to you can always click Edit survey and go back and add more questions but when you're ready go ahead and click share survey when you share a onedrive for business survey it's going to allow you to share it via this link now keep in mind it's going to be sharing out of your onedrive so anybody that submits an answer to this question it's going to be populated in the Excel spreadsheet you see behind us so you'll notice that as people who have been given this link start to fill out this survey I'm actually getting those answers populated in real time pretty cool and of course bear in mind that this entire file is being saved in your onedrive for business in this case here it's important to remember what you named it in this case I named mine lunch simply clicking on that link will open up Excel online and allow me to see what answers I've already received that said if I need to make changes to the survey like adding a question or editing an existing I'll need to click Edit workbook and edit in the browser don't try to add any columns here and definitely don't try to change anything here in the actual spreadsheet instead here in the Home tab take a look and find the survey drop down you see the survey isn't this and you certainly don't want to share this excel spreadsheet instead you're going to click the survey drop down and you'll get your link again through shared survey or if you want to edit the survey you'll click Edit survey and from there you'll be able to populate or edit any existing questions so once again is a quick reminder don't share this file instead share the link that's given to you when you click share survey if you share the actual file everybody's going to be able to see all the answers and that's not a very user friendly experience instead share the link they will see this they won't see the spreadsheet behind it and everybody leaves happy as an added bonus because this data is in Excel it's incredibly easy for us to then build charts or build pivot tables that analyze this data and give us the best answer for the best questions go ahead and pause the video add any additional questions you'd like and then share the link with someone you know check out and see what the end results look like and if you'd like go to the home tab and edit the survey again just to see how it works this brings us to our final section about me now it's important to note that about me is a centralized insight point into who you are within an organization and you can customize quite a bit about it however it's important to note beyond that that your about me has nothing to do with any one particular SharePoint site it's about who you are within all of sharepoint across all sites across all projects across all departments so keep that in mind as you're customizing that it's not site-specific to access your about me simply turn your eyes to the top right corner of the screen and identify your name you may even see your picture although if you don't see your picture you should note that we can customize that through about me once you've clicked on your name select about me now when you do click on about me it is taking you away from that SharePoint site that we were currently in so it's important to note that changes we see here have no bearing whatsoever on those sites it's here that you'll see a ton of useful information including your name your upcoming schedule and you can even see the ability to update your profile pretty cool so I'm gonna go ahead and click on update profile and it's here you'll see that we have the option to customize information about how people can contact you information about you you can even add information about projects you're currently working on your skills and expertise even your interests and hobbies no matter how you choose to populate this information it's important to note that we can use this to add additional insight into if people are looking for you what is it that you bring to the table particularly valuable in larger scale organizations beyond that it's also here that you can customize your photo this is the same photo that appears in Skype for business and outlook do keep in mind that if you change it here it does take up to a day or two for that photo to propagate across the entire system and not all organizations allow you to change your photo you can also customize the cover photo so if you're not in love with the sunflower in the background here you do have a few more options at your disposal not only do you have the ability to customize your photo your information and the background you can also see any recent documents you've been working on not only can you see those files you can also choose to favored them or even pin them to a board if you're familiar with Pinterest it works very similar to lead to that that's important note that that dies a little bit farther into delve and for that we'll defer you to the office 365 delve video you'll also notice on the left hand side you can see other people and when you click on them it'll take you to their profile where you can see their information that they've populated and any recent documents that you have been given access to keep in mind you will never see a file here that you don't have permission to access and likewise no one will see any of your files unless you explicitly share with them either through SharePoint or through onedrive for business to favor to file simply click on the little favorite icon you can view all of your favorites and curate them even further utilizing the favorites section here on the left and there you go once again I'd like to remind you that not only do you have the ability to favorite documents but you also have the ability to manage using boards and as one final note with regards to your about me all this information and more can be accessed using the delve mobile apps either on iOS or on Android go ahead and give about me a quick test explore it see what information you'd like to provide and feel free to check out other users profiles to see what information they provide and that brings us to the end of these videos I'd like to thank you so much for spending the time watching these I hope they've been of help my name is Ben Sean bugler keep in mind we're constantly recording new videos so be sure to check back and learn it any time for the latest information on SharePoint power bi excel and so much more we'll see you next time thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit learning comm for more details please remember to Like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music] you
Channel: Learnit Training
Views: 28,819
Rating: 4.9315066 out of 5
Keywords: free Sharepoint Online tutorial, Sharepoint Online intermediate tutorial, Sharepoint Online, learn Sharepoint Online, Sharepoint Online tips and tricks, Sharepoint Online tutorial, Sharepoint Online training, tips and tricks Sharepoint Online, Sharepoint Online how to, free Sharepoint Online training, Sharepoint Online free tutorial, Sharepoint Online tutorial free, free, how to use Sharepoint Online, e learning microsoft 2016, Learnit
Id: UpmD9krpThA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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