Shame Or Repentence

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open your Bibles if you will to Genesis chapter 3 I'm doing a series and we're going to continue on hindrances to walking in the spirit but today are walking in the glory the glory of God is going to cover the earth and it's I'm telling you what there's a shift there's a shift that's happening right now and the old some of the old are being taken out because of disobedience some for promotion or whatever but God's changing things he's rearranged and I'm talking about the body of Christ not just you know people you know but there's a shift coming and a lot of the the Saul's in second Samuel Chapter three it said the house of Saul and David there was a long war Saul represents those after the flesh he represents those that didn't seek the anointing he represents those that wanted a name for himself great fame and David represents the worshiper the the kingdom people those that want the glory in the presence and they want God to have glory now that doesn't mean the David's are perfect so don't disqualify yourself that means David's repented repentance means he had a change of heart he wanted to change and as long as we live in repentance God can use us when we stop repenting we're hard-hearted and we're in trouble so you don't ever stop repenting if you haven't repented for a long time then that means you're in hardness of heart you haven't done anything wrong when you when you live in the presence of God he'll convict you of little things it's a little things it's a little things that that you've got to keep your conscience tender before him so in 2nd Samuel 3 there it says as the house of Saul got weaker and weaker the house of David got stronger and stronger and that's what I believe we're seeing right now we're in a transition of the house of Saul we're seeing that the David's that have been in the wings the David's that have been purified by fire and have had all hell break loose it didn't give up and didn't quit but if let God refine and purge them they're going to be glory carriers God just can't give us glory without being tested so with the glow he comes great test and just because you have the glory the devil's going to try to attack to keep it from you and for you to be refilled every day and that's the thing another us older people need to teach the younger ones is the glory is a battle because the devil knows that it's the glory that's defeating him and so I would just want to give you a quick for some of you that know this just hang on but those of you that don't we talking last week about how Christ stands behind our walls and the kingdom of God is within us but sometimes he can't come out he can't come out in his fullness he can't come out because of our souls our wounded souls our pasts all the things that that we collected in our minds so as you want to walk and I want to walk more in the in the presence and the glory of God we've got to let God deal with us I like to call it the dealings of God there ouch they are not fun but afterwards you say hallelujah it's like going to a dentist and you put braces on some people I know when they got braces they were just cussing and swear I have ever done this but as they went through the process they had nice straight teeth and someone actually wanted to date him you know because they they went through the out hallelujah and they had great teeth so it's the same thing with us spiritually when God comes after us and he's starting to deal with us we have a choice either when that conviction comes we can either run to him and be changed or we can run away from him and be shamed and in the more and more we choose to sin the more and more you you cannot keep sinning without rationalizing the sin away and we've all done it I'll just use myself an example because that way you can all see how stupid I am sometimes for years you know I had a sinus issue sinus trouble blah blah blah blah blah and so antibiotics prednisone that's that just about blew me to another realm so anyway after a long story I had to quit my diet had to totally change in no sugar so I've done really well for over to some years without even having a sinus infection so but this is like else enya's so you know what the opening is but you you know you think you're free and you're okay now it's like for instance some of you maybe it's pornography okay I'm free you cannot give the devil any place if you were drinking before and you have problems with that you cannot give that the devil will take any opening you give him and if you're a threat to him in the kingdom of God he's gonna use that to take you down that little hole the Bible says give no place in the greek it actually means give no hole don't give him an opening cuz he'll take it and I was talking to this Minister and she was saying how come she didn't do this and this and this although other Christians did and I said why don't you she says because I don't want to give him an opening and sometimes you give him an opening and again it opens up your mind so anyway I thought well you know I basically have to live on a no sugar diet because of the the antibiotic that I've had for years in you so I do really well well then you know I slip over and do this yogurt lab thing oh okay that's good and I'm okay with the first one so okay let's wait a day or two let's go do it again so I woke up two days ago and I was like okay what is it and I didn't really know I could just tell sign and sign his head you're like what happened I gave an opening because I kept going back to yogurt yogurt lab because I liked it the first time I liked it the second time third time before I think we went five times didn't we and I know I'm not supposed to have sugar but it doesn't bother anyone else so I slide in and now I'm dealing with the price that I have to pay for giving a place now that I'm just saying that to say that's me with my diet and for you it's stuff in your life it's like what are you not supposed to be doing that you're opening yourself up to and lightning doesn't come nothing happens you don't get zapped so you're like I'm gonna do it again I like it I like yogurt everybody else can have it why can't I because of whatever happened in your past that's an open door for you you can't go back in it I was used to help a lot of these younger guys back in the day that we're fighting pornography and this was he would say he couldn't look at this commercial I'm like why it was nothing back then but to him it was an open door to lust he said because I've opened myself up to such lust I have to shut these doors and I told my son at that time don't ever open them because whatever doors you open yes God will forgive you but the doors the devil comes he wants to get you back he wants you back and that's what young people don't open these doors up because just because you got out of it this time you know then the pole to go back and do it again and to go do it again and to go do it again and pretty soon you have consequences so you can pick your sin but you can't pick your consequences god loves you but you're still going to have consequences no matter what you do and then we can justify it and then we minimize it and then we rationalize it and the worst thing is when we get into spiritual denial and we get weird we get weird because we all of a sudden say we're different and God can bless us now because we we get this weird stuff in our heads because we don't want to face the fact that my actions and behavior is wrong I need to shut the door that takes conviction that takes repentance but it also brings glory and because we haven't seen a whole lot of glory in this generation a lot of kids don't even know that's available so hallelujah say we're bringing it back so anyway Christ is standing behind our walls and we talked about this last week I'm not going to go into a lot of it but it's a barrier or hindrance it's a block or interference it's anything that stops God from from really having all of you and so many times we let God in our porch and we let him in our living room but there's certain areas oh no I'm not letting God have that I'm in full control and we don't even know it until we get the conviction of the Holy Spirit and he starts to because he won't give you more than you can handle you know you you get one little thing corrected in your life you think you're all that until he comes after the next little thing and then you're like oh so convicted I can't even believe I had enough sense to get out of the rain I'm so embarrassed ashamed the devil wants you to faint give up and gods like no lift up those hands I'm showing this so you can go forward shame always takes you away from God convict conviction and repentance always causes you to run to God so in order to run to God you have to know that God's there to condemn you he's gonna convict you but he won't condemn you he won't put guilt on you Christians will do the pretty good job being used to the devil for that but he wants us all to be really open for when people repent that we have a soft I am a real sucker for a repentant heart because I see someone's broke I'm not going to not come down and say you stupid you idiot how did you do that and then when you look back at what you've done you have no rock to throw at anybody we won't that's another message anyway Genesis chapter 3 verse 8 we're just going to talk a second here about the Garden of Eden and they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day now remember this is what we lost this is what man lost if we don't know what man lost we don't know what God wants to restore back to us God wants us to walk in his presence unhindered now there's a lot of hindrances but we've got it you've got to know that in this hour God wants a bride he's preparing a people to walk in his very presence he's calling a people that will be his glory carriers not weird carriers glory carriers and to be a glory carrier you have to be anchored in your soul you have to have a good foundation you have to have people around you that will confront you if you get weird because religious spirits come in and have stolen so many glory people that I know they got off because they didn't have good anchors around him they didn't have people praying for them we need to protect the gifts of God amen that was for someone that can win in strong anyway and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of day at him and his wife what do they do they hid why did they hide when you walk in the presence and the glory of God you're not supposed to hide but when you're not walking with God you're gonna hide you're gonna run you're not gonna want to go to church you don't want to be around prayer people because they're gonna see you that's just the nature thank you good old Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord amongst the trees of the garden reminds me of that story I told you last week we hide behind things and God can see us a whay how stupid we hide behind name brands we name behind cars we hide behind what denomination we have we hide behind all this stuff trying to prop ourselves up and make us feel better right and we're like I shared with you last week about this guy he was getting baptized this lady was getting baptized actually in this church and they had the baptismal under the pulpit they moved the pulpit opened up the baptism and they had curtains on both sides men changing on one side women on the other this woman slipped she grabbed the curtain brought the curtain down and here's all these men naked out there getting ready to be baptized and this guy grabs a chair and hides himself like that's really gonna do it and so five minutes later you know the guy shuts the lights off in five minutes later they turned the light on the guy still freaked out holding this chair hiding behind this chair and everybody could see him behind that chair how stupid we are when we hide behind things and our little fig leaves God sees everything we're doing and control is just a myth we can't control things we really can't control people God's in control and we're so smart when he finally wise up and just let him run the universe it's very hard being can can't it's very hard being Holy Ghost junior anyway the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto Him I know I'm going fast I got a lot to say where art thou and he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told thee that thou was naked has thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou should us not eat okay let's look at verse 21 we know that story but if you you might not know that Eden was where the unseen world touched the seen world and the spiritual met the physical and it represented a place of pure complete unbroken fellowship between God and man it was an open door between heaven and earth so Adam and Eve lived in the presence the very glory of God and when they disobeyed what happened what did they lose they lost the covering of God so now they're trying to cover themselves in the flesh and put up all these fig leaves and hide behind things they're afraid of God God didn't create them that way he didn't create us to be afraid of him but as the result of this fall now we have a struggle we've lost the very presence of God in verse 21 and to Adam and also his wife did the Lord make coats of skins and clothed them they didn't need anything before they were clothed with the glory they were clothed with the very presence of God himself and the Lord said Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now let us put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever so what does the Lord do he puts a cherubim in front and says you can no longer eat because if they partook of the Tree of Life they would have died and went to hell they would have lived forever in damnation and separation from God so God had to put a consequence and this is a thing when we sin there's consequences and there's boundaries and there's borders and we just think God doesn't want us to have any fun so he puts all these stupid boundaries in our way so we just bust them down saying you know my parents what do they know the older you get and you become a parent you're like well they knew a lot but it takes you to grow up and to see that well the same thing with God he had to evict them from Eden God had to protect the tree of life by cherubims so now we see this eviction these boundaries these consequences because now man is blind he's naked he can't see he can't hear he's totally dis formed totally dysfunctional so now we're born and we have to get reborn and Jesus is called the last Adam as we know he couldn't function properly now instead of being controlled by his spirit walking with God he's controlled by his flesh and his mind so now here's the spirit being Adam covered with the glory of God now he's fallen and now he's soul ruled he's ruled by his mind he's ruled by his emotions he's ruled by his feelings and he's ruled by whatever his flesh tells him to oh I feel like doing that must be good I feel like doing that that must be good my heart's telling me to do that well our hearts just desperately wicked we have a bad heart we think we have such great hearts gods like oh no your hearts are wicked they're so wicked Jesus has to come die and then put a new nature inside of you so that the old man is dead in Christ but then we have to reckon him dead in other words our minds have to renewed and say I'm not going to respond to that because you will respond to whatever you feed you feed the spirit your spirit will respond if you feed your flesh negativity gossip putting people down that's how you're gonna live and the people that do that live under condemnation because you can't condemn yourself and hate yourself and love other people so if you're always putting people down you're always negative you're always justifying yourself defensive whatever that means you have a heart problem with you because your fruit will come out and if you love people then that means you've received the love of God for yourself and you can give it to others as you as you love the Lord you can love other people but if you don't love yourself you cannot love someone else right so this all happened and we become hiding people and malfunctioning ever since and you could call it the state of ichabod it's the presence of God has left now we're in a church age we're in the grace church age of where again Ichabod is covering most of the churches the presence of God isn't there there's no price to be paid they're walking in their feelings they want to be entertained the Holy Spirit can be very entertaining but if we don't let this new generation see the glory in the presence of God they'll never know a lot of these things will be lost because they don't know that they don't know that it's the glory God's trying to restore to his people so religion what it does and the spirit of Saul it feeds the knowledge of good and evil and all religion does is it teaches Adam to behave just act right be right but when you get born again God look at your heart and he wants us to start thinking different our behaviors will because a lot of times you can just sit here and act really nice but inside you're a pervert you're thinking really bad thoughts you can't wait to go have hot fudge sundaes that doesn't mean you're a pervert I'm just trying to make you laugh but Hebrews 2:10 Jesus became the last Adam first Corinthians 14 45 to give us new a new nature and to bring many sons where to glory God wants to bring you to his glory God wants you to bring him to his presence he's not saying now I died and all this is shut up cuz you're just not good enough I gotta shut up the heavenlies I gotta shut up nothing you know it's it's out of reach for you you're just not quite there yet because religion just keeps you telling you you just haven't measured up you just have to try harder you just got to confess it one more time and I have to admit I back slid in the Word of Faith Movement cuz I saw a bunch of Catholic people I mean they weren't really Catholic but they were beads they were just rotating their beads just saying the right thing they had their little formulas and and to me it was like they're not authentic they're not real so I kind of threw the whole baby out with the bathwater and God had to bring me back because it doesn't matter what other people do it's what you do doesn't matter how other preachers preached or lived it's how you live none of those can be excuses when you stand before God he's gonna say you have a Bible you have a heart you're supposed to guard your own heart so he tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence guard means to protect it we haven't been taught to protect our heart we don't even know how to protect our heart so evil thoughts come in we don't resist it we entertain it we make a play out of it we call everybody to our play instead when we walk in the light the Lord's like don't and don't expose that even when people fall into sin he doesn't want us to be excited he's like mourn and grieve over that don't let the world be excited another person fell in the in the in the Lord so is the more you walk with God his heart will be your heart what grieves him we'll start grieving you that's a good place to be so only Christ can live like Christ so the more and more we know it's him that's living inside of me I have to abide I have to abide it's not just dududu it's bee bee bee bee being filled it's living with him it's it's walking with him and it's it becomes a freedom where religion puts you in bondage the Spirit of the Lord brings you into Liberty does that make sense so going back just a second about what shame was from last week shame the main is the main symptom of sin whenever you sin you know it cuz you feel bad right away shames voice shame has a voice and it says hide from God lest you be rejected condemned Dishonored you're bad and no good shame says you're a failure so now if you had dysfunctional parents bad parents most of the time they tell you shame on you that's not even good to say do you get shame on you you're bad boy you're bad you're bad no you did a bad thing but that doesn't mean you're bad shaming makes you feel you're worthless you just absolutely a failure its condemnation with no instructions to ever get free the devil wants to condemn you to tell you you're never going to be different you're never going to be free this is just who you are that's not the Spirit of God doesn't shame you shame is an emotion that makes you feel defective unacceptable and even damaged beyond repair condemnation there's therefore no no condemnation to those that are walking and cool then what do I feel we're gonna share that in a second you're gonna you you many times you feel convicted now conviction is of the Holy Spirit you need to know the difference and sometimes you might feel both at the same time so conviction pushes us away from sin shame pushes us away from God do you see that one pushes you from God and one pushes you to God because the devil tells you if you're gonna enjoy this sin God's not going to enjoy it so we're gonna push God away so you do this all in your head of course you do this in your mind and so what do we do we justify why we did it because we have to make ourselves feel better I found this I just love these little puzzles when they come together when we sin what I do conflicts with what I believe every sin I don't care if it's gossip I don't care if it's drugs I don't care if it's you know to the worst to the worst to the smallest to the smallest whatever we sin we know we shouldn't do it it contradicts what we believe every person who sins and this is us we're faced with the conflict in our mind psychologists call it cognitive dissidence cognitive dissidence ism is when what I do conflicts with what I believe okay you fall in love with someone you know you're not supposed to so now all of a sudden you have to make your own Bible because what the Bible says doesn't sound good and it keeps me from doing what I want to do now whatever we do or whatever our little pet sin is we do this so at different ages when you're in kindergarten you have different when in college everybody's sins are different you know but still what we do and what we believe something to be sin now my belief is in conflict with my actions and something has to change either I have to change my mind about what I believe to be sin or I have to change my actions this conflict will continue until one of those two things happen you spiritualize it you know what the easiest thing to do is is I've told her I get as I missed it when your spiritual eyes that you somehow try to wrap you around mind around how God's allowing this for you you just spiritual eyes everything when you spiritual eyes everything you're in danger tell your neighbor you're in danger and you're getting weird and you don't have a mirror and you don't have a friend that means when you have a mirror you can look at yourself and say oh take that off and when you have a friend your friend will say take that off that looks horrible but when you have neither you have spiritual deception and we so much do this we've all done it spiritual eyes then we minimize then we justify too often people change their thinking they either comfort themselves with the falsehood that their sin isn't actually sin other people have sinned my next project is to listen to Derek prints on the man and his money and I was like oh I know this is gonna be good when Derek Prince is solid not like a lot of preachers sort of he's solid he's got roots and he's got the fear of God on him I was like okay I got to be really ready for this one but he you know that God wants some of our money but we can justify it and say well because of this and because of that because of this I ain't doing that that has nothing to do with you and your money we justify it we spiritualize it I mean we can do this with absolutely every our diets our kids we get quiet on certain subjects we're all that way cuz there's certain things that are just really touchy touchy to us you know this conflict will continue in every area of our life until one of the two things happen too often people change their thinking they either comfort themselves with the falsehood that their sin isn't actually sin I don't need to get married God sees who are married so we don't need to go and get married properly I'll just marry this person in God sees it well there might come a day when it gets weird and you might have to do that but right now that's not the case but there's people that are getting weird off on these little doctrines why because they want to do what they want to do and so they have to change their thinking they either comfort themselves with the falsehood that their sin isn't actually sin or it isn't as bad sinn as other people do i remember my one son when he went to school my number-one son he went to college and i said i could tell it's hard being a seer when you know what's going on mom's dad's you know I could tell it's like okay he's old enough now I just got to pray and release pray and release and I'd everyone said well I'd kind of confront do the mom thing and he's like oh I'm doing nothing compared to all my friends I don't care what your friends are doing what are you doing we can start comforting ourselves in that you know he's like man this schools worse than ourn Oh was this is supposed to be a Christian College so no matter where you go you can you can look at people and say well I'm better than them I'm not least I'm not doing with that that's not that's the way we comfort herself that's not how we get convicted we get convicted by living the Holy Spirit deal with us and then there's the freedom the price is paid and then comes the presence because too many times God's standing behind these walls and he's like I I want to manifest myself people would come up to me after I preached it and I preached on this you know presence of God no matter what comes out it's always walking in the spirit or the glory or something so I don't feel nothing and I'm like are you serious God showed up so strong I don't feel nothing I never feel nothing and it used to really bother me you got a desire you've got to have your own relationship and you got to make sure that you don't have walls blocking God out you're not always gonna feel stuff you're not always gonna walk around like a big fat goose bump juicy juicy a lot of times you're just dry you're you're gone by face but you can't face that all the time sometimes God's gonna manifest it manifest himself and you've got to learn to enjoy when his presence is there and be a partaker of it be refreshed because those refreshing times are just as important as those quiet times so this conflict will continue until one of the two things happen too often people change their thinking but you know we rewrite our Bibles I've done it have you ever done that well you don't say you do but wait till God convicts you and you'll go wow I guess I did spiritualize minimize rationalize and deny they either comfort themselves with that their sin isn't actually that bad or they're not doing what other people are doing or they convince themselves of the falsehood that their sin is actually just a reflection of who you know I've always had this problem I'm always gonna have this problem that's just who I am I've met people like that you try to get them to walk in a holiness and know it's just who I am that's who my dad was it's Who I am they've come to believe in their own mind God just sticks in God will accept us where we're at aren't you glad he loves us no matter what stage we're at but to break through this we got to teach it so we can go come up higher we don't want to stay on that lower level or the person may change their thinking about being willing to confess their sin they convince themselves that God really doesn't want to forgive this sin so they're tired of going over and over and over to God about the same sin Lord I'm just coming here again with the same sin so what do they do they stop confessing their sin they give up because what they do and what they think are in conflict and they just can't handle it so when you know something and you're doing something opposite there's going to be a conflict so either you change the word you change to be in the right standing with the word and we all do it in every area and every subject of our life are you there so conviction when we get convicted and when the Lord starts dealing with stuff even like in the middle of a gossip you're saying something sometimes you'll just get convicted you know what be quiet you can push that down you could you can either say well that's about all I really need to say about that or you can just dive right in I want to feel important I know all these facts that no one else knows there's this choice every every time we do something or you can love somebody unconditionally or you can just judge them and you can do a lot of that but as you walk with the Lord he requires more the more and more you you want his presence and his glory there was a time where I was walking in such the glory of God I would literally pray that God would take it away because I would stand preaching and I'd get on top of the building and I'd see in people's hearts and it freaked me out I didn't have anybody tell me Oh today you're gonna see into people's hearts it freaked me out and then I would have visitations and visions and I had nobody to talk to so what happens people say you're weird yeah I was weird so you know what I did I said God take it away I don't want to see that and then I would get revelations on people and I didn't know how to handle it I'm just a new believer and he starts showing me things and he starts telling me things about people this one woman turned into a snake and I remember Phil Halverson was alive at that time he was one of brother Hagins intercessors and a very good family friend and I went to him and I started telling him some of this stuff he absolutely understood all of it and he goes many times God when you're in the spirit will show you animals and it'll relate to people and things and if that's how God wants to speak to you he'll do it consistently and whatever God does consistently that's how God is using you and I tell them the glory would come in my hands is this weird no one else gets his stuff it's how God wants to use you and I remember praying with him about some of these things and it isn't buddy no Phil Halverson tune in but you some of you remember and he just start praying and he'd always turned into mama mama-mama he said God wants you to be a mother and now I know I'm a mother of the Spirit hallelujah so we got to teach these things just like kids sometimes it stuns you feel like you're getting a little whack in the behind you are but it's because mama loves you all right feels so good doesn't it so either we we want run towards God in little things and then if we keep running away from God you know what happens your heart gets hard you're gonna have an act of God to have a Holy Ghost of all cane or to get that thing soft again but it can happen I want to close with this it's about repentance and it's from David Wilkerson and the last couple months I guess the Lord's been saying start teaching on repentance I was like I don't really know that much about repentance and I don't really know where to get some of this teaching on repentance but little by little it's been coming into my hands and this is an article that I just found and this is what David Wilkerson said as I look at the church today now this was back when he was alive so you know it's gotten worse now do we Evangelos insist on a biblical godly sorrow as evidence of true repentance or are we leading masses of unrepentant people into a false peace now I remember listening to Leonard Ravenhill he's another one of my old-time revivalists that went on and he said one of the biggest dangers that we've ever done is lead people to the Lord that weren't ready and they really didn't get saved they have a false sense of security but they never really gave their heart to the law and I just thought wow that just kind of freaked me out because I know with me I felt did you guys feel sorry I was like drawn is like oh I just know I missed it I need a Savior and I was like 19 or 20 I think I was but so many people today they come down to the altar they don't really care they're just going to add Jesus to their life they're just gonna add Jesus no we got to get back to the convicting power of the of the Spirit of God and I want to explain to you why here he said as I look at the church today do we evangelists insist on a biblical godly sorrow as evidence of true repentance or are we leading masses of unrepentant people into a false peace are we wrongly instructing them that all God requires of them to say is I believe in you Jesus have we shortcut genuine conviction for sins have we jumped in and offered salvation to those who have an action repented who haven't soured over their trespasses who haven't seen the exceeding sinfulness of their sins who have sought faith so that they could merely hide their lusts behind it that's what I saw in the 90s I saw a whole bunch of lusts called faith and it just turned me off nobody wanted to I started off praying when I got saved with a bunch of people and then the faith message came in and they said we don't pray anymore we just have what we say so we just say what we want they quit seeking the Lord and that freaked me out and it made me mad because it was just like wow here's all these people that were starting off in faith and praying repenting and and getting before God and praying before a service and getting his presence in now they didn't need to do all that now they just had to say God is with us today and they got hard and they got proudful and then they started collecting lusts everything and now God bless you with this know God didn't bless you with it you just went out and sought it and your own lust you had it didn't you have now leanness of soul does that make sense to anyone all too often what actually happens in that every simp that is that everyone simply repeats a prayer they merely pray what they're being told to pray and few of them grasp what they're saying then most go back into their heathen ways no change such people never experience a deep work of the Holy Spirit as a result they never repent never sorrow over their sins and never truly believe tragically we've offered them something Jesus himself never offered salvation without repentance I believe the church has even taken the feeling out of conviction any hellbound sinner who's been moved upon by the Holy Spirit naturally feels a profound sorrow over the ways he has grieved the Lord I posted yesterday on my Facebook from the Brownsville revival a boy that was giving a testimony on how he was a skinhead and he hated any other kind of religion he just had hatred fill his heart and he actually plotted to kill his mom and dad and his very mom that he tried to kill was on her face and he's praying for him every day he got gloriously saved and he repented and he was crying and weeping and he was telling people if you've got hate in your heart Jesus isn't in you this was a repentant person who sought repentance he was convicted and now his life has changed and that's what we want whatever you might not think you have much of a testimony but God will convict you if you didn't do a lot a whole bunch of bad stuff you're still a sinner you need Jesus you don't have the presence of God you need to get back with him so this is what he's talking about a heartfelt beloved we simply cannot work up that kind of repentance in our own flesh only the Holy Spirit can reveal to us how we have wounded our loving Savior I don't agree with all the Puritan writers this is still David Wilkerson but I love their emphasis on holiness these godly preachers called their sermons deep plowing they believed they couldn't so true seeds of faith until the soil of their listener hearts had been deeply plowed so the Puritans made sure their preaching went deep cracking all the fallow ground of their listening Souls their sermons pierced genuine repentance in their congregations and in turn over the years this produced strong mature faithful Christians today however most preaching is also no plowing I hear very sermons nowadays that dig deeper than the topsoil deep plowing doesn't just address the disease of sin it digs down to the very cause of the disease much of the preaching we hear today focuses on the remedy while ignoring the disease it offers a prescription without providing surgery that's heavy right there that's the title sadly we cause people to think they've been healed of sin when they never knew they were sick we put robes of righteousness on them when they never knew they were naked we urged them to trust and remember the prodigal son last week he didn't get a robe in a ring till he repented he repented and returned to his father and as he was going to his father his father ran to him he wasn't shaming him and but he gave him a robe to cover his nakedness after he had repented he left him alone until he came to his senses we urged them to trust in Christ when they don't even know they need their need to trust him such people end up thinking it just can't hurt to add Jesus to my life might as well try it so you wonder why there's no fruit in a lot of people you wonder why people don't know if they're saved or not they haven't really truly repented and then we've tried to and I've done this to sugarcoat things to not make sometimes you got to let the Holy Spirit say what he wants to say sometimes you want to cover and make it sugar-coated you know I still love you though you know sometimes that's what's gonna every person's different some saved by fear the Bible says some I mean you you know you just can't think that Jesus is this wimpy thing running around he's got flames of fire boy it's an awesome thing to fall in the hands of the Living God we got to learn people need things to get their hearts right with God and let the Holy Spirit do and say whatever he wants can you handle a couple more minutes CH Spurgeon powerful English preacher said I trust that sour full penance does still exist though I have not heard much about it lately people seem to jump into faith very quickly nowadays I hope my old friend repentance is not dead I'm desperately in love with repentance it seems to be the twin sister of faith when you truly repent and let God deal with you faith arises to believe him for a new beginning faith arises that he can restore what you've lost faith is a twin to repentance so why doesn't the devil want repentance taught well he doesn't want people to grow he doesn't want him to change he wants and I've heard this so much as I've been a minister for all these years people don't really change and I said well then I'm in the wrong business I believe people change God changed me why can't he change you he changed that guy in the Brownsville revival from wanting to kill his mom now he's a preacher peach I'd say that's a quite a change you went from a skinhead to a love head if there's such a word home I trust that sorrowful Penton still does exist though I have not heard much about it lately people seem to jump into faith very quickly nowadays I hope my old friend repentance is not dead I desperately I'm desperately in love with repentance it seems to be my twin sister of faith and I want you to hear what what he says I do not myself understand much about dry-eyed faith I know that I came to Christ by the way of the weeping cross when I came to Calvary by faith it was with great weeping and supplication confessing my sins and desiring to find salvation in Jesus now this is David Wilkerson again you see repentance isn't a one-time experience we think well we repent and we get saved we get repent and we get converted true but to grow with God repentance is a lifelong every once a lifelong and we have to allow him to be our lifelong convict er knowing it's a good thing we've heard some of these Hellfire about you know these preachers are like all they just condemn you and there are some that have a religious spirit of trying to straighten you out and I turn them out we went to a convention the Bahamas once and this guy was preaching on fasting and it was such a condemning message I went up to him afterwards and said I'm going to eat I still know his name and everything it was just the worst message I'm putting everybody under bondage and trying to it was it wasn't spirit led it was religious it was that kind of message puts to bondage and religious people put you under bondage the Holy Spirit when he can fix you he doesn't set you bondage he set you free there's a difference in the spirit behind it again all that condemnation is just the soul of man trying to play Holy Ghost I did that when I first got saved and the Lord rebuked me he said don't ever preach to people what you think they need to hear you know like someone's out there and you just focus on that one person and he said don't you ever play Holy Ghost and as you know stuff might slip out now and then but I purposed in my heart never to try to play holy ghost you can't bring someone under conviction only God can and sometimes that's why I like to go places not know anything of anybody and then stuff just comes out from God and they're like wow they read my she read my mail was it me it was a Holy Ghost but if you know stuff and you try to make people change they won't change you cannot in the flesh change anyone husbands and wives parents you can't you have to let the Holy Spirit deal with them so repentance and I'm getting ready to close isn't a one time I said just getting ready it's not some hurricane that strikes once and then it's gone forever nor do we experience repentance only in a moment of a crisis and then merely talk about it the rest of our lives sorrow for sin should be our constant teacher last year or last last whenever i shared about how greg what was his name that gulf chi mort Norman how it costs two hundred thousand dollars to have a bunch of guys around him and he teach you how to golf and how stupid you'd be if you said don't tell me I'm holding my rack of my club wrong don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me well he's he's he he's the great one well we have a greater one greater than all the other teachers in the world that lives within us and he's trying to teach us the way to talk the way to live and we always shut him down we don't want to hear that you're making me feel bad you're condemning me and here he is just trying to bring you into freedom getting you out of jail trying to break you out of your old habits amen so we have the best teacher but we have to learn to listen to the teacher so Spurgeon again he testified I freely confess that I have a very much greater sorrow for sin today now this is when he before he died but he was a preacher for years and years and years and listened to a man of wisdom he said then when I had first came to the Savior more than thirty years ago I hate sin more intensely now than I did when I was under conviction there are some things that I did not know to be sin that I know to be sin now I have a much keener sense of the vileness of my own heart now than when I first came to Christ when you really know who you are and you know who God is you know you can't be jealous except apart from the Holy Spirit you can't be envious you can't be all these things but through him as you abide in him he helps you rise above it but if you live in the flesh you're just trying to make Adam feel good be good so it's only as Christ abides in us the Christ lives through us so he's not standing behind our walls we're living with him and his glories coming out because there's treasures in each and every one of us but the treasures can't come out if it's bound by flesh sin wounds so we have to let that teacher let him come out and then when he convicts us the dealings of God comes he comes and he fingers us for a sin we have a choice either deny it harden ourselves to it justify it spiritualize rationalize minimize all these things so that we feel good about our self again that's what we have to do in order to live with what we're doing when we know we're not doing it wrong so what are we doing we are hardening our hearts that's next week part 3 sorrow for sin is a perpetual rain a sweet soft shower how can we start getting our minds renewed to repentance is a good thing being convicted changing my behavior is a good thing he said it's a sweet rain a soft shower to a truly saved man it lasts all of his lifetime how can you be in good relationships with people something happens always does but you stop and you have to soft-hearted people let's say we're not going to let this stay we're gonna deal with this if you have one hard-hearted person and one soft-hearted person it won't work the soft-hearted person is always wanting counsel and help but the hard-hearted person doesn't have any problems it's all your fault you can't work with two hard-hearted you have to have two soft heart so you got to make sure you keep your heart right you can't do anything about the other person but God is gonna judge us according to how we deal with our hearts right guard your hearts so he told that here's a good part now the Ephesians revelations 2 for now here's where it comes nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love Jesus was saying your fires going out the love for me that once motivated your faithfulness is waning you once bore my burden for the loss but now you're satisfied merely to sit and listen to sermons you've become totally engrossed in your own personal concerns and you're ignoring mine you've fallen far from where you once stood Jesus then tells them remember therefore from whence thou art fallen think back you used to yearn to come to the house of the Lord to be with the Saints to bear my burdens but now an hour on Sunday morning is plenty for you so dear Christian are you still on fire for Jesus are you in love with him as you passionately were when you first got saved or have you lost interest in his concerns forsaking all ministry do you have too much else going on in your life if so the Lord says to you I've got something against you you've left your first love listen to what Jesus says to us at this point repent and do the first works he's saying mourn over your growing apathy be contrite take it seriously then let your grief lead you back to where you were when you first loved me Christ then gives us a word that lets us know we'd better take heed he says or else if we don't repent we keep hardening our heart there's an or else we immediately spells he spells out the consequence I will come unto thee and I will remove that candlestick what's your candlestick it's your influence it's your authority it's the it's the things you've seen it's all the spiritual things you've known when Ichabod comes you can't see you can't here you're spiritually deaf you've become hardened every bit of influence will be taken away from us except you repent God said they would lose their discernment their spiritual blessings their finances his very presence now they're dead lifeless with only memories of his past blessing I don't want to live that way I don't want to live in what God used to do it's like Lord I want to be on your mountain praying in the glory I want to pray for rain I don't run and run around trying to find rain it's hard to find these days from what I hear we got to make our own rain thank you for those knowing mends and that no encouragement all right this is it Jesus ends his admonition to us this way to him that overcomes how many overcomers do we have here we got to overcome we got to have our first love I want to be passionate for God again forgive all those people that have hurt you and you'll be hurt again why because we live in a fallen world you've heard people you don't even know you've heard I've heard people I don't even know I've heard I've offended I didn't know I offended but just keep on going with Jesus if we let shame hold us back it's just another excuse and Jesus will stand behind our wall whatever excuse we give him he's just standing there waiting for us to take that excuse town well I'm not gonna give because this pastor bought an airplane well you know what big deal I don't have to stand for that pastor I have to stand on what's God asking me to do with my money my first love where have I fallen where I was when I said Lord I want my glory back I want my calling back I want restoration back I want whatever other people stole from me or I let go I want it back we got to start with that start facing I'm the problem no one else is the problem you are the problem say I am the problem that's freedom in saying you're the problem because then you can get help if you keep saying it's that person you keep shoveling all that conviction over on them over on them it's just that proves that you have a hard heart and you're a good Shoveler that's it Jesus sends his admonition to him that overcomes will I give to eat of the Tree of Life now this is our blessing for repentance Jesus is the Tree of Life Jesus is the spirit of Revelation Jesus is the glory Jesus is all this stuff so as we say we don't want this he gives us more of him there's a price to pay for the presence of God it's gonna cost us all our gossip it's gonna cost us a lot of flesh but I'm ready for the switch dear Saint Jesus is that tree he's telling us if you'll repent I'll give you constant life from my very being as long as you continue to love me I will provide a flow of supernatural life in you this life will be revealed in your discernment your love for people your good works for my kingdom this is the trait that distinguishes every Christian who's truly in love with Jesus such a believer is full of life everyone around him knows it as you repent God's Spirit will begin to produce in you a new revelation of the glory of Christ amen we're gonna pray Lord we thank you for giving us today a truly repentant heart take us back to who we were when we first fell in love with you but this time Lord we ask you not to just take us back from where we've fallen but we want to go further we want to fulfill our destiny we want to fulfill what you've asked us to do in the name of Jesus and it starts with us in the secret place with nobody watching nobody knowing just the secrets and you're only as sick as your secrets you've got to start with the secrets of your own heart and you've got to stop battling there and the hardest thing and I'm going to tell you this as a testimony the hardest thing is going to be obeying the call of God on your life because the devil will send Delilah's he'll send Jezebel's he'll send whoever to try to stop and block and mock and try to stop that call and if you can't get you spiritually he'll try to over you physically mentally or whatever so you got to be surrounded with like-minded believers that want to go to the next realm there's a lot of babies playing church right now they don't even have a hunger they don't even know how to worship they don't even know how to pray in tongues they don't really care they just want to be blessed but there is rising an army there's rising people that have been seasoned in the glory and in the presence of God that are not content with playing Church they want to see heavens open and they want to see the Lord of glory come down and they want to see lives transformed and changed God is stirring up that remnant he's stirring up that remnant of God again to get into their places and father we thank you for that remnant to not just be where they were but to go farther and beyond for there's a new day dawning there's a new day and a new realm of the Spirit hallelujah and father we've tasted and we've seen that you are good and we are not content to live with the potato chips of the devil that's all it is little chips off of other people's preaching we want to go to the Tree of Life we want the spirit of Revelation we want the spirit of glory flowing through us if that's you say Amen hallelujah glory glory glory I don't know Jew I'm on fire today Oh
Channel: Roberta Morrison
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Keywords: Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church
Id: Y6SS5lW3qYY
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Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2016
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