Microsoft SharePoint Online Tutorial - 1 Hour Crash Course

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there is so much more to sharepoint than that so in this webinar we're going to have a quick tour around i'm going to show you some of the cool things that you can do with sharepoint now we are going to start right at the beginning so if you are a beginner when it comes to sharepoint not a problem at all if you are a bit more advanced then i just say hang on a little bit and we will get to some of the more intermediate to advanced stuff so with all that said let's take a look at today's agenda so i'm going to start out by giving you a very brief explanation of exactly what sharepoint is if you're still just a little bit confused and i'm going to do that by showing you an example of a sharepoint site so just a test one that i've created we'll pull it up and we'll take a look we'll go through what the interface looks like and the different navigational items on that page once we've taken a look at that example site we're then going to create our own team site from scratch i'm going to show you how you can do things like add web parts to the home page and something that's super important in sharepoint and that is working with lists and libraries i'm going to show you how you can do things like set up alerts so that if something changes on the site you get a notification and also very importantly how you can export any information that you have within your sharepoint site out to excel we're then going to take a look at how we can customize our pages so how we can do things like add links and customize links create additional web pages and also create sub sites as well so quite a lot to cover now let's just jump out of our powerpoint site and i'm going to pull up the sharepoint site that i'm using as my example and i will say straight off the bat this isn't very well designed i haven't spent a great deal of time designing this so it looks particularly nice but it is functional and you can kind of get an idea as to what sharepoint is all about so what is sharepoint well it is an application there is an online version that we're going to be looking at today and there is also a desktop version and i will say that at some larger companies you'll find that they possibly do use the desktop version but for the most part it is fairly similar to the online application that we're going to use today now you if you have a microsoft 365 subscription then you will have access to sharepoint although i will say that sharepoint isn't available to all subscription packages so if you have a free account or maybe a personal account then you're probably going to find that you don't get sharepoint with those but if you have a business account or maybe an enterprise account then you will and just for reference i'm using a business standard account in microsoft 365. i'll show you in a moment how you can check if you have sharepoint using the subscription that you have so that moves us on nicely to how do you access sharepoint well the beauty of sharepoint because it is online you can see here i have a site it's called sharepoint online training and because it's open in a browser i have a url which is going to take me directly to this particular site so what i could do here is copy and paste the link to this site and just put that in an email or maybe post it to a team's channel so that people can then access the site directly so that's great if you have an existing site that you want to share but what if we want to maybe create a site from scratch or maybe if we just want to have a look at sharepoint where do we begin from well let me close down this tab for one second so what you see now on the screen is i'm just logged in to my microsoft 365 account so go to type in your email address and your password and it's going to take you to your your start screen your home page and this is the hub where you can access all of the different applications within microsoft 365. and if you have a subscription that has access to sharepoint you will find it in this big long list of icons running down the side alternatively you can click the app launcher which is this little series of dots at the top here to open up the menu and you can see this is what you're looking for so if you're curious if you have access to it click the app launcher if you can see sharepoint in there you are good to go so let's click on sharepoint it's going to open sharepoint up in a brand new browser and sorry not in a brand new browser in the same browser and it's going to take me to my start screen so what are we looking at just here well this is basically the hub so every time you create a new sharepoint site you're going to see it in here because it's more than likely going to be listed under your recent sites list and you can see here i have quite a few different sites that i've already created notice that you do have asterixes next to these so you can follow sites so you can follow your own sites if you want to and other sites that you've been given access to so this is a really simple way to quickly jump into any sites that you've created or sites that you're following so what we're going to do here is we're going to jump back into that site we were just looking at and it's this one here the sharepoint online training site i'm going to click the link and it's going to take me back into that page we were on a moment ago so what do we want to use sharepoint for well there are lots of different uses for sharepoint sharepoint essentially allows you to build a site for your team or your department so it might be that you are working on a specific project and you decide to create a sharepoint site house all of the content surrounding that project so we might have documents related to that project we might have tasks lists we might have news items and links that we want to post and we want to keep everything in one place so that the team members who are also working on that project have everything to hand so sharepoint is essentially a one-stop shop for all of your content and that's what we're going to do here is we're going to build out a site from scratch now before we do that a couple of things to draw your attention to when you create a site you create a team site and the team site uses a team site template and as part of that template you're going to get many different things and one of the things you're going to get is this quick launch menu running down the left hand side and you can see here i have quite a few different items in this quick launch menu and that is because i've customized it to suit my needs i've added lots of things into here you'll see in a moment when we create a brand new site i don't have half as many things in this quick launch menu but one of the things you will have as part of the team site template is access to documents so if i click that it's going to jump me across to a document library so i can upload documents in here i can create new documents and store everything related to this particular site or this particular project in here okay so we have access to documents what else can we do in sharepoint well i've set up a few other things in here i have created a training tasks list so in here i can see all of the tasks that need to be done on this specific project i also have access to a team calendar which is showing me all of my upcoming events i've created an issues list so this is just me logging any issues that we're coming across as the project occurs i've got them all logged down there for everyone to see as well and i could carry on going there's lots of different lists libraries and items that you can add in to your sharepoint site you can even add things like team contacts even discussion boards so if you want to have maybe a little discussion board and i think i have one set up in here as well here it is project questions it's only got one discussion going at the moment but i could have something like this so instead of your team exchanging emails to discuss any problems you can post questions and then people can reply to those topics much like you would on any kind of regular message board now those are just a few of the things that you can do in sharepoint we only have an hour we can't cover absolutely everything let's jump back to the home page using our quick launch menu now this home page is also an interesting topic of conversation because this is where you can display different pieces of content and make them accessible to your users and the home page basically consists of numerous different web parts so you can see on this home page i have news which is going to allow me to post things like news items i also have a little quick links area over on the right hand side so if there's any links that are going to be useful to my team i can add them into here so i've got a link back to home i've got a link to google maybe they're always going to google i also have a link to other things within sharepoint so i have a little marketing team subsite we've got a link for it there and i've got a link to a pdf document the branding guide so lots of things we can add underneath i've also got that documents library so we were just looking at documents in the documents area but what i can do is essentially add a web part and populate it with the documents library so i can display them on this home page and then underneath that i have another little area which is showing me all of my recent activity and this entire homepage can be edited you have an edit link just here in the top right hand corner which we're going to do a bit later on you can move web parts around you can add new web parts you can really customize what you're displaying on the home page of your site okay hopefully that all makes sense so far let's just briefly jump back to this quick launch menu again this is entirely customizable if you notice right at the bottom i have a little edit link just here which is going to allow me to edit i can rename these items i can add other links to other things as well so lots of things we can customize on this home page now one thing that you'll notice as we go through is how heavily sharepoint is integrated with other microsoft applications so we have things like links out to outlook in here we can link to teams so when i created this sharepoint team site what it actually does is it also creates for me a group in outlook and also a team in microsoft teams so if i click the teams link in the quick launch menu and just open up my copy of teams take a look right at the bottom here you can see it's automatically created for me a team called sharepoint online training and it's given me a channel and i can start talking to other team members in here so everything is very much integrated so another thing to point out before we get into creating our very first team is that one of the biggest selling points of sharepoint is its permissions it is a permission based application and there are three default groups owners members and visitors so when you're inviting people to your site or adding new members you're going to give them one of those three permission levels and if i click the little cog in the top right hand corner so the cog is basically where you're going to find all of your site settings if i go to site permissions you can see there those are the three different groups site owners site members and site visitors now when you create your own sharepoint site you will automatically be the site owner and you have full control of that site so you can add things you can customize you can delete things you can even delete the entire site if you wanted to although i wouldn't recommend it now most people that you add you're probably going to assign them member permission so this means they can pretty much do most things they just can't do things like delete items and then finally we have site visitors and anybody you assign to this permission level will have read only access to the site so these are your three default permission levels okay so just bear that in mind you'll see just above there we have an invite people link so if i want to add more members to a group i can simply do that from there so that is a very kind of quick run through of the interface that we're looking at and just as a side note if you ever want to get back to that main start screen and maybe jump into a completely different site you have another menu all the way over on the left hand side and if i click the little home icon that's going to take me back to that sharepoint start page i apologize for that police siren in the background we'll just wait a second until that passes [Laughter] there we go i think it's gone now so this is going to take you back to the sharepoint start page and i can then dive into maybe another site that i'm following or another one of my own sites so that's a brief rundown of kind of what you're looking at when you go into sharepoint so let's start doing some stuff let's create our own team site from scratch now i will say when it comes to creating team sites in sharepoint i've seen different organizations do this in different ways so a lot of the time at your organization you'll have a sharepoint administrator so some real geeky person in the it department who is responsible for administering all of the sharepoint sites across the organization and if that is the case they will normally create a team for you at other organizations i've worked at i've seen it where they give permissions to individual teams to create their own like mini intranet team sites for their specific team so you might have one of those two scenarios but it's always good to know how to create a site so let's get on and do that now to do this we need to work from the page that we're on right now and if you take a look at the top we have two links we can create a site or we can create a new news post so we're going to create a brand new site when we come into the create a site page we have two choices we can create a team site or we can create a communication site now we're going to create a team site so let's click this big try not triangle square just there the first thing we need to do here is we need to give our site a name and you can call this whatever you like now i'm going to call this project a what it will do is it will go away and it will verify that this site name is available obviously if you get a little error message underneath here it means that you can't use that site name and you need to choose something else it's going to set up a group email address a site address and you can see underneath what that site address is going to look like so this is basically going to be the direct link to your brand new site you can add a site description i'm not going to just to save a little bit of time and then you can specify if you want this to be a private site so only site members can access the site or public anyone in the organization can access this site now i'm going to keep this as a private site and click on the next button at the bottom now at this stage i can choose if i want to start adding additional owners or additional members so if i'm working on this project project a maybe i have five colleagues that are also working on project a i might want to add them at this stage by simply typing in their email addresses into this ad members area now again i am but one person sitting here doing this so i don't have any colleagues or any friends so i'm going to leave this blank and click on finish now of course if you choose not to add people at this stage you can always add them at a later time once you've created your site so this is what a brand new site looks like out of the box this is the default settings that you get with the team site template so this is your bare bones which we can then go ahead and customize and make it look super fancy so what you'll notice is that in the quick launch menu on the left hand side we have a few items in here notice that in the last site that i was using i had a big long list of stuff because i'd customized it but these are the bare bones menu items that you get so you get access to your documents library conversations will take you to outlook i can go to onenote from here as well so i can create a team notebook i can access my site pages i don't have any yet apart from this home page and recycle bin things like that okay so these are the standard menu items what i could do is if i want to integrate this with microsoft teams you can see underneath it says add real-time chat and i can choose to add microsoft teams so let's do that i'm going to say continue and let's just say add teams that's going to take a couple of seconds to do that and there we go i think it's done yes there we go and now it's refreshed and you can see that now in that quick launch menu there is my link back to microsoft teams so now that we have this bare bones page let's start making it a little bit more interesting so the first thing i'm going to do here is i'm going to customize this i'm going to add a logo so at the top i have project a so this is my team site title and currently i just have a default logo very boring i want to make this a little bit more related to what we're doing so it might be that you have a company logo or a team logo stored off somewhere and you want to add it so how do we do that well we go into our settings now i mentioned this earlier all of our settings you will find underneath the cog icon in the top right hand corner let's click and for this we want to choose this one here change the look of the page let's go in here what do we have we can change the theme or we can change the header well let's do both of these if i click theme i have different color palettes that i can choose from so let's change this to something else i'm going to change this to a purple theme and click on save and what you'll also notice is underneath you do have customize so if you want to further customize these colors you can i'm just going to stick with the default purple theme and i'm going to dive back into change the look and this time we're going to deal with that header area so currently underneath layout this header area i'm showing in compact layout i could choose one of these other three options if i click on minimal it just makes that header area smaller standard is a bit bigger and extended is even bigger so i think i'm going to keep that on standard i can choose if i want a background to that header so currently i don't have one but let's apply a little faded gray background i can choose if i want the site title to be visible which i do and then i can choose if i want to add a site logo so i'm going to say yes i do let's click change and let me remember where i have these stored i think they're in there project a logo it's just a png image file i'm going to click open and then click on save so a very minor customization to the branding of the site so now that i've done that what else can we do here well i can add news posts and you'll see on my home page i have this news section at the top so what are news posts why would these be useful well this is an intranet site for your team so aside from adding or giving them access to things like documents that are related to the project there might also be lots of useful links or news items that you want them to read so maybe you come across an article that you think might be of interest to your team you can post that on your sharepoint site so let me just grab something super random i'm going to let's just go to the bbc news website and just to show you how to post a link what i'm going to do here is i'm going to grab the link to bbc news control c to copy let's go back to our sharepoint site and then in this news area i have an ad button underneath if i click the drop down i'm going to say that i want to add a news link this opens up a pane on the right hand side and all i need to do is ctrl v to paste that link in it gives me a preview of the image if i don't particularly like that i can change it or switch it out for a different thumbnail image i can add a different title if i want to and a description now i'm going to leave all of those on default and just click post so you can see what that looks like when you add it to your page and i could carry on going so if i want to add more i can add another news link for people to browse through so quite nicely we're starting to customize this sharepoint site with relevant information now that we've done that let's take a look at something that's very important in sharepoint and that is talking about lists and libraries and i'm going to start out with libraries because we have briefly looked at a library already now when i'm talking about libraries let's jump back into the documents library so from our quick launch menu if i click documents this is essentially a documents library and i don't really have a great deal in there at the moment what i can do in here is i can upload documents that are relevant to this particular project so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to add some documents into here just to show you how you can add documents into this document library running across the top we have a new button and we have an upload button so maybe i have a file saved off locally or maybe saved in cloud storage that i want to upload into sharepoint well it's a simple case of clicking the drop-down i can choose to upload a file a folder or a template so i'm going to upload a file and the file i'm going to upload is this one just here the employee list and this is just a regular excel file click on open it will take a few seconds you can see i'm getting a notification that it's uploading and there we have that new document so super easy to upload files into your document library i can also create files directly from here as well if i click the new button you can see i can create a new folder a new word document excel powerpoint onenote so on and so forth so if i want to create a word document directly from here so i don't have to leave sharepoint and open up word i can just select word document it's gonna take me into word online and i can now start creating my document so let's just type in some random text i'm going to use my little random text trick just to add a few random paragraphs of text in and because this is word online remember when you're working in the online applications it saves automatically as you work so as i start typing things in if i take a look in the top bar you can see that it says saved now currently my document doesn't have a name it's just called document if i click i can then rename my file so let's just call this uh project a uh what shall we call it uh project a stuff something like that i click away that's going to rename that document and if i close down that window you'll see in a moment this will refresh and it will change to project a stuff there it is just there let's add one more document so we have a few in here so let's just do another word document i'm just going to type hello world in here and let's call this i'm going to call this project b click away wait for it to finish saving and then when i go back to my document library it's going to change after a couple of seconds when it refreshes and there we go so i now have a few documents in this document library now when i'm looking at libraries i'm looking at the current view there are different ways that you can view your libraries in sharepoint now again if we go to the bar that runs across the top you can see just here it's telling me that i'm currently looking at all documents in this library and if i click that drop down it's going to show me all of the different views i have set up now i only have one view at the moment which is the default view of all documents but what i could do is create my own view so maybe i want to show different columns maybe i want to add different pieces of information and save that as a bespoke view essentially so what i'm intending to do here is because this entire site is related to project a on the home page i only want to display the document library that shows the documents related to project a okay now the first thing i'm going to do here is i'm going to modify the columns that i'm seeing in my document library currently i just have the name of the file i have when it was modified and who it was modified by but i actually want to add another column in here which is going to show me which team owns this document which project this document is assigned to so if i click the drop down next to add a column there's numerous different data types i can use for my column now what i want is i want the column heading to say project and then i want the result to be project a project b project c or project d depending on which project this document is assigned to now i'm going to restrict what people can enter in here so i want to define project a project b project c so on and so forth i don't want them just coming into here and typing whatever they want into the column so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select choice from this data type column so i can now give my column a name so i'm going to call the column project i can add a description if i want to now the type for this column is choice and what i'm going to say is when they want to add the project to the document they're going to get a menu with a drop down of the choices that i give them so the first choice is going to be project a second choice is going to be b the third choice is going to be c i'm going to add another choice and the fourth choice is going to be d and i could carry on going if i wanted to let's click on save to save that and now notice that the column headings have updated and i have my new project column just here so now if somebody comes in and wants to add the project that these documents are assigned to all they need to do is click on edit in grid view just above and you can then start a signing document start assigning the projects to the specific documents now that first one is a folder so i'm not going to bother with that one the second one i'm going to assign to project a this one is also going to be project a and then this one is going to be project b once i'm happy with that i can exit the grid view and i now have that information listed just there so now that i have that what i want to do is i want to create a brand new view that is going to filter for just the documents that are assigned to project a and then i'm going to pull that through to my home page so how can we do this well again let's jump up to this drop down where we have all documents and in here we have create new view i'm going to give my view a name and this one is going to be a view specifically for project a let's click on create so my view has now been created and if i click the drop down you can see now i can toggle between all documents and my project a view now i'm not done with this view yet because i want this view to only show the documents related to project a so what i'm going to do is i'm going to edit the current view and i can now set up how i want this view to look now if i wanted to i can change the columns that i'm displaying so maybe i decide that i don't need modified and modified by i just want to know when it was modified i don't care who modified it so i'm going to deselect that option i want to keep project but maybe i also want to see the file size and maybe the version i can then scroll down and i can choose if i want to how i want to sort this information how i want to sort the document so by default it's going to sort in ascending order but this is the option that i want i want to apply a filter so i want to say show items only when the following is true so i want it to show items when and let's find our column when the project is equal to a and click on ok at the bottom and that is going to apply that filter to this list you'll also notice the additional column headings that have been added to this view so now that i have that i can then use this view on my home page so if we jump back to the home page what you'll notice is that because we have our document library displaying by default it's going to show all documents but what i can now do oops let's close that down what i can now do is switch to project a to just display those specific documents so that it's relevant to the people who are looking at this team site and if i want to make sure this always defaults to just the documents to project a i can say set current view as default so fairly straightforward you've got your documents library you can create different views and you can display those on pages in different ways now something else i might want to do here is i'm not particularly liking how this document library is displaying it's a little bit squashed up on this home page so i might want to do some rearranging of the different web parts on this page so what i can do is i can edit this home page and really customize it and move things around right at the top in the corner we have an edit button if i click on this edit button it's going to take me into edit mode and i can now edit any one of these web parts so maybe i decide that i want to move this documents library and you'll notice as i hover over it i get that double headed arrow i can simply click and drag it somewhere else so i'm going to drag it underneath there maybe i want to move the activity over here so again i can drag and i can drop and display my activity in a different way i can even edit these web parts from here as well so if i click on activity for example notice i get this little menu pop out at the side and one of the options i have is edit web parts if i click it it opens up and there's not a great deal i can configure for this one but i can say or can define how many items i want to show so nine is a bit much let's just show three items and click on close and once you've made a change to your page you need to click on republish to set that live and then everybody in your team can then see the changes that you've made so now i only have the last three pieces of activity showing and my site just looks a little bit neater everything's fitting in a bit nicer now everything on this page can be customized i've just shown you something really briefly there so i would recommend you sort of dive in edit the page edit the web parts and see what you can do but hopefully that gives you an idea as to how that works now we had a look at how we can modify our libraries just there now there are all different kinds of libraries that you can add in to your sharepoint site not just a document library if i click the new button at the top here and go down to app this is going to show me all of the different libraries that i can add in so you can see at the top here this is the document library so if i wanted to add another one i could you can have more than one document library but i also have other libraries in here as well now this area shows lists and libraries so some of these are lists some of them are libraries but if i scroll down you can see this one here for example a picture library if i wanted just somewhere to store image files instead of documents i could create an image library in my site and i could place a link to that in the menu bar so on and so forth so apps is going to show you all of the different libraries you can select so once again i recommend you do have a further play around with those things so now that we've spoken about libraries let's move on to talking about lists because this is another really important part of sharepoint because pretty much everything that you create in sharepoint is essentially a list and most of us are used to using lists in some form or another so for example if we open up let's open up the employee list just here so this is an excel file but this is essentially a list what is a list a list has column headings running across the top and then we have records of data so this is a list and sharepoint lists work in a very similar way so what i'm going to do is close this down go back to my sharepoint site and sharepoint lists as i said they work in the same way we have our column headings running across the top and then we have our records of data so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to create a list and then we're going to display it now there are a few different ways that you can create lists in sharepoint now the first way is i could import a list of information so for example that excel file that we were just looking at maybe i think to myself actually i'd really like that in my sharepoint site that's important information for people to know what i can do is click the new drop-down and right at the top here i have an option to add a list and there's a couple of different ways that i can create a list i can start from a blank i can import from excel or i can use this a list that exists already in sharepoint i also have some super fancy templates down here for different types of lists so if you remember from the example site i had a list which showed me or logged all of the current issues with the project and i created that using this issue tracker list just here so have a little fiddle around with these we're going to create a list based on that excel spreadsheet that we just saw so we're going to say from excel and we're going to upload the file you can see it's already there because i did this earlier but just for your benefit we're going to upload the file select employee list click on open and it's going to show me all of that information so i can scroll across and take a look at it now you'll notice just above each column we have a data type so sharepoint will do its best to recognize what kind of data you have listed below so for example we have things like single line text and most of this looks pretty good in the last column here we have the salary information for these employees and it's picked up that it's a number now i'm going to display this in a sharepoint site that's accessible by many people i don't necessarily want them seeing the salary so what i can do here is if you don't want to import a specific column you can just say do not import i'm going to say next i can then give it a name it's got this very long complicated and ugly looking name so let's call this employee list and give it a description if i want and i can choose if i want to show this list in the site navigation so do i want this employee list accessible from the quick launch menu over here it might be that you do or it might be that you don't now i'm going to add it into my site navigation and click on create and there we go like magic it's imported all of that information for me and if you take a look in the quick launch menu you can see there is the employee list okay so super simple to import lists in now obviously you can also create your own list so if we were to go up to sorry if we go back to home go to new and create list i can start from a blank so if i create a blank list let's just call this a blank list for want of a better name click on create it then gives me a blank list and i can start going in i can add different columns so whatever i want this list to show i can go through and add my columns and then i can add new items to this list okay so you can do it in a few different ways again this is one of those things that you can have a little play around with all right let's go back to our employee list now once again with this maybe i want to filter this list or create a different view this is exactly the same as when we were working in the document library if we take a look just here the default view is to show all items in the list but what if i only want to show the items that are related to the projects department we would do this in exactly the same way that we applied the filter to the library so let's do a recap we're going to go up to all items and i'm going to say i want to create a new view my view name is going to be projects i'm going to click on create so now i'm in my projects view i can edit the current view i can modify the columns if i want to now in this case i'm fairly happy with the columns that i have but what i do want to do is apply a filter so this time i'm going to say show items only when the following is true so when the column is department i only want to show items that are equal too and click on ok and there we go we now have that filter applied so i can now toggle between my different views so you can have all different kinds of views set up to view your lists and your documents in different ways so now i have that view created if i go back to the home page what i could do is i could add it to my home page how do i do that i've run out of room how do i add another web part well this is reasonably straightforward we need to edit our home page so we're going to click the edit link at the top here i'm going to scroll down if i want to add something new if i hover over the bottom in the center can you see there i get a plus and it says add a new web part in column one so let's click it and see what we get when we add a new web part we have lots of different content that we can choose from so i can't only add lists and libraries i can add things like youtube videos so if i want to pull a youtube video and have it display on the home page of this site i can definitely do that i can add buttons calls to action images links text whatever we want and as i said we're not going to have time to run through all of this in this session but just be aware of all of the different content types that you can add if we scroll down even further we can add documents lists and libraries which is exactly what we want to do i want to add my list so let's click on list i'm going to scroll down and intuitively it has worked out what lists i've already added to my site so i have a blank list and an employee list now i want to add the employee list so all i do is click on employee list and it's going to pull that through now by default it's going to show all items that's the view it defaults to so what i want to do here is just switch that to my projects view and i'm going to say set current view as default so that doesn't change i can then republish my page if i go back to home i now have that added into the bottom okay so really nice and straightforward now a couple of other things you can do here is you'll see as you add lists and libraries you can see the the menu running across the top so where we have new edit and grid view now if this is an intranet site for your team you don't necessarily want this menu displayed there you just want it to say employee list and then have all of the records so once again you can edit and remove this little toolbar just here so let's jump back into edit view let's scroll down and click on the web part remember you get this little menu pop out to the side which allows you to edit the web part and what i can do here is i can say that i want to hide the command bar and that's going to get rid of that command bar if we scroll down she says i think i have to click apply first of all i thought that updated automatically but i think i need to click apply let's do that there we go it's disappeared okay now something else you'll notice is that if i was to add another piece of content underneath which i'm going to do in a moment i have this big old space just here but again we can change that we can modify the size of our web parts so just bear that in mind because i'm going to come back to that in a moment let's just close down for the time being and i'm going to add another web part and this time we're going to add a youtube video so let's click the plus at the bottom and let's select youtube now to add things like youtube videos you need to grab the youtube link first of all so i'm going to just jump off to youtube and let's go to the simon says it youtube channel and let's grab i'm just going to grab on the first videos we see here let's just grab this one it's probably going to start playing automatically let's click pause and i'm going to just grab the link so let's just say get a link copy and we're going to use that link on our page so i'm going to paste that in control v that is a very ugly link i think i've not copied that very well just bear with me one second i don't think i'm actually in the youtube that's what the problem is so let's grab let's say this video just here i'm going to grab the link from the url by this time control c and now if we go back hopefully this will paste correctly there we go that is better so you know when it's worked because you should see the video populate in the player now i'm going to close down that youtube tab just in case video starts to play so i'm happy with that let's click on republish and if we go back to the home page we can now see that content that we've added and as i said i've got a big gap here between my employee list and the youtube video underneath so let's get rid of that i'm going to modify this web part once again so back into edit i'm going to scroll down i'm going to click on the employee list and i'm going to select edit webpart and you can see here the size it says about 15 items so that's why i have such a big gap because it's accommodating 15 items i only have about five in there so i don't really need all that space so i'm going to say auto size fit to number of items and click on apply and you can see that that automatically gets rid of all of that blank space in the middle and there we go so we've added or we've seen how to add lists and libraries youtube videos you've seen how to add web parts to add other different pieces of content to your home page a couple of other things before we finish up this lesson because we have about 10 minutes left now i want to show you the alert me feature an alert me is very useful particularly if you want to be updated on when something changes on your team site so for example if i go back to my documents library i'm going to click on documents in the quick launch menu maybe i want to be alerted receive an email notification every time somebody uploads a new document to this library so it's just going to allow me to keep on top of changes as they're made what i can do is i can set up an alert on this library the way that i do that is using our menu running across the top if i click the three dots you can see i have an option here for alert me and it says alert me when items change and this is where i can go in and set the parameters for my alerts so the alert title is just documents you can change that if you want to send alerts to so this is where you can specify who the alert goes to so by default it's going to me as the site owner but i could also add other people's names in here i can then choose the delivery message so how do i want to receive that alert now i'm going to keep mine on email but i could choose to have a text message if i wanted to i can choose the alert types of the change type so only send me alerts when currently i have all changes so anytime a change is made to the document library i'm going to get a notification now that might be a bit too much maybe i'm only interested to be alerted when new items are added so i can select that option send alerts for these changes so do i want to be alerted when anything changes or when someone else changes the document i have a few different options in there now i'm going to say alert me if anything changes and then finally at the bottom i can specify when to send those alerts now i could send the notification immediately so if something changes or if a document's uploaded to this library immediately i'm going to get an email notification in my outlook letting me know that something's been added to the library now if you have a very busy sharepoint site where people are making modifications all of the time then that can get a bit overwhelming and possibly a little bit annoying with all of these emails coming in what is sometimes better is to set up either a daily or a weekly summary so instead of being notified every day maybe at the end of the week so let's say weekly summary on a let's choose on a friday maybe just before i go home for the weekend 5 p.m i'm going to receive a report that's going to show me all of the changes that have been made and i can review them all in one go let's click on ok to make that change okay so alert me is a really useful to keep on top of your libraries your lists and your site in general a couple of other things before we finish up something else you can do you will find that you have in your lists and libraries you have an export to excel option in that top navigation menu so if you have lists that you have or that you've created in sharepoint and you want to just export them out to excel so that you then have excel's full functionality may you maybe you want to do some calculations maybe you want to create a pivot table or a chart you can very simply export any list or library out to excel by simply clicking the button above now i just want to finish off we've got about six minutes left i want to show you how to customize a couple of other things let's go back to the home page now one thing you'll notice is with these navigation menus this quick launch menu on the left hand side you'll see right at the bottom i have an edit link and i can customize or i can change and modify these menu items so for example if i want to move the employee list up i can do that by clicking the three dots and i can move it up to reorder if i want to delete something so if i want to delete the blank list i can remove it from the menu i can even make items sub-links of other items in the list i'm going to show you how to do that in just a moment if you want to maybe rename or change the name of any of these if you click on edit it's going to open up this little box and you can change this to something else so i'm going to call this let's just rename it i don't know marketing something like that and click on ok all right so super simple don't forget to save at the bottom now something else you might want to do is in this quick links area at the top here you might want to add in some links that are helpful to your team so this would be more links to things like external sites or documents of importance that everybody accesses universal links so maybe everybody uh needs to access the pixels website for images or the noun project website for icons or the microsoft site for training something like that you can add quick links in here and display them on the home page again this is a case of simply editing that home page by clicking the editing link and selecting the add links button and there's all different kinds of things i can add i can add things that already exist in my sharepoint sites i can add stock images i can add files from one drive i can upload or i can add from a link so i'm going to add a couple of things in here and i've already got these browsers open at the top i'm going to add a link to the website which is a great resource for free images i'm going to paste that in we're going to click insert to add that link and you can see up here it's now listed free stock photos pixels if i want to make that a bit shorter i can modify it or i can change it to just say pixels over here okay so very simple and straightforward i can go in and i can add more links in exactly the same way simply by clicking that add links button and if i want to remove links for example this learn about a team site and learn how to add a page whilst they are quite helpful i don't really need them i can click on them and just select remove to get rid of them once i've added my links republish the page and there we go i now have my quick links at the top here and of course you can add more than what i've done just here okay so everything is nice and customizable now the final couple of things now aside from this home page now it's worth noting that this home page is the terminology that they use within sharepoint for this style of page is a wiki page and basically what that means it's a page that brings together lots of different pieces of content so we have lots of different web parts pulling through different lists libraries and other pieces of content now if i want to create another page so another sort of intranet page then i can definitely do that as well so up to the new button we have page and i can choose a template to select from now we only have three or i can create one from a blank so let's just do blank and click on create page and this is going to give me a brand new page that i can add content to you can see i can edit the web part i can change the image in the background i can add text i can do whatever i like and create my own page so let's call this what shall we call this i can never think of good names that's just no i'm just going to call it test page there we go of course i can make this a lot more interesting than it is now by simply adding different web parts different pieces of information and when i'm happy i can click the publish button at the top to create that brand new page now notice that this test page hasn't been added to the quick launch menu so if i'm on the home page how do i get to that page well if i click on the pages link just here this is going to show me all of the pages that i've created so we have the home page we have the bbc news page because if you add a news item that's going to create that as a new web page and there i have my test page and if i want to add this to the quick launch menu all i need to do is click the three dots and we have a where is it gone where has it gone oh sorry i'm looking in the wrong place it's up on this top menu add to navigation it's thinking it's thinking and in a moment we should see that test page appear in our quick launch menu and sometimes you have to wait for a few seconds for these pages to refresh or you can manually refresh them so i'm going to do that just to hurry it up a little bit and you can see there is my test page now i want this to appear underneath my pages i want it to be a sub link of pages so once again i can edit the quick launch menu and i can move it up so let's move it up so that it's underneath pages like that and i want to make it a sub link and what that will do is it will just indent it very slightly so i have a little bit more structure and organization going on in this menu okay so you can go in and you can add as many pages as you like display different things on them and add them to the menu and the final thing just before we finish up because it is 7 30 you can create sub sites now what is a sub site well you might have let's say instead of this being project a maybe this is a a page for the sales team and within the sales team we have different smaller teams so you have the credit controllers the accountants the finance admin people what you could do is create a site for finance and then create sub sites for the different teams within finance okay and of course you can display links to those sub sites on this home page so it's easy for people to get to so how do we create a subsite well you'll notice that if we click new there isn't an option in here to create a new sub site we need to do it from a different part of sharepoint we need to do it from site contents so in that quick launch menu let's click site contents now what this shows is basically everything that you have in your sharepoint site and what you'll notice is at the top here we have a link to subsites now because i don't have a sub site there's nothing listed just here but i can click the new button and create myself a brand new sub site so let's say let's just use that example this website is going to be for all of the accountants i need to give it a website address so i'm going to call it accountants it's going to be a team site i'm going to use the same permissions of the parent site and then i can specify if i want to add this into the navigation so i'm going to say yes to display in quick launch and click on create and again this can just take a couple of seconds what you now basically have is a brand new subsite so we have a different menu that we can customize and we have that bare bones template and we can start designing this however we want to design it okay so super nice and simple i think that is it guys we are at 7 30 that is pretty much everything that i wanted to cover with you i know it's a lot to take in and it's a bit all over the place but i really want to just showcase some of the different features and things that you can do with sharepoint now of course there is so much more that you can do you can add all different kinds of content all different kinds of libraries you can add discussion boards message boards blog archives blog posts you can even set up things like a workflows so approval workflows or sign off workflows things like that to really kind of pull everything together hopefully that's piqued your interest a little bit in sharepoint particularly if this is the first time that you're seeing sharepoint i will say that we are just about to release a full sharepoint course so i've just authored a course for simon says it on sharepoint so um definitely worth checking that out if you're on our mailing list you will receive a notification when that goes live which should be sort of in the next week or so if you're not a subscriber click down below to subscribe so you get notified about similar videos we upload now to get the course transcript and follow along with this video click right over there and click over there to watch more videos on youtube from simon says it
Channel: Simon Sez IT
Views: 40,612
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Keywords: sharepoint online, sharepoint online tutorial, learn sharepoint online, sharepoint online training, free sharepoint online tutorial, sharepoint tutorial, sharepoint online beginner tutorial, microsoft sharepoint online, microsoft sharepoint, how to use sharepoint, sharepoint training, sharepoint tutorial for beginners, ms sharepoint, microsoft sharepoint tutorial, sharepoint office 365, sharepoint lists, sharepoint document library, sharepoint site, sharepoint web parts
Id: tdpWegAmZM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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