John MacArthur questions Ravi Zacharias salvation - Must Watch!

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can i ask you a question abner right now all over the media everywhere across the world is the story of ravi zacharias and you all probably have seen that a christian apologist for decades and decades uh and all of a sudden it's discovered toward the end of his life that he's having all these sexual liaisons and it turns out that it's it's gone on for years and years and years and the question keeps coming up can a christian behave like that is that is that possible at that level at that depth on that sort of long range kind of experience or do we have a right to question the the salvation of someone like that if ravi was alive let's do it this way and we know he's not but if there was a person like him alive living in that pattern of sin not fighting against it we have no evidence to know if he was fighting against it we have evidence to the contrary so you have someone who's unrepentant and they're doing these things and they come to you would you say without question you are a christian would you say that to somebody like that the answer probably would be no i would go to them and do exactly what was prayed this morning which is to make sure we're in the faith yes you would challenge that person wouldn't you you would read them first john maybe several times and say are you in the faith and although we don't know what is in a person's heart even to the last second of their breath on this earth nevertheless the fruit speaks and i think that is that needs to be said and it's a warning to us and it's also and it goes back to the nature and the need for the local church and for the church to be the church when we see these problems of somebody not attending church and not being part of the fellowship because they're in some kind of grander ministry we should raise a red flag because there is nothing in scripture that says you have to preach across the country there is everything in scripture that says you need to be in church when they meet so there is no world or universe in the bible where it says certain people get an exception to obeying the bible there is no category for that and therefore these are serious issues and they should have been raised and if they were raised and the church was the church we could avoid this and maybe even help somebody repent that might have been a question just to add to the that answer in order to live that way when you're a high profile preacher you have to be sinning in multiple categories to cover that you've got to be lying about where you were what you did who you talked to you've got to fabricate lies at a complex level with all the people who are around you with all the people you're you're going to some place and you've got to you've got to hide your life from them you you've got to lie about the past and where you were who you talked to oops oh no secure that yeah what what you did in other words the machinations around that sin are massive and that kind of fabrication living at that level of creating a false life certainly comes into the category of first john so you know that's why the questions have come up is ravi in hell and that's that's a very fair question and your answer is right if you confronted that while he was alive you would say to him the bible is explicit that that kind of life is characteristic of someone who's not going to be in the kingdom of god yeah and if i could just jump in i know you heard this but i want to make sure you heard this the benefit of the local church the essential benefit one of the essential benefits of the local church is having community around you to support the desire of god in you and if you don't have elders you don't have shepherds you don't have people that you're in community with who know you and are part of your journey of faith and grace you do not enjoy sufficient support to be sanctified and become like christ and i think what i heard abner say was the traveling life can be an isolated life and the in community life has a greater potential to be challenged to be exhorted to be confronted and to be encouraged to be what christ wants you to be and another footnote to that i've interacted with him a number of times through the years at various conferences i always said this privately he never ever ever quotes the scripture never it's always some kind of philosophical argument and the dead giveaway is that the word of god is god's sanctifying tool and it just wasn't a part of his life that to me was a dead giveaway
Channel: Faith, Hope & Love.
Views: 223,865
Rating: 4.5855794 out of 5
Keywords: #johnmacarthur #ravizacharias
Id: L2tpwVrBEz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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