Shane Torres - THE BLUE EYED MEXICAN Full Special

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ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Shane [Music] [Applause] Torres yeah thank you 2022 was a I went through a a terrible breakup and uh and it was really rough cuz like you get into some relationships and you know they're not a good idea you like you some relationships feel like a symphony in a bomb shelter you're like well it's going to be exciting uh and then someone's going to say something like you're not what I need but you're what I want but I got into this relationship and uh I knew it was in trouble cuz uh she sent me a text and all it said was I sent you an email he like Ah that's not good I we're switching formats I'm [ __ ] so I get the email you know and I know how to read it and everything and yeah uh and uh the email like it reads like less like an email and more like an emotional declaration of war list of [ __ ] I didn't know was an issue like just like dear Shane I feel our two parties have reached a point of no return and it was just like a list of grievances it was just like like and you [ __ ] stuff your socks into the couch cushions all the goddamn time yeah it's like an Easter egg hunt for me like stop telling people people you invented the camera phone no one thinks it was your idea but it was I did I had a flip phone and I had a [ __ ] cardboard box camera and I was like was I set it on top of the other one I was like that'd be a good idea and I kept driving I uh but um what I I really think it was about is like I'm at this age now and so she were like a lot of our friends have gotten married and started to have children you know like you know like people I was sure I was better than have you had that happen yet where a [ __ ] loser beats you to a life goal that [ __ ] up your whole month man just scrolling through insta you're like [ __ ] Doug bought a house guess they're not as hard to get as everyone says I to talk with that Rachel mattow when I see her my [ __ ] my friend he got married three months ago we have the same job and I am better at it and more successful than him and this piece of [ __ ] yeah this piece of [ __ ] has a beautiful newborn daughter he has a house on a lake with jet skis and boats and all the white trash [ __ ] I like and I have seen this [ __ ] by Coke at three different bowling alleys I have a roommate named Buckley do you understand how far behind I am in life his family is beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have them and my room roommate plays bass it's the worst instrument to hear alone what's it sound like sounds like youve been watching Seinfeld all goddamn night the [ __ ] it sounds like he has been nominated for three gramys I know it's crazy right he's legitimate to you now I what you should be asking yourself is why would someone who's been nominated for three gramys need a roommate and the answer is cuz he has a gambling sickness if horse has a funny name he's going to bet on it I put it all on God what God in the third at Churchill but here's the thing so uh uh my former girlfriend a current legal opponent she would very much like kids in a family you know and I I I have uh no designs on marriage and I don't really have any on children either uh so I was like I got to break up with her you know uh which I think is the correct thing uh yes you agree yeah yes I shouldn't just Rob her of her childbearing ears uh be like I'm so kind of wishy-washy how old are you 38 woof uh uh but uh so I text her I was like hey we should talk talk and uh she wrote back this sounds bad and I was like it is and then she called me and I received a barrage of insults so personal and so dead on balls accurate that they could only come from someone who used to love you does that make sense like like this like yeah she'd been sitting on this [ __ ] for a little bit it wasn't like you're a [ __ ] idiot it's like you're going to start over the way you breathe when you [ __ ] it's weird you do two breaths in one breath out ha ha you sound like an office chair getting sad in but uh I think the hardest part is really when you recognize that someone is actually correct about your faults you know cuz like you can't change them and they can't live with them so in some sense at least in this circumstance they're actually correct you know like cuz my ex is right like she I'm I'm weird I look I'm on the road about 240 days a year which basically means I am alone 240 days a year and I know this about being weird the more you're alone the worse it's going to get I've reached a point now where my alone Behavior has moved into social Arenas like unbeknown to me you ever done that just forgot you were in public this like I did three weeks ago at a Chili's in Chattanooga Tennessee uh cuz I played the big Market h [Laughter] uh when they have a Dropout I but I was at a Chili's and I walked into the men's room and allowed to no one I just go piss piss piss I got a piss or five grown men standing there like well none of us feel safe doing that now somehow you were not aggressive and everyone is threatened it was like the worst game of duck duck goose piss piss piss you're a little pooper yeah and like that you know that behavior will get worse I'm sure but like here's the thing have you you ever like what's your name friend Chris Chris nice to meet you are very attentive uh you said it like I woke you up and you did not know what you were asked like uh what's the DAT Chris Christopher uh uh I just realized that Christopher toefer Grace's name is probably [Laughter] Christopher which kind of makes him an [ __ ] that he goes by I'm sure he's nice I don't know Chris uh have you ever shared something with a group of friends and then they respond with nothing but absolute silence and you're just like oh I should have kept that one to myself cuckoo's out of the clock [Music] now reason I bring it up R uh is um I was back home in the city and it was a Monday night and uh I was hanging out with all these comics and we were all talking about how lonely the road is and one guy was like what do you guys like to do on the road to feel more at home and one guy was like I love to hike and I was like that's [ __ ] stupid will there be bugs you know I just hate it it's like walking without coffee you know like it's [ __ ] if I want to Marvel at something I'll drive to it I uh but uh another guy I was like I like to drink and I was like so fun you know and and then it got to me you know and they were like what do you like to do Shane when you're on the road and by I didn't I really I didn't soft sell this I was like you guys are going to love this it's like you know how you go to the hotel and they're like yeah you know how you walk in there's always some [ __ ] mouth breather behind the counter some idiot sniffing panties smells like Lincoln or whatever don't realize I got an ice cream sandwich melting down their arm hit you with that same winded breath just like hi welcome to hilon and then I go my name is Shane torus can I have my room now and then they always go of course and then I [Music] go I would like a room with two beds and then they always say are you expecting a kiss and I go no it's none of your [ __ ] business what I'm going to do to that other bed but since you're a curious little kitten I'll roll out a ball of y'all [Music] are one bed is for regular sleeping and the other bed is for completely nude [Laughter] eating and then I get in it and I'm like everything around me is a napkin now I'm a cute little prince in my queensize bed look at me while I get bed tacos Pizza in my sheets every country what a treat didn't want me to use it like a napkin shouldn't have folded it that way here's the thing like I am not anti- child which I think think is a valuable statement now cuz people say [ __ ] like that to people who want to have kids like you want to have a kid you know we're running out of corn or you know it's always the dumbest [ __ ] who's ever taken a breath on God's green earth she like there's no clean water it's like dude I could give a [ __ ] we have 50 kids we're going to need something to throw with the tital wave when it comes but I will say this I do think uh as a man I think the end of your life looks better with a family than without one you know like I've never seen a man age old gracefully alone you just got to hope you don't turn into some creepy or weird old [ __ ] and by we conflate those words to mean the same thing creepy and weird they're not and fellas you want to land on weird like a weird old guy is basically har oh I always got to get the third can of almonds from the back they sound the best speak to me my salty Queens a creepy old guy be like I flirt with grocery store cashiers cuz they can't leave have you like cuz like even guys who have great lives lifelong bachelor is like Al Pacino you know like he's like a lifelong bachelor for the have you seen what he looks like now it's like it's like someone left a purse on the subway it's like it's rans sacked and its contents are [Applause] everywhere weird old gu say some [ __ ] like ah no pizza for me I don't like ethnic food [Applause] or a cepy old guy do some [ __ ] that makes your skin crawl like take baths any grown men in here take baths you're going to draw a bath and then stick your fingers in like not quite [Music] yet not ready for this little teab bag and finally temperatures right time to add my bubbles and and you give the bottle a nice deep squeeze you know kind that opens up your [ __ ] a little bit and then you're going to strip down to your disgusting nude male Every Man's nude body looks like it was dropped on the floor oh have you have you seen these things they're [ __ ] disgusting covered in hair and dirty in the corner so what do they make these out of the back of a knee and then you're going to lower yourself down into a perfect White Cloud of bubbles just effectively turning it into a pot of ball water throw your hairy wet leg over the side of the tub while the big toe on your other foot fingers the inside of a faucet oh [ __ ] beat it Epstein I don't need [Applause] it God [Music] gross I uh yeah I worry I um so I'm I'm not supposed to uh share this uh under a threat of legal action uh but what are they going to do take more of nothing uh but uh I was cast on a Tv show uh thank you [Applause] uh feels like you really mean it with the pause I was I C on a TV show uh for a certain streaming service uh that is red and black yeah it's Netflix it wasn't Canadian Hulu you know it was a good gig Netflix calls me and they're like hey we want you to do the show and I was like I figured uh you guys seem to like money there's a way to get it and yeah and they go uh there's just one thing and I was like well what is it and they said we have to shoot the show in Los Angeles and I was like well that ain't my favorite and they say we'll fly you out and we'll put you up in a first class hotel and I was like I'll be there two bets and and here's the thing my lease ended at the same time the show was beginning production so I was like I'll just put everything in storage and get a new place when I get back to Brooklyn you know uh cuz you know who wants to pay six grand a month for an apartment they're not living in I don't have that kind of money I have a roommate named Buckley uh uh but I put everything in storage and a kiss Buckley goodbye we're very European uh likeah a but I fly uh so I fly out I put everything in storage and I fly out to LA to capture my my dream and that dream was slated to begin production on March 4th of 2020 March 4th we did not uh thank you yeah but it did so I fly out to LA and March 4th and the pandemic hits so I'm sitting in this hotel room Netflix calls me and they're like hey can can't do the show and I was like totally get it but how long can I stay in this hotel and they're like well you should have been out at noon and I was like I'm taking some towels and I caught around I found a place to stay and I don't know if you guys remember this part of the pandemic but like no one really knew that much in the beginning but everybody was talking like they did so you would read [ __ ] all the time and it would spike your anxiet it' be like take Tylenol but don't you dare take ibuprofen or you're [ __ ] done for you know it was just crazy [ __ ] after and like you know just be like it can live on a nickel for five days five whole days what do I do without my nickel if you have a par your apartment is now woan you're like ah never even heard of that City till a week ago and one of the things I read uh or someone told me I say that a lot when I'm like I read this and the people were like yeah and well someone said it but one of the things I read or heard was that uh if you leave your house uh when you come back you should take your shoes out outside cuz you could track Co into your home you saw that yeah were your shoes stolen also so right here we're going to take a brief recap at the beginning of this story I was cast on a television show on the world's most popular streaming platform and I was going to be somebody 4 hours into lock down I no longer have a job a home or [ __ ] [Applause] shoes you know when you watch like a like walking dead or Last of Us and there's a new character out of nowhere and they're like hey it's Doug we love Doug and you're like I know one thing Doug ain't making it the whole episode I'm Doug [ __ ] so later that night I'm uh uh sitting at my friend's kitchen table just duing it up uh and uh she is in uh in front of me in the kitchen and uh she's whipping cream for a Cake She's baking so it's very rockwellian and uh it's nice uh and we're sitting there just [ __ ] and and uh all of a sudden we hear a window break and that's a you know it's a pretty alarming sound in general but my anxiety was so high I was just like well the cannibalism has started it took my shoes to eat my toes first toes are the new shrimp cuz you have to peel them and but there was no cannibalism uh that I know of uh what did happen was we had a [ __ ] home invasion I swear to Christ this crazy drunk homeless guy guy went to the back door punched out a paint on the back door's window reached in undid the deadbolt came in classic homeless guy you know like and I stood up and I was like get the [ __ ] out I'll kill you [ __ ] I stood up so fast I was honestly surprised it was how I reacted I was like well how about this crazy I'm fat not flat who to thought you go girl here's the thing like look I a I'm a big guy whatever I'm a but I'm not tough like I grew up around a lot of ma cheeso both my brothers were really tough like one was an amateur boxer the other is a professional drug dealer so so they say scary [ __ ] like on my birthday to me so I was like I was like what would your brother say to this [ __ ] like looks like like you blew on the wrong dandelion we're like I'm the strong kind of fat you know it was also at the point of Co where they were like if you touch someone with Co then you will get Co and kill everyone you have ever loved ensuring you're the bad person you always knew you were in your [Applause] heart so I couldn't touch this guy so basically I just dry [ __ ] him out of the kitchen I was like yeah M and the whole time he's yeah yeah and as I'm butt [ __ ] this dude out the kitchen door my friend who's baking the cake and whipping cream remember she reaches into the bowl pulls out the hand mixer and points it at him like it's a [ __ ] piece and I got to be like hey if you let him lick the spoon he's going to hang out for a while yeah yeah and I get him to the stoop and I give him one last finishing pump uh girls you've seen it and uh he falls down the steps like I'm feeling I'm feeling pretty good you know feeling masculine for once and ready to say something you know badass like [ __ ] this bear is all out of honey or and I look down and guess who's wearing my [ __ ] shoes the hobo stole my shoes but he gave me something in return Co I got hobo Co on the first day I had a television show but uh say ly toer uh did you ever have Co yeah yeah when did you get it I've gotten like five times Jesus Christ why so little I yeah uh I had it did you lose your sense of taste and smell yeah me too um what I am about to tell you is the fattest thing I have ever done and I have used Buffalo wi bones to put more blue cheese in my [Applause] mouth no flesh just [Applause] bone I don't like that I don't like that let's tell you what happened so this how I felt out I had Co I it was a few days after I I kicked that guy out of the house and uh I was in the shower and uh I I couldn't smell my shampoo and uh you know I was like oh no you should taste something and if you can't taste anything thing you probably have Co and so I got out of there I know some of you are like did you bite soap I did not but I got to I got out of the shower and I ordered a pizza why is that funny like lots of people do that every day I I order a pizza and it showed up and I ate all eight slices and I could not taste a [ __ ] thing do you I could hear it more than I could taste it and I took down each slice like a new stage of grief like slice one stage one denial this can't be happening to me SCE two stage two anger it's the Chinese fault SL three stage three bargaining oh what if I put Ranch on it slice for stage for depression well might as well do it in the bathroom out with the old in with the [Music] new slice five acceptance I have accepted I will eat these remaining three God damn [Music] it yeah water's good I uh I think like the thing I learned from Co more than anything is that uh I don't care for anyone anymore and and I mean like on a personal level I do not like I do not like the people I agree with and I do not like the people I disagree with and like it's just everyone sucks now and it's [ __ ] exhausting you know like it's not even like look look I live here in Brooklyn and I'm a liberal cuck like the rest of you uh and I like who I am uh and I but I am from a part of Texas that politically speaking is R than the devil's dick and I miss conservatives every day CU I miss a different point of view not that I agree with them but I don't like being told the same thing all the goddamn time it's exhausting it's like like I'll be here in Brooklyn talking to my most liberal friend you know like somebody who identifies as a figus plant I was wondering how that would land and I disagree with them this much like a pubic hair's worth and I say something like I don't know man like I know a ton of people who go deer hunting I don't think owning a hunting rifle is the craziest thing in the world and inevitably someone will just be like my father was a deer like God damn it it's like did you shoot and eat my papa [ __ ] wish I had wouldn't have to hear this [ __ ] all night I didn't know that was a thing now and the other side like here's the the other side is there was a time where idiots knew that they didn't know [ __ ] and it was glorious and now that is gone cuz they say things like this now it's like well now that the the world has been through a pandemic maybe everybody will stop complaining about plastic straws or which bathroom they get to use and it's like hey [ __ ] that's still a problem that's not like that's like if I went out say like I got hit by a bus no more diabetes like do you understand the introduction of a new problem does not negate the old one [ __ ] primate I uh I hate them I hate them all I um I have not drank in 6 weeks uh to prepare for yeah well uh and like uh which is the longest I have not drank since birth and uh but here's the thing I I'm not going to be sober like you know like I'm not going to White Knuckle life I who the [ __ ] are you people like you people like I don't touch the stuff just got my Lord and Savior and you're like wish he'd rescue me from you uh but uh I have friends who are like Sober Sober like have you ever had someone do that to your friend ship what a [ __ ] bummer that is just like what I mean I've never had a friend whose sobriety was less irritating than their addiction was troubling he friend he sober uh his name's Todd he caught a touch of Christ something different if you're Catholic uh [ __ ] him uh but he's sober now and like he was the funnest like I'd call him be like hey man we're going to go out and have a few cocktails tonight what do you say and he'd be like yeah [ __ ] child support' all right tody is one of those night huh I'm having a barbecue he's like I'm going to shoot my gun in your pool let's get the kids out of there but now he's sober and uh he [ __ ] sucks uh and one of the things that is like really uh irritating about Todd's sobriety is that he he now thinks he's better than everyone else cuz he doesn't drink you know this [ __ ] person yeah he's like a real cheeky [ __ ] like we'll be out to dinner and he'll say something passive aggressive as a [ __ ] he'll just be like are you really going to have a fifth bottle of wine with dinner like yeah Todd I'll have cocaine with my carrot cake I'm not the one with the [ __ ] problem at the table all of a sudden you're not parking on your neighbor's lawn at 400 in the morning you're better than everybody else Todd that's a dumbass name hon who the [ __ ] looks at a newborn baby not yet having sinned in this world sees their child draw its first breath and rest its head on the bosom of its mother and thinks Todd when you say your name is Todd I hear no bu books I uh but the thing that is like really irritating about his sobriety uh I'm still stuck on this uh is that he now remembers his dreams I don't mean his goals like I is there anything more [ __ ] irritating than having someone recall a dream to you Jesus I'd rather learn math in church oh it's [ __ ] brutal it's like yes please tell me about the thought that was so stupid you couldn't bring it into Consciousness well I was at Applebees and Andre the Giant was my waiter uh it's just exhausting and like one person ever had a dream and we should have heard about it yeah I'm going to make this catch [Music] I Dr King like that's a a dream worth hearing about it's like uh uh what's your dream again it's like um I just think people should be treated equally cool Todd well I opened a fortune cookie and nothing but fire ants came [Applause] out the doctor K well I think uh one day that I would love to see my children treated equally on the content of their character and not the color of their skin Todd well I was banging this chick and her face was blurred out like Slender [Applause] Man's doct King well I hope and pray that one day this nation will learn the true meaning of its Creed that all men are created equal Todd well we were banging and banging and then when I came her face came into focus and it was my dad you're a doctor what do you think that [Applause] means well okay sure I'll take them if you got them oh uh you you know what uh sexting is when you learn you're not amodex can't do that or a left-handed layup press too hard on the wrong thing thumbs up my urethra uh the reason I bring it up is uh I was on the road and uh I met a young woman appropriate age and but I was on the road and I met this uh young lady and she was like you're really funny and I was like I know and she was like why don't you text me sometime and I was like I'll text you all the time and she's like not that much and I downshift a bit and it's gone pretty well uh so well in fact uh that she's coming to see me next week thank you but uh we have not [ __ ] uh it's weird that I do this for [ __ ] I think I'm like oh it's two butts touching call that a moonlanding uh but she's very sweet she's not like a lot of the women I meet in New York are always like why do you breathe like that or or that's my purse you know like so the point I'm trying to get to is like I want to make my intentions known you know so she texts me and she was like well what do you want to do when I come see you and I wasn't like your mouth or you know like open up or Here Comes Chum Chum or what she like a I don't know what Chum Chum is but uh I think it does this she was like what do you want to do when I come see you so not being a creep it's kind of sticking my toe in the pool you know just peppering my chicken I say maybe we'll just get a bottle of wine get drunk and make out and then she text back I am fingering myself right now and I had to be like me too like as well not the movement I guys can do it [Music] too but here's the thing like look I'm dumb but I'm not an idiot I realize when a young woman sends you a message like that it requires some Trust and a bit of vulnerability so point being that's a text you got to react to liy split that ain't some [ __ ] you can let hang in the air for 20 minutes you can't be like oh sorry I was pulling a pot roast out of the oven time got away from me you still petting your cat and I'll be honest with the [ __ ] she has been sending me it's awesome and the things I have been sending her are lies she's like you're going to [ __ ] me up against the wall I'm like that's the only way I do it in my mind like what am I a Russian gymnast who who could possibly have the core strength for something like that just crazy [ __ ] like you're going to be so hard my ears pop what are we even talking about gross and super hot it's weird when someone says something disgusting to you and you're like yeah that's my thing now but uh we're in the middle of all this digital filth and uh she texts me and she she goes hey are you about to come also she spelled come c m e I was like you're weird what a strange woman to be to be like I'm a [ __ ] in the sheets but a stickler for grammar yeah like suck me [ __ ] me use more commas [Applause] and she was like you about to come and I was like not until you do like four or five times in reality I was basically asleep I uh already have my body pillow out uh I put it in between my knees it helps my hips uh like a pregnant golden retriever down there she like you about to come and I like yeah I'm about to come and she goes call me I want to hear you come and I was like I don't think you do you're just going to pick up the phone and be like hello and I'll be are you turned on now there's a plump sweaty boy alone in his room who just frosted himself like a birthday cake had to put my phone in a bag of rice I what do you think that's like at the Apple Store I have no idea how this happened but [Laughter] uh I paid you guys 80 bucks four years ago get on it I uh I'll finish with this um thank you very much for coming I really appreciate it uh I uh I really mean it um it means a lot uh and uh you guys all seem like very good people H but what do you no no have you ever had a horrible person believe in you do you know that feeling like of a [ __ ] head [ __ ] just being like you're be like you're going to be just fine I have seen you steal dogs uh it is bizarre to connect with someone like that and I'll tell you why when I left Texas I moved to Portland Oregon and my first place in Portland was uh it was $0000 a month yeah yeah so you know it's nice uh and what it was it was the top floor floor of a old Craftsman's house and there were four bedrooms and each bedroom got like a mattress on the floor and a hot plate and a dead bolt and they were like this is now an apartment you're like well it is certainly not a home uh and uh no so no kitchen and you would share your toilet with your neighbors like they weren't roomm I want to be clear they weren't roommates I took my own toilet paper to the bathroom every morning and then I took it back out otherwise my neighbor Ron would steal it right and there were four of us there right uh and when you have not met a collection of men trying to hit bottom and then constantly being one uped by the guy next to them my best neighbor was this guy named Scott who never wore pants and I saw his dick every day that was my best neighbor that guy [ __ ] up the curve for the rest of the class another one was a disbar attorney from Oklahoma and I I asked him once I was like hey man how'd you get disbarred and he just goes well I thought I was in international waters that sounds like a story uh and the third guy was a a truck driver from Queens named Ron and uh what you need to know about Ron is this uh one he knew that I was from Texas but he never bothered to learn my name so he would just call me different cities in Texas like I'd be leaving for work and he just go I'll see you around a Patchy Junction so specific the other thing you need to know about Ron is that he had a real proclivity uh for women of a certain persuasion a lady of the night prostitute he would call them tootes and that almost made it seem okay yeah like I'm going to go out and get a couple tootes I like I bet you are Ron you old root and tooting son of a [ __ ] your sex crime sounds like a fun pancake uh so uh it's New Year's Eve and it's my uh it's my first New Year's not in Texas and I love New Year it's like my favorite holiday cuz I love knowing I'm not going to complete whatever I told myself I would I don't have to be disappointed you can just accept it and but it's New Year's Eve and I'll be honest uh the attorney and I we're just in my room and we're doing coke and watching the countdown just [ __ ] like AAL LaVine is killing it I'll be your little skater boy yeah give me some more of that booger sugar and Ron is celebrating how you think he might with a two and we hear them and it's gross and we hear them finish and that is so much worse and it's right before midnight and the attorney and I are just like chilling out having a drink you know and just being like what's your resolution mine's to get [Laughter] clean and right before midnight we hear this woman just start going you will lose a [ __ ] and you always going to be a loser [ __ ] 10 nine well this loser just came on your face eight seven and it goes back and forth like this until finally we hear Ron gooman what you going to do with that and then we hear Ron go and then we go happy New [Applause] Year and then there's a thud I want to it's just a room next to another room you there's no sense of safety it's just so the attorney and I are just looking at each other like and he goes what do we do and I was like that's a thing you should know and he goes go to the door and I was like yeah I go to the door I like just let me do all this evidence and I go to the door and it's like I open it and it's a shared hallway and it it couldn't be much longer than the stage if if as long and I see Ron walk into his door frame door is open profile view he's in his tidy whes his Manny panties and he turns and there is a barbecue Fork sticking out of his stomach blood r running down the side staining his underwear red he looked like a Walmart customer wrapped in a Target bag and he just looks at me and goes El Paso call the [Applause] cops that guy believed in me thank you guys very much Dre come true I really appreciate it yeah you guys were great thank you very much thank you guys I'll see you on the next thank you so much all right we'll see you thank you very [Applause] much I never wanted to die old but it's too late now my heart has grown so cold and the corpse I leave behind ain't going to be no pretty boy just a six sack of to see I'm the machine
Channel: Shane Torres
Views: 52,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bert kreischer, bertkreischer, bertcast, bert kreischer netflix, bert kreicher, bert kraisher, bert, burt, comedy, funny, stand up comedy, jokes, comedian, funny jokes, podcast, cooking, bert kreischer stand up, bert kreischer podcast, bert kreischer roast, comedy podcast, shane torres full special, shane torres, shane torres stand up, comedy videos, shane torres comedian, stand up comedian, watch now, the blue eyed mexican
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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