Shaq Breaks Down In Tears Talking about Kobe Bryant

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Shaktar the first guy I thought of when I heard this news the other day of course I talked to you and Charles and Kenny later that afternoon but then I saw that you had gotten a text from Coby that morning Shareef had gotten one what how do you how have you been over the last 48 hours well as you know it's already been the last couple months been really tough lost my little sister and been sleeping I've been doing the normal things that I usually do I work we laugh we kid we joke when I get back home then we'll get me out of the say she's gone it was just hurts so the other day I'm downstairs working out with my son - Shakir my nephew Columbus and my love enough he comes in crying and he showed me his phone and I snapped at him suddenly get out of my face get it away from you know we live in a world where anything could be photoshopped anything could be hoaxed I didn't want to believe it and then I got the call from you Charles Kenny everybody called me and then we found out it was confirmed and having felt the pain that sharp in a while 47 years old - lost - grandmother's lost - Sarge lost my sister and now I lost a little brother we names will be attached together for what we did people always ask about our relationship and I tell them it's just like me and Charles got to strong minded people that are going to get it done that way we're gonna say certain things the respect that never be lost when it comes to be inside the lines and when I've said me and I said we did that's with me and Charles that's what we do it was sort of like a triple triple stabbing to the heart because after you cry and wondered about that then I get back on the in and that Rick Fox's on the plane so now I'm obviously keeping more I'm calling Rick he's not answering so now I'm like what's going on and then the final blow his lovely daughter was with them on the helicopter you know we every time I saw his lovely wife in this kids same thing I do it with Kenny's kids and DeWitt's kids hi my name is uncle chef I don't know if they know mr. Bassel it doesn't matter I just I am uncle Shaq I try to make them laugh and he would do the same thing Sharif called me devastated I said Kobe just texted me to check and see how he's doing and he used to do that from time to time you know just makes me think that and in life sometimes instead of holding them back certain day we should just do d wait oh we are we up here we work a lot and I think a lot of times we take stuff for granted like I don't talk to you guys as much like what does that need you to the fact that we're not gonna be able to Joe get his Hall of Fame ceremony when I'm going to be able to say hi I got five you got four the fact that we're not gonna be able to say if we would stay together we could have got 10 those are the big you can't get back with the loss of my father but my sister I'm up there that's the hall that wish I could just say something to him again I thought my talking was when we were here and I seem to get 50 and he got 60 a lot of time I spoke to him and I just wish I could you know so it definitely changes me I have to it's not working like you guys know what I do I work probably more than the average guy but I just really have to now just take time to just call and say I like Rick Fox call finally called me said that I liked it he shall call me so I'm gonna try to do a better job just reaching out just talking to the people rather than always procrastinate because you never know life is too short never I could never imagine nothing like this I was thinking the other day I've never seen anything like this all the basketball idols that I grew up I seal they're old like I used to be at home when you came to inferiority I used to watch the great round mound of rebound now I'm working with him I used to want to be dr. J he used to live next door to my mother and all I know my father used to tell me about the three great big man I met him I seen them in the fact that I we lost probably the world's greatest Laker world's great battle it's just I listen people want to say take your time and get better but it's gonna be on from me I already don't sleep anyway so but I I figured out my condolence goes out to his family his mom his dad his sisters the other families everybody involved Laker organization I talked to Jeannie and Linda and people here hurt especially in this organization you know some people have to get treatment and people just just don't understand cuz hit all of us out of nowhere I didn't want to believe it I said myself I hope somebody some buttface made this up and it's not true I didn't want to believe it and then I forgiving all to come but the cause and then you finally felt was concerned and just it just you know my spirit just left my body I just wish I could be able to say one thing to the one last thing to the people that we we lost because you know once you're gone you're gone forever and you know we should never take stuff like that for granted
Channel: House of Highlights
Views: 12,917,356
Rating: 4.954093 out of 5
Id: qloOyrRUlu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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