How to use Microsoft SharePoint

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hi everyone kevin here today i want to show you how you can use microsoft sharepoint first off what is microsoft sharepoint it's a place you go to work with others and also to stay informed okay but what does that actually mean and what can you do with sharepoint with sharepoint you can set up an intranet site for your team basically a web page for your team and you can customize it without needing to know any coding you can set up a document repository so you can upload a file to your sharepoint site and then everyone on your team will have access to that file you could have shared calendars you could create lists and everyone can contribute to that list and you can also publish news posts to keep your entire team informed it does quite a bit there are two different types of sharepoint sites you have team sites and also communication sites and we'll walk through what some of those differences are all right why don't we jump on the pc and first off let's look at how we can get sharepoint to be able to get sharepoint you need either a work or school microsoft 365 account here i've logged into and over on the left hand side i see all of my app icons right down here i can click on this icon to navigate to sharepoint also up above if i click on the app launcher here too i'll see all of my different apps and i can navigate to sharepoint from here as well i can access the app launcher regardless of where i am in the microsoft 365 ecosystem this drops us on the sharepoint start page and up in the top left hand corner i can create a new site this isn't something that you're going to do all that often but in a moment we'll create a sharepoint site to show you how that works to the right of that i can create a news post if i want to announce something to the organization right here in the center of the page i can see news from all of the different sharepoint sites that i'm a member of this aggregates all of the news across all of the different sites now i'm in the middle of a tutorial so i don't have time to read up on these articles but this one on new benefits looks interesting so i could save this for later and it adds it to my reading list over here on the left hand side this makes for some good nighttime reading you'd be surprised at how much entertaining information is in these different news posts down below i also see all of my frequent sites that i interact with i can navigate back to those sites by clicking on the text right here and down below i can see all of the latest activity from these sites if there's a site that i want to make sure i don't miss out on and that i could easily get back to i can click this star and it'll add it to my following list right underneath the following list i also see all my recent sites just as another easy way to get back to those sites now the marketing team has been asking me for a sharepoint site so they could work better together as a team so let's go ahead and click on create site this opens up a pane on the right hand side and we have a choice to make we can set up either a team site or a communication site what is the difference and why would you use one versus the other well with the team site like the name implies this is where a team comes together to work this is where you'll share files you'll share a calendar you'll work on the same set of tasks with a communication site on the other hand this is what you use to broadcast information out to many an example is maybe a corporate news site or maybe the hr team is publishing out information about benefits that's when you'd want to use a communication site for our marketing team they want to work together as a team so i'll click on team site on the next screen i need to define the details of my new team site at the top i can type in my site name i'm going to call this the kevin cookie company or the kcc marketing team down below i see that it also sets up a group email address for me with a group email address whoever's part of this team site we're going to have a shared inbox a calendar a planner and a onenote that we can all collaborate on i also have a site address so my team can easily navigate to this site down below i need to type in a site description i typed in a quick description under that i can also set the privacy settings at the kevin cookie company we're a very transparent and open organization i'll set the privacy settings to public so anyone can access this sharepoint site for the language i'll just leave it set to english and then click on next next i can add some additional owners for this site i don't have that much time to manage all the nitty gritty details of this new site so i'll add nester on my team to be a co-owner with me i could also add some additional members but for now i'll leave it as is and click on finish this drops me on my brand new sharepoint site for the kevin cookie company marketing team and it really isn't that hard to create a sharepoint site what takes a lot longer is making your sharepoint site look good this is just a bare bones page first i want to orient you to what we see here on the page over on the left hand side i have my navigation up here i could create new types of content and right here is the core of the page i see these different widgets or what sharepoint refers to as web parts i have news quick links and activity and documents now i could add additional ones and i'll show you in a moment how you can do that one of the top uses of sharepoint is to upload files and to share them with your team and i want to share out a publisher flyer that i created with the marketing team to hopefully drive some inspiration to upload a new document or file to sharepoint you can simply drag and drop the file over this has now uploaded my new document to see all of the documents that i have stored on the sharepoint site i can click on see all up here or i could go over on the left hand side and click on documents and i could also click on site contents and here too i could also click into documents there's no shortage of ways to get back to the files that i'm sharing with my team here i see my publisher flyer right here for the marketing team to access to navigate back to the home page i can click on home or i can click on this icon for the marketing team and that'll bring me back to the home page i want to help the marketing team get their creative juices flowing and really brainstorm some great ideas for marketing campaigns for the kevin cookie company i've always found that the best way to brainstorm ideas is to simply create a list let's create some new content within the sharepoint site once again to create new content i'll go up to this new menu let's click on that and i'm going to click on list this opens up a prompt on the right hand side and i'll type in the name marketing ideas i'll leave the description blank for now and i could select whether to show this as part of the insight navigation so i can have it show up here on the left hand side i want the marketing team to have easy access to this so i'll leave that box checked and then click on create this now drops me in a new list and anyone who's part of this sharepoint site can contribute to the list i'll add a few items here to get things started i've started creating my list and i put down some of the marketing ideas that i'm most confident about i know very strongly that airplane banners work very well a super bowl commercial you don't have to say anything else and we've been getting a lot of traffic from youtube tutorial influencers i'm not sure who they are but i know it's working well so we should really double down on that they're also billboards and newspaper ads i'm not sure how well they work but let's see what else the team comes up with i've kicked off the list here and hopefully the team contributes some more great ideas once again i want to return to the home page so here i'll go over to the left-hand navigation and click on home to make it as easy as possible for the marketing team to contribute their ideas to the list i want to show the list right here on the home page of the sharepoint site luckily it's very easy to customize this page up in the top right hand corner i have the option to edit this page let's click on that this opens up the editing interface and i can now add new web parts to my page i could also remove items from my page i can customize what this all looks like i want to add my list to this page so i'll hover over where i want to add it and here i see a plus icon appear let me click on this this opens up a dialog and i can see all the different possible web parts that i can incorporate into this sharepoint site to see things better let's expand this dialog with the dialog expanded you can see that i could insert things as simple as text or images i can insert a map web part and as we go down here i see the list option but i could also insert yammer conversations a twitter feed a planner a power bi dashboard there's a wide variety of web parts that i can insert into my intranet site to customize it for my needs now i want to insert a list so i'll go up to search here and i'll type in list here i see the option for list webpart let's click on this this inserts a new web part onto my sharepoint site and here i could select the list that i want to include as part of this web part i only have one list and it's the one that i just created for marketing ideas let's select this one this pulls in the marketing ideas directly on the marketing team's home page now i would expect that by having this list front and center the marketing team will come up with some fantastic ideas with the holidays coming up lots of people on the marketing team indicated that they're going to be taking some time off and i'm definitely supportive of that so i want to add some type of form where people can enter their name and also the dates for when they're going to take time off for this i'll insert another web part here again i can hover over where i want to insert it and i see the plus icon again so i'll click on this here i want to insert a form so i'll type in form and i see an option for microsoft forms let's click on this here i have the option of creating a new form or adding an existing form i don't yet have this form so i'll click on new form for this form i'll type in a quick name this will be our vacation tracker next let's click on create this opens up microsoft forms where i could type in the details of my forum i'll quickly create a tracker i've entered three questions i want the person's name when does your vacation start and also when does your vacation end my form is now all set so i'll go back to sharepoint and i can set it to collect responses and show the form results i want it set to collect responses next i'll click on ok this now brings my form directly onto my sharepoint homepage as you can see you can bring in all sorts of different content leveraging web parts on sharepoint i've now started adding a little bit of content to my sharepoint site and it's really starting to take shape i can also reorganize things if maybe i want something in a different position here i have our documents at the very bottom and i think people might miss it i could simply click on this web part and i could drag it wherever i want it on the page i'll put it above this vacation tracker so maybe people won't be as likely to take vacation we don't have that much staff at the company so i want people working hard i know maybe not the best management move but we're really trying to grow this company now that i've made changes and i've added a few new web parts i'm feeling pretty good about this page once i'm all done with my edits i can click on republish up here and all my changes will now be available to our marketing team to access here now i see the new marketing team sharepoint site and i see all of my changes have taken effect the kevin cookie company is a fast growing organization and we're hiring a lot of people on our marketing team i mentioned before that we're somewhat short-staffed as we bring new members on board up here in the top right hand corner i can click on members and i can add additional people to this sharepoint site right now i have me and nestor down as owners but i can add other people as members if they aren't going to have right access but for now i'm okay just leaving the two of us but good to know in case i need to add people in the future i'm really trying to help our marketing team become a really high performing team and i've heard a lot of good things about microsoft teams helping with real time communication and collaboration down here in the left hand corner i can create a team based on this sharepoint site let's try doing that and let's click on create a team it's now successfully created a team let's click on this link to navigate to the new microsoft team this now creates a new team in microsoft teams for the marketing team and i have a general channel if i want to make it easy for the marketing team to get back to our sharepoint site up here on the top tab bar i can click on this plus icon and i can type in sharepoint i can add a new sharepoint page when i click on add here i see the new home page that i just created for the marketing team i'll select that and then click on save this adds our new sharepoint home page for the marketing team directly into microsoft teams and here you can see all of the content including our list the documents and the vacation tracker that i just customized and it's all easily accessible right here if i really want to drive home the usage of this marketing ideas list i can also add the list directly to the top tab bar here within microsoft teams once again let's click on the plus icon and let's click on sharepoint this again opens up the sharepoint dialog but instead of adding a page i can add a list let's click on lists here i see my marketing ideas list i'll click on this and then save it now the marketing team might be annoyed by this because i'm really pushing this list but i think this is the best way to generate some rich ideas the integration between microsoft teams and sharepoint runs deep when i click on files within the general channel this shows me all of the files that have been uploaded on this channel i'm going to upload the kevin cookie company template and i'm uploading this in teams but it's not actually stored in teams it gets stored in sharepoint i've now finished uploading the file and you see it appear here within the file view of the general channel when i jump back to my sharepoint site remember how earlier we saw our documents by clicking on documents on the left hand navigation when i click on documents here i see the original flyer that i uploaded but now i see a new folder for the general channel in teams when i click into this here i can see all of the files that are associated with that channel in microsoft teams they're all stored here in sharepoint i think the marketing team is off to a good start and now i want to shift gears and show you how you can set up a communication site it's very similar to a team site with a few key differences up in the top left hand corner once again let's click on create site this opens up a dialog on the right hand side this time let's click on communication site once again a communication site is for broadcasting out to a large number of people let's click on communication site within communication site i can choose a design and i could also type in a site name when i create a communication site and i type in a site name here it'll give me a site address one of the key differences though is i don't get a group email address we don't have a shared inbox we don't have a shared calendar we're not working together as a team instead i'm publishing out this page for people to consume information so there are a few key differences once you're done selecting all the different options click on finish this now drops me in a new communication site and it's very similar to a team site if i want to edit the look and feel of my communication site just like we did before i can click on this edit icon in the top right hand corner this drops me in edit mode and with the kevin cookie company we're opening a new location in shanghai soon and i want to make sure we include that great news on our communication site within edit mode i can scroll down a little bit and over on the left hand side i see a plus icon or i can hover over to add a new section or a new web part let's click on this next i want to add a countdown timer to the opening of our new location for this i'm going to search for a countdown and here i see a countdown timer web part let's click on that i've now added a timer and i can add a title to my timer once i type in a title i can also type in a description i typed in a description and we're not opening in just 23 hours i would be extremely stressed out if it was coming up that soon to edit the timer over on the left hand side i can edit the web part by clicking on the edit icon let's click on that this opens up a pane on the right hand side and i can choose the date for when the grand opening is occurring let me click on this and select the date on the calendar along with setting the time i can also set a call to action but i don't need that right now so i'll toggle this off i do want to add a background image though so i'll click on add this opens up a dialog where i can choose an image i don't have any images on hand so over on the left hand side i'll select stock images within stock images i'm going to search for shanghai to see what comes up and here are some awesome pictures of the city i really like this one in the middle i'll select that and then insert it i have a few other settings for how i want this image to appear but i think this looks pretty good i'll close out this pane now that we've included a timer i want to make a few other customizations to this page and it's extremely easy to make customizations here i can simply scroll up and click on the section that i want to edit here once again i click on the edit web part icon and this opens up a pane over on the right hand side showing me my different options now right now we're showing a ton of pictures up here and maybe i'll cut it down a little bit so we don't show quite as many i'll just go with four tiles and now that all looks good and i'll close this along with editing individual web parts i can also edit the entire look of a section here over on the left hand side i can click on the edit section icon and right now i have it set to a one column layout i can set it to two columns and here you see that it changes the entire section to two columns i could also set the section background there's lots of customizability to make the communication site look exactly how i want it to appear now that i've set it to two sections i want to add an additional web part in this column and we found out who the youtuber is who's been publishing about the kevin cookie company and we want to show his twitter feed here i'll click on the plus icon and here i can type in twitter to add the twitter web part once i add the twitter web part i can type in the twitter username right up here i can set some other settings here but i'll leave the default for now and here i see the twitter feed appear now every time this guy kevin talks about the kevin cookie company we'll be able to follow his latest video along with being able to go in and modify web parts and also the overall section look and feel i can also change the overall page look and feel up above on the top header there's a settings gear let's click on this within here there's the option to change the look let's click on that within change the look i can modify the theme if i want to go with a different theme i could also change the header right now i'm set to a standard header but let me try compact instead i can also modify the navigation and the footer for now all of the defaults look good but there's no shortage of ways to customize what your sharepoint site looks like along with being able to navigate what the page looks like up here i have the top level navigation i want to add an additional link here i can click on this edit link and i can add in an additional site wherever i want in this lineup i'll click on the bottom and add a link to our youtube influencer kevin once i type in all the details i'll click on ok i now have a new link appearing in this list and when i click on save i'll now see that there's an additional link appearing on top of the page so i truly can customize just about everything once i'm all done making my edits i'll go over on the right hand side and click on republish this will now make the site available to everyone in our organization to see who has access to my site i can go up to the settings gear in the top right hand corner and click on that there's an option for site permissions and when i click on this i can see who the site owners are who the site members are currently everyone in our company has access except for external users and we can also share out the site if we want to drive more people to visit our communication site with the launch of our shanghai location coming up i want to make sure everyone in the company knows about it over on the left hand side i can click on new and let me create a new news post about it this opens up a dialog i'll start with a blank template and then click on create post just like with building out sharepoint sites i can build a news post in a very similar way here i could add different web parts i could add different text different images it's super easy to build your own content let me add some content quickly i've typed in some text for our news article and once i'm ready to publish out i can click up here on post news this now posts the news out to our organization and on the sharepoint home page you can now see the news there and it also distributes it to the sharepoint mobile app and to the home homepage today in this tutorial i showed you a whole bunch of ways of how you can customize your sharepoint homepage to make it look extremely beautiful and amazing however sometimes you need some inspiration there's a website and it shows you a whole bunch of different sharepoint site designs to help inspire you to create something that looks amazing for your organization alright well that was a quick look at how you can get started using sharepoint if you now know how to get started please give this video a thumbs up to see more videos like this in the future hit that subscribe button if you want to see me cover any other topics on this channel leave a comment down below alright well that's all i have for you today i hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 465,417
Rating: 4.9584274 out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, share point, sharepoint, microsoft sharepoint, sharepoint tutorial, how to use sharepoint, ms sharepoint, teams, microsoft teams, team site, communication site, communication, team, webpart, web part, home page, homepage, intranet, documents, document, repository, webparts, web parts, list, lists, countdown, countdown timer, sections, form, publish, web site, website, section, permissions, designs, news post, news, news site, navigation, layout, layouts, members, group, microsoft 365
Id: 5nrxp7lc0so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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