How to Create a Company Wiki with Microsoft Sharepoint 2019

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Hi, it's Matt from collaboration coach and thank you for having me Keep Productive in this video We're going to look at how to create a wiki library in SharePoint Online I'm going to show you how to create a wiki page template a Library that stores the wiki pages and how to display them and add them to your SharePoint site I'm going to explain how to do this in five steps First of all, we're going to prepare the pages library Then we're going to create a wiki page template and then we're going to create a wiki page based on that template We're going to create a simple. We keep you on the pages library so we can just see the wiki pages And then finally, we're going to add the wiki page to the navigation. So it's easy to get to Before we get into that. I just wanted to say that we have a channel on YouTube called collaboration coach So if you like these videos go check us out over there, and we have some premium courses for sale out of school at school collaboration coach So step number one is to prepare the pages library We're going to go to the site contents page So from my home page you can either go settings will and site contents or you can go to site contents over here on the left hand side and In the contents lets you go to the site pages library And then in there you're going to see a list of site pages already created possibly what we're gonna do is add a new column to this library called wiki page So I'm going to come up here. I'm going to choose add column and I'm going to choose yes/no because it's a wiki pager It's not I'm gonna call this wiki page and The default value this is important is going to be no the Reason its knows that this site page does library has all the site pages So all the news items and all the other pages that created not all of them are going to be wiki pages So by default, we want the value to be known Someone hit save and you'll see now we have the wiki page column there Step two is to create a wiki page template We're going to create a new page from the site pages library So right where we are here, I'm going to go up to the new button and drop it down now confusingly There's already a wiki page option here. You're going to see this in your library as well That is the classic version of the wiki page so we don't want to use that We're going to create a new modern version of a wiki page. So we want to choose this one here at the bottom site page when we choose that opens up a new tab and we land on a new page and The first thing we need to do is turn this into a template We do that by coming up to where it says save as draft Drop that down and choose save as template When we do that, you'll notice a couple of changes to the page. So we first of all we see that This is now a page template We see the Save button has changed to safe page template and we can also name our page template So I'm gonna call this template wiki page I'm gonna remove This name because I don't know it to be associated with anyone in particular I'm going to make a few changes to the title area So I'm going to come to the edit button and I'm going to make the title area plain You see that just drops the image in the background Next I'm going to split the section below So this area here into two by pressing on this button here and choosing one-third right column That means I've got a larger area on the left and a smaller one on the right I've got two columns in the left-hand side. I'm going to add a text web part So you can see that there and over here I want to do the same hit plus but this time I'm going to add an image I'm just going to counter that cuz I don't want to choose the image I want to let the person who creates the page choose the image and further down here I'm going to plus again and this time I'm going to choose quicklinks This just gives me a list of links I'm going to scroll to the bottom here and turn off comments I don't want people to be able to comment on this page and I also need to set the wiki page value to yes So you remember we created the column earlier called wiki page in this library? We want all pages created using this template to have that value set to yes So we do that by going to the template details button Which brings up this information pane on the right hand side and you can see in wiki page is set to no Because that was our default value, so you just click on here you get a toggle and just switch it to yes, and it's saved Now that every page that's created using this template will have that set to yes and that's important for later on So I'm done now. So I'm just going to hit save page template and my page template is saved Step three is to create a wiki page Test out the wiki page template and create a new wiki page but to do that we go to the home button and then once we land on the home page you go to new and page So this is going to take us to the pages Window and you can see we've got some features out of the box pages here But we've also got some custom ones one of which is my wiki page now if I click on it It's not going to show us much because remember there isn't anything in it at the moment other than the webparts we chose So all I need to do is select it and choose create page Now you can see it's dropped us into the new page. I can name it here I can add my text here and I can add an image and some links For matsing bitters fairly straightforward, so I'm going to speed up the video so you don't have to sit through it You Okay, so that's looking pretty good Remember, this is an events site and events wiki so I've just created a page for a venue in London That might be useful to people using it. I've just put in a picture some links and some fake text So although we added some standard web parts like the image and the text One of the good things about a modern page is that users can add their own web parts that they think might be relevant So we can give them at the template but then they can add to it For example if I scroll down here I might want to add a map showing where Excel London actually is and I can do that by hitting the plus button and there is a Maps web part which I can choose hit Bing Maps and then I can type in the location or Of Excel and just hit that and then you'll see it's added a map maps might not be relevant to every wiki page But they are a big advantage of using a modern page. So when we're happy with our page, we can hit publish It publishes the page and now we have a new wiki page Step four is to create a simple wiki view on the site pages library so let's go back to the library that this page is in I'm gonna go to the site contents and Then go to the site pages library now if I scroll down I should be able to see my Excel London page there But you can see it's mixed up with all the other pages So these are site pages and news pages and so on What I want to do is to be able to see just my wiki pages in this library so if you remember we created our wiki page column and Because my Excel London page was based on the template that had the wiki page column set to yes The pages I create are also set to yes So this is good because this means we can create a view based on that column that will only show us the wiki pages to do that We need to create a new view to start with So I'm going to come up here to the views drop down you can see here all the views And this one's actually by author and what I need to do is save this view as and choose another name So I'm gonna choose save few as here, and I'm gonna call this wiki pages. I want it to be a public view because otherwise only I'll see it hit save and Now, I've got a new view you see up here in the top corner Now what I want to do is filter this view by my wiki page column so we do that by coming to the wiki page column doing the drop down and choosing filter by That will show us the filter by wiki page options which are empty. No, and yes, and we want to choose. Yes So you want to say if Wiki page column is set to yes, then show me the page. So let's hit apply Now we should see just our wiki page because you can see wiki page is set to yes Now we don't need wiki page column in this view so we can go to the drop-down choose column settings and say hide this column The next thing I want to do is remove the grouping so right now you can see I've got a group by created by and I can remove that by going up to the wiki pages view drop-down and choosing edit current view and then I scroll down to the very bottom of this page and Choose group by usually have to hit the plus button to expand it and you can see here I've got this first group by column created by So if I change that to none, that means there will be no grouping And so then I am press ok, and now you can see I don't see the grouping Finally Step five is to add the wiki to the navigation To do that. I'm going to create a new page. I'm going to go to new and Site page and I'm going to add the site pages library I'm going to come to the plus button and I'm going to choose the document library web pie here So what that does is then offers me all the libraries in that site one of which is site pages So I choose site pages and that shows me the site pages document library and what I want to do is come up to this pencil icon so I can edit the web part and I want to change the view to my wiki pages view and I also want to Switch off the command bar, and then I'm going to apply now you can see I've got a nice tidy page with just my wiki pages view and I'm going to also scroll up to the top here. I'm going to name the page events wiki I'm going to edit this webpart and I'm going to change the layout to plain and that Looks pretty good. So I'm going to hit publish Now I'm gonna also copy this address over here on the right hand side I'm going to close this and I'm gonna add this page to the Navigation so I do that by coming to the navigation and hitting edit. Then I can hover over here and hit plus Then I'm going to paste that URL Into there and the display name is going to be events wiki and press ok, and Save, so now I've got the events wiki link here So whenever I click on it, it's going to take me through to all my wiki pages All right, so well done for sticking with me for this long you've done very well I just wanted to summarize what we've talked about so far. So the first thing we did was prepare the pages library So we created a new column called wiki pages We created a wiki page template and we save that in the pages library. Then we created a wiki page based on that template Next thing we did was create a simple wiki view that filtered out all the pages that weren't wiki pages And we changed the grouping on that view So it looked nice and neat and then we added the wiki to the navigation. So it was easy for us to get to Okay guys, that's your lot thank you for having me on keep productive again It's a great pleasure to talk to you. And if you like this video then please check us out on YouTube Our channels called collaboration coach and we also have a school where we have premium courses on SharePoint teams and other Microsoft technologies at school collaboration coach See you next time You
Channel: Keep Productive
Views: 92,321
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Keywords: keep productive, keep productive notion,, sharepoint online, sharepoint, sharepoint tutorial, sharepoint workflow, sharepoint tutorial for beginners, sharepoint developer tutorial, sharepoint 2019, sharepoint 2019 tutorial for beginners, sharepoint 2019 workflow, sharepoint 2019 team site, sharepoint 2019 overview, sharepoint 2019 demo, wiki tools, office 365, microsoft, wiki, wiki wiki, office 365 sharepoint
Id: OVtLKgFs_Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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