Dungeons Of Drakkenheim Episode 13: Parent Trap

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Drakken I'm is no more struck by a falling stone the city bathed in Elders fire Ahmed wolf believed the tumultuous aftermath brought chaos families torn asunder and the kingdom shattered 15 years later monsters stalked the haunted streets of dragonhide wa khatim its rival factions struggling to rule the rumble three unlikely partners venture forth into the crumbling city in search of riches renown and revenge [Music] welcome to drackett hime this is our weekly Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition game with the dungeon dudes that's me Dungeon Master Monty Martin and I'm Kelly McLaughlin and I'm gonna be playing Sebastian Crowe the half al shadow sorcerer and we're joined today by our good friends Jill denied us playing Bayeux Sonya the tabac see gloom sucker Ranger and Joe Gorman playing Pluto Jackson the human battle master tonight's episode of dungeons of dragon hime has been sponsored by skull-splitter dice they sent us this awesome collection of their premium metal dice for us to use at our games and I'm still rolling with this very beautiful gold set of dice I feel so fancy rolling them and they're really really satin seen ice sound on the tabletop when we roll them what's cool about this is that we are giving away a free set of skull-splitter dice each month to one of our lucky viewers or subscribers if you follow us on twitter or subscribe to us on youtube all you have to do is follow the link in the description below to confirm your entry and you get a +1 bonus if you follow us on twitter as well if you really like skull-splitter dice we check them out it's called splinter dice calm and if you do like what you see what you want to pick up a set for yourself right now we've got a discount code d dudes which you can use for 15% off your order so thank you so much to skull-splitter dice for bringing us all the critical hits and critical failures in tonight's game when last we left our heroes they had ventured far from their haunting and partner stomping grounds in the inner city of Drakken Heim back out to ember wood village the one-time hometown of Sebastian Crowe last time they had cut a deal with Oscar yeren who would investigate Queen Lenore and what had happened to her but they have also secured a copy of his research notes the aqua exper go hoshin the very painful concoction that Polito jackson tested field tested last week how you feel in pollute oh well we know it works and i'm gonna get your dad to power wash my armor you might need all new armor by this point and it's stain that won't come out like OxiClean they use magic and it's still yeah having returned to ember wood village our three heroes now are at tobias crows home enjoying the company of river and sebastian and rivers former mentor the mage eldritch rune Weaver after having a bit of we now have them in a bit of a meeting discussing the next steps which was sidetracked for a moment because Sebastian has some questions what kind of questions are they Sebastian who's my mom just just like that no um are we diving right into this yeah let's dive right in alright my mother so tell me a bit more somber we we are in Tobias Crowes home the simple house which you remember growing up in which has now grown in size built far on the opposite side of amberwood village from the home that you were born in the children are playing outside it's later in the afternoon Tobias has come home and Moira has taken them out she's been kind of fixing things for you all to eat she's brought a few bits of food and River & algorri are enjoying some tea the two of them when river and Eldrick are in the room together it is very clear that they are representatives of the amethyst Academy though the members of the Academy don't wear any sigils or insignia on their dress they almost always wear purple in some way a deep amethyst color whether it's in their traveling robes or just on a bandana or in some way River herself her traveling cloak that she wears that with a large hood and Eldrick him himself in a kind of purple overcoat that he's drawn up over as Eldrick turns to speak to you you can see his kind of wizened and pockmarked face and his big bushy beard which scragga lit but has been cut into a square shape the skullcap that he keeps on his face and as he as he turns to speak again he he catches sight of AO is oh speaking of cats and he and jumping up over his cloak comes his cat a smaller black cat with a very strange beard also cropped in the same shape as Eldrick off of its chin and like like Eldrick its eyes glow with a soft amber light as it eyes you all over do I know this cat or is this a new addition um I guess it's been 15 it's never been clear how many cats Eldrick has had but they all seem to look like this I am I am like ah and I pull out a little bit of like they literally last piece of candy even that I have how many last pieces of candied salmon I keep finding like and as you as you hold it out the the cat stretches out his neck in that very long cat-like way almost perching precariously on elder shoulder to snap at the piece of salmon and keeping its balance and eldritch as the cat does so he doesn't even need to shift to move the cat just knows how to manage its weight on his shoulder as it gnaws down on the candied scent the salmon as it snaps I'm just like and Eldrick turns to the cat and says Brutus mind your manners I mean it's only fair we have one I mean I guess it's like there's a cat ownership Eldrick Eldrick sips st he pulls his glasses down kind of wipes them a little bit with with a handkerchief before putting them back in place and by this time Tobias Crowe himself his big red beard and blacksmith's muscles he's kind of settled himself down he's still covered in soot from the heat of the board he kind of wipes his head he sits down he regards river and Eldrick with a little bit of suspicion as he as he sits down from what you know Sebastian he's maybe only met Eldrick and your father had maybe only met once and that was probably when Albert came to say I'm taking your son interest intention so you're telling me that everything that I need to know about my mother's in the old house that's that's where we were at I believe Eldrick speaks up and says that would be my best guess your there's information about Lenna thievin tide and some of the mage guild archives the archives that were in Drakon heimlich course for she worked out of the tower there for many many years so any of her work or research or notes about her would have been in that whole old tower and if she retired to the the countryside outside perhaps she took some of her work with her as well I mean I guess that makes sense I just I never wanted to go back in that house it's kind of I don't know not a happy place Tobias speaks up and says son there's no need to your mother's gone you can let her spirit best there's no need to go digging around in old ghosts I just found out that my mom was a spell caster not only a spell caster but one of the most powerful spell casters in the last century she's worked in Drakon Heim on the Clocktower which also is curious and I have a lot of questions about that I could get a lot of answers not just about where I came from where my powers came from who I am but also about the research I'm trying to do in Drakon time to figure out what happened here 15 years ago boy digging up the dead brings you nothing but more questions and more pain on the contrary I've practiced a little necromancy he uh he stops and he says that's it's dark business boy if you want to go dredge it up in that old house he he gets to a seat and walks over to one of the chests of drawers that is in the home ruffles through them and produces a set of keys and he throws them on the table he says you can take those place has been locked up boarded up I was gonna burn it but I didn't you're welcome to go I have to I'm sorry I mean it's just a house right what's what's the worst that could happen stop starting with that what I'm trying to calm myself down all right that house makes me really uneasy I don't like looking at it ooh what is it haunted I hope not oh yeah I mean uh when I was born the dead raised from around here and so that kind of was a problem so yes it might be haunted there's a lot of spirits and undead and ghosts that uh I think about all the rounds I created for people that dig graves let's say I made more money like the system works speaks houses and says I mean if you want to take some time for a personal errand Sebastian and go check this out we still have some of our own business to settle though with with the results of what you found in the city we also have a bunch of lyrium mm-hmm and did your dad get the mr. crow yeah did you receive our or I did I've got it in the shop you're welcome I'm excited to work with it should be very very interesting I think I might be able to make a few good weapons or maybe a nice suit of armor what was the delivery like did it just show up or it was very curious River showed up walking down the street bearings big chunk of metal and rock on a well it was a purpley pink little floating disc one of the most curious things I've ever seen and I've seen some things growing up with this one my bad you River River shrug there was an incident she says your friends pretty pretty interesting ones back there but I took care of it don't worry the the rats yeah they're fine did you meet the rat Prince yeah I don't want to ever be around him again he's very very creepy it's a really nice guy once you get to know did you get past that maybe we'll have like a big group things coming from a feline point of view he's a nice guy he's good people Eldrick speaks up and says River Sebastian always made strange friends after all two of your friends that's right and River just kind of she could she can't turn red because she already is but if she could she might be so River you know we've got a lot of this delirium here and we're just wondering how much goldfish I mean gold you're willing to give us for this chunka chuck a rock to be shiny how much do we have and all the flowers 14 shards of delirium our days of occurrence plus getting the notes and the potion and some Aldredge lilies for your research bagel lilies Eldrick turns to river and says they kind of messed up the first time didn't they and river says well this does make up for it I mean this is a lot of delirium it says well how it's double the effort feel like we would have you wouldn't have been as far as you are in this research had it not been for us taking the initiative to dig a little bit deeper hmm I will never be the same I was forever changed by what carrying luggage oh the potions yeah you look you look skinnier I definitely actually you know it yeah well Elric says so there's 14 charts of delirium the lily is the successful mission our cat give your cat salmon like that a you 500 gold pieces now I mean thank you thank you that's a reasonable amount I suppose she can't help it yeah a reasonable amount and we would like to know if there is any equipment that you will need for further work with the amethyst Academy that we might be able to furnish for you I need an entire lab set up in the clock tower so if you can figure out a way to do that I have this alchemy stuff and I put it like all the damaged things and I found a twistle thing and a swirly bird and pretty sure this is used for stuff I have why it's broken I have one budget bird on a shelf somewhere about magic oh and a novelist that burns people yeah it'll pretty much be our Bunsen burner so you need equipment yes oh wait maybe some better like backpacks or something to like holder so I feel like we've been carrying a lot of stuff I mean a staff of power would be cool too we can't do that I've heard legend subject says he he says listen to his kind of backpack that is assembled beside him and he pulls off one of the the satchels it's an amethyst satchel that has been embroidered with several interlocking patterns on it and he says your payment is in this and the bag can be considered a bonus it's a bag I'm so excited open up it opens up and you look inside and it looks like about three or four feet the bag is about three or four deep feet deeper than it should be and at the bottom are several gold bars and it looks like there's at least 1500 gold pieces worth in gold bars which must weigh several pounds yet the bag feels like it's almost empty I set the bag on the ground and I say Pluto hold my feet and I climb into the bag and start handing the metal bars up so Pluto's holding this bag and Sebastian climbs inside of it and just like the top of him is poking out he's like lifting the gold bars out and as you do that tobias his eyes go wide it looks like he's probably never seen this much money before in his life and Eldrick simply says don't spend it all in one place I noticed that that conman although the immense still camped out here in town con man we were just heading to him to buy some more like a snake oil salesman he's selling a wand of web do you have one that I can buy for less than he's selling it well I hope it works that's all I'll say I always took we should check on his return policy at least a warranty yeah so Eldrick says Sebastian despite the misgivings that the river has told me about I'm very impressed with you with the work of you Pluto and BAE oh thank you sir gracias done well and significantly better than the other survey teams that we've paid for to have explored Rockingham how are they doing others we probably shouldn't talk about them it's very to present we find their names at the shack in any event a few things are in motion that we're concerned about you've no doubt seen that encampment of paladins of the silver order outside town yeah the hooded lanterns don't get along well with them there's these strange religious followers here the monsters all these various groups but the most important thing in the city is the mage tower by far there are things in that tower that regular people are not meant to meddle in and it is of upmost importance that the amethyst academy secures it before any other group can gain any sort of foothold inside the city you have a lot of high-ranking mages why have you not tried to go in there are some interesting limitations most notably the haze you're welcome with further this discovery and this work and the Delirium samples that you've brought back for us we think it is time to mobilize in the coming weeks we would appreciate however to keep you on retainer and perhaps once you have assimilated a stockpile of oscar urines solution we would like to fund an expedition spearheaded by the three of you into the tower sounds awesome do I have to take more of that stuff I think we all do oh yeah oh yeah would she for the deep for the deep pays well I say that we obtain some cloth and we wear it like diapers and that solves one of our major problems at that pose this is a noticeable limitation and if what you say is true about this inoculation that it only lasts a few hours and then it causes some extreme after-effects it will make it difficult to do what we need to do but if we can get a sense of what the status of things are in the tower then we might be able to come up with some alternative solutions this is not a pressing matter yet and obviously the resources are not available to us at this time to mount that expedition until we get sufficient quantity of this aqua exper go I have a question for you so we have research into channeling the delirium into smell into smells we have the potion to withstand the deep haze is there any research being done into how to get rid of the haze or have you tried things simple like a wind smell to try to clear a path there is significant resistance amongst upper members of the guild to even venturing into the ruins personally these measures that you're suggesting using wind spells and others may be possible but we are concerned about the presence of wild magics the effects of the haze all these are aggravating factors and there is not complete alignment within the Academy over the way to proceed this is a delicate matter and we're going to continue working on it I have another question so the tower is above the haze correct in theory it should reach both A's have you looked at other ways of flying into the tower just to see you at the end of this Academy has come up with her own like on a broom or something or a magic carpet like right a harpy in there issue of course is that we find that many of the defenses the tower was designed to protect others against now makes it difficult for our own methods to access it most notably because many of those defenses that were in place around the tower were put in place by the mages who resided in that tower and not by other members of the Academy at large each tower of the Academy operates somewhat autonomously from the others and this is to prevent any one group of mages from having supremacy over all the others so our ability to bypass these is contingent on finding former members that would have worked in the dragon ion tower of which there are not your mom she's not around anymore we've been hopefully why where's your butt butt Eldrick I mean it's possible that she still could have had her keyring any of her wards or amulets like she might not have turned she might have kept bills the Academy wouldn't have necessarily taken them from her would they and Eldrick implies it's entirely possible tobias did your wife have any strange jewelry amethyst jewelry diamonds rings do anything that she can y5 baubles somewhere - which Tobias replies she had money that was all I knew but she never displayed it she had all these heirs of being so sophisticated but she seemed so down-to-earth that was why I loved her she never wore jewelry not when I knew her what about keepsakes like sentimental things like photos or a diary or she had a few portraits she the mirror she loved noted but beyond that I can't think of anything else would there be anybody else in the amethyst Academy still she liked her books course she had a great deal of books she was always reading but none of them ever looked like a spell book or anything like that to me any other elves in the emphasis kind of me turn around when she's around Eldrick says again she was part of the dragon hime circle so yes but what's happened to them maybe there's somebody out there who still knows more information about your mom I still think that we might be able to find something in that old house I can I wasn't planning on heading back and asking around it would be a bit of a trek for me to leave and come back at the stage but I could I could at least contact some of my associates and see what we can find magic ways of communicating to one another right we do why don't we see what's in that house first and see what we dig up and if we find anything helpful then we can move forward from there that sounds like a plan in the meantime river and I shall follow up we shall see what we can do with these bits of delirium and potions that you've found and we'll take it from there you've done excellent work the tower may be blueprints or any information there's a basement of some sort we'd like to know that too secretive eldritch chuckles and says the idea of mapping a tower one of the mage guild is a very funny and River kind of River laughs gag wishful thinking yeah that's fair what a jokester oh can we set up a call schedule can you like do magic talk to my Harold over here like in two days or something well you're just gonna go check out the house yeah we're going down the street come back that's a pretty old crummy house like it's it's what two floors going forward like is there like can we have like a call schedule like you do magic talk what's that one I know how to river says if you would like in the future I can contact you every other day hey talking on the phone it's kind of like magic texting let's face it okay I'm okay with that so yeah it's texting I'll text you once a week magic text once a week yeah it's not scary it's it's terrifying your dad owns multiple properties well one of them I think the value is decreased significant since my birth and not Tobias chips and nothing else drives down real estate like a meteor crashing in your backyard that's true that's fair meteor crash in your backyard track and hood it was a loose term delirium in the backyard oh and speaking of which River I've got a little bit of an extra payment for you as well it is some white fin tuna a few more bits of candied salmon and some haddock oh very fancy oh I need some batter now yes thank you yes thank you you need to learn to deep-fry Eldrick continues are you going now or shall we reminisce we can drink tea for the evening and leave in the morning I wouldn't mind that not at night time also also dad you might want to take a look at Pluto's armor there's been a few incidents you know me all right we'll get you cleaned up Pluto I'm that City I tell you if you'd had any letter if you'd had that Caspian armor you walk in with you would have been walking back here naked no you're absolutely right thank you sir you've been more than generous with your skills and it's it saved my my butt a few times and I do have a lot of pride for Caspian armor but man it's garbage compared to this is so good I know ice when I see well-made you know I won't I won't try to pretend I mean my sword even like I found this cool javelin thing that I can stab harpies with I mean that will give that a good sharpening yeah thank thank you already so the the rest of the evening passes with tea and dinner with Eve they have to set up an extra set of boards and tables now with all the people that are staying now in this tiny little crow house and more Moira and the children are utterly fascinated they seem to be completely thrilled to have company over Tobias is a little tired he's a little after the conversation about your mother again he's a little bit more withdrawn through there through the rest of the evening and he really focuses on spending time with your brother and with your brother Sebastian as well as pollute Oh patching up Pluto's armoury they kind of go right but right around back to the extra things and he pulls out the rivets and the tools and they start cleaning things up and working on that and you're beyond that veil how are you gonna spend the evening I I'm hanging out with that cat a little cat I'm really curious about him and I'm just like intrigued by his eyes and I spend a little bit of time with him but then other than that I'm like you know what everybody seems a little bit like tense who wants a famous veo massage those words Brutus the cat who'd seem very reserved for for most of the evening seems to hear the word massage and ears like perk up and the cat kind of brushes right up over over to you almost oddly flirtatiously but cats cats tend to do that yeah and I start you know when cats like they are trying to find a comfy spot and they just sit there and they massage I do that with my hands on the cat just like you know it's cat ception yeah this is this is like blowing my mind I'm watching it like I'm just like staring at this happening being like I don't know what to make look there's a cat massaging a cat what a world we live in Drakken honey she killed so many people she's just a big softy give you like a sharp toothy grin like Sebastian how are you gonna pass evening there's a fireplace in this house right I light the fire and I sit down near it and I bring my two younger sisters over and I start telling them in great and slightly exaggerated detail the adventures that we've been on in the city they listen to you with rapt attention and they they seem to really fixate on the details of the garden and the tower they just love hearing and but they get terrified they screen when you tell the tales of all the monsters but they love like as you tell them about the harpies that you battled in the clock tower they stare at the feathers like this came from one of them there and there and your youngest sibling she's still holding the harpy egg like she's it's good she's not going to be a mean monster is it is she I hope not no you take good care of it she'll have to learn to behave otherwise you'll learn to fight too if I acted like that mom would beat me up and Pluto yourself I'm gonna help Sebastian's dad clean my armor and try to kind of pick up a future and like organize my things like I feel like everything's been kind of just like I'm very my soldier and it's like you know now that I have a chance to rest I have to put things back where they were make sure my armor is clean make sure my blades are sharp and I kind of breathe yeah as he's up as he's cleaning the armor and fixing it up with you he he says he it seems like he's taking taking stock of you and he says so I'm thinking I'm going to try putting together a suit full plate armor but with that meteoric iron you brought what you think I think I think that's a solid plan I think I've got a good start on it I've got a good idea for where we can get started yeah I'll have to get your measurements we'll have to build it piece by piece it'll take us a few weeks but I think it's gonna be something special and he continues to talk about all those oh and they're kind of like nerding out about the amur yeah you could do like a little flange here and you could do like a swoop and it's like do you want a tea Krauss for the visor or shall we do kind of what you think I don't know it kind of got it I think it like for arrow deflection but also for likes word and like bludgeoning like we start having like if we have enough metal we can do a chainmail coat underneath if we really make the metal go far we might be able to make a suit of barding for a steed yes I need a new horse my divers as the evening passes eventually Eldrick and River finished their tea in their dinner and they both retired back to Elric's kara Elric's carriage which as you only catch it for a glimpse but as the door opens into the carriage the room within is much larger than what the carriage seems to be is so crazy I like looking out the window and on I'm just like I never got invited into that carriage waiting years want to see the hut one day I didn't see anything yes as the evening passes Sebastian you don't sleep at all the nightmares come back to you oh no only of and in in the nightmare you are dragged out of your bed by a dog who drags you back to a grave behind the old house where it devours your heart am i screaming in the night yeah eventually when that when the morning comes around it seems like someone at some point in the night moved you out to the barn because of the screaming strapped a pillow around my face and move me into a pile of hay the night terrors again you should have had a veil massage too you know that really next time so that way you don't have to drag you to the bottom I know that the thought of going back to my creepy old house that I'm terrified of would give me nightmares yeah you brought up all these things right before you went to bed like that's I also ate some snacks right before we need to sleep it was a bad idea our stories are cool they think I'm cool I told them to tell all of their friends about Sebastian Crowe indigestion oh I guess we have to go in your scary old house now don't we I mean yeah that's what I said isn't it the window you tell us about the dream to tell you um yeah we're eating breakfast and I'm like so I got eaten by a dog last night in my dream same dream that I have all the time dog drags me into the street drags me back to my creepy house eats me it ain't my heart this time what's that mean I looked it up in this book of dreams and apparently it means that there is great change coming sure part cat because I have very similar dreams of dogs chasing me around the streets of Dragon I'm I assure you it's entirely definite two spots you know like just mean dogs on the street I don't think we're having the same dream okay you can ask me about my dreams we will sometimes he goes back to his bacon had cool dreams too just getting out of great sleep I didn't dream long I wish I dreamed I miss my horse well your dream probably actually means something good day I've been having it all my life I can't seem to figure out what the heck this dog means but I feel like I've seen it outside my dreams as well rarely but like in the background sometimes follows you it's like I can't you know you know when you see something move out of the corner of your eye and you look and there's nothing there that means it's hiding now wait no that's a thing it's a real thing oh maybe we're just being followed by a dog I don't know never seen it out in the old engine all been following us for weeks you just never said it tell it to backs you when you're traveling with them okay stir anything you would all like to do before you set out I think I'm ready oh do we get a long rest yes okay I think I'm ready to go I'm down to one level of exhaustion so I'm doing really good nice I'm I'm I'm still feeling a little queasy from the aqua aqua expert now it just says like like it says it magically it's just like I mean as long as we survive this house in order to spend the awesome gold and eat the amazing fish that I got it's it's just a house right right just is there a reason why people aren't going to it tell me it's just a house please yeah okay good good but is it though yeah it's just a place where somebody died that happens that's normal that's a normal thing and just I'm impressed that your dad owns two houses I mean the house cognitive charred and weird you'll see what's yeah I'm not freaked out by knowing how stories kind of scared me you don't really like watch or listen to horror stories and then go to the place where the horror stories actually happened that is exactly what I do so we went to like it's what I get paid to do horror stories there is a river of goo and like things came out of it and bit us there was like The Swamp People and the lady whose face melted when you did mage and stuff this is a house and I feel like this is like this is like a a loop of of adventures like I feel like this is no it's personal like this should be like we're just going to an old house you're right you're putting confidence good about it so I would try to be as brave as Pluto and I'm confident and brave too we have it's not even like we have to break in tomorrow those houses that we've had do you still want to just break in yeah okay let's go let's go come on we'll walk to the front door we'll try the key make sure it works and then just go to the window it's smashing [Laughter] feels cool as you go to leave in the in the morning Sebastian Sybil comes up to you and she says are you going to the old house yeah I am you know the kids in town they sneak in the back window and they dare each other to stay there or that thing hasn't already ever done it no no one ever stays overnight have you heard any stories about from from the kids that went in they say all sorts of things that there's a scary man that lives in the house that keeps a dog that will chase you at night and they hear the rattling bones all through the upstairs bedroom stories of a child these aren't know yeah you're an adult that casts magic these are the pens Emma Emma turns to civil and says civil everyone knows that's not true everyone says that the reason why they don't stay the night is cuz they go upstairs to that creepy mirror and it shows you what you look like when you're dead yeah yeah obviously as you looked at it just a moment ago had you looked at it so know that the house is so scary it's crazy it's just a house it's it's you guys don't know what you're talking about your little kids I'm sorry I got angry I can't believe it dad you still go there it was a very nice place I don't actually remember I'm making that out yeah I just like to pretend in my in my dreams that it's a nice place before I ruined it with my birth we don't tell him any of our friends that it used to be our dad's house most kids don't know everybody knew what I was growing up they all made fun of me for it anyway I did I made fun of you for it yeah wait I mean yeah those mean dragon I'm kids making fun of you for living in that old scary house thank you for the stories they're great they're wonderful the great stories we're gonna go to that house now okay I'll bet you can't stay there overnight it's just a house probably not Sebastian it's just a house just stay in the house overnight don't worry a few years ago some of the older girls dared Peter to stay there and he couldn't stay up either you have it Peter's a doofus are you better than Peter I'm better than Peter he's 11 I'm better than an 11 year old you can't even cast mage hand I turned to the girls I'm like next time I come over I'm gonna tell you the scariest story right before you go to bed really promise promise awesome where we go to the house the fine normal everyday house so you make your way across amber wood village the general hustle and bustle through as you move through the town square across the amber wash River and to the wrong side of town where the old crow manor house is it really doesn't deserve the title of a manor house but it is a finer building than most of the other homes in Everwood village it lies on a small estate with a set of low rising hills in the back and a fair amount of dilapidated and overgrown farmland out on the back few puddles collect in the estate ahead of it a large hedgerow in front it's a three-story home with high steeple roofs and high windows that would have once been glass were they not now completely boarded up outside of all the windows of the house are the clear telltale signs of burn marks coming up out of them but they emerge and strange wispy patterns that seem reminiscent of fire but almost not the paint on the outside the plaster is peeling in many places revealing the stonework and timber underneath and the front double doors are closed and boarded over and you can see that there's chains and a padlock hanging across the doors as well the there's a few gnarled pine trees growing up at the front almost as high as the house and as you approach the sunny and warmer day Sebastien suddenly turns cold and almost in a moment a cloud storm front breaks in and all you can hear is barking and howling do you guys hear that do they hear it's warm and there's almost no barking here which is really nice and no barking do they seek on they don't see the storm even though it's gone there was never any storm what are you talking about no what's storm are we like just out front yeah are you having an incident do you guys want to go for beers you guys want to know the town we could we could just go get it Rinker for going in the scary holiday we have paladin's to deal with guys we have the scary house with even though I mean I especially it kind of nicer day you're a dragon behind which as far as me doesn't feel nice look we're gonna walk into the B&E we'll break in so it'll feel cool it looks pretty boarded up and like so I unlock the door then why smash the boards okay comes up in opens the the lock and yeah BAM get it I'm like fumbling with the keys I'm like mumbling under my breath like stupid barking use your chain and all of a sudden you feel a barking right behind you I turned it's me I'm barking I it's just so bad it's just Sebastian it's just polluted talking to you to make you hurry up yeah come on do you not know how to use a key were you just barking no I don't bark I don't okay um sorry I'm gonna unlock this padlock now did he just ask me if I was reading it was yeah there's a padlock I'm locking it okay as you push the key into the keyhole I don't know how padlock feels almost squishy and you look down and you insert the key into the padlock I've got a blood comes out as if you just stabbed someone in the heart did they see the blood what blood I feel is the first time you've opened a door Pluto Pluto can you open the door for me yeah oh yeah I was waiting for you yes I face away from the house and like my back's turned in my arms are crossed and I'm like not looking back at it until I get the okay that it we can go in okay I'm gonna open the door I come up behind you take my gloves and I just like on the backyard deck I turn around and shove you instant now we're gonna start messing with you like I'm still working every once in a while I'm a job I don't really like though so I mean if you want to make both of us uncomfortable the door open yet Pluto yeah it would took moments yeah and you just rip the boards off that are you can help I just go on like bodycheck the door and just bounce off of it every smack and crack of their hands and crowbars against the boards sounds like a barking hound Sebastian I was back up to these two and I'm like are you guys sure you don't hear anything weird what's weird nothing you're being weird I'm being weird nothing though don't worry about it what's coming in your mouth is weird but other than that it's like is it okay do you need a minute no I'm fine let's just go it's it's it's just a house it's just it's just a house say it again it's just a house I go into the house I follow I hesitate is it dark there is no light in that there's no light in the house the windows are boarded up and as you open the front doors all the light of the day seeps in through the house revealing the strewn leaves and debris dust and dirt of the front foyer it's a large void hallway with the staircase leading up and another set of stairs leading down to the cellar below there are doors to your left and right and there's a large bookcase and several vases pots other shelves they seem to mostly be stripped of belongings and scrawled on one of the walls in chalk is an inscription that says Bryant and Brendan were here and then a heart drawn over it okay if other people are coming here and signing their names this can't be that bad I'm putting hearts yeah this place is fine like a party house party home so what we need to look for is your mom's journal or notes or books mirrors there's something about a keyring to get into the mages Tower and so that should be our focus it's just a house that has that stuff in it yeah let's just delete the place is just like any other house I'm gonna turn okay what color we're gonna go with Caspian gold cool a golden light illuminates the hallway because it's my plaster inside is peeling marred and cracked you can see that there's clear signs of mold and water damage you can feel that you can hear the floorboards creaking under your feet as you walk through the through the house which way will you go job of keeping this place I'm still I'm still in the doorway I haven't stepped foot in yet I'm just [Music] now because you were just a wee baby you don't remember much of this I have no idea we got a stir let's look for the bedroom that's where I keep stuff go on a door or up the stairs yeah upstairs I walk towards steps okay so well built staircase you have the stairs to another landing and another hallway above this hallway there are a single set of doors at the far end leading to an over overhanging kind of balcony that was looking over the front front doors which had the windows of which were closed and boarded up and over as well then there are two smaller doors off to the the on the left-hand side them and another set of stairs leading off besides you this hallway you can see that there is a clear there's a stain of what looks like either mold or water coming out of the master bedroom the single door on the one side and there's a few more bit marks of chalk and other things scrawled in and scrawled across the door beside the master bedroom door is simply the words if you want to see what happens when you die look in the mirror at night signed Brian guys there's a creepy thing and scroll on the thing up here I'm scared already now yeah does it look like anyone else walks in here this look like this other footprints examining around there there's some old bits of disturbance in the dust and dirt but not much in the way that would indicate someone had been in here recently if judging by the graffiti on some of the walls it seems like over the years some kids have come in here but if any of them have come in here recently to stay around some of the doors are hanging slightly ajar but if kids have been in here recently probably not Brian did a very thorough examination of this house as you guys are heading up the stairs I finally run into the building and start chasing after you so I'm not left alone downstairs okay I'm gonna go into the room that has the scrawled over the master bedroom okay it's the most reasonable place to start looking for stuff is that the room you're born in I don't I don't know my every time I would bring up my birth and stuff I really didn't get told much by my dad all I heard were stories from the other villagers about the storm and the undead and the weird magic and the horribleness of it all and how I suck and nobody likes me so that's all that I got told about my birth I don't know which room it was in I don't know which bed it was in I don't even know it could have been the kitchen table it's hard to say maybe a water bird like like maybe well we'll look for signs of where I was wrong I guess my guess would be those flames that were occurring out the window let's follow the flames yeah did you like the place on fire when you were born probably would have been standing no it just kind of got instantly old I'm gonna go into the master bedroom and I'm I'm right behind you there okay my drift globe goes in first the master bedroom is relatively well appointed well it would have been in its day there's a large double bed covered with blackened matted and rotting sheets in front of which is a large chest of drawers which is locked and closed there are several sets of there's several shelves that are filled with rotting books and a fireplace across from the bed several tear chairs and other chests of drawers a ruined portrait of Lenna and tobias and a large standing silver mirror in one corner with what looks like a hairline fracture through the middle of it the offending mirror well let's split up and start looking for key rings and stuff I call the locked drawer Sebastian look at the mirror for a second I look at the mirror okay you look in the mirror use your fears and you see yourself in the mirror seems normal it's working but you're wearing a red cloak not one for red seems odd anything else do I look otherwise is it mirrored like / yeah it smeared perfectly but you're wearing a red cloak is it a fancy cloak no it's looks like a red travelers cape that's about all do I see that he's wearing a red cape yeah the reflection in the mirror is wearing a red cloak the old mirror of red cloaks that's a weird one this is not as scary as I thought it was going to be what do you guys think do I look good in a cape I'm scared that there's a red cloak I mean it actually doesn't surprise me your mom was pretty magical yeah a magic mirror doesn't surprise me the kids made it sound like this is going to be horribly terrifying but it's actually just letting me choose some new fashion trends that night yeah we may have to read something to get real freaked out mmm true I'm gonna go through the chest of drawers on the end of the bed yeah yeah you the the chest of drawers and inside are several old matted pieces of clothing but inside is a red cloak does it look like that one yeah oh my god I think I should put that on it looks really good on me we're gonna solve the mystery of the Haunted cloak I mean so far this house isn't that scary the scariest part was outside with all the dogs and storms there was no dog and there was no storm I know guys I was just kidding but I'm gonna put this red cloak on okay yeah yeah have the cloak I put the cloak on and look back in the mirror more blue and gold anyways hmm put the cloak on and you look at your reflection in the mirror and you look like a withered corpse wearing a red cloak I take the cloak off and look in the mirror as you take the cloak off your reflection returns to normal but you are still wearing the red cloak mist we got ourselves a red cloak corpse mere classic I don't know okay I I'm gonna walk over and I want to look into the mirror you look in the mirror you see yourself reflected in the mirror but you're wearing a pair of glasses guys this is my secret I've been wearing contacts this all time scary some white glasses I'm gonna start frantically a resolving this yeah I feel like it's a mystery who's a mystery of foot I'm gonna start rummaging for glasses I'm searching the room there's uh there's a large desk and as you rummage around many of the drawers in the desk are locked but you've got the keys and opening one of the compartments up there are a pair of glasses I feel so much smarter wearing glasses I start saying oh the the root of the sum of three quarters and other fancy nautical terms poor look at the glasses there the lenses of the glasses are slightly tinted he's hurt the and looking back at them they look really similar to the glasses that Eldrick wears I'm just gonna throw this out here guys but if you were a spellcaster who was famous for being an amazing spell caster and you moved to the suburbs for a quiet life and you wanted to hide all of your magical secrets what better way to hide them then through a puzzle involving a magical mirror and a bunch of mundane objects it's a stretch but I think there's something about this mirror that we need to figure out to unlock a secret ooh I think you should wear the glasses too I put on the glasses and the cape and look in the mirror you look in the mirror and as you put the glasses on and put the cape on on in you're in the reflection as you put the the glasses on the reflection of yourself in the mirror starts decaying and falling apart until just the flesh is completely withered away and you're just a skeleton wearing a cloak and glasses I quickly hand the glasses back to Pluto and turn to Vale and like Vail look in the mirror I kind of like creep up to the mirror come to the side and like you know look at it and in the mirror you are wearing a silver amulet hid the fancy jewellery so very very simple amulet with a locket on the end of it you guys check those things at the end of the bed the trunks I'm gonna look at this locked drawer over here do we sell the key to the UH he opened the drawer up already oh yeah sorry commander any-any we need a pendant or naming Li we were start rummaging the room for an amulet you rummage around through the room spending probably good half-hour like pulling the books off the shelves but there's no sign of the amulet damn it Bryant he probably took it for his girlfriend I'm gonna try something crazy Vail come over here in front of the mirror and I walk in front of the mirror I reach out to try to put my hand through the mirror to grab the amulet you reach out and are you wearing the cloak yes as you reach out your hand goes through the mirror and it feels icy cold on the other side if I take the cloak off and try to reach the mirror again what happens Shh Goff you touch the mirror and the mirror feels freezing cold but your hand doesn't go through it don't leave me here I I do that I do the glasses they could take off the glasses I clean though but I don't need glasses I need to figure this out I put the cloak on mm-hmm pull out my rope who wants to hold the end of my rope you're right you're at the end of your rope hold the right I it around myself I can and the other end to these two I'm gonna tie it to the bed frame okay and with the cloak on I hop into the mirror okay you step through the mirror and as you push your face through the mirror a blast of freezing cold sees you up and you feel like you're standing almost in a freezer and you look out and you're standing on a platform ahead of you is a darkened stone hallway made of black obsidian that recedes into the darkness and as you look behind you you've just stepped out of another mirror but then behind you you can see that you are floating on a crumbling platform with the mirror in the hallway in a sea of blackness that with this hallway leading into this solid chunk of obsidian that is floating in this black void and all you can see is on the opposite faces it's like a balcony outside this floating black like giant obelisk floating in space and as you look to your left and right you can see that it looks like there are two sapphire windows about 60 feet away down the void down to the void in the obsidian chunk that the passageway leads into and as you look over to one of the glass the pieces of glass you can see that there is a huddled figure with a gray hand pressing against the glass and it's wearing a cloak over its face and it puts his head up against the window and then steps away how far am i from my window sixty feet if I touch the mirror what happens are you wearing the glasses no more nothing happens and on the other side of things yeah the Rope has snapped off Oh after Sebastian walked all the way through the rope snapped off and he completely disappeared from the room I don't notice and I start approaching the Obsidian block start banging on the mirror block no go get up the where's the hallway secedes to a staircase that goes further up what are the two of you gonna do I can't do anything right now we got to figure out we need to fire you wearing the glasses I'll put the glasses on your hand gut does go through the glass yeah we got to find the pendant wait if I give the glasses too really wait can't poke your head through it and tell Sebastian to come back here for a second we should not be going alone I don't go after your alone scary house I can do that I will deliver the message I'm Doug very regal now because I have glasses I'm a glasses man don't judge me I'm they're good glasses ouch I poked my head through the mirror mm-hmm you can see you see what Sebastian sees and you can see that he's walking towards a hallway which ends in a staircase in the midst of this blackened void is the rope nearby yeah it's dragging along I grab the rope and I just yank it Sebastian turns around what what it's sorry what we go a big guy I are you seeing this yeah you're in the mirror yeah can you come back right yes that's probably a good idea just a little we need you for the huddle okay yeah yeah I turn around and I head back to the mirror okay I come through to the other side I tackle you as soon as you come in with a big cat hugging look don't leave us we thought we lost you it's the Rope broken did you see the lights look down I'm like oh man that explains why I walked so far anyway that was a good time guys there's some weird stuff going on in there this mirror is possibly a good place to keep some magical stuff I I think we need to find that amulet and we need to go back here you know together okay we I want to try some what does something happen to you I was curious I'm responsible for you two I know I'm sorry they are try on these glasses I put them on and then try to here do the mirror poke the mirror try to poke in there she cannot move through it gotta get the amulet we've we've looked through this whole room right yeah yes we should explore the rest of the house looking for this amulet yeah we need to find this amulet and then we got to go into this mirror dimension hmm going there until we find the amulet though if we can find yeah yeah I'm not stupid it's easy just occasionally overly curious if you can if you guys can find like blankets or coats or something it's a little cold in there I'll be okay I'm covered pop my collar up it'll suck it all in just by yourself on fire true true so yeah this house is weird it was really my my dad lived here for years and never looked in the mirror well or maybe he did and just was like I'm magic and that's that's weird I don't like this mirror see ya potentially yeah true your mom seems a bit Trixie that's right okay here's the question do you did your dad ever mention a pendant or an amulet where my dad was very stern in the fact that if I brought up this house he would kind of just change the subject I don't have much help for you guys there's two other rooms outside in the hallway to check yeah we should I don't I feel like we should split up cover more ground nothing bad ever came from splitting no not the after what I just saw you must be one sandwich short of a picnic if you think we're gonna be splitting up in this crazy house why what's the worst that can happen you just know and I walk out of the room where would a pendant be where would I be and I start I put my glasses on and I started to it like I'm just pacing a little bit just like trying to like calm down a little bit after being a bit freaked out by the mirror and you can tell like my fur is like on end like I'm like not having a good time in this house so I want to find samulet I'm actually having a great time in this house there's a mirror that leads to another dimension I love magic and I love seeing magic and so far this place isn't scary it's just well it's a little scary but it's also amazing that's all I've seen so far ooh I wonder what your rooms gonna be did I never knew you were gonna probably have a room I I run across the hallway up to the other door and I open it and I'm like bedroom um you open the door and in this room it looks like it has been outfitted to be the bedroom for her child it has a small caught like bed and walls that have been painted blue that has cracked that are cracked and peeling and a set of drawers with the that many of the drawers have all been pulled out and the bits of rotting children's clothing scattered all over the floor there's a rocking horse in one corner I rock the rocking horse casually as I look around the room it creaks as it rocks back and forth whoa guys this is where I was gonna live take it in soak it in I'm soaking mm-hmm are you guys like standing in the doorway as I have a moment I put my hand on the cot it's a scene music swells dude thinking about the amulet is there anything I recognize about the amulet have I seen it before it was a silver locket like amulet roughly in a heart shape okay I haven't seen it no I start looking around the room is there anything any drawers to open and you look through the drawers there's some ruined Linens a leather ball which has been deflated several children's blocks with alphabet letters on them yes I take the letter s for Sebastian and put it in my pocket okay I got one I got a toy from my childhood guys I put in the bag without a bag of holding by the way as I was yeah who am i holding onto that and there's a room beside this one correct mm-hmm I go back out of Sebastian room and into this room starting to kind of like move it around yeah this room is the the door stuck at first but you're a little push through and open it up and it's an empty room most for the most part there's a few shelves and what looks like the the disassembled frame of another small bed as if it was purchased in anticipation of having a small family oh wait where do we fit are you the first one I was the only born time and I ruined everything so what's with the second bed they were probably planning to have a second kid after me and I like the day after like a twin like you could have a twin they did why is there another bed wait is it not assembled okay yeah it's like the Timbers for four things there's a few other bits of rough storage that are in here well I mean maybe they got a sale on beds like that's the only reason I'd buy two but it's just like I did I started to think like what if they put two rooms together it's like or you had like made you when they built this house they were like we're gonna have two kids we might as well build two beds so we could either go downstairs to the rooms or there's some stairs going isn't there there's also another room is an attic and there is the the ground level yeah I went what you didn't look at oh you want in the other room so let's go let's go into the Attic okay yep drift globe ahoy you're gonna go first yeah is there like a is like a rickety stairs like one of those pulldown ones it's just it's just just stare that leads up okay at the top of the stairs the first room is a reading room with a rotting upholstered chair and a window that looks out that it's kind of like a skylight style window that would look up to the night sky that leads into the attics then afterwards the doorway leads into the attic storage and you who's taking point on that one III it's my reading room I read I've glasses I don't they noticed mm-hmm you know how to read this would have been solid guest bedroom you open up the attic and it is dark save the light that you are shining in from your drift globe there are several large crates covered in linens up here probably about half a dozen and several other chests of drawers and other pieces of furniture in various states of storage covered over a sedan a few other tables and chairs other bits of things that look like they were never used on top of one of the boxes sits a pair of rotting children's shoes that were probably never worn my shoes a bunch of rotting children lay on top of bus no and I'm phone so much stuff that just got destroyed it's really sad you guys are kind of hoarders though the same time they were getting ready for a new baby they were buying a lot of stuff so as I mean okay I'm I walk forward and I start examining the shoes does it does it fall in place with the stories I heard like doesn't look like like they wouldn't just leave everything here unless it is true that when I was born the the whole house I just kind of rotted yeah yeah there'd be no reason to leave everything here unless it was destroyed yeah well as your father did tell you in a large part kind of wanted to start over after all this room I go up to some of the crates with sheets on them and I start pulling off the sheets and I want to open them up inside several of the the crates are you you open one of the crates up and inside are several sets of immaculate purple robes huh more amethyst more proof of the Academy I'm gonna grab one of those robes and put them in my bag of holding can you grab three I will grab three herbal ropes and as you pull the Rose away beneath as well are just like in what's in this crate is rather well-preserved it's really expensive women's clothing in various styles but there's at least about half a dozen dress dresses and blouses other things well embroidered and not quite what Queen Lenore was wearing but you wouldn't be poor if you had these yeah we can give her some new dress all right yeah she needs I put some new clothes into the bag of holding I'm gonna open up another monitor looking through the the remainder of the crates and opening several of them up one of them contains a bunch of musical instruments all of them of Elven maybe and another and several others contain more belongings that probably would have belonged to your mother but things that just seemed like completely out of place pieces of furniture that are clearly of of elven make their wooden pieces of furniture that don't look like they were carved so much has grown and several other pieces of sheets and cloth and clothing and that's all that the crates contain no jewellery where's the pad dad are there any other rooms on this floor no now that appear everyone there this was the top top floor I mean I guess there's still we didn't check the first level well there we go monsters here nobody heard any barking we're fine no no not okay down you're down on the first level I go into the door on the left near the entrance the the one that leads into the the larger room this leads into a kitchen with an adjoining pantry the food is not good anymore and in fact there's it looks like of anything that was actually taken from here the food and the cooking implements are mostly gone no honey what do you think happened to the honey when at the rest of the place decayed instantly honey doesn't go bad it does when magic is involved I think 15 to 20 year old oh yeah as soon as you see the kitchen like any how is there honey in there there's like dilapidated scary buildings bad but I take out a piece of the fish that River gave me just as like would have been better with honey but nothing nothing really of note okay I go across the hall and I open the door to the big room it opens up to a large common room with another adjoining fireplace there's a dining table and two large well upholstered chairs flanking on either side of the fireplace a small and a small cabinet across the other way when the door leading out to the backyard the window in the back here has been broken open and you can see that there's mud tracking through the floor as you look at the window you can see in the back garden is a mound of dirt like that of a freshly dug grave that has been covered over the same grave they you saw in your dreams what the hell yeah there's a pendant in there I'm like this grave looks fresh guys I could just be a hole I have a dream about this they know there's nothing there what oh I don't the grave in the garden it's just the garden it's my grave the garden all you have one of those moments getting a bit morbid on me here Sebastian what the heck are you talking about it's gonna eat my heart what I don't want to be in here anymore guys then go outside the base no thank you I turn I turn from the window and I like I go and sit in one of the chairs by the fire and like bury my head in my hands for a moment I kind of look over at Pluto and I'm like I'm gonna put the fire on I'm gonna make the fire as you go to set the fire you can see that there is a still Middlewood left in the fireplace I was really after all these years enough to get the fireplace started I'm gonna clean it out first just kind of like there's nothing no no weird things thrown in the fire okay well I'm gonna make the fire okay does it look like someone's used it recently no okay is there a basement there is you can still see the pile of dirt out there Sebastian I switched to the other chair so that I'm facing away from it okay I walk up to Sebastian I say tell us what's going on are you ignoring your problems yes that's what I do you know acting stranger than normal and I mean nothing something guys there's um there's something happening to me being in this house and it has me nervous I don't know if it's my magic is acting funny I don't know if the house is trying to communicate with me maybe the house is trying to communicate with me I'm gonna sit down in the other chair and I'm gonna adjust my glasses I'm gonna go tell me how that makes you feel I put the glasses on you see there's a pile of dirt in the backyard like a freshly dug grave I climb out the window and I walk towards it this is little that sees it oh yeah oh snap yeah like when you but when you adjust the glasses it's not there but when you put them on [ __ ] leaving about don't tell me you're having visions and put them back on and it disappears and it reappears and it disappears and reappears water this Pluto I need to dig up that grave come help me what grave your Chinese glasses on okay and I put them on can you see it only sticks I'm I'm already out there and I don't know is there a shovel nearby or something yeah there's a rusty shovel in the back I got your glasses I start digging what is this grave I'm taking are you doing I got a no you dig and after a few short feet there's a coffin I see it I uncover the coffin I gotta have my javelin ready is there a name on it no it's just a box I pulled out my crowbar I look back at you two did you think you were going to do this today nope and I pry open the lid inside the lid is the amulet don't touch it is there a body or anything Jenner just the emulator it's an empty coffin I pick up the amulet and I hold it up don't want it try it on try it on come on I take it reluctantly I put it on before we delve into the ruins again a big THANK YOU to accent shield for providing us with the awesome gaming accessories we use if you've seen well you haven't seen the initiative tracker yet but it know we'll probably come out also to tabletop audio for the great ambient music you're hearing and finally 100 years for for the amazing narration and our introduction video if you're enjoying the stream and want to help support our work check out our patreon you can find it by following the links below or at patreon.com slash dungeon underscore dudes and of course a big thank you to skull-splitter dice for sponsoring dungeons of dragon hime and sending us some of their very very cool all-metal dice that we are hopefully gonna get to roll tonight because we haven't rolled any dice yet have we we're giving away a free set of skull-splitter dice every month to one of our lucky viewers if you follow us on Twitter or subscribe to us on youtube all you have to do is follow the links right down below to confirm your entry and you naab a +1 bonus if you follow us on twitter as well if you'd rather pick up a set for yourself you can head on over to skull-splitter dice calm and use the discount code d dudes at checkout save 15% off your first order that let us delve back in our heroes have now assembled these strange pieces of a pair of glasses a heart-shaped amulet and a red cloak having dug them up dug one of them up from behind Sebastian crows the house that he was born in I can't really guess you can't like it was your childhood home no we moved out shortly after these three pieces in hand what will you do now guys want to go through the mirror assemble sounds like a good time yeah let's uh let's figure this out and no yeah I can't be weird or anything couldn't get any weirder than finding a grave or a heart-shaped necklace yeah hopefully not I have my glasses of a true sight where they show me that I just love these glasses I'm really into these glasses Cluedo might make them part of his tire no they hurt they hurt my eyes they're the wrong prescription prescription they just totally just they're totally non-functional I prefer to stay in the dark about the scary things happening around me that I can't see who's going through first I'll go all right you both have done this before I'm the bravest okay so Pluto you put on the glasses and you step through the mirror who's next I'll go next okay I'd hop through you put on the cloak and you step through I have the necklace on and I step in front of it what do I see in the mirror you see your reflection we're wearing the amulet but your body is withered like a corpse hold the gray third falling off and Patrick I don't know well and I walk through ooh okay as the three of you step through on the other side you're standing on a platform outside of a massive Black Rock with two crystal windows 60 feet from the platform the world around you is a swirling haze and thinking blackness descending into nothingness Sebastian it feels cold you can feel it pulling at your heart and the only feeling though that it feels that the feeling is best described for you is somehow it feels bizarrely like home like a familiar place like the cold is warm breathe doesn't feel so bad in here now is it really cold yeah oh can you see my breath yeah try see my breath no you don't have breath anymore you lost your breath I'm just like breathing like and I point to the breath I'm like I don't really know what we're looking for here there's a single hallway that leads into the darkness to which you can see a ramp leading upwards into the Opera in into the Obsidian rock floating in the inky blackness let's see what we can find yeah let's move on yeah I start to move forward just kind of creeping along in the darkness is this like darkness that I can see through using my dark vision yes but it but you cannot see beyond your dark vision yeah Pluto you are you bringing the light source of the drift globe yeah okay it can it come through it does it come through but it's light is muted and it shines only at half range okay strange creepy mere dimension must be a bit of magical darkness maybe seemingly concerning hmm as you walk down this hallway you can hear the pitter-patter of heavy pod feet beside walking beside all of you you can hear a low growling and a sniffing canine like nose in the air around you yeah it's like it's smelling each one of you as you walk down the hallway sipping glass to see anything you turn down and you can see that in darkness walking deciding to use smelling all of your butts is a massive black canine as it walks forward it's almost like the shadows coalesce around it it is hulking and it has this there is little to its body but the corded muscle like an emaciated figure that has no body fat to it it's just like this this corded stringy thin muscle around it and it sniffs each of you and it seems as you walked out and it seems to be satisfied with the smell of each of you and it continues to follow along down the hallway and I can't see this know that you can hear it only Pluto yeah well then you can see it through the glasses when you take the glasses off can't see it I'm like twisting for screaming around being like it's our dog in here yeah you guys hear that this time right I hear it but I want it huh around me I saw it briefly through the glasses the glasses see all and know all well I went down the hallway it's just a dog what what did it look like it was like shadowy and big and black and it's the one that I have nightmares about every time that I'm screaming yeah I loved it was sniffing your butt my butt oh yeah what's it's nothing you're about oh yeah didn't like it yeah oh well yeah I didn't ask him buddy I'm gonna say I've casted dogs like butts and I assume the dogs here like butts is that a curse I'm an animal handler I come forward to the end of the hallway took a lot of classes and it opens up into a singular into a large roughly octagonal room there are two globes of licking purple flames illuminating either corner that casts an eerie light of long shadows around a large pedestal of which is a statue of a woman in the center of the room the woman has her hand clasp in front of her breast as if holding an amulet that is not there and her other hand as if hoisting a cloak that isn't there either the statue is of Letta Eventide please please look on and as you step into the room the shadows begin to coalesce the Hound that was following you has departed it's no longer there instead you can see the shadows cast in though in the from the light in the either corner that is being cast over the shadow the the light in the two cores is casting directors off of the statue and as you come into the room the stat of the the shadows of the statue peel themselves off the floor and they coalesce into twin shadows that are a mockery of the statue wing it and [ __ ] with long extended gangly limbs they hiss and poise themselves to strike what will you do and where are they in the room where are they in the room the they're forming we can go to our table camera humming it yeah yeah you said that you were leading the way I was how tall is the statue the statue is is roughly 12 feet tall so cast the shadows across these I'm wearing the crosses they won't hurt me I'm wearing the cloak they won't hurt me no one ever hit someone with glasses that's that is not true what oh I want to slide to one of the lights and see if I can put it out okay we're all finished baby get my skull-splitter dice oh we all did very well this will be good Cluedo have you ever thought shadows before yeah fire he's he's darkness if it's all dark then they disappeared all right what we got 9 9 prevail yep 5 5 4 Sebastian 6 okay that's the most disappointed okay so they go first yay all right and these are called demons okay it makes sense as they as they hiss they sink back into the floors of the of the shadow that has been cast by by the lights as they they move forward and come and as they sink along the floor like a rippling moving shadow one of them comes up to who are the people in the front okay so they're gonna come up to Vayu and pollute Oh okay and as they they do so they reach out and grasp with tendrils of shadows poised to strike with their claws yeah and I get a 16 vs. veo and a 7 vs. Pluto hits okay and they tendrils of shadow slash deeply into you and you take ten points of psychic damage and as the creature does so it slips into your own shadow and is like possessing the shadow behind you in fluttering and flitting between the shadows around now it is your turn I immediately [Music] zipper strike to get at least on the other side of the room with no opportunity attack so I get across to the other side of the room okay pass them and and then I take my longbow and I take my dread ambusher as well so I get my three shots first time okay good critical hit Wow no big deal keep doing do that more nice 30 damage oh man okay so as your arrow whistles forward as your your own shadow pulls away past the creature leaving it kind of floating in the light around it the your arrow whistles forward striking the creature in the neck and but as it's composed of shadow it almost parts out of the way for the arrow and it twang into the wall behind it and snaps right beside pollute oohs oh that and bits of shadow stuff start leaking from the wound but the creature but it seems like just the almost like the arrow just grazed past it like it wasn't fully there for it to be damaged by such a vicious to be totally damaged by such a vicious flow I tried to take another shot at it okay 20 that hits wham wham bam 19 damage same one Oh again well your arrow does strike true it doesn't quite like it's just child there's nothing for it to find purchasing I take my third shot actually at and it was a glowing or upon the wall you said mm-hmm I tried to take my third shot at it sure I'm like try to get this weird and light out of here and I hit with 22 the give me the damage against it 20 the glass shatters turn off one of the lights and the illumination dies out and the creatures they're still illuminated though by this this light this strange almost shadow light it's like almost like a like a black light that's covering the room and they they hiss and shriek as the light dies out but continue moving forward Pluto you're out I hope this is helping and not hurting I'm gonna take the drift globe and I'm gonna cast light right on like right above the statue cool the the light is it just the light spell difficult is a daylight I can do daylight and daylight okay cool the daylight emanates from the drift globe casting the entire room in a bright light which drowns out the black light from the other light source you can turn it turn that off the two creatures shriek and the cloak of billowing shadows that was hovering over their bodies disappears leaving behind this sickly live rubbery black body underneath underneath as if the shadow stuff that they were composed of has disappeared in there now thrust into a corporeal form you gross Sebastian you are you're up not so shadowy anymore and I cast a web on them cool got webbed by the doctor you got where doctor will find themselves in a sticky situation so at the start of the turns unaccustomed to being restrained by physical matter the creatures find themselves in twined in in the webs uh and you can see their unnatural forms struggling against the unexpected contain is it sad is it like no they're hissing and shrieking like their mouths are distended and distorted they like their faces are too long their claws are still razor sharp and the wings that they have of their bodies are caught in the webs these are strange creatures indeed but they are trapped cool that said you thank you everybody what one of them is still within reach of you Pluto and it lashes out eye at you getting a 9 to hit as it claws forward hey stop that and I stab it with a repost cool you have advantage on the attack Oh 24 noice noice - hit and I'm stabbing with my trusty dusty spear okay sixteen damaged nice it is I know stop it stop no no no stop it shadow weirdo boy bad scolding him next up is Vale that because that was your reaction crash yeah yeah so I that's a bit easier to hit than a shadow and I take my longbow my two shots at the same one I hit before okay thank you skull-splitter dice or foiling monte they'll pick the good days yeah mines buried it is utterly destroyed yeah as the arrow pierces through this time the same the same spot where you landed the previous critten in its neck and it is fully solid with a thwack as black bile leaks up from the wound and the creature melts away into formless shadow by take the other shot oh god yeah well the night wrong with that die nothing nothing is wrong perfect it's working just as damage on the other one nice yeah Pluto you're out skewered I'm not gonna this is for all the people that made fun of my glasses get a fifty fifteen to hit that hits yeah oh nice it's twelve damage it is bloodied em I'll hit it again 24 or 7 damage as it rise against the the web's constraining it in place you made all your types of advantage correct you thrust your sword down upon it hacking away at bits of the shadow stuff that fly off its body it still endures but rest of it's a forced into cap Oriole form it's quickly being destroyed Sebastian you're up why won't you die I'm gonna set you on fire now and I cast fire bolt at it going to finger at it 24 that is a hit you have advantage on the attack role if you want to check for a crit 24 24 10 damage and as the blast of flame crashes into it igniting the rest of the webs it is consumed in flame and destroyed nice good teamwork goodbye darkness my old friend one thing we do best kill monsters this killing weird shadow people the light in this room the daylight fast in this room now shows this octagonal room made of obsidian stone with white marble at the base of the statue of Lenin the to the north end of the room if it can be called North there's a staircase leading upwards there's a large set of engraved double doors engraved in a spiraling spiraling patterning and a long hallway leads off to the east I'm not a smart man but maybe we should give the statue all of our stuff yeah not like all of our stuff but like God as tribute here's everything I own I like start putting stuff back in the bag that I was taking out and I didn't because it was missing the pendant right and I take the pendant and I put it on this and I was thinking guys screw it can you screw up and maintain the cloak into her the statues do it's a race can someone do the glasses is too tall take the glasses and I put them on this statue as well did you put the cloak the amulet and the glasses on the statue the large of obsidian doors creak open revealing another wide hallway leading off to the west I say we go that way your mom left us a fun house and we get to play in her funhouse pretty cool huh my mom seems like a cool lady yeah it's a good scavenger hunt wish I had met her [Laughter] I wish I met her and then I like walk afterwards I've come to terms know what he's definitely burying this we have to find a way to bring this up later with like we need to get it out we're gonna talk about this way yeah he's he's avoiding a lot of internal culture which way will you go through the doors do the big cool doors that open you like we open them for reasons I might as well go check it out the others we already had access to some absolutely yeah and they're probably traps why would you put trapped oh wait the demons right does your mom with the demons here are the demons find their way here who's a great question maybe you brought the demons with your birth Oh oh yeah my life this long hallway stretches for about another 80 feet although quickly it also veers off back to the south the at the end of the hallway is another set double doors with a similar pattern at first and do we see lights on the side of the hallway similar as what was in this room yep is illuminated soon though do you want me to shoot these lights out where we going I think I'm with you I'm on board that sounds like I was trying to follow your lead that's what I was worried about the the drift glow but I didn't want to like but I was like yeah little super light is probably better than this weird no that was an awesome weird the Dale so yeah I think if you guys want to knock these lights out then we'll walk down the hallway I take my bowl out and I shoot the lights sure the lights are shot out you can see as you aim to shoot the lights out the oh it looks like that there are small little puddles of water in the hallway almost like someone who had just come out of the almost like watery footprints left by someone who's just come out of the shower do we yeah just because we're in a creepy alternate dimension I'm going to try to avoid stepping on the puddles of water because I'm scared of everything you guys want to walk down this hallway avoiding water this you walk forward and I'll step where you step okay the puddles lead from the hallway going to the south back down to the other side of double doors I think we should follow it I don't think the puddles are puddles I mean they are as bad thought I wonder though if we need to somehow open the door as well is there another puzzle somewhere we need to open perhaps whatever that is South here we have to follow that the puddles I am we're gonna walk down the hallway to this corner and peer around it okay peer around the corner and you see that around the corner is a large room with a large crystal window looking out into the shadowy abyss and as you look out you can see it looks out onto the platform that you entered thought by [Music] this window yeah behind you yeah scales a little off but yeah I wanted to try something but now I don't want to try it where I wanted to take back the glasses probably luck yeah I wanted to see okay I'm coming Lee's going we need a way we can maintain to but I yeah I can always remove the glass I think no something like I look into this room and say I've never seen anything like this before no no mirror dimension that's weird even the inscriptions is strange and I've seen a lot in dragon home that's very true no alternate dimensions and you're 15 years of scavenging nada hmm first time for everything I guess hmm you taking notes i am i do like puzzles month in Caspi i did a lot of puzzles like brain teasers yeah yeah the grew because part of my my monster hunting it was it was about you know solving little conundrums especially for like certain monsters they would always do like weird he's like you can't just kill them you gotta like figure out the root of nine or do you want to use those puzzle solving skills to figure out what we're doing in this room yeah let's take a look at what else is in here I enter the room you guys come in I say a little excited Doku the crystal window looks out onto the shadowy plain the room is again made of the same obsidian marbled and vaulted in the seal in the ceilings another statue of Lenin looks out over the over the chamber but and a small bench is placed just a little bit away from the glass window just like an observation deck yeah we should go get some of the clothing are there spots on this statue for no do you want me to I want to look I want to stand where the statue is mm-hmm and look out like I want to like look look like where the statues are looking like if I was standing right in front of it like what am I seeing if you look out it looks right out onto the observation platform and deep into the shadow okay but beyond it just is an inky blackness we're gonna sit on the bench okay you are you have sat on the bench there's this cold stone bench my butt is cold guys I'm gonna sit beside you shouldn't have a bench I want to observe the statue when I take a look come sit there's room for three is there just barely but yes okay okay sit on the bench we solved your mystery as I look around waiting for like a lock - we're both like we're like waiting for it like and I kind of like put weight on it like there you can hear some wet footsteps down the house harder play disguise gonna be louder louder with my but there's something coming what and you're looking you can see that there's a hoodie just as you look back down the hallway you can see just this the these graying fingertips and a hooded head look over and then dark back away there's a thing Oh in the hallway gray hood gray hands which way did it go back down the hallway after it see that there are these as you head back down back to follow and pursue there are now a set of wet footprints leading back the way you came and the other way should we follow it Oh Pluto you're a monster hunter is this a monster I only check the tracks the footprints what are they like barefoot it's like the puddle left behind someone that it that has been doused in water yeah and after a short while you can see that they're kind of freezing in the cold and is it water yeah I mean you need to taste it to verify that's but it looks like water do I sense at all if my favorite enemy is nearby do you sense the presence of undead creatures yes no these are not undead footprints these are watery footprints hmm interesting so it's not it's not something that's dead per se might be some sort um what about it lives here vo can you sense like water nearby is that it a big-ass like the pork sorry okay well we'll get you one that noted I think they go back outside the door that you came and back up the stairs honestly it's either we go towards a doorway that we can't really get access to or we go through a doorway that's already open and we follow the wet steps and get this person to towel maybe I want it can we go back to the statue yeah yeah I want to try something which statue the the big statue of the main oh that yeah and I want Sebastian I want you to take off the glasses the rope or the amulet take it back I take off the glasses the doors slam closed so this is important to know where do the water footprints lead up the staircase okay do we go that away I think so yeah we have to I feel like that's our best option also we might have opened that door that never gets opened and let's something out her ass yeah let's go fix that let's go let's go put it back we head up the stairs okay you head up the stairs as you go up the stairs you go to the stairs and we're still following the footprints yes okay being change you where are we we call this the stone room marble I can't believe you guys abandon this place like this is a lot of real estate I don't think you can up here you could have grown up all of this oh man nothing ominous about this I wonder if it's like that obelisk gonna just melt you like hang out with you guys the more I come across terrible scary things the more I'm okay with it you know yeah you kind of get used to it after a while you're more comfortable took me a bit this time but I'm like alright we're back in there we're back in here yeah like I was I used to be really uncomfortable with losing my my servants but now it's like it's totally normal okay so as you come up the stairs you come into a large laboratory to the opposite side are a set of stairs leading up and another set of stairs leading down this room is lit in the same way as the previous room made of obsidian with a large marble large white marble sent center to it it is roughly 60 feet by 60 feet square it's actually a cube-shaped room around this room are all manner of what would be considered state-of-the-art laboratory equipment many things and you can feel a thrumming of arcane energy echoing from the lights in this chamber into the what is a central spire in the middle it is an arcane apparatus hangs down from the ceiling like a stalactite might right right chat will correct me if it's slack my tortoise like tight but they're basically there's one coming up from both angles and in the center is a spherical blue orb that seems to be filled with some sort of bubbling shadowy liquid there are many cables that are hanging from the Select type down into the orb in the center and all around our other beakers bits of laboratory equipment other apparatuses and interestingly enough laying it looks like there's a small metal staircase leading up to the orb the orb itself is about eight feet in diameter this is six feet in diameter and at the base of the stairs is a a purple robe and a set of slippers where to the water footprints go the water footprints go confusingly the water footprints go up the next set of stairs but then there's another set of watery footprints coming from the set of stairs going down down stairs going up as well the direction of which so there's two sets of footprints one going from your staircase one going to the other staircase both going up maybe we caught someone when they were gonna make the show the second set of footprints are frozen over a bowl now it's pretty cool nice I guess I don't need that lab built anymore I have a perfectly good one right here thinking just need to you know throw a bit of decoration up learn how to navigate looks like there's a figure inside the orc also kill I get rid of these lights I am we are they shadow relates to yeah they're illuminating the room I get rid of yeah I'm gonna joyfully walk around like the clockwise or whatever and you can go okay yeah I take an arrow and I hit two of them the other two I head up a little staircase and examine the orbits management inside the orb is a body the body is hairless it's a woman and as the body sign of floats in space you can see that the woman's face is your mother's and you said your mom was dead and I said we should just go ask her where the things are and now she's here so we can oh do you need a minute do you need a minute Rosie says this it's mama carrot top I mean she has no hair she kind of bailed on you to go I think you know those those there was salt tanks do do I know what's going on here like is this like a clone spell or is this like I think we can make it our counter check oh my gosh what if she's like making clones of herself and that's what's walking around all wet yeah 21 did you examine it you can see at the base of the orb is a gemstone that is set in place this is the focusing lens for and the equipment for the clone spell your mom but this gemstone would be the soul catcher this clone is not animate it is not active it is waiting for a soul my mom's soul or any soul obsessively if this was created if this is a clone of using the clone spell yeah it would be waiting for her soul so someone's trying to clone your mom I mean that's not a terrible thing no is it I'm gonna go back with the weirdest questions just gonna like River and should we sort out water footprints I say we leave this for now yeah okay I mean we know we know where you're it probably takes me a bit like you guys are like hey we're gonna go investigate this thing and I'm like just entranced staring at my mom's body in a sphere in the middle of an alternate dimension [Music] yeah I guess yeah I put my hand on your shoulder and I'm like don't worry about it we'll figure this out is that your mom that's my mom guys who know me meet my mom know you meet my mom - it's nice to meet you shkreli dot yeah we can like we can go for picnics and okay before you get that far we should probably figure out what the heck is going on we should probably yeah I'm gonna revert my attention back to water for prints okay salad to accept your request for picnic you know crackers let's yes pineapple watermelon pull upstairs we go so I start to walk and kind of I still got my hand on your shoulder and I start to pull you towards the stairs but then I'm still naming things that I could bring on my picnic as you drag me away and I'm like nope not the time I'm gonna go and that you said the the fresher set leads up or down the fresher set leads up then we're going up going up we're gonna find out who's tracking water all through your new laboratory and we're gonna cook well I'm probably gonna stab them with a trident I'm probably gonna set them on fire shoot first ask questions hours later when everybody's dead as you uh you head up the stairs trying to and the the stairs come up to a landing yeah and then go up another set of stairs and they lead into another cube-shaped room almost identical in size and shape to the first one this one however and the stairs come up and there's another set of stairs going back down again and the ones that you came up and another set of stairs going up the footprints continue going up and in this room in the center of the room is a large magic circle it's probably how they get in oh yeah how does a magic circle work Sebastian um I learned to cast hypnotic pattern recently and it just happened one day and yeah can you just wing it just make it out okay yeah I'm I'm a man of intelligence I am I come over and I start trying to like is it like just a sort of a line service isn't a square yeah this is not a square you know our kind of check sure 21 this is a prepared Magic Circle specifically for the use specifically and you recognize this because you've seen this kind of handiwork before this is the type of Magic Circle that would be used for the summoning and binding of demons Oh I've dabbled in this this explains the shadow things yeah this is a demon that red ink is that not ink it's not ink we scratch this out or something did we do that like mess it up a bit did I ever tell you guys I tried to summon a demon once no actually didn't go well I've heard stories we should know actually I'm kind of with me on this I'm gonna start to scratch yeah mess it up just dirt like mush and blood around and I cautiously back away oh they rub out some other runes anything that has any sort of give to it just yeah start like there's a bit of crack and a whiff and a speckle in the air as the magic fizzles out after having been this is out we're matching to now and break as it does so the there is a loud pop and a fizz and as the remaining magic left in the sphere kind of like cracks asunder and almost for a glitch of a moment there's a crack of thunder and you see for a split second this massive hulking demon and then another then it like zaps out and it like it just kind of looks up like it was just on the back on the toilet and then it zaps out again and then there's another demon there and it just looks it looks very shocked and then there's another crack of thunder again as like several different demons start cycling through as if the the the circle is caught on an infinite loop and it just continues like each of the demons is like summoned for a second and then unsummoned again we're okay and they can't end it just continues to go cycling through various demons appearing for no more than like two to three seconds be and some of them like try to move in a moment and before they realize what they can do theirs snapped away and a different demon that you saw broke your semicircle I think it works better now I'm waving at the demons I hope they can't come get us should we leave this room [ __ ] oh yeah where where the puddle foots the puddle fronts this could be a good trap that you can just push someone into the wood they disappear alive so many questions or a demon appears inside them like that could work well new torture chamber thanks guys my house is so much crueler than I thought no you might regret bringing that but we'll see okay are they still watery yep okay the the footsteps come up again another set of stairs and again you're in another identical cube shape room this one however is fitted as a very nice reading room and the footprints there is a doorway leading out this room almost in the same place where the the staircase up in the previous room was so the the first the lab room in the same place that doorway was theirs now instead of hallway the stairs continue to go up and this room has is lit by several other of these lights are on the side but there is a warm large brazier of warm fire lighting this room and all the shelves are lined with books there are hundreds of books in this room all the way to the top of the room so the room itself being about 80 feet wide the books go 80 feet up and then are lining the ceiling and they're being like held in place and there's a ladder that goes up along sides and then across the top okay crazy room I don't know how to look at all these books at once but I'm gonna try I start examining the books I start at the bottom and I'm like looking for something important it's gonna be a while they are a collection of books on the history of magic and various different catalogs of arcane research by various majors they don't look like spell books more like history are they well titled they are and they're immaculately organized I'm interested in a clock tower book yeah it's good organizational see the books here it would probably take a few hours to find a specific book if you are looking for one well we know where to come yeah we have the library card it's right above the diamond or does it keep going up the footsteps are going down the hallway onward and upward I'm reading over there yeah let's try to find out who these footsteps belong to and who is tracking all this awful water in your new house we're gonna need a mop that's servant you can see that there are definitely traces of older bits of snow and larger puddles it seems like the the footprints that are going along here have deliberately avoided the brazier of fire and as as the you turn down this hallway you see that this hallway is copy is connected to the room is the hallway the opposite hallway from before you can see the statue of Lenin with the cloak on it at the end of this hallway brain and there is one little door a set of double doors going off to the south in this hallway as well and the footprints lead to that though it's a snowman and it's possessed I'm just lucky you're there magic guy what's a snowman the thing we're chasing that's why it's a avoiding the fire it's snowman so this is the hallway that led out the other way that we didn't go no big double doors and you said there's another door yeah there's another set of double doors going this out down in the middle of this hallway should we try those doors yeah like is it the same innate doors are just regular doors regular doors let's go to Alan okay let's do it okay onward we're just like now kind of getting a bit speedy because we're just like wow these footprints have taken us everywhere yeah and it down to the water footprints go indoors mmm actually much more comfortable in your new place yeah I'm getting I'm getting my wits about me I understand the architecture you know if you had up that staircase you end up over in this hallway it makes perfect sense I'm trying to I'm like trying to draw a map and you just see me like ripping pages out and crumpling them and you learn it ajar perspective just to draw the map to it's like that staircase yeah I go to the doors and I slowly push it open beyond is a frigidly cold room it is piercingly cold like you know how cold it is outside today here in Canada negative way colder than that in fact there's a blast of frigid wind as you open it up as you look beyond you can see that the opposite end of this room ends in another crystal of observation glass but in the center of this room is a is a pillared staircase leading up to another spherical or this one however is not it's not translucent it is a closed it is a closed spear sphere of metal that glows softly in vibrant hues of blue purple yellow and green and it is hissing slightly you can see that the metal sphere is sectioned like it opens up in two halves and there's hinges on the opposite sides has been closed and there and there's latches on the front of it is it the same size as the other one roughly yes and then make the same position like in the middle yeah okay and do we see any the footprints now probably ice cuz it's so completely ice the whole floor of the room is ice I do a risky business slide okay room you risky business slide into the room I try to as well and I fall okay you slip and fall um yeah let's try to open it I think my closet okay I gotta try to pry open the hissing wow that I'm saying it out loud know what's in here did you pull open the globe in the middle is a woman wearing a tattered robe she her skin has turned slightly gray almost like that kind of grey blue of someone that's suffering from frostbite and she has dark hair and her face is exactly the same as Lana it is Lana and as she as you open it up she screams at you she says no get away get away what you can't be here you must leave are you okay mom who are you Sebastian I don't know who that is on your site you don't belong here this is the art these are my chambers and you will leave now I followed your clues I read your journal what journal what clues I've been looking for you my whole life Oh can i I want to give her some of the robes from your intruders here this is my sanctum how did you get past you may leave now with your lives and that's where I told you she was alive whoa is she a snowman that's my question why do we keep finding important people that want to kill us and it's always people that we it's like you care about it's like I care about the Queen well that was a lot of fun and we will be back at this next week on our regular day of Tuesday's so we're shifting back from Mondays Tuesdays hope you can all join us thank you to those of you who have been able to join us because it's on Mondays but we are heading back to our regular schedule days of of Tuesdays going forward from here and but we are so excited to be back at it thank you all so much for for watching we got a few last thank yous for the episode first of all a big thank you to our awesome cast baio sebastian and pluto AKA jill kelly and joe a huge thank you to kyle for running things behind the scenes tonight and clayton for keeping things organized he couldn't be with us tonight big thank you to both you guys for keeping us all running smoothly and Kyle as well for managing chat tonight and we got a few other show notes and thank-yous if you're enjoying the stream you can check us out on patreon you can find that by following the links below or at patreon.com slash dungeon underscore dudes and of course this episode was generously sponsored by skull-splitter dice you can check them out at skull-splitter day.com if you're interested in that we are giving away a free set every month on the show so you can follow the links below for that again if you're already following us or subscribe to us on youtube you only have to confirm your entry we don't ask anything else from you we're not gonna spam you with a mailing list or anything like that it's really really just like thank you for subscribing and following us and you get a +1 as well if you follow us on Twitter as well you can head on over to skull-splitter dice calm and use the discount code d dudes if you do want to pick up a set of these awesome metal dice for yourself thank you so much for that you can don't forget to check out our new videos on Thursdays where we cover everything D&D we got the can trips video drop in this week and lots more cool stuff to come we're about to shoot another block of episodes early in February so if you got any suggestions for topics you want to see us cover we kind of got we got a few gaps we got if you get we're not out of ideas but it's just like this isn't a good opportunity to much more important right yeah exactly yeah so we got we got lots of things we'd like to cover but would always like to hear what what you guys would like to see from us cool and you can also find the prior episodes of the campaign there as well game session again the audio run by tabletop audio free and fun and yeah you haven't checked that our tabletop audio has awesome ambient soundtracks for your game including much of the music that you heard here tonight and the narration for the introduction narrated by hundred years bore thank you so much oh hey her game accessories were generously provided by accent shield we use the initiative tracker here today and once again no flying has occurred but we do have really cool flight stands and all sorts of cool accessories from accent shield so thank you and if you are wondering our terrain was all made by dwarven Forge you can check them out at orange calm and we also use the official dandy miniatures as well as some stuff by hero forge so if you are wondering where we get our cool swag that's where thank you so much for watching and we will see you next time in the dungeons of dragon high [Music]
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 111,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book, live, twitch, stream
Id: OqGpY0-PZEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 31sec (9691 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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