A Prophetic Message for 2021 | 1/3

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] happy new year and welcome to sgt let's get to today's announcements starting next sunday january 10th we will have two sunday services at nine and 11 a.m children's ministry will be happening during the 11am service this year's week of prayer is upon us our focus is seeing the glory of god get involved from january 10th through the 15th with many awesome workshops services and resources visit our website for all the information catch the vision is happening january 17th if you want to become a member or just want to know more about who we are as a church this is the class for you you can sign up by calling the church office or by visiting our website january 23rd is our annual men's conference this year's theme is act like men assassin will be speaking at a breakfast and then there will be workshops offered that day the event is free but you will need to register via our church website there are so many great things happening here in our church you can check out our digital bulletin on the website and our app to see it all now let's get started with today's service well good morning good morning happy new year can we stand up together with one another and we're so excited and we're happy to have all of you here with us those of you here in the sanctuary the extended sanctuary and all of you our family our friends there at home via live stream we're glad to have you we've actually got a pastor online right there he's going to introduce himself to you in just a moment he wants to connect with you pray with you but it's good to be together i was just reminded of psalm 22 verse 22 this psalm is a psalm of lament but all of a sudden in verse 22 that lament turns to praise it just happens in a moment we know the year we've come out of we know the present day we're within but this morning as we gather together and when we do this with one another as a family as a community our prayer is that now our lament would turn to praise it doesn't negate the circumstances in the world we're in but it allows us to raise our worship and praise in the midst of it so can we do that this morning jesus we turn our praise to you we turn our eyes away from all the things that are trying to pull us away and pull us into fear and anxiety and we turn our eyes to you the prince of peace the god of love [Music] and may we praise you this morning for who you are you are good you are faithful we say this in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit in jesus name amen let's praise him this morning [Music] all right good morning everyone who came to lift the name of the lord today come on now who came to lift the name of the lord today all right let's give him what we came to give him today you got your offering with you you brought it with you your offering of praise oh jesus we bring before you right now an offering of praise because you're worthy jesus we are so in awe of you we are so in wonder of who you are and what you're doing our faith is in you our hope is in you that this will be a year of the lord's favor and so we choose right now to celebrate god we choose joy in this moment come on people of god let's sing this together i wanna shout it out from every mountaintop your goodness knows no bounce your goodness never stops your mercy follows me your kindness fills my life your love amazes me sing it out i sing and i sing because you are good and i dance because you are good and i shout because you are good you are good to me [Music] you are good [Music] sing nothing comes close nothing and no one comes anywhere close to you the earth and oceans deep only reflect this truth and in my darkest night you shine as bright as day me yes and i sing because you are good and i dance because you are good and i shout because you are good you are good to me to me and i sing because you are good and i dance because you are good and i shout because you are good [Music] come on lift this up as a proclamation today with a cry of praise my heart will proclaim that you are good come on that you are good in the son of rain declare and in the sun or rain my life celebrates that you are good oh that you are good with a cries sing it out with a cry of praise my heart will proclaim that you are good hey but you are good in the sun only in the sun [Music] good and i dared because you are good and i shout because you are good you are good to me yes and i sing because you are good and i dance because you are good and i shout because you are good you are good to me come on celebrate the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] is he worthy [Music] oh god you are worthy today you are worthy god we just proclaim that this will be the year of the favor of our lord god yes we choose to rejoice in this moment we choose joy we know your kingdom is righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost god we never leave righteousness up to chance we would never leave it up to circumstance we would only pursue you and pursue the gift of righteousness with all our heart we would never leave peace up to chance or up to circumstance we would pursue you and the peace you offer god let it be so with joy for us this year that we would not leave it up to chance we would not leave it up to circumstance but we would pursue you and we would pursue the joy you have for us [Music] right here on the first sunday of the year we decide as a people we're going to choose your joy this year we are going to look to you we are going to remind ourselves of your goodness if faith can move the mountains then let the mountains move cause we've come with expectation we're waiting here for you [Music] oh god we're waiting here for you you're the lord of all creation and still you know my heart the author of salvation you've loved us from the stars [Music] so waiting here for you with our hands lifted high in praise [Music] oh singing you are everything that you promised and your faithfulness is true we're desperate for your presence cause all we need is singing again you are everything everything you promised your faithfulness is true and we're desperate for your presence but all we need is you oh jesus we're waiting here for you with our hands [Music] waiting here for you with our hands lifted high in praise [Music] let's just sing this out to him praise you lord [Applause] we're singing [Music] you know in this moment we are singing praise god praise god is our hallelujah and we know from countless examples in scripture and in our lives that as we begin to praise situations begin to change i can't lift this alleluia for you if you want to see more of god in your life begin to lift him up begin to lift your mind your heart your mouth your body up to him because he's worthy of all of our praise now and forevermore let's sing hallelujah to the king we're singing i'll praise you [Applause] we're singing [Music] oh jesus our hands and it's you jesus we adore singing [Music] singing [Music] [Music] [Music] god i look to you [Music] to see things like you do god i [Music] you know just what to do [Music] let's sing that together god i loved you [Music] give me vision to see things [Music] you know just what [Music] and i will love you and i will love you forever all my days [Music] and god i look to you i won't be overwhelmed give me vision to see things like you do and [Music] [Music] and i will love you [Music] forever all my days [Music] hallelujah [Music] forever all my days [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah our god reigns forever all my days [Music] [Music] hello for my souls and even things [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is is [Music] to find it to find you the place your glory dwells sing it to him today one thing i ask one thing i asked and i would seek to see to see your beauty to find you in the [Music] is one place in your courts better is one day in your house better is one day in your thousands elsewhere better is one [Music] thousands elsewhere sing my heart and flesh my [Music] and i've seen come once again to me i will draw near to you i will draw near to you [Music] is [Music] [Music] thousands [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh jesus we just want to hunger and thirst after you today god we want our heart and our flesh to cry out to you god we long for more of you we ache for more of your presence god right now can we just begin to cry out to the lord and ask him for a deeper hunger for him for a deeper thirst for him that our souls would ache for more of him in our lives just begin to take on a spirit of intercession right now just begin to ask the lord god give me a hunger for you give me a thirst for you god let me long for you let my heart and my flesh cry out again for you god oh jesus we want to hunger and thirst after you you said those who hunger and thirst would be filled and so right now we're asking god with one voice we're asking you jesus that you would give us a hunger again for you a thirst again for you god that we would run to the secret place that we would run to our prayer closet that we might be with you jesus god give us a hunger again give us a hunger again oh jesus [Music] [Music] for you the living [Music] come once again to me i will draw near to you i will draw near to [Music] hunger and thirst let it be born again in our hearts oh give us a hunger and a thirst for you [Music] jesus [Music] better is one day in your house better is one day in your courts the thousands elsewhere jesus better is one day in your queen better is one day in your house one more time lift it up [Music] is [Music] god let that be the anthem of our lives this year [Music] that we'll declare today that it's better to be in your presence for one day than to spend a thousand days anywhere else if you would just put your hand on your heart today let's just seal that today over ourselves for a year [Music] god let this [Music] [Music] the other people in the room just begin to release it over them that it would be a year of breakthrough in intimacy breakthrough in the secret place breakthrough in worship for them that they would see the glory of the lord this year god we ask that you would just make our hearts tender right now that we might receive the words that you are going to speak to us today let them fall on good ground prepare us ready us right now lord fix our eyes on you jesus that we might catch every word from you give us the ears of samuel that we might not let one word from you fall to the ground we love you lord we love you lord in jesus name everyone said amen amen go ahead and find your seeds praise the lord what a beautiful opportunity for us to bring our hearts before the lord in worship to focus upon him and to know that his presence is with us i'm so glad that all of you are here here in the sanctuary our extended sanctuary and those of you online joining us at home you know it's our heartbeat our desire to see the kingdom of god come and his will be done amen let's declare that out loud can we your kingdom come okay let's try that again those of you at home i heard you i didn't hear them in the sanctuary though your kingdom come your will be done amen well this year 2021 i have sought the lord and asked him what is on his heart that he wants to communicate to all of our hearts as the family of smithtown gospel tabernacle and anyone who is joining us online that's a guest i believe if you're listening this is a word from god for you now in my heart as i laid it before the lord we have navigated through a challenging and a difficult year 2020 and now as we embark on this journey together into 2021 i said lord what is pressing upon your heart for us and i share this as a prophetic message for 2021 in the context of how prophecy is handled both in the old and new testament for the most part prophecy is not so much foretelling even though it incorporates that prophecy involves foretelling predictive in nature about something that would come in the future but by and large prophecy in the old and new testament incorporates fourth telling which is the revealing of that which is upon the heart of god in a particular situation for a particular group of individuals and in my heart i want to share with you not so much a prophetic challenge that incorporates foretelling which is predictive about something in the future but forth telling declaring that which is on the heart of god for us for the year of 2021. in that context the lord pressed upon my spirit gary this is going to be a year that involves the covenant of wills i want you to hear that that involves the covenant of wills your will with god's will in covenant in connection at a deeper more authentic level than it's ever ever been for you to fully engage your will with his a covenant a communion a connection of your will with his will this year i believe is going to be defined in that context deeper more real than ever you saying lord my will is connected to yours not in conjunction with but in connection with i say that word conjunction because in 2020 the latter part of december there was a planetary conjunction that occurred the planet jupiter and saturn aligned themselves and from earth's perspective it's like they were fused together converged together and became one the light brilliant jupiter venus but they call it a planetary conjunction because it appears that they're connected it appears that they're close but they're not they're 450 million miles apart but from our perspective they look like they're aligned someone might look at your life and say she's connected to god in his will he's connected to god and his will but you know in your heart if you're really connected to his will or if you're 450 million miles apart from it god's inviting us in this year not for a conjunction an appearance of an alignment with him but a true legitimate deep genuine authentic connection with his will that's a challenge we're inspired to do that by the power of the holy spirit that resides within us as believers and if you're not a believer this is the year today is the day of salvation to give your heart and your life to jesus christ to be your savior the forgiver of your sins and to be the lord the ultimate leader of your life but for believers to think of this year in the deepest way of saying lord i want my will to be so aligned with yours like a rope wrapped around your strong arm yielded surrendered submitted flexible and adaptable to everything that you want to do in and through me now with that i know that he's also going to declare his will over us there's some prophetic words i'm about to share with you they're very short and in one says they're not really profound they're like a cup of water not a fancy drink but that cup of water when you receive it because your soul is parched oh it becomes so profound to you personally and i know there's those words that i believe god wants to speak over us all of those that are listening but first i think it's important to recognize that the scripture will say in matthew 24 and in first timothy 4 the human condition in the latter days of the human will in relationship to god so before i share some of these prophetic words i'm going to encourage you to hear what the word of god has to say about the human condition when it's at variance with in rebellion against compromising in heart and will toward god's will in matthew 24 jesus will present to us a lot of things that are unfolding in the culture of the day the political systems of the day the interrelationship of societies what's happening within the earth itself but then in that very same chapter chapter 24 of the new testament the gospel of matthew jesus will present to us the human condition hearts that are at variance with him wills that are rebelling against not in harmony with but clashing now the apostle paul under the inspiration the holy spirit will present again a layout of the human condition in first timothy in chapter four in the latter days do i believe we're in the latter days yes do i believe we're in a time in a season where so many things are unfolding that you can feel pulsating the reality of the kingdom is at hand now in there it lays out the human condition i'm going to read through some of the conditions that are represented and i'm going to invite you as we go into this new year to declare the very antithesis the very opposite of it with your own heart i'm going to give you that moment in a moment but let me read them first this would be the opposite of the conditions that are presented in matthew 24 and i encourage you maybe to read that this week in first timothy 4. those are easy to remember matthew 24 first timothy 4 human condition in the latter days we need to engage our will and say i will not depart from the faith i will not allow my heart to become cold i will not succumb to lawlessness i will not allow my conscience to be corrupted i will not allow myself to be easily offended i will not be indifferent toward deception i will not betray the truth i will not devalue the marriage covenant and i will not rely upon my own strength to do this again if you read matthew 24 first timothy 4 it'll talk about those who are easily offended in the latter days hearts growing cold giving up on the faith despising the truth succumbing to deception minimizing the value of the marriage covenant all of those are given so i'm going to ask you now those of you here in the sanctuary extended sanctuary they're at home this is more than me giving a sermon right now we're engaging together our will for this year with god's will and i'm going to ask you in your own heart to say this in your own heart you don't have to express it on your lips but in your heart i will not depart from the faith i will not allow my heart to become cold i will not succumb to lawlessness i will not allow my conscience to be corrupted i will not allow myself to be easily offended i will not be indifferent toward deception i will not betray the truth i will not devalue the marriage covenant and i will not rely on my own strength to do all of this but yours lord i trust in your heart you've authentically communicated that to god that's your will engaging toward him a covenant of wills for this year a connection of your will with his aligned with him following him pursuing him tenaciously intensely with all of your being now i believe in my heart god said to me now declare my will over them in certain specific areas the first is based on psalm 34 and verse 4. i sought the lord that's the prerequisite that's the contingency it's predicated upon this i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all of my fears you know i know so many have battled with fear throughout this past year of 2020 and i believe with all my heart that god wants his people freed from every fear that has ensnared you and has ensnared me conceptual concrete fears conceptual is the the fear of others the the fear of failure concrete literally the the fear of an accident or getting a disease or covet 19 sudden death the fears now like a cup of water though simple and short from god's heart to yours i want you to hear this and maybe for you maybe in here or there at home maybe just close your eyes and just let it be me and you and me be the vessel and hear his voice through me based on the promise in psalm 34 and verse 4 he'll deliver you from all your fears i the lord will speak over you so strongly that the prevailing waves of my voice will wash away the plaguing fears and entangling insecurities that have tormented you and this year you will rise up from this paralysis of fear and walk in a new level of faith and run with a new and greater freedom the lord speaks this over your soul as you're connected to his will would you say i receive this word lord the second came from isaiah in chapter 60 verses one through four familiar portion of scripture that says for your light has come for behold the darkness shall cover the earth in deep darkness the people i wish i could say to you that i had the impression that things were going to get better i'm just saying this personally i don't in the chambers of prayer as i continue to bring all the different things that god had me pray for throughout this past year and into this new year i did personally feel that god was saying that the darkness would become even more intense and even more dense however his light would be even stronger and more evident in his children for the scripture says you are children of light so that might engender concern or anxiety or fear or it could inspire you to say in the midst of darkness and prevailing darkness and intense darkness your light is going to be even stronger the light of enlightenment and illumination the light of life and holiness and strength and direction and guidance the light that comes over you to clothe you and protect you i believe that that's going to increase to all those who covenant their will with his sobered by that reality that that relational proximity between you and christ and his will is so important now more than ever in 2021 for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people but the lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you even pagan shall come to your light i'd like you just to maybe just close your eyes and hear this as the heavenly father speaking to you as his son and daughter into this new year my son my daughter in this year i will baptize you in light immersed in the brilliance of truth the light and revelation of piercing discernment those surrounded in the world by increasing darkness you will see what others can't see and know what others do not perceive i the lord will clothe you in my light to protect you and to direct your life in me just say in your heart lord i receive your light baptize me and immerse me in your light clothe me in your light and though darkness will be around and cold i will have the warmth of your light and reveal your light to others in jesus name the scripture that the lord also brought me to was in psalm 50 and verse 15 it said this call upon me in the day of trouble all our hearts have been troubled all through 2020 and troubles may visit us in 2021. there's a lot of situations i'm cognizant of right now that are very heavy on my heart different ones in our congregation and what they're navigating through call upon me in the day of trouble call upon me in the day of trouble and i will deliver you i will deliver you and it may be a deliverance maybe not of just troubles around you but troubles and bondage and captivity that's come within you maybe through a coping mechanism or an addiction that you've succumbed to over this past year just to try to deal with the pressures and the fears and the anxiety and here was the word that the lord spoke to my heart let it be a cup of water to your soul right now let it stir within you the anticipation of what god is about to do because you've connected your will with his maybe just close your eyes and hear this as a promise on the basis of psalm 50 and verse 15 and now a prophetic personal word to you i the lord will deliver you from this oppressive chain that has held you in captivity far too long though unseen by others it is forcefully hindering your soul and handicapping your feet i will break it from you as you connect your will with my will i the lord will surely deliver you deliver you deliver you father i pray that deliverance would begin even now to every person in this sanctuary to those at home i speak the word of deliverance over your life the breaking and the snapping of every chain that has hindered you and handicapped your feet from advancing progressing forward whatever has impaired your vision or impeded your progress forward in jesus name and by his power i'm in connection with his will being done on earth as it is in heaven you be free in the name of the lord for where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom there is freedom now when you in your heart just say i receive that freedom i receive that lord no bondage no hindrances nothing handicapping my walk now god wants to advance us to being a good strong witness for him in 2021. the scripture says in john chapter 1 and verse 6 as it speaks of john the baptist and i really believe that that that spirit of john the baptist that prepared the way of the lord is going to come upon you stronger than ever stronger than ever says there was a man sent from god whose name was john to bear witness to the light and later it goes on in the text that those who were wondering why he was able to speak the way he spoke they wanted to know what lent credibility validity to why he could speak the way he spoke they wanted to hear that he was elijah or a prophet but he just simply responds says here's what brings validity and credibility to what i'm saying in this message i'm a voice i'm a voice crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the lord now i believe that's applicable to you and to me in this sense our generation has been saturated with a philosophy of being eclectic open-minded to everything every avenue every path every door respect every religion consider that every claim toward deity is in some way valid dismiss the idea of being closed-minded and so focused that you believe that there's only one way unto god i believe in this year as you connect with his will as you spend time with him with him you'll be sent from him just like john the baptist a man let's broaden it a woman a man a woman sent from god you've been with him and when you're with him you realize he is the only way he is the only remedy the only solution you're not being mean-spirited you're not being arrogant and egotistical you're not being prideful you're not being closed-minded when you declare this is the path out this is the way as jesus said himself i'm the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except through me i believe that the lord wants to stir that within your heart my heart and it's not contingent on your occupation your position your status your education your experience your livelihood you're just going to be a voice this is when all of that suddenly disappears about your career and about your occupation and your profession and your title it all disappears and you just remind yourself i'm a son i'm a daughter i'm a servant of the most high i'm in covenant with his will and i'm going to be a light for him i'm going to be his voice john didn't identify with some position he didn't have to validate what he was doing by saying well i'm a prophet so that's why you got to listen to me you might say well i can't stand up and say i'm an evangelist i'm a preacher i'm a pastor you know this is my profession career ignore that you're a voice his voice in you to a generation that desperately needs to hear there is one way out of this wilderness and it's through christ on the basis of that i want you to hear what i believe again is a cup of water to your soul his word to you i will put my breath into your lungs says the lord and you shall share boldly and courageously without any fear of men you will share as a voice crying to those in a barren and desolate place this is this is the way of the lord follow him like john of old you shall be a voice sent from me because you will have been with me we receive this lord may we no longer cower and be afraid may we no longer be intimidated by a society or individuals that would mock may we be bold and courageous with your voice in us in jesus name now the last word that god gave to me has to do with something he said to me that he was going to do with each one of you individually that he was going to give you a personal word at some point in this year you're going to really hear his voice really hear his voice the scripture i want to just read to you is in john chapter nine verses one through eight it's a familiar story we're all acquainted with it it's when jesus was coming across an area in israel and there was a blind man blind from birth questions surfaced from his disciples as to why he was blind they were dealing with their theology was it his sin or his parents sin and jesus says no this is going to be for the glory of god he kind of soared above something theological and he made it very pragmatic his life is going to be touched his blind eyes are going to be open the scripture will say now as jesus passed by he saw a blind man who was blind from birth he spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay then i want you to see three things that unfolded and then i want to read this prophetic word to you and he said to him go wash in the pool of siloam secondly the blind man went and washed and then thirdly it says he came back seen now in the context of this passage i want you to think of what was unfolding the blind man something he had never heard before invited to do something he had never done before and then he became a candidate to see something he had never seen before he was blind from birth that means he could feel the warmth of the sun but he never saw it he could feel rain descend over his body but he never saw it he could smell the fragrance of a flower but never saw it he could hear his mom and dad speak to him but never observe their countenance he could hear the movement of leaves but never saw the tree and then all of a sudden that day came when he heard something he had never heard before invited to do something he had never done before to see something he had never seen before all of us we've read through the old and new testament we've heard accounts of one miracle after another for the most part most of us who are here listening believe in the creation account believe in a real literal flood that descended during the days of noah believe in the deliverance of the people of israel through the miraculous hand of moses and the plagues that occurred and then all the other miracles that are replete all through the old testament and then as you move into the new testament miracle after miracle after miracle of the raising of the dead the healing of the sick and maybe for most of us 95 percent of it we've heard of it we've never seen it split into the red sea the actual raising of someone from the dead the cleansing of a body from leprosy we've heard of it we believe it but we've never seen it never seen it i believe that that's about to change this is a year where god i know is going to speak to you something you've never heard before and invite you to do something you've never done before and open your eyes to see something you've never seen before now what you heard about you'll actually see with anticipation with expectation not on self but on his kingdom come his will be done on earth as it is in heaven i'd like you just to hear this word and then i'm going to ask pastor matt to come up and we're going to sing this song new wine because new wine speaks about a new obedience a new surrender a new submitting unto god a linking of your will with his just close your eyes and hear this now this one i felt the strongest the lord would say to you those of you here in the sanctuary in the extended sanctuary those of you at home those who will eventually listen to this online this year i will speak a personal and prophetic word to you not through anyone but directly to you my specific word will come to you when you are unbended knee and coming to me with a hungry heart i will speak a single word at first then a phrase then a sentence then a paragraph and then the unfolding of a clear message from me to you a new revealing of my will for your life i the lord will speak a word you've never heard inviting you to do something you have never done and then to see something you have never seen so be prepared and be determined to yoke your will with mine this year like never before we purpose in our hearts in this year to authentically and to sincerely align connect our will with your will lord and let it be done on earth in my life in my singleness in my marriage in my family in my sphere of influence in this state in this nation in this world like never before in jesus name in the crushing in the pressing you are making new wine in the soil i now surrender you are breaking new ground in the crushing in the pressing you are making new eyes in the soil i now surrender you are breaking new ground so i yield to you into your careful hand [Music] when i trust you i don't need to understand [Music] so make me a vessel make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be god i came here with nothing but all you've given me oh jesus bring [Music] jesus bring new wine out of me cause where there is new power there is new freedom and the kingdom is here i laid down my old flame to carry your new fire today your new fire today oh cause where there is new wine there is new power there is new freedom and the kingdom is here [Music] i lay down my old flame to carry your new fire today [Music] oh make me a vessel make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be god i came here with nothing but all you have given [Music] [Music] just make that your cry today jesus bring new wine now to me oh this here jesus bring new wine out of me make it your cry oh jesus bring new wine out of me oh jesus bring me [Music] i is down my old flame to carry your new fire i lay down my old flame to carry your new fire [Music] [Music] today singing one last time make me a vessel make me an offering make me whatever you want me to be god i came here with nothing but all you have given me jesus spring wine out of me oh jesus spring divine out of me jesus would you bring that new wine out of us may these words these prophetic words declarations from your heart and from your word may they go deep into our souls and may they become alive in us and may they live out through us to the world that needs you so deeply thank you jesus we say this in jesus name amen amen hey together can we say yes i receive that i receive that he's giving us something he's doing something in us today that we need for this year ahead of us let's receive it well we love all of you we love gathering together and being together we want to also thank you for your faithfulness in giving and if you'd like to give you can give online or in the offering containers in the lobby but we just thank you for your generosity and your faithfulness also next week we're excited we got a new rhythm for 2021 on sundays it's going to be a 9 a.m and 11 a.m service can we say that together 9 and 11. all right make sure you remember that say it a few times before you get into the car okay so we're excited about that we love each of you and hey we don't want you to do life alone and if this is a time where you say i really need prayer and maybe you felt just lonely and you're like i just want someone to pray with me we've got an amazing prayer team we'll be up in the front here at the end of service so make your way down here and we want to pray with you and those of you who are online with us we want to pray with you as well so you can email that email address that's there on the screen we love each of you can i pray over you now the blessing of god may the lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he turn his face towards you and give you his peace amen and amen we love you all please remain seated until our volunteers release you we'll see you next week go and be that light [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle
Views: 2,850
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bNvp1L1BRhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 15sec (4695 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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