Shaq on helping others when no one is looking

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charity you know we were speaking about your upbringing earlier and obviously you guys report did not have a lot of money but there's one time your father's Philip is taking you out to get a burger and sees a homeless guy what ends up happening he's driving and he sees a homeless guy army fatigues like if he ever saw a guy in army fatigues he's pulling over til he sees a guy he makes in you in the military he's talking to this guy and he recognized the platoon and the guy was from man I know did you know what yeah I know him and in there so the guy was down on his luck and my father had the l85 double cheeseburgers left my father had $20 and in my mind I'm like what are you doing bro I'm only dead later when y'all go to sleep everybody get their imma eat what are you doing like I'm like you know selfish at this point like we you finally get some change I get to I get to stop eating army crackers and army cheese I want this muffle so he gives the god of food and he gets in a car he slams the door and he got a little tear in his eye and he just looks as if you ever make make and like I remember his worse if he ever make a big time make sure you help those and eat and then on Thanksgiving you know he would go to the barracks round up the troops and we would go we have blankets we have all the army rations that they were getting ready to throw away whatever we can't spam peanut butter bread give it to the homeless people so those are three things I do today because of what a man that made $30,000 a year taught me from a woman who was a secretary probably made twenty thousand a year they taught me that so you know a lot of people when they look at and look at me in a charities that I do this is from the heart I sometimes when when I see people doing charities I could tell they're just doing it for for a moment like for example whenever it's a hurricane relief thingy-thingy people who you never see do anything all of a sudden they just pop up and they're tweeting about it like I get like I tell people all the time I do a lot of stuff seen an done stink but it doesn't matter to me if you know that I just fit 10,000 for that I'm doing this because this was what I was taught I'm doing it because to walk in there and see a family put a smile on that face for a day that's that's just that's just awesome to me whether it be visiting an ill child in the hospital donating money or something else what's been the singular most personally satisfying thing you've done well they all have been satisfied one time a grandmother had a and a kid couldn't walk I bought our van and she liked these stories that you'll never hear I bought our van just the other day I can't I get an email a little beautiful and I'll give you a mother's number seeing doctor a little beautiful girl that has cancer a Marie so the mom he's going to eat me I don't know this is Yee male but my daughter she calls you Bubbe she would like to see you I'm in LA so I hit her back I'm being LM I'm gonna come see this isn't shot well I uh whatever he said so I go see her and she wasn't doing well before before I want to go see her so now that I went to see her spirits are up she's happy I told her to hang in there and you know just just seeing a kid kids smile just seeing the kids smile oh yeah it's fulfilling to me you know to know that that our former high level of juvenile delinquent who all the experts said was going to be an army like his father all the people said he was gonna be a bum all the people say he wasn't gonna do anything there's now the goddess that's making kids all around the world smile that's my thing I just wanna make you smile for more clips from this interview visit grin bensinger calm you
Channel: Graham Bensinger
Views: 1,227,460
Rating: 4.9427872 out of 5
Keywords: Shaq charity, Shaquille O'Neal charity, charity fulfillment, Graham Bensinger, giving back, athletes giving back, charity work, helping others
Id: RlfFeYp4zm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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