Dungeons of Drakkenheim Episode 3: Dog Days

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[Music] Drakken I'm is no more struck by filing stories the city bathed in Elders fire Ahmed wolf believed the tumultuous aftermath brought chaos families torn asunder and the kingdom shattered 15 years later monsters stalked the haunted streets of Dragon Highway caught amidst rival factions struggling to rule the rubble three unlikely partners venture forth into the crumbling city in search of riches renown and revenge [Music] good evening and welcome to Dragon hime this is our weekly Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition game with the dungeon dudes that's me Dungeon Master Monty Martin and I'm Kelly mcLaughlin playing Sebastian Crowe a half-elf shadow sorcerer and we're joined by our very good friends Jill tinnitus I'm playing veo Sonia at a backseat gloom stalker and Joel Gorman I'm playing Cleo Jackson a human battle master and thank you for joining us all again if you're just tuning in for the very first time Kelly and I post new videos every Thursday on our YouTube channel where we cover everything Dungeons & Dragons we've got advice for DMS and guides for players and you can actually find all of our prior episodes of dungeons of dragon hime right there on YouTube for your viewing as well when last we left our heroes they had ventured into the north end of the city north of the castle outside the city walls in search of a manor house and the research of a malfeasant wizard known as oscar urine after having making a very interesting bargain with Oscar urine where vayo gave a vial of her blood to further the necromancers research they left the manor house seeking their own fortune from their having learned many new secrets about the delirium from Oscar urine in the manner although they slew one of urines apprentices and several of his zombie creations they seemed to have left on at least uneasy but fair terms with the promise to return should they want more potions in exchange for blood delirium and the trade of information should you one day find eldritch Lily's deep in the ruins of the Queen's Park Gardens in the city with that as you walk away through the city streets we turn to our three here one of whom is less exhausted having been drained of so much blood what will you three do cuz I mean like sugar water on ya cuz I'm just not be on the best I haven't seen sugar in a very long time in these parts that's Jay how are you feeling do with a rest or five but I mean I we need to get somewhere out of these streets that we can at least I mean we're not too far from the mill I know that we always go back to the mill but it's it's the safest place that I can think of if we're if we're thinking to take a rest I'm new to the city and I only know one place and it's the mill so I find myself always going to the mill I mean it's not a nice place but it's it's outside of the really scary areas of the city so at least we're not going to scratch anybody's names off which is always uh you know positive yes how are your supplies and provisions you just got twelve abnormal right were you eating fish that entire mission no there's like a fish a little smell it's not a word I'm making but spelled tired I you're magically exhaust I'm magically exhausted just like Lucky Charms are magically delicious but the opposite all right so you're feeling the opposite of Lucky Charms I'm feeling a little bit drained you probably can't tell it's my first dark but you know it's there I don't want to admit it I'm just really I just really want to clean my armor so I don't want it I don't want to admit that I want to stop yeah it's a lot it's more like just like you know those shoes you had for that winter and you just wore them through all salt and all that all the grime that's that's my armor day I didn't I didn't clean it yes and once you have returned to the mill what will be your next destination it's a few days before River is due to meet with you with the report on how your encounter with Oscar urine went so you do have some time to explore recuperate what have you find more riches in the ruins perhaps well I mean we didn't mention that we wanted to go see the lanterns again we promised we'd go back true could we spend money where where would be the best place to spend money I hold my the only place possible we could spend your big bag of gold that you collected from River previously we'd be to travel back so towards amberwood village the small theatre town on the in the fields outside Drakon Haim that has become a little bit of a nexus point for those who would be venturing into the city member wood village reportedly has stayed in good state and has has stayed in a good state since the destruction of Drakon hein and not become a ghost town like so many of the other smaller towns outside the city when adventures want to rest resupply and more comfort than the acraman mill usually amber wood villages but number one choice onward come the Jackson three I think the three crows could I don't think we need to go to amberwood village cats should go to ember what village because you know we just need to stock it you never know what's gonna happen in this city and the only places there's nothing important there we don't we could we could buy you new goggles these are beautiful goggles I've had them since I was young and they're vintage maybe you could get a helmet I don't need a helmet there's I mean I'm fine you know maybe maybe a helmet uh maybe we'll go to Amber village I don't know I don't like that place yeah there's a couple people I gotta say hi to though with the you know we said we would go back to see them come on Sebastian you [Music] scared okay alright we'll go to amber wood village there's nothing wrong with it everything's fine let's go it's good we definitely need to take a break first so let's go find that mill I'll take a nap so it sounds like your plan is to camp out one more night on the edges of the city and then head to ember wood village I suppose yeah okay let's do it if we pull up our map the trek to amber wood village is quite a long one you are right now on the north side of dragon hime in the area of the city called North Castle and typically the when you retreat to Eckerman mill that's on the west side of the city most of your explorations have been in this Northwest area however amber wood village is far to the south about five miles outside of dragon high and so getting there will either require a long journey outside the city and looping back around the trade roads again or the most direct path would be to go through the sprawl cross the river somewhere and then through the spokes the south side of the city and directly down to MOA village failure you're the navigator yeah have you been to amberwood village I've been around there I mean there's lots that we can do for trading that's probably the main here yeah I get all semi food that I get so yeah how would you get there from here well I mean I would take a shortcut I would definitely go through the sprawl and you know cross the river because you know I got some connections there so if you guys want to get there sooner than later you know that would be the way but you know it is more dangerous so we got to keep an eye out and maybe not get into any scuffles with anyone particularly the bandits yeah we can avoid them I guess well I guess you'll be leading the way so we're gonna trust you on that one let's do it do you think we can avoid bandits in the city I mean I think we could avoid bandits in the city clunk clunk clunk what do you mean guys so but I mean so far I think we could probably take a couple bandits yeah we'll be fine I mean I kill bandits yeah we killed a million rats and that was no problem nobody died no one even came close to dying it's gonna be careful about killing the bandits I mean the Queen's not the nicest one you kill off her subjects so your tutor - let's just avoid that for now you know first first things first though let's go sleep at the mill yeah okay you take the market way north out Northwest outside the city through the Karen Hills and before long you return to the Eckerman mill that old creepy mill which overlooks Drakon Heim from the west from the northwest it's an old wooden structure and it doesn't look like anyone has camped out here in the intermediate time your old campsite the old campfire that you'd set up is still there and you gather up some water from the creek set your tent and vayo proceeds to probably wolf down the rest of your fish whatever was left yes you sharing or no you guys got a big bag of gold this is what I got paid yeah I can't eat gold I pulled out some like crusty bread named niblet and I stare at you as you eat your fashion you wanted to avoid ember wood village she needs it get some food quick yeah we're starving this crusty bread is delicious you can like suck on the bones of these fish if you want but thank you I will Dewar's as we pass into the evening the rains slowly begin to fade and once again the purplish sky is visible over Drakon Heim as you can see the faintest stars and the moon hanging overhead in the city as you look back towards Drakon Heim you can see the soul light the octarine glow which comes from the crater deep inside the city kind of giving that halo over the city's ruins and backlighting the imposing towers of the castle the cathedral and the ancient tower the amethyst academy which once laid in the city you can roughly see the route that you might take be taking come morning from your vantage point here the dran River lazily flows through the city and the further out it goes coming from the north and then flowing to the seventh the night passes rather uneventful II it's pretty cold and as morning comes so do the rains once more that soft pitter-patter that wakes you up every morning it's never a bright day in Drakon hymen is that a long rest it is a long rest is it like the evil rain how evil is this rain does the last rain was like the normal rain but is this like more or less I mean all rain is evil look what it does it's very wet and today the rain is little more than spitting it's just that rough kind of misty rain that falls lightly and makes everything wet seeping inside your Armour getting the leather wets and causing it to chafe against your skin fortunately it's not a downfall a downpour which will make crossing the river possible because on a heavier rain crossing the drain River it's a wide river so it's dangerous to cross on a rainy day especially so because as veo can remind you the bridges that span the drain river are inside the city walls there's no crossing outside of the city walls mainly because Drakon Hine was built over the trade route that is the drain river and so the city built itself so that you had to go through the gates and thus get taxed in order to cross the river here so the nearest crossings are miles and miles down there do you have a solution for that I know a guy yeah I was you don't like getting wet no hope and you don't like going too far into the city this is true so how do you propose we get past yeah cuz I'm like with my armor I'm like really good at drowning with my natural lack of strength I'm really bad at swimming in general or doing any physical activity yeah doctors a man touch the water at all but luckily there's Giuseppe aka sticks and he's gonna help us get across the river friend of yours and all say that Nova and all the Queen's all definitely yes how old I have no idea but we we have a deal going that you know now why do you sound ominous we'll see when we get there that's even more ominous I think oh I'm gonna go I'm gonna try to swim do you want to warn them of the dangers of the area around temple Road [Music] temple road there's a bunch of Knowles they're probably not the easiest route to go but I mean I'm assuming we all know it in old time yes they have like the best laughs but I try to avoid them on again I mean the good thing is you can usually hear them coming as they're laughs but I don't know can you are they sneaky I have no idea I've never thought those I just avoid them on the rooftops if I can I don't really go down this out but you know do lots for you guys since we've been together I'm sure we can handle it I'm not afraid of Knowles did I tell you about that drawl I killed yes usually about once a day yeah just making sure just doing the daily check yeah you were on top of it it was on top of you yep your brother was there yep yeah it was good times yeah you get the gist of it yeah I'll tell you later yeah well people think I'm an OL but you know it's really heartbreaking I'm much prettier than a normal I mean some moles are okay [Music] no they're very much not Knowles had never been seen in the world never known into hell the crate the the meteor fell on dragon high that's where they are uniquely found only in Dragon height and they have been a scourge of the city for over 12 years monstrous packs of hyena like men raging through the city streets at least when they hunt in large packs you have the advantage of be able to see them coming but when they hunt in small groups they utilize stealth to stalk their prey streets like dirty dogs honestly like think of a dog it's curious though you suspect that perhaps the Noles have eaten every dog well it's a dog-eat-dog world every dog has its day we blew all that good dog lines we haven't even started walking at all God there's no more dog jokes that could ever be made in the course of this entire campaign [Laughter] so with that you break camp and you want to set out they are how will you lead the way well I'm definitely gonna be up front so I can make sure we're going in the right direction but you know guys keep it low-key low-key we're gonna avoid these Noel's if we can I want to make my way over to Giuseppe so that way we can get across the river without incident mmm sound good I'm good at avoiding incidents it's not what I've heard there's been a few but initially I can go at least a few hours without causing an incident listen if you're not running on your tippy toes you're not running properly that's really hard I'll do my best that's weird it's not the most efficient way of running humans and half-elves we'll do our best then Sophia's sneaky as possible but you know know that your armors probably not gonna help so I can only do so much I can lead the way but leave the armor behind oh man I mean logically that seems like a good idea did you clean it last night oh yeah how well did you do not well it's just super wet now and it's probably gonna dry right and now it's gonna get all moldy do you guys remember last night when I told you that I wasn't scared to go to Everwood village yeah I'm scared all right well we'll start by start by going to the south of sprawl and hopefully your nerves I'll catch up with you as we go we're gonna cross that river okay and then we're gonna go through the spokes to our amber wood village that'll be our quicker way of doing it rather than going all the way around all right lead the way so how do we want to do our like our order should I be in the back in the middle hmm let's just walk side by side okay we'll do like the linking arms I'm walking out scared of walking through track and I'm scared of Everwood village track and I'm so much scarier the number wood village why we talk for all of us one of them's a city one of them is a village I have history there I haven't been back in a very long time that's where I grew up that's where I was born Oh oh you guys didn't know that I knew that I knew that yeah you didn't know that I killed the troll I know thank you clear oh thank you you're such a guy I tell you all the time about my exploits you never talk about yourself I try to keep it under wraps it's not important don't worry about it forget it let's let's go when was the last time you were in amberlynn village Sebastian 15 years ago a few days before the incident that destroyed the city well as you talked your way through the city streets heading back through the Karen Hills towards the city first as again the buildings begin to rise up and around you heading down the Shepherds way you'll be crossing through the the sprawl proper this time the area between the two main thoroughfares that come into the city from the West temple road and Shepherds Way temple Road of course leads right to the temple gate which further in leads to the grand Cathedral of Drakon Haim also known as the Cathedral of st. petrulio the Shepherd's way leads deeper into the north end of the city where the old city watch the hooded lanterns keep their barracks the sprawl however is the newest part of Drakon hymen it is the area where the latest developments of the poorest people in the city were built so most of the buildings out here are a little more than cottages wooden buildings that have almost entirely collapsed through ill maintenance here and there there are a few stone buildings but as you move further south towards the temple road once again the buildings begin to be built up a little bit more there are larger stone tenement buildings more cottages and increasingly the city streets kind of move in close clusters because as you come towards temple road there are many smaller chapels that the old worshipers of the sacred fire would all file into because of course as large as the Cathedral of st. Truvia was for all the faithful of Drakon Heim there were never enough places of worship and so even the approach of temple Road there's several wooden buildings and then all of them kind of cluster around a square where there's usually a large chapel devoted to the sacred fire and for the most part chapels are large stone buildings with many chimneys for the fires that were used in the sacred rituals of the of the old faith temple road and this area of the sprawl is a very desolate part though and as you move further and further into this area you're used to seeing the odd corpse in different areas of dragonhide particularly in the sprawl but the closer you get to temple road there aren't many corpses that had been left to lie and not rot because corpses don't rot and dragon I'd rather instead you see if only piles of discarded bones sometimes chimes that have been left up in the wind and well and the remains of several campfires and cooking spits where the Noles of the area have used this as their hunting grounds and the remains of their last meal replace the corpses that we'd normally find in Drakon Heineman the Noles have thoroughly picked this area clean and as their hunting grounds expand becomes more and more dangerous what will you do now ken stop here this is no country you guys opposed to traveling by rooftop that's normally the route I would take personally um how far of a jump is it from rooftop to rooftop in this part of the city very far the cobblestone streets inside Drakon high it's very easy to leap rooftop to rooftop but in the sprawl you'll many of the buildings the rooms themselves aren't safe for especially for someone like Pluto who weighs substantially more if your light is a cat like you of a o it's pretty safe and you can leap from rooftop to rooftop but you suspect that these two might not be able to keep up with you doing that I start doing practice jumps on the ground to see how far I can jump and it's like a few feet I like try my hardest and I I actually line up two houses and like I'm on the street next to them like can I jump from this one to the other and I jump and I make it like just a couple feet off of Italy okay no no it's not gonna work takes away my normal travel route well I guess we're gonna have to be careful in the streets my normal travel route is to walk down the middle of the street and anything that comes at me I talk politely to them and then burn them yeah talk too well to these animals have you tried no well okay I got an idea I can all wear some bone chimes and hug walk down the middle of the road and you guys hide in the in the shadows and on the rooftop and then if our we're trying to lure them to us oh maybe not I'm just and in particular judging by the number of bone chimes and the several totems in the area there's a very distinct smell of animal urine in the air like every wood village or maybe that was just the house I grew up in Mikey but you come up to one of these bone chimes or one of the the small effigies of totems a spear stuck in the ground with several skulls line through it and even approaching it you can smell this musk of urine and probably feces as well that the Noles are using to mark their territory what kind of skulls I walk up to one of the totems and I'm examining the skulls several human skulls maybe the odd dwarf skull judging by how broad it is how fresh is the urine how proficient are you in nature or medicine would you accept survival yeah I would give me a survival check I did a biology experiment of caspia and it was all about urine 23 you put your nose right up to the totem sniff it this is the only way to really know what kind and you're like it's still wet it's not wet I'm ray it's it's a wet something has recently relieved itself here something has recently relieved itself here I say we move cautiously should we should we take the stealthy approach through this part quickly and quietly I leave the three sets of bone chimes I've collected and continued on down the road all right I'm going to like not walk down the middle of the street I'm gonna push myself kind of up against the houses and kind of like peek out from them and then move to the next one quickly and I'm gonna kind of like just be a little more cautious in my movements okay I'm starting to shift along and like run a little bit with my arms behind my back and I keep looking back be like come on Pluto whoa are you moving at a head they're like ahead of them yeah a little bit but I'm trying not to stay more than like 10 feet I have ahead of them just to make sure that we don't get lost as I am their guide I want to make sure you know it is my job to semi get them through the city imagine you're like running ten feet ahead you turn around realize that we're not keeping up wait if you want to do like a little bit of a scary scary you'll hear us fail why don't you climb right are you okay with climbing yes you could climb and maybe Scout out ahead from a vantage point see what see what's up yeah I'll get up on a building and climb up how tall are the buildings there's a few here that are a couple stories high you're coming to the intersection of where temple road proper is so you have connected you come through the sprawl now and are standing along temple way our temple Road and you can look up and you can see in the distance about five hundred feet away you can see temple gate you can see the the kind of the echoes of smoke and now in the air you can actually smell the fires of burning meat and it smells like pork in the air I smell barbecue should we go avoid the delicious smell I know that temple gate has been taken over by the Noles so I would not go in that direction looking towards temple gate you can see the Cathedral of Saint but Rubio rising in the distance its massive glittering domes still kind of shining as veil you take position up up top this what looked like a it used to be a cobbler shop the entire top floor has completely been sheared off but you're able to kind of climb up the wall and take up a vantage point looking out over the city street and as you climb up you can catch sight in the distance from here you can see where Giuseppe's pier is it's not that far away now but you see movement in the street ahead of you in the street ahead dragging the corpse of a large Doberman is another hound this one almost the size of a pony and its skin looks like it has been flayed off of it and it is covered in sores and wounds and bits of its fur is all matted on and as it pulls its you can see that the dog that's still alive this massive dog has two heads and each of the heads are kind of taking turns biting into the flesh of the dead dog and alternately dragging it back towards one of the buildings the the dog you recognize this creature as one of the ones that the Noles keep as they're hunters it has a disease bite and it how it howls with a howl that the Noles can hear for almost a mile away yeah and with it and you know them to be very keen hunters they usually can smell you before they see you mainly you because you smell the wall just like chatting away I don't know what about yeah and then there was five of them but then I said you can't have all of it are they are we within eyesight of each other do you like my anecdote they are kind of good Sebastian's lit up a cigarette while he's listening to pollute or a gala of his tales and you're all kind of you're all there at the base of the building it's about the person hopped up to view down from about I try to lean how far away is the dog perhaps 60 80 maybe a hundred feet okay and then I set them all on fire I said I want a half crawl down the building and just like them to try to get their attention hello Vale eyes duck no I think she wants our attention what what would you like she didn't hear your story tell her it's just them yes and then I she wants us to be quiet haha I try to motion towards an ally that's a little bit beside the building that I'm at away from the dog I like I walked over to the alley and I pointed like this one okay thumbs up I go quieter than you like really should have figured out a signal system before Pluto I'm like maybe we should have thought of this one last time what was it porkchops Wow and and she makes the yes yes pork chops not to be loud actually I then kind of roll my eyes and I just crawl back down the building I can't show where I've smelled the urine I know something's closed yeah so it still stings my nostrils what did you see it's a really nasty two-headed dog that the Noles usually have about 100 feet we got to get out of here or else it's gonna smell us is it alone it is not alone it's got a meal in its mouth but that's not gonna stop it from heading towards us okay so we kill the dog we steal its meal we eat for the night and we avoid the Noles if it makes any sort of sound NOLs from a mile around we're gonna hear us so we need to be really careful and cautious about how we get around it because once that happens we are covered in Knowles fair enough not fun I'm gonna I'm gonna trust you on this one Vale what do you think we should do number one is there any way to cover your sense you have more of that urine that you can roll we have to roll in urine is that is that your plan that would be one thing Pluto you know the drill we're doing this one again this reminds me of that one job that we didn't have one job we did can that be a thing can we just say this reminds me in that one job as oh this is just like the the land of Europe no the land of you remember yes I do what was it called again the land of tacos tacos yeah where we peed on each other okay okay so I'm gonna go scrounge up some of this totem urine okay and I'm gonna start rubbing it on my armor it's very disgusting I I'm used to it I do the size of my my biology work okay and I already smell terrible so I mean Matic did they like avoid you or do you smell distinctly like terrible cat it's a distinctly like terrible cat but like you might want to rub some urine on you just a little bit I take a little bit like perfume all right so let's try to try to avoid like I saw the pier I know where it is we just have to try to avoid get into the Knoll so we could take like a semi back way around that would be better for us so okay I'm gonna follow you cautiously yeah soaked in urine but I'd rather move slower and quieter than sword ready all right okay in this moment I'm going to have all of you make a stealth check gluto nine Sebastian 1812 oh okay you begin crossing temple road the wide street leading into the city heading towards the pier gluto you quickly like trudge across the street and as you do so you you can see the dog like in the street eating the other dog and it seems to be completely distracted Sebastian you move across as well getting to the other other side of the street they out as you cross the dog suddenly turns and it snows parks up and it sniffs it seems like he didn't cover yourself in enough urine bad smell would be enough okay yeah I that being the operant logic there and the the the hound perks up and as it as it does so it turns to face the direction that you all cross but you've already crossed unfortunately Pluto kind of shifts a little bit and ends up knocking over a wagon wheel and there's a clatter in this in the street and the dog starts growling both of its heads going home and there it's like a two-part harmony in one creature of howl of growling as it begins walking down temple road towards the intersection what will you do okay I have an idea I'll stay here if you guys want to get the jump on it when it comes around the corner what's our current Sorenstam at like your corner and the dogs coming one way and we're around the corner the other way yep it's now or never there's not much time to think it's not like windows is there you said there was a wagon I know what there is I'm going to jump in the back of the wagon and like hide okay I'm gonna run up the side of the wall as quickly as I cannot cross that building and Pluto and I'm gonna I'm gonna swipe the first thing that walks around that corner ideally a dog okay Hydra dog let's uh let's put your miniatures forward where are we okay yep in the wagon you will you want to be inside the wagon well okay around that corner they're just hidden up on the seats of the wagon okay so you can see the two-headed creature coming around the corner and veo as you hop back up onto the building give me a quick perception check okay I will have you all roll for initiative please here it goes got 18 16 14 okay we all rolled 30 deuce yeah we can we can look at this I'm gonna let that put up 16 16 Sebastian I got a 14 14 [Music] okay all done very well on initiative but the death dog Sebastian ludo Vale [Music] and the Knowles oh there's no Knowles okay here's where we're at Pluto could you put that guy right at the end of the street there we are okay oh no so vo as you leap to the top of the building you don't see the knoll come around the street corner before it is able to take a shot with its barbed arrow right at you do you leave to the top this Knoll here comes around the corner and fires a shot at you it gets an 11 to hit your AC the shot goes wide and basically the arrow comes right up and it's a split second you see it and you move your head and it just cuts the edge of your ear just ever so slightly as the arrow whisks past you but another shot Corrine's towards you this time you're aware of it and it only gets a 11 as well to hit and you're able to hit the deck and avoid the shot whizzed right by you it's another cool scar though veil it is your turn you can see now the two nulls coming from either side of the street both of them are hulking creatures and they laugh as they come forward this like kind of giggling as they fire the shots the two of them are carrying these massive bows because both of them are almost 7 feet tall two of them carry huge long bows that look like they're made out of a combination of wood and animal bone and they carry at their hips these Quivers of barbed arrows the two of them also appear to be carrying pairs of siling blades almost like machetes they're both where lightly armored and you can see at their belts are several severed heads which have been involved and shrunken it at their sides and the two of them giggle and laugh and licked their chops excited at the fresh meal ahead of them what will you do they'll so I can still see the two-headed dog you can you have a clear shot on everybody from up here okay I want to take I'm more concerned with the dog only because if he starts howling a little bit more than he can calm or Knolls so I'm gonna try to take him out before we get to the knoll soon I take a shot at him okay you have advantage because of your elevated position there it is 24 fantastic the arrow lands soundly in the shoulder blade of the massive deaf dog it's left head howls out no quietly quietly and I take my second shot at its other head as well okay with advantage yes three the arrow sings forward splitting the first arrow and then she eats because of my dread ambushers to be what and um 16 damaged and after I take that shot I try to pop down off of the perch that I'm on on to the top of the building to crouch down a little bit and get out of the way of the hopefully Arabs sounds fantastic the death dog whimpers in pain as it is bloodied by the barrage of arrows that take it in the side and it but it still continues to lit limp forward Pluto here next I following videos lead I'm gonna rush the dog cool so you leap out into the city street from around the the wagon and go stand toe-to-toe against this massive Hound and I say your dog days are over and I get a 18 that is a solid hit for 14 damage so um well I want Beast is slain what do you do in the middle of its two heads ah just separate it so just taking all the weight of your longsword into your hand you bring it right down between the two heads of the death dog splitting it asunder and you can hear both the heads kind of like whimper and barking is like it spurts and coughs with blood and but you seem to have severed the vocal cords and the in the process like whatever it draws the air from its lungs and it collapses to the ground in a bloody and then I turned to Sebastian I go did you hear my line and that's what is Amina it is you Sebastian Sebastian did not hear your line and he steps out and points at the dog and goes your dog days and then realizes it's dead oh alright there's one Knoll here and one Knoll at the end of the street I move up so that I can see the knoll and I'm just going to cast a fire bolt Adam okay and so I point at him that's a twenty five twenty five your fire bolt whistles through the air and crashes into the null with a fiery burst for ten damage it sends the null almost off its feet completely but it then it kind of buckles forward and puts his hands back on its bow what's the matter hot dog and around to the side of the cart okay yipping barking and laughing the to Knowles rush forward down the street as they do so they keep their hands on their bows the one chasing after Sebastian and it takes two shots at you Sebastian I'm gonna give you a plus to cover bonus because you're hiding behind the wagon I get a 15 and a 12 the 15 hits alright the arrow bites into you and it sings for it and actually eats you in the thigh your speed is reduced by 10 feet and you take six points of piercing damage the other Noll lowers its bow and fires the shots towards pollute Oh getting a twenty and a six oh yeah twenty is good the arrow also it it very deliberately seems to be aiming for your legs I also slow you down your speed is reduced by ten feet and you take eight points of piercing damage [Music] beyo as we move to your turn you can see coming from the direction of temple road temple gate there might be a few more lurking forms in the distance we've got company good I needed a challenge come on pork chops actually yeah when I get hit in the leg I yell pork chops ah pork chops come on bail what will you do I jump back up to my full perch that I had and saying dogs that are shut your cakehole and I aim at the null who shot at Pluto okay right in his mouth is it true do I still have that vantage point or yes that is a 24 the arrow sings forward and strikes the the null where all the damage [Music] ten damage okay it's wounded but still alive it as it as it goes forward it rips into the arrow as it hits it throws it out of its body and just lets the blood flow from the wound anything else fail dread ambusher is that just on my first yes okay that's it I actually hopped back down like I think I made a mad okay pollute oh where were you leaving the the corpse of the dog I'm gonna rush the closer one two okay all right you limp forward with the arrow still sticking out of your your Achilles tendon towards the knoll that shot at Sebastian now and I'm gonna just you know just bring my sword down on on this Knoll 11 as you step forward and leap word you put all your weight in the blade in the Knoll just it bounces backwards and laughs at you and growls a little bit tonight can I use my precision strike on this moment yes you can oh yeah 19 so as it leaps out of the way in a moment of clarity you get it with the backswing yes roll the damage I got a 13 the backswing of your blade is you bring it back up catches the null in the bottom of its jaw sending it basically cutting off the entire front part of its stubby snout and it's and it collapses to the ground in the heat smell you later that's a good dog one that's my that's my turn I heard that one average [Music] sebastien we move over to you alright let's just see here oh no my speed is reduced uh-huh you see how every five feet of movement can I see through this door if I get to this door back here yeah you could the door that we can't see on stream but yes there's a door there's a back door and I pop my head through and see the other null and I'm gonna fire a fire bolt at him as well okay that's 20/20 it hits four nine damage the fire bolt crashes into the knoll and the smell of seared hyena flesh can be it fills the air as it collapses to the ground dead that's one for me yeah that's all of them right kakaw all il is that dog can learn any new tricks [Music] did it get it get it that was a good one Vale the challenge I enjoy the challenge of the new to hug life fresh dog whines every time remember we got company coming technically hyenas are more closely related to catch them they are the dogs but we'll overlook that will allow it's like I'm going wow that's our relation so do we see anything else or are we um it was the only bear that saw it but yeah elevated from that position seemed like in the in in the midst of the distance because remember there's a light rain coming down so your visibility is limited to about two hundred three hundred feet away mm-hmm but you cert are certain that you saw more forms of approaching even though you managed to take down the the Knowles swiftly and the death dog before it could bark out where there's dis many there's far more my my confidence is high and my guard is down I'm just standing in the street literally in the middle of an intersection I mean I would say we should get going quickly but I think I'm I'm a little wounded yeah it hurts to walk well we should move as quickly as we should we should hobble away as quickly as possible yeah it's only a few moments to pull the arrows out and you're able to get moving again your speed has returned to normal what would you like to do I grabbed your arm shoulder and I'm like let's get out of here before the rest of the Knowles come start to go towards the dock ok that swiftly you're able to get into the city streets and into the alleyways and at this stage seems like you might have lost their tail after after a few minutes of kind of moving through the alleyways in this part of the temple road district they are used you because you're holding me are you holding your because you're holding Sebastian you get a lot more urine on you now than you wanted with my already you know I need alluring aroma I ain't worried about it superb moving through the the densely packed back alleys in the south end of the sprawl passed a few more chapels shops tenement buildings and homes eventually smell of sewage is powerful on the air you're getting close to the drain River are you able to tell what district you're in based on the stench yeah yeah it's unfortunately become low a specialty of mine Drakken Heim is a smelly city it was known for its smells in its day some things never change is it more smelling our was it always this smelly I would say definitely like smelly herb but just the stench is were always there it's just they've been amplified a little bit by all the death in its day Drakken Heim stunk of smoking meats industrial production sweaty masses human waste animal waste horses pigs cows it was it there were a lot of smells in the city particularly in the south part of Drakon Heim where most of the industry and commerce took place less death less deaths yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the new one is for decay and death although not really decay what's a meteor smell like what does the the meteor smell like the Delirium smells of ozone oh yeah it's kind of like that electric smell of wet that smelled like a fresh lightning bolt you can usually smell that quite distinctly when you're in an area close to delirium we haven't seen any delirium this whole walk have we well you are moving during the day and so the the ghost lights that would normally guide you towards deposits of delirium that are in the ruins it's much harder to find delirium by day unless you're going for a large deposit this is not normally where I would come to get delirium so less traveled for sure all right you ready to meet you suppiy yeah he sticks my bud sticks does he offer bandages for wounded thighs probably not no fair enough I'm fine I can tell you with the rope if you want I'm good I'm good okay I'll walk it we saw you did the last person you tied off over there yeah they survived you walk through the southern sprawl towards the piers of the drain river and for a moment the city is very dense the streets are very tightly packed and then as soon as you get close to the river itself there's a wide pier along the edge of the city out here it goes all the way up to the edge of the city wall and you can see to the north that the drain river you see looking north the city wall that comes right up to the river and the way that it's been built is the city wall stretches across the river it was this massive feat of Engineering that goes right across it like it's almost like a dam but then there's this big open archway that has several bars going through it that crosses the river span and on the opposite side of the drain River from where you are at the pier you can look across and you can see the spokes which is the southern area of Dragan Haim the large it's much larger than the sprawl it's much older it's the first part of the city where beyond the city walls once the city walls were built the spokes were already in place so the spokes were the sprawl and then the sprawl happened and in time since the spokes were built up as much more of an industrial district a feeder district to the inner part of the south city where the South Ward is which was the industrial part of Dragan Haim the part of the city where the meteor struck dominating the skyline here though our is the part where the city walls double in height and there are three tall towers that rise up on the eastern bank of the city wall you can see a cross and they come up into high steeples and guard towers this is st. Salinas the one-time prison one-time asylum and now apparently a refuge point for the pilgrims that come into the city looking across out the wide pier the whole side of the river has all been built up so there's no natural banks anymore in this part of the dran River it's all been built up with with stonework and at one point that the piers here would have had several boats that would have been loaded up outside the city to go so because the river flows out south and then down and out and so you come to the piers which are mostly desolate the city kind of ends at about 40 feet wide plaza of brick before the edge of the water itself and via you lead them towards the spot where you know just happy is it's this stone pier that you to look out from a tavern that's now just a blasted ruin and at the edge of the piers there is a pile of goods and amongst the pile of goods you recognize the familiar kind of landmark that marks where Giuseppe keeps the boat it is a pile of grain several corpses of dead chickens and a dead Fox this is the place meat is your friend the Fox crazy no yes you've lived alone in the city for fifteen years I wouldn't put it past you a little bit crazy but I'm not crazy on this just happy awesome guy sticks he knows his stuff he's gonna get us across this river we're all safe I look around the area do I see anybody that I might consider to be Giuseppe or this sticks as she refers to well the pier is built up so that the water level is actually about 12 feet down so the pier is probably out of sight like you'll have to walk up to the water's edge to see what she might be referring to you looking across the river you can see several other peers and the remains of several boats and bits of wreckage there's actually a few bits of wreckage hanging in the river the river still flows quite well but as far as a person standing around here there's nobody you can hear though the sloshing of a boat that might be more to the side I casually walk up to the edge of the water and I or the edge of the pier and I looked down to see what I can see you you look down and get close to the water the smell of sewage and that smell of birds and seagulls that they leave behind is palpable in the air as you can see that down the ways there's several sewer drains draining out into the south part of the river here this is where all the sewage of the city ends up getting dumped out because then it flows south and out and you look down and there is a stone ladder that leads down about ten feet to a rough stone pier where several more barrels and boxes have been stacked up and a large row boat has been moored against it with a bit of rope and there is a man his hood drawn up over his face wearing a large storm coat like a fisherman's coat holding the rope in one hand it's mooring the boat and with a paring stick kind of braced in his hand as well and the two oars at his side and you can see his legs poking out from under the the raincoat are both pegs I turned I turned back to you and I'm like sticks the walking stick both the leg sticks or sticks the oars I I call down I'm like Giuseppe I'm Sebastian crow mage Slayer and conversation enthusiast you hear a low groan it's pleasure to meet you I understand you're a friend of Val's another groan is heard he likes you I'm a little confused we'd like to take a ride on your boat sir there's another grown yes yeah yeah yeah let's go come on how do we get down on the ladder down okay and start climbing down the ladder one thing I'll say is be careful when you're going down because if you fall in this water like deliriums not the only thing around here that's gonna give you three eyes so just be careful oh lyrium is give you three eyes the boat looks safe Oh looks pretty sturdy it's very waterlogged and you can see bits of moss clinging to it it's probably it looks like it hasn't been pulled out of the water itself in 15 years so this is good Giuseppe if you look down at the man you can see that bits of his face have been torn away and he has a skeletal jaw and one of his eyes hanging out of its socket oh I think I think your friends dead who did this yeah he groans was it on the ladder I'm trying to decide if he's like groaning because his body's just like giving out death groans or if he's a zombie so I kind of like I poked him he responds and moves moves back a little bit he adjusts his stick and groans I pat him on the back I'm like a sticks Maria is looking beautiful looks like you've been really taken care of her do you mind if we take a little stroll across the water here any holds out his hand and I give him a little piece of fish I'm like is that good enough for today I listen I'm a little bit tight right now so I know I know I'm sorry you can give him to help him across I take out a single copper piece and hand it to his his his fist closes and he puts it in there's this open bag that has several various copper coins it's a bits of gold some pieces of delirium several but and miscellaneous clippings and several fish heads as well are we supposed to get in this boat this boat doesn't know I've been on less seaworthy vessels I'm already in the bottom like come on come on I'm gonna get in the boat okay I grudgingly kind of look around at my other options and then step into the boat okay what else is in the boat with us there's several old bucket buckets of fish skeletons there are no there's no safety equipment in this boat there are no safety features in this vehicle there are two old old oars and a fishing rod hanging off the side does he look like he runs the show or is it kind of up to us as you get into the boat he puts his hands on the oars okay to drive big guy got this sticks that's what his job is oh he's Undead so he's like the River Styx no no no no that's not why we call him that he does the Styx Oh Dex that was because of the legs I thought it was cuz yeah this is a key to using nicknames Dex this is called Giuseppe so Giuseppe how's life he says he takes a stick out of the boat and uses it to push off from the pier and puts it back in the boat and starts rowing across the Duran River see he's all pretty quick there was a joke it's very slow I'm uh leaning at the other side where the fishing rod is I'm like this is where I catch my best my best stuff on my own mm-hmm obviously you River gives me the best best stuff but you know you just you just stated that this water will make you grow three eyes but you eat fish from here the fish can have three eyes but they don't give me three eyes I'm just saying don't fall into the water you never know what you're gonna come out with maybe fish I want to try to help Giuseppe row the boat dizzy dizzy except my hell going faster yeah like I want to try to speed it up a bit okay as you come up to help him he groans a little bit and you can see like a bit of his like the flesh of his face tries to smile almost grandfatherly like and he like shifts to the side and like goes and Pat's his hand on the seat beside and lets you take the other or yes okay I'm gonna help Giuseppe Sebastian is jealous because you now have a father figure unfortunately you're rowing far too fast for him circles is gotta adjust to his pace anyways great just like well we were gonna get there at his face but now we're just going in circles we're not getting anywhere all right so I'm still gonna take some of the load but I'll I'll go his speed I'm like peering over the edge of the boat into the water trying to look for weird creatures or various things that could have mutated woundedness you see far in the distance on the side of the river that you were coming from there's an opening in this in the sewers and you see what looked like several large tortoise shells but four of them swimming into the sewer is that is that legit yeah they look like the the tortoise shells look like the size of men I mean Sebastian is like oh that's weird but Kelly is very excited guys there's four giant turtles heading towards the sewers over there nothing fazes me anymore like that I mean of course there are giant turtles coming out of this not just water I'm going to name them I'll come up with that later it's a short jaunt across the wide drown river takes about 10 minutes for mr. sticks or giuseppe to row across very slowly and deliberately the boat of course going across the the river he he has to often stop to adjust for the flow of the river because it push it push me so but eventually he comes at a stopping point and more as the boat holds it in towards the pier and yeah I mean he got us here you guys man thank you word thank you Giuseppe Giuseppe it was a pleasure and I hold out my hand to shake his he he reaches up with his hand you can see like bits of flesh or slowing off of it and there might be a worm in there that's that I regret this decision but now I'm committed and as you do like it looks like some of his flesh is waterlogged and bits of the flesh like fall off in your hand I feel like as I pull it back there's like a piece of finger you you drop this sorry and I tuck it in his pocket this bag I come off and I thanks as always sticks we'll see you around well that would far better than I yeah that was actually pretty yeah there's still a couple of nice people tracking him that's about as nice as they get it's a strange thing they're you know of a few others like Giuseppe or mr. sticks zombies who rather than responding with fury seem to be playing out the last minutes of their lives over and over again yeah I mean it's a sad place where regardless live dead just kind of live our lives as much as we can here so I mean he just loves his boat that much and wants to hang on we might a deprived mother you know good stroll across the river I mean seemingly that's a happy afterlife unlife or i don't really know how that all works but he seems happy he's very joyful yes I saw half a smile he said I mean he enjoyed your company so I mean I don't have to get that from the US but I did don't worry he's a fan so figuring out the language let's hear your impression your I think that would be your accent needs a little bit of work I'm a man of many fantastic so if we pull up our map once more you are now in the southern area of Dragon I'm part of the city known as the spokes here the wooden buildings that were familiar on the western side of Dragon Heineman sprawl are replaced largely by larger buildings of stone there are many warehouses workshops old factories many manufacturers a few guild halls and many many homes for this part of the city the spokes was the main city pathway into Dragon hime it was the largest and built-up district kind of the real middle district there are taverns smaller market places all manner of businesses and shops at least when the city was alive now the champions way the Main Street which led into Dragon hime from the south to Champions Gate is a little bit of a pilgrims road as it is known to you veo that many of the pilgrims following the faith of the Fallen choir take this way into the city and as a result of the thick alleyways the stone buildings many of which are good rooftop travelling the spokes are crawling with bandits making for a pretty dangerous area there dangerous area to traverse or one of the more profitable ones if you're a scavenger but nevertheless to the south is amberwood village the probably the safest area in this part of the world all right so make sure you don't have anything hanging out of your pockets you know Pluto you're looking I know you're probably not gonna like this just a little bit too shiny for my leg Oh going through this area is there any way you can kind of cover it up a little bit you know princely and all but this is definitely the place you don't want to look princely but my princely I guess I could I could dull it down a bit but I just spent all day yesterday cleaning it was a wasted effort but I'm gonna get dirty we still smell like urine does that help that's half of it for sure it's probably won't want to get anywhere near you I'm upset but I'm gonna be still kind of rubbing mud on the shinier parts you get my back oh yeah I take my bag of gold and I put it on my inside jacket pocket yeah that's a lot of gold that you're carrying yes it is yeah I should be split it up a bit like put it in a couple of different little bags say if you have an inside inside pocket that's I do I actually have a pocket where I carry spell things and delirium they'll hear you it's my delirium pocket it's a secret pocket that I have in my coat use all the secret pockets I put my gold in my secret pocket okay I don't really have anything much to steal so you know what about your fish I'm just about eating all that there which root will you lead them on through this area would you like to keep to the back alleys in the streets or bring them down the champions way itself no I feel like either way I think champions way might be a little bit better for us just in case cuz back alleyways we're probably gonna get mugged so this is like a one-time to go down a bigger road okay yeah it's much easier to be surprised in the back alleys whereas in the champions way at least if there's if someone's gonna try to rob you you're gonna see them well in advance oh yeah and if we can't do rooftop we have to go ground let's do the champions way okay you make your way through several of the smaller streets there's a one Street leading directly from the pier that kind of weaves its way through the spokes to champions way and as you come towards the champions way you can see in the distance ahead of you a larger church one of the many in this area as well and you can hear what sounds like shouting coming from within there's several gruff male voices a few sand a few screeching women and what sound like several crying children their their cries and screams hanging in the air and kind of echoing off of the city city walls inside the church I say we keep walking there's children in trouble God it goes always children and always people in trouble what are children doing in Drakon hime and why are they in trouble that's worth investigating maybe it's one of those how you survive is not by listening to the screams of those around you you know how I've survived killing everybody that tries to hurt children you're not even a little curious I mean I'm curious but I've learned to turn that feline side of me off if I want to do anything in this city what building is it coming from seems like there is a several like pardon me like the sprawl there are many ruined buildings in this area but it seems like it's originating from the high steeple Church that you can see in the distance it's a large stone church probably enough for a small a small flock of followers would have been there in their time and it has a single high steeple with a bell tower and a large curved kind of nave to the the church it's maybe it's on the champions way itself and so as you come up to the get close to the champions way the streets kind of converge around it here I mean it's on our way if you guys are really curious you can take a peek but let's try not to put our feet into anything that we shouldn't get involved in I like being curious it's done nothing but good things really well well I need to start walking towards the church as you start walking like curiosity killed the cat guys keep that EMI i I run to catch up with with Pluto and I walk beside him with matching his stride because I want to look cool to you dude I'm walking along the side of the road like keeping pace with them but also like if they get into anything I want to be able to kind of dive in an alleyway so I'm just like I will keep an eye on you guys but you like to get me killed we've never gotten any of our navigators killed don't worry not one except that one job yeah stories err on the side of caution you come around towards the church and champions away you see an interesting scene in the street there are two distinct groups standing off against each other surrounding a what looks like a large family consisting of maybe even the grandparents and several grandchildren are several bandits wearing purple bandanas there are ten of them and several of them are halflings some are dwarves both men women people of various different creeds and backgrounds all standing together with these purple bandanas several of them have their crossbows out that are trained on the group of people in front of them and a few of them hold blades out one large orange haired man with a rather ugly looking goatee that he has combed blue paint into and purple streaks through as well stands out in front of them and is shouting because beside him is a charred corpse and across from him standing in front of the group of people is a thin older man with a very gaunt face and he's wearing black robes his head has been shaved even his eyebrows have been shaved off and he has branded onto his forehead a symbol that looks like a mix of a falling meteor and a roaring fire and he is holding out a rosary a holy symbol that is still burning with fire over the the charred corpse and you hear the the gaunt man say stand down let us pass peacefully we're about pilgrims I'm not afraid to fight are the people in purple bandanas do they have any sort of in Cigna on them or anything that I can see as I walk beyond the purple bandanas cell several of them have what looked like bits of rose bushes or thorns either tied in their hair worn like a carnation or tied up in the bandana as well there you recognize these as the trappings of the Queen's men these guys are trouble there's tax whoa whoa guys i clears children there's children there there is the the preacher the old old wiry man is standing in front of a group of six there are there is an elderly woman - a young man what might be his wife or his partner another old middle-aged man and then two children one boy and one girl I I walk up and start approaching the man with the blue and in this beard did you approach the man of the man saying you hear the the man with the blue and purple orange hair he's saying he says to the preacher we're gonna take everything you got old man your little flock can go ahead but we're gonna skin you alive for what you did to Bogdan and as you approach the two of the other other bandits catch sight of you walking forward and they turn their crop crossbows and one of them this shifty looking woman who herself is twig thin but kind of you can see like the muscles over her skin like she's got a sort of a short jerkin that she's wearing and she turns her cross bone around she says now you just keep walking this is our business this is our score we're not about to share it with another group of scavengers just walk on I don't know if this is gonna work but I'm going to minor illusion a purple badge with thorns on it and say Queens orders I'm here to to take these people to the Queen herself so you guys can carry on and I flipped the badge minor illusion badge and put it back in my pocket okay Pluto and bail what are you two doing as Sebastian approaches as soon as he started to approach I slip into the closest alleyway and start to climb the closest building so I can get a little bit of a vantage point to see where this is gonna head up in Pluto I'm going to walk over to the the bald creature man and I'm gonna put my hand on his shoulder as if I'm going to be leading him away okay as you approach closer to others train their crossbows on you and say and they've noticed both you and Sebastian and they you continue to come closer even though they've raised their weapons no I go easy boys we're under direct orders you're standing in our way the man gives a puzzled look make a deception check this is gonna determine whether this was a good idea or a terrible idea that's one so that's a seven okay yes continue Queen's orders hey that's right who gave you that order the queen of Thieves yeah yeah and what's the name of her majordomo that's classified information sir I'm sorry do you have a badge we don't keep badges well I know you're trying to pull one over on us this is our school vigils may not get badges I'm I'm the official mage Slayer of the queen of Thieves another one of the bandits and several of the other ones they just start howling with laughter and none of them says right hey Ross this one's funny maybe we should bring him to the Queen you know she can have a new jester mage Slayer they're just roaring with laughter they're almost laughing like a pack of hyenas and they and roar says listen runt you're funny enough but this is our score you just keep on walking we don't want any trouble okay okay um we'll keep walking but you're not going to hurt any of these children or the elderly which really is this whole group so why are you picking on such helpless individuals I want to look at the any kind of looks at you puzzled more like because we're robbers dummy we're here to loot and pillage off them and all these folk come with all their life savings to give them away in the name of their God and you just take them from old people and children it gets good last chance you take your big tin can of a friend walk on last chance little what are you gonna want to look at the the the old man what kind of luck is he giving he he turns and says cuz he doesn't know what to make of either of you um he kind of odd you up up and down and he doesn't know whether you're going to add it's like he's trying to figure out whether you're trying to help him or whether you're just going to be like take over their score as the bandit seemed to think you're doing hmm how about a contest from where I'm from in caspia we do things a little differently and we like to play games to determine the outcome of robbing people going to duel the blue bearded man I say out loud I mean unless you're scared of a little contest naked persuasion check that's better than my 113 he says you're just gonna try and get me into a little bit of a duel so your friend can stab us in the back we're onto you you can keep your eyes on me the entire time have like you fight him whoever wins gets the score the rest of you outnumber me I'm just a traveler I don't have any weapons of any kind of a dagger what's that's it they they turn with it with aggression and it looks like they're they're bringing their weapons to bear and I want to make a few announcements here I'd like to thank axe and shield for providing us with the awesome gaming accessories we use and tabletop audio for the great ambient music you're hearing and finally hundred years board for the amazing narration in our introduction video if you're enjoying the stream and want to help support our work check out our patreon you can find it by following the links below or at patreon.com slash dungeon underscore dudes thank you so much and we're so glad that you can join us again in Drakon hime before the break we had a rather tense situation emerging our intrepid adventurers have ventured almost across the outskirts of Dragan Hein through the sprawl journey across the dran River and they are now in the southern part of Drakon Heim called the spokes on their way to ember wood village one of the few last bastions of civilization and hospitality in this part of the world however as they headed down the champions way the main street that leads into the gates of drackett Heim they encountered a group of normal people inside a church two young children a small family and a wiry preacher that were attempting to fend off a group of bandits wearing the insignia of the Queen's men purple purple bandanas and a rose and thorns motif there are 10 of them now taking to the streets among with their leader a fiery haired man large fire head man with purple and blue streaks of dye in his before we left both pollute oh and Sebastian attempted to negotiate or Bluff their way through this situation the situation that they walked into they had plenty of opportunity to just walk away but they didn't take it what it seems now the situation has escalated as the man in the middle seemingly knowing by his companions who have been laughing a man named roar SHhhh bellows back at you last chance back off or we'll have your gold and maybe even your blood all right is it yeah I believe you to be a man of great principle and honor I've met many men who believed in principle and honor and most of them are dead let me let us take the kids and the elderly and you can [Music] finish your your quarrel with the man that killed your kin as you say that one of the the men in the group says no father who will lead us to the saint Salinas you can't and the young man this is the only way the creature turns he says turns for the the bandits and says you can have me just leave my flock alone let them proceed with their valuables and pollute oh I can give you one more persuasion Jack oh this is gonna be a hard one look well if it's hard that's good because I'm good at persuasion 18 looking for 20 buddy I couldn't says here he turns to you and says fancy words make a hard bargain but we're gonna take everything roll for initiative so be it now they'll you see this going down I do you you hear these words I'm gonna give you an opportunity to make a self-check okay you're hidden as the situation comes to blades if you want to act now I will grant you surprise but not these two I just they all just kind of here's that I surprise myself here we go again thanks or bow out and takes an attack against big guy okay let's get some initiative first big old I'm humble into my helmet yeah be as bad as the rats I glance over at you Pluto and I say remember that troll you killed Pluto what you got eleven eleven eight bear so we're gonna have this last up will be Abe the preacher the Queen's men Sebastian Roche Bluto they'll so value will be the only one who acts in the surprise rounds do it to it yes because your unseen so your first attack will have advantage and I shoot my long bow at the leader right in the center of the bandits and I get a twenty two caught unawares the arrow sails down and hits him in the guts take my second attack and as I do it I scream out you guys should just shut your cakehole and move along while you had the chance and I roll 26 and the two shots send him staggering but he is a massive man and it seems like even with these arrows sticking out of him he's gonna be perfectly fine to keep on fighting he's a tough cookie huh however we go through the surprise round no one acts and you get another turn let's try this again yep UH one in the last shot sales passed nevertheless nevertheless there is a gasp as your shots ring out from the nearby building where you were hiding and several the bandits take notice of you in in the building would you like to move or do any hands I'm going to hide I'm actually gonna hop down the back of the building okay kind of off the board imagine me behind whoa there we go behind the building where I love this big table but it actually is hard to reach them yeah maybe we need like sticks a little grabber arms yeah all right so that was a great so taking your hitting position basically roar SHhhh finished his sentence of like you know we're not gonna believe this and halfway through his sentence you see they're like you can see this is not going well and you take the shot kind of surprising everybody that with your boldness but you knew it was going so what's happenin anyways you know might as well get the first shots in there while I can okay so we will go next to pollute oh I'm gonna rush at rush rush rush okay you move in I mispronounce his name to throw him off and I I just charged at him wildly swinging okay that's my style and that's a big old 22 so as he's reeling from vales arrows staggering into the street you lower your blade down on him oh crap and it hits him in the back and 12 damage cool that leaves him bloodied and I'm gonna action surge and I'm gonna I'm gonna go for it alrighty 15 cool he spends his reaction to parry the blow no no at this point is it still appropriate that I use precision attack or should I have used that before I'll let you let's check on this afterwards I think now that I think actually I don't know what the timing of it is okay not a forum or you can't you cannot okay so III action sirs I'd go for a dance swing I think it's appropriate cuz he's actually parrying the blow okay right and so there's no more your precision isn't gonna help anymore at this point he's not Terry the weapon the back I'm not almost still stab them okay that's and then I gotta stand my ground alright Ian's mispronounce his name again Roche gegege carrying the blow roar she pushes your sword aside with his dagger and takes out his machete and brings it in trying to catch under the armor your breastplate no my barbed wound getting a 19-2 hit oh it carves deeply into your side and you take six points of damage and he pulls the blade back and stabs again getting a 22 hit for another six damage oh okay and then as you kind of real backwards he takes his dagger out and lunges towards getting a knight getting a 19-2 hit stab you in the shoulder for four points of damage so that's 16 and Donal yeah okay Wow so as your your attack comes from he spits blood out and ravages you Annie and he yells at gel them all I'm sorry roars it's worse I'm sorry Sebastian you're up next okay I'm going to backup kit and then I think I'm going to use sorcery points - sorcery points to quicken my casting of scorching ray ok and I'm going to attack roar SH that's seventeen that hits oh well damn just pow as he pulls himself off of polluter after like ripping pollute Oh open he steps back and you land a direct shot with your with your scorching ray and it sends him reeling backwards but the massive man is still standing I fire at him again more and more that's six more damage okay he is so I think each time I hit him he like steps back and I'm like I pause and I'm confused the fact he's still standing so I shoot a second time he reels back again and I'm like really even more seven more damage what happens finally I hit him right in the face and his head pops and there's like a smoldering oh it explodes on you have your brain oh okay you still have your your action remaining having cast that as a bonus action so you can cast a can trip or take another action [Music] can i if I use sorcery points no never mind I've already used to so that's fine um I'm going to cast I'll just fire bolt the red bandana guy cool is a détente that's five damage uh and the fire bolt crashes into him and sends him splayed out on the floor and a burning mess and that's what I turn and say stand down [Music] Milbank oh no they love it the bandits see this and they grit their teeth and they're like one of them after they drop down one of the women women she turns to you and she says you're going to play taxes and blood for that and at this stage the bandits act well you got rid of one of them there's no like I got rid of the big guy we got ya big guys now Oh No so I say stand down and they all charged at me and you just see suppose you go oh the three of them leap upon you with their short swords and the two of them get a 20 and a 21 to hit and the dwarf gets a 19 to hit did they all run any of them run past me they were all far enough away from me because you're standing over rorish shield won't even help me okay I take all of us you take a total of 12 points of damage as they basically circle around you like cat-like like animals of prey like like dogs predators and stab into you and try to cut you down from several wounds on the other side of the battle there's two halflings that take out their crossbows and they shoot [Music] getting a 10 and 1/8 did the other two the larger man on the other side races towards the preacher and tackles him to the ground and stands over him and the other two bandits race up towards the one of the men one knocks him to his feet and the other grabs the little boy and holds his knife at the boys throat and they say you want me to see me see me split this little piggy like a butcher and we move over to vayo pork chops [Music] I'm gonna use my feline agility see if I can I want to come up behind where the kid is being held okay I can move sixty feet yep you could come through the alley yeah race between the halflings and you'd be right on the church steps in the middle of the family and you'd be able to come out right behind the man that's holding the child I don't wanna get too close to him because I'm still using a ranged weapon but I don't want to get outside of his view I want to kind of come up behind them race around behind absolutely you can certainly do that and I also use Zephyr strike to get about thirty feet more just so I have enough to get around so I'm just like Oh scatter way on the other side yeah see if we can pay or do you want to go up on these yeah she's got like a hundred and twenty feet of movement oh if I could go up on the building that's a little far like she can't be much further than the street itself yeah yeah that's about the furthest around the corner of a building so that way if I still have enough movement to duck behind the corner after work you could duck behind the post yeah and I have my Zephyr strikes I'm gonna take my shot with advantage on the man that's holding the child yes behind him pray to the big pine sky that I don't murder this boy [Music] yeah nineteen damage so your arrow hits the man in the back of the head and bursts through the other side ripping out his face and splaying his brains and gray matter all over the little boy I say thank you pie in the sky and I sit back behind the corner a child is saved but emotionally scarred to life we all end up a little emotionally scarred here and in many ways no big you're welcome do you want to remove the one with the shield there and then just put me behind the corner or a poster yep which one's the preacher the the man in black yep yeah other side that's right looks good pollito it's your turn oh wow I'm feeling it but I feel renewed seeing the little boy freed and gurgly stupid goatee on the ground I step over his body and I go to save the the preacher man so I'm gonna run it the guy with the red and headband already oh now I'm gonna use the thingamabob er 212 that's it he's only wearing leather armor yes 14 guy is like is is standing over the preacher who's knocked to the ground you basically come up beside him pull your sword back swing in a wide side arc and he just tries to step back in time because you barely hit right and you just lean a little bit forward and your blade catches his stomach and splays his intestines for the street and at this stage the two children are crying and screaming in front he's like seeing this display of violence and the the the mother and the man are like trying to like cover up their eyes laughing and over his body and we go to the bandits oh I know and one real quick I'm gonna for sure second wind okay right now because I need that bad cool 411 Kelly can you reach to move him and then remove the the man with the red bandana yep he's very very dead his intestines are all over the wing a lot of AIDS yeah today rush is also extremely dead his there's not even anything left of his head because Sebastian basically exploded it and so we go to Sebastian now this is the tricky part and the way their position only burning hands two of them that would be correct unless you wanted to move back and take an opportunity attack from at least one a little I don't I don't know if I can afford that okay I'm going to just burning hands the two on the one in front of me and the one of my rights okay what's she can't show the template I do apologize I didn't know how to see him cool nice boom so I seeing them running get a 1 and a 6 for the next Andy saving throws amazing so as they run at me and I go oh no and I just pulled out my hands and fire expels itself from my hands doing 11 damage leaving behind nothing more than charred meat and bones good let's a care of that that's far less scary now it smells like barbecue as the woman and the dwarf and the dwarf are basically consumed in flame the other bandits seeing the situation with most of their number depleted the the dwarf breaks to run and so do the two halflings and the surviving that human man so they they say they fight like demons let's get out of here and they turned it to run I get an opportunity attack yeah but it can't be a spell right yeah I'm going do you have any melee weapon punch Amelia okay I got a 17 that hits I do three plus your decks want to damage five damage so you cut into the dwarf as he as he runs off and he is limping away through the city streets I've never stabbed somebody before Pluto would you like to pursue or what would you like to do and should we let them live I'm just worried about the Queen so I don't think so now that we've gotten to this in this yeah we've got to clean up our mess guys okay if if you if are they running in the same direction or different door no the dwarf is running this way and the halflings and the others are running the opposite direction I'm going to chase after the halflings with Baio okay's I think Sebastian can handle the door okay hey oh do you want to take a shot oh no the shot goes completely wide they're running too quickly I can't move fast enough to hit them yet okay I'm gonna stay where I am as they ran by Pluto they've got a bit of distance on me right they do I can't catch up just by running just by running you could catch up to them but not be able to attack I'm gonna Huck a hand accent alrighty go for it make this make the attack [Music] eat the ax goes completely wide it actually hits of a OHS arrow as she fires it and like the halflings like I'm so lucky yeah probably yep and I'm gonna keep keep pursuit okay huffing and puffing my way Sebastian I fire a fire bolt at the door through I stabbed I give a 10 okay these guys running away they all continue to run they're quite far and make quite good distance they are spending all their actions and movements to it to run and run and run so they're now well well away out of range of your your attacks are you gonna continue to pursue them all I I don't I don't think so guys yeah I kind of do like the defeated like slow to a jog and then like the standing there and I have like my hands on my hip something add darn it I just yell at them my name is Virginia Virginia that's not your name remarkably Sebastian didn't say his name to them Wow out of the first times ever I do however approach here's my card family covered in blood and ash and there's charred bodies everywhere and I say my name is Sebastian Crowe and I've just rescued you and then I slumped over onto the ground and start bleeding you okay but he did good did real good looking a bit rough but you did good I'm okay and then I cough up blood I hadn't lay on the ground for a while the the preacher immediately as you come back from your pursuit the preacher it looks like he has tended to the the children and the others to take stock of them and has kind of hurried them as hurrying them inside the church proper it's uh the church itself is this large single steepled building probably about fifty people could have congregated here in its day and as you return down the street the the preacher again he's wearing simple black robes and he has the symbol of the falling fire branded into his forehead and his is completely shaven eyebrows and everything you might be in his 60s and he turns to you and says flame preserve you you fight with fury and flame and righteousness and you saved my flock thank you yeah no problem you don't happen to know any uh healing magic do you I do you're very hurt let me tend to you and he comes up to you pass cure wounds upon Pluto might want in a super magic uh and you regained ten hit points what a nice a nice man I feel ten better I'm rating roches corpse I'm just like haphazardly picking him up and like flipping him over to like through his body he had a few personal belongings a satchel of gold a small vial with a healing potion inside it any biscuits and a roughly scrawled map of Drakon Heim which seems to have several locations in the spoke circled map map with man points of interest I'm gonna kind of like in a cool scene I like throw the map to all its wildly inaccurate but the points of interest through the spokes largely seem to circle out areas where they suspect there might be good plunder but the arrows and markings on it seem to indicate that they're coming from an all coming from a single area off the sewer veins that might be a gathering point for them this is wildly inaccurate but I'm gonna keep it anyways just in case what other loot did we find other than the month I he had a bag of gold they're their weapons and equipment and he were on this person a single healing potion which he did not get the chance T yeah it's not gonna help his face alright well did we have fun you know getting involved with the thieves cuz now we're probably you know on the hit list of the Queen just so you know I don't care what any of you say it was an excellent plan you're welcome we saved people today I didn't know your name was Virginia it's not I just don't want them to know my name is feel short for Virginia no I think we figured it out yeah I'm just trying to avoid the Queen knowing that it was me because kind of stepped on some there you know paws before and I just want to make sure that I steer clear of them as much as we can hence didn't want to necessarily go into battle with them but now they know who we are they don't know who we are they know that you're Virginia and other than that we could be anybody I guess I can always disguise myself if you ever come across them you on the other hand they'll know what you look like so let's avoid them in the future if we can the the preacher turns to the group have you seen you talking about and says pray tell me pilgrims where were you bound for her we're heading to amber wood village ah I see we were heading deeper into the city ourselves making for Champions Gate you're welcome to join us as you like you guys gonna be okay on your own he eyes the group of people huddling in the in the entranceway of the church he says I can tend to them if you've driven them off like this so many hopefully they won't come back and force by the time we can get to the gate it's only a short walk from here and at that point our companions will keep us safe you kids remember Sebastian Crowe tell stories Sebastian Crowe you I'm Pluto Jackson from Casper and you cat mean Aveo this is my group veo and the Pussycats our name you know just don't tell any of the thieves if you can they prey on us and our and the faithful they're sinners all who will be denied their paradise they pursue the pleasures of the flesh and of gold we are here for a higher purpose my name is Schaeffer it's nice to meet you I think you look the gold that we stole from them yes terrible things gold and all that terrible terrible terrible we're on our way to ember wood village to spend some gold so I don't know if we can go with you you're going into the city yes we are the these family here Alec Elena and their children they have come to offer themselves to the rest of the flock they will join us and we will conquer and we congregate at saint salinas under the teachings of McCrea herself it is a good time but it is a dangerous place for us to venture towards but more calm every day I have led many groups along the champions way towards their fate and many of us are gathering there great things will be coming sounds super dangerous are you of the faith body here yes nay and have you heard the teachings of Matthias Lucretia Matthias not one for organized cults is this a cult no no no of course not we are our way is the true way is the time that was foretold in the old texts is an age of heroes is upon us the glorious age or the truth of this world the light of this world will truly shine through but it requires all of our faith giving everything if the next stage of the world is to come to pass me add that on there take me out I'm interested in finding this Saint Salinas but not right now see going into the city seems like a bad idea we seem to be having enough trouble just going through the outskirts of the city I don't know how a group like yourselves has means of surviving going further and I've heard nothing but horror stories about what lays beyond the walls but have you heard of the great truth that is there at Saint Salinas I know of a few truths the angel preserves us the Archangel Makeda has come down and she resides at Saint Salinas and all who see her light are protected and saved I'm gonna do like the lien around him and I'm just gonna address the you guys are cool with this they there the tears are crying and the the woman says are you the heroes of the next stage were you sent by by the Archangel or are you here to protect us yes and these people they are hanging on every word this man I think we were sent but not necessarily by any angel but I mean if if we can do our best to get along in the world and protect you we can then I guess yes the path of divine providence brings strange tidings indeed after all it brought us the city but it is a sacred place now that falling fire is a sign of the future truth may it preserve you on your journeys and also you I'm gonna give them like one of those please please like I'm so worried please don't let these kids die we're trusting you sir to safely bring these children into the city which seems kind of countering go fast and don't take this one says I have shepherded young Claire and Simon this far and with your help truly heroes watch over us we may feel safe if any future harm would come and befall us I can only imagine what guidance the flame will send to protect us I was veo and she's gonna come with us veils watching over you but only right now yes we're gonna go the opposite direction with you that way I don't think anybody's watching over you once you pass those walls oh please just know that no one's watching over you really need you to understand like please no one cares no quietly don't know more Waverly will have faith in each other and I'm sure we will make our way safe and if I need to be the one that calls upon that power and gives my life to protect them I would've I would have taken all those men on they would have killed me but they would have left the children and they would have been able to make it further if I come back this way and I find dead children I'm gonna be really upset and I'm gonna find you and we're gonna have words and they're gonna be strong words maybe even harsh words may all truth be told in the next life with the cryptic just go he's quoting scripture yeah and you you can kind of tell like you know the the the sacred fire is the dominant religion in both caspia and it was in Westham our and is in Illyria as well but I mean Caspian czar pretty loose about their their religion oh yeah but what this man said is saying is it's something different entirely I slowly start to like back away towards well yeah it was nice meeting you happy to help Sebastian Crowe remembered you walk away you can turn him you you can hear him speaking with an impassioned voice and he says see what great works and heroes will be made of in the next stage truly it is a blessing of above that they were sent to guide us no and you can hear him saying as you walk away like you can see that our purpose is true that the fates would send so many protectors to guide our path do not doubt for a moment our heroic purpose I just wanted to help kids just like I just like and you wanted to save this bunch of you know crazy or what if what if what if I am a heroes sent no no I take the pamphlet out of your hand and I rip it up they are as nutty as a fruitcake so just leave them be and if they find their way they find their way if not the city gets them that's the rule right I won't see you but young so how far to amberwood village here about six miles marcin we just like hustle up a little bit you know that guy was very nice and he healed me I'm still bleeding moderately yes but you you are bleeding because of him no not because of him because of the bandits so like zeroed out we're not getting into this you bleeding because the all watching I don't know I'm trying to the meteor the meteor does hold some interesting power I'm curious to see what uh what exactly these uh I want to call them a cult but they don't want to be called a column no this cult I want to see what their what their whole thing is I find it rather interesting they may have knowledge about the meteor and I would like that knowledge just think the only reason the thieves have so many people to steal from is because they keep coming to the city with all their riches so yeah like they're definitely added to the problem here well they'll you've seen countless numbers of pilgrims get robbed murdered and worse as they've made their way along the champions way they really are like lambs to the slaughter in many ways but the numbers of the the cult continued to grow in the city and they hold champion they hold the champions gate in Saint Salinas which are basically on the doorstep of the great great and how they're surviving in those numbers that close to the crater you don't know but you know you'd think that if they could survive in that dangerous of a place they could help the people that were coming through this way you think but you know and what's this er control rats band together there are only as good as the rats so we kill right so well where to now let's head on our way let's get to remember what village I'm so excited you're not hiding it I'm about to lose control okay sorry is that copyright so happy birthday this part of the spokes it's a large urban sprawl the spokes and as you move further south along the champions rode through the old spoke marketplace and further south eventually the city begins to break out the ruined buildings become further further spaced out and eventually you come to the edge of the city limits and begin taking the lonely road towards amberwood village leaving dragon hein behind you in the distance the rain begins to pick up in a little bit of intensity as you leave the city in the afternoon and you can see though that this old road the the champion's road is not like the muddy roads of the Shepherd's way in the market way in the north it's a paved cobblestone and it continues like that throughout if it weren't for the 15 years of time that have passed since the city was ruined the champions way was a well maintained road in its day and it has held up reasonably well it's overgrown in certain areas and partway through there's a bit of wreckage of several caravans abandoned wagons from the first wave of refugees that tried to flee the city that eventually just abandoned all their goods as you pass down the the as you pass along the road we pass by a few other similar groups to the one that was accompanying Schaffer so some of them much larger as many as 20 people and another just a pair a pair of people in the child it is striking though all the groups of these pilgrims that come marching up the champion's way they all have the elderly they have some sick intone like the one group of 20 people they're actually bringing like they've got a cart with them that has several sick and injured people that are moaning on the back of it for sickness and that you can hear the preacher saying to the to the others that accompanies them a younger woman actually herself shaved and Brandon she says don't worry they'll be saved when we get to st. Selena's and as you continue along the road eventually you can hear the bubbling of the timber wash which is the small river that eventually feeds into the grand the where ember would village was built the forest is really growing up around things here for ember wood village in its day was known for logging and sniffing it was a mining in the logging town and it really was a feeder to the to the well of the the southern part of dragon hard line without either boundaries and workshops worth a lot of money pastor this small little village as you approach Everwood village is still a small town in its heyday only a few hundred people lived here but now as you approach there are many abandoned homes and crumbling buildings as you see the city proper Sebastien there's one crumbling home in particular that's on the south side of the city that you don't have to walk past on your way into town so that's a small small respite for yourself at least amberwood village bill is filled with light as you come into the city at the end of the day as the rain are beginning to patter down you can hear laughter music and lots of commotion in the city for it is now a city of many other adventurers and explorers that are coming into Drakon Heineman pick over the ruins there is a large manor house as chapel several taverns and wheeled up along the river is a very large caravan of five colorful tents and several [Music] several barrel topped wagons as you approach the city and you can see that this band of really well armed soldiers are surrounding the this campsite where to two of the men tending the oxen the armored oxen that pull the carts you've never seen a creature like this before because as you pass by the oxen of this Caravan you realize that the they're not covered in plate armor but they're made of steel these two creatures and as you walk down the way a massive man steps out from one of the tents kind of sniffing the air around around him and the this is lively image I really should have taken off my helmet relax not you sent as many people to be honest this is weird I've never seen this many people in Dragon I'm I'm like I'm like glancing at every face that I see to see if I recognize anybody nervously because I don't really want to be records stepping out from one of the tents as you come down the road you're this large voice say ah coming in from the city you can sell your wares to me here and I have trade in kind for you you see him step out this man is a mountain of flesh he's as wide as he is tall and he is garbed in a masterfully tailored jet black silk which flatters his obese frame he's got a frilled doublet and pained and padded breeches he's wearing riot II gloves all worn under this fur line cloak which and he's topped with a feathered cap and all of his clothing is embroidered with an elegant silver trim and you can smell the tobacco on him as he walks up to you and it's mixed with this perfume finally a fine smelling person and he takes a puff as others pipe blows it at you with a rakish grin and he says welcome to ember wood village if you're looking to do some business you need to come no further have you delirium Gold if you're looking for something to spend I can help you indeed I am aldor the immense and this is my Caravan sebastien crow mage sleep he shakes your hand with a big firm grip and you can feel the combination of flab and muscle in his hand I also like Vale you know native of the city but I don't know what it is about you I've seen you around pussycat welcome hi I'm Pluto Jackson Caspian I hope you brought lots of that Caspian coin with you I'm a little bit short this month so I could use a bit of a lucrative spender or perhaps perhaps I impose myself on you all to sue amberwood village is full of many other pleasures but you'll find nothing better than here in my Caravan if you're looking for things to help you survive in the city how long have you been in amberwood village I just arrived a few weeks and I must say I have rarely seen a more lucrative business opportunity for a merchant of war such as myself I mean I thought I did well in the civil wars but of course the adventures they come they die they spend more they they come they spend more money they die someone loots their belongings I buy it back off of it half-price and sell it to the next group I'm sure you'll have better luck than the other smart guy that's a good business model yeah it's fantastic are there any other other any blacksmiths in town ah yes I have been securing several provisions from him he's a very talented man I must say just the one just the one oh I need a blacksmith good idea yeah good idea Sebastian no that was I oh dear where does either he's round the corner past the Barkin Buzzard but I think he's closing up shop for the day wow that's too bad see if he's open see if he'll keep his doors open no I think we can do all of our shopping here there's there's no need perhaps I impose on you too soon if you're looking for the comforts I recommend the gilded Lily and if you're just looking for a soft bed in a warm ale you could go to the bark and Buzzard is it late is it is it it's around dinnertime I could use I could use a nail maybe we especially if we're gonna go see the blacksmith I might need a few maybe we could go see the we could stay the night in the number wood village sleepover I mean I'll sleep anywhere but sure honestly after the campouts that we've had in the terrible terrible city a soft bed sounds really nice I can't remember the last time I slept in a soft bed now remember have you ever yeah yeah I used to live in the palace should not know that no yeah sounds nice on a timer and everything's off that was I feel like we don't know a lot about each other considering that we've we've been friends I mean I knew that you lived in the palace I feel because we knew that I never told him and you you didn't know that I was remember what village I killed the troll yes Pluto did I mention it you you have do you guys want to go find a room for the night and maybe drink drink yeah drinks the last week away I mean this is a normal week for me so I think those kids probably need a drink I've burned more people than I usually do in a given week and I mean I'm the blood on my jacket is weighing on me not emotionally just say physically caked in blood and ash and brain matter I flicked some some brain off of my shoulder I mean I wouldn't say no to a good meal you guys are treating uh uh yeah a hot meal cuz I have a place to to clean up around here um you've never heard of this place called the gilded Lily it probably opened since I left since you left but you remember the Barkin pilot Buzzard Karen and holder holder Augsburg the young couple that used to run it but I mean they'd be much older now but Karen was a good cook and they might have good beds I'd like to go there I mean I know that I want to avoid being noticed but that place always was a nice place for me to hang out they didn't treat me - ruff back back in the day a bit uh most people didn't like a accidental spellcaster coming into their place of business before I could control my magic I de tendency to burn places down usually not on purpose there were a few incidents you keep saying that you there's reasons that I'm anyway let's just let's go but I'm wondering if if they know you are they gonna even let us stay there or should we go is more than like don't know said they were they were generally kind to me they they were always uneasy when I was in their establishment because of the prone to accidents but they were nice okay I trust your judgment because we could also keep him with our secret mission go to the gilded Lily and maybe that's our River will meet us if we want to stay off the operator up off the beaten trail I leave it up to you to I I could go either way part of me wants to see a friendly face but part of me also is nervous about this whole situation to burn it down you know what maybe I can control it now maybe Karen I'll have some information about your dad yeah let's go there yeah okay we go to there why are you trying to push the dad thing pretty nice guy so it'd be nice to see a friendly face again I haven't I haven't been here in 15 years I left my father alone to tend to the blacksmith shop and I never came back I didn't want to come back until I could could come and say look at look at all I've accomplished I'm a great and powerful sorcerer now but instead I got kicked out of the Academy became a mage hunter for hire and didn't have the guts to come back and tell him that I never amounted to anything you walk past towards the square as you and the is a small muddy square that composes ember wood village and here is where the gilded Lily the bargain Buzzard and the Chapel of Saint ardena as well as the old Stavros Manor the town hall our and amongst a collection of a few other shops Sebastian you can spy the twin the familiar two chimneys of your father's old blacksmith's shop and the sign still hangs in the front and it says crow and Sons smithy you're the son you're on the sign I know a famous guy he wanted me to be a Smith just like him but instead I burnt a few places down and then was taken away to an academy and never came back so doesn't mean can't hold your skills now you could be a forge you could just be the forge you would save him so much on heating I never thought of that you know that's it's a nice thought flute oh thank you I just think you make a great furnace one day I I'm glad I have you as a friend so tell me I'm glad of me too I can't can I see my house from here you can see a lurching building on the far side of the city kind of just the tops of it across a few other houses gross he wants to live there that's that's when I stopped like dead in my tracks and like turning in any I like try to pick a direction to look and I'm just like what where's where's the tavern let's move along yeah let's go to the tavern you don't have to subject you to all these terrible memories you can see just having a smoke coming from the chimneys of the large two-story wooden building that has a stone foundation and a bit of a slight sagging slate roof as you approach the barking Buzzard you can see the caricature on the sign above it which depicts a mirthful vulture feasting on a disemboweled Hound but the Hound is also laughing yeah like the whole thing is very cheerful and you open up the the doors into the into the top room you can see there's maybe about a dozen people that are gathered here if you seated around the various tables that have been collected in that and the bar up at the front and you can see a older woman with her hair tied back serving several mugs of ale as a and she turns to you regards you she kind of squint at you for a moment she says come in from the cold and rain I'm Karen welcome to the bark and Buzzard we've got Mead and tonight we've got a chicken stock tomato and potato stew I like I don't really respond I don't really know what to say because she didn't recognise me and so I kind of just stay silent three of that sounds good coming right up table sit you down come on big guy you're you're in your your home there's a few other people seated around kind of scan at first for familiar face but most of the people have their backs turn to you all don't recognize anyone is that the same is that the same is that the same I start looking at the same does that doesn't look like it's changed much it's certainly worn down it's not as busy as you remember it being and as your eyes scan around you can see that there's a large man seated at the bar with bright orange hair and a pair of goggles over over the top of his head and he's he turns around to meet your gaze we will wrap up therefore the evil is that the same yeah that seems like an appropriate point to to wrap up for this evening as we follow our heroes into into amberwood village and find out what happens next I will let you know that we will make this a milestone and so I'll have you all level up for next session yeah number four how did you saw my dad and will and I will let you all take a look at the inventory of our land the events and the other vendors around here so if you do want to do any shopping in the interim we won't we won't borrow you all on stream with our shopping trips they can take ours yeah can I borrow some gold from you yeah we'll share with everybody all your new fun bling yep yeah also we need to establish how much gold we have because we still haven't oh yeah you haven't counted your money yet yeah it's a good bag of gold on consignment it was big it's actually just bits of stone wrap in gold oh no it's like at the bottom it's all stone it's just at the top that are gold no it's it's it's a good real good I trust River for that great fantastic so that will that will wrap us up for this evening I want to give a really big thank you to our cast Kelly Jill and Joe and we've got our awesome team of Kyle and Clayton working behind the scenes to manage the screen the stream you if you were chatting with us tonight you're probably talking with Clayton there who was keeping everyone entertained with lots of chat messages thank you all so much for watching Kelly yeah if you want if you are enjoying the stream and want to help support our work check out our patreon do it yeah you can find it by following the links below or at patreon.com slash dungeon underscore dudes and every little bit helps us make this show better yeah and of course we're always happy to hear your feedback and everything that we can prove we had a little bit of a rocky start but I think we've figured out the technical glitches in the system so please let us know how things were work I worked at technologically in this dream tonight Kelly and I do post new videos every Thursday on our YouTube channel as well where we cover everything Dungeons and Dragons so we have new advice for Dungeon Master's and guys for players I think this Thursday we're talking about five game breaking spells and Dungeons & Dragons and so you could also find prior episodes from this campaign and all of our huge archive of videos by checking out youtube.com slash dungeon dudes or just going to dungeon dudes calm we'll take you right to our YouTube as well tonight's game session featured music by tabletop audio so if you enjoyed the background noise including me and a big shout out to hundred years bohr who did the introduction narration for our video so thank you so much for that and our game accessories were generously provided by accent shields such an initiative tracker the initiative tracker he has other using products so definitely check out accent shield and also we we use terrain from dwarven porridge I've been collecting them for years and years and years and we have a cool hero4 do miniatures and some other meanings by whiz kids so if you want to see some close-up photos of our minions we've got those on our twitter as well which is just at dungeon underscore dudes on twitter we want to thank you all so much for watching us again in dungeons of dragon hime and we will see you next week at 6 p.m. eastern strand daylight time as we delve back into the ruins of dragon hein thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 341,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book, live, livestream, stream, costume
Id: EJc4bcmkk8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 55sec (9955 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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