A seizure converted Shaq from bully to class clown

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how much were you teased growing up public under your size a lot I had to I had to figure out two things either intimidate you or make you laugh I was always a bully until one day a fifth-grade out of spit wad I threw it at the chalkboard and splatter this kid rats me out but prior to that my father said if you get suspended again I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna beat you like you never been be before because you're irresponsible you all here medium level juvenile delinquent and moving at this pace you're gonna be nothing in life I'm not having that a mouse so I wait for the kid I'm a cousin up first I go to the office three days so now I gotta get suspended for 3 day cleanse for 3 days so now I got to go home I already know what I'm getting on I get on but before I go home I move up your ass so I'm beating this kid up and I'm kicking this kid and he has a epileptic seizure it's just me any kid out there and he's on the ground shaking I'm not now I'm frightened because oh so then a guy comes and he saves the kid and you know but after that I go home I get discipline my mother pulls in since I said you're too big and too strong you can't ever do that again and that kind of I kind of stayed with me I was like I don't I don't want to do that one so then I was like you know I'm not going to be people up let me let me go to part of Plan B on how to get them like me because I'm I was always a class clown funny guy so now let me just you know do this a lot to get people like me and I just stuck with that rather than being a bully before that how would people tease you shook will sasquatch big African so I stuttered when I talked big dummy I was always shot you know I like I would look at you and I will look at your test scores and you probably have a you look like a smart smart ass you probably have originated and you probably have a nine year I was intimidated by that I was like I'm not gonna smart I can't do it I was very very shy always had self doubts about myself and just never thought I could do it anything to what changed that a geek saved my life junior year in high school right before the state tournament I got a out of 68 I got a one test left everybody's bullying this guy so I'm like you know what maybe he was cool well you never said anything I never said anything ma'am we called them mcdougal I wish I I wish I could remember his name we called them in dual so everybody was messing with him you know so I came to Zeta I was like listen y'all mine said mcdougal you got to mess with me I didn't really know him so I was sitting and then he came to the lunch tables like mad appreciate it I hear you having some problems in government I could help you out I was like what you want to chew me so every day after school he to to me and the way he chewed me I was like this early it's not that bad it was probably easy but because I had self doubts and and felt that I wasn't smart like I didn't even look at it well I never pass anyway so he helped me out that's not realized that that nerds and geeks are very cool people and also taught me another valuable lesson you know always have to judge people for who they are and what they do so now I'm in there and I'm like eek but anyway this guy helped me out we pass we lose in the state semifinals within the next year whenever I have problems I'm like MacDougal I need help in algebra two on module on the album chemistry and he was always there for me for more clips from this interview visit gram bensinger calm you
Channel: Graham Bensinger
Views: 2,143,974
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Keywords: Shaq bully, Shaq upbringing, Shaq bullying, Shaq reputation, Shaq childhood, Shaquille O'Neal, class clown, Graham Bensinger, bullying kids, school bully
Id: ztiivTfE4sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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