SGT Virtual Missions Conference 2021

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[Music] welcome to sgt's mini virtual conference themed unity and celebration man we welcome all of our global missionaries our local missionaries those of our congregation the leaders of our missions right here at smithtown gospel tabernacle and those of you that are guests maybe you're serving across the world in a missionary context or even local church ministry context or from another church we just want to welcome you and we greet you today is a very special day we anticipate the day that we will have a gathering soon in person like we normally have done throughout many years where all of us come together at a specific time right here in smithtown new york and have a time of fellowship and a time of unity and an impartation by god through the holy spirit but today is special because we have anticipated this day for a long time that we can present this many virtual conference to unite our hearts together and to celebrate in spite of what's happening in our world through a global pandemic or other things that have taken place the trials and tribulations the sufferings that are going on individualized in each context we can still celebrate that god is still sovereign that lives are still being transformed they're being saved they're being discipled and they're being sent forth to be his light to the world that desperately needs him and more than ever right in the seasons that we live in this time and age we need the gospel to go forth but we need to be empowered by his holy spirit see today is the day called rosh hashanah and biblically it's known as the feast of trumpets so we specifically chose today to launch this mini conference because that day biblically you can read about in leviticus chapter 22 they set aside a day that they would have a holy sacred assembly they would have a day where the trumpets can be blasted they would have a day where they set aside their normal routines and work and you know what the feast of trump has did for the for the nation of israel and reminded them of the encounter that they had with god at mount sinai you remember that time where god came down we can read about this in the book of exodus where god came down upon mount sinai and he previously declared to moses that as long as the israelites would follow him keep his covenant and his words he would set them apart as a holy nation his priesthood and so they heard god that day god showed up the bible says that he came like fire on that mountain and it was the the mountain was covered with the holy smoke of god and they heard the long blasting of the trumpet and that ushered in who god was to the israelites and they heard his voice and so today as we unite and celebrate who god is and what he is doing right now even through each of your lives let us be reminded that the trumpet of god even foreshadows the perugia the return of christ to this world we anticipate god coming down even as the apostle paul wrote in the book of first thessalonians chapter 4 that god is going to return jesus is going to return and he's going to come with that voice of an archangel and the trumpet of god and the world is going to know especially us as followers of jesus that god is returning it's the ultimate trumpet call so let's celebrate today we're going to unite as even those that are jewish celebrate that this is the beginning of their new year and they recognize that this is a day that god created heavens and earth and that he's sovereign over all we as followers of christ coming from jewish roots from holy scripture of the old testament into the new testament we declare that god is sovereign that god is the maker of heaven and earth and that god is a god of new beginnings and that every day god can use us for his glory and even as we think of the feast of trumpets let our hearts and let our minds let our voice be the trumpet of god to declare to one another today that god is faithful and let us remember where we've been where we've come from what's happening right now and what god is going to be doing in the future that culminates in his return that culminates in gathering all the saints from the past and the present to unite with him forever in worship and so our hearts are to reach as many as we can that we might go into the harvest amen so we pray today that you would be encouraged at this conference we pray today you would feel united and that you would feel the celebration that's happening across the world in spite of difficult times that we might be living in right now so be blessed and let's do this together amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have a special time now to hear specifically from those within our church that work on our sgt missions board and committees they represent all of the missionaries that we support and they daily and weekly and monthly are doing the work of missions by participating in the mission that you lead as well as praying for all of our missionaries and coming together to prayerfully make decisions about how god is leading us and supporting what god is doing across the world so take some take heart and what is being said now as they come specifically from those in the trenches right here in smithtown new york through smithtown gospel tabernacle to reach the world through the mission that god has called you to welcome we're so glad to see you and i can't wait until we're all together again i know that you've probably missed two of our wonderful banquets and we haven't forgotten and yes when everything returns back to normal we're going to be right back here in the kitchen open up a special meal for you as we always love to bless you and give you our best now i know that you've had some difficult times these last year and a half two years and so forth but we just want to encourage you with this event today you know one of my favorite spices to work with is cayenne pepper if you put a little bit too much in the dish it kind of burns your mouth out you may not want any more of that particular dish but if you put just a little bit it makes you want to have more and that's what we want this event today just to bless you to encourage you so that we're all together again rejoicing back in the tabernacle it'll be a wonderful time but be encouraged i know many of you are working hard and many challenges you're facing whether you're doing with the human trafficking up in nepal or if you're doing it down here on long island if you're working trying to help get opioids out of people's hands and mouths we appreciate what you do we're protecting the newborns and so forth we appreciate whether you take somebody to have a cup of tea make a meal invite them and share the gospel they've never heard before but we appreciate that and we encourage you we bless you and we can't wait to we're all together again so we'll see you soon [Music] hello dear servants of the lord i am so looking forward to that day when we will enjoy fellowshipping in person at prayer partners it's our privilege to be part of the home team representing you and reaching into the sgt body for prayer supporters for you and the lord's work that you are so earnestly and faithfully implementing i want to share the vision the lord has given us and that we share with your prayer partners in god's wonderful economy of including us and the great commission he enables us to partner with our missionaries by actually entering the work through prayer and the holy spirit there is no limitation of time or space in the holy spirit in prayer we can travel to the mission field and stand shoulder to shoulder with our missionaries and their challenges battles and victories and our scripture verse is for this reason since the day we heard about you we have not stopped praying for you we continually ask god to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the spirit gives colossians 1 9 and now may the lord keep watch between you and me when we are absent one from another farewell friends well i'm celebrating all that god has been doing in and through each of us during this time of being shut in and one of those things is i'm reminded of a story in the bible and it fills me with expectation as i consider how the disciples were fearful for their lives and jesus awakened said peace be still immediately they landed not in capernaum their destination but in the land of the gadarenes where the demoniac was delivered and that's what the lord is doing for us what he did for them the storm positioned them for miracle also i'm looking forward to those insights and phrases you each have gathered treasures found in darkness as well as in when the lines have fallen in pleasant places i'm wondering what word you are being strengthened by presently i am so captivated by christine uncle's song a mighty fortress and by habakkuk 3 19 in the amplified the lord god is my strength my personal bravery and my invincible army he makes my feet steady and sure like hinds feet and will make me walk not to stand still in terror but to walk and make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble suffering or responsibility i'm so thankful that we share the word of god alive and active in us i'm so thankful for your presence even virtually with us and i'm sending hugs across the miles love you bye recently i've been finding myself meditating on exodus 14. it's here that we find the israelites having just left the captivity of egypt following the manifest presence of god and i think about their excitement as they leave slavery moving into all that god has for them into the promised land and as he leads them he directs them to camp on the banks of the red sea then they look up and they see the egyptians pursuing them we can hear their fear their confusion and desperation as they cry out to god and they say to moses was it because there were no graves in egypt that you brought us to this desert to die it was a desperate place it looked like they were crying out i don't understand how did i end up here i was trusting you i was following you so many of us in the last few years have found ourselves in a place we have felt like how did this happen how did i end up here i was following you lord and serving you doing everything i knew to do and yet here i am in this place that looks so desperate things aren't going the way we had planned at all it's a place of confusion where we don't we didn't see this coming and we don't see a way out then i noticed in verse 15 the lord said to moses why are you crying out to me this said so much to me about faith it was the great i am who led them to this place it was not a surprise to him it was all a part of his plan to bring himself glory and so that the egyptians will know that he is the lord he is a god that sees us he hears us and he answers our prayers and he will fulfill all of his promises then god says tell the israelites to move on to move on from this place look so desperate and dire it looked like certain death but as they turned in obedience and moses lifted his hand the red sea parted and i really feel as we continue on and move on in obedience our red seas are going to part we see so many places in the bible where there were people who were in need of a miracle and god giving instructions sometimes those instructions don't make sense such as noah building an ark in the middle of a desert or gideon going to war with only 300 men it seemed ridiculous until it was miraculous and as we move forward in faith in obedience we are going to see our red seas part and we're going to come into the victory that god has for us it is our privilege here in the missions department to be your aaron and your ur lifting your hands your arms in prayer as we move forward into the victory that god has hello everybody um i never thought we'd be meeting this way but we are experiencing times like we've never seen before and i am encouraged to see your commitment in the face of all of this when many are in despair and fear of what tomorrow may bring we know that god is with us and there is no fear it is in these times that christianity truly shines forth and you are shining forth we are seeing you meet in new and creative ways some of you meeting outside and online visiting people one on one please know that we are praying for you and your family or we know that these extra demands on you can be very daunting and i pray that you will find that secret place of peace with jesus that you will be lifted up and have the joy in the midst of all of this you must know that you are personally blessed me for seeing how you still stay with everything i pray god's blessings upon you be victorious we know the end of the book and we are victorious we think it's so important to hear from each of our missionaries across the world about what god is doing and has done even in this difficult season that all of us would agree has taken place over the last 18 months or so god has still been on the move and we want you to hear now from some of the missionaries of what god is doing hey everyone it's pastor jim from lighthouse mission i just got done preaching the gospel of jesus to 100 or so people here at one of our 10 daily food outreaches we do every week across long island i just wanted to thank you for your prayers for your financial donations that helped make this possible the pandemic was really hard on so many people the lighthouse mission man we're able to reach more people than ever before when everybody else was closed we were still open preaching the good news of jesus and feeding the poor anyway we love you guys more specifically god loves you and i can't wait to say what's going to use you next god bless you this is adam simonoitz and on behalf of the entire family we want to thank you for your prayers support and other expressions of love as we minister in dearborn michigan home to some 40 000 arabic-speaking muslims this last year or so has brought a lot of challenges not only because of the restrictions but also the many fears that muslims have about the virus yet god in his faithfulness has provided a great opportunity for evangelism through twice weekly park outreaches we've also seen our presence on the internet uh expand and god has opened up some doors of opportunity for teaching for through uh interns that have come to dearborn church teams as well as being able to go elsewhere to teach groups from christar youth with the mission and the assemblies of god and it's such a privilege to be able to equip prospective as well as current missionaries and to provide opportunities for former muslims to be able to be involved in ministry so thank you so much again for playing a part in seeing the kingdom of god expand here in dearborn michigan and elsewhere and we just ask that you continue to hold us in your prayers we are so thankful for god who is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance greetings smithtown we're mike and joyce bond yeah and greetings to you from the studio that your team helped us to put together a few years ago when they were last out thank you for your help thank you not only for that help but for your constant prayers and support that have allowed us uh to reach many people but also to work at building a system that's going to allow us to reach many many more during the pandemic where did people have to go but the internet and so the hits increased in in great numbers on the websites right now even now we're getting about 30 000 hits per month on all the various websites and god is doing a wonderful thing we were able to get a coder this year who has begun to lay the foundation for the integration of the network in a way that's going to allow us to make things work together and help us to reach many many more this uh the best is in the future and so we thank you for your help one of our african co-laborers wrote me recently and said brother mike i'm glad you're still in the front line of ministry you planted an unforgettable seed of encouragement towards gospel broadcasts to our ministry in africa may the lord continue to strengthen you and bless your life and honor you for all of your labors in the harvest field we thank you because you have been a part of that and we appreciate your help god bless you thank you hi everyone this is fred faroq and uh on behalf of my wife annette we're international trainers with global initiative reaching muslim people we're thankful for the support of smithtown as we raise up missionaries from around the world to preach the gospel to muslim people i also in this past year have had a chance to write a new book called prepare for persecution lessons from acts as well as a devotional from the psalms for muslim background believers we are excited to be returning to albania this fall to raise up laborers to go into the muslim world and also train for more muslims in ministry to reach muslim people with the gospel thank you smith town we appreciate you hello to everyone at smithtown we are beverly and tom brumley of evangelistic world outreach working in haiti we've been there for 49 years working with churches and schools and bible schools we want to thank you so much for partnering with us throughout this year we've been able to feed one of our schools 600 children for 50 dollars for a whole year per student and we praise the lord that we've been able to continue that we want to know that even through covent that we've had been able to continue with our churches even when they were only having ten people to a service we have one pastor that had started six o'clock in the morning he had ten people for a half hour and then another ten another ten until his whole congregation was able to to be in service and so we found that our pastors have found innovative ways of trying to continue to reach the gospel and to service their people so we want to thank you for all your help hello sgt family we are kelly and vicky hudikov uh serving with youth of the mission for the past 32 years uh we've been serving in eastern europe most of this time but now our focus is global all nations all spheres of society we partner with the body of christ to see the church be salt and light in every area of society working with business folks people serving in government uh church planting arts education and so forth so we're working in central asia now and and far east asia cuba and other parts of the world and thank you so much we just want to thank everybody there for your continuous prayers and support over the years it's been wonderful partnering with you we couldn't do it without you blessings to you all hey sgt family this is andy and kathy just saying hello hey yeah we're uh recording this video in a small town in north africa temperature about 100 degrees right now it's awfully hot but uh we're we're living in a place where we're completely submerged in the language and culture of our adopted people group the the uh the berber people and uh we're this is actually our second full day living in this town or one we just want to testify about god's goodness in establishing us in this place for his glory and the expansion of his kingdom uh his provision he is good and we appreciate your prayers too you guys are really making a difference thank you thanks so much you guys we know and feel your prayers and your support and your love hope to see you soon hi guys we are karen and nathan rasmussen and we want to thank you for your faithfulness to pray for us and for the work we have much to praise god for we've been able to continue with all 20 of the bible schools in the four countries and only the mission school was cancelled last year because many of our teachers come from outside but during that year we had a real time of focusing on getting our graduates out into the field we now have 60 that are focused on reaching the unreached 42 of them in tanzania amongst the unreached five of them in other african countries working amongst unreached we also have eight of them mobilizing the african church for missions and five that are pastoring in islamic areas so we thank god for all that he is doing thank you for your part in it we're great it's great to team with you in what god is doing thank you hey smithtown gospel tabernacle i just want to take a moment to thank every single one of you that supported new york adult and teen challenge this past year let me tell you that 2021 is going to be an incredible year we're opening four more centers yes that's right i said it four more centers two in rochester one in syracuse and one in buffalo equaling ten centers in new york state over 250 beds available to help men and women that may be struggling with life controlling problems ladies and gentlemen hope has an address and that address is new york adult and teen challenge so step up and step in and let god use you mightily as you support new york adult and teen challenge and thank you for all that you've done g'day good day sgt family and friends from melbourne australia uh you know of course the last year and a half has had a lot of setbacks travel plans cancelled uh projects being delayed indefinitely but in the midst of that many wonderful things have been happening yeah locally it has been really amazing how different doors that guy has been opening up for us among our afghan friends and other muslim communities that we are reaching out to with the current crisis in afghanistan it just seems like god has been opening up many opportunities for us to share scriptures and it's been received in openness and such gladness as well among them and even since last year we've been reading scriptures with this asian muslim couple also they've been really showing so much hunger and openness and yeah just really exciting yeah and uh you know our ministry projects a soul prison feature film done in thailand is now going around the world [Music] it's giving opportunity for more projects to come down the pipeline we're really excited about that and the minister that i'm leading creates is like as you may heard like we produced this book is in uh for thai kids and also in english in german and now it's being made into animation so it's quite exciting it's a 2d animation it's going around thailand at the moment dong jai pan yeah so thank you so much for your prayers and support couldn't do this without you guys love and blessings from us yes thank you so much hello smithtown gospel tabernacle i want to say on behalf of the north carolina boys academy thank you so much for your generosity your kindness and your grace you know the team came from smithtown last sunday they've been here all week wow what an amazing amazing amazing team they worked so hard they interacted with our students chef john i mean what can i say about him our students love him right guys i mean chef john was absolutely amazing and his food is so grateful so thankful yes god's doing great things here at the north carolina boys academy and we appreciate you and your partnership so thank you so much god bless everyone at the smithtown gospel chapter [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] praise god we have the opportunity right now to worship together to literally be together and worship the lord you know many times we walk into a moment of worship and we're so familiar with it and it might cause us to go through the motions but i'm challenging all of us right now not to go through the motions or not to passively sit and watch but that you would invite the presence of god over your life in your life even as you participate in worship whether you lay prostrate on the ground whether you kneel before the lord whether you stand and lift your hands and declare these songs to him whether you sit quietly let your heart be engaged with god because it's not about the music it's not about the ones leading the music it's about the one to whom we worship and god knows everything he knows exactly what you're walking through i'm reminded of the scriptures in psalm 118 that says today is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it do you know that just a prior a couple verses prior it talks about that the builders have rejected the stone but that stone has become the cornerstone and of course that's a prophetic prophetic declaration of christ becoming the chief cornerstone and then just a few verses later it declares what i just stated to you that this is the day this is the day because christ has become the cornerstone and then i'm reminded of the words of christ in matthew 6 33 you remember those words when he says seek ye first the kingdom of god and all these things shall be added unto you what's that following verse it says therefore therefore why is it therefore because we've put christ first the kingdom of god first and all these things shall be added unto you and therefore says do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself we'll be anxious for itself sufficient is the trouble of today so what is it telling us that therefore is telling us that when we put christ first when we put the kingdom of gods first christ will take care of everything that's happening all these things shall be added to you the very daily needs that you have so as we engage in this moment of worship will you engage with the lord will you allow god to minister to you in just a minute pastor matt and our worship team is going to lead us into some moments of worship and i ask that you would say to the lord i give you everything god i seek you first and i trust that all these things will be added to me whatever those things are those daily needs the daily challenges that god will take care of them and that you can rejoice today because god has become the cheap cornerstone for you so let's pray together as we begin to worship the lord god we come to you together lord i declare that we need you more than ever in the times that we live maybe throughout the ages there have been other men and women of god that have said we believe that this is the most significant season of history we believe that this is the most significant age that god is wanting to do something that we cannot even fathom but i declare today god that i know that these are the last times that we live in and lord we invite you to use our lives for your glory but god we cannot do this on our own we cannot operate in our own wisdom and our own strength we need your presence we need you to fill us we need you to go before us even as we read throughout the times of biblical history god from the beginning to the end how men and women of god were moved by you and how you even went before them god and we see the victories we see the kingdom of god advance and so today history is no different we need you to go before us god but most of all we need your presence in our life that we might be filled with you that we might be sensitive to you that we might not lose our first love that we might say god all that's ahead of us is significant the mission is significant but the most significant thing is our love for you and out of that love for you god we will bear much fruit so god we pray today that we will abide in you like never before that you might prune us and that you might cause us to even be more fruitful so holy spirit have your way right now in this moment let your will be done receive our worship as we honor your name and lift you up right now god in jesus name we pray these words amen let's worship the lord together [Music] you are invited in this place [Music] all we need oh god every hour we need oh you are my one defense my righteousness father of kindness father of kindness you have [Music] you brought me out of darkness you have filled me with peace give her a mercy you're my [Music] oh faithful you are faithful forever you will be faithful you are all your promises all your [Music] your promises they are faithful beautiful beautiful savior you have brought me near you pulled me from the ashes you have broken every curse blessed redeemer you have set this captive free oh lord i can't help but say oh jesus you are faithful you are all [Music] unfaithful forever you will be yes faithful you are all your promises are yes and amen oh all your promises are yes and amen [Music] you are faithful to every generation never have i seen the righteous forsaken you are faithful oh the faithfulness of god it stretches to the skies [Music] and i will rest in your promises my confidence [Music] is your faithfulness i will rest in your promises my confidence oh is your faithfulness oh yes i can rest i can lay my head down in peace for you alone make me dwell in safety you alone you alone you're the only factor you're the only thing to consider your faithfulness oh jesus oh how faithful oh faithful how you prove yourself over and over oh how i trust in you how you worthy of my trust how you worthy of my adoration for your faithfulness your faithfulness sing i will rest in your promises my confidence so here's your faithfulness oh i will rest in your promises my confidence [Music] is your faithfulness [Music] faithful you are unfaithful forever you will be yes faithful you [Music] all your promises are yesterday man yes they are all your promises are yesterday amen all your promises are yesterday all your promises are [Music] all your promises [Music] oh jesus jesus how i trust is [Music] all your promises [Music] and spirit of the living god come fall afresh on me come awake blow through the caverns of my soul pour in me to overflow [Music] come awake me for my sleep blow through the caverns of my soul pour in me to overflow [Music] i just believe that a spirit of refreshment is coming for all who are weary oh refreshing wind of the holy spirit come and fall come and fall just blow again blow again oh refreshment like it was at the first [Music] oh like a freshen filling of the living water the holy spirit living water flow again yes yes even streams in the desert even streams in the desert right now let it flow let it flow [Music] pour it out pour it out pour it out oh spirit flow spirit blow [Music] oh [Music] pour it out pour it out [Music] of my soul pouring me to overflow [Music] refreshing [Music] there's just one chief and two man's purpose one main reason for existence [Music] all men spain and high ambitions will one day be brought along we'll one day be brought along [Music] to treasure you above all others to love you like we love no other your greatness soon will be uncovered and all the earth will then know and all the earth will [Music] you long will be exalted in that day and worthless goals will be exposed as idols that we've made [Music] you'll be seen as rightful and from our hearts will say that all is for your glory sing that all is for your name and all is for your glory that in all things you would have the first place that in all things [Music] so put me anywhere just put your glory in me i'll serve anywhere just let me see your beauty god put me anywhere just put your glory in here and i'll serve anywhere just let me see your beauty god oh put me anywhere oh jesus just put your glory in me and i'll serve anywhere just let me see your beauty god put me anywhere just put your glory in me and i'll serve anywhere just let me see your beauty [Music] [Applause] so catch me up in your story all my life for your glory catch me up in your story all my life's for your glory catch me up in your story all my life is for your glory catch me up in your story all my life is for your glory god [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] my god my joy [Music] oh my god my joy oh my [Music] oh my god my god [Music] [Music] you and all is for your name and all is for your glory that in all things you would have the first place that in all things oh god [Music] god we just thank you i thank you for the refreshing winds of your spirit i thank you that one glance from you and it's like it was at the first god i pray right now for every person who's on the field i pray that it would be for them as it was at the first lord just a wind of refreshing just a fresh intimacy with you jesus that they might know you god i pray that every bit of suffering you said through much suffering one enters the kingdom i pray lord that not an ounce of their suffering would be lost but they would have kingdom encounters with you jesus father i pray they would enjoy the fellowship of your suffering that they would enjoy the fellowship with you that comes from suffering lord i pray that you would give a grace that you would give an anointing even as the disciples cry tears of joys having been beaten for christ's sake lord i pray for that type of anointing on their lives god that it would be counted as joy we pray for a fresh impartation of joy thank you lord in jesus name amen thank you so much pastor matt and worship team for just creating a space and opportunity for us to surrender our hearts to the lord because this is what this is about it's about us surrendering to him it's about us knowing that our lives are for his glory whether it's our individual personal lives or whether it's our mission ministry whatever we're doing everything is about the glory of god about bringing his name before others that they might know him and declare that he is faithful declare that he is the true god the sovereign god and even as we continue to worship the lord in this moment i feel that we need to be challenged right now to pray for one another and more specifically to pray for another part of the world that you don't normally pray for continuously even as your mission is significant and even as you go before the lord continuously to pray for those that you minister to to pray for the disciples that are being made through your lives and praying for your country and your nation i feel right now we need to have a unity across the globe and pray for the nations and pray for those god that is reaching the the least in the world that maybe we don't even know about will you right now be led by the holy spirit let that nation come to your heart let that country come to your heart let that people group come to your heart let that other ministry or that other mission come to your heart right now and out loud just begin to pray and if you're joining us and you're not a missionary will you just pray right now for a nation that maybe you don't lift up pray for a missionary that you normally don't pray for let god lead you right now in this moment because it's his glory and this is not us just walking through the motions here this is us connecting with the kingdom of god and this is falling down before the lord even as isaiah has seen the glory of god he said woe is me it started with him to say i am a man of unclean lips i must surrender i cannot be used but then when he's received the reconciliation of god's grace to god himself isaiah was willing to say here am i send me and even as he declared that even as he was ready to go you know there are so many across this world that have had those moments like isaiah that says here am i send me and they have been planted literally in every part of the world so let's unite globally [Music] and pray pray just lift up lift him up right now lift up those other nations those other people groups those other ministries and missions oh yes god hear our prayer today let us intercede god for all of the world right now [Music] north america south america europe africa asia australia antarctica all across the world god we lift up to you all of the millions and billions of people god that live on in this world god that you lord would minister to them that the whole earth would be filled with your glory that your presence would be made known god even in the darkest and remote places even in the places where you do not have a light shining your light will break forth because you are literally over the whole world let miracles happen let the impossibilities take place we lift up to you your people your world god unite us let us declare john the baptist i must decrease so he can increase let us not just be filled with what we do but let us be filled with who we are in you jesus being ready to stop and pray for others even when it doesn't directly impact us it does because we're part of your kingdom let us be kingdom minded god let us think about others before we think about ourselves we'll be known by the love that we have for one another wake us up move upon our hearts daily god to think about the rest of the world oh jesus we need you thank you holy spirit father god you are sovereign we love you god we love you so let your will be done now that your will be done in our lives and in the places that you've caught us let our stake tense be enlarged let our influence be more grand than ever but let us be moved by the power of your holy spirit let the spirit lead us let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and we declare to god be the glory amen god is so good hey smithtown gospel tabernacle family this is pastor jp and tahita and thank you so much for supporting us since the inception of our church here in orangetown new york we are so thankful even coming out of an epidemic we have seen people come to know jesus we have seen young adults getting married and babies being born and dedicated man it's been such a pleasure just serving this community even in uncertain times one of my favorite things is that we started our regular sunday services on easter sunday this past year and we started it off with baptisms people saying they want to give their life to jesus and that's exactly what it's all about this season of our church god's been calling us to buy the field and what the idea of that is is that we're going to give up everything our volunteers are going to give up their time financially whatever we have we're going to be relentlessly pursuing the treasure here in orangetown new york people coming to know the saving knowledge of jesus christ thank you so much for just supporting us through all these years through prayer and financially of course and thank you so much to joanne and pat for just being such an encouragement to us god bless you all [Music] hi this is bruce cannon together with linda serving with send international since 1994. thank you for your many years of faithful partnership first in our church planning work in poland and now since 2011 in our role training and providing pastoral care for send missionaries serving around the world one key part of our work is investing in new missionaries preparing them for a lifetime of mission service the pandemic forced all of our training online and it seemed like the pipeline was starting to slow down however god enabled us to use technology in new ways to build community and encourage growth and this year we are seeing largest number of new appointees in 10 years we have several individuals and families ready to go now just waiting on visas and open borders to deploy to japan spain and russia and several more preparing to go by the beginning of next year to thailand vietnam and romania the lord of the harvest is still answering prayer to send out workers into his harvest field let's continue to pray and send together thank you hello my name is harun ibrahim hi everybody there at smithtown i want to praise god for what god is doing in us and through us in the middle east and the arab peninsula and north africa we as in hayat ministries we're broadcasting the gospel the good news about jesus christ our savior in the arabic language for all the reason last year we broadcasted 24 7 on satellites and social media and we received 64 million viewer responses yes 64 million responses and you know this is a big number but individuals are the ones that are important for god i want to tell you a very short story about a lady from morocco who accepted christ through a show called i am moroccan and christian two years ago we did the follow-up with her she met our team just last week she met another believer who accepted christ through our programs and was in the follow-up uh system and they got married guess what this is the beginning of house church usually in the muslim countries when we have a couple that meet each other and get married and open their houses for new believers to come and worship christ so this is the beginning of house church please pray for al-hayat ministries pray for our higher channel pray for us so that god will be glorified in the muslim world all over hi fjt it's me olivia here in chiang rai thailand i've been serving here for three years with asian mission outreach foundations our vision is to reach the 50 nations of asia to see the law saved to see them disciples and to see themselves out and we are doing that through our eight outreaches seven here in chiang rai and one in chiang khong this past year we were able to do a gospel saturation where we brought the gospel house to house and you can see how many people we were able to reach how many were saved and healed we also did that through a rescue operation where we were able to bring food to 45 families and you're going to go ahead and you're going to see what the lord did and we're praising the lord that even despite holden god is giving us the strategy to reach the loss and we're continuing to pursue our vision along with seeing our dream center accomplished if you want to find out more you can reach out to me and i would love to share with you thank you pastor gary thank you pastor mike for giving me this opportunity [Music] as missionaries we learn to adapt we learn to transition and move forward march on melissa and i realized during the pandemic that we would not be able to present clean slate living in a public school setting for a while so god put on our heart to worship him to pray for our nation and to do it in a public setting which ended up on our front lawn we now call it church on the lawn where we've been able to reach hundreds of people with the gospel of jesus christ pastor buyers people that were driving to the beach near our home heading to go have a good time stopping hearing a microphone hearing someone on that microphone talk jesus declaring jesus as the only way as the truth speaking the living word of god over our community has moved and shifted things we've seen a lot of cool signs and wonders miracles things that we wouldn't have fathomed have happened because of our obedience and during that time god has allowed us to partner with northwell health to do virtual presentations with the clean sight living message of rewriting tomorrow we've been able to present to school nurses throughout the tri-state area and even students in new york city we're really excited to see how this next chapter in clean slate is going to unfold and we're honored to share it with you [Music] hello everyone i greet you in the wonderful name of our lord and savior jesus christ my name is mohammed ali and i'm the senior pastor for el parasim for gospel fellowship in guyana first of all i want to say thanks to sgt for all their support especially during the past year and i want to join with all the others to give god praise and thanks for his goodness over especially the past year like all of us we were under lockdown for nearly seven months and then reopened at 40 capacity but during this period god has significantly blessed us he has taken care of our financial needs we were able to provide food hampers for people who were off their job nearly 250 families three times for last year and then during the time of the flood it's about we're currently in it over 75 000 people were affected families but we were also able to provide for them significantly our ministry has grown and expanded significantly uh through uh uh the internet i wanna say thanks to god and i wanna say thanks to you for your support god bless you [Music] greetings from mike and caroline poynter in atlanta celebrating 50 years with om ships international the ship ministry of operation mobilization now privilege to serve in retirement and advisory roles we are thankful for your prayer and support since 1971 the ship ministry has been greatly affected by the corona pandemic lagos hopes traditional ministry was limited by restrictions and scheduled caribbean ports and the planned itinerary to europe and beyond had to be cancelled however doors opened to partner with wyoming and the ibaka islands repairing hurricane damage and then in saint vincent after a volcano and hurricane while producing fresh water and helping with cleanup and rebuilding efforts the ship returned twice to curacao for annual maintenance surveys and safety inspections in 2020 and 2021. mike was involved from atlanta in an advisory capacity for these times here in atlanta even with restrictions we were able to continue virtually with esl classes and with refugee robotics team and are gradually now able to meet again in person greetings from brazil antonia and i are so excited to share with you that god is on the move during this last year with all the uncertainty and coveted crisis happening in the world we saw that god was opening up doors for us to return to our jerusalem we were unable to go into the tribe as we had planned but god opened up doors in the river communities here surrounding the base to start discipleship groups we were able to multiply our kids groups we now have four kids groups happening every week two little boys accepted the lord last month during one of our weekly meetings and we are so excited to be a part of what god is doing here in one of our maria's meetings lazarus shared of how god has been working in her life these last few months she had struggled with suicidal thoughts and with depression but now she's come through it and she's helping other girls who are struggling with the same thing so we're excited about what god is doing here [Music] the digital world that we're living in now it has become dangerous and we need people to just get on board and really look parents especially parents [Music] i am lloyd i'm director of operations for laccb long island citizens for community values and we work to protect women children and families from the harmful effects of the sexualized culture in the digital age and we do that with many many programs we educate education and awareness is one of our main programs we also work with families in crisis uh during this time especially during clothing we have been getting weekly calls several calls a week sometimes from families that are concerned about their online struggles that they're having and we began doing zooms live zooms with um mental health professionals dealing with this issue and just giving families parents leaders pastors tips on how to protect their children and families during this this crisis [Music] i am excited to let all of our sgt supported missionaries know that are watching this conference on behalf of the sgt missions board and myself and my precious wife lori we have agreed together to encourage you by sending you an actual gift in the mail now you might have already received it when you receive it will you let us know that you received it we want you to be filled with encouragement during this time and what you'll receive in the mail is in the form of a mustard seed it's going to be in a piece of jewelry and we want it to be something as a forever encouragement and reminder of even the words of jesus when he said if you have the faith of a mustard seed you would be able to say to the mountain move from here to there and it will move that's what jesus said and it will move and nothing shall be impossible for you now the context of that was that someone had brought someone that was sick to the disciples and they couldn't heal them and so they went right to jesus the father came to jesus i brought my son to your disciples but he couldn't be healed and jesus healed his son right then and the disciples privately came to jesus said jesus how come we couldn't heal them it says because of your lack of faith and he also said because this comes by prayer and fasting so let you be encouraged today that there is nothing impossible as you begin to pray and you do not see immediate results may you be encouraged to have more faith may you be encouraged to pray more may you be encouraged to fast more may you be encouraged to reach out across the nations and say will you pray with me increase my faith because we need an impossible miracle right now we need a mountain to be moved from there to here and let the seed that you receive be an encouragement to you that you are not alone but that you are surrounded by people right here in smithtown new york that pray for you continuously we want to stand with you whatever the miracles are amongst the people that you minister to whether it be healing salvation reaching an unreached people group whether it be financial resources whether it be a building that's needed to have whatever it is let us go to the lord in prayer together believing in jesus his words that nothing shall be impossible it's not just something we should believe in our head or feel in our heart but it's something that we should know that whatever we believe in according to the words of christ it can be done even if it requires much of us more faith more prayer more fasting it's not impossible with god so be encouraged as you receive these gifts we want you to feel blessed [Music] like the wind unseen but present moving and felt like the seasons changing at exactly the right time like the pull of gravity that keeps me firmly planted to the ground beneath my feet your faithfulness the same yesterday today and forever immovable unshakable your love is steadfast and you keep every one of your promises you will never leave and you never forsake the ones you love you finish everything you start and never have you spoken a word in vain as undeniable as the sun rising day in and day out without fail and just as certain as the setting of that same sun you are faithful [Music] i feel very honored and privileged to introduce to you our speaker for this conference his name is bishop ariel lacuna and i've had the opportunity to be with him in person in the united states as he came right here in smithtown and i believe that we had an up room experience together we really felt the power of god rest upon us even as his team was here to visit and to meet with me and then i had the opportunity to go where he is in thailand as they minister not just in thailand but their hardest to reach all 50 nations and so the surrounding nations even in thailand they're reaching them but they're going beyond that for all 50 nations bishop ariel aku and his wife paz are the founders of ammo asian mission outreach they also are in partnership with go-to nations as a go-to nation missionary they oversee all of thailand as their national director they also oversee all of southeast asia western region so with go-to nations they're responsible for oversight there but they have their heart set on asia that all the countries of asia might be reached but i believe today that he has a specific word for each of us to encourage us to unite us to excite us about what god is doing so let your hearts be open and receive this with joy for it is god word that he preaches and let's celebrate with bishop erie lacuna now greetings from the churches in thailand and also the rest of asia i would like to thank pastor mike and the pastors and leaders and congregants of a smithtown gospel tabernacle and i would like also to greet the local and uh global missionaries uh who are listening in this video today my name is aria laguna and i'm married to my wife past for 29 years and both of us are serving the lord here in thailand with our children faith with her husband jeff and also my son david and uh before coming here to thailand we serve and we planted several churches in the philippines and training pastors trained the pastors and leaders in many nations in asia like vietnam cambodia india singapore bhutan and many other countries last may it has been our 15th year as a missionary here in thailand and the rest of asia by the grace of god we're able to plan many churches and pastors and leaders whom we trained in thailand laos china and myanmar landed hundreds of churches today uh i would like to share to you the the word from the book of daniel chapter 3 verse 24 to 25. this is what the word of god said then king nebuchadnezzar was astonished and he rose in haze and spoke saying to his counselor did we not cast three men bowed into the midst of the fire they answered and said to the king true o king look he answered i see poor men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they are not hard and the porn of the port is like the son of god the topic that i'm going to share to you this afternoon is about from tragedy to god's strategy many of us many people in the world consider this global pandemic of cour 19 as a tragedy well it's it's true because according to the statistic there are over 210 million cases of kobe 19 now around the world and out of 210 million copied 19 cases there are more than 4 million people already died of copied 19. indeed this global pandemic is a tragedy to many families and to many nations many countries has been affected many economies were affected global financial system were affected many livelihood of many families were affected a lot of husband and wife lost their job and many of the childrens were not studying today because of this global pandemic but as a church how we look at it you know this year the lord kept on hammering in our hearts about kingdom mindset the word of god said in the book of isaiah chapter 55 verse 8-9 said for my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways as a heaven is higher than the earth so my thoughts and my ways are higher than your thoughts and your ways you know the word of god declares that the thought and the ways of god are higher than us right now the world are seeing discovered 19 just you know just the way it is a tragedy a pandemic but as a church how can we become how can we continue to become a good news to the world how can we continue take the gospel of jesus christ in different villages tribes cities and nations how can we continue proclaim and declare the gospel of jesus christ in this last days us we could you know ask you know if we could go back to the scriptures that we read in the book of daniel chapter 3 verse 24 to 25 you know you know they were for sure experience a tragedy you know they worship their god and defy the order of the king to worship the the idols and they end up where they were thrown up into the peri partners of fire three men of god tragedy but i have a good news to every one of you who are listening today your tragedy can become a god's strategy when we have the mindset of i would like to let you know how can we turn our tragedy to become god's strategy in our life number one faith say to your sit mate now faith in the book of daniel chapter 3 verse 16 to 18 it says shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king oh nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter if that is the case our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning peripheries and he will deliver us from your hand o king but if not let it be known to you o king that we do not serve your god nor we worship the gold inmates which you have set up imagine the reason why mashak shadrach and abednego was able to turn their tragedy into god's strategy in their in their life is because of faith says you know our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning peripherals our god say to your mate our god say to your mate our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the kobe 19. our god whom we serve i would like to let you know the word of god you know even though even though messiah shadrach and abednego they can literally see the peripherals the burning fire they can literally say it they care they couldn't see literally the salvation of the lord but you know what that's what faith is in hebrew chapter 11 verse 1 it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for that is faith they're hoping that god indeed will save them and the evidence of things not seen you don't see it we don't see it but we see the hand of god you know you know we see we saw that there's a lot of people are affected of covet 19 probably our neighbor probably people besides you but i would like to let you know if we have faith indeed god will move whenever we have faith god moves whenever we have fear the devil moves fear can paralyze god on our vehicle even though god who likes to move god can't move because of the peer in our hearts but if we have faith faith moves god you know god will move in our life we have faith faith paralyzed satan on our behalf i remember i remember when i wa you know when the lord spoke to me to go to a one of the jail in the in uh in the philippines one of the prisoners got killed and the lord says go you know you know i went there and then the i talked to the warden and i said warden if i share the gospel to this prisoner you'll see the transformation of god i will preach the love of god and no more prisoners will get saved you know the the the jail guard says you're crazy you're gonna get killed that's what the jail guards see the jail god said that i will be killed but what i see i'll be able to bring the transformation in the life of the prisoners in the jail so i went in i preached the gospel by the grace of god portipor hardcore criminal accepted the lord why because of faith number two trust in the book of daniel chapter 3 verse 16 to 17 says shadrach meshach and abednego answered said to the king on nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter if that is the case our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning peripheries and he will deliver us from your hand o king if we have faith we'll have we'll trust god i would like to let you know that you know when we trust god we'll see the glory of the lord i remember paul and silas you know you know at the pilipian jail you know in the book of acts chapter 16. you know they were beating their body were bleeding and they were inside the maximum security of the philippian jail instead of blaming each other for what happened you know what silas and fall did they begin to fray and sing hymns to the lord that's the evidence of faith and that's the evidence of trust when we have faith and trust in the lord god moves you know what happened in the book of acts chapter 16 the word of god says the you know the the chains were broken prison doors were open and foundation of the prison were shaken i would like to let you know my brothers and sisters in the midst of this global pandemic god can move we've been praying for about 15 years to be able to buy a land here in thailand guess what during kobe 19 god gave us the land god gave us about eight thousands a square meter land during qubit 19 god provided it you know and you know and this is where 2 800 missionaries will be trained and deployed in 50 nation of asia i would like to let you know your prayer you know the the prayer the prayer items that you've been praying for so many years if you have faith and you trust god you will experience it god can answer it god can make it possible even during this global pandemic this year we're going to build the community center where we'll gather uh we'll gather the new believers from different municipalities and and cities will gather it at the dream center you know guess what we're able to respond during global pandemic you know by the grace of god god is providing finances in to our missionaries right now god is moving we're still excited number three and the last commitment daniel chapter 3 verse 28 said then nebuchadnezzar said praise to the god of shadrach meshach and abednego he sent his angel to rescue his servant who trusted in him they defied the king's command and were willing to die rather than to serve or worship any other god except their own commitment if we have faith we will trust god if we have faith and trust will be committed to god you know defy the king's command because they were committed to their god because they have faith and trust with god i would like to encourage all of you with the good news here uh uh here from the mission field you know despite of this global pandemic you know we went to the karen tribes you know the one of the andre here uh in one of the mountains here in thailand we drove about four hours and when we walk and we evangelize you know these are the people uh that uh never heard the gospel and you know what happened we we we begin to pray we begin to uh change the atmosphere [Music] and then god begin to move and lord we invite the people we begin to share the gospel and then god begin to you know god begin to save these people god begin to heal people and then the news is spread out the whole village the witch doctor heard about it the witch's doctor got sick the next day that morning the witch's daughter asked me to pray for him and then i pray for him and he was instantly healed and you know what happened from that day on god begin to save a lot of people in their tribe people are people are getting healed another thing is in chiang kong you know my wife pray and the woman who have back pain and her nerve uh problem and then god begin to heal them another witch doctor have a problem with ear you know can it cannot hear and then we pray for him and the death here god is saving you know uh yesterday i have we have an opportunity uh to to share the gospel to the cabinet secretary of the of the president of the philippines you know secretary panello and secretary panello accepted the lord from the tribe and village to the palace god is moving why because we are we have faith and we are trusting the lord and we are committed in the midst of this pandemic god bless you are my brothers and sisters we you know kobe 19 will will never be able to stop god god is with us thank you god we thank you my lord god for today i pray god release a mighty anointing release oppressed us oh god all those people who are listening of this video third we thank you continues continue to use us as a good news oh god into every nation tribe and tongues god bless you all we pray that this conference this mini conference virtual conference has been a blessing to you remember our goal was that we could feel united and encouraged even before this conference went live we had a live zoom time with some of our missionaries and congregants and and leadership and then we'll have that immediately falling this time too so we encourage you if you want to participate in the zoom that's going to be live after this conference closes that you can go right to our sgt missions page and there will be a zoom link there for you to click on but man we just are grateful to participate in god's mission together we're so honored and humbled that we have the opportunity to advance the kingdom of god that god has chosen us as humanity to advance his kingdom imperfect but made perfect through christ and the scripture that i just want to land on as we close this conference comes from john the revelator the disciple of christ in the book of revelation speaking of jesus he says to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood isn't that the message of the gospel that god loves us through christ and he has freed us through christ from our sins by his blood listen to this and he has made us a kingdom a kingdom on earth we are a kingdom together it's not just about what's happening in africa or southeast asia europe etc it's about what's happening in god's kingdom together that's why we need to be united that's why we need to be encouraged because god is with us and jesus even said some of his last words before ascending back into the heavens after his resurrection all authority has been given to him to us and that he will never leave us nor forsake us that he is with us and then he goes on to say we are made priests to his god and father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen wow that's powerful that's something that will encourage us together right that we can continue to go out that we would discern the times and say god how can you use us in spite of whatever is happening around us use us to reach people because maybe just maybe you know this as much as i know this that difficult times in the world might even cause people that would have never received god to be open to the gospel i'm already hearing those testimonies as reports come in across the world so let's continue to be faithful to him let's continue to love one another and if you're watching this conference and you're part of our church or maybe you're joining us as a guest how can you get involved with sgt missions simply go to our website you have the opportunity to give financially online or you can participate by by supporting missionaries praying for them on our website you can even see all the missionaries that we support you can email them and ask them to be included on their email chains and they send you prayer requests and they send you newsletters but you can even find me at smithtown gospel tabernacle and say pastor mike i want to participate in sgt missions where can i start and we would love for you to participate by serving by praying and by giving so let me pray now as we close this conference thank you for taking the time i know there was a lot that happened during the these moments that we were together but i want you to take away all the testimonies that you heard from our missionaries the word of god that was spoken by bishop ariel lacuna the worship time the encouragement from leaders all the elements of this conference may it resonate within you and be seeds that can be watered and grown later so let's pray together god i truly thank you lord for who you are and i pray now god for all of us whether we're a missionary whether we're in local church ministry whether we're a congregant at a church whether we're just trying to figure out god what you would have us to do in our lives i pray for all of us together that we would know your love for us and that we would know you desire all of us and that you would desire for us to be used for your glory will you lead us god will you give us revelation will you give us vision will you give us god what we need to know exactly what you want us to do we want your will to be done let us have the heart of jesus to say not my will even god when we know that things ahead of us might be difficult that we would say nevertheless not my will but your will be done so let your will be done god in our lives through our lives and let us be able to report the great fruit that's coming from what you're doing so we give you everything and all things are yours god in jesus name amen be blessed now encourage one another take some time write an email make a phone call but let's encourage one another let's not be separated by distance but let us be united by the kingdom of god so to god be the glory and everybody said amen [Music] you
Channel: Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle
Views: 333
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Smithtown (Location), Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle, SGTchurch, SGT Church, SGT, Church, Church (Type Of Place Of Worship), Sermon, Jesus Christ (Deity), God (Deity), Gary Zarlengo
Id: pZPGJui4zj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 4sec (6304 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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